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Feature Stepper Motor Industrial Servo Motor

Definition A type of motor that moves in A motor controlled by a

discrete steps. feedback signal that ensures
precise control of the angular
or linear position, velocity,
and acceleration.

Control Open-loop control, does not Closed-loop control, uses

require feedback. feedback to adjust

Precision High precision in steps, but Very precise, continually

may lose steps without adjusts to achieve target
feedback. position.

Torque High torque at low speeds, Consistent torque throughout

torque decreases with speed. its speed range.

Speed Generally lower speeds. Capable of high speeds.

Cost Generally less expensive and More expensive due to

simpler to operate. complex driving electronics
and feedback systems.

Applications Printers, CNC machines, 3D Robotics, CNC machines,

printers. factory automation.

Feature Unipolar Stepper Motor Bipolar Stepper Motor

Coils Has one winding with a Has one winding per phase
center tap per phase. without a center tap.

Driving Circuit Simpler driving circuit. More complex driving circuit.

Requires one transistor per Requires an H-bridge to
coil end. reverse the current in each

Torque Generally produces less Higher torque as current can

torque than bipolar. be reversed, utilizing the coil
more effectively.

Complexity Less complex and easier to More complex control due to

control. the necessity of reversing the

Cost Cheaper and easier to Generally more expensive to

manufacture and control. control due to more
sophisticated drivers.

Micro-stepping is a method used to increase the resolution and smoothness of the motion of a
stepper motor. In micro-stepping, the drive electronics do not fully energize the coils in a
sequence that corresponds directly to the discrete step positions of the motor. Instead, the
current sent to the motor coils is proportionally controlled to allow the motor to stop at positions
between the standard steps. This is achieved by using a combination of the coils with varying
degrees of current, which effectively divides each full step into smaller steps. This technique not
only increases the positional resolution, thereby allowing for finer motion control, but also helps
in reducing vibrations and resonance issues often encountered with basic full-stepping

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