Fossil Biology Quiz

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Marisel Maureira M

Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences


Name: Course: I° Middle

LO 1: Explain, based on evidence, that fossils: Are formed from the remains of animals and plants. They
form in sedimentary rocks. They are located according to their age in the strata of the Earth.

I. Multiple choice. Check the letter of the correct alternative.

1) A paleontologist has found different fossils in an excavation. The presence of these corresponds to

a) Anatomical.
b) Embryological.
c) Biogeographic.
d) Paleontological.
e) Genetics.

2) There are different types of fossils that are due to their formation and these are:
I. Mold Fossils
II. Fossil by impression
III. Fossil by permineralization

a) Only I
b) Only II
c) II and III
d) I, II and III
e) Only III

3) What type of fossil does the one in the figure correspond to:

a) Printed
b) Amber print
c) Permineralization
d) Sedimentation
e) Petrification

4) Science that studies fossils:

a) Paleontology.
b) Physiology.
c) Geology.
d) Geography.
e) Biology.

5) Fossil records are important evolutionary evidence because:

Marisel Maureira M
Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences

I. They show that organisms have a long history and have changed over time.
II. They show that our planet was inhabited by organisms, some similar to those of today.
III. They demonstrate the geological changes that have occurred on Earth.

a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only I and II
d) Only I and III
e) I, II and III

6) The following image represents evidence:

a) Anatomical
b) Paleontological
c) Embryological
d) Biogeographic
e) Biochemistry.

7) Archeopteryx was “half reptile, half bird.” It had feathers and flew, but it also had reptilian
characteristics: long tail, clawed fingers, teeth... It lived in the Upper Jurassic 145 million years ago. The
first fossil was discovered in 1861, in Germany, two years after the publication of Darwin's The Origin
of Species, sparking the enthusiasm of evolutionists.
What kind of evidence does Archeopteryx provide us?

a) None, since evolution cannot be

b) Embryological: birds would constitute a
family of reptiles.
c) Paleontological: reptiles evolved from
d) Paleontological: birds would emerge from
some reptile.
e) Anatomical: reptiles evolved from birds.

Look at the following image to answer questions 8 and 9

8) Which of the strata contains the oldest fossil remains at site 1 and 2?
Marisel Maureira M
Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences

a) B and W
b) A and W
c) B and Z
d) G and Z
e) A and Y

9) In what strata would the most recent fossils be found at both sites?

a) B and W
b) A and W
c) B and Z
d) G and Z
e) A and Y

10) The diagram shows the undisturbed sedimentary strata of an ocean floor. Fossils that resemble the
fossils found in layer Q were found in layer P.

In this regard, it is correct to infer that:

a) The fossils in layer P were formed after the
extinction of those found in layer Q.
b) The fossils in layer P formed before those
found in layer Q.
c) The fossils found in layer Q and layer P
occupied the same ecological niche.
d) The fossils found in layer P and layer Q were contemporary organisms.
e) Fossils from the Q layer must be more complex than those from the P layer.

Marisel Maureira M
Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences

1) d
2) d
3) b
4) TO
5) AND
6) b
7) d
8) b
9) d
10) TO

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