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Master in educational sciences.

Student: Yaritza Gómez Hernández

Registration: 18213688

Group: E159

Subject: Pedagogy and History of Education.

Teacher: Eder Suastegui Zarco.

Activity 2. Mind map: history of education in Mexico.

Jalpa de Méndez Tabasco on September 18, 2023.

Pedagogica Policy Secular: it was established at the beginning of the
l 19th century as part of the liberal movement.

Dispenses with religious instruction.

Epistemologica Sociocultural Free: education in public institutions.

Ensures that everyone has equal opportunities to
receive education
Changes in education.

Changes in the Sources in the resume Post-independence education Public: financed and administered by the State.
Educational They are open to all citizens, with educational
organization. programs at all levels.
Independence (1821)
Positivist: impacted education during the post
EDUCATION IN MEXICO. He promoted a scientific and pragmatic approach to
socialist model teaching and learning.

Mexican Revolution (1910)

He sought the modernization of

the country.
Training of professionals. movement for one more inclusive and accessible education for all.

Promotes Mexican progress. Creation of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP).

Nationalist Literacy and popular education.

Utilitaria Promotion of higher education.

Creation of textbooks.
Curriculum with greatest influence in
the political field. Teacher training.
Sociocultural and economic elements.

Casanova Cardiel, H. (2009) The public university in Mexico. (pp. 147-167). Mexico: M. TO. Porrúa.

Ramírez Sevilla, R. and Ledesma Mateos, I. (2016). Public education in Mexico in the 19th century. The Law of Public Instruction during the Second Empire.


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