Stellar Corporate Strategic Plan

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IBAGUE COLOMBIA. 2019 – 2028










May 2, 2019

Ibague Tolima

Board of Directors
Hotel Stellar

Directed to:
The entire organization

This letter serves to inform the entire organization that on April 30, 2019, the board
of directors in its unofficial meeting determined the development of a strategic plan
regarding the growth of the company to the horizon of 2028 in order to understand
the environment in where the hotel is located and to be able to formulate strategies
in favor of the opportunities and strengths, as well as weaknesses and threats,
therefore it is a job that will be implemented in a comprehensive manner and in
which knowledge of the entire organization is important.


May 5, 2019

Ibague Tolima


Hotel Stellar

Aimed at collaborators

Receive a cordial greeting to all the collaborators of the stellar hotel. The purpose
of this present is to socialize the initiative that will be launched in the following days
of the Hotel's strategic plan where the support from all of you is of utmost
importance to obtain of valuable information, thus drawing up a strategic plan that
allows order and correct direction for you as a key part of the process towards the
same business objectives.



In the following work, the implementation of the corporate strategic plan for the
Estelar Altamira Hotel in the city of Ibagué Colombia will be presented, in order to
guide the direction of the organization to new strategic projects based on an
internal and external diagnosis in which made use of different tools to carry out the
diagnoses such as the PCI which analyzes variables such as the managerial,
competitive, financial, technological and management capacity of human talent,
also, the 7 “S” that serves as an alignment process, The Value Chain, Porter's Five
Forces and Porter's Diamond; Likewise, to execute the external analysis, the
POAM, PEST matrices, and the competition matrix were used; These two
diagnoses contributed to identifying strengths, weaknesses, threats and
opportunities that triggered the analysis of the crossed SWOT matrix.

Therefore, it is essential to study and analyze the above as it identifies the threats
that can harm the proper development of the Hotel's activities, also knows
strengths that in the long term manage to boost the development and expansion of
the hotel, and finally identify the weaknesses. that through the implementation of
this PEC they will become strengths; In this way, create different short, medium
and long-term strategies that are in line with the company's corporate objectives
and thus comply with what was stated in the planning process.

The tourism sector in Colombia is statistically increasing according to the

journalistic source, the portfolio, the increase in tourism in Colombia for the year
2018 grew by 10.4% due to different political-legal actions that have generated
an attraction for both national and international tourists, for Therefore, making a
strategic plan for the Estelar Hotel is of utmost importance to know how to take
advantage of the current boom in tourism, global trends and technology, in
addition to the fact that its competition is already doing it.

Large tourism organizations have a strategic plan since they know the
importance of applying it and knowing where they are going, therefore, it is
important that the hotel recognizes the importance of the PEC, this Analysis
brings benefits through implemented tools that allow determining critical factors,
generate strategies, increase strengths and most importantly determine where
you want to be in 5 years and how the organization is heading to achieve it.


3.1 General Objective

Design and develop the corporate strategic plan for the Estelar Altamira Hotel in
the city of Ibagué Colombia year 2019 – 2028

3.2 Specific Objectives

 Design the global, internal and external diagnosis of the organization.

 Analyze the information purification process through the SWOT matrix
 Design the strategic direction of the organization through the strategic
 Formulation of the corporate strategic plan
4. Vision:
to be the leading chain in hospitality in 2025 in the countries in which we have a
presence; with the highest standards of service and friendliness, being a solid,
dynamic, and constantly expanding organization; generating profitability for owners
and investors and well-being for our collaborators.
5. Mission:
Be a participant in our clients' dreams, working to exceed their expectations,
providing hospitality services with innovative and quality experiences, through
committed and competent collaborators; generating confidence in our investors

6. Organizational chart:

6.1 Presidency:

Execute strategic functions for the development of operational and commercial

strategic planning, which implies the achievement of the following activities:

– Detection of opportunities and threats

– Establishment of objectives
– The determination and choice of alternative courses of action
– The formulation of plans based on the previous points
– The formalization, quantification and budgeting of planning
– Carry out the corresponding planning control.

6.2 Corporate human management direction:

It consists of planning the workforce in accordance with the organization of the

company, designing the appropriate jobs, defining functions and responsibilities.

 Selection and formalization of contracts signed with workers.

 Processing of payroll and social insurance.
 Control of the rights and duties of workers (permits, vacations, mobility,
occupational health, safety and hygiene at work, etc.).
 Assist Control
 Aspects related to personnel discipline.
 Qualification of merits.
 Provide extra benefits to collaborators

6.3 Corporate operations management

In charge of all operations for the operation of the hotel such as control of
restaurant staff, general cleaning staff, waiters, guides and any other operational

Supervise and manage the operational areas of an establishment that offers

lodging and complementary services based on good customer service. It is
competent to understand and perform executive functions of those demands
emanating from the relative technical and hierarchical levels and manage the
specific actions of each sector, operational and administrative, observing driving
principles of effectiveness and efficiency, generating a space of quality and
operational validity, applying the policies and procedures established by the
highest authorities of the Establishment and carrying out all those functions related
to the Hotel management process.

6.4 Corporate Marketing and Sales Management

 budget manager
 Execution of marketing plans
 The achievement and compliance of all reports
 Overseeing marketing efforts
 The design and implementation of sales programs and advertising
 Track executive outreach
 Design sales strategies
 Create and assign portfolios to Sales Executives.
 Contact customers directly
 Develop market segmentation

6.5 Systems management

In charge of all hotel systems, such as

- Platforms
- Database
- Social networks
- Advanced technology, specialized software

6.6 Corporate financial management

The main purpose of the functions of the finance department is to increase the
value of the business and, therefore, define its strategies regarding the viability of
the resources available.

- Record accounting operations and financial data , in order to orderly obtain

current and historical business information to plan and make appropriate
decisions .
- Search for financing sources and select the most convenient one for the
- Look for investment options that the business can count on


Strategy: Hotel Estelar has the necessary resources in terms of personnel and
hotel equipment to satisfy customer demand, and also seeks to have extensive
national and local coverage by offering different services in the markets it

Structure: The hotel, being a national and international brand, is composed of a

hierarchical organizational chart starting from the shareholders who are the main
body and the board of directors and from these two bodies each hotel has a
different organizational chart. The stellar hotel of Ibagué has its organizational
chart. composed from the presidency and shows weaknesses since after the
presidency the departments are separated but other areas that the hotel has are
not made visible and it is of utmost importance to identify them in its structure.

Style : With the management of the hotel and its desire to consolidate itself as the
best 5-star hotel in the region; It has worked daily with its human resources,
empowering each of its collaborators and through teamwork; resulting in a notable
increase and development of its productivity, making it one of the most competitive
prestigious hotels in the region.

Staff : All hotel employees have the required knowledge of both customer service
and other languages for adequate performance in assigned activities; proactively
participating in order to meet the hotel's objectives

Skills : The hotel's collaborators have qualified training for the correct performance
of their activities; becoming one of the organization's strongest and most important
assets; contributing to the continuous improvement of all levels of the country

Systems : The hotel currently uses specialized systems for financial management,
human resources and customer management, as well as interactive platforms such
as its website and social networks, and intranets for communication with airlines.
those that have an alliance, thus supporting the management of all activities that
concern the performance of the organization.


1. Comparative table and analysis: (3 Countries)



Tourist arrival 39.3 Million 6.4 Million 4.3 Million 3.2 Million
Contribution to 10.4% 11.2% 6% 6.9%
Growth 2.8% 14% 9% 5.3%
Total sales 21.3 billion 4.2 billion 8,135 million 5,787 million
Qualification 2 7 7 7
Latin America
Ranking 4 9 13 15
Ranking 43 57 69 77
Table 2: Global comparison Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico

From the previous table, the statistical data of tourism in 3 Latin American
countries is evident in comparison with Colombia, these countries have been
selected for comparison since they are 3 potential countries in tourism and very
similar to Colombia in tourist and cultural characteristics, these Countries are very
attractive for tourists due to their richness in nature, diversity, and landscapes. In
Chile we find Easter Island where the enigmatic stone sculptures are found, the
San Rafael glacier and the Atacama Desert, which are highly desired places to
visit. time to visit and that generate a lot of international tourism, in Peru we find
Machu Pichu, an emblematic place desired by tourists, in Mexico we find the
Mayan pyramids, constructions that date back to pre-Hispanic times, its beaches
are also a great attraction like Cancun or the Playa del Carmen, its diversity in
colors, landscapes and food make it a very touristy country. And finally, Colombia
is a country frequently visited by foreigners for its diversity in flora and fauna, its
colonial cities, such as Cartagena, Boyacá, Quindío, its jungles. like the Amazon,
its beaches like San Andrés, Santa Marta. It is very important to analyze that not
only because they have tourist places makes them possible business options for
the Estelar hotel, but we can also see that their growth in the industry is very good,
which is considered an opportunity to expand the market.



- Foreign trade

The hotel sector in Colombia has had constant growth since 2008 when the
Ministry of Industry and Tourism, headed by Minister Luis Guillermo Plata,
established that: “In this way, important actions began to be carried out that have
consolidated the sector. and attract the attention of investors interested in its
growth.” (Plata, 2008)

The total growth of non-resident visitors is 8% compared to 2017. Of this total,

cruise passengers increased nearly 10%, non-resident foreigners grew 9%, while
Colombians residing abroad remained the same. These figures confirm the
dynamism of incoming tourism, since the growth of tourists in Colombia continues
above the world average of 6% and the regional average of 3%.
American residents visited the country the most in 2018, representing a growth of
22.2%, confirming that this country is one of our most dynamic markets. Argentina
and Brazil also stood out as new countries sending visitors. Furthermore, the
behavior of Spanish residents who visited the country is very positive, who grew by
13.7% compared to 2017 and are already ranked ninth among the countries that
visit us the most.(Ministerio de comercio, industria y turismo, 2019)

The growth indicators are very positive. In the last 10 years, tourist visits increased
by 150%, which suggests that it will continue to grow, hence the opportunity for the
development of destinations that become new poles of investment and tourism

Bogotá was the city that received the most non-resident foreigners, followed by
Cartagena, Medellín and Cali. Cities such as Barranquilla and Bucaramanga also
stand out, which have had a very dynamic growth in tourist arrivals. Hotel
occupancy in 2018 was 55.46 percent. This represents an increase of 0.35 percent
compared to the 2017 indicators, according to the balance provided by the Hotel
and Tourism Association of Colombia ( (Cotelco, 2019)

Source: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism based on Colombia Migration

and Port Societies.
Year-to-date through March 2019, real hotel revenue increased 9.9% compared to
the same period last year.
In the last twelve months to March 2019, real hotel revenue increased 8.2%
compared to the same period last year.

 Finance system

The tourism sector in Colombia has performed well in recent years, which has
allowed national hotel growth and the arrival of important chains in the sector. As
announced by the Colombian Hotel Association, Cotelco, investment in tourism
went from US$3.5 million in 2002 to US$900 million in 2009 and is expected to
reach US$1.2 billion this year. Likewise, in the period from 2002 to 2010, 13,000
new jobs were created due to the construction of new rooms and 52,000 additional
jobs were generated due to the better performance of occupancy and rates in the
hotels already built. (Cotelco, 2013)

In South America, tourism income increased by 2% and in Colombia in particular

these income increased by 10%, a quite significant figure when compared with
data from the rest of the world, according to Natalia Casas Buenas, Manager of AR
Hoteles, who states that “these figures are consistent with the hotel boom of recent
years” (Casas, 2013) . Additionally, thanks to the support of the government,
different entities such as Proexport and the advertising campaigns that have aired,
the imagination of Colombia in the world has changed strongly.

 Working market
Activities related to the tourism and hospitality sector are great generators of direct
and indirect jobs. However, the appropriate profiles to occupy the positions and
positions required in these activities have varied according to technological
changes, behavioral trends of tourists and innovations in service.

All of these variations demand competent and autonomous professionals who

serve to position hotel companies in the sector as well as increase competitive
capacity in the provision of services. The current environmental conditions demand
innovation and diversification of hotel services, as well as greater qualification of its
employees. Therefore, it is necessary for the educational sector to provide better
training of human resources in job skills.

This graph shows us that tourism has a great opportunity to be enhanced, and that
we must target the departments that are growing such as Antioquia. It also shows
us that there will be more competition in the long term so we will have to innovate
in new services. and open new market niches.

Hotel occupancy is above average, at 55% and it is estimated that it will continue
to grow, which represents an advantage to continue boosting tourism. The Estelar
hotel has a very good positioning in the Colombian market, which represents a
very competitive advantage. strong, it should be noted that it has very good
coverage, it has 26 hotels nationally plus 3 internationally, on the other hand it
cannot be left aside that its competition is also quite strong, therefore it is very
important to establish a plan strong strategic.


Currently, specialized software for the hotel sector has arrived in the country that
allows it to provide better service to guests, efficiently and effectively for the
company, which in the long term allows for a considerable reduction in its costs.
These types of programs are hotel management platforms that allow effective and
simple execution of satisfying customer needs that range from the simplest to the
most complex in the different hotel services.

These technological tools are available in multi-language, multi-currency and are

prepared for the fiscal and legal rules of any region or country. One of the main
features offered by these latest technology programs is the protection of the hotels'
database, which offer high degrees of reliability and security with one hundred
percent access from the network. This type of services allows the hotel to offer its
clients a more personalized service and total control over the different operations
carried out, as well as all the details about them.

Cotelco is committed to technological innovation in the hotel industry with a

Strategic Plan for Innovation and Technological Development of the Sector,
through which the main trends, gaps, challenges and opportunities that the sector
has in terms of ICT adoption will be identified, added to the creation of a
measurement instrument that will lead to a diagnosis and evaluation of companies
dedicated to accommodation and lodging activities in the national territory.

This initiative, whose main objective is to increase the competitiveness and

productivity of 150 companies in the hotel sector in Colombia, in addition to being
organized by Cotelco, has financing from Fontur and leadership in technical issues
from the Center for Research and Development in Technologies. of Information
and Communications, in the formulation and management of projects related to
ICT, verifiable in the multiple plans carried out with this approach in companies
such as the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, the Ministry
of National Education, among others, the which increase confidence in efficient
and successful results.


- Technology

Recognition technology has arrived in hotels, and is increasingly being used in an

attempt to improve personalization and customer service. Recognition technology
includes biometric identifiers such as facial recognition, fingerprint recognition and
retina scanning.
Some hotels are already implementing these systems to create a time-saving user
experience; for example, access to the room with your fingerprint or quick check-in
with facial recognition. In a world where time is such a precious commodity,
reducing wait times is something that guests will increasingly appreciate. The hotel
of the future will adopt this technology to personalize the experience to an extent
never seen before.

- Eco-hotels

Ecological hotels are characterized by using alternative energy systems, such as

solar panels, which do not produce any type of environmental pollution , and they
divide gray water (reused for irrigation) and black water (treated in septic
chambers). They use biodegradable cleaning products and low-consumption
lamps, and separate waste .

A concrete example of the trend of environmentally friendly hotels in the country is

the NH Collection Bogotá Terra 100 Royal. This establishment has the LEED
certificate, a scoring system that evaluates the incorporation of tools for the
sustainable development of the place and its environment, the efficient use of
water, energy savings, selection of material and resources included in the project,
plus the quality of the indoor environment.

Travelers are increasingly aware of their ecological impact and seek to minimize it
at all costs whenever possible, and this also includes booking a room in hotels that
share these same values. In fact, hotels that welcome them and adapt the guest
experience to them not only receive more customers, but also reduce their energy
consumption and save money .

- Chatbots and artificial intelligence

The most used form of artificial intelligence (AI) in the travel sector is chatbots.
Many hotels already have live chat on their websites. However, chatbots rely on
automation and offer fast response times to common problems or questions,
allowing hotel staff to focus on more personalized service.

On the other hand, an intelligent chatbot can improve itself through machine
learning based on its interactions with customers over time. For now, most
chatbots are text-based, although this will change with the rise of voice queries.
Here are some of the key elements to consider when choosing a chatbot service:
Chatbots can integrate with booking engine APIs to show customers rates and
availability. In fact, Bookassist has already made such integrations (for example,
with Colossal Factory's Zoé chatbot).

 The possibility of "teaching" the chatbot by adding personalized questions and

 Multilingual options.
 Self-learning through machine learning so that the chatbot can improve itself.
 Availability on all devices.
 The option to connect with live chat when necessary.
 The option to schedule a follow-up (for example, a call) when a response is
not available.
 And most importantly: the ability to provide information that can facilitate
making a reservation.

- Glamping

It is based on basic premises, such as care for the environment, efficient use of
energy and water, control of its guests' garbage and environmentally friendly
architecture. They are practically camouflaged installations, specifically designed
not to alter the landscape: the impact on nature must be minimal.

The classic accommodation model in this type of places is the dome: a kind of
large tent, with comfortable beds and other amenities. Furthermore, as they are
usually located in natural paradises (forests, beach areas, mountains), they
complement the proposal with activities that take advantage of the characteristics
of the place: adventure sports, kayaking, climbing, fly fishing, trekking. In general
terms, they have guides specialized premises, also with a high level of awareness
about caring for the place they live in. (Tomaello, 2019)

It emerged as a need for new travelers, who seek unique experiences in natural
environments and are a little fed up with conventional accommodations, but at the
same time are not willing to leave comfort aside.

In the Tatacoa desert, the Bethel hotel offers the possibility of staying in Bio Eggs,
giant wicker eggs that open their upper part so that guests can appreciate the
starry sky, one of the main attractions of this place in Huila. Prices start at
$412,000 per night per person. In Guasca, Cundinamarca, the Mønte Teepee
Hostel offers accommodation in a tipi (conical-shaped leather tent) in the middle of
the mountains, for $200,000 per night (per couple), with breakfast included.
Nearby, in Guatavita, it is possible to spend the night in one of the four domes with
transparent fronts and roofs that the Glamping Colombia firm installed a few
months ago on the banks of the Tominé reservoir. The night costs $250,000 per
couple. (Bethel, 2019)

- Digital marketing

It is the use of all digital media for electronic commerce oriented to new
technologies that optimize and make easier the processing of information and the
relationship with potential customers, to convert them into customers and build
loyalty. It is an option widely used by hotels to promote and disseminate their
services. The reason is the low cost and the obtaining of data and customer
preferences, in addition to making the hotel more easily known worldwide.

Currently significantly impacting this sector, these trends are: Transformative

Travel, Virtual Reality, Foodie Experiences, Wellness Tourism, Return to
Childhood, Making Dreams Come True, Technological Horizon, Tourist
Apartments, Ecological Responsibility . While it is true that these trends represent
great opportunities for the Hotel sector, they also represent great threats to those
who have an established model from the beginning of their activities and who
without a doubt must adapt to these opportunities that are presented to them. to
stay at the forefront of the environment and its competition.

These trends and what each of them consists of are represented below.

Bargaining power of customers (F1): For this force the power is high, since
hotels seek to satisfy their needs, customers seek comfort in addition to finding a
single place that satisfies all their needs. Customers have the final decision criteria
that places the hotel between good and bad.

Bargaining power of suppliers (F2): Stellar Hotel has its own distributor that
functions as a separate body that is responsible for making all agreements and
contracts with suppliers and distributors, its objective is the purchase of high quality
supplies and it also has its own organizational chart which allows it to be more
efficient and allows it to have a high level of negotiation.

Threats of new competitors (F3): The threat of new competitors is low, since to
introduce a new Hotel into the market requires large capital investments not only
for its infrastructure but also for its promotion and for it to be effective. to remain in
the minds of the Ibaguereños. Furthermore, although there are incentives from the
government, regulations also create barriers to entry.

Threat of substitute products (F4): For the hotel sector, the greatest threat that
substitute products present is the new type of hotel rental that replaces rooms with
apartments, greater comfort at a reasonable price. Although Hotel Estelar has a
line of hotels that rent apartments in Ibagué, there is still no hotel that offers this

Rivalry between existing competitors (F5): Rivalry between competitors is high,

since in the sector there are hotels with great growth potential, although the Estelar
Altamira hotel is the most positioned in the city, there are other high-class hotels
such as: The Hotel Sonesta, F25 and Casa Morales, even though they are not all 5
stars, have a high level of memory among Ibaguereños.


Estelar Hotels helps within its Corporate Social Responsibility program, it has been
working to support the education of children and young people from communities in
situations of poverty, displacement, vulnerability, with the conviction that education
is the way to generate opportunities that allow in the medium and long term to
improve living conditions in these contexts through the Corficolombiana

The hotel has a structure distributed in Corporate Directorates in charge of setting

guidelines on different topics at the level of the entire organization. The hotel seeks
the best alternatives to resolve conflicts with collaborators, which is why there is no
workers' union at Estelar Hotels.

Regarding controls, they have instructions, procedure manuals, codes of ethics

and conduct that guide the execution of the work. They are evaluated in order to be
updated in accordance with the direction of the organization. They evaluate the
risks through the Internal control questionnaire designed by the Originator's
Comptroller's area and the survey of the processes, the company has identified the
various controls that have allowed the design of Risk matrices with which the
Comptroller's Department takes guidelines in execution and work instructions.
They carry out control activities in their audit visit programs in addition to starting
with programs that allow them to obtain reasonable security in the Design and
implementation of controls in addition to their Operational Effectiveness. Through
Internal Audit, it has Work programs that allow it to carry out the monitoring and
supervision functions of the different controls, just as the directors of the different
areas together with the presidency hold meetings where monitoring functions are

Stellar Hotel is the largest hotel line in the Colombian market, with participation in
more than 10 cities in the country and three in the neighboring country of Peru. In
the city of Ibagué there is the five-star Hotel Estelar Altamira, which represents the
best hotel in the city.

Like the world leaders in the segment, ESTELAR has diversified its business lines
to serve the different demand niches of the global market, dividing them into

It has human development programs for the organization, continuous training,

space standards, utilization and logistics support among others, in addition, it
manages efficiency through economies of scale where it has standards in F&B,
budget and budget execution, control and financial planning, permanent
technology support, comprehensive assurance, information availability and
security, and comprehensive administration and management.


Human talent is evident as a strength of the hotel, since the collaborators who
constitute the human capital of the organization; They have a stable, well-paid job,
with little risk of accidents at work; which has reflected a low turnover rate, the staff
has technical studies that certify the quality of their work, which influences the
hotel's competitiveness.

in the well-being of its collaborators and provides them with different benefits, it is
taken into account that, if in the organization the collaborators are motivated, have
stability and conditions, these will also provide the hotel with the best image of the
company, greater commitment to the company. , work performance, which is why it
is as important to know how to retain talent as it is to attract them, which is why the
hotel designs a strategy.

The hotel has stood out in the provision of its services thanks to its collaborators,
since they have different knowledge, skills and abilities that reflect excellent
experience in their functions. The hotel invests .

Technological capacity is a strength for the hotel since they have a very updated
database and updated platforms, but it also generates a threat since technology
advances exponentially and this requires a high percentage of investment, likewise
in The customer service process has the appropriate technology, customer
services are integrated with technology.



The client values, mainly, the equipment of the rooms and the quality-price ratio,
with all segments of the national market coinciding in both aspects. Regarding
service provision, clients are mainly inclined towards the professionalism of the
hotel employees and their friendliness. Within the tangible aspects of the product,
in addition to the equipment of the rooms, the client is inclined towards the location
of the hotel within the desired country environment and its safety. The client
population values little the possible prestige of the hotel in the market; The high
prior knowledge of the offer determines that the client forges the image of the ideal
hotel from his own experience, regardless of other possible public images.

The relationship of the tourism sector with other sectors of the economy is close,
this means that tourism stimulates the chain of economic sectors, since "an
increase in the arrival of visitors and tourists implies the growing need for
transportation, travel agencies, restaurants, hotels, suppliers of inputs and raw
materials, as well as financial, commercial, safety and health entities”

Experts highlight that, when the country leaves the list of nations in conflict, many
more foreign travelers will come to enjoy the country's tourism and nature offering;
from one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with virgin paradises and
multiple destinations in the same place.


Ibagué is located in the center of the country, it connects with different roads
between various areas of the country, it has a varied climate each year, the rainy
and dry seasons are distributed in different months of the year. It is located on
Carretera 1 Sur 45 A 50 where different transportation routes pass and is easily
accessible for vehicles.

In its development plan, Ibagué advances processes to increase the economy of

the sector through smaller-scale mining exploitation, which implies that, although
tourism has contributed to growth, it would remain at another level and the city
would be attracted by the mining culture. .

The city is located near a geological fault, which means that Hotel Estelar must
take into account Risk Management to reduce the possible effects of the fault.

The Estelar Altamira hotel has a solid financial muscle, which makes it strong to
assume any type of fluctuation in this environment. In turn, thanks to its ability to
adapt to change, it will take advantage of the future opportunities it provides.

The growth indicators are very positive and this generates economic stability. It
must be taken into account that the hotel has excellent infrastructure, services,
location, facilities such as a restaurant, gym, swimming pool and event rooms at a
national and international level, which It makes them a great attraction for foreign
and local tourists.

The hotel has a plan to attract more business travelers with the expansion of a
more efficient service and 100% Colombian hospitality. They have been growing
and with a greater market share to have a comprehensive accommodation offer
aimed at corporate and tourist travelers in the country, with a clear concept of
efficient and warm service with rates with the best quality/price.

The Hotel Estelar chain continues with an investment plan, which exceeds $200
billion. It has projects in Medellín, Bucaramanga and Lima.


The sophistication and greater comforts for guests are through technological
innovations, mainly it has a website and qualified database whose main
characteristic is to mention each of the preferences and characteristics of the
clients, as well as the support that is given in the events corresponds and a
particular knowledge of the hotel. The development of the database is a very
valuable tool and has represented added value for its clients to save time and
queries (promotions, quotes, viewing the hotel, etc.
The hotel is constantly working on updating and optimizing its communication and
connectivity tools for its guests, clients and visitors. To this end, they offer technical
and technological equipment for staging both social and corporate events that take
place in their facilities.

Guests demand permanent connection, fast navigation for their communications

over the Internet at the same time, cutting-edge technology in the conduct and
organization of events from sound, lighting to tools and physical infrastructure in
rooms and common areas.

Political-Legal Environment:

On the part of Colombian laws, there is the General Tourism Law 300 of 1996, in
which the National Government acquired the commitment to allocate a budget item
so that through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and where the
main objective is to support the main actions that the country is going to carry out
to consolidate the promotion and competitiveness of the tourism sector in its
various areas, to achieve sustainable tourism in such a way that it becomes a
strategic economic activity of regional and national development, and in which It is
evident that the virtue of tourist activities will have to be developed in accordance
with the Tourism Sector Plan, which will be part of the National Development Plan.

Likewise, the tourism sector plan that runs from 2018 to 2022 is focused on 6
strategic lines which are:
- Generation of institutional conditions to promote the tourism sector
- Comprehensive management of destinations and strengthening of the
country's tourism offer
- More investment, better infrastructure and connectivity for tourism:
- Innovation and business development in the tourism sector.
- Strengthening human capital for the competitiveness of tourism.
- Promotion of transformative, inclusive and equitable tourism.

These strategies aim to modernize the regulatory framework for tourism to

adapt it to the new contexts and realities of the sector and the regions, as well
as to improve the coordination between public and private actors and
communities related to tourism at the national and territorial level. , in matters of
organization, planning, management and promotion of the activity, as well as
improving the management of the economic resources of tourism, generating
efficient information for public policies in tourism, promoting more responsible
and sustainable tourism, comprehensive management and innovation of
destinations, refers to the planning and systemic ordering, the administration of
activities, resources and actors involved in the tourist development of the
territory, the definition, execution and monitoring of policies aimed at facilitating
the consolidation of the destination in accordance with its territorial context. , its
level of development, as well as to improve the articulation between tourism
demand and supply, so as to guarantee sustainability, strengthen regional
integration for tourism, develop differentiated tourism products, among others.

This environment is very important because it provides opportunities to the

hotel in the face of the policies, regulations and laws that the government puts
in place focused on tourism and that contributes to the growth and development
of the sector, boosting its participation in the GDP.

The sectoral plan, as mentioned above, represents a great opportunity for the hotel
since its seven pillars support hotel growth and the generation of tourism. We also
see the large percentage of foreign tourists that also represent an opportunity and
how this has been growing with the years.

Competitive environment:
The Estelar hotel is positioned among the ranking of the 15 most powerful
leaders in tourism where we also find the strongest competition at the national
level of the hotel which are GHL Hoteles, Decameron, OxoHotel and Hotel
Royal, likewise in the local competition There are hotels such as Casa Morales,
Sonesta hotels which are located in the same category as the stellar ones
which are between 4 and 5 stars, likewise digital platforms such as Airbnb are
part of the competitive environment of the Estelar hotel since many times the
client prefers to rent. a house to go to a hotel, the latter having the advantage
that it does not invoice VAT or comply with the regulations of the hotel sector.

It should be noted that between 2018 and 2020, 58 hotel projects will be built.
The Estelar hotel has a very good reputation in the local and national market,
which gives it a competitive advantage over other hotels, as well as its location
and track record in the market. and the high influx of foreigners to Colombia.

Through a strategic alliance, the Estelar Hotels chain assumed the commercial
representation of one of the most traditional hotels in Medellín: El Poblado. In
this way, the firm expands its portfolio of hotel services in the country, and at
the same time ventures into Medellín, considered one of the most important
destinations in the business world.

As part of the agreement, Hoteles Estelar assumed the entire marketing,

advertising and sales development exercise of El Poblado. Estelar Hotels are
part of an important group of hotels in different cities of the country: Almirante
hotel in Cartagena; La Fontana hotel, Suite Jones and Estelar Apartments in
Bogotá; Paipa hotel and Convention Center; Las Colinas hotel in Manizales; La
Estación hotel in Buenaventura and El Poblado hotel in Medellín.


The arrival of foreigners has increased to 49% compared to 2016, which is a very
good indicator for the hotel sector, and we can see that the foreigners who travel
the most to Colombia are European residents.


18. 1MPC

According to Fred Davis (2003) The competitive profile matrix identifies the
companies' main competitors, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. In
relation to a sample of the strategic position of a company in this case the Altamira
star hotel, we can analyze and show that the best competitive scenario is the
Altamira star hotel with a result of 3.59 which leaves it very well positioned, we find
In the worst scenario, the Casa Morales hotel, although it led the market a few
years ago, has lost its advantage due to its lack of innovation in technology and
diversification of services, followed by the F25 hotel, which has positioned itself in
a short time in the market. market being new and facing direct competition, the
Sonesta hotel, which despite its short time in the market, has a high competitive





Expand coverage to different geographical areas from a gampling eco-agrotourism

approach from the Estelar Altamira Hotel in Tolima to potential tourist areas such
as Melgar and Flandes, starting from the processes that are developed to provide
a quality service through clean technologies such as alternative energy, solar
panels, which do not produce any type of environmental pollution, strengthening
interaction with international clients through chatbots.


By 2028, be a leading hotel in the incursion of agro-ecotourism and glamping

hotels in the region, being preferred by national and foreign tourists, taking into
account sustainable development through environmental processes and showing
the diversity of our region, ensuring stability. employment to our collaborators,
generating employment in the region and maintaining high quality standards in the
provision of service.


The mission of the stellar Altamira hotel is to create experiences that strengthen
the family bond focused on sustainability, with a high standard of quality in its
services and the introduction into new market niches that allow it to provide
security to its stakeholders.


 Hospitality: the collaborators at stellar are characterized by welcoming our

guests with warmth, distinction and elegance.
 Innovation: We deliver attractive and innovative services that exceed the
expectations of our guests and clients.
 Reliability: We deliver on our promises by offering the best products and
services at a fair and reasonable price.
 Customer satisfaction: We manage to provide the best comfort service
that our customers need when choosing us, with staff and services of the
best quality for their satisfaction.
 Sense of belonging : We have employees who are committed and happy
to provide a distinctive service and memorable experiences, achieving the
lasting loyalty of our clients, with a sense of belonging, being their second
 Teamwork: With the contribution of all of us who intervene in the different
processes, we seek to achieve organizational objectives.
 Efficiency: We frequently seek our continuous improvement to always offer
the best to our clients
 Exemplarity: Our collaborators must be an example of compliance and
representation of the organization.
 Experience: we want our clients to have the best experience with their
family, sharing in our hotel, marking their history as one of the best

 Equity and impartiality: We act with legality, justice and transparency both
in the provision of services and in labor relations, without dealing with
privilege or discrimination, without taking into account the economic, social,
ideological, political, sexual, racial, religious condition. or of any other
 Respect: We listen, understand and value others, seeking harmony in
interpersonal, work and commercial relationships.
 Integrity: We have impeccable conduct and impeccable behavior in any
 Freedom: Treatment can only be carried out with the prior, express and
informed consent of the Owner. Personal data may not be obtained or
disclosed without prior authorization, or in the absence of a legal or judicial
mandate that requires consent.
 Sustainability: all our processes will be focused on sustainability practices,
taking care of the environment and strengthening its promotion.
Unify the strength of private partners such as airlines, or public entities by linking
us to regional development programs, and cultural heritage destinations such as
museums, nature reserves, recreational parks such as the reptilian city, Cafam
zoo, in addition to implementing ecological trails within our green areas of location
that allow us to promote tourism and be leaders in the tourism industry, in the
same way Strengthen the exclusive accommodation business for celebrities the
rental of special hall spaces for high-impact events.


- The stellar hotel is recommended to restructure its organizational chart

since it is in a very flat and centralized way and to become one of the largest
hotel chains at a national level requires a more decentralized structure and
where the composition of departments
- The hotel is recommended to apply the corporate strategic plan since it
represents a great opportunity in this new market with a tendency toward
agro-ecotourism and becoming more competitive.
- The hotel is recommended to invest more in advertising, since although it is
highly positioned in the market, it needs to make itself more visible through
advertising campaigns and updating its web platform.


- Throughout the development of the work, taking into account the different
internal and external factors that surround the Estelar Altamira Hotel and
through the use of various tools that help capture and understand the
results, it was evident that the organization has great opportunities in the
market and that has strengths that allow it to have a competitive advantage
in the sector, which is having a lot of movement with the arrival of more
hotels of the same category in the city and nationally, thus becoming a
threat for which must be mitigated with the opportunities of new trends that
are penetrating the market such as agro ecotourism and that is strongly
impacting the sector and is causing a high level of international tourism

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