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Sufiyan English Café

2nd Terminal Examination - 2021

Subject: English
Class: VIII
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
[N.B.- The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

Part A: Seen (20 Marks)

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions no 1 and 2:
Shamima‘s misery started the day she was married. Her husband was a greedy
person and he used to abuse her verbally and physically. Within a few months
into her marriage she had to leave her husband Amirul Islam.
Now Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. She has 43
female members in her organization working for her. She trains the members
herself and then provides them with work. She designs fabrics, makes block -
print, brush-paint and hand-embroidered sarees. She also makes three-piece
dresses for women and fatuas for men. She sells these products in her shop and
supplies them outside.
Shamima has a dream now, a dream to do something for the helpless people. She
wants them to feel useful. They can live with self-respect and dignity. With this
in view, she goes out looking for such people.
Shamima finished her story with a smile. Shamima has no complaints, no
regrets, and no grudges. All she wants to do is to bring a smile on the faces of
those women who are unfortunate. Shamima wants to become a famous
1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives and write
the corresponding number of the answer in your answer scripts: [1×7 = 7]
(a) ‗misery‘ means ——
(i) happiness (ii) comfort (iii) distress (iv) ease
(b) The word ‗regret‘ means ———
(i) cheerfulness (ii) grief (iii) gloom (iv) happiness
(c) Her organization consists of ———
(i) 43 male members (ii) 43 women members
(iii) 34 male and female members (iv) 34 male members
(d) Which type of woman Shamima is?
(i) unemployed women (ii) self employed woman
(iii) dependent women (iv) reliable woman

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(e) What‘s Shamima‘s goal to achieve?
(i) become rich (ii) help the helpless
(iii) deceive the poor (iv) do something outstanding
(f) Her husband --------------------her dream.
(i) shattered (ii) liked (iii) supported (iv) appreciated
(g) Shamima is a woman of -------------------- nature.
(i) egoistic (ii) malignant (iii) conceited (iv) benevolent

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text: [2×4 = 8]
(a) When did Shamima leave her husband‘s house?
(b) Why is Shamima working for the helpless women?
(c) What does she do with the members of her organization?
(d) How has Shamima become an entrepreneur?

3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it
a meaningful one: [1×5 = 5]
Ms Rehena, the English teacher, tells the class about the (a)…….……of food.
According to her, we must always have good food (b)…….……..we cannot live
without it. In (c)……….……to the question of the student, she says that good
food means the (d)…...……… food for good health. She adds that good food must
contain natural substances (e)…….…..for our body to grow properly and stay
healthy. But eating too much is bad for health.

Part B: Unseen (25 Marks)

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions no 4 and 5:
Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir was an officer in the Bangladesh Army during the
1971‘s Liberation War. He was born on 7 March, 1949 at Rahimganj village
under Babuganj upazilla in Barisal district. He finished his HSC from the
Barisal BM College. In 1967, he took admission in the department of statistic at
the University of Dhaka. On 5 October, 1967 he joined the armed forces as a
cadet at the Pakistan Military Academy. He obtained commissioned rank in the
Engineering corps in 1968. He was promoted to the rank of Captain on 30
August 1970. He was an officer in sector 7 of the Mukti Bahini. He was given the
responsibility to fight at the Chapi Nawabjanj border at Rajshahi district. In 14
December, he was killed in an attempt to break-through enemy defenses on the
bank of the Mahannanda River. He was buried near Shona Masjid premises. In
recognition of his velour and sacrifice in the War of Liberation, Mahiuddin
Jahangir was awarded with the highest state honor of Birsrestha.

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4. Complete the table below. Write not more than three words and/or numbers
for each answer: [1×5 = 5]

Who / What Event / Activity Where When

Captain Mahiuddin was born (i) ………….. 7 March 1949
He (ii)…………… from Barisal BM
Mahiuddin Jahangir joined the armed in Pakistan (iii) ………….
He (iv) ……………. in the Engineering in 1968
He killed (v)…………….. 14 December

5. Read the passage again and write whether the statements are true or false.
Give the correct answer if the statement is false: [1×5 = 5]

(a) Captain Mahiuddin Jahangir was a freedom fighter.

(b) He obtained commissioned rank in 1970.
(c) He fled away from the war field.
(d) He was a betrayer.
(e) He was a pilot officer.

6. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using the clues given in the boxes.
There are more words than necessary. One word can be used once only: [.5×10=5]

Neat in colorful country platforms mostly

Earth up wild ladders build roofs

The tribal people living (a) — the hilly areas (b) — their houses on raised (c) —
.They use (d) — which are withdrawn at night so that (e) — animals cannot
climb (f) —. Usually, their houses are made of (g) —– and have thatched (h) —.
They keep their houses very (i) — and clean and decorate it with (j) — drawings.
7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using suitable words to make it a
meaningful text: [1×5 = 5]
Good manner is an integral part (a)………. education. It should be cultivated
especially in children from their (b)………. Every parent must (c)……… their
children the good manners and (d) ………. of good manners in life. Practicing
good manners is necessary to be a great and noble (e)……….in the society.

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8. Match the part of sentences from column A and B to make five complete
sentences. There are more parts in column B than necessary: [1×5 = 5]

Column A Column B
(a) Newspaper carries news and views (i) of newspapers in the world.
(b) In the morning we wait eagerly (ii) in our day to life.
(c) We cannot have our breakfast (iii) for a newspaper.
(d) It is a part and parcel (iv) of home and abroad to us.
(e) There are many kinds (v) by reading newspaper.
(vi) without a newspaper of the day.

Part – C: Grammar (Marks 25)

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets
adding suitable suffix, prefix of both: [0.5×10 = 5]
Blood (a)….….(donate) is a noble act. But many people are (b)….…(willing) to
donate blood (c)……..(cause) of their (d)……..(conception). Donating blood can
save the life of a (e)…..….(die) patient. The (f)…..…(govern) should (g)………
(courage) people to donate blood. (h)….… (other), we will be (i) ………. (able) to
save the lives of serious patients which is very (j)……… (graceful).
10. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the).
Put a cross (×) where no article is used: [0.5×10 = 5]
English is (a)……… international language. It is spoken all over (b)……... world.
So the importance of (c)…….English cannot be described in words. All (d)…….
books on higher education are written in English. Today organizations need
employees who speak and write (e)…….. standard form of English. It helps
(f)……… educated man to get a good (g)……… job. It is (h)……… official or semi
–official language all over the world. Ours is (i)…….. age of globalization. We
need to learn English to join the advanced world. So English has become (j)……..
essential matter for us.

11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets: [1×5 = 5]

a. The idle only curse their fate. (Passive)
b. They can improve their condition by working hard. (Interrogative)
c. Everybody dislikes an idle man. (Negative)
d. An idle student is never punctual to attend his classes. (Affirmative)
e. An idle student leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)

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12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech: [1×5 = 5]

The daughter said to her father, ―Please, come back home soon. Perhaps you
have forgotten that today is my birthday.‖ Father said, ―No, I have not forgotten
at all.‖ ―Today I am not going to office.‘ The daughter said, ―Where are you
going?‖ Father said, ―I‘m going to buy a gift and a birthday cake to celebrate‘
your birthday ceremony.‖ Jumping into a delight the daughter said, ‗Then I shall
invite my most bosom friends.‖

13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following
passage: [0.5×10 = 5]
i have got gpa-5 in the jsc examination said rafiq congratulation said i what do
you intend to do now i want to continue my study in my school ill try to do the
best result in the ssc examination.

Part-D: Writing (Marks 30)

14. Suppose, you are Ritu and your younger brother Ruman isn‘t interested in
reading newspaper. But it‘s important for him to read newspaper. Now write a
dialogue between you and Ruman about the necessity of reading newspaper. [10]

15. Suppose, you are Kitty/John. Write an e-mail to your friend thanking him
/her for his / her hospitality. [10]
* write an email ID & subject line
* use proper greetings
* give a briefing about her hospitality
* mention any especial arrangement for you
* write the closing remark.

16. Write a paragraph of 150 words on ‗Facebook‘. Your writing should address
the following questions: [10]
* What is facebook?
* How does it contribute to maintain relationship among people?
* What things are needed to use facebook?
* What are its function and utilities?
* What are its disadvantages?

The end of the question

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