Workshop 3, Roman Empire

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“With science and values: excellence in being, knowing and doing”


SUBJECT: Social Sciences TEACHER: Gabriel Miranda Pérez

NAME:Nicoll Marin Lopez GROUP: 701 – DATE: March 11, 2021
702 - 703


DEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVITIES: *. Dear 3. From the attached material or other sources of
students, in advance a fraternal greeting, wishing that information, define the following concepts related to
each of you are well. This guide must be done the topic of the Roman Empire:
individually and uploaded to the platform
*. This workshop will be delivered on Thursday, • Empire, Civilization, Dynasty, Polytheism,
March 18 and will be uploaded to the platform Barbarian invasions, Fall of the Roman
*. Rely on reliable sources of consultation. Empire, Citizens, Absolutism, Attila, Odoacer,
b. CONCEPTUAL REFERENCES: 4. Solve the following questions by using the skill of
• What are the main causes of the fall of the
Roman Empire?
• What is the fundamental difference between
Patricians and Plebeians?
• Taking into account the political organization
in the Roman Empire, what is the
fundamental difference with the political
system of our country?
• What is the relationship between the fall of the
Taking into account that knowledge of history is a
Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions?
process that requires the development of thinking
• What is the fundamental difference between
skills and in continuity with the review exercise that
religion in the Roman Empire and our
has been done in class, I propose the following work
religious beliefs?
• Consult and draw about the main Roman
If you have access to the Internet, you can use the gods
following video as a resource for consultation and • Make a comic strip about the fall of the
complementation in the preparation of the work: The Roman Empire
Roman Empire in 10 minutes • What were the main barbarian towns and where were they located?

ACTIVITY I TOPIC N° The Roman Empire

1. Do the corresponding reading of the Annex
What was the Roman Empire?
material (Summary on the Roman Empire and the
barbarian invasions) using the techniques of The Roman Empire was an empire founded by
underlining the fundamental concepts and ideas. Emperor Augustus in the year 27 BC. C., which
2. After reading the material, solve the following lasted until 476 AD. c.
questions. This civilization was mainly characterized by great
• Describe the characteristics of the Roman political and military power, territorial conquests and
victorious wars, which led it to be one of the largest
• Describe the geographical location of the
Roman Empire and prepare the empires in human history so far.
corresponding map. The Roman Empire was characterized by dominating
• When did the Roman Empire develop? the entire area of the Mediterranean Sea for a long
Describe the temporal location, that is, the historical period, covering more than 7 million square
dates of its development. kilometers. Additionally, many modern-day cultural
• Mention and explain the periods into which influences were born from this empire.
the Roman Empire is divided.
Characteristics of the Roman Empire Social and political organization
The properties that characterized the Roman Empire The Roman Empire stood out due to its great social,
are the following: political, economic and religious organization Social
• Its main capital was Rome, although Milan, organization
Ravenna, Nicomedia and Constantinople
were also capital.

• Their coins were the denarius, the sestertius

and the Byzantine solidus.
• Their main language was Latin.
• Until Christianity was established, the
Romans were polytheistic, that is, they
believed in many gods.
• By the year 117 AD. C., its year of maximum
splendor, it came to possess more than 7 Social pyramid of the Roman Empire.
million square kilometers of territory.
• It had a period known as "cultural flowering", The social organization of the Roman Empire had a
which began in the year 27 BC, where it had quite diverse system, since there were different social
a large number of artists and writers class distinctions, within which we can differentiate:
dedicated to expressing the customs and • Patricians: representatives of the highest
culture of Rome, for which the Romans stood social class, who enjoyed fiscal, judicial,
out in poetry, history, philosophy and oratory. political and cultural privileges. They were
Location of the Roman Empire descendants of the founders of Rome, part of
The Roman Empire of antiquity was located in what the Senate and belonging to the European
we currently know as Rome, that is, on the European nobility .
continent and exactly on the Italian peninsula, whose • Commoners: all those who did not have
capital is Italy. benefits from the State nor were descendants
As the empire expanded, it reached the north, along of the founders of the nation. As time went by,
the Rhine River and the Danube, and also to they managed to have their rights as Roman
England. To the south, it reached Asia Minor, the citizens recognized. These were in turn
northern part of Africa and the Mediterranean Sea, divided into nobles , gentlemen and clients.
exactly to the coastal regions. • Slaves: they did not have any type of rights,
Stages of the Roman Empire they were prisoners of war and were used for
The politics of the Roman Empire can be divided into trade. They were the lowest social class in the
two stages: High Empire and Low Empire. empire. Slaves who had been freed by their
High Empire: It consists of the stage that was from owners were called freedmen.
Augustus to Diocletian, more specifically, from the In addition to this class division, there was another
beginning of the empire in the years 27 BC. C. until group of Roman citizens: the honorary citizens, who
284 AD. c. were those who renounced their old nationality to
This stage of the Roman Empire was characterized become Romans; the members of the army, who had
by its rise, reaching the most important point of its to undergo extensive training to belong, and the free
territorial expansion. settlers, freed slaves, but with no other option to
During the High Roman Empire, 4 different dynasties survive than to continue working for their owners.
ruled: Political organization
• Julio-Claudian dynasty, successors of The political system of the Roman Empire was
Augustus, 14 to 68 AD. c centralized and characterized by absolutism, since
• Flavian Dynasty – 69 to 96 AD. c. the emperor had all the authority, power and was in
• Antonine Dynasty – 96 to 192 AD. c. charge of military, legislative and judicial affairs.
• Severina dynasty – 192 to 235 AD. c. The Senate was an advisor to the emperor and did
Late Empire : The Late Roman Empire began with not have enough power to make decisions.
the arrival of Diocletian to power, in the year 284 AD. The assemblies were held as a Roman tradition, but
C., and ended with the fall of the empire, in the year they had no authority and much less power. The
476 AD. c. This stage was characterized by members of the magistrate were under the authority
beginning a phase that years later would lead to the of the emperor, who elected them.
crisis that put an end to the great empire. Economy of the Roman Empire
The economy of the empire was based on slavery,
since thanks to the hard work of the slaves the State
benefited. These enslaved people built fortifications, barbarians by the Romans because they did not
communication routes and ports. In addition, the speak the languages of the empire, caused fear in
economy was also based on livestock and the citizens who lived in the border cities.
agriculture. In the case of agriculture, wheat, barley, Next, we review the main barbarian towns and some
legumes, vegetables, grains, olive trees and of the invasions that led to the collapse and
vineyards were grown. Furthermore, this economy dismemberment of the Empire. We highlight the
was supported thanks to the tribute and taxes that figures of Attila the Hun and Od Oacro.
were demanded from other towns or from the citizens Main barbarian towns
themselves . There are numerous peoples or tribes that were
Religion of the Roman Empire located around the Roman territories, the Saxons, the
At the beginning of the Roman Empire, the official Jutes, the Alans, the Suebi, the Burgundians, the
religion was based on polytheism, that is, on the cult Vandals, the Germans, the Angles and many others.
or worship of multiple divinities and gods. To honor However, we highlight four main ones:
them, temples were used where there were sacrifices • The Visigoths , from Thrace, present-day
and different offerings. They had a large number of Romania. They invaded Hispania and
religious festivals. expelled the Vandals who until then occupied
From the year 380 AD. C., with significant growth in it to North Africa. Monarch Eurich was the first
the region, Christianity became the main official independent king of Rome, many others
religion of the empire. The old practice of worshiping followed until 711 when the Muslims took the
various gods was forgotten and Christianity began to peninsula.
be an important factor in the history of humanity. • The Huns , from Mongolia, are a nomadic
roman gods people who began to head west in the 3rd
Before Christianity was established as an official century, devastating all the cities they passed
religion, the Romans were polytheistic, that is, they through, raping, looting and enslaving the
believed in various gods: Jupiter, Juno, Vulcan, towns and their inhabitants. Its main leader
Diana, Phoebus, Minerva, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, was Attila.
Mars, Mercury, Bacchus, etc. • The Franks invaded northern Gaul, present-
The fall of the Roman empire day France, and became fervent defenders of
To understand the fall of the Roman Empire, it must Catholicism. Its best-known king is
be clear that it was divided in the year 395 AD. c. Charlemagne who would become Emperor of
when Theodosius, before dying, decided to divide the the West during the Holy Roman Empire.
empire between his sons Arcadius and Honorius. • The Ostrogoths , led by Odoacer, invaded
From then on, the empire was divided into 2: the Italy, causing the collapse of the Western
Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Roman Empire after the conquest of Rome in
Empire. 476 AD.
By the year 475 AD. C., when Romulus Augustulus
came to the throne and due to his inefficiency in Attila the Hun : The most feared and powerful of the
governing the western side of the empire, he was Hun kings. He led his nomadic people from Mongolia
losing territories until a barbarian emperor, called to Central Europe, he was the last of the Hun leaders
Odoacer, took advantage of the situation and decided since after his death they disappeared. He ruled the
to conquer this side of the empire, thus giving it its largest empire of his time from 434 until his death. He
start. to the Middle Ages. attacked the Roman Empire on numerous occasions,
The end of the Roman Empire is considered the fall both from the East and the West. He besieged
of its western side, since this included the loss of the Constantinople and sacked Rome, the Roman
great territorial power as it was known in its heyday. capitals. Although his empire disappeared with him,
In any case, it was not the same situation for the he left an indelible mark on the minds of Roman
eastern side, which lasted almost 1000 more years citizens due to his bravery and cruelty.
under the name of the Byzantine Empire. Odoacer: We highlight the Ostrogothic leader due to
This came to an end in 1453, with the fall of his crucial intervention in the fall of the Western
Constantinople at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, since it was precisely he who led the
an event that began the Modern Age. Ostrogothic forces to take and sack Rome in the year
barbarian invasions 476 AD which was the trigger or final blow for the fall
The invasions of foreign peoples that surrounded the of the Western Roman Empire.
Roman Empire and constantly forced their armies to
fight to defend the Roman borders were one of the
main causes of the fall of Rome. These people, called
SOLUTION: its development.
During the imperial phase, Rome was characterized
1. by having an autocratic government in the hands of
Roman Empire: The Roman Empire was an empire the famous emperors. In this period, the rule of the
founded by Emperor Augustus in the year 27 BC. c., Romans extended to unthinkable limits. This era
which lasted until 476 AD. c. began in the year 29 BC. C. and ended in the year
At the beginning of the Roman Empire, the official 476 AD
religion was based on polytheism and to honor the
gods, temples were used where they made sacrifices • Mention and explain the periods into which the
and different offerings...they had a large number of Roman Empire is divided.
religious festivals. The politics of the Roman Empire can be divided into
two stages: High Empire and Low Empire.
Barbarian invasions: the Roman Empire constantly
High Empire
forced its armies to fight to defend the Roman
borders, were one of the main causes of the fall of It consists of the stage that was from Augustus to
Rome. Diocletian, more specifically, from the beginning of
the empire in the
• Describe the characteristics of the Roman years 27 a. C. until 284 AD. c. This stage of the
Empire: Roman Empire was characterized by its rise,
The domain of the Roman Empire covered the entire reaching the
coasts of what is currently known as the
Mediterranean Sea. More specifically its domains most important point of its territorial expansion.
were: North Africa, western Asia and southern and During the High Roman Empire, 4 different dynasties
western Europe. All powers (administrative, political, ruled:
military and religious) fell to the figure of the emperor.
• Julio-Claudian dynasty, successors of Augustus,
• Describe the geographical location of the 14 to 68 AD. c
Roman Empire and prepare the corresponding • Flavian Dynasty – 69 to 96 AD. c.
The geographical location of the ancient Roman • Antonine Dynasty – 96 to 192 AD. c.
civilization is present-day Italy, in the valley of the 7 • Severine Dynasty – 192 to 235 AD. c.
hills near the Tiber river, the most important in Italy.
Under Empire
The proximity of the city to this river made it possible
to obtain water for the development of different The Lower Roman Empire began with the arrival of
agricultural and livestock activities (especially sheep). Diocletian to power, in the year 284 AD. C., and
ended with the fall
of the empire, in the year 476 AD. c.
This stage was characterized by beginning a phase
that years later would lead to the crisis that put an
end to the great empire.
3. From the attached material or other sources of
information, define the following concepts related
to the Roman Empire:
- Empire: An empire is a multi-religious, multicultural
and multi-ethnic State that obtained at least part of its
territory through annexation conquests and that, in
addition, maintains constant expansion as long as
there are no external or internal pressures of an
economic, political or military nature.
- Civilization: A civilization is a complex society, and
• When did the Roman Empire develop?
therefore its defining features are its form of
Describe the temporal location, that is, the date of
organization, its institutions and its social structure, What are the main causes of the fall of the Roman
as well as its available technology and the way it Empire?
exploits available resources.
1- Decline in values and morals.
- Dynasty: A dynasty is a series of rulers of one or
2- Public health and diseases.
different states, related to each other, or all coming
from the same family; especially in monarchies. 3- Poor technological development.
- Polytheism: It is a religious or philosophical 4- Inflation.
conception based on the existence of several divine
5- urban decay.
beings or gods. In most religions.
- Barbarian invasions: Period of the great
6- A Divided Empire.
migrations (in traditional European historiography 7- Barbarian invasions.
they have also been called barbarian invasions or
8- Too much military spending.
Germanic migrations) is a period between the 3rd
century and the 7th century AD that affected 9- Christianity and the decline of civic
extensive regions of the temperate zone of Eurasia, virtue
and which ended up causing the fall or destabilization
10-political corruption.
of large consolidated empires such as the Roman
Empire, the Sassanid Empire, the Gupta Empire or
the Han Empire.
What is the fundamental difference between
- Fall of the Roman Empire: Almost without making
Patricians and Plebeians?
a sound, the Western Roman Empire fell, devoured
by the barbarians. The one in the East would survive The patricians were the nobles who, according to
for a thousand more years, until the Turks, in 1453, them, had been from the founding families of Rome,
overthrew the last Byzantine emperor. With him the they were the aristocracy.
two-millennial dominion of the descendants of The plebeians were all common people, both low and
Romulus ended. middle class, they could never become patricians no
- Citizens: A person considered an active member matter how rich they were, because they did not have
of a State, holder of political rights and subject to its the patrician surnames of nobility.
- Absolutism: Absolutism is a system of absolute
Taking into account the political organization
government, in which power resides in a single
person who rules without accountability to a In the Roman Empire what is the difference
parliament or society in general. fundamental with the political system of our
- Attila: Attila was the last and most powerful leader country?
of the Huns, a tribe probably from Asia, although his
In Rome only a part of the population could
exact origins are unknown.
participate (free men and rich people) in decision
- Odoacer: Germanic king of the Heruli. He was making while in our country everyone participates to
proclaimed king of Italy by his troops in the year 476. choose a person to represent us.
Finally, he took Tarraconense (470-475, and forced
with Odoacer to depose the last Western Roman
emperor, Romulus Augustulus in 476. What is the relationship between the fall of the
- Emperor: An emperor is the sovereign monarch of empire
an empire or a monarch who has other kings as Roman and barbarian invasions?
vassals. During the decline of the Roman Empire, there were
4. Solve the following questions by using the many barbarian (foreign) peoples who, taking
infer skill. advantage of internal dissidence, approached its
borders and settled there, constantly pressing to Make a comic strip about the fall of the Empire
enter. Roman

What is the fundamental difference between the

religion in the Roman Empire and our
religious beliefs?
The religion of the Roman Empire worshiped many
While that of the European only worships one God.

What were the main barbarian towns and where

were they located?

After the retreat of the Huns, barbarian tribes settled

in the interior of the empire: the Franks and
Burgundians took Gaul; The Suebi, Vandals and
Visigoths settled in Hispania; The Heruli took the
Italian peninsula after defeating and deposing the last
Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus.
Consult and draw the main Roman gods.

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