Infographic Software Development Methodology

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development of

A software development methodology is the
set of techniques and procedures from the general
to the particular to achieve a specific objective
which in the case of software would be to design solutions

There are 2 types: traditional and



A software prototype is built
so that users can test it and
give feedback, with this
information changes are added
and fixing what's wrong until
reach the final result. It is a method
trial and error.


a useful method to maintain contact with
the user, since there is constant feedback
and for this reason it can give very good

On the other hand, it is a method with a

lotwork, you must be there all the time
working and may cause delays
in delivery times, due to the
constant feedback and changes that
they must be done.

The stages are organized from top to bottom
like a waterfall. Obey an order,
Before changing stages, you should review
if you are ready for the next session. The
initializations cannot be
r what the result looks like
in advanced levels

It is a very organized methodology, pending help to be
identand 100%
and IUU%sure of of
sure the work
the job carried out. Delivery
times are met to the letter.

However, it is an inflexible method so it can cause

problems in the advanced phases, since the
specifications made at the beginning of the project can
change at any time, which makes it difficult to solve any
problem found in the middle of the processes.
In this software
development methodology,
the final product is built progressively. The
software can be started even before it is fully
completed and is generally much more flexible
than other methodologies.


In each incremental stage, a

new functionality, allowing you to see
results faster
comparison with the waterfall model. Is
more flexible.

But its disadvantage is that it requires a lot of

preparation and clear goals.



It is based on interpersonal
relationships, it is the key to success. The
main objective is to create a good
teamwork environment and constant
feedback from the client.


Thanks to good communication, misunderstandings are avoided and everything can be
designed to measure. Time is saved since no progress is made without being sure, making
the process more effective. Allows you to correct all
errors periodically. As for its disadvantages, it is
difficult to keep documentation due to constant
changes. There is also dependency on others and
there may be friction with the client.
Divide tasks into small portions
and organize into work boards,
short, fixed blocks of time to
get a result in each
iteration. It is divided into the following
stages: iteration planning,
execution, daily meeting and demonstration
of results


It is flexible, it adapts to any situation. It has great
acceptance by users since the results of each
stage are constantly seen and they are in
constant participation to propose solutions, it is a
joint evaluation.

On the other hand, it requires a high

commitment from all participants, it works with
small teams and tasks and deadlines must be
defined very well.


Jse prepares a table or diagram in which three

columns of tasks are reflected; pending, in process
or completed. This is within reach of all team
members, thus avoiding the repetition of tasks or the
possibility of forgetting any of them. Therefore, it
helps improve the productivity and efficiency of the
work team.


The advantages it has are task planning, improvement in
team work performance, and visual metrics.
On the other hand, it is a limited methodology. It can
only be used in small projects since, since all tasks must
be planned, some may be left out if the project is very large
or there are many people. It can become overwhelming
due to the number of tasks necessary.

Maida, E, G., Pacienzia, 3. (2015). Software development methodologies [online]. Bachelor's
Thesis in Systems and Computing. Fray Rogelio Bacon Faculty of Chemistry and Engineering.
Argentine Catholic University.
Karol Yesenia Gómez Rojas - SENA

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