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Lab 2: Verification of series and par-

allel load resistances,reactance on mat-


2.1 Abstract
The lab gives us the understanding about the the parallel and series load reactance
and resistances and their effect on power,current and voltage.The relationship between
reactive and real power shows what happens to system when reactive power increases
causing the increased power factor with line losses.

2.2 Objectives
The main objectives of the lab are: The main objectives of the lab session were:

• Calculate the value of resistance and reactance for series connected load of P+Qj

• Calculate the net power output for different arrangements of series and parallel
loads .

• Calculate the value of resistance and reactance for parallel connected load of
P+Qj power.

• Observe the advantage and disadvantage of of each arrangements.

2.3 Tasks 1,2

Attach series load of 700W, 140vars.Observe the output.

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

2.3.1 Results

Figure 1.1: Voltage and current measurement at series load of 700W, 140vars

Figure 1.2: Output voltage and current measurement at series load of 700W ,140vars

2.3.2 Discussion
When series load of 700W 140vars is connected the voltage 220V and current of
3.245 is observed that is slightly less than what we expected as our reactive power is
713.86W but doing calculations with observed voltage and current values give reactive
power of 700W which is close to expected value.Loading effect, Signal processing
technique such as taking into the account of factors like frequency ,harmonics,and
noise might be the reasons of not getting exact reactive power.

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

1.4 Task 3
Calculate the value of resistance and inductance when connected in series.

1.4.1 Calculations
Q=140W ,P=700W ,Vrms=220 V

R= (1.1)
P 2 + Q2

2202 · 700
R= (1.2)
7002 + 1402
R = 66.48Ω (1.3)

X= (1.4)
P 2 + Q2
2202 · 140
X= (1.5)
1402 + 7002
X = 13.29Ω (1.6)
X = 13.29Ω (1.7)
X = 2πwL (1.8)

L= (1.9)
L = 0.042 H (1.10)

1.5 Tasks 4,5

Connect series branch and put the values previously calculated.Observe output.

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

1.5.1 Results

Figure 1.3: Volatge and Current measurement when series branch is connected

1.5.2 Discussion
When series branch instead of series load is placed in circuit reactive power and power
factor is slightly improved .We get reactive power of 703W.

1.6 Task 6
Connect RL Series Load and RL series Branch in series and ,observe the total power
being fed and calculate it mathematically .

1.6.1 Calculations
Assuming RLC branch and load having same impedance.The impedance of both
added as there are connected in series. V=220V , R = 66.48Ω, X = 0.04Ω if branch
and load

Z = (66.48 + 66.48) + (0.04 + 0.04)j (1.11)

Taking square root gives:
Z = 132.96Ω (1.12)
Let’s find the current (I):

V =I ·Z and I = (1.13)
Given V = 220,
I= (1.14)
I ≈ 1.65 A (1.15)

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

The power equation is given by:

P =VI (1.16)

Substituting the values:

P = 220 × 1.65 (1.17)

Calculating the result:

P = 363 W (1.18)

1.6.2 Results

Figure 1.4: Voltage and current measurement when RL Series Load and RL Series
Branch is in series

1.6.3 Discussion
When RL series and branch load are connected in series the current is significantly
reduced as current find more resistance in its path to flow because of this hindrance
current is reduced which ultimately results in reduced reactive power .

1.6 Task 7
Calculate the value of resistance and inductance when connected in parallel.

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

1.6.1 Calculations
Rp = (1.19)
Rp = (1.20)
Rp = 69.142Ω (1.21)
Xp = (1.22)
Xp = (1.23)
Xp = 345Ω (1.24)
Xp = 2πwL (1.25)

L= (1.26)
L = 1.101 H (1.27)

1.6 Tasks 8,9

Connect Parallel branch and put the values previously calculated and observe outputs.

1.6.1 Results

Figure 1.5: Output Voltage and current measurement when RL Series Load and RL
Series Branch is in parallel

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

Figure 1.6: Voltage and current measurement when RL Series Load and RL Series
Branch is in parallel

1.6.2 Discussion
When RL series load and branch are connected in parallel the current is significantly
increased as the resultant resistance will be less than the smallest resistance so current
find small hindrance in path causing more current flow which results in more reactive
power and power losses associated with it.

1.6 Task 10
Connect these models(RL Series Load , RL Series Branch and RL Parallel branch in
series ,observe the total power being fed and caculate it mathematically.)

1.6.1 Results

Figure 1.7: Voltage and current measurement when RL Series Load, RL Series Branch
and RL Parallel Branch is in series

Verification of series and parallel load resistances,reactance on matlab Lab 2

Figure 1.8: Output voltage and current measurement when RL Series Load,RL series
Branch and RL Parallel Branch is in series

1.6.2 Discussion
When RL Series load,RL series branch and RL parallel branch is connected in series
resultant resistance is increased allowing less flow of current and reduced reactive

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