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A sol–gel approach to nanophasic

copper oxide thin films
Davide Barreca

Thin Solid Films

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Thin Solid Films 442 (2003) 48–52

A sol–gel approach to nanophasic copper oxide thin films

Lidia Armelaoa,*, Davide Barrecaa, Manuel Bertapelleb, Gregorio Bottarob, Cinzia Sadac,
Eugenio Tondellob
ISTM-CNR and INSTM, Department of Chemistry, University of Padova, via Marzolo, 1, Padova, Italy
Department of Chemistry and INSTM, University of Padova, via Loredan, 4, Padova, Italy
INFM and Department of Physics, University of Padova, via Loredan, 9, Padova, Italy


Nanostructured copper oxide films were prepared via sol–gel starting from ethanolic solutions of copper (II) acetate
wCu(CH3COO)2ØH2Ox. Films were obtained by dip-coating at room temperature in air and were subsequently heat-treated at
different temperatures (100–900 8C) in oxidizing (air), inert (N2 ) or reducing (4% H2 in N2) atmospheres. The evolution of the
oxide coatings under thermal treatment was studied by glancing incidence X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
and X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. Different crystalline phases were observed as a function of the annealing
conditions. Depending on both temperature and atmosphere, the film composition resulted single- or multi-phasic. All the layers
were nanostructured with an average crystallite size lower than 20 nm. The most relevant results concerning sample composition
and microstructure as well as their mutual relations with the synthesis conditions are presented and discussed.
䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Copper oxides; Nanosystems; Sol–gel; Thin films

1. Introduction and for the photocatalytic decomposition of water w14x.

On this basis, a deeper insight into the chemico–physical
Copper oxide-based materials have been widely inves- properties of such systems and their dependence on the
tigated due to their potential applications in many synthetic routes can lead to the optimization of func-
technological fields. Cupric oxide (CuO, tenorite) is a tional performances. In this context, the inherent synergy
monoclinic p-type semiconductor with a band gap of of large surface area and high defect content displayed
1.2–1.5 eV w1–3x, whereas cuprous oxide (Cu2O, by nanosystems is expected to result in improved prop-
cuprite) is a cubic p-type semiconductor with a band erties with respect to the conventional ones w15x. To this
gap of 2.0 eV w3,4x. aim, the sol–gel technique plays an outstanding role as
Copper oxides and metallic copper have been a soft bottom-up approach to achieve a good control
employed as heterogeneous catalysts for several envi- over film composition and microstructure.
ronmental processes, e.g. NO selective reduction, CO This paper is focused on the sol–gel synthesis and
oxidation and NO2 decomposition w5–8x. Furthermore, characterization of nanocrystalline copper oxide thin
copper (II) oxide thin films could be employed in the films. To the best of our knowledge, only few works
production of gas sensing devices, owing to the conduc- are available in the literature w13,16x.
tivity changes induced by the reaction of gases with In the preparation of such systems, stoichiometry and
surface adsorbed oxygen w9,10x. Conversely, when com- phase composition represent a major concern. Further
bined with small noble metal particles, copper (II) oxide aspects, such as crystallite size and distribution, can be
displays high activity as optical gas sensor w11,12x. suitably tailored by a proper choice of the molecular
Regarding Cu2O, it is a very promising material for the precursors and of the annealing conditions. Particular
development of photovoltaic devices like solar cells w13x attention was focused on the chemical and microstruc-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q39-49-827-5236; fax: q39-49-
tural evolution of the systems as a function of the
8275-161. annealing treatment, e.g. temperature, time and
E-mail address: (L. Armelao). atmosphere.

0040-6090/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Armelao et al. / Thin Solid Films 442 (2003) 48–52 49

The microstructural evolution was studied by glancing

incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), while the chemi-
cal composition and copper oxidation state were inves-
tigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and
X-ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy (XE-AES).

2. Experimental

In this work copper (II) acetate was used as a starting

compound. The choice was made taking into account
that the hydrolysis of acetate groups gives products
soluble in the solvent medium and easily decompose
into volatile compounds under annealing.
As far as the preparation of copper oxide thin films
was concerned, the best results were achieved starting
from a precursor solution obtained dissolving copper
acetate (Cu(CH3COO)2ØH2O, Aldrich, 98%) in ethanol
(C2H5OH, Carlo Erba, 99.8%). The prepared solution
(cCuOf10 gyl) was stirred at room temperature for at
least 1 h before film deposition.
The films were obtained by a dip-coating procedure.
Herasil silica slides, supplied by Heraeus, were used as
substrates. Before use, the slides were cleaned according Fig. 1. GIXRD spectra for samples annealed in air under different
to a well-established procedure w17x, aimed at favoring conditions. The observed diffraction peaks correspond to the tenorite
the best adhesion of the layers on the substrates. CuO crystal phase.
Film deposition was carried out in air at room
temperature with a controlled withdrawal speed of energy (BE) of the Au4f7y2 line at 83.9 eV with respect
approximately 7 cm miny1. Coatings were obtained by to the Fermi level. The standard deviations for the BE
means of a multi-dipping process, up to seven deposi- values were "0.15 eV. Charge neutralization with a low
tions, without any thermal treatment between them. The energy electron flood gun was adopted. The residual
as-prepared samples resulted homogeneous; well-adher- shift on the reported BE values were corrected assigning
ent to the substrates, transparent, crack free and pale to the C1s line of adventitious carbon a value of 284.8
blue coloured. eV w18x.
The obtained films were subsequently heated in a Wide scan spectra (survey) were obtained in the
horizontal tube furnace (Gero) at temperatures between range 0–1350 eV. Detailed scans were recorded for C1s,
100 and 900 8C with a temperature accuracy of 1 8C. O1s, Cu2p and CuLMM regions. The different copper
The time of treatment was varied between 1 and 5 h in oxidation states were evaluated using the Auger a
three different flowing gas atmospheres, i.e. air, nitrogen parameter w19x, defined as the sum of the BE value of
(purity 5.0) and forming gas (4% H2 in N2, purity 5.0). the Cu2p3y2 XPS band and the kinetic energy (KE) of
After annealing at 600 8C the film thickness was f100 the CuLMM Auger peak. The atomic compositions were
nm. evaluated using sensitivity factors provided by F V5.4A
The film structural evolution was studied as a function software supplied by Perkin–Elmer w19x. Depth profiles
of the annealing conditions (temperature, time and were carried out by Arq sputtering at 3.0 keV with an
atmosphere) by means of glancing incidence X-ray argon partial pressure of 5=10y6 Pa. The samples were
diffraction. introduced directly, by a fast entry lock system, into the
GIXRD measurements were performed with a D8 XPS analytical chamber.
ADVANCE Bruker diffractometer equipped with a Cu-
Ka source (40 kV, 40 mA) and a Gobel ¨ mirror, at a 3. Results and discussion
fixed incidence angle of 1.58. The angular accuracy was
0.0018 and the angular resolution was better than 0.018. Copper oxide thin films were preliminarily investi-
The crystallite dimensions were estimated for all the gated by GIXRD. Fig. 1 displays the XRD spectra of
samples by Scherrer equation. the films heated in air. At temperatures higher than 400
XPS spectra were run on a Perkin–Elmer F 5600ci 8C, two reflections at 2uf35.58 (N002M, Ny111M) and
spectrometer using monochromatized Al-Ka radiation 2uf 38.78 (N111M) were observed in the diffraction
(1486.6 eV). The working pressure was -5=10y8 Pa. patterns and were ascribed to the formation of the CuO
The spectrometer was calibrated assuming the binding monoclinic crystal phase (tenorite) w20x. Moreover, an
50 L. Armelao et al. / Thin Solid Films 442 (2003) 48–52

annealed in air in analogous conditions evidenced no

differences in the crystallite dimensions.
Further information on the formation and stability of
CuO and Cu2O was gained from the analysis of the
samples annealed in forming gas atmosphere. The results
are displayed in Fig. 3.
The microstructural evolution of the system under
mild reducing conditions is slightly different from the
one observed in nitrogen. For the samples annealed in
air or nitrogen, the crystalline phase was tenorite (CuO)
in a wide range of temperature and time. Conversely,
on annealing in forming gas, a weak reflection associ-
ated to the Cu2O crystalline phase was detected in the
diffraction pattern of the sample heated at 500 8C.
Higher temperatures (900 8C) and prolonged heating
times (3 h) led to a decrease in the intensity of Cu2O
reflections and to an increase in tenorite lines. Finally,
the diffraction pattern of the sample treated for 5 h
showed the co-existence of three crystalline phases, i.e.
CuO, Cu2O and metallic copper w22x.
This behavior suggests a more complex microstruc-
tural evolution under annealing in forming gas flow. As
Fig. 2. Diffraction spectra for samples annealed in N2. The markers a matter of fact, both CuO and metallic copper might
in figure indicate the CuO (h) and Cu2O (*) crystal phases. be formed from cuprite, probably due to redox processes
occurring as a consequence of the Cu2O nanocluster
reactivity under reducing atmosphere.
increase either in the annealing time or temperature To clarify the observed phenomena, the sample
induced a stepwise increase in the diffraction peak annealed at 900 8C for 5 h in nitrogen (showing only
intensities. Irrespective of the treatment temperature, all the Cu2O phase) was treated under the same conditions
samples resulted nanostructured with an average crys-
tallite size of approximately 20 nm. This phenomenon
suggested that no crystallite growth occurred under more
severe annealing conditions. The intensity increase in
the tenorite reflections was attributed to a progressive
crystallization of cupric oxide.
The CuO crystal phase was the only Cu–O form
observed in air. To study the formation of different
crystalline phases containing reduced copper species,
the as-prepared samples were heated both in N2 and
forming gas (4% H2 in N2) flow.
Fig. 2 displays the evolution of the GIXRD spectra
for samples annealed at temperatures between 500 and
900 8C in nitrogen. In accordance with the results
obtained in air, the tenorite phase was the most stable
up to 900 8C and 1 h treatment. Prolonged treatments
at 900 8C produced a progressive conversion of CuO to
Cu2O. As a matter of fact, in the GIXRD pattern of the
sample heated for 3 h, besides the reflections due to the
tenorite phase, also two weak diffraction lines at 2uf
36.48 (N111M) and 2uf42.38 (N200M) were observed
and attributed to the Cu2O (cuprite) crystalline phase
w21x. Such a conversion resulted complete after 5 h
annealing and cuprite crystallites with a mean diameter Fig. 3. GIXRD spectra for samples annealed in forming gas under
size of approximately 20 nm were observed. A compar- different conditions. The markers in figure indicate the CuO (h),
ison with the diffraction data collected for the sample Cu2O (*) and Cu (⽧) crystal phases.
L. Armelao et al. / Thin Solid Films 442 (2003) 48–52 51

In the spectra reported in Fig. 5, the Cu2p3y2 peak

position for the sample containing only the Cu2O crys-
talline phase (see Fig. 2) showed an intermediate value
between those reported for Cu (I) and Cu (II) oxides
w25x. This finding may indicate the formation of CuO
in the outer layers of the film due to partial oxidation
of Cu(I). In fact, the Cu:O atomic ratio was always
close to 1 on the sample surface.
Further indication of Cu2O and CuO co-presence
might be traced back to the intensity ratio between each
spin-orbit split component and the corresponding shake-
up satellite. The analysis of the Cu2p bandshape profile
for the two specimens indicated a lower intensity ratio
for the sample annealed in N2 (Fig. 5), suggesting thus
the co-existence of Cu(I) and Cu(II) species on the
sample surface. Moreover, the Auger a parameters for
the films annealed in air and nitrogen resulted in 1851.6
eV and 1849.7 eV, respectively (see Fig. 5). A compar-
ison with literature values for CuO (1851.8 eV) and
Cu2O (1848.7–1849.4 eV) w18,25x confirmed unambig-
uously the presence of both copper oxides in the near-
surface region of the film annealed under inert
Fig. 4. GIXRD patterns for a film heated firstly at 900 8C for 5 h in
The absence of CuO reflections in the corresponding
N2 and then at 900 8C for 5 h in forming gas. XRD pattern (see Fig. 2) could be ascribed either to a
little CuO amount, to small cluster sizes or to a low
cristallinity degree.

(900 8C, 5 h) in forming gas. The diffraction pattern of 4. Conclusions

this sample (Fig. 4) evidenced the total disappearance Copper oxide films were prepared by sol–gel dip-
of the Cu2O crystal phase, along with the rise of intense coating on silica slides. The thermal annealing of the
CuO reflections and weak Cu signals.
In order to investigate the mutual relations between
microstructure and chemical composition, the above
specimens were characterized by XPS and XE-AES. It
is worth highlighting that, differently from XRD analy-
sis, both crystalline and amorphous phases are detected
by photoelectron spectroscopies.
In the XPS spectra all samples revealed signals from
Cu, O and C. The latter was ascribed to atmospheric
contamination (ca. 20 at.% on the surface), as indicated
by its disappearance after mild Arq sputtering. Detailed
Cu2p region scans for the samples containing only CuO
(600 8C, 1 h, air) or Cu2O (900 8C, 5 h, N2) crystalline
phases are displayed in Fig. 5.
The discrimination between Cu(II) and Cu(I) oxides
is usually accomplished by the analysis of the Cu2p
region, not only for the different peak position
(Cu2p3y2(CuO)s933.7 eV, Cu2p3y2(Cu2O)s932.5 eV)
w18,23x but also for the bandshape profile. The Cu2p
signals for Cu(II)-containing compounds are character-
ized by the presence of intense shake-up satellites
located at BE values 9 eV higher than the main spin-
orbit split components w24,25x. Conversely, in the case
of cuprous derivatives shake-up satellites are almost Fig. 5. XPS Cu 2p region for samples treated under air or nitrogen in
undetectable. different conditions.
52 L. Armelao et al. / Thin Solid Films 442 (2003) 48–52

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