Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern of Renewable Energy Sources and Demands

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Received 14 April 2024, accepted 26 April 2024, date of publication 6 May 2024, date of current version 24 May 2024.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3397710

Energy Balancing of Power System Considering

Periodic Behavioral Pattern of Renewable
Energy Sources and Demands
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi 923-1292, Japan
Corresponding author: Saher Javaid (

ABSTRACT Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), such as wind and photovoltaic systems, represent
environmentally sustainable options for power generation. However, the inherent variability in the output
energy of RESs poses a significant challenge to their seamless integration into the power grid. Furthermore,
fluctuations in consumer activity amplify the risks associated with power imbalances. To ensure the stable
operation of power systems, it is critical to enhance their ability to manage fluctuations caused by renewable
sources and dynamic demand. This paper introduces a pioneering concept for robust energy balancing
designed to mitigate energy imbalances resulting from fluctuating generation and demand mismatches. This
paper proposes system conditions for a power system to continue safe operation under any power levels of
fluctuating generation and demand considering worst-case analysis. In other words, our theorem provides
the boundary between a system that can continue its safe operation under any power levels of fluctuating
generators and loads and a system that may experience power/energy imbalance due to the fluctuations of
generators and loads. These two types of energy balancing conditions, named Supply-Dominated Energy
Balancing (SDEB) and Demand-Dominated Energy Balancing (DDEB), apply worst-case operations for
fluctuating power devices and best-case operations for controllable power devices. These two conditions
jointly provide sufficient conditions for a power system to operate safely under any power level of
fluctuations. The key idea behind these energy balancing concepts is the consideration of periodic behavioral
patterns of fluctuating sources and loads and their upper and lower bound envelopes, enabling us to analyze
the long-term system behavior by analyzing one-cycle operations. In addition, the extracted non-trivial
upper-bound and lower-bound envelopes of fluctuating sources and loads offer a novel interpretation of
the collaboration between storage systems and controllable sources/loads in energy balancing and provide
insights into the minimum sizes required for these devices to sustain safe and uninterrupted power system
operation. Finally, the application of the proposed SDEB and DDEB conditions to actual power generation
and consumption data is demonstrated. In general, worst-case-based theoretical discussions tend to yield a
result that is far apart from a practical situation. However, it is found that the difference between our result
and another cost-based practical approach is relatively small, which reveals the potential of the proposed
approach to work with more realistic constraints, preferences, etc., in practical situations.

INDEX TERMS Energy balancing, periodic behavioral patterns, energy storage systems, renewable energy
sources, power fluctuations.

DDEB Demand-Dominated Energy Balanc-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ESS Energy storage capacity of a power
approving it for publication was Ahmed F. Zobaa . storage device.
2024 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 12, 2024 For more information, see 70245
S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

Epgf (ts , te ) Energy generation of a fluctuating psout (t) Outgoing power from a power storage
power generator from time ts to te . device as a function of time t.
Epgf .max (ts , te ) Maximum energy generation of a fluc- psout.max Maximum outgoing power from a
tuating power generator from time ts power storage device.
to te . psout.min Minimum outgoing power from a
Epgf .min (ts , te ) Minimum energy generation of a fluc- power storage device.
tuating power generator from time ts SOC(t) State of charge of a power storage
to te . device as a function of time t.
Epℓf (ts , te ) Energy consumption by a fluctuating SOC max Maximum state of charge of a power
power load from time ts to te . storage device .
Epℓf .max (ts , te ) Maximum energy consumption by a SOC min Minimum state of charge of a power
fluctuating power load from time ts storage device.
to te . SDEB Supply-Dominated Energy Balancing.
Epℓf .min (ts , te ) Minimum energy consumption by a SOC State Of Charge.
fluctuating power load from time ts
to te .
Epgc (ts , te ) Energy generation of a controllable I. INTRODUCTION
power generator from time ts to te . The power infrastructure is every country’s backbone and
Epℓc (ts , te ) Energy consumption by a controllable most important economic aspect. The conventional power
power load from time ts to te . grid is less flexible to adapt new advanced technologies
pgf (t) Power generation of a fluctuating regarding safety and reliability [1] of the power system. The
power generator as a function of time t. power system has recently developed rapidly, incorporating
pgf .max (t) Maximum bound on the power genera- advanced sensing, communication, and control strategies,
tion of a fluctuating power generator as making the conventional power grid a “Smart Grid”. One
a function of time t, which is obtained prominent feature of the smart grid is its ability to obtain
from data profiling. power from different types of generators to meet high power
pgf .min (t) Minimum bound on the power genera- demands while reducing environmental pollution. These
tion of a fluctuating power generator as power sources are mostly renewable, such as photovoltaic and
a function of time t, which is obtained wind generation systems that supply clean energy, mitigate
from data profiling. gas emissions, and achieve a sustainable energy system [2].
pℓf (t) Power consumption of a fluctuating The necessity to reduce gas emissions caused by con-
power load as a function of time t. ventional power generators from fossil fuels, coupled with
pℓf .max (t) Maximum bound on the power con- the fast growth in the world’s power demand, is causing a
sumption of a fluctuating power load as large-scale expansion of photovoltaic and wind generation
a function of time t, which is obtained systems. The generated power from these power sources
from data profiling. fluctuates due to the cycle of day and night, weather
pℓf .min (t) Minimum bound on the power con- change, climate change, etc., and is uncontrollable. The
sumption of a fluctuating power load as uncertainty of generated power from these sources arises
a function of time t, which is obtained as the percentage of renewable sources in the current
from data profiling. power system increases [3], [4], [5]. Additionally, power
pgc (t) Power generation of a controllable variations on the consumer side due to user activity and
power generator as a function of time t. seasonal power demand escalate the chances of power
pgc.max Maximum power generation of a con- fluctuations [6], [7], [8].
trollable power generator. The power fluctuations from the generation and consump-
pgc.min Minimum power generation of a con- tion sides exhibit significant challenges to the power system
trollable power generator. operation. One such challenge is a power imbalance when
pℓc (t) Power consumption of a controllable the supply and demand characteristics differ. Power balance
power load as a function of time t. is crucial in ensuring the electrical network’s stability,
pℓc.max Maximum power consumption of a reliability, and efficiency. Here are some key points:
controllable power load. • Electrical Grid and Network Stability: When the power
pℓc.min Minimum power consumption of a supply matches demand, the electrical grid operates in
controllable power load. a stable state. Imbalances between supply and demand
psin (t) Incoming power to a power storage can lead to voltage variations, frequency deviations, and
device as a function of time t. even blackouts. Maintaining a balance between supply
psin.min Minimum incoming power to a power and consumption helps to keep the grid stable and
storage device. prevents disruptions in electrical service.

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S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

• Prevention of Overloads: In an imbalanced system between generators and loads. So, a problem arises in
where demand exceeds supply, there’s a risk of over- determining the size of the energy storage system and
loading transmission lines, transformers, and other controllable generators/loads. [22] classified the studies on
network components. Conversely, when supply exceeds sizing energy storage systems in terms of optimization
demand, there’s a risk of underutilizing generation criteria into financial, technical, and hybrid criteria. With
capacity, leading to inefficiencies and wasted resources. respect to financial criteria, research papers are competing
Balancing supply and consumption optimizes the uti- in introducing and integrating many different categories of
lization of network assets while avoiding overloads or costs under many different operation scenarios [23], [24],
underutilization. [25]. Technical criteria include battery-supported frequency
• Grid Resilience and Reliability: A well-balanced electri- regulation and voltage stability [26], [27], [28]. Criteria
cal grid is more resilient to disturbances such as power related to battery degradation/aging can also be technical
fluctuations, equipment failures, or natural disasters. criteria for the sizing of energy storage systems [29], [30],
By maintaining a balance between supply and consump- [31]. These technical criteria are often combined with other
tion, grid operators can respond more effectively to financial criteria as constraints in the sizing optimization or
unexpected events, minimizing the impact on electrical as a part of financial cost after the conversion, e.g., from
service reliability. charging/discharging rate into the replacement cost [32], [33].
• Quality of Service (QoS): Power and energy fluctuations This type of approach is categorized into hybrid. On the
can impact the quality of service experienced by other hand, [22] also categorized the algorithms to solve the
end users. For example, the power supply should be sizing problem into probabilistic, analytical, search-based,
continuous; sudden changes in power can lead to power and hybrid methods. Despite this categorization, most of
outages or discontinuity. the studies in any method rely on numerical simulations of
• Economic Consideration: Imbalances between power system behavior using synthetic system models with fixed
supply and consumption can have economic implica- size parameters, some operation scenarios, some concrete
tions, including higher electricity prices during periods system control algorithms, and generated/synthesized fluctu-
of high demand or increased costs associated with grid ating power data over time.
congestion. Balancing supply and consumption helps This paper provides an alternative aspect of the energy
to stabilize energy markets and ensure cost-effective storage sizing problem. The main issue discussed in this paper
delivery of electricity to consumers. is an energy balancing theorem for a power system containing
fluctuating power generators and fluctuating power loads
In order to maintain power/energy balance, integrating and controllable power generators, controllable loads, and
an energy storage system into a renewable-based power energy storage systems. The purpose of the theorem is to
system has been verified as the most suitable and feasible guarantee the continuation of safe operation of a power
solution [9], [10]. For example, when renewable generated system under any power levels of fluctuating generators and
power exceeds power demand, the excess power will loads, where the safe operation here refers to the state that
be used to charge energy storage for power curtailment. both power balance and energy balance are attained between
Similarly, when renewable generated power is insufficient generators, loads, and energy storage systems. In other words,
to fulfill demand, storage systems can discharge energy to the theorem provides the boundary between a system that
fill the gap between demand and generation. Further, many can continue its safe operation under any power levels (but
researchers have claimed that using energy storage systems to known as lower and upper bounds) of fluctuating generators
support renewable energy sources is unavoidable [11]. Thus, and loads and a system that may experience power/energy
energy storage systems help to realize economical, reliable, imbalance due to the fluctuations of generators and loads.
and sustainable power system operation. Some significant The theorem is described in terms of the sizes of generators,
benefits of storage integration into the power grid are peak loads, and storage systems, and hence, it is also closely related
hour energy shaving [12], [13], balancing energy [14], [15], to the sizing of energy storage systems. However, unlike
[16], storing energy for backup [17], renewable support [18], other approaches, our sizing provides the minimum sizes
[19], [20], power quality and security [21], etc. of controllable generators, controllable loads, and storage
The power system would have been less complex if the systems to theoretically guarantee the continuation of safe
power supply pattern coincided with the demand pattern. operation under any power levels (but known upper and lower
However, power-balancing methods are required in the bounds) of fluctuating generators and loads.
real physical environment for safe and continuous power The originality and contribution of this work lie in the
system operation when supply and demand patterns are following points.
rather discrepant. Installing energy storage systems and
additional controllable generators/loads (or connecting to 1) Two distinct aspects of power/energy balance, one is
a power grid, which can also be treated as a controllable “Supply-Dominated Power/Energy Balancing (SDEB)”
generator) are possible options to maintain the balance and the other is, “Demand-Dominated Power/Energy

VOLUME 12, 2024 70247

S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

Balancing (DDEB)” are introduced, and they are further

analyzed with worst case operations of fluctuating
parameters and best case operations of controllable
parameters. These two types of power/energy balance
jointly provide sufficient conditions for a power system
to operate safely under any power levels of fluctuating
sources and loads.
2) The introduction of the periodic power patterns of
fluctuating sources and demands enable us to analyze
the long-term system behavior by analyzing one cycle
operation. A key to this analysis is a special treatment
of the initial and final states of an energy storage system
in analyzing one cycle operation, which can allow the
continuation of the periodic operation. FIGURE 1. Extraction of time-dependent maximum and minimum power
3) In addition, the extracted non-trivial upper-bound bounds from Periodic behavioral patterns.
envelopes and lower-bound envelopes of fluctuating
sources and loads provide us with a novel interpretation
of the collaboration between storage systems and
controllable sources and loads in energy balancing,
as well as their minimum sizes necessary for the
continuation of safe operation.
The paper’s outline is as follows; Section II shows the
FIGURE 2. Time-dependent maximum and minimum power bounds of
consideration and importance of periodic behavioral patterns fluctuating power generator pgf and power load pℓf .
to keep the safe operation of a power system. Section III
shows the novel concept of energy balancing between power
generators, consumers, and storage systems, considering
mixed worst-case and best-case based analysis of system
periodic patterns. The concept of energy balancing is
behavior, and another key is the treatment of the boundary
explained with (i) Supply-Dominated Energy Balancing
between consecutive one-cycle behaviors, which will be
(SDEB), which is presented in Section IV, and (ii) Demand-
discussed later.
Dominated Energy Balancing (DDEB), which is explained In fact, most of the power demands arise from human
in Section V. Section VI shows the overall ESS sizing of
activities, and these human activities may have periodic
storage capacity for the safe operation of the power system.
patterns. Power consumption in homes with power peaks
Section VII shows the miscellaneous notes considering the
in the morning and evening, power consumption patterns
contribution of time-dependent upper and lower bounds and
in offices during daily working hours, and all-day power
trade-offs between controllable and storage devices. The consumption in 24-hour factories are examples of periodic
application of SDEB and DDEB theorems with an application behavioral power consumption patterns. On the other hand,
example is presented in Section VIII. Finally, the concluding
the fluctuating power sources may also have periodic
remarks are given in Section VIII.
patterns. A day-long periodic behavior of a PhotoVoltaic (PV)
source might be a typical example. Some renewable energy
II. PERIODIC BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS sources, such as solar, wind, ocean, etc., may have periodic
In order to show mathematical/theoretical conditions for a patterns depending on their type.
power system to continue its safe operation under any power Considering our worst-case-based analysis of the power
levels of fluctuating sources and demand, consideration of system, when these cyclic patterns are analyzed, first, the
the worst-case operations of fluctuating devices would be power levels of demands/generators are measured for a
essential in the discussions of this paper. When we treat sufficiently long time so that, conceptually speaking, every
the energy balancing issue, we need to consider more or possible case is included in the measurement. Then, the
less a certain time span since energy is defined as the measured data is folded over time with a prescribed time
integral of power over time. However, if we introduce period, which can be 24 hours, 169 hours (one week),
naively a finite time span in a discussion, the validity of the etc. Lastly, the time-to-time upper bound and lower bound
discussion is limited within the defined time span. A major are extracted to get the time-dependent upper bound and
motivation for introducing periodic behavioral patterns lies lower bound of power level for the measured device, which
in overcoming this dilemma and giving the mathematical are used as worst-case behaviors of the device in every
guarantee of a long-term safe operation by the analysis in period of time. Fig. 1 illustrates the process of getting the
an one-cycle time span. One of the keys to realize it is the time-dependent upper and lower bounds from measurement

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power source PGc , a fluctuating load PL f , a controllable load

PL c , and a storage system PS. Since the main concerns of
this paper are power balancing and energy balancing between
devices, the details of individual devices are not specified
instead of their category, i.e., generator, load or storage,
its type, i.e., controllable or fluctuating, and its parameters,
i.e., maximum and minimum power levels, capacity (size),
etc. A controllable generator may be a distributed generator
having its rated output power. The connection to a grid can
also be considered as a kind of controllable generator, where
its contract power can be treated as the maximum power level,
for example.
In this paper, the power generation at time t is represented
as pgc (t) and pgf (t) for controllable and fluctuating power
generators, respectively. Similarly, power consumption of
FIGURE 3. Power system under consideration.
both types of power loads at time t is shown as pℓc (t) and
pℓf (t), accordingly. The power generation of controllable
power generator is bounded between the minimum and
maximum power levels denoted as pgc.min and pgc.max ,
data (see Fig. 2). Note that, even for such a power source respectively.
or demand that does not have a periodic pattern, e.g.,
a completely random waveform, it can be modeled with pgc.min ≤ pgc (t) ≤ pgc.max (1)
constant (time-independent) upper and lower bounds and can
be included in the discussions in this paper. Similarly, the power consumption of controllable power loads
With respect to the introduction of periodic patterns, is bounded between minimum and maximum consumption
another motivation lies behind this analysis of periodic limitations represented as pℓc.min , and pℓc.max .
patterns. This kind of analysis, considering periodic patterns,
pℓc.min ≤ pℓc (t) ≤ pℓc.max (2)
provides us with more precise information about the worst-
case behavior. Otherwise, the upper and lower bound power For fluctuating power devices, time-dependent minimum
levels will be given as constants, such as the maximum and maximum power bounds which are obtained from the
and minimum over time of measured data. Such precise analysis of periodic behavioral patterns (see Section II) are
information about the worst-case behavior is expected to give used.
us a tighter system condition. In this sense, the choice of the
period is also important since it affects the size of the gap pgf .min (t) ≤ pgf (t) ≤ pgf .max (t) (3)
between the maximum and the minimum bounds. Regarding f .min f f .max
pℓ (t) ≤ pℓ (t) ≤ pℓ (t) (4)
human activities and if PV source is considered the main
renewable sources, 24 hours or 168 hours (a week-long) could where all of pgf .min (t), pgf .max (t), pℓf .min (t), and pℓf .max (t)
be a reasonable choice. are periodic functions with the period T . That is,

III. ENERGY BALANCING CONSIDERING PERIODIC pgf .min (t + T ) = pgf .min (t) (5)
and so forth with pgf .max (t), pℓf .min (t), and pℓf .max (t).
In this section, starting with the original forms of power
The parameters associated with energy storage are psin (t),
balance and energy balance equations for a power system, two out
ps (t), SOC(t), and ESS to show incoming power to storage,
distinct conditions named “Supply-Dominated Power/Energy
outgoing power from storage at time t, State Of Charge (SOC)
Balancing (SDEB)” and “Demand-Dominated Power/Energy
at time t, and energy storage capacity of storage, respectively.
Balancing (DDEB)” are introduced. These conditions ensure
ESS · SOC(t) represents the amount of energy stored in the
that the power system continues to operate safely under any
storage device.
situation of fluctuating devices. At this stage, the introduction
Additionally, psin (t) and psout (t) are bounded as;
of the periodicity of system behavior is still partial, and the
energy conditions are described with the time variable t. psin.min ≤ psin (t) ≤ psin.max (6)
These energy conditions are analyzed further in the following out.min out out.max
ps ≤ ps (t) ≤ ps (7)
In addition, overcharging and over-discharging would
A. OVERVIEW OF POWER SYSTEM damage the storage system and should be avoided. So, the
Fig. 3 shows a power system model under consideration, maximum and minimum limitations of SOC are used in this
which contains a fluctuating power source PGf , a controllable paper. These maximum and minimum allowable levels of the

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S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

SOC are represented as SOC max and SOC min , and the system C. ENERGY BALANCING
is to be controlled so that SOC(t) keeps these limitations. The power balancing in the previous subsection is a condition
qualified at every instantaneous time, whereas the energy
SOC min ≤ SOC(t) ≤ SOC max (8) balancing is another type of qualification on energy as the
temporal integral of power. Since the energy can be stored
In this paper, we assume that charging and discharging of
in and drawn out from a storage device, the energy balance
a storage system can be done without energy loss for both
needs to consider not only generated energy and consumed
storage charging and storage discharging.
energy but also the increase/decrease of stored energy in the
storage device. The next shows a form of energy balancing
between generators, loads, and storage devices, which is
Before starting the discussions on energy balancing, the qualified from time t0 till time t.
power balancing conditions are briefly reviewed [34]. Every
time instance t, the total outgoing power from devices and the Z t Z t
total incoming power into devices must be balanced, which is pgf (τ )dτ + pgc (τ )dτ + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
t0 t0
written with the following equation. Z t Z t
= pℓf (τ )dτ + pℓc (τ )dτ + SOC(t) · ESS (16)
pgf (t) + pgc (t) + psout (t) t0 t0
f c in
= pℓ (t) + pℓ (t) + ps (t) (9) where
Our concern is theoretically proven safe operation under
SOC(t) · ESS
the fluctuation of fluctuating devices. Toward this end, the Z t 
worst-case operation for fluctuating devices and the best = SOC(t0 ) · ESS + psin (τ ) − psout (τ ) dτ (17)
possible operation for controllable devices are considered in t0
the power balancing. First, the power balancing is translated
into two inequalities; Note that the left-hand side of (16) is the sum of the
generated energies by fluctuating and controllable generators
pgf (t) + pgc (t) + psout (t) and the initial energy stored in the storage device at time
≥ pℓf (t) + pℓc (t) + psin (t) (10) t0 , and the right-hand side is the sum of consumed energies
f c out
by fluctuating and controllable power loads and the energy
pg (t) + pg (t) + ps (t) remaining in the storage device at time t.
≤ pℓ (t) + pℓ (t) + psin (t)
f c
(11) The energy balancing equality constraint (16) is repre-
sented with two inequality constraints shown below,
The worst-case operation for fluctuating devices and
Z t Z t
the best possible operation for controllable devices are
pgf (τ )dτ + pgc (τ )dτ + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
substituted into individual inequalities. t0 t0
Z t Z t
pgf .min (t) + pgc.max + psout.max ≥ pℓf (τ )dτ + pℓc (τ )dτ + SOC(t) · ESS (18)
≥ pℓf .max (t) + pℓc.min + psin.min (12) Z t
Z t

f .max c.min out.min pgf (τ )dτ + pgc (τ )dτ + SOC(t0 ) · ESS

pg (t) + pg + ps
t0 t0
f .min c.max
≤ pℓ (t) + pℓ + psin.max (13) Z t Z t
≤ pℓf (τ )dτ + pℓc (τ )dτ + SOC(t) · ESS (19)
These inequalities are finally interpreted as the following t0 t0
Lemma 1 says.
Hereinafter, the former inequality constraint (18) is called
Lemma 1: For any time t and any power levels for
“Supply-Dominated Energy Balancing (SDEB)”, and the
fluctuating devices, pgf (t) and pℓf (t), there always exist the
latter (19) is called “Demand-Dominated Energy Balancing
power levels pgc (t), pℓc (t), psin (t) and psout (t) which satisfy
(DDEB)”. SDEB and DDEB are refined by applying
the power balance equation, if and only if;
the worst-case operations for fluctuating devices and the
pgc.max − pℓc.min + psout.max − psin.min best-effort operations for controllable generators, loads, and
storage devices to derive a theoretical condition for a system
≥ max {pℓf .max (t) − pgf .min (t)} (14)
0≤t<T to operate safely under any situation of fluctuating generators
pℓ c.max
− pgc.min + psin.max − psout.min and loads.
With respect to SDEB given by (18), pℓf (τ ) = pℓf .max (τ )
≥ max {pgf .max (t) − pℓf .min (t)} (15) and pgf (τ ) = pgf .min (τ ) as the worst-case operations for
The first condition is named “Supply-Dominated Power fluctuating power devices and pℓc (τ ) = pℓc.min , pgc (τ ) =
Balance (SDPB)”, and the second one is named “Demand pgc.max , psin (τ ) = psin.min and psout (τ ) = psout.max as the
Dominated Power Balance (DDPB)”. best-effort operations for controllable devices are substituted

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into (18), which results in the following.

Epgf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.max + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.min + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
+ (t − t0 )(psin.min − psout.max ) (20)
in case of
SOC(t0 ) · ESS + (t − t0 )(psin.min − psout.max ) > SOC min · ESS
Epgf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.max + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.min + SOC min · ESS (22)
in case of
FIGURE 4. The minimum of pgc.max − pℓc.min appears as the minimum
SOC(t0 ) · ESS + (t − t0 )(psin.min − psout.max ) ≤ SOC min · ESS slope of the convex envelop of Epℓf .max (ts , t ) − Epgf .min (ts , t ).

where, in case of
Z t
Epgf .min (t0 , t) = pgf .min (τ )dτ

(24) SOC(t0 )
Z 0t · ESS + (t − t0 )(psin.max − psout.min ) ≥ SOC max · ESS
f .max △ f .max
Epℓ (t0 , t) = pℓ (τ )dτ (25) (30)
In the former case, SDEB is finally represented as; where,
f .min
(t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pg c.max t
Epgf .max (t0 , t) = pgf .max (τ )dτ

≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.min t
Z 0t
+ (t − t0 )(psin.min − psout.max ) (26) Epℓf .min (t0 , t) =

pℓf .min (τ )dτ (32)
which is automatic from the supply-dominated version of the
power balancing condition given by (14). That is, if the power The former condition can be represented as;
balancing conditions (14) are satisfied, the former type of
energy balancing is always satisfied. Hence, in the following Epgf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.min
part of this paper, SDEB refers mainly to the latter given ≤ Epℓf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.max
by (22). + (t − t0 )(psin.max − psout.min ) (33)
A similar discussion is applied on DDEB given by (19).
That is, pgf (τ ) = pgf .max (τ ), and pℓf (τ ) = pℓf .min (τ ), as the which is derived from the demand-dominated version of the
worst-case of fluctuating devices, and pgc (τ ) = pgc.min , power-balancing condition given by (15). The energy balanc-
pℓc (τ ) = pℓc.max , psin (τ ) = psin.max , and psout (τ ) = ing is always satisfied if the power balancing conditions (15)
psout.min as the best-effort operation of controllable devices are satisfied. Accordingly, in the rest of this paper, DDEB
are substituted into (19), which yields the following. refers mainly to the latter case given by (29).
Epgf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.min + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
≤ Epℓf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.max + SOC(t0 ) · ESS In periodic behavioral patterns, the end of the first pattern is
+ (t − t0 )(psin.max − psout.min ) (27) the starting point of the next pattern. Since the initial SOC
of the energy storage system is not fixed for each periodic
in case of pattern, it can be treated as fluctuating. From this point of
SOC(t0 ) · ESS + (t − t0 )(psin.max − psout.min ) view, the final form of SDEB for a power system to operate
safely under any situation of fluctuating generators and loads
< SOC max · ESS (28)
will be derived.
Epgf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.min + SOC(t0 ) · ESS
Considering the fluctuating nature of the initial SOC,
≤ Epℓf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.max + SOC max · ESS (29) the worst-case operation is applied to SOC(t0 ). For the

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case of SDEB, SOC min is substituted into SOC(t0 ) in the

inequality (22).
Epgf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.max + SOC min · ESS
≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.min + SOC min · ESS (34)
Ultimately, the SDEB situation can be exhibited as,
Epgf .min (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pgc.max
≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.min (35)
The controllable and fluctuating parameters in (35) are
separated explicitly, which can be represented as,
(t − t0 ) · (pgc.max − pℓc.min )
≥ Epℓf .max (t0 , t) − Epgf .min (t0 , t) (36)
where the left hand side (t − t0 ) · (pgc.max
− pℓc.min )
is the maximum possible energy supply from the group
of controllable generators and loads (maximum energy FIGURE 5. Detailed examination of one periodic pattern from time ts to
supply from controllable generators minus minimum energy ts + T for the situation of SOC (ts ) = SOC min .
consumption by controllable loads), and the right hand side
Epℓf .max (t0 , t) − Epgf .min (t0 , t) is the maximum possible
energy consumption by the group of fluctuating loads and As a result, it can be concluded that, if (36) is satisfied for
generators (maximum demand from fluctuating loads minus t in one period, t0 ≤ t ≤ t0 + T , then (36) is satisfied
minimum energy generation of fluctuating generators). for all t, t ≥ t0 . Note that, if a long-term operation of a
Of course, the condition (36) must be satisfied for any time power system is considered and the transient behavior during
t, t ≥ t0 which can be verified by an analysis of one cycle the start-up of a power system is ignored, the choice of
operation from t = t0 to t = t0 + T due to the periodicity of t0 is not restricted by any specific event, and it can be made
pℓf .max (t). Now (36) is assumed to be satisfied from t = t0 to freely.
t = t0 + T , and consider the behavior of (36) at the time Theorem 1: SDEB for a power system to operate safely
t = t0 + kT + t′, 0 ≤ t′ < T . The left hand side of (36) is under any situation of fluctuating generators and loads is
evaluated as, given as follows.
(t − t0 )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) ∃
ts s.t. ∀
t, ts ≤ t ≤ ts + T ,
= (t0 + kT + t ′ − t0 )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) (t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min )
= (t0 + kT + t ′ − (t0 + kT ))(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) ≥ Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t) (39)
X With respect to the inequality (39), it is trivial that the equality
+ (t0 + iT − (t0 + (i − 1)T ))(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) holds at t = ts . In particular, if the equality holds at ts + T as
i=1 well, the power system is called “SDEB-critical”.
= (t0 + t ′ − t0 )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) Corollary 2: When a power system is SDEB-critical,
(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) is minimal, that is, (pgc.max − pℓc.min )
+ k(t0 + T − t0 )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) (37)
cannot be decreased without violating SDEB condition or
On the other hand, the right hand side of (36) is evaluated as decreasing Epℓf .max (t0 , t) − Epgf .min (t0 , t).
follows. Fig. 4 illustrates the relation between (t − t0 )(pgc.max −
pℓ c.min and Epℓf .max (t0 , t)−Epgf .min (t0 , t) for a SDEB-critical
Epℓf .max (t0 , t0 + kT + t ′ ) − Epgf .min (t0 , t0 + kT + t ′ )
power system. For fluctuating generator and load, the
= Epℓf .max (t0 + kT , t0 + kT + t ′ ) worst-case operation must consume the energy level EA at
− Epgf .min (t0 + kT , t0 + kT + t ′ ) t = ts + T . To satisfy this demanded energy, cooperation
k from controllable power devices is helpful to keep the power
Epℓf .max (t0 + (i − 1)T , t0 + iT ) level pgc.max for the controllable generator and pℓc.min for
controllable load from t = ts to t = ts + T .
k The area B signifies the surplus energy to be delivered from
Epgf .min (t0 + (i − 1)T , t0 + iT )
− the controllable generator compared with the energy demand
i=1 by the fluctuating load. Finally, the maximum distance
= Epℓf .max (t0 , t0 + t ′ ) − Epgf .min (t0 , t0 + t ′ ) between (t − ts ) · (pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and Epℓf .max (ts , t) −
Epgf .min (ts , t) shows the necessary storage capacity of the
+ k(Epℓf .max (t0 , t0 + T ) − Epgf .min (t0 , t0 + T )) (38) energy storage system.

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FIGURE 6. Detailed analysis of one periodic operation from time ts to

ts + T for the situation of SOC (ts ) > SOC min .

FIGURE 7. SDEB condition for the case that

Epℓf .max (ts , t ) − Epgf .min (ts , t ) has a decreasing section.
Using Fig. 5, one periodic pattern is examined from time ts to
ts +T . In this figure, an additional line that is parallel with the
some appropriate time ts + t ′′ , pgc (t) − pℓc (t) is controlled
line (t − ts ) · (pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and bounds Epℓf .max (ts , t) −
so that it follows the energy demand Epℓf .max (ts , t) −
Epgf .min (ts , t) from below is drawn. Firstly, it is assumed
Epgf .min (ts , t), and after time ts + t ′′ until ts + t ′ , pgc (t) and
that SOC(ts ) = SOC min . In order to catch up to the energy
pℓc (t) are set to pgc.max and pℓc.min , respectively, so that the
level EA demanded by Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t) at t =
stored energy in the energy storage system is increased from
ts + T , pgc (t) and pℓc (t) should be set at pgc.max and pℓc.min ,
ESS · SOC(ts ) to at least EB − EA′ . After ts + t ′ , the system will
respectively. The blue arrow shows the increase in energy by
be controlled as shown in the previous case.
(t −ts )·(pgc.max −pℓc.min ). This energy will be utilized in two
ways: one is to fulfill Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t) (region
C1 ) and the other is to charge the storage system (region B1 ). C. INTERPRETATION-2 OF SDEB CONDITION
As a result, the energy demand Epℓf .max (ts , t)−Epgf .min (ts , t) Fig. 7 shows the case that Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t) has
is fulfilled during [ts , ts +t ′ ], and the energy EB −EA′ is stored a decreasing section, i.e., time zone II from t = ts + t1 to
in addition to ESS ·SOC min in the storage at the time t = ts +t ′ . ts + t2 .
After t = ts + t ′ , the incremental energy by (t − (ts + t ′ )) · First, suppose that SOC(ts ) = SOC min . In this situation,
(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) is shown by the green arrow and region in order to fulfill the demanded energy Epℓf .max (ts , ts +
C2 , which is not enough for the demand Epℓf .max (ts + t ′ , t) − T ) − Epgf .min (ts , ts + T ) = EA , from t = ts to ts + T ,
Epgf .min (ts + t ′ , t). The stored energy EB − EA′ in the storage pgc (t) and pℓc (t) are set at pgc.max and pℓc.min , respectively,
system compensates for the energy shortage, corresponding throughout this one cycle. In time zone I from ts to ts + t1 ,
to the energy transfer from the region B2 to the region C3 . As a (t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) is partly used for fulfilling the
result, the energy demand Epℓf .max (ts + t ′ , t) − Epgf .min (ts + demand (region a.), and the rest is stored in the storage system
t ′ , t) during [ts +t ′ , ts +T ] is satisfied, and SOC of the storage (region b.). In time zone II from ts + t1 to ts + t2 , the gradient
system returns to SOC min at t = ts + T . During the above one of Epℓf .max (ts + t1 , t) − Epgf .min (ts + t1 , t) is negative, which
periodic pattern, the energy storage system needs to store the means pℓf .max (t) < pgf .min (t). Hence, the demand pℓf .max (t)
energy EB − EA′ in addition to ESS · SOC min . From above, the is fulfilled by the fluctuating power generator, and the excess
size of the storage can be concluded as, energy Epgf .min (ts + t1 , t) − Epℓf .max (ts + t1 , t) (region d.)
and the energy generated by controllable generator (region
SOC max · ESS ≥ EB − EA′ + SOC min · ESS (40) c.) are both stored in the storage system. In time zone III
and, from ts + t2 to ts + t3 , a part of the energy stored in the
storage or generated by the controllable generator (region f .)
EB − EA′ is transferred to fluctuating load to fulfill the demand (region
ESS ≥ (41)
SOC max − SOC min g.). At the end of this section t = ts + t3 , the energy EB
Next, it is assumed that SOC max ≥ SOC(ts ) ≥ (the sum of right edges of the region c., b′. and e.) as well
SOC min . Several scenarios for controlling the system can as the initial energy SOC min · ESS is stored. In time zone
be considered in this situation. One possible scenario is IV from ts + t3 to ts + T , both newly generated energy by
demonstrated using Fig. 6. During the time from t = ts until the generator (region h.) and the energy stored in the storage

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FIGURE 9. The minimum of pℓc.max − pgc.min appears as the minimum

slope of the convex envelope of Epgf .max (td , t ) − Epℓf .min (td , t ).
FIGURE 8. SDEB condition for the case of total energy excess between
fluctuating generators and fluctuating loads. One solution needs only
controllable loads to absorb the excess energy, but not controllable
generators to compensate for energy shortage. Temporal power/energy generators, is possible.
imbalance between fluctuating generators and fluctuating loads can be
resolved with the help of controllable loads and storage systems without
Epgf .min (ts , ts + T ) − Epℓf .max (ts , ts + T )
using controllable generators. pℓc.min ≤ (44)
pgc.max = pgc.min
= 0 (45)
system (energy transfer from region i. to region j.) are used Using Fig. 8, the behavior in one periodic cycle for the case
to fulfill the demand after t = ts + t3 . pℓf (t) = pℓf .max (t), pgf (t) = pgf .min (t) is explained. In the
With respect to the storage size, since the maximum energy time zone I, the excess energy Epgf .min (ts , t) − Epℓf .max (ts , t)
stored in the above behavior is SOC min · ESS + EB , the (regions a. and b.) is absorbed partly by the controllable loads
following is required. (region a.) and the rest by the storage system (region b.).
In the time zone II, the energy stored in the storage system
SOC max · ESS ≥ SOC min · ESS + EB (42) (region c.) is consumed by the fluctuating loads (region e.)
and the controllable loads (region d.). In time zone III, the
and hence, energy Ec remained in the storage system at the end of time
zone II (t = ts + t2 ) and the excess energy Ef from the
EB fluctuating generator are consumed by the controllable load
ESS ≥ (43) (region g.). Note that, even in this case, the gap between
SOC max − SOC min
(t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t)
In case SOC(ts ) > SOC min , the powers pgc (t) and pℓc (t) corresponds to the energy stored in the storage system.
are to be controlled during time zones I, II, and III so that
the demand from the fluctuating load is satisfied (time zones E. SDEB-BASED ESS SIZING CONDITION
I and III), the excess energy from the fluctuating generator From the previous three subsections, it is found that even
is absorbed (time zone II), and the storage device stores the if the fluctuating power generators and power loads behave
energy EB + SOC min · ESS at the end of time zone III. In time worst with respect to SDEB, the SDEB-critical system can
zone IV, the system can behave in the same way with the case operate safely with the help of controllable power generators,
of SOC(ts ) = SOC min . controllable power loads and power storage systems if the
capacity ESS is selected properly. The following theorem
D. INTERPRETATION-3 OF SDEB CONDITION provides a SDEB-based ESS sizing condition.
As the third case, we consider that Epℓf .max (ts , ts + T ) − Theorem 3: When a power system is SDEB-critical, then
Epgf .min (ts , ts + T ) is negative, which indicates that the (SOC max − SOC min ) · ESS
minimum energy generation in one periodic cycle by the n
fluctuating generator is larger than the maximum energy ≥ max (t − ts ) · (pgc.max − pℓc.min )
t∈[ts ,T +ts ]
consumption in one periodic cycle by fluctuating loads. o
If the condition of the SDEB-critical system is applied to the −(Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t) (46)
system, we have negative pgc.max − pℓc.min . As a result, the Note that if pgc.max − pℓc.min
is larger than that for the case of
following choice, which allows us to disconnect controllable SDEB-critical, the power supply by the storage system can

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FIGURE 11. Detailed analysis of one cycle operation from time td to

FIGURE 10. Detailed analysis of one cycle operation from time td to td + T for the case of SOC (td ) > SOC min .
td + T for the case of SOC (td ) = SOC min .

generators and loads (maximum energy supply from the

be partly taken over by the enlarged controllable generator, fluctuating generators minus minimum energy consumption
which may contribute to reducing the SDEB-based required by the fluctuating loads).
size of ESS . The discussions in this paper are devoted to By applying a similar argument with the SDEB condition
an SDEB-critical system, and the details about this type of in the previous section, when periodic upper and lower
trade-off between the size of the controllable load and the bounds on power levels of fluctuating generators and loads
size of the storage system remain one of the future research are considered, examining the inequality condition over one
directions. period of time can guarantee the inequality condition for
all time t after t0 . Accordingly, the following DDEB-based
V. SYSTEM CONDITION BASED ON DDEB system condition is obtained.
Next, the DDEB-based system condition is discussed. Similar
to the discussion on the SDEB-based condition, the initial B. INTERPRETATION-1 OF DDEB CONDITION
SOC at time t0 is treated as a fluctuating parameter, and its
Theorem 4: DDEB for a power system to operate safely
worst-case operation is considered to get the DDEB-based
under any situation of fluctuating generators and loads is
system condition.
given as follows.
td s.t. ∀
t, td ≤ t ≤ td + T ,
For the case of DDEB, SOC max as the worst-case operation is
(t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min )
substituted into SOC(t0 ) in the inequality (29), which yields
≥ Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t) (49)
f .max
Epg (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pg c.min
+ SOC max
· ESS It is also similar to SDEB condition that, if the equality
f .min
≤ Epℓ (t0 , t) + (t − t0 ) · pℓc.max
+ SOC max
· ESS (47) holds at t = td and t = td + T as well, the power system is
called “DDEB-critical”.
Lastly, SOC max · ESS in both sides of the inequality is Corollary 5: When a power system is DDEB-critical,
canceled, and the parameters of fluctuating devices and (pℓc.max − pgc.min ) is minimal, that is, (pℓc.max − pgc.min )
controllable devices are separated into different sides cannot be decreased without violating DDEB condition or
(t − t0 ) · (pℓc.max − pgc.min ) decreasing Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t).
Fig. 9 shows an example of the relation between (t −
≥ Epgf .max (t0 , t) + Epℓf .min (t0 , t) (48)
td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t)
In this inequality, the left-hand side (t − t0 ) · (pℓc.max
− for a DDEB-critical system. In Fig. 10, one cycle of the
pgc.min ) is the maximum possible energy consumption by the operation from time td to td + T is examined. At first, it is
group of controllable generators and loads (maximum energy assumed that SOC(td ) = SOC min . From time t = td until
consumption by the controllable loads minus minimum td + t′, the power of controllable devices pℓc (t) − pgc (t) is
energy supply from the controllable generators), and the controlled in such a way that Epℓc (td , t)−Epgc (td , t) absorbs
right-hand side Epgf .max (t0 , t) + Epℓf .min (t0 , t) is the max- Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t). After time t = td + t′, the
imum possible energy supply from the group of fluctuating powers of controllable devices pℓc (t) and pgc (t) are set at

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considering the range of SOC(td ), it can be expressed as

SOC max · ESS − (EA − EC )
≥ SOC(td ) · ESS − (EA − EC )
≥ SOC min · ESS (52)
and hence we have
ESS ≥ (53)
SOC max − SOC min
After td + t ′′ , pℓc (t) and pgc (t) are controlled appropriately
so that (t − (td + t ′′ ))(pℓc (t) − pgc (t)) absorbs Epgf .max (td +
t ′′ , t) − Epℓf .min (td + t ′′ , t) (region B2 ). The behavior after
time t = td + t ′ is exactly the same as the previous one for
the case of SOC(td ) = SOC min .


Fig. 12 illustrates the case that Epgf .max (td , t)−Epℓf .min (td , t)
has a decreasing section, i.e., time zone II from t = td +
FIGURE 12. DDEB condition for the case that
Epgf .max (td , td + T ) − Epℓf .min (td , td + T ) is negative. One solution t1 to td + t2 . If SOC(td ) = SOC min , pℓc (t) − pgc (t) is
needs only controllable generators to compensate for energy shortages, controlled so that it absorbs Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t)
not controllable loads to absorb the excess energy. Temporal power
/energy imbalance between fluctuating generators and fluctuating loads (region a.) during the time zone I. In the next time zone
can be resolved with the help of controllable generators and storage II, pℓc (t) − pgc (t) is controlled so that it provides power
systems without using controllable loads.
(i.e., pgc (t) − pℓc (t) > 0) to the fluctuating load (region
d.) since pℓf .min (t) > pgf .max (t) in this time zone II.
In the time zone III, pℓc (t) − pgc (t) is again controlled so
pℓc.max and pgc.min , respectively. By doing so, the energy that it absorbs Epgf .max (td + t2 , t) − Epℓf .min (td + t2 , t)
(t − (td + t′))(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) which represents region (region g.). In the time zone IV, pℓc (t) and pgc (t) are set at
C absorbs from Epgf .max (td + t′, t) − Epℓf .min (td + t′, t). pℓc.max and pgc.min , respectively, to absorb the excess energy
The rest of the Epgf .max (td + t′, t) − Epℓf .min (td + t′, t), Epgf .max (td + t3 , t) − Epℓf .min (td + t3 , t) as much as possible
td + t′ ≤ t ≤ td + T , is stored in the storage system (region (region h.). However, it is not enough to absorb all excess
D). energy, and hence the remaining excess energy (region j.)
In this situation, the EA − EC shows the maximum stored is absorbed by the storage system. In the above behavior,
energy in the energy storage in addition to SOC min · ESS . SOC(t) = SOC min is preserved during time zones I, II, and
Since the energy storage system must preserve the highest III, and SOC(td + t3 ) = SOC min holds as well. From the
acceptable stored energy level SOC max · ESS , SOC max constraint, we have the following constraint.
SOC max · ESS ≥ EA − EC + SOC min · ESS (50) SOC max · ESS ≥ SOC min · ESS + EB (54)
Finally, we can have where EB is the maximum gap (energy difference) between
EA − EC (t −td )(pℓc.max −pgc.min ) and Epgf .max (td , t)−Epℓf .min (td , t).
ESS ≥ max
(51) Next, the behavior for the case of SOC(td ) > SOC min is
SOC − SOC min
examined. Note that, considering the behavior in time zone
Next, the case of SOC max ≥ SOC(td ) > SOC min is IV, which starts at t = td +t3 , the storage system needs to have
examined using Fig. 11. From time td to td + t ′′ , pℓc (t) and a room of energy (remaining capacity) at least EB at the time
pgc (t) are set to pℓc.max and pgc.min , respectively, by which t = td + t3 . If we set pℓc (t) = pℓc.max and pgc (t) = pgc.min
the energy (t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) is consumed. Since during the first three time zones from t = td until td +t3 , in the
(t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) is greater than Epgf .max (td , t) − time zone I, the fluctuating load absorbs the energy from the
Epℓf .min (td , t), it absorbs not only all of the Epgf .max (td , t) − fluctuating generator (region a.) as well as the energy from
Epℓf .min (td , t) (region B1 ) but also the energy stored in the the storage system (region b.). In time zone II, the fluctuating
energy storage system (region A). Here, notice that the time load absorbs energy corresponding to the region c. from the
td + t ′′ is the time when SOC reaches SOC min , and the total storage system. In addition, the fluctuating load also absorbs
amount of discharged energy during time td to td + t ′′ is the energy corresponding to the region d. from the storage
EB′ − EB′′ which is not larger than EA − EC . If SOC does system since pℓf (t) > pgf (t) in time zone II. In time zone
not reach at SOC min before td + t′, the energy absorption III, while the energy Epgf .min (td + t2 , t) − Epℓf .max (td + t2 , t)
(t −td )(pℓc.max −pgc.min ) lasts until td +t ′′ = td +t ′ , by which is either stored into the storage system or consumed by the
the energy ED −EB = EA −EC is discharged. In this situation, controllable load, due to the continuation of pℓc (t) = pℓc.max

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FIGURE 13. DDEB condition for the case that

Epgf .max (td , t ) − Epℓf .min (td , t ) has a decreasing section. FIGURE 14. Considering the two worst cases of fluctuating generators
and loads after t = tc , the minimum required capacity of energy (net
capacity excluding SOC min · ESS and (1 − SOC max ) · ESS for the storage
system at t = tc is determined.
and pgc (t) = pgc.min , room of energy (remaining capacity) of
the storage system is finally increased by up to EB from the
initial room of energy (initial remaining capacity) at t = td . energy (remaining capacity)(region c.). In time zone III, the
Of course, when the SOC reaches SOC min in the middle of controllable generator provides energy (region g.) to both the
the three time zones I, II, and III from t = td until td + t3 , fluctuating load and the storage system, which compensates
pℓc (t) − pgc (t) should be appropriately controlled to avoid for the energy shortage of the fluctuating load and reduces the
over-discharging of the storage system. In time zone IV, the remaining capacity of the shortage system further (region f .).
excess energy Epgf .max (td + t3 , t) − Epℓf .min (td + t3 , t) is Note that, during the time zone IV, the energy corresponding
successfully absorbed by the controllable loads (region h.) to the maximum gap between (t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and
and by the storage system (region j.). Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t) is newly stored in the storage
The third interpretation treats the case that Epgf .max (td , td + E. DDEB BASED ESS SIZING CONDITION
T ) − Epℓf .min (td , td + T ) is negative in DDEB condition. Similar to the SDEB constraint, the DDEB constraint also
Now, from the DDEB condition, the following choice, which provides another constraint on the size of the storage system
allows us to disconnect controllable loads, is possible. as (53) and (54) presented.
Theorem 6: When a power system is DDEB-critical, then
Epℓf .min (td , td + T ) − Epgf .max (td , td + T )
pgc.min ≤ (SOC max − SOC min ) · ESS
T n
(55) ≥ max (t − td ) · (pℓc.max − pgc.min )
t∈[td ,td +T ]
pℓc.max = pℓc.min = 0 (56) o
−(Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t)) (57)
One example of the system operation for the case that
pℓf (t) = pℓf .min (t), pgf (t) = pgf .max (t) is demonstrated VI. OVERALL ESS SIZING FOR SAFE OPERATION
using Fig. 13. In the first time zone I, there is an energy SDEB-based ESS sizing condition (Theorem 3) considers
shortage for the fluctuating generator and load (regions a. and only SDEB condition, whereas DDEB-based ESS sizing
b.). The energy balance is then achieved by the energy from condition (Theorem 6) does only DDEB condition. As for
the controllable generator (region a.) and the energy from the the overall ESS sizing, both SDEB and DDEB conditions
storage system (region b.). Note that region b. corresponds should be considered simultaneously. Note that, the target of
to a new room of energy (remaining capacity) created by the discussion is SDEB-critical and DDEB-critical systems.
discharging to provide energy to fluctuating loads. In time In the SDEB condition (Theorem 1), its interpretations
zone II, it is an energy excess situation for the fluctuating (subsections IV-B through IV.D) indicate that the gap
generator and load (region e.). The excess energy (region e.) between (t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and Epℓf .max (ts , t) −
as well as energy from controllable generators (region d.) are Epgf .min (ts , t) shows the minimum energy which should
absorbed by the storage system, which reduces the room of be stored in the storage system for satisfying SDEB

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condition even in the worst-case behaviors of fluctuating

generators and loads. Similarly, in the DDEB condition
(Theorem 4), the gap between (t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min )
and Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t) shows the minimum
room (remaining capacity) of energy which should remain
in the storage system for satisfying DDEB condition even
in the worst case behaviors of fluctuating generators and
loads. Now if we suppose that, at any time t = tc , the
behavior of the fluctuating generators and loads of the system
after tc may change in the range between the worst case for
SDEB, i.e., pgf (t) = pgf .min (t) and pℓf (t) = pℓf .max (t),
and the worst case for DDEB, i.e., pgf (t) = pgf .max (t) and FIGURE 15. Power demand profile of a week [35].

pℓf (t) = pℓf .min (t), the storage system at t = tc needs to keep
energy corresponding to the gap between (tc − ts )(pgc.max −
pℓc.min ) and Epℓf .max (ts , tc ) − Epgf .min (ts , tc ) and, at the same reduced to;
time, it needs to keep room (remaining capacity) of energy
corresponding to the gap between (tc − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) t · pgf .max + t · pgc.min ≤ t · pℓf .min + t · pℓc.max (61)
and Epgf .max (td , tc ) − Epℓf .min (td , tc ). Fig. 14 illustrates the
above situation, where EC in this figure shows the sum of which is again equivalent to the power balancing condition
the two gaps at t = tc . On the other hand, considering the (DDEB) between generators and loads without storage
constraint on SOC, the net capacity of the storage system can devices. These two constraints mean that the controllable
be given as (SOC max − SOC min ) · ESS . As a consequence, generators and loads must be sufficiently large to balance
power at any time between sources and loads without storage
(SOC max − SOC min ) · ESS ≥ Ec (58) devices. That is, if we consider the worst-case operation,
any storage device cannot contribute to reducing the sizes
is required. of controllable generators and loads necessary for power
From the above observation, the following ESS sizing balancing.
condition is obtained.
Theorem 7: When a power system is SDEB-critical and B. TRADE-OFF BETWEEN CONTROLLABLE DEVICES AND
DDEB-critical, to guarantee the safe operation under any STORAGE
situation of fluctuating generators and loads, the size (energy In this paper, after deriving the SDEB condition and DDEB
capacity) ESS of the storage system is constrained as follows, condition, the system behaviors, including the collaboration
between the controllable generator/load and the storage
(SOC max − SOC min ) · ESS
n system, are analyzed for the SDEB-critical system and the
≥ max (t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) DDEB-critical system. Note that the size of the controllable
max{ts ,td }≤t≤max{ts ,td }+T
generator in the SDEB-critical system is minimal, and the
−(Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t)) size of the controllable load in the DDEB-critical system is
+ (t − td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) minimal for the given power level bounds of the fluctuating
o generator and load. If pgc.max − pℓc.min is larger than that of
−(Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t)) (59)
the SDEB-critical system, the power supply by the storage
system can be partly taken over by the enlarged controllable
This section describes related information about the proposed generator, which may contribute to reduce the SDEB-based
system conditions and theorems proposed in the previous required size of ESS . Similarly, if pℓc.max − pgc.min is larger
sections. than that of DDEB-critical system, the power absorption
by the storage system can be partly taken over by the
enlarged controllable load, which may contribute to reduce
the DDEB-based required size of ESS .
The exact analysis of the trade-off between the size of
If we consider constant (time-independent) upper bound and
controllable generator/load and the size of the storage system
lower bound on fluctuating devices, the energy balancing
based on SDEB and DDEB conditions has remained as one
constraint (SDPB) can be reduced to;
of the important future research directions.
t · pgf .min + t · pgc.max ≥ t · pℓf .max + t · pℓc.min (60)
which is equivalent to the power balancing condition (SDPB) The proposed theorems for (SDEB) and DDEB are applied
between generators and loads without storage devices. to field data. This section explains the simulation setup and
Similarly, the energy balancing constraint (DDPB) can be application results and shows how the sizes of the controllable

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S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

FIGURE 16. Folding daily patterns to get the time-dependent upper

FIGURE 17. Extracted daily profile, i.e., the daily time-dependent upper
bound and lower bound of power in a day.
bound and lower bound of power consumption as pℓf .max (t ) and
pℓf .min (t ).

source/load and the storage system are determined in the case

of the SDEB-critical and DDEB-critical systems.

The power consumption profile of a building in the Faculty
of Engineering, University of Sarajevo [35] is borrowed to
create the time-dependent upper bound and lower bound on
daily power consumption of power loads. In [35], the annual
energy consumption data is once converted into the weekly
power load profile (Fig. 15), which is further analyzed into
the daily power profile of only working days and that of FIGURE 18. Daily power generation profile of the solar PV system (rated
only non-working days since they treated working days and power 20kW) as pgf .max (t ) and pgf .min (t ). Note that pgf .min (t ) = 0 and
pgf .max (t ) = 0 from 1 : 00 < t < 6 : 00 and 21 : 30 < t < 24 : 00.
non-working days separately. In our simulation, the daily
patterns are folded (Fig. 16) to get the daily power profile, i.e.,
daily upper bound as pℓf .max (t) and lower bound as pℓf .min (t) When SDEB condition is applied, first Epℓf .max (t0 , t) and
of power consumption, without separating working days and Epgf .min (t0 , t) are computed from pℓf .max (t) and pgf .min (t),
non-working days (Fig. 17). The daily power profile is given respectively, and the difference of them, Epℓf .max (t0 , t) −
at 15-minute intervals, resulting in 96 values. Epgf .min (t0 , t) is computed. As the next step, the minimum
On the other hand, the power generation profile as of (pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and ts such as (t − ts )(pgc.max −
pgf .max (t) and pgf .min (t) of solar PV system is shown in pℓc.min ) bounds (Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t)) from above
Fig. 18, which is also borrowed from [35]. This profile shows tightly are found. Fig. 19 shows the relation between (t −
the maximum and minimum power generation of the PV ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and (Epℓf .max (ts , t) − Epgf .min (ts , t))
system installed on the roof of the building. According to for the SDEB-critical system with ts = 19 : 45 and
the information from [35], this solar system (is composed (pgc.max − pℓc.min ) = 42.79 kW. As the third step, the energy
of 90 PV modules Luxor Eco Line Half Cell M120 330 gap between (t − ts )(pgc.max − pℓc.min ) and (Epℓf .max (ts , t) −
W and 2 SMA STP 10.0-3AV-40 inverters. In addition, the Epgf .min (ts , t)) is examined to get SDEB-based storage size
maximum generated power is limited to 20 kW due to the ESS ≥ 258.13 kWh.
power limit of the inverter, and the minimum generation is On the other hand, when the DDEB condition is
0 during snowy or foggy days. applied, Epgf .max (t0 , t), Epℓf .min (t0 , t) and the difference
In the following simulation, we consider the power system, between them, Epℓf .max (t0 , t) − Epgf .min (t0 , t) are computed
which consists of the above fluctuating power load and the from pgf .max (t) and pℓf .min (t). Next, the minimum of
fluctuating power generator. To realize the safe operation of (pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and td such as (t − td )(pℓc.max −
this system, a controllable power generator, a controllable pgc.min ) bounds (Epgf .max (td , t)−Epℓf .min (td , t)) from above
power load, and a storage system are to be installed. As for the tightly are found. Fig. 20 shows the relation between (t −
storage system, the capacity limitations are set as SOC max = td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and (Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t))
0.95 and SOC min = 0.05. for the DDEB-critical system with td = 18 : 45 and
(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) = 0 kW. The energy gap between (t −
B. SIMULATION RESULTS td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and (Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t))
The proposed theorems are applied to the data prepared in the is then examined to get DDEB-based storage size ESS ≥
previous sub-section. 111.56 kWh.

VOLUME 12, 2024 70259

S. Javaid et al.: Energy Balancing of Power System Considering Periodic Behavioral Pattern

TABLE 1. Results of the proposed sizing framework for SDEB-critical and

DDEB-critical systems with different sizes (rated powers) of the solar
system. Note that the overall ESS is not the sum of ESS (SDEB) and
ESS (DDEB), but given by (59).

FIGURE 19. Application of SDEB using actual power generation and

consumption data.
TABLE 2. Results of the sizing framework in [35].

FIGURE 20. DDEB using actual power generation (PV with rated power
20kW) and consumption data.
operate worst. With respect to the overall ESS , if its size is
smaller than the designed value, only one type of worst-case
Finally, theorem 7 is applied to the system for ESS sizing operation, that is, either pgf (t) = pgf .max (t) and pℓf (t) =
considering both SDEB condition and DDEB condition. The pℓf .min (t) or pgf (t) = pgf .min (t) and pℓf (t) = pℓf .max (t),
simulation result shows ESS ≥ 369.65 kWh. Table. 1 sum- is tolerated depending on the time-to-time stored energy and
marizes the results of sizing of controllable generator/load vacancy for receiving energy.
and storage system for the case of SDEB-critical and DDEB- In general, worst-case-based theoretical discussions tend
critical systems with different rated powers of the solar PV to yield a result that is far apart from a practical situation.
system as the fluctuating power generator. However, when the result of the storage size ESS is shown
In this simulation, pgc.max and ESS for SDEB have in Table. 1 is compared with the cost-based sizing result
individually the same values for all three cases because the obtained using the same power profile data [35] in Table. 2,
change of the size of PV does not affect the SDEB condition. their differences are relatively small. It shows the potential of
On the other hand, pℓc.max , the size of the controllable load, the proposed theorem in this paper to work with more realistic
increases according to the increase of the size of PV, that is, constraints, preferences, etc., in practical situations.
the increase of the maximum power generation pgf .max (t). In Table. 2, Ech is the maximum excess energy that should
This is because using a larger PV size results in a power be stored in the battery, which corresponds to ESS (DDEB)
excess situation as the worst-case behavior and a larger in the proposed theorem, and Edch is the maximum energy
controllable load is required to maintain the energy balance deficit that should be covered by the energy stored in the
even in such a worst-case scenario. In accordance with the battery, which corresponds to ESS (SDEB) in the proposed
increases of pgf .max (t) and pℓc.max , the gap between (t − theorem.
td )(pℓc.max − pgc.min ) and Epgf .max (td , t) − Epℓf .min (td , t)
also increases, which results in the increase of ESS for DDEB IX. CONCLUDING REMARKS
according to the increase of the size of PV. Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as wind and
The proposed SDEB condition and DDEB condition photovoltaic are environment-friendly energy sources for
describe the border between a system that maintains energy power generation. However, the largely varying output energy
balance under fluctuating generators and loads and another of RESs is a major obstacle to their integration into the power
type of system that may suffer energy imbalance in some grid. In addition, variations in consumer activity increase the
situations of fluctuating generators and loads. It means that risks of power fluctuations. The ability of power systems to
if pgc.max and pℓc.max are smaller than their designed sizes, deal with power fluctuations caused by renewable sources
energy shortage/excess may happen when fluctuating devices and dynamic demand has to be improved to keep the stable
operate worst. In addition, when the controllable generator operation of a power system. This paper proposes a novel
and load sizes are fixed to their designed values, and if the size robust energy balancing concept to reduce energy imbalance
of ESS for SDEB/DDEB is smaller than the designed value, due to the fluctuating generation and demand mismatch. This
over/undercharging may happen when fluctuating devices paper tries to answer important questions concerning the

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YASUO TAN (Member, IEEE) was born in 1965.

SAHER JAVAID (Member, IEEE) received the He received the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo Institute
Ph.D. degree in information science from Japan of Technology, in 1993. He joined Japan Advanced
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), as an
(JAIST), Japan, in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, she Assistant Professor with the School of Information
was with the Department of Intelligence Science Science, in 1993. He has been a Professor, since
and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, 2007. His research interest includes the IoT
Kyoto University, as an Assistant Professor, within Systems, especially smart home systems. He is
the context of the i-Energy (Informationization a member of ACM, IPSJ, IEICE, IEEJ, JSSST,
of e-power flows by integrating information and JNNS, and the Information and Communication
e-power networks) project. Since 2017, she has Council of MIC, and an Advisory Fellow of ECHONET Consortium. He is
been an Assistant Professor with JAIST. Her research interests include the Chair of the Technology Standards Subcommittee of the Smart IoT
distributed sensing and control, energy on demand, power flow coloring, Acceleration Forum and the Chairman of the Smart Home Board of JEITA.
energy storage systems, smart energy management systems, and smart grids.

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