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Farewell speech

Well, first of all, good morning to everyone, with our director and assistant directors
and my colleagues, today I am going to present my farewell speech.

First of all, I will say goodbye for allowing me to continue living, to my mother
because God wanted him, is no longer with me……..

I will thank my teachers, whom we thank for their patience, effort and support
during all this time, time they gave us to become better in each subject of study,
who helped me a lot and left me with great values to face life, not to give up and
achieve my goals. that I wish

We say goodbye to great friends, with whom we spent unforgettable moments of

study and tasks completed, between games and jokes that will never be forgotten,
whom I thank for such wonderful company and for the reciprocated friendship,
asking forgiveness for the grievances to whom I may have offended. perhaps and
forgiving the offenses because as brothers this must always happen, I do not hold
a grudge against anyone because the pain is forgotten, I take with me the pleasant
memory of knowing that today we can all embrace each other in a hug to
congratulate each other. I especially thank YANINA who is someone very special
to me. I feel that she is a happy person and I would like to be happy like her
sometime in my life. EVELYNG. I know that she is very loving. Sometimes she
doesn't show it. She looks aggressive and cold, but For me she is someone who if
you treat her well she will do the same PRISCILA you made me very happy you
taught me things that I will never forget thanks to you I love reading if it weren't for
you I wouldn't be who I am now SHARON always takes care of me and She gets
angry when I don't put her first, even though she only plays, she made me laugh
with her games and I always try not to make her sad CARMEN, I don't know if you
realized it, but you are my reason to keep going, I take you as an example because
I gave up and I don't anymore. I wanted to continue living, I was about to kill myself
after what happened with my dad, but without you realizing it, I was asking you
things and you did me a great favor because thanks to you I am with everyone. To
my other colleagues who became my friends because as friends they were with me
at all times, as they say “through thick and thin” although I never try to fight with
anyone because I feel bad every time I do. Before valuing them, I never believed in
friendship because a friend hurt me in primary school and I decided not to make
friends, but thanks to you I give that friendship that one has with others a chance.

To finish I want to thank you all for being part of me and making me very happy. I
take with me beautiful memories of all of you and I hope that you of me too.
I hope that after school we can all meet as professionals and as I promised with
Yanina and Priscila, the three of us will travel on an adventure.


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