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Strategically, study "The Art of Logical Thinking" by McDonalds and


 "Logical Play-by-Move Chess" by Irving Chernev. It teaches you

how to attack the king in the king's pawn openings and play
positional chess with the queen's pawn openings.
 "My System" by Aaron Nimzovitch.
 "Think like a Grandmaster" by Alexander Kotov. This book
explains how to analyze variations so you can play the middle
game at a much higher level.
 "Judgment and planning in chess" by Max Euwe. A classic book
that explains how to judge a position based on space advantage,
combinations, endgame advantages, king attack and pawn
 "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess" by Bobby Fischer. A classic book
that teaches chess tactics for beginners.
 "Chess master vs. amateur chess" by Max Euwe and Walter
Meiden. This book explains how a master beats an amateur by
making the right decision based on the needs of the positions.
 "Practical Chess Endings" by Irving Chernev. 300 game endings
that start simple but end with a higher degree of difficulty.
 "1001 Checkmates" by Fred Reinfield. A classic book that will help
you see various checkmates and calculate the variations.
 "Ideas Behind Chess Openings" by Reuben Fine. It explains the
strategies behind the openings so you can remember and play
 "100 Select Games" by Botvinnik.
 "Basic Chess Endings" by Reuben Fine. A thick book that is a
classic and explains all types of endings.
 "Counting points in chess" by I. TO. Horowitz. A classic book that
gives a range of 32 positional characteristics and teaches how to
turn these 32 advantages into a victory.
 "How to win in chess endings" by AI Horowitz. This book explains
endgame strategies without complex variations.
 "Fundamentals of chess" by José Raúl Capablanca. This book
teaches the opening, middle game and endgame strategies.

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