Axis 2 - Business Ethics at Google

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Business Ethics at Google

Sayra Margarita Vivas Quiñones, Liliana Orozco Giraldo and Rolando

Herrera Celis
August 2020.

University Foundation of the Andean Area.

Faculty of Administrative, Economic and Financial Sciences
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.


Ethics is the tool with which companies achieve the balance between what is good or

bad in the behavior of their employees. This is how today it is necessary for there to be

an area in companies that directs said tool and aligns it. with its values, and strategic

objectives to achieve the proposed goals.

Ethics, values, behaviors, culture and organizational climate are terms that the leaders

of every organization must include and deepen in their collaborators, otherwise difficult

situations will arise to handle due to the disparity of opinions.

Table of Contents

Business Ethics at Google.................................................................................................................i

Table of Contents..............................................................................................................................iii
Table List...........................................................................................................................................iv
List of Illustrations..............................................................................................................................v
Historical review.................................................................................................................................2
Comparative Chart.............................................................................................................................5
Factors that make Google one of the most ethical and responsible companies in its sector.............6
Are ethics consistent with culture, climate and organizational behavior?.....................................8
Reference List...................................................................................................................................11

Table List

Board1 . Google history review. …………………….………………………….. 2

Board2 . Comparative table. ………………………………………………………. 5


List of Illustrations

Illustration1 . The best alternative. Taken from

Illustration2 . Playrooms. Taken from
Illustration3 . Creativity rooms. 2020. Taken from
Illustration4 . Creativity rooms. 2020. Taken from
Illustration5 . image 2019 . Taken from


With this workshop we want to demonstrate that, if it is possible for there to be

companies that achieve a balance between right and wrong, the level of corruption seen

today in many organizations is centered on the fact that they do not have defined and

applied corruption policies. quality, good governance, applicable codes of ethics and


This case (Google) becomes an example of how everything mentioned above, together

with good job and salary stability, allows the proposed objectives to be achieved and these

issues to stand out in the face of the possible threats that a corrupt society can exert on the

society. company.

It does not mean that Google is exempt from being a victim of these bad actions,

because like any company in the world it also suffers from them, but it is also true that, if it

did not have its policies and guidelines well structured, the current situation would be


Illustration1 . The best alternative. Taken from

Historical review

Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University. Larry is 22
years old and has completed his studies at the University of
Michigan. He plans to study at Stanford, and Sergey, 21, is in
charge of showing him around the campus. According to some
versions, in that first meeting they did not agree on practically
Larry Page and Sergey Brin started Google as a college project in Union of the founders
January when they were both computer science graduate students and consolidation of the
at Stanford University. The original name of the search engine was main business idea.
1996 - BackRub.
1997 The founders decided to change the name to Google inspired by the
mathematical term "googol" which refers to the number 10 raised to
the power of 100, in reference to their goal of organizing the
enormous amount of information on the Web.
Page and Brin founded, on September 4, the company Google Inc.,
which launched its search engine on the Internet on the following
September 27 (considered the anniversary date). They had a closet
1998 Company foundation.
full of servers (about 80 processors), and two HP routers. This
search engine surpassed the other most popular of the time,
AltaVista, which had been created in 1995.
Google presented AdWords, its online advertising system and the Launches of operating
so-called Google Bar. systems that improve
2000 - In February 2001, Google bought the Usenet discussion service their search engines, as
2001 Deja News and transformed it into Google Groups. In March Eric well as the consolidation
Schmidt is appointed president of the board of directors. In July it of Google as a social
launches its image search service. network and support for

In February it launches Google Search Appliance. In May it

launches Google Labs, which will close 9 years later. Google News
is launched in September. In December, the product search service
called Froogle, now called Google Products, is launched.

In January it launches the Orkut social network. In March, Google

2002 - Local is launched, which would later be integrated with Google
2003 Maps. In April Google presented GMail, its email service with 1 Gb students and the general
of storage. On August 19, Google Inc. would go public under the public due to the quality
NASDAQ symbol: GOOG, with an initial offering of 25.7 million of the information
shares, and with a price range of $85 to $95. In October they launch provided in their queries.
Google Desktop, which will be discontinued. He also launched the
so-called Google Scholar. On August 18, Google went public on
WallStreet. This year he bought the company Keyhole.


They released Google Maps and Google Earth. That same year
Google bought Android Inc. Vint Cerf, considered one of the fathers
of the Internet. He also launched Google Code and the first Summer
of Code is being developed. In August it presents Google Talk. In
October Google launches its RSS feed reader Google Reader.
Google Analytics is presented in November and Google Transit is
2005 - presented in December.
Picasa is launched. In March 2006, it acquired Writely to later
launch Google Docs and presented Google Finance that same
In these five years,
month. In April, Google Calendar is presented and in August,
Google has consolidated
Google Apps, a service aimed at companies. In October, Google
itself as the leading
acquired the video site YouTube for $1.65 billion. That same month
company worldwide, as
it acquired JotSpot, which later became Google Sites.
the number one website
Google launched the open operating system for Android mobile in the management of
phones and created the Open Handset Alliance. In April, Google search engines.
bought DoubleClick, a company specializing in Internet advertising,
for $3.1 billion. This same month, Google became the most valuable In this five-year period,
brand in the world, reaching the sum of 66 billion dollars, surpassing the most relevant Google
iconic companies such as Microsoft, General Electric and Coca- tools were created and
Cola. In June it launched Google Gears, which would later be put into production that
2007 abandoned because what it offered later was incorporated into are still tools used daily
HTML5. In July Google bought Panoramio, a website dedicated to by the majority of Internet
displaying the photographs that users themselves create and users: Google Maps,
geoposition, some of them being uploaded to the site so that they Google Earth and the
can be viewed through the Google Earth software, whose objective Google Chrome browser.
is to allow users of the mentioned software learn more about a
specific area of the map by looking at the photographs that other
users have taken there. In November it presents OpenSocial.
In February 2008, Google Sites is launched. On September 2, 2008,
Google introduces its own Google Chrome web browser and the
2008 -
Chromium open source project. Google Friend Connect is launched
in December. Google Latitude is launched in February. Google
Voice is presented in March.

In September 2009 it acquired reCAPTCHA. In November it

presents the open source operating system project Chromium OS.
In December it presents Google Public DNS.

In January 2010, Google presents its first mobile phone, the Nexus
One, which runs on Android. In February, Google makes official its
intention to deploy a high-speed internet network. That same month
it acquired Aardvark. In March it acquires Picnik. Google TV
launches in May. In October it presents its autonomous vehicle
project. In December it presents its second phone, the Nexus S,
2010 - manufactured by Samsung.
In January 2011, Larry Page is named CEO. Chromebooks are Google's financial
presented in May. In June, Google's new social network called strength and
Google+ is presented. In August 2011, Google acquires Motorola consolidation as a
Mobility for 8.8 billion euros ($12.5 billion).9 Google presents its leading company in the
third smartphone, the Galaxy Nexus, manufactured by Samsung social media market
and running the fourth version of Android. allows it to begin seeking
strategic alliances with
In April 2012, Google presents Project Glass, a project to create telephone operators and
augmented reality glasses. At Google I/O 2012, it was announced cell phone and tablet
that the developer version of Google Glass would be available in manufacturers due to its
2013 while the consumer version would be ready in 2014. At that technological affinity,
2012 - same event, Android 4.1 and Google's first tablet, the Nexus 7, especially with the
2013 manufactured by Asus, were announced. Android system.
On September 27, 2013, in commemoration of 15 years in service,
Google presented on its home page a doodle in the form of a game
that consisted of breaking a piñata. The creation and
development of new
In February 2014, Google purchased SlickLogin, a company made products is promoted,
up of great developers and security experts who have created an mainly due to the
innovative identification system through sound for smartphones. On consolidation of all the
June 10, 2014, Google announces the acquisition of Skybox group companies.
Imaging for US$500 million (€370 million) to "provide satellite
2014 - images to the online mapping service."
2015 On August 10, 2015, Google becomes the main subsidiary of
Alphabet Inc., a company created for the better administration of all
Google products and services, which will function mainly for the
research and development of new products and technologies, as
well as than the implementation of new services such as Google
At the beginning of 2019, Google obtained authorization from the
2019 Irish Central Bank to operate as a payment entity, with applicability The exponential growth
in Ireland and the rest of the European Union. of the company has
allowed it to venture into
sectors such as finance,
banking and the military,
which has led Google to
Google announces the union of the USA with Europe, through the continue growing in
2020 installation of a new submarine cable which they called "Grace different technological
Hopper" which will link Shirley - USA with Bude - United Kingdom. fields, depending on the
operation of the company
itself, its partners and the
public in general.

Board3 . Google history review. Own source, topics taken from (PEREZ, 2013) (EITB.EUS, 2020)

Illustration2 . Playrooms. Taken from


Comparative Chart


By understanding The organizational culture The organizational Organizational behavior is
business ethics at at the web giant is climate in any the discipline that studies
Google as the something that is taken organization is directly the behavior of people
behavior of its very seriously. proportional to the within the organization.
employees to have Some employees have satisfaction of employees Taking this as a basis, the
the ability to work days of more than 12 with their jobs and the behavior of Google
determine what is or 14 hours, so comfort is pleasure of working in employees within the
right and what is not a key factor for the the company in which company is very good and
in their behaviors in productivity and they are located. satisfactory for both the
the company and in effectiveness of your Based on the above, at employee and the
the publications employees. Google the company.
delivered to the The formality of the organizational climate This is reflected in one of
general public in its companies, the focuses on three the most important issues
different services, it is conservative designs of fundamental aspects: of labor relations, where
well defined. their offices and the rigidity * Excellent salaries: a what is called 20/80 is
However, when we of the work hours are good salary is a very established, which
focus on the services aspects that Google's motivating factor for the consists of the company
that only their search organizational culture does commitment, dedication leaving its employees
engines allow millions not take into account in the and productivity of 20% of their time to
and millions of people traditional way; the above, people, at Google this develop in its facilities,
around the world and since in all of its factor is very favorable personal topics that allow
at any time, it is a headquarters there are for the employee, in your own development, in
source of controversy, large spaces, offices that addition to bonuses for many cases these
since there are are not the typical desk the acquisition of shares personal topics have
publications that are and chair, you can even in the company itself and become excellent
mostly effective, from work on a sofa or from the technological products or business ideas and that is
good sources and true floor, kitchens and consumption of its why Google has bought
100 %, but there are dispensers within reach, employees. them, an example of this
also publications that lighting judgement. and * Work spaces: Adequate is Gmail.
are not and seek evil environments according to offices with places for
and discredit. the style of the worker, are rest and recreation,
Although the ethical some of the characteristics allowing work from home
level of his employees of a very liberal at the employee's
is high, managing a organizational culture that discretion, as well as the
company of such size gives rise to the free decision of working
will always be prone development of new ideas hours.
to encountering and potential projects by * Professional
ethical dilemmas in its collaborators. Development: Unlimited
his daily life. investment for the
training of your

Board4 . Comparative table. Source Human 2020 and IMF Business School. 2020

Factors that make Google one of the most ethical and responsible companies in its

 Employee satisfaction: In recent years Google has been considered one of the best

companies to work for in the world, due to key elements such as: the flexibility of

working hours, well-being and comfort in its facilities, free food stations in its

facilities and open permanently, as well as rest areas and game rooms, free decision

by the official on their way of dressing, financial support by the company for the

acquisition of hybrid vehicles and expenses top-level doctors, acquisition of share

packages by its employees and dedication of 20% of their work time to the

development of personal plans and ideas, among others, are some of the most

relevant elements that lead its collaborators to want to work and stay in the


Illustration3 . Creativity rooms. 2020. Taken from


 Support for the communities in its area of influence: Google has allocated large

sums of money to support communities in social action initiatives and projects,

especially those that have an education component such as the academic

development of communities in the areas of influence. science, technology,

engineering and mathematics.

Another field in which it has allocated a significant amount of resources is in the

area of human rights, mainly in the defense of actions aimed at the eradication of

so-called modern slavery.

Also relevant is the help that its navigation tools such as Google Maps and

Google Earth have provided for the management of natural resources for the benefit

of communities. The use of renewable energy in all its facilities, as well as the

promotion of environmental conservation programs, are important initiatives.

Illustration4 . Creativity rooms. 2020. Taken from

 Corporate Social Responsibility: Google has proven to be a company with high

levels of social responsibility; in recent years it has promoted, developed, financed


and managed to carry out initiatives such as: “Project 10 to 100”, which seeks to

collect ideas to change to the world; “Google Green”, which seeks to highlight the

company's initiatives to care for the environment; “Google Back”, which allocates

large sums of money for free education for low-income young people, older adults

or people with disabilities; “Fuel for thought”, enabling cafeterias and recreation

and rest areas at all headquarters; “My colleagues, my friends”, the design of

comfortable facilities allows the interaction of everyone with everyone, also

bringing pets to work, first-hand acquisition of the latest technological advances in

computing and cell phone equipment, among several others. types of benefits. As

mentioned in (IDEARIUM30.COM, 2020) (WORDPRESS.COM, 2020)

Illustration5 . image 2019 . Taken from

Are ethics consistent with culture, climate and organizational behavior?

Ethics, culture, climate and organizational behavior are factors that have important

relevance in any organization. This importance lies in the fact that everyone must be

aligned with the strategic objectives of the organizations so that the progress of the

company and its employees is integral and based on personal and work development.

A company that does not have its foundations aligned with clear objectives, values that

highlight its honesty and quality and that these are socialized and internalized by all

members of the organization, from senior managers to the simplest of operatives, is

condemned to fail. have credibility on the part of their clients, to the failure of their

strategies in the face of their competitors and to the commercial and business disappearance

due to their impact on their Good. will.

The company that considers the native human capital of each region in which it is

present, that promotes employment at a regional level and develops progress for the

societies in which it participates, as well as having a presence in such relevant issues as

ethnicity or inclinations. religious or sexual that are part of the culture and social

environment will have a great contribution to corporate social responsibility.



The development of this workshop allows us to understand how companies, despite

going through or facing any type of situation that affects them in terms of making decisions

through different actions, will always have options to do the right thing.

Nowadays, companies must have in their organizational structure an area that allows

them to develop and deepen the organizational culture, their values, their codes of ethics

and conduct, aligned with their strategic objectives, otherwise they will be destined to not

be consistent with the business idea and will be exposed to liquidation.

For partners and interest groups, what matters are good economic results, many times

regardless of anything else, that is when the people who are the most important asset of any

organization must bring out their ethical strengths, their sense of belonging, that show that

they really have the shirt on for the organization.

Currently, all members of companies must be aligned, regardless of their position, on

ethical ideas and foundations, since as is known the chain can be broken by the weakest

link, this is a daily reality. of companies worldwide, and that is when the topics presented in

this workshop become more relevant than ever.


Reference List

EITB.EUS. (2020). Obtained from


IDEARIUM30.COM. (2020). Obtained from

ejemplo-a- seguir-i35

IMF BUSINESS SCHOOL. (2020). Obtained from


PEREZ, M. (2013). VERACRUZ UNIVERSITY . Retrieved from

UNIANDINA. (2020). Retrieved from

WORDPRESS.COM. (2020). Obtained from


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