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Instrument 1: Family Social Climate Scale (FES) by RH Moos,

BS Moos and E. J Trickett

The instrument used was the RH Family Social Climate

Scale (FES). Moos, B.S. Moos and E.J. Trickeet, from which only
the conflict area was taken. This instrument is presented below.

Original Name: Family Social Climate Scale (FES)

Authors: RH. Moos, B.S. Moos and E.J. Trickeet

Adaptation: TEA Ediciones SA, Madrid, Spain, 1984

Standardization for Lima: César Ruíz, Alva and Eva Guerra


Administration: Individual and Collective

Duration: Variable (Approximately 20 minutes)

Significance: Evaluates socio-environmental characteristics and

personal relationships in the family.

Typing: Scales for individual or group form, prepared with

samples for Metropolitan Lima.

Reliability: For standardization in Lima, using the internal

consistency method, the reliability coefficients range from 0.88 to
0.91 with an average of 0.89 for the individual exam, the areas
being cohesion, intellectual-cultural, expression and autonomy, the
highest. (The sample used for the reliability study was 139 young
people with an average age of 17 years).

In the test-retest with a 2-month period, the coefficients were 0.86

on average (varying from 3 to 6 points).

Validity: In our study, the validity of the test was tested by

correlating it with the Bell test, specifically the area of Adjustment
at home, and with the TAMAI, the family area.
The individual sample was 100 young people and 77 families.

Dimensions it measures: Relationships (Areas: Cohesion,

Expressiveness, Conflict). Development (Areas: Autonomy,
Performance, Cultural Intellectual, Social-Recreational and
Morality-Religiosity) Stability (Areas: Control and Organization).

Components measured by the Family Social Climate Scale

It is made up of three dimensions: Relationships, Development

and Stability, which in turn are made up of areas, which are:

1) Relationships: Measures the degree of communication and

free expression within the family and the degree of conflictive
interaction that characterizes it. Made up of the following areas:

 Cohesion: It is the degree to which the members of the family

group are integrated and support each other.

 Expressiveness: It is the degree to which family members

are allowed to express themselves freely by communicating
their feelings and opinions and evaluations regarding this.

 Conflict: It is defined as the degree to which anger,

aggression and conflict are openly expressed between family

2) Development: Evaluates the importance that certain personal

development processes have within the family, which may or may
not be encouraged by life together.

 Autonomy: is the degree to which family members are self-

confident, independent, and make their own decisions.

 Area of Action: It is defined as the degree to which activities

(such as school or work) are framed in a structure oriented
toward action or competition.
 Intellectual-Cultural Area: It is the degree of interest in
political, intellectual, cultural and social activities.

 Social - Recreational Area: Measures the degree of

participation in various leisure activities.

 Morality-Religiosity Area: Measures the importance given to

ethical and religious practices and values.

3) Stability: Provides information about the structure and

organization of the family.

 Organization Area: Measures the importance given in the

home to clear organization and structure when planning the
family's activities and responsibilities.

 Control Area: It is defined as the way in which the direction of

family life adheres to established rules and procedures.

Qualification criteria:

True V = 1

False F = 0
1 In my family we really help and support each other.
2 Family members often keep their feelings to themselves.
3 In our family we fight a lot
4 In general, no family member decides on their own.
5 We believe it is important to be the best at anything we do
6 We often talk about political or social issues as a family.
7 We spend most of our free time at home
8 Members of my family attend church quite frequently.
9 Our family's activities are planned carefully
10 In my family we rarely have mandatory meetings.
11 Many times it gives the impression that in cases we are "hanging out"
12 At home we talk openly about what we think or want
13 In my family we almost never openly show our anger
14 In my family we strive to maintain each other's independence.
15 For my family it is very important to succeed in life
16 We almost never attend cultural meetings (exhibitions, conferences,
17 Friends often come to visit us at home.
18 In my house we don't pray as a family.
19 In my house we are very organized and clean.
20 In our family there are very few rules to follow
21 We all put a lot of effort into what we do at home.
22 In my family it is difficult to "vent" without bothering everyone.
23 At home sometimes we get so upset that we hit or break something.
24 In my family everyone decides for their own things
25 For us, the money each person earns is very important.
26 In my family it is very important to learn something new or different
27 Does anyone in my family regularly practice sports?
28 We often talk about the religious meaning of Christmas, Easter, etc.
29 In my house it is often difficult to find the necessary things.
30 In my house, one person makes most of the decisions.
31 In my family we are strongly united
32 At my house we discuss our personal problems
33 Members of my family rarely express our anger.
34 Everyone enters and leaves the house when they want.
35 We accept that there is competition and "may the best win"
36 We are little interested in cultural activities
37 We frequently go to the movies, excursions, walks.
38 We do not believe in heaven or hell
39 In my family, punctuality is very important.
40 At home things are done in an established way
41 When something needs to be done around the house, it's rare for
someone to volunteer.
42 At home, if someone thinks of doing something, they do it without
thinking about it.
43 People in my house frequently criticize each other.
44 In my family, people have little private or independent life.
45 We strive to do things a little better every time
46 In my house we almost never have intellectual conversations
47 In my house, almost everyone has one or two hobbies.
48 The people in my family have very precise ideas about what is good
or bad.
49 In my family we change our minds frequently
50 In my house, compliance with the rules is very important.
51 The people in my family support each other
52 In my family, when one complains, there is always another who feels
53 In my family sometimes we fight and get out of hand.
54 Generally in my family each person only trusts themselves when a
problem arises.
55 In my house we worry little about promotions at work or grades at
56 Some of us play a musical instrument
57 None of the family participates in recreational activities outside of
work or school.
58 We believe there are some things you have to have faith in.
59 At home we make sure our bedrooms are clean and tidy.
60 In family decisions all opinions have the same value
61 In my family there is little group spirit
In my family, payment and money issues are discussed openly.
63 If there is disagreement in my family, we all strive to smooth things
over and achieve peace.
64 People in my family react strongly by defending their own rights
65 In our family we hardly try to be successful.
66 People in my family frequently go to the Library or read literary works.
67 My family members sometimes attend courses and classes out of
hobby or interest.
68 In my family, each person has different ideas about what is good or
69 In my family, each person's tasks are clearly defined.
70 In my family everyone has freedom to do what they want.
71 We really get along with each other.
72 We are generally careful with what we say to ourselves.
73 Family members are at odds with each other.
74 In my house it is difficult to be independent without hurting the feelings
of others
75 "First it's work, then it's fun" is a rule in my family.
76 In my house, watching television is more important than reading.
77 The people in our family go out a lot to have fun.
78 In my house reading the Bible is something important.
79 In my family, money is not managed very carefully.
80 In my house the rules are very rigid and "have" to be followed.
81 In my family, a lot of attention and time is given to each person.
82 In my house we express our opinions frequently and spontaneously.
83 In my family we believe that raising your voice doesn't achieve much.
84 In my house there is no freedom to clearly express what one thinks.
85 In my house we make comparisons about our effectiveness at work or
86 My family members really like art, music or literature.
87 Our main form of entertainment is watching television or listening to
the radio.
88 In my family we believe that whoever commits a mistake will have his
89 In my house the table is usually cleared immediately after eating.
90 In my family, you can't get away with anything.

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