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25/5/2021 Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

Given the following items, choose the option that you consider correct.
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1 .-Act as a leader, set the pace, speed, push-ups, correct errors and reward good
results. We talk about: *

Or the organization

•) Effective leadership

Or Intertwined Leadership

Or Trusted Leadership

O Respect for the organization

2 .- It is one of the four factors within the informal group: They create their own
dynamics: informal groups create their own positions and roles, promote norms, apply
sanctions to enforce them and design methods and procedures for working and…1 /5
25/5/2021 Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

having fun outside official practices. of the formal organization. *


Or False

OR None of the above

3 .- Studies the problems of anxiety, depression and stress at both an emotional and
behavioral level, they belong to: *

•) Clinical psychology

O Organizational psychology

O Educational psychology

Or Forensic Psychology

O Occupational psychology

4 .- The characteristics of the objective that is being observed can influence, in

addition, the relationship between an object and its background influences: *

Or the stimulus

Or learning

Or the behavior

® The perception

O None of the above is correct

5 .- It is the result of the combination of linear and functional organization to try to

increase the advantages of these two types of organization and reduce their
disadvantages, we talk about: *

•) The Staff organization

OR The linear organization

O Functional organization…2 /5
25/5/2021 Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

O The informal organization

Or human behavior

6 .- Personality is the growth and development of the individual's global psychic

system, where heredity and situation interact. *


Or False

7 .- It is a process of permanent observation of the evolution of aspects in

results, performance, competencies. we refer to: *

O Rewards and feedback

O The development potential

• The psychology of work

O The measurement and performance process

O None of the above is correct

8 .- It consists of unofficial means, its place in the organization is outside it,

individuals group together voluntarily and independently of its structure. *

•) Informal Organization

O Task Group

O Interest group

O Formal organization

O Group changes

9 .- This approach predominates in professionals who work in finance and

production. Some indicators by which the success obtained in meeting needs is
measured. We talk about: *…3 /5
25/5/2021 Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

O Quality and efficiency

O Satisfaction and development

Or Personal Realization

(• Productivity and efficiency

O All alternatives are correct

10 .- Intelligence is automatic behaviors that are very simple since they represent the
response to a specific stimulus. *

Or True

® False

O Neither true nor false

11. The ING. Juan Pérez is the head of operations at the Colibrí Gold Mine, he is
quiet, introverted, with a degree of submission, he reports feeling embarrassed
when talking to his subordinates. What type of leadership do you have? *

Or free Emotional Leadership

(• Docile Emotional Leadership

Or unruly emotional leadership

OR All of the above

OR None of the above

12. Abnormal Personality is related to:

O Inflexible behavior

O Harmful conduct

Or yesterday's behavior

OR All of the above…4 /5
25/5/2021 Industrial Psychology Partial Exam

OR None of the above


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