Appreciation of Computer Systems-Inet

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Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

TTP / Professional and Personal Computing

Module / Appreciation of typical information systems

Approved by Res. 190/02 CFCyE

TTP in Professional and Personal Computing / Module: Appreciation of typical information systems


The problem addressed by this module is linked to areas of competence 6, related to the action of sales or
sales support, or to the purchase of computer products or services, and 7, related to the self-management
of their activities, those of their sector within the organization or own venture.

Information systems and the problems faced by those who operate or use them are found in a given
context, which determines the users' own terminology, the characteristics and complexity of the software
used, the importance and particularities of the control to be exercised over processes and data and the
nature of urgency or confidentiality that should surround the problem and its solution.

Some systems have administrative characteristics and solve commercial, financial or accounting
functions. Others are technical and are related to production or service processes. In addition, those who
lead organizations need less structured systems that provide management and decision-making

To interpret the user's needs and problems, whoever assists them must be able to navigate within the
organizational scope and understand the type of application they use.

This module, which is mandatory, begins the modular area of “Self-management and marketing” . It
addresses the referenced competencies, introducing the student to various information systems associated
with the production of goods and services – representative of the typical activities and operations of some
sectors and branches of economic activity – as well as the problems that they try to solve, to understand
them and acquire their terminology. The information systems addressed will be optional for the
institutions, which may select them based on the socio-economic context and the jurisdictional or
institutional educational project.

1. Reference to the professional profile

This module introduces the student to problems, terminology, functions and categories of data that
manage various information systems commonly used in organizations and sectors of the economy in
which they must develop their future activities and, therefore, provides a complement essential for the
training of the future technician.

It proposes a strong approach to the reality of the productive world and establishes bases of contextual
knowledge that help it to position itself in organizations and competently face the activities of
competence areas 6: “Buy/sell, understood as the action of sale or support for sale, or purchase of
computer products or services” and 7: “Self-manage your activities, those of your sector within the
organization, or your own venture.” In particular, regarding:

6.1. Provide technical support to the sale or purchase of computer products or services.
7.1. Plan the development time of the activities.
7.2. Manage the activities you carry out.
7.4. Anticipate customer needs.

The type of capabilities developed does not allow defining a unit of competence that has any type of work
significance, however, the scope and conditions of professional practice are indicated that serve as a
reference for this module and to contextualize the work environment of the employee. technical future.

At the end of this module, students will be able to recognize and appreciate characteristics of different
information systems typical of operational and administrative activities, or of certain organizational
functions. This will make it easier for you to contextualize the problems you face, differentiating between
the strictly technical ones and those derived from the functional, giving each one appropriate
consideration for the organization and function affected.

Students will develop their skills in work contexts characterized by:

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TTP in Professional and Personal Computing / Module: Appreciation of typical information systems

•The appreciation of administrative functions and procedures typical of information systems typical of
different types of commercial, industrial or service organizations, whether state or private, large or
medium, for-profit or non-profit.
•Knowledge of data structures and other characteristics of information systems, such as the criticality
of data or specific processes.
•Knowledge and respect for official standards and commercial or professional practices that regulate
their functions and condition their characteristics.

2. Capacities

This module is proposed as a result of achieving the specific capabilities indicated in the following table.
The second column proposes some evidence that allows us to infer that the proposed capabilities have
been acquired. Each teaching team in charge of developing the module will have to work, deepen and
expand this evidence proposal based on the characteristics of the students and the teaching/learning

Capabilities Evidence
Recognize and characterize conceptual models of Critically analyzes the characteristics of the
some typical economic operations and processes, as information systems corresponding to certain
well as the information systems of organizations and companies or other organizations, relating what is
their role in them. observed with the models studied.
Associate responsibilities and functions on the Explains the internal organization, main operating
organization's own processes and information characteristics and information circuits of the
systems, with the functional areas of commercial organization, based on case studies.
companies or the production of goods and services.
It characterizes the computer applications found in
Interpret specific requirements of the data managed the area studied depending on the context in which
by an organization (confidentiality, preservation, they are used.
It investigates and characterizes the typical
commercial and productive processes of the studied
environment and analyzes them in relation to the
current situation of the region where the institution
is located.

Some suggested ways to obtain evidence are:

•Analytical or comparative reports.

•Flowcharts of operational processes, administrative flowcharts, file structures, organizational charts
and other base elements.
•Comparative tables between different application systems.
•Survey plans and documentation of what was done.

3. Training activities

To develop the capabilities that the module proposes, it is recommended to organize training activities
such as:

•Analyze case studies that allow developing the characteristics of certain companies (type, operational
activities, organizational structure, circuits and information systems used) comparing them with
typical models.
•Simulate the operations and information needs of a certain area of an organization, interacting with
other groups.
•Carry out explained visits to companies in the area in which the school develops its activities,
identifying and relating realities with conceptual models.

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TTP in Professional and Personal Computing / Module: Appreciation of typical information systems

•Search, interpret and relate information about the characteristics of the operations and information
systems typical of different organizational models.
•Share what has been analyzed to abstract common aspects and point out differences.

4. Contents

This description presents those contents that could be developed during the course of the training
activities. It does not indicate sequence, it will be the teaching team in charge of the module who will
decide at what time and through what activities, they will develop them.

General contents
•Introduction to organizations
•Most common operations, typical information systems and usual applications linked to the supply
and transformation of goods and services.
•Most common operations, typical information systems and usual applications linked to the marketing
and distribution of goods and services.
•Typical information systems for service activities.
•Information in the decision-making process.
•Basic organizational, administrative and accounting principles.
•Rules or practices that imply the need to preserve or safeguard data.

Specific content
•The organization as a social system, concept, purposes and functions. Organizational models,
authority and leadership, communication networks, information flow. Internal organization,
organization charts, course charts and flow charts. Ethics of organizations.
•Most common operations, typical information systems and usual applications linked to the supply
and processing of accounts payable; inventory control and the transformation of goods and
services. Basic operations and their registration.
•Most common operations, typical information systems and usual applications linked to the
marketing, distribution of goods and services and management of accounts receivable. Basic
operations and their registration.
•Typical information systems and usual applications for activities such as healthcare, financial, etc.
•The decision-making process, the role of information in it. Information subsystems. Information
sources, files, classification systems.
•Basic organizational, administrative and accounting, legal and tax principles that apply to private or
public associations and organizations, for-profit or non-profit, including basic concepts of internal
control. Emerging information registration and processing needs.
•Main legal and tax regulations, or professional or commercial practices that imply the need to
preserve or safeguard data.

Clarification: the contents will be associated with the business field selected by the institution. The
options will be made based on the socioeconomic context and the jurisdictional or institutional
educational project, such as agricultural activities, health management, administrative management, etc.

5. Learning environment

It is the school's computer laboratory or guided visits to companies or other institutions related to the
production and marketing of goods and services. This type of activities, as well as the immersion of the
student in the socio-productive work of the environment selected by the institution, could require certain
time for preparations, research, maturation and conceptualization of the acquired knowledge, so it is
convenient that this be an annual course. Students who are slower to complete their assignments should
have additional work time with the possibility of making consultations and receiving support from

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TTP in Professional and Personal Computing / Module: Appreciation of typical information systems

6. Requirements

It is recommended to have completed the “Data Manipulation and Preservation” module, since this
allows, by already having prior contact with the equipment and systems, to relate the business world (in
which you will develop your future activities) with the application systems that are used and the real
needs of the users.

7. Hourly load

Completing this module requires approximately 96 hours. This duration may vary by 20%, more or less,
from the values described, depending on pedagogical criteria and the institutional project, respecting the
proportions between the different modular areas and within the frameworks established by the respective

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