Autism Action Plan

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The Madrid Autism Federation was established in 1998 as a result of the

initiative taken by a group of associations that operate in the territorial area of
the Community of Madrid and that develop their action in the field of care for
people with autism and associated disorders.

As stated in its Statutes, the purposes it pursues are:

• Coordinate initiatives and be spokesperson for associations for people

with autism in the Community of Madrid; cooperate with other regional,
national and international Federations of a similar nature.

• Optimize existing social resources and obtain the necessary funds from
administrations to improve and expand the services provided to people
with autism.

• Promote courses, seminars and exchange of experiences that contribute

to improving the technical training of professionals who work with people
with autism and promote the training of volunteers; participate in research
projects in the field of autism.

• Develop and carry out family orientation programs aimed at fathers,

mothers and guardians of people with autism.

It has recently renewed its Government Commission at a time when the majority
of the members of the Federation agree on the need to give it a new impetus,
once ten years have passed since its constitution, to improve the results of its
activity for the benefit of people with autism and their families and the entities
that are part of it.


To this end, it has been considered essential to undertake planning work on the
future activity of the Federation that contemplates a period of four years, and
that sets for the end of said period the objective of becoming a Federation that is
a significant reference in the world. of care for people with autism. This value will
become a reality to the extent that member entities are provided with a service
that more than compensates for their collaboration and coordination efforts and
that people with autism and their families are offered a resource of support and
guidance from the beginning of their life. peculiar adventure of overcoming and
living with disability. Autism Madrid also aspires to be an effective instrument to
promote social and political changes that contribute to turning our society into a
more favorable environment for the development of autistic people and for the
full enjoyment of their rights.

This planning work consists of the preparation of an Action Plan for the period
2008-2012 in which the mission that gives meaning and reason for being to the
Federation and what are the strategic lines that guide and direct its operation are
explicitly stated. activity. These strategic lines are specified in objectives whose
fulfillment will be achieved through specific actions and a deadline for their
completion is established to the extent possible. An annual Operational Plan will
be approved annually, within the framework of the four-year Action Plan, the
evaluation of which at the end of each period will serve to design the Operational
Plan for the following year and to make the necessary adaptations and
modifications to the Action Plan. with a view to achieving the fulfillment of the
objectives set therein.

When approaching this planning work, it has been considered important to make
a brief reflection in relation to the current circumstances that shape social action
with regard to disability in general and specifically the care of people with
spectrum disorders. autistic.


These circumstances must be kept in mind as they will decisively influence the
federation's action program and the consideration of its priorities.

What stands out among them is the fact that in our country it was established
just a few months ago, with the approval of the Law for the Promotion of
Personal Autonomy and Care for People in a Situation of Dependency, what has
been described as the fourth pillar of the Welfare State, along with education,
health and pensions. This law contemplates the right of citizens to receive a
series of benefits and services in situations of dependency. This opens up a
wide range of possibilities and resources for people with autism and their
families, recipients of those services and benefits, and begins a stage of putting
the system into operation, in which it will be very important that they are their
expectations and true needs have been duly taken into account. This is one of
the main challenges of this period for the Federation and therefore it will be
considered predominantly, from different perspectives, in the Action Plan.

Although this is a crucial moment, it cannot be ignored that in the Community of

Madrid many achievements have already been achieved and programs and
services have been launched aimed at guaranteeing the social protection of
people with autism, their accessibility to goods and services. and to improve
their quality of life and their integration into society and that the associations
have had the support of public institutions in their activities.

It is above all essential, in this new stage that is opening, to maintain the level of
quality of this care, to promote it as much as possible and to ensure that at all
times the specificity of the disorders associated with autism is taken into


Autism is a disorder that causes a serious disability in the person who suffers
from it and this circumstance in turn leads the person with autism to depend on
third parties in order to lead a normal life, understood as one in which their
personal rights , economic and social can be enjoyed without suffering
unjustified discrimination and with equal opportunities.

Unlike other circumstances that cause disability, in autism there is still a great
lack of knowledge that covers both the causes that cause it and the way to deal
with it to achieve the full personal and social development of the person. In the
different areas in which their daily life takes place and their treatment is
addressed, whether in education, physical and sports activity, health, work or
leisure, there are still multiple questions. Therefore, it is also an important
challenge for the Federation to be able to give a boost to research and
knowledge on autism as an essential task to advance the common and ultimate
project of improving the quality of life of people with autism.

One of the most significant and profound changes in recent years is precisely
the one that is related to the way in which society, and as an integral part of it
the family to which the person with autism belongs, perceives and faces the
disability of the individuals.

Nowadays, it is normally considered that people with disabilities are integrated

into everyone's daily lives and the need to provide them with the necessary
means is understood so that they can overcome and compensate for the
environmental conditions that act as obstacles for them. However, there is still a
long way to go to achieve full inclusion in all areas.


To accelerate and properly channel this process, all actions aimed at educating
society (from school and also in other areas), towards raising awareness and
raising awareness of the obstacles and difficulties that people with disabilities
have are particularly effective. autism for the development of the most basic
activities of daily life. And it is also appropriate to promote actions that contribute
to improving knowledge about autism in all those people who, in many cases for
professional reasons (doctors, teachers...), have to interact with people with

Undoubtedly, the family continues to play an essential role of support and care
within the family group, but some decisive elements of this care have changed in

society and configure what is considered a new paradigm.

On the one hand, the horizon is no longer merely healthcare. The improvement
in the quality of life in every sense has led to an increase in longevity in people
with disabilities and what we want to offer to the person is a quality life, and for
this it is necessary that they be able to enhance their personal autonomy and
develop all their capacities within their own vital project, accessible and involved
in the lives of everyone, in society. Inclusion in the community is a right that we
must all guarantee.

On the other hand, the family of the person with autism and all its members,
especially those who have traditionally dedicated themselves exclusively to their
care, must also carry out, without canceling, excepting or putting on hold, their
own vital project in the within the society of which they are part. Therefore, they
must have at their disposal the means to reconcile the different dimensions that
are present in their daily lives, including having ultimate responsibility for a family
member with autism spectrum disorder.


All of this means that a federative organization like Autismo Madrid opens up a
broad horizon of activities and values that need to be promoted to bring these
elements of progress to every corner, to all families, to all people.

These principles and values are also imperative mandates for our society and for
public powers. The United Nations Organization has approved the Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which has been ratified by Spain and
has been in force since last May 3, and which the Madrid Assembly has
expressly supported in an institutional declaration last month. of June. Many of
the rights contemplated in this text are not yet sufficiently guaranteed, many
practices contrary to them still have to change and new ones must be
implemented in order to effectively comply with the Convention. Being
incorporated into our legal system opens up many new possibilities of action to

demand its respect and compliance.

The Madrid Autism Federation, due to its special position of coordination,

networking and representation, can open channels to receive or obtain
information about the different situations that occur in specific cases and that will
allow, after a work of analysis and assessment, identify demands for action and
send them to the institutions and thus promote the materialization of the rights
contemplated in the Convention. This role of active support, intercession,
mediation or defense constitutes one of the main tasks for organizations that
work on behalf of the most disadvantaged groups.

Based on these considerations, five strategic lines have been established that
will guide and direct the Federation's action in the next four years:


1. Strengthening the organizational and management aspects of the

federation to better meet its institutional purposes. INSTITUTIONAL

2. Participation in the definition and execution of public policies, through

existing channels for the participation of citizens and organizations,
advocating for the interests of people with ASD and their families.

3. Promotion of research, knowledge and innovation in all areas that

affect the vital development of people with ASD, contributing to
improving their quality of life. RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE.

4. Promotion of the rights and social protection of people with autism.

Promotion and generation of actions, programs and projects that

contribute to making the rights of people with ASD a reality and
providing the necessary support to family members and organizations
that deal with their care and attention. PROMOTION OF RIGHTS AND

5. Action on society, promoting receptive attitudes, positive perceptions

and greater social awareness towards people with ASD, to promote
their inclusion in society and promote the active involvement of
everyone in the realization of their rights. LINK WITH THE SOCIETY.





Contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of people with autism and
their families in the Community of Madrid and promote that the care provided to
them and the intervention in the different areas always have as their goal the
search for their happiness and well-being in the framework of the principles of
maximum personal autonomy, normalization, equal opportunities, non-
discrimination and full social and labor integration.

To this end, Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered with a positive approach

not focused on shortcomings and difficulties but on the possibilities and
capacities of each person to find happiness in small satisfactions and in the
experience of pleasant moments throughout the day. . This positive approach is
based on the conviction that the best investment that can be made with people
with ASD is the promotion of physical health, emotional well-being and personal
development, as this directly contributes to improving their quality of life. life.


That Autismo Madrid be recognized by the third sector as a reference platform in

supporting people with autism spectrum disorders and their families within the
Community of Madrid for its work integrating the actions carried out by
associations and for providing added value to this work by multiplying the
positive effects of their initiatives.




Strengthening the organizational and management aspects of
the Federation for the better fulfillment of its purposes.


^ Group together under the Federation the associations that work in the
Community of Madrid in favor of people with autism and unite, coordinate
and represent their interests and those of families.

^ Have Statutes that constitute a useful instrument for the direction,

management and administration of the interests of the Federation.

^ Have the human and material resources necessary to carry out the
programmed actions and to fulfill the responsibilities that arise from the
operation of the Federation.

^ Be an instrument of participation and representation of the interests of the

associations before other public or private institutions.

^ Serve as a channel of internal and external information between the
associations that belong to the federation.

^ Carry out a previously planned action oriented towards the fulfillment of

certain objectives, with assigned resources and that is evaluated periodically.


^ Obtain funds to finance the operation and activity of the Federation.

^ Act with transparency through an accountability policy that includes the

evaluation of results and the preparation of reports on the Federation's


1. Review and, where appropriate, update the Statutes and in particular

those regarding the rights and duties of the associated organizations.

2. Request the declaration of public utility (state and municipal).

3. Establish stable channels of participation and cooperation between

associations, through specific or general working groups or commissions.

4. Approve an annual operational plan that establishes the actions to be

carried out during the period, the deadlines for their execution, the
resources assigned and the person or body responsible for compliance.

5. Monitor and evaluate the four-year Action Plan and make the
modifications and adaptations that are necessary during its execution to
achieve the objectives.


6. Identify the different sources of financing that exist for the Federation or
its members.

7. Carry out the necessary actions to obtain funds to finance the operation
and activity of the Federation.

8. Comply with the legal, fiscal and statutory obligations of the Federation,
as well as those derived from obtaining external financing.

9. Make a forecast of the human resources necessary to carry out the

actions programmed in the Plan and carry out the relevant offer, selection
and contracting.

10. Request the participation of the Federation in any bodies that exist or are
established in the future for the representation of the interests of people
with disabilities. Recover the membership in the Advisory Council of the
Community of Madrid.

11. Collaborate closely with other organizations that work for the well-being
of people with disabilities and cooperate with regional, national and
international Federations of a similar nature.

12. Carry out the necessary actions to be part of the Municipal Disability
Council of the Madrid City Council.

13. Reach collaboration agreements and delimitation of powers in the

geographical area of Madrid with the Autism Spain Confederation to
avoid duplications and overlaps and promote the effectiveness of the
actions of each organization at its own level.


14. Create a Federation website and carry out maintenance and constant

updating tasks.

15. Prepare an annual evaluation and accountability report on the

Federation's activity and make it known to the organizations associated
with the Federation.

16. Subscribe to mandatory insurance policies and any others deemed

pertinent to ensure the entity's responsibility for the risks derived from
carrying out its activities.



Participation in the definition and execution of public policies, through

existing channels for the participation of citizens and organizations,
advocating for the interests of people with ASD and their families.


^ Become an instrument for community participation

identifying the problems and needs of people with ASD and requesting
public actions that are appropriate to resolve them.

^ Participate in the processes of developing public policies that have an

impact on people with ASD, defending their interests through the forums
established for the participation of citizens or the organizations that
represent them.


17. Identify the bodies and institutions that at different administrative levels
(local, regional or state) have a body or other instrument for the
participation of non-governmental organizations representing the interests
of people with disabilities and request the participation of Autismo Madrid
in the same.

18. Establish fluid relationships with representatives of public administrations
at the different state, regional and local levels, whose powers affect the
scope of action of the Federation.

19. Know what are the measures and standards adopted by public
administrations in the implementation of the SAAD (System for Autonomy
and Dependency Care) and make an evaluation of their impact on the
quality of life of people with autism and associated disorders and their

20. Review and update of contracts for Day Centers, Residences and other
services and benefits, to guarantee the maintenance of the quality of
services, through the creation of an ad hoc Work Commission.

21. Include in the Annual Report of the Federation a section that includes all
the actions promoted by the Federation before the Public Administrations,
indicating those that have been able to be attended to and those that
remain pending resolution.



^ Promote research, knowledge and innovation in all areas that affect the
vital development of people with ASD, contributing to improving their
quality of life.

^ Contribute to expanding knowledge about the reality of people with

autism in the Community of Madrid and about their specificity and their
present and future needs, carrying out dissemination work.

^ Determine the most appropriate methodologies and intervention

strategies for people with ASD so that professional training programs can
be implemented and developed that are homogeneous and effective to
facilitate integration and accessibility.


22. Carry out the necessary actions to be able to have a census of people
with autism in the Community of Madrid (a map of autism in Madrid).

23. Collaborate, through courses, seminars, internships or any other actions,

with the Universities of the Community of Madrid that have research
programs on autism from different perspectives.


24. Promote and carry out research and studies that help expand knowledge
about the issues that affect autism and associated disorders (for
example, in health, education, leisure and sports, dependency and
personal autonomy, etc.).

25. Disseminate the results of research carried out on autism.

26. Analyze the training needs regarding autism in the different professions
that in one way or another have a relationship or contact with people with
autism and make proposals so that they can have the appropriate



^ Promote and generate actions, programs and projects that contribute to

making the rights of people with ASD a reality and provide the necessary
support to family members and organizations that take care of their care
and attention.

^ Monitor that the rules and measures adopted in the development of the
Autonomy and Dependency Support System (SAAD) are adapted to the
peculiarities and needs of people with ASD and effectively promote their
personal autonomy and their inclusion in society.


27. Design and obtain financing to launch a “project to promote the

acquisition of active lifestyles in people with ASD” in order to improve
their quality of life and guarantee their right to participate, on equal terms
with others. others, in sports activities.

28. Design and implement a program to monitor the development process of

the System of Autonomy and Support for Dependency (SAAD) with the
objective of monitoring and promoting that the standards and measures
that are approved respond effectively to the peculiarities and specific
needs of the people with ASD and contribute to improving their personal
autonomy and their inclusion in society and serve as a basis


29. to propose to the Administration the essential points in the interest of

people with ASD.

30. Promote and collaborate in carrying out a study on the adequacy of the
autism dependency scale so that the recognized degree and level
effectively responds to the person's situation.

31. Collaborate with the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, in the
Health Care Improvement Project that designates the Gregorio Marañón
University Hospital as a reference center for the comprehensive
treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders.

32. Achieve full accessibility for people with autism in public sports facilities in
the Community of Madrid.

33. Involve the Administration in the implementation of autism classrooms in

other ordinary or special centers, as a support resource for the integration
of people with ASD.

34. Provide information and guidance to individuals and families about the
rights that may apply to them and the social resources available.



Action on society, promoting receptive attitudes, positive perceptions and

greater social awareness towards people with ASD, to promote their
inclusion in society and promote the active involvement of everyone in the
realization of their rights.


^ Promote receptive attitudes, positive perceptions and greater social

awareness towards people with ASD in society, weakening the obstacles
and social barriers that hinder their inclusion in society.

^ Serve as a channel for citizens to get involved in the effective realization

of the rights of people with ASD.

^ Raise awareness and promote awareness regarding the difficulties and

needs of people with ASD and their families.

^ Disseminate information about autism and the situation of people affected

by this disorder and publicize the activities of the Federation and
associations in favor of this group.

^ Promote the involvement of society and individuals in improving the

quality of life of people with ASD.



35. Organize a Conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the

Federation in which the main issues of interest to people with autism,
families and organizations that deal with their care and attention are
widely debated and the Action Plan is presented and disseminated. of the

36. Inform families about the development of the health care improvement
project that designates the Gregorio Marañón Hospital as a reference
center so that they collaborate and can obtain the maximum benefit from
this resource.

37. Carry out and participate in dissemination and awareness campaigns

regarding the needs and rights of people with autism.

38. Carry out dissemination and dissemination activities of the projects and
activities of the Federation and the organizations that belong to it.

39. Carry out fundraising actions.



From the beginning of its execution, the following actions will be carried out in
relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the Plan:

^ Continuous and systematic registration of the actions that comply with

the Plan and the incidents that affect its development.

^ Monthly meetings with the president of Autism Madrid to complete the

available information.

^ Drafting a quarterly report that will be sent to the members of the

Government Commission for their information and assessment.

^ Drafting of the Annual Report of the Federation's activities and

presentation at a meeting of the Government Commission for the final
assessment of the results, debate and approval of proposals for its


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