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PT (2022-23)
Time: 90 Minutes. Maximum Marks: 40 Marks

General instructions:
1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and
Section C.
2. Section A consists of 8 multiple choice questions. All questions have to be
attempted each question carries 1 mark.
3. Section B consists of 4 questions. All 4 questions have to be attempted and each
question carries 3 marks and should have 100-150 words.
4. Section C consists of 4 questions. All 4 questions have to be attempted each
question carries 5 marks and should have 300 words.

Section: A (Multiple Choice Questions)

Q.1 The sport which is not included in the Olympics is:

(A.) Cricket (B.) Hockey (C.) Football (D.) Athletics

Q.2 How many sports have been included in the KheloIndia Programme.
(A.) 10 (B.) 16 (C.)12 (D.) 18
Q.3 The Olympic games were not organised in:

(A.) 1916 (B.) 1940 (C.) 1944 (D.) All of these

Q.4 The Olympic Anthem is also called the:

(A.) Olympic rhyme (B.) Olympic vurse
(C.) Olympic hyme (D.) Olympic song
Q.5 According to Patanjali, the elements of Yoga are:
(A.) 6 (B.) 7 (C.) 8 (D.)1

Q.6 Who said yogashchit vritti nirodhah:

(A.) Ved vyas (B.) Lord Shri krishna
(C.) Arjuna (D.)Patanjali

Q.7 The first physical education program for studentswith visual

disabilities was originated in:
(A.) 1938 (B.) 1850 (C.) 1838 (D.) 1956
Q.8 Which of the following do not include fundamentalmotor skills:
(A.) Throwing (B.) Dance (C.)Runnning (D.) Swinging
Section: B ( 3 Marks Question)
Q9. What is Flexibility?
Q10. Explain in details any five objectives of adaptive physical education?
Q11. Explain the concept of disorder?
Q12. Describe the various elements of Yama?
Section: C ( 5 Marks Question)
Q13. Describe technology advancement in sports?
Q14. Explain ancient and modern Olympic in details?
Q15. Write a detailed note on the kinds of yogic kriyas?
Q16. What is the roll of various professionals for thedifferently abled? Explain.

Q29. Estate the objectives of fit India programe?
Q30. Explain in details any 3 career options of physicaleducations?

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