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• Square or kupé (p.6) • Point and Banking • Solitaire Sage Poker

• Donkey or pig • Puzzle • BlackJack 21 solitaires
• Cinquillo – Sixes – • Letters from Hanoi • chinese poker
Sevens • Add 8 • Pineapple OFC
• Little bastard • Twenty Twenty • Outlaw poker.
• The fast • Krypto • anaconda poker
• Descarte, Uno, Pumbaa, • Eleusis • Poker with wild card.
Fuck you, motherfucker • 4 in line • Steal the blinds
• Crazy eights • Solitaire Kings • betting
• Clock

cornered continuation
• Liar or Distrust Lonely Klondike • Mathematics in games
• Go fishing – Go fish • Lonely Spider (p.201)
• Couples – memory –
• Lonely
Freecell or • Math and Poker: Outs
pairs – trios and Odds.
• The monkey •
white • Theory of games
• Killer
Lonely for 2 Spites
• Dices of poker.
• Moron •
and Malice • Dices lying poker
• President, •
Lonely for 2 Crapette
• Dices yacht
shit eater, big damulti •
Lonely pyramid
• Dices Cricket
• Conquián or Tercerilla •
Lonely pyramidGolf
• Bowling
• Chinchón or Gin Rummy
Lonely pyramid of
• Billiards
• Remigio or Rabbi •
Giza • Ladies
• Continental or Carioca •
Solitaire Sandwich
• Darts
• Rummikub •
• Domino
• Whist • Ante and Blind • Some games from
• Brisca • The limits in poker.
• Durak • The maximum bet: All
• Swedish In.
• Wink • The Kicker in poker.
• Tute

• You bastard
Classification of hands.
• Julep • Position at the gaming
• Broom of 15 table.
• broom • Five Draw Card Poker (5
• Italian broom or Scopa card draw)
• Royal Casino • Seven Card Stud Poker
• Forty - 40

(7 card stud)
• chinese ten

Texas Holdem Poker.
Poker Omaha.
• Hearts or Black Lady • PokerRussian
• Swords or Spades or • Poker Caribbean stud

Oh Hell – The rotten one
• Tic tac toe poker (poker
• Sausage • Poker Square Solitaire
• Round or Fall • Five card poker Solitaire
• Black Jack • Tic A Tac poker
• Half past seven • Solitaire Politaire Poker
• Baccarat

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French and English deck
The English deck is frequently confused with the French deck, because in a certain sense they
are the same. The English took the French model to create their deck, modifying some details.
The French deck is a set of playing cards or cards, made up of 52 cards divided into four suits:
hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.
The English deck derives from the French one, it is a set of playing cards or cards made up of
52 units divided into four suits. Three wild cards are often included in this deck, raising the
number to 55 cards.
This deck is known as a “ poker deck .” The deck is divided into 4 suits (in English, suit), 2 red
and 2 black:

Cups Swords Golds Bastos

hearts Diamonds clovers


Each suit is made up of 13 cards, of which 9 cards are numerals and 4 are literal. They are
ordered from lowest to highest rank as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K and Ace (which
would be 1, but in most games is the one with the greatest power).
The names of the figures come from royal figures and in English they are called court cards .
The card “J” or Jack (page) is known as jack or jack and represents a servant. The “Q” or
Queen is the queen and the “K” or King is the king.
The name in English " ace ", which designates the card of each suit with a single symbol, comes
from the Latin "ace" and the Greek "heis", words to refer to the unit. It should therefore be the
lowest card in the deck, however, in most games, it is the highest ranking card.
The Joker or wild card emerged in the United States. The word means mocker, joker or jester.
This card differs from the rest because it has no rank or suit and is introduced in games as a
special card that replaces any other. There are 3 jokers per deck.

Spanish and Italian deck

The Spanish deck consists of a deck of 40 numeral cards . It is divided into four suits, each
numbered from 1 to 12, omitting 8, 9 and 10, the figures being 10 (jack), 11 (knight) and 12
(king). The suits are gold, cups, swords and clubs. The cards are numbered, but unlike the
standard French deck, the number 10 is the first of the cards, rather than a card with ten
symbols of each suit. So each suit only consists of 10 cards.
The Italian deck consists of a deck of 48 numeral cards, derived from the Spanish deck and
presents the same suits and figures. Each suit is made up of 12 number cards. They are
ordered from lowest to highest rank as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Jack, Knight, King and Ace
(which would be 1). The three figures of each suit are: the jack (page or Jack, with the number
10 and equivalent to the French J), the knight (or knight with the number 11 and which replaces
the French Q) and finally the king (the number 12 and equivalent to the French K).

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Most Spanish card games are played with forty cards, although versions of the following decks
are currently manufactured:
> 40 cards ^ original Spanish deck (does not include jokers, 8, 9,10).
> 48 cards > Spanish deck (does not include 10. Remember that, being a deck of cards
numerals, 10 is always the first figure, so this card number 10 cannot be there).
> 55 cards ^ Spanish poker deck: it has the same cards as the poker deck, but with
the Spanish suits (clubs, gold, cups and swords) + the 3 jokers.


> In all games, before starting to play, you must decide the additional rules that arise for
each game, so that there is no confusion later. Additional rules will be presented that are
not included in the original game, it is just a question of whether they are added. An
additional rule to study and try for some games is the possibility of playing with several
decks of “different suit”. That is, playing with a French poker game mixed with a Spanish
poker game, so that we increase the playing time. In this sense, the back of the cards
must be the same, so as not to be able to identify them.
> It is essential to make a random distribution of cards. In addition to a good shuffling, the
distribution must be such that it avoids “coincidences” of adjacent cards: 1) of the same
index, 2) same suit, 3) correlative numbers. To do this, in the initial distribution of the
game the cards are always distributed one by one among the players, in the case of
solitaires we distribute one card for each column. And once the game has started, its
specific rules are followed.
> Games that are originally played with a Spanish deck can be played with an English
poker deck. Not the other way around, since there are games for English poker cards that
use “color” combinations (for example, solitaires), since, although in the English poker
deck there are 4 suits, there are 2 black suits and 2 red sticks. In games that are not
based on colors (normally solitaire and poker) they can be played with any type of deck.
> All the games are in software, so you can learn the rules. But you must keep in mind that
in games with hidden cards or chips the programmer is the only one who knows how they
are distributed (dominoes, mastermind, sinking the fleet, who's who, any card game in
general...) so that chance is not involved. It has to exist, hence the difficulty levels .
Only in “seen” games does artificial intelligence influence and there is no “possible”
cheating on the part of the game, since there is nothing “hidden”. For example, in games
such as 4 in a row, checkers, chess, reversi, Freecell... although the latter has difficulty
studies according to exposed combinations. It is best to play with people directly.

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> Games in pairs) They are usually 4 players. The option to play more than
2 couples at a time. However, if there are 3 couples (6 people) there are the options of:
• A) Play only 2 pairs at a time and the loser of each game is changed to the one
that is not playing.
• B) Play the 3 pairs at the same time, adding one or more decks and making an
equitable distribution of the cards, eliminating cards from the deck if necessary.
Individual games > The score is the score achieved individually, regardless of the
number of players.

Choice of the giver, position of the players, start of the game ) In case of games
in pairs, the pairs are drawn if they have not been determined
previously. The position of the players that make up a pair will be
one in front of the other.

In individual games, to decide the position of the players, the

procedure is as follows: shuffle well and place the hidden cards on
the table, opening them in a fan or in a row. Each player must pick
up a card from the deck. The highest card corresponds
to the player who deals (the giver), the player who has the next highest card is assigned
the first position to the right of the dealer (who will be the first to throw after dealing), and
so on. In the case of cards of equal value, new ones are taken from the players involved.

The dealer deals card by card clockwise, from left to right.

To start the game (who should throw the first card), it depends on the specific game: in
some games the owner of a specific card will be the first to throw (for example, the 2 of
clubs in the game of hearts), and in others games the hand will be started by the first
player seated to the right of the giver.

Way to throw the cards ) The correct way to throw the cards is by
“stepping on” the previously thrown cards, allowing you to see the
stepped cards. In this way we know the order of the throw, the starting
suit (first card drawn) and the sequence of players.

Games with trump suit > When a trump suit exists in a game, it must
be visible to all players. Once the cards are dealt to the players, if
there are any leftover cards in the game, the next card is thrown face
up on the mat and stepped on with the deck of leftover cards. This suit
is the winner over the rest of the suits played, the trump.

If the game uses all the cards, when reaching the last card, the dealer
turns it over and leaves it on the table for a few moments to mark the
victory. When all the players know the trump, he picks it up and places it in his hand with
the rest of his cards.

> Number of players and number of cards) In certain games (such as brisca, broom, etc.)
the number of cards must be in accordance with the number of players: the number of
cards must be a multiple of the number of players, so that all players end up playing with
the same number of cards (there is no advantage for some over others). In this case:
• A) the necessary number of low cards must be removed, those with the lowest or
no point value.
• B) we can add 1 or 2 wild cards if desired and the game allows it.
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> Game with jokers > jokers will be used to form a card game and win the trick, but never
to score points since they do not have a printed value.
> DEFINITIONS ^ Depending on the specific game, these actions can occur:
• Trump suit > winning suit over the others, even if the leading suit is different. The
highest card wins. This suit changes for each trick. Also called “sample stick.”
• Leading suit ^ suit of the first card played. It is the winning suit over the others
except trump if there is one. The highest starting card wins, if you have not played
• Assist or Serve ^ play a card of the same leading suit into the trick.
• Mount ^ play a card of the same suit and of higher value, as long as a trump has
not been drawn.
• I give up ^ the player can play a card from the lead suit but does not do so (he
can follow the lead suit but does not do so).
• Fail ^ If you do not have cards of the leading suit, it is necessary to take a trump.
• Step or Fail ^ If there are already trumps in play, play a trump card of higher
value than the existing ones.
• Discard or counterrule > if we cannot attend, throw any card.
• Chants > depending on the game, when a player has a certain combination of
cards (wink, mus...) or has only a few left (one, fuck you...) he may or may not
have the obligation to announce it to his playing partners. This way you can get
more points (wink game) or avoid penalties (UNO game).
• Trick or round > each of the hands played until the deck is exhausted and then
add the partial points achieved.
• Game or match > the winner of the game or match will be the one who reaches a
certain number of points first. To win a game, several tricks must be played (until
reaching or exceeding the indicated points), unless they are played to an
established number of tricks and the winner will be the one who scores the most
• Lift, suck, steal ^ take cards from the deck as a penalty for not having a play to
throw cards. Normally this action passes the turn to the next player.
• Contract and auction games > The conditions for winning and scoring are
chosen by each of the players after seeing their hand. The cards are dealt and
each player sees the cards they have to play. Now the auction begins: the players
make "bets" on the number of tricks or points (depending on the game) that they
believe they can win by playing that hand, for themselves (individual games) or for
themselves and their partner (team games). .
These bets are set like the contract and the player who made it is rewarded if he
complies with it (he wins exactly what was set) or penalized for not complying with
it (he wins more or less), depending on the game.

• Square or kupé

The square is a game of cards in pairs or groups. Your objective is to obtain 4 identical cards (or
straight if agreed upon), changing the initials dealt to each player with those on the table
(community cards). It is played with any 1 deck and a minimum of 4 people, and there must be
an even number of them. If 6 people are playing we add another deck, and in this case you can
play with 5 or 6 cards. Each pair or group must think of a password. This can be a gesture, an
action... We will explain its usefulness later.

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It is shuffled and 4 cards are dealt to each player. 4 sample cards are placed on the mat and the
game begins. You have to change cards with those in the center of the board: you take one and
leave another. You must always have 4 in your hand and there must be 4 in the center of the
board. When no one is interested in the cards on the mat, they are thrown into the trash can and
another 4 cards are placed on the pile board.
The game continues like this until someone in the group has all four matching cards. Then he
runs the password to his partner. When your partner notices, say "Square and win the game." If
someone on the other team finds out the password, they can say "Short square" and they would
win the game. But when you say short square and it is not, two different cards are shown. The
game will be resumed until the password is guessed.
There are versions in which players on the same team can see their cards and prepare
strategies. This is called "Little Book". When a player requests it, the game will be paused and
the cards will be seen during the game. It can only be done once per game, and it is often before
the 4 community cards are dealt.
It can be played by 6 players, adding another deck. In this case we must collect 6 cards of the
same index, which by having 8 cards makes the game more interesting.

• Donkey or Pig
Minimum of 4 players. All cards of the same number must be selected, and as many
consecutive numbers as there are players. The cards are mixed and each player is dealt 4 (Ex.
If there are 4 players, 4 groups of 4 equal cards will be necessary: for example, four cards of the
number 1, 2, 3 and 4.)
The objective is to collect the four cards of the same number before anyone else. Next step,
each player slides a card face down to the player on his right saying “Donkey Goes” at the time
(the “donkey goes” command is given one player at a time, clockwise).
At this moment, the first participant to obtain the four cards of the same number will shout
DONKEY and place his hand in the center of the table. The other players must be quick and
attentive enough to place their hand on top of that of the player who got the donkey.
The last person to place their hand is the one who loses and takes a letter. If they do not have a
DONKEY, the game continues in the same way until someone forms one. Scoring is with letters,
first B, then U and so on until one of the players forms the word “DONKEY” and is eliminated.

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• You can decide if the direction of the card change goes to the right, left, all to the center
or alternated between players.
• You can lie on the donkey formation, without touching the center of the game table: in
this case the players who put their hand will add a letter and if no one puts it, the one who
called it will add it.
• Feint: it is placing your hand in the center of the table, saying another word other than
donkey. If a player puts his hand in the center, he will be assigned a letter and if no one
puts it, the sum of the one who called it will be assigned.
• Badly placed hand : To win a game you must place your hand face down in the center
of the table. If one of the players puts their hand face up and their opponents put their
hand in any way, they will be assigned a letter, and if in any case they do not put their
hand, a letter will be assigned to the one who put their hand face up.
• You can decide the number of cards to pass.
• Play with 2 decks: you can agree to form any other combination of 6 or more cards and
this way you play longer.
• Add “Straight Flush”: 4 or more consecutive cards of the
same suit. If two or more players have a straight flush, the
winner will be the one whose straight flush has the highest
card. Therefore, to play, correlative card numbers will be

• Cinquillo – Sixes – Sevens

The purpose of the game is to discard: the first player to discard first wins
the trick. The game is won by the player who reaches a certain score
obtained through the discards played in each trick.
All the cards are dealt and the game consists of placing the cards on the
table in sequential order until you run out of none. Players must discard in
successive turns, at the rate of one card per turn, creating straights of the four suits of the deck
on the playing mat. These stairs must always start from the central number of each suit, which
depends on the deck used, and will be completed both downwards and upwards.
The initial card to draw of each suit would always be the central card: a 5 in a 40-card
Spanish deck and a 6 with 48 cards, a 7 with a 52-card poker deck (without jokers) .
The way to place the cards is as follows:

• The player who has the five, six of gold or 7 diamonds starts and places it on the mat.

• Then the player on the right continues and so on. You can only place central cards (fives or
sixes) or all those cards that continue in progression ANTONIO HUESCAR > Page 7 of 255
ascending or descending to those on the table and are of the same suit. That is, if we are
playing cinquillo, and for example only the five of golds is placed on the table, the players will
only be able to place the six of golds or the four of golds or a five of another suit, thus
starting another sequence again. stick.

• If a player cannot place any cards, he passes , and the next player takes his turn.
• If a player can play several cards, they must choose the one that best suits them to win the
game, since they can only play one card per turn.

• It is cyclic numbering, so we know that a suit begins with the central number but we
do not know what number it will end with at the two extremes: the Ace matches the
king and vice versa.
Optional ^ you can play with jokers. Each joker replaces any card in the deck except the
center card. The joker can only be replaced by the number it replaces on the ladder, so we
recover the joker again to be able to throw it. The condition for recovering it is that it is not
“blocked”, that is, there is not one more card drawn from the sequence after the wild card. If it
were blocked, we already know that a player has one card left without being able to play.
The game score is obtained as follows:
• The player who is first left without any cards wins 5 points for the discard, plus an
additional point for each card that the rivals still have in their hand.
• The rest of the players are deducted as many points as there are cards left in their hand.

• Little bastard
The purpose of the game is to place more cards than your rivals or to discard. The game is won
by the player who reaches a certain score to be determined before starting. The initial card to
draw from each suit would always be the central card: a 5 in a 40-card Spanish deck and
a 6 with 48 cards and a 7 with a 55-card poker deck .
The player who had the six of golds in his possession will begin to be discarded, and therefore
to play, and the turns will then advance from left to right. From that moment on, each player in
their turn discards a card. To do this you have 2 options:
• Place a 6.
• Place a card of a suit whose 6 was already placed, this card being higher or lower than
all those that had been placed of the same suit (here it is not necessary to place
consecutive cards on the table, it will be enough for them to be of the same suit).

Unlike the traditional game of sixes or cinquillo, players can jump cards on the stairs that form in
the center, therefore blocking the possibility of using ANTONIO HUESCAR > Page 8 of 255
the intermediate cards. Each time a card is played, players who have cards in their hand that can
no longer be used leave those cards on the table. These cards are taken out of the game and
counted at the end of the hand to determine the winner.
That is, placing a card higher or lower than the corresponding one within one of the columns that
are formed when playing, blocks the possibility of placing all the cards that would go in the
intermediate positions. For example, if there is a 6 at the end of the column and someone places a
10, the 7, 8 and 9 can no longer be placed; Those who possess said cards must keep them.

The game score is obtained as follows:

• Each player scores as many points as they have placed cards during the hand.
• The player who wins the hand, that is, who has placed the greatest number of cards,
additionally receives as many points as the total number of cards that have remained
unplayable (the winner will receive as many points as his rivals have cards in their hand at
the time of play). end the game).
• If there is more than one winner in the hand, the additional score is distributed equally
among them.
• If the winner of the hand manages to place all his cards, he additionally wins 5 points.
• The winner of each trick will be the one who manages to have the fewest cards once
that it is impossible to continue playing because all the columns are “closed” or the first to be
• The game ends when at the end of a hand one of the players reaches the score agreed
upon before the start of the game.

• The fast
It is a game of speed and reflexes, and it consists of getting rid of all your cards before your
The entire deck is distributed between 2 players. Each player places their deck face down in front of
them. Now take 4 cards for your hand. They choose a card from their hand and they both put it face
down on the mat. They draw a card from their corresponding deck, to have their 4 cards in hand. At
the same time, the players show the card left on the mat and their reflexes and speed begin.
The game is about discarding: each player must place cards on top of those shown following these
1. It must be the card before or after the one shown (ascending or descending correlation),
without taking into account the suit.
2. There are no turns, so the fastest player to get rid of their deck wins.
3. If a player notices a mistake, he must draw the entire deck where he has thrown the card.
4. Each player must always have 4 cards in their hand, unless they have already exhausted
their initial deck.

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5. Values are cyclical: after the king comes the one, and vice versa.
6. If they are played with wild cards, the use of these is allowed.
If no player can throw a card, choose:
a. All the values of the cards remaining for each one are added, and the one with the least
b. We remove the two visible game decks and take the next card from each player's hidden
deck and show the first card on the table, thus starting a new game.

• Discard, Uno, Pumbaa, Fuck you, motherfucker (they are similar


It must be played with 2 decks, including 8, 9 and 10 if more cards are desired. A total of 5 cards
will be dealt per player, a sample card is left on the table and the remaining deck of cards will be left
in the middle of the table. The important thing is that this card is not one of the cards that we will call
“special”, which we will discuss soon. In case a “special” card is turned over, we will put it back in
the middle of the deck and turn over another one.

The procedure is simple, the player starts to the right of the dealer and will have to throw a card
respecting the number (and changing the throwing suit) or the suit of the sample card. If he does
not have a card, he must draw from the pile (here you can make him draw a card and if he still does
not have a “turn pass”, or he must be drawing until he can throw. To choose before starting the
This is how the game will develop until the players leave the game because they have discarded all
their cards. Of course there are some rules that we must respect. For example, when a player has 2
cards in his hand, throws one into the deck and is left with only one in his hand, he must sing
“UNO” .
If he does not do so and one of his rivals warns him, they will sing “Suck it” and he will have a
penalty of 5 cards. Anyone who makes any mistake will receive the same penalty. For example:
throwing when it is not your turn, throwing a card that does not belong, etc.
The “special” cards are those that make the game difficult, although by agreement you can
choose how many special cards you want to play with, as there are many. Are:
• Number 2: The next player draws 2 cards. It is cumulative, which means that if a player plays
a +2, and the next player plays another +2 or a wild card, the next player will have to draw the
sum of both and it is his turn. In the case of 2, it must be rolled being of the same suit as the
• He number 7: Reverse the meaning of the hand
• He number10 (jack): choose suit on board.
• He number11 (horse): loses turn the player that you go on (jumps shift).
• He number12 (king): He who throws itwill be able throwotherletter further Yeah can.
• Wild Card: The next player draws 5 cards and loses his turn. Just like the +2 is cumulative. It
can be shot in any sample suit.

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NOTE : there are specific card decks with the UNO game, so it has specific cards for the special
cards, making it more attractive to play since the number of cards is greater than in a normal deck
(deck cards + special cards). In this sense, you can remove several special cards from a deck to
have fewer, or add more cards from another deck.

Option to double (if remembered) > If a player has two cards of the same color and number in his
hand, they can be played together except for the + 2 and joker cards.

Option to exchange cards (if agreed) ^ when all cards of the same number are drawn
consecutively, the round is stopped and an exchange takes place, so that two players must
exchange cards. A player is the last one to throw the card or cards that caused all of the same
number to be thrown. The other is designated by counting the positions in rotation determined by
the number thrown, starting with the last player who threw the card or cards that caused all the
cards of the same number to be thrown. After this the round continues.
Points > The first player to discard receives points for the cards his players still have in their hand.
Wildcard > 20 points; AS ^ 15 points; Jack, knight, king ^ 10 points; Rest > its silk-
screened value.

• Crazy Eights, Crazy Eights

It is a game similar to the UNO game, but with fewer options, ideal for children. It is played with one
or two poker decks without jokers: 1 or 2 decks for a maximum of 4 players and 2 poker decks for 5
to 8 players.
5 hidden cards are dealt to each player and the deck is left face down in the center. The player
immediately to the right of the dealer begins by throwing a face-up card onto the table.
Now the next player:
A) You must throw a card on top of the previous one:
1. Of equal number: the game changes suit to this new card.
2. Of the same suit: the game continues in the same suit.
3. Letter number 8. This card can be thrown at any time and in this case the player chooses
the suit that follows the game.
B) If you cannot continue, you draw a card from the deck. If it can be thrown, it is thrown,
otherwise the turn passes.
The game ends if:

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1. The player who manages to discard first wins. The player adds the points of the unplayed cards
that the other players have.
2. The deck is finished and all players have no game, they pass. In this case the player with the
fewest points in his possession wins and adds all the points of the cards that the rest of the players
have, he does not add his cards.

Points value:
Eights ^ 20 points, Figures J,Q,K. ^ 15 points, Rest ^ its face value silk-screened.

• Clock
The entire deck ( without jokers) must be distributed equally among all players (same number of
cards). They are dealt face down, players cannot look at their cards. Next, a player is chosen to
start the game: this player begins by dropping the first card from his deck face up and starts with a
number, whatever he wants, and the following players continue counting from that number
and throwing another card on top (according to the deck, Spanish or French, we will follow
the order of the specific cards).
The order of calculation is decided by the second player since by throwing his card and
pronouncing the next number we will know if it is ascending or descending. If a player releases his
card and matches the number he has to pronounce, he loses, and when he loses he takes all the
cards that have been played. The player who takes the deck starts a new turn by throwing a card.

If a player releases his card and matches the number he is given and the next player does not
realize it and throws his card on top of the playing deck, he loses, and he is the one who takes the
deck (it must be decided whether the players can or do not shuffle your cards before starting a new
turn of reading, always without being able to see your cards). Response time is important for the
game to be fun: if a player takes more than 2 seconds to drop the card, they will have to pick up the
deck .
As soon as the first player is discarded, the game continues. Cases:

• until the first match is found . In this case, more players may have been discarded, so the
points of the cards that remain to be played are distributed among the winners (not those of
the deck, which are already played).
• Let all the cards be thrown and no match occurs . In this case there is a tie and no one
scores points.

• Liar
It is played with 1 deck for every 4 players or fraction of them. The entire deck is dealt equally to all
players and must not be seen by any of them (cards face down). They must try to get rid of all the
cards they have in their possession as soon as possible. The player who starts the game places
one, two or three cards face down and calls out a combination of cards, all of the same number,
which will be the move he claims to have played (for example, 1 Ace, 2 knights, 3 kings, etc.).

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If the next player (the one immediately to your right) believes you, you must continue placing one or
more cards on the table, matching the same card number that the previous one has thrown (AS,
knights, kings, etc.) , but not necessarily coinciding with the same number of cards placed on the
table, explicitly saying how many cards are placed, for example, "another horse more", "2 more
Aces", "3 more kings". We are going to find that on the table there will be more cards of the
same number that the deck has . And the game continues like this, with the next player in turn.
If a player distrusts the previous player's cards and decides to check their veracity, he must say so
and pick up the previous player's cards. If the play is true, the unbeliever will take all the cards in
the pile. If, on the other hand, the disbeliever had been correct in his assessment, the preceding
player will collect all the cards in the pile. The player to the right of the person who took the cards in
the previous trick will begin to draw cards again. There is no obligation to say which cards you have
left to play.

Win the game : as soon as the first player is discarded, the game continues. Cases:
• Until one player decides to check cards drawn by another. In this case more players
may have been discarded, so the points from the unplayed cards are distributed.
• When 4 or more players play, there must always be at least 2 losing players, so that when
the others are discarded there are doubts about the cards thrown. When 3 or less play, the
rules to be agreed upon. Card points are distributed without playing.

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• To fish
The object of the game is to collect as many "books" as possible. A book
consists of four cards with the same index. For example, the horse book
consists of the 4 horses of the 4 suits.

Initially each player receives 8 cards, the rest of the cards are placed face
down on the table which will be the draw deck. The player to the right of the
dealer starts.

On your turn you ask any player for a specific card, indicating number and suit. If your opponent
has the requested card, he will give it to you and your turn of requests continues. If this completes a
book, the book is discarded and you will receive one point.
If your opponent does not have the card you asked for, you must draw a card from the deck and
pass the turn to the next player.

Optional) After a round of requests there is a round of “passing a card”: each player chooses any
card of their own and everyone at the same time passes that card to the player on their right. In the
next round of passing a card, they pass it to the one on the left, and so on until everyone passes a
card to everyone.

• Couples or trios
It is played with 1 deck or 2 if you want more cards. This is a very simple
but entertaining game with Spanish cards that requires a good memory
(very appropriate for children). All the cards in the deck are spread on the
table facing down, forming a geometric pattern (square or rectangle).

The game begins with the hand, which is decided at random. He takes two
cards without the other players seeing them. If the cards are a pair, that is,
they have the same numbers, he shows them to the rest of the players and
keeps them, otherwise he returns them to the table in the same place where
they were and face down. Now it is the turn of the next player, who is the one on the right: he does
the same and keeps the cards if they are even, if not he returns them to the table. The player adds
1 point per pair, and for having four cards of the same number he adds 3 additional points for each
If we play with a French poker deck, the pairs must be the same number and color. In the case of a
Spanish deck, if we use 1 deck they must be of the same number, and if we use 2 decks they must
be identical cards.

Trios Variant > link 3 cards. To do this, the deck must have cards that are multiples of 3, so that
they are exact triplets:
1) Correlative in number : for the cards to connect they must be consecutive in
number and of the same suit. In this variant the Ace does not link with the King , and in
this case a poker deck is best: we remove kings or aces for a multiple of exactly 3. We can
include the 3 wild cards, but they only form a trio among themselves.
2) Equal in number : we use two decks and we must eliminate the same suit
complete of both.

OPTIONAL > It must be decided before starting to play whether the cards that are raised are
displayed on the table for all players to see.

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• The monkey
This is another fun game with Spanish cards suitable for playing with children or friends. Any
reasonable number of players can participate using a deck of 40, 48 or 52 cards. Before the
beginning of the game, a Jack is separated (other than the one of pentacles because this is "the
cute one"), then all the cards are distributed one by one among all the players.

Once the cards have been dealt, each player discards those cards in his possession that form a
pair, for example, two Aces, two Threes, two Knights, etc... so that each player is left with cards that
cannot be paired at the moment. .
Once all the players' pairs have been discarded, the dealer shows his cards covered to the player
on the right, who will take any one of the group. If this card obtained matches any of the ones in his
hand, he discards the pair, otherwise he keeps it and offers the ones in his hand to the next player
on his right. The game continues in this way in turn to the right. The player who offers his cards can
place them in any order he wants.

As the game progresses, the players are discarded as they have matched the ones in their hand,
but since a Jack has previously been separated, and the Golden Jack cannot be paired because it
is "the cute one", this will remain in the hands of the player. last player who will be the loser and
therefore "the monkey".

A variation > A card is removed from the deck without anyone knowing what it is and it is left aside.
In this case the player passes any card (whatever he wants) to the player on his right. We leave the
cards that make up a pair on the table and while we exchange the cards with the person next to us
so we can continue forming pairs. Logically, there is a player who will be left at the end of the game
with only one card, the cute one, since his partner is not available.
Ending up being "the monkey" deserves a punishment, which is defined by the rest of the players.
The classic thing is that the loser extends his hand on the table, the cards are shuffled and each
player in turn reveals one. The one who reveals the card will have the right to carry out the
punishment as many times as the number of the card revealed. For example, if a Five is rolled, you
can give five slaps to the outstretched hand or five pinches or whatever the chosen punishment is.

• Killer
Fun game suitable for many people to play. It is played with as many cards as there are
participants. Everyone sits in a circle so they can see each other's faces. There are a couple of
Version 1: One of the cards must be the Ace of Spades (Assassin) and the other the King of
Spades (Police). All cards are dealt, one for each person, and only its owner can see the card. The
one with the Ace of spades is the assassin and the holder of the king of spades is the policeman.

The murderer's objective is to kill as many as he can without being discovered, and the policeman's
objective is to discover the murderer before they die. The murderer will kill by winking his eye, but
he must do it with such discretion that only the one who kills can find out. Once someone receives
the wink, they must say “I'm dead” and throw their card face up on the table.

The game ends if:

• The murderer does kill everyone except the police officer.
• The policeman discovers the murderer by pointing it out to him.

Once finished, all the cards must be shown. 1 point will be added for each death, 3 points if the
police discovers the murderer when 4 or more people remain in the game (including him), 1 point if
the police discovers the murderer when less than 4 people remain in the game.

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Version 2: In this case many people play, so the option of more figures can be added to the game .
On the cards it should be the Ace of spades (murderer), the king of spades (policeman), jack
of spades (nurse), knight of spades (the fool) and the rest of the numbers are peasants.
The murderer kills by winking his eye. The nurse is responsible for resurrecting those who are dead
by blowing them a kiss. To do this, the dead take their letter and say “I am resurrected.” The
madman can ONLY resurrect the dead nurse by sticking out his tongue.

Computation of points
The policeman has to find out who the murderer is, when he thinks he knows, he will give him
away. If that player is correct, he wins the game and scores 5 points. If he fails, the murderer wins,
adding 1 point for each death.

NOTE : When speaking, it must be done in a way that does not identify or cause confusion,
voluntarily or involuntarily, as to who each figure in the game may be.

• Idiot (variant of the president)

The Idiot is a card game played with the French deck of 52 cards. Both chance and strategy
intervene. A minimum of 2 players can play. It is 1 deck for every 4 players or fraction. The
objective to not lose is to discard and the last one to discard loses. The hierarchy of cards from
highest to lowest: joker, Ace, King, Knight, Jack, 10, 9, 8, seven, six, five, four, three, two.

Dealing of cards
There are three types of cards in the game:
• Closed > each player receives 4 cards face down on the mat in front of them.
• Open > each player receives 4 cards face up on the table in front of them.
Everyone can see these cards.
• From hand > each player receives a hand of 5 cards that only they can see. (As you can
see, this limits the game to 4 people, as (4 + 4 + 5) x 4 people = 52 cards)

The game

Players in turn, if they want, can exchange one or more cards that they have in their hands for their
cards that they have on the table face up before starting the game. To do this, they must also leave
the cards they exchange face up. This assumes that the other players know the cards exchanged.
At the beginning of the game, you can only play with the cards that the player has in his hands, the
other cards on the table will intervene later. The suit of the cards is not taken into account when

The player to the right of the dealer starts the trick, throwing 1 face-up card to the center, on the
mat. The player whose turn it is will throw one or more cards on top of the other. The basic rule of
the game is that you must ALWAYS play 1 card higher in number than the previous one
played. You can throw more than 1 card in your turn: the condition is that they are of equal number
and of course of greater value than the previous play. The ability to draw multiple cards is voluntary.

If he does not have any cards in his hand to play, the player will turn over one of the cards he has
face down. If the card can be thrown well and it will be the next player's turn. If not, he must suck
(collect) all the cards played so far, and will continue with the next player starting a new trick, which

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can start with any card.
If a player after finishing his turn has less than five cards, he must immediately take the necessary
ones to have five again: first from his open cards and if they are missing he must also take from his
closed cards. If he couldn't complete them, he stays as is (he may have to suck in another round).

Automatic card withdrawal

If a player throws all the cards of the same number on the mat or several players consecutively
throw all the cards of the same number on the mat (4 of a kind if playing with one deck, or 8 if
playing with two decks), automatically The entire deck played is removed from the game, and the
removed cards cannot be played in that game. As a bonus, the last player who threw the card or
cards and had the deck removed starts a new trick.

Special cards
• 2 is an invisible card : it can be thrown at any time, and does not change the state of the
center console. That is, the next card to be thrown must exceed the value of the card thrown
before 2.
• The 7 is a special card: it can be thrown at any time, the next player must exceed or equal
the value of 7.
• The Wild Card: starting from this card and only in the current round, cards smaller than the
one shown must be thrown. When removing the deck, follow the rules explained above.
Seven cards are dealt to each player:
• Four on the table face up in front of each one, so that all the players can see them.
• Three for the player, so only he can see them.
• The leftovers will be left in a common pile face down to be stolen when necessary by
The scoring is with letters, first I, then D and so on until one of the players forms the word “IDIOT”
and is eliminated…and dinner…and drinks are paid for.

• The President (shit-eater or big damulti)

It is played individually. Every 4 players is 1 deck of 52 cards. The objective of the game for
each player is to get rid of all their cards before the others

After the deal, each player has 13 or 14 cards (the card deal must be exact for everyone. If it is not,
we must eliminate cards, starting with the lowest value ones). The suits have no impact on the
game, only the index they have.

In the president, the value of the cards, from highest to lowest , is as follows: jokers, Ace, King,
Knight, Jack, 10, 9, 8, seven, six, five, four, three, twos .

El Presidente is a game where you always have to play stronger than the previous player .
There are therefore some very simple rules to respect:

> For the initial distribution, lots are drawn to find out who is the one who distributes for the first
time. In the first hand, initial deal, there are no charges, so there is no exchange of cards. It
will be a hand and the trick will begin whoever has the two of gold among their cards. In the
other hands, the player who was the shit-eater (whoever was last in the previous hand) will
deal and open the hand. The starting player can play one or more cards of the same rank
(same number or index). Suppose you play two cards with number 5.

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> To play, the next player has the condition of the rank and the number of cards. He must then
draw the same number of cards as the previous player and with a higher rank. For example,
you can play two 6s, or two 7s, etc.

> If the player cannot play, he passes his turn, announcing it to the others. It can also happen,
even if you can play. Passing will not prevent you from playing in the next round.

> The trick ends when everyone passes and no one raises (either out of interest in not raising,
or because it is impossible to do so, for example, a wild card has come up), and the turn
returns to the player who had played last. cards). After this, the cards played on the table are
collected and put aside (they do not play any more), and this last player will begin a new
trick. If there are 4 players, when three players have passed in a row, the last one who
played collects the cards, removes them from the game and starts a new trick again.

> As an exception, the joker can be played at any time, without having to fulfill the obligation to
play the number of cards that were being played in that trick. The joker cuts any play, to take
any number and value of cards (whatever he chooses - pairs, trios or quartets - automatically
ending the turn, as it is the highest card). The round ends if no one can overcome the Joker.
Unless they are played with more jokers and a player has them and outnumbers them .

Title according to position

The objective of this game is to hold and maintain the highest position possible. To achieve this,
each player will try to discard themselves before the rest of the players. In the first hand, initial deal,
there are no charges, so there is no exchange of cards.

In the president game there are 4 positions that will be assigned to the players according to the
positions they obtain at the end of each hand. The first player to run out of cards wins the hand .
He is then named President , as a reward for his victory. The next one receives the title of Prime
Minister or Vice President . The penultimate player who runs out of cards becomes the Worker or
vice-eater . And the last one is kindly described as Tramp or shit-eater .

If more than 4 people play, we add citizen: any player who finishes before the positions of vice-shit
or shit-eater but has not been good enough to obtain a position of presidency or vice-presidency
obtains the title of citizen, an intermediate position. In this position the players do not exchange
cards in the next game.

Points earned are accumulated from hand to hand. And the ultimate goal of the game, to win a
game , is to reach a certain pre-agreed number of points. Points are assigned based on the number
of players: if there are 4 players we give the winner 3 points and in descending order one point less,
so that the loser gets no points. (If there are 6 players, we start with 5 points...).

The exchange of letters

At the beginning of each hand, players must exchange cards based on the titles obtained in the
previous hand (President, Prime Minister, Worker and Tramp). The distribution of the next round will
always be done by the homeless man.

1. He President gives the Tramp his two more letters low(either the you
2. He Tramp gives the President his two more letters high
3. He Prime Minister gives the Worker his lowest card (or the onewant).
4. He Worker delivers his highest letter to the Prime Minister .

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Cards are never exchanged in the first hand of a game since the players do not yet
have any titles. When two players exchange their cards they do so without showing
them to the other two players.

Other little rules

• Skip turn : you can throw cards of the same value and if you throw all the cards of the same
number consecutively, you skip a turn. For example, if the first player throws two jacks, and
the next player also throws two jacks, then the third player necessarily “passes” (if playing
with 2 decks there must be 8 identical cards).

• Revolution . When a player places 4 cards of the same rank on the table (if playing with 2
decks there are 8 cards), the order of the cards is reversed : the Ace becomes the lowest
while the 2 becomes the highest . Only the Joker remains unchanged by the revolution.

• Cutting technique: This technique can be used by the shit-eater before starting to
distribute. After finishing the first game, the players will each adopt their hierarchical position
based on the position in which they finished and the shit-eater will distribute the next game. It
consists of giving the deck to be cut by another participant. If an absent-minded player cuts
correctly, he will have to deal instead of the shit-eater, that is, he will take his place. If no
player falls into the trap, the “new shit-eater” will have no choice but to carry out his task.

• If a person throws the joker as the last card, it will automatically become a shit-eater,
even if the first one has been discarded . In case of playing with a Spanish deck without a
joker, the 2 of gold replaces the joker.

• Exchange : after dealing the cards, if any player has three or more aces in his hand, before
the exchange of cards between titles he can request an exchange and the exchange of titles
will take place. When this technique is used, all the presidential and shit positions are
exchanged, that is, all those who previously gave their best cards will now give their worst
and vice versa. Since the president swaps places with the shit-eater, this gives him the right
to start playing in the game.

• Counter-Exchange : only in the more than one deck variant is it possible. If a player has
used the Exchange technique because he had three Aces in his hand, another player who
also has three Aces in his hand can "cut Exchange". With this technique you will avoid the
exchange of positions produced by the revolution and keep them as they were in the

It can also be played by limiting the number of consecutive exchanges , so that from time to
time the titles are forgotten and the 4 players start over equally (without titles). The exchange in
effect penalizes the Tramp and the Worker, who sometimes have difficulty overcoming the score.

• Conquián or Tercerilla
If it is played with two players it is called conquián, and with three players it is called thirdilla. To win

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this game you must be the first to get rid of your cards and have draws of nine or more than ten
cards in sets and runs of no less than three cards.
In Conquián's game all the cards will have the same value; What counts are the combinations that
are made with them. The following conditions must be met:

• Terce: It must be made up of three cards with the same index (number); Therefore, they will
be made up of cards of different shapes (Suit: coins or gold, swords, cups and clubs).
• Run : It must be made up of three or more cards of the same figure; but the indices must
follow the following numerical order: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-(Jack)- (King)- (King).
Dealing of cards
If the Spanish deck of 40 cards is used, at the beginning 8 cards are dealt to each of the players,
and they must have 9 cards linked to win. If a poker game is used, 9 cards are dealt and 10 linked
cards are needed to win, for which it is required that at least one of the threes or run contains a
minimum of 4 cards (which in this case would be a page or "Mate "). In this last variant there can be
up to 4 players.

The cards are distributed one by one among the players and the remaining ones are left face down
in the center of the table covered, and we will call these cards "deck or bundle." Then a card
exchange is carried out. Each player must choose a card and put it face down on the table and it is
about passing the card that is least useful to the player on the right and receiving one from the
player on the left. This exchange serves to change the "luck", as it is called, since there are times
when a player may start with cards that are considered very far from being usable.

Now the game starts. After having made the changes, we proceed to lift the package or "peel" card
by card. The player whose turn it is to pick up a card has priority over other players to use said
card. The one that starts is the one to the right of the person who dealt the cards. After the player
who picks up the card, the second one who has priority is the one to the right of him and so on in
The player cannot take the card he reveals to his hand; All face cards must remain on the table,
whether in someone's draw (trip or run) or as part of the pile (strip card).
The player whose turn it is takes the top card from the deck of the deck and shows it on the table
for everyone to see. Now see if it helps you make a game, which is to complete a run or a third.
After this there are two options:
1. If you don't use it (you can't make a game), it's the next player's turn.
2. If this card serves to complete a tie or run with the cards in hand, the player lowers the
cards that complete the game onto the table. Once the cards are down, they cannot
be picked up from the table again. After this, he proceeds to “ pay ” with another of
the cards he has in hand, which is to throw a visible card (the one that is least useful)
of those he has in hand to the center of the table, replacing the previous card stripped
from the table. deck for the next player to use in turn.
3. If this card fits into the draws that a player has already made, it can be added, and he

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must pay for any other card he has in hand.

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Now the next player in turn looks to see if the card on the table is useful, following the same
previous procedure. Only when no player is served the card on the table, they proceed to peel
again, and the turn is taken by priority:
1) to the one to the right of the one who played the last game.
2) The one on the right of the one who fought the last time.
This is how the game continues until the pile runs out or someone wins. If the pile runs out first, the
game is declared a draw.
Observe, it may be the case that a player has all his cards down (he will no longer have cards in
hand). However, to win you must match a specific number of cards (one more than those dealt), so
you will have to continue playing to be able to match another card, but this time only the card on the

• Chinchón or conga or Gin rummy

The objective of the game is to discard by linking cards, if possible forming
a chinchón (straight of seven cards of the same suit) to win the game. It is
also possible to win the game by eliminating the rest of the opponents by
points, that is, you have to get the rest of the players to exceed a preset limit
of points agreed upon by all (150 points, for example).
Card combinations > If the game is created to be played with wild cards,
these can replace any card in the deck to try to link the others you have,
each group of cards must have only 1 wild card. The combinations of cards
or "ligues" that can be formed will have a minimum of 3 cards:

• Foot, trio, series: It is made up of 3 or more cards of the same number.

• Straight: It is made up of 3 or more consecutive cards of the same suit ( Only the AS can
be linked with 2 and 3).
•Chinchón: There are 7 consecutive cards of the same suit. The player directly wins the
game if he remembers.
Game development
It is played with 2 Spanish decks of 40 cards. Each player is dealt 7 cards and one card is placed
face up next to the deck in the center, which will be the pot. There is a variant in which 7 cards are
dealt to the players except the one who is the hand (banker). This player is dealt 8 and must
discard a card, whichever one he wants, leaving it exposed on the mat next to the pile or deck.
On their turn, each player can:

1. Pick up a card from the deck (or pile) if the sample is not useful for combining it.
2. Pick up the last face-up card from the table (the show) to combine it.
3. Close the game.
After making the 1 or 2 option, you must discard the card that best suits you, leaving it on the mat
on top of the sample and which will be the new sample for the next player (remaining again with
seven cards).

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Closing the hand ^ In the first turn of each hand it cannot be closed.
> Closing with 6 linked cards
In order to close, a player must combine at least 6 cards, as long as the remaining one has a
number equal to or less than 3.
When a player wants to close, he places the discard card (pot) face down instead of face up,
signaling to the rest of the players that the game is over. The closing player shows his combinations
to check that it is correct. In Chinchón, once the hand has been closed by one player, the objective
of the others is to try to score as few points as possible.
To do this, the players, starting with the one who closes and in the same order in which they had
the game turn, show (leaving on the table) the groups of cards that they have linked. Once all the
linked cards have been shown, a round of discards begins: the players will try to link the cards they
have left with the groups previously exposed by the rivals.
Once all the possible cards have been placed by the players, each one will add their penalty points,
those cards that they still have not placed, increasing these points to the total score of the game.
The points are the numbers printed on the card, which in the case of the figures are 15 points, and
the wild card is 20 points.
You can optionally state that in order to close to 6 cards a straight or a foot must be natural, that is,
without jokers.

^ Closing with 7 linked cards: the game is closed directly: the player who closes turns over
the card from the pot and indicates that it is closed. In this case, everyone's linked cards are shown,
but there is no discard round , so that the non-linked cards are written down directly by each
player. By having all his cards linked, the player who forms a chinchón adds -10 (10 points are
Automatic closing: In certain cases, when players are waiting for cards that are in the hands of
their rivals, the hand can continue for an excessive amount of time; In these cases, the closing
occurs automatically when the cards in the deck are exhausted for the second time.
Eliminations and re-enlistments
When a player exceeds the number of points previously established as the game limit, he is
eliminated from the game. If at the time of opening the game, it had been configured with a certain
number of re-engagements, at the time of being eliminated,

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Each player may rejoin the game as many times as determined, with an initial score equal to the
player with the highest score.
If a player manages to get all his opponents to exceed the established score in a hand, he wins,
even if the rest have not spent their re-engagements. When a player is close to the elimination
score limit, he cannot close by holding a card in his hand that exceeds said score, as he would be

But we can also play with a poker deck of 55 cards (including jokers), and by having more cards in
the deck we can make a greater distribution of cards in hand, which makes the game a little longer
than the chinchón.

) In the OKLAHOMA variant, the maximum value to close when we lack a card to bind is
determined by the first card on the table.

Gin rummy is played the same as chinchón, only 10 cards are dealt to each player. There are 2
poker decks for 2, 3 or 4 players. There are 3 decks for 4, 5 or 6 players. In this
G4A: Gin Rummy
case we make GIN instead of chinchón.

) In the Indian Rummy variant, 13 cards are dealt to each player. It is 1 deck
for 2 players. There are 2 decks for 3 or 4 players. There are 3 decks for 5, 6, 7
G4A: Indian Rummy or 8 players. In this variant the game ends when the deck of cards runs out and
the penalty points for each player are the sum of their unbound cards.

) In any Rummy to be able to close a tie (straight or a foot) it must be natural,

that is, without wildcards.

G4A: Rummy

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) In the
original rummy game it is necessary to throw the links
that we are making on the table, so that we can discard
each turn. We can add the Rummikub game form. We
play with a poker deck. There are 2 decks for up to 4
players, and 3 decks for up to 8 players. We deal 10
cards. During his turn the player must try to get rid of
as many cards as possible. If you cannot make a
action of the 3
that we list below, you have to draw a card from the pile
and pass the turn. The actions are:
1. Go down or place more lines (new lines) the player who has series or ladders can expose
the cards face up on the table for everyone to see (an action called “going down”), creating
more lines. To initially go down, players must have one or more natural lines (series or
straight) that add up to 30 points or more without wildcards (the wildcard is worth 0). The
points are those indicated by the number of the card, with the value of the wild card being 0.
Once his first combination is down, the player can down any other line regardless of his score
and reduce the amount of cards in his hands.
2. Placing more cards on lowered lines > can add more cards to existing lines, taking into
account the rules of line composition.
3. Manipulate or rearrange the lowered lines ^ changes can be made to the combinations
already linked on the table. The only condition is that at the end a new card has been
added to those already placed, and that at the end of your turn all the combinations are
valid and no card is left on the table unbound. That is, we talk about the number of
cards, so that we can exchange our cards with those on the table, but there must
always be more cards left on the table at the end of the turn than there were when a
player's turn began. Otherwise you must return to leaving the lines as they were.

NOTES: It usually happens that at first everyone draws cards and then the game is more
open since everyone can link and make changes. The lowered cards are common, so that a
player on his turn can add, expand or manipulate lines.

• Remigio or Rabbi
Remigio or Rabino is a deck game that can be played with both a Spanish poker deck and an
English deck. In any case, it is played with a deck of 52 cards with jokers. Two decks are used, that
is, a total of 108 cards. If there are more than 6 players, 3 decks must be used. It is a game whose
dynamics are very similar to that of chinchón.
If you know Chinchón and its dynamics, it will be very easy for you to learn how to play Remigio.
Here are the differences:
1. It is played with a deck of cards with jokers; This means that the deck has 8, 9, 10 and

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2. 10 cards are dealt, not 7.
3. Trios and straights are formed the same, except that they are cyclical links: the Ace can
be linked with the king.
4. To close it is necessary to have all the cards linked , it is not possible to keep one left
5. Closing on the first hand is allowed.
6. After the close, it is never possible to place cards in the combinations exposed by the
7. The points added by each player are multiplied based on the combination achieved by
the closing player.
8. The player who closes the hand does not change his score: he neither adds nor subtracts
9. Reconnections are not possible
Remigio's objective is to score as few points as possible, linking his cards before his rivals. When a
player exceeds the number of points previously established as the game limit, he is eliminated from
the game. In Remigio, the player who has managed to eliminate all the other players wins the
10 cards are dealt to each player and one is placed face up on the table (it will be the pot), and the
rest of the cards are left as a deck. Each player must link these 10 cards, the minimum
combinations being three cards, whether straight (of the same suit) or three cards of the same
index. The joker can be replaced by any card in the deck.
The first player can take the card from the pool or one from the pile. Then he leaves a letter from
him as a pot. The next player can take the hole (or discard) card or another one from the pile, and
leaves one of his cards on top of the discard card as a hole. And so the round continues. The first
player to have his entire hand tied can close by leaving the discard card face down.
Link the cards
The combinations of cards or "ligues" that can be formed will have a minimum of 3 cards, and may
use wildcards. In this sense we define ^ Foot or trio : three or more cards of the same number.
Possible closures:

• Without color: all the cards are not of the same suit, forming standing groups or trios
(optional variant).
• Color: all cards are of the same suit, forming standing groups or trios.
• Straight : consecutive cards, suit or color does not matter.
• Straight flush : consecutive cards, of the same suit.
• Remigio: 10 consecutive cards of the same number. The player directly wins the game if he
Hand counting

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The value of the cards is that of their index (the ace is worth 1) and the face cards are worth 10
each and the joker is worth 15. Once the hand is closed, the points scored for each player are
counted: each of the opponents must show theirs, add the points from their untied cards and
multiply the number of points they have by one of the following values , depending on the
combination with which the opponent would have closed:

• Without color:2 • wildcard:5

With ladder with • With ladder
color and
• With color with without wildcard:8
wildcard:3 • With ladder and without
• With color and without wildcard:6 • With remigio with
wildcard:4 • With ladder
wildcard color:7 • With remigio without

• Continental
The continental game is played with two English decks, with 3 jokers per deck (although it can also
be played with only 2 per deck). Spanish 52-card poker cards are also accepted. For four players,
you have to start with two decks and end with three. For five to eight players, it is advisable to start
with two decks, adding one after the first two partial games and another after the next two.
The objective of the game is to link the cards in the fixed combinations established for each game
and expose them, since the cards that remain in the hand, combined or not, are the ones that
score. The one with the fewest points at the end of the game wins the game.
When a player closes because he has linked all his cards, the others score the points worth the
ones they still have in their possession, even if they are part of a combination. A continental game
is made up of seven hands or games, each of which must involve a different combination of trios or
straights, with greater difficulty each time. It has the peculiarities that the combination to be made in
each hand is fixed and that it is allowed to steal "against" (taking the card from the pool outside of
your turn, if it is not stepped on).

Card value
Wildcard or joker.............................................50 points
Ace....................................................................20 points
Figures (king, queen or lady and jack) .............10 points
Numbers (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2) .................its value

Combinations: trios and straights

The only two possible combinations are trios and straights. In Mexico and other Latin American
countries they are also called "tercias" and "corridas" respectively. A trio is three or more cards of
the same number or index, regardless of suit. A straight is four or more consecutive cards of
the same suit, with no card limit (they can be repeated). It has no beginning or end: the ace can
be the highest card, the lowest card or even intermediate between the two and the king. When you

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have to make several straights, all of them can be of the same suit (just as there can be several
trios of the same number, since it is played with several decks).
The wild card or joker is a special card that replaces any other card in the deck. You can make a
trio with two jokers and a natural card, but not a trio of jokers. The maximum number of cards in a
trio is determined by the number of decks in play (four cards per deck plus two jokers).
In the straight, the maximum number is thirteen (all cards of one suit), although some are replaced
by jokers. It can begin and end with any card and the ace can be the intermediate card between the
two and the king.

Fixed combinations and cards to be dealt in each game or hand

In the classic continental game, seven contracts are played, from lowest to highest difficulty, each
of them dealing one more card than is essential to make the combinations of that hand:
1 .ª (TT): Two trios. Seven cards are dealt.
2 .ª (TE): A trio and a straight. Eight cards are dealt.
3 .ª (EE): Two stairs. Nine cards are dealt.
4 .ª (TTT): Three trios. Ten cards are dealt.
5 .ª (TET): Two trios and a ladder. Eleven cards are dealt.
6 .ª (ETE): A trio and two stairs. Twelve cards are dealt.
7 .ª (EEE): Three stairs. Thirteen cards are dealt.
NOTE: There is a version in which one less card is dealt for each combination . If you want to
extend the game (normally if only three or four players participate), you can increase the number of
cards dealt to sixteen and proceed according to the indicated scale.
Start of the game: Draw of positions and distribution of cards
The positions are drawn by lot, dealing a card to each player. If several players are dealt cards of
the same index, they break the tie between them. The player with the highest card will be the one to
start dealing. To his right sits the one with the second highest card, and so on, counterclockwise.
This sense is also the sense of game development. Each player, before dealing, will shuffle the
cards, give them to the next player to cut and deal to each player those corresponding to the hand
in play, one at a time, counterclockwise, starting with the player next. his right and ending with
Distribution of the cards
We start with the first combination: 7 cards will be dealt to each player, one at a time,
counterclockwise. He will then divide the rest of the deck into two unequal piles, which he will leave
face down in the center of the table. From the pile that has the fewest cards, the top card is
revealed (the first card is taken) and placed on top of the same pile face up, starting the discard pile
or pool with it. This first card can be a joker or any other card. (Another variant only puts 1 card in
the pot at the beginning of each hand, so it will increase over the course of the game).

Game development
The player who starts playing is the one to the right of the one who dealt, the one who cut the deck
before dealing. Each player in their turn can take the face-up card from the pool or the top card from

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the deck, whichever of the two. He ends his turn by discarding one of the cards in his hand, which
he will leave on the pot, face down if it is the last card he has left (he closes his hand) or face up if
the game continues. Once the card touches the discard pile or hole, the player must leave it there,
without being able to change it for another: “card on the table, prey.” The cards in the pot cannot be
seen, except for the top one. If a player asks another how many cards he has left, he must answer,
without lying.
The punishment cards: steal “against” (when it is not your turn).
Any player can take another player's discard (the card from the pool) if it has not been taken by any
of the previous players. If the player who takes the discard does not take his turn, he must also take
another card: the top card of the deck, called the “punishment card”, and cannot drop any card (he
keeps both). This double draw can cause a player, after making the necessary combinations in his
hand, to still have cards left in his uncombined hand. If any player chooses to take their own discard
(card from the pool), if no previous player has done so, they must also take a “punishment card.”
Get down
During his turn, the player who has the combinations that correspond to the current hand can
display them face up on the table (an action called “going down”), although he cannot close out due
to having taken extra punishment cards (you can only expose the cards of the combination played
by hand).
Once the extra punishment cards have been lowered, they can only be placed in any of the
exposed combinations on the table, increasing them (three of a kind and/or straight), whenever it is
your turn. If you have more than one card left, you must continue playing with them until you can
place them in a combination and be able to close . “Drawn” cards are not counted if another
player closes (they do not count when the hand closes as they are already placed in threes
or straights).
The advantages of displaying the combined cards are:
• Decrease the penalty points if someone closes.
• Being able to place uncombined cards in the exposed foreign combinations, without being able to
undo and divide the ladders and without putting repeated cards in these.
• Be able to use exposed wildcards. After knocking down, any player can replace an exposed wild
card in a straight combination with the card it represents, and can use it in any other straight. The
only reason for placing it in a trio is to not be able to take advantage of it by other players (since
with the straight we know the value of the card it replaces, but with the trio we don't: it can have
several different values).
The disadvantage of exposing the combo cards is that it makes it easier for another player
to close out.
End of game: close. It closes in two ways:
1. Exposing his cards using all the ones he has (he does not have punishment cards).
2. If a player, once he has gone down and has placed all the possible cards in the
downs, he has only one card left, he places it on the pile or discard pile face down, closing
the game
or present hand. If you can also place that last card in some combination, you can do so and

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Finish the game by placing the palm of your hand on the discard pile.
Point Computation
When a player folds and closes on the same turn, he gets -10 points on that hand (he has
completed with all the cards). If you got off in a previous turn, you get 0 points. The other players
count the value of the cards they have left in their hand, writing it down on a piece of paper: below
the name of each player there will be a line for each hand, which will begin by identifying which
hand it is (TT, TE, EE, TTT … ) and then the score for that hand and the partial score up to that
point for each player, so that the classification can be known at the end of each hand.
Next, the cards are collected and the turn of dealing passes to the player next to the one who dealt
in the hand that has just concluded, who will give the cards that correspond to the new hand, after
shuffling and cutting the deck, and so on. all hands. At the end of the last hand, the player with the
fewest accumulated points will be the winner of the game.

The wild card

The joker, also called a joker, is a special card that replaces any other card in the deck. It is allowed
to discard a wild card. In trios there is no limit to the number of wild cards, you can even build a trio
of wild cards: the first card other than a wild card that is added to that trio will determine what it is.
Jokers in a trio cannot be moved from that trio (once displayed on the table). There cannot be two
consecutive wild cards in a straight.
The wild cards on a straight that has already been lowered can be moved from the straight they are
on or to other straights of the same player, unless a straight is left with less than four cards or two
wild cards are placed together. The wild card of a straight can be changed for the card it replaces,
and must be used at that same moment in any straight of the player who descended that straight,
as long as when the change is made no two consecutive wild cards are placed. If the wild card is
free (at one end of the straight) it can also be moved to another straight of that player, as long as
the straight does not contain less than four cards. Wild cards in a straight are the only cards that
can be moved once down, as long as
meet the conditions of the previous paragraph. The rest of the lowered cards remain fixed, without
the possibility of being moved or changed by others.

Variants to the classic continental

• Supercontinental: Five new more difficult games or hands are added: TTTT, TTTE, TTEE,
EEET and EEEE. In each of these hands, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 cards are dealt respectively.
• Add two new games of lesser complexity at the beginning: T and E, dealing 4 and 5 cards
• Do not allow getting off without closing in the last round.
• Require that the straights in EE, ETE or EEE be of different suits and that the trios of TT,
TTT or TET be of different numbers.
• Award -50 points to the one who gets off and closes.
• Award -50 points to the one who closes by placing all his cards, without having one left to

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• Change the value of the number cards: five points from 2 to 7 and ten points from 8 to 10.
• Allow closing with cards in hand, as long as they add up to five points or less. In this case,
the player who closes takes note of the cards that have not been dealt.
• Do not allow each player to steal from counter more than three times per round.

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• Rummikub
It is played with 106 chips: 104 numbered and two wild cards.
The tiles are numbered from 1 to 13 in four different colors:
black, blue, red and yellow. There are two identical units of each
tile, so: 13 tiles each color x 4 colors x 2 units/tile = 104 tiles. 2, 3
or 4 players can play, the latter being ideal as there are more
possibilities to combine.

It can also be played with cards from the French deck: 2 decks
of 52 standard cards plus 2 jokers per deck, in this case the
value of the Ace=1, jack=11, queen=12, king=13 and joker=25. It
is advisable to use small cards because of the large space that
normal cards occupy. If we use a Spanish deck we will only go
up to the number 12 and its value is silk-screened. The important thing is to have all the numbers in
the deck. The game demands the application of strategies and logic which makes it very interesting.
1 deck is added for every 2 more players.

Start of the game

The objective of the game is to discard first, linking the cards in lines: series and ladders.
Both combinations must contain at least three cards. A line with fewer than three cards can never
remain on the table. To decide who goes first, everyone draws a card from the deck and the one
with the highest value begins their turn. They are returned to the deck and shuffled well (both decks
together) and 14 cards are dealt to each player. The rest of the cards will remain face down on the
table, forming a single deck.

The Series are made up of 3 or 4 cards of the same number, but of a different suit. Therefore,
a series is made up of a maximum of 4 cards. You can use jokers, which replace the card we

Straights (sequences) are made up of 3 or more cards of the same suit and with a
continuous numerical value . The 13 forms the end of each straight and a 1 cannot be placed
after the 13. Therefore, the maximum number of cards in a straight will be 13 cards. You can use
jokers, which replace the card we need.

Game development

During his turn the player must try to get rid of as many cards as possible. If you cannot perform
one of the 3 actions listed below, you must draw a card from the pile and pass the turn. The actions

4. Go down or place more lines (new lines) the player who has series or ladders can expose
the cards face up on the table for everyone to see (an action called “going down”), creating
more lines. To initially go down, players must have one or more lines (series or ladder) that
add up to 30 points or more, but without wild cards (the wild card is worth 0). The points are
those indicated by the number of the card, with the value of the wild card being 0. Once his
first combination is down, the player can down any other line regardless of his score and
reduce the amount of cards in his hands.

5. Placing more cards on lowered lines) can add more cards to existing lines, taking into

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account the rules of line composition.
6. Manipulate or rearrange the lowered lines ^ changes can be made to the combinations
already linked on the table. The only condition is that at the end a new card has been
added to those already placed, and that at the end of your turn all the combinations are
valid and no card is left on the table unbound. That is, we talk about the number of
cards, so that we can exchange our cards with those on the table, but there must
always be more cards left on the table at the end of the turn than there were when a
player's turn began. Otherwise you must return to leaving the lines as they were.
NOTES: It usually happens that at first everyone draws cards and then the game is more
open since everyone can link and make changes. The lowered cards are common, so that a
player on his turn can add, expand or manipulate lines.

The Wild Card

The wild card replaces any card in the deck, to form series or ladders. During the game, the joker
can be replaced by the card it represents and we can use it again as a joker, in the same turn or
not. In case it is in a straight, the value of the wild card is clear. But when it is in a series, the joker
must be with the 3 natural cards, so that there is no doubt about the card it replaces.
Examples of manipulations (remember the rules of forming lines):
Removing ends of a ladder. In a ladder the player can put a card at one end and take out the one
at the other. Example: red 3-4-5 already played, you can put a red 6 and draw the red 3 to use it in
another combination.
Separate stairs. The player can split a long straight by creating smaller straights, and placing a
card in the middle if necessary. Example: the 6-7-8-9 ladder Blue 10 can be separated and placed
on a blue 8 to create two straights: 6-7-8 , and 8-9-10 .
Substitute in a series. In a series of 3 cards, the player can put down one card and draw another
to use in another combination. Example: in the series 6 blue-6 red-6 yellow the player can put a
black 6 and draw any of the above to use it.
Remove cards. In a meld that has four or more cards, the player may draw one without having to
replace it to use in another meld.
Replace a wildcard. Only if a player has a card of the same color and number as the one for which
he is replacing a wild card placed in a combination, can he replace it, to use it in another
combination, but in the same game turn. Example 1: if there is a combination 3 blue-joker-5 blue -6
blue and the player has a blue 4, a red 7 and a yellow 7, he can replace the joker with the blue 4
and use it immediately to complete the two 7s a new combination. Example 2: in the combination 8
yellow-8 red-wild card - 8 blue , this could be replaced by a black 8.

The game continues until one player is discarded, who will be the winner . If the cards to draw are
exhausted, the players must continue playing until no one can draw any more, and the game is
closed. In the latter case, it will be decided before starting to play whether the winner will be the one
with the lowest score or that each player will score the points of the cards that they have not been

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able to lower.
Additional rules to agree on:
• Notify other players when you only have one card left.
• Time Limit: Each player has an agreed upon time limit per turn (2 minutes, for example). If at
the end of this time you have not finished your play, the cards must remain as they were
initially when it was your turn and you have a draw penalty of 3 cards.
• When using several decks we have several wild cards. They can ALL be combined together
forming a series or ladder, which will have a value of 100 points for the person who formed it.
And wildcards can no longer be used.
• A series can be made up of 1 joker and 2 natural cards. If everyone agrees, the joker can be
replaced by any of the other 2 natural cards. To choose before starting to play.

A player wins the game when pre-agreed points are reached (1000 points) or when an agreed
number of games are played and the points of all games played (or games played) are taken into
account. The wild card has a value of 25 points, so it is risky to keep it waiting for the optimal
opportunity to use it.
When a player wins a game, the losing players add up the scores of the cards that were left in their
possession and write them down as a negative, while the winning player adds up all the points of
the losing players and counts them as a positive.
After knowing the partial points of each game, a sum is made to know the totals: in this case, player
A is the winner of both games.

Punctuation example:
1st game 2nd game Total
Player A 24 -6 18
Player B -5 ■11 -16
Player C -16 22 6
Player D -3 -5 -8
> Whist
Whist was the first great English social game. It was also the first card game about which a treatise
was written (Short Treatise, 1742), which not only described its rules but also provided details and
advice on how to play it and the strategies that should be applied in each case.
The success of the treaty was such that its author, Edrilond Hoyle, achieved universal fame and
prestige and his name was forever associated with the regulations of the games. The rise of whist
represented the disappearance of The Man in the Anglo-Saxon world, as well as the emergence of
a new social attitude towards card games that would be reflected in the appearance of whist clubs,
precursors of today's bridge clubs.

2 .Objective: Win more tricks than the opposing pair.

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Whist games are played between four players who form two pairs. The partners that make up a pair
sit facing each other at the gaming table and the other two players of the opposing pair are
sandwiched between them.
There is also a three-player version, in which the non-existent fourth player is called dead.
The first player to play a card is the hand.

4 .Deck Type
To play whist, an English deck of 52 cards is used, that is, without a joker. The German or French
decks can also be used, without any variation, even the so-called Spanish poker, in which the suits
and figures of the English deck are replaced by those of the Spanish one, although the English
indexes are preserved.

5 .Value and Order of Cards

In the game of whist the cards have no value in points, their value is relative and is determined by
the place they occupy within the current order of each suit, which from highest to lowest is: ace,
king, queen, jack, ten , nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and two.
This relative value of the cards determined by their order in the suit is used to know the winning
card of the trick.

6 .Specific vocabulary
• Affirm: Eliminate the top cards of a suit in the opponent's hands in order to make the remaining
cards of the same suit in one's own hand winners.
• Drag : Lead a trump, generally in order to eliminate cards of that suit from the opponents' hands
and thus prevent firm cards from failing.
• Assist : Play card of the leading suit.
• Playing: Phase of a card game in which the cards are played on the table.
• Discard: Play a card that is not of the lead or trump suit.
• Dubletón : Said to be the suit of which a player only has two cards.
• Ruff : Playing a trump at a trick when it cannot be attended, usually with intention
to win it.
• Failure: Suit of which you do not have any card.
• Firm: Said to be the winning card because the superior ones of the same suit have been played
• Honor: Each of the top cards of a suit. For prizes, they are only honors from ace to jack,
although ten is considered an honor to assess the strength of the hand and in play.

• Sleeve : A certain unit of measurement of the games and the points achieved in them.
• Obligation : Set of the first six tricks won by a pair.
• Resignation: Action and effect of not assisting a trick, having a card to do so.
• Rubber : Set of three whist sleeves. If a couple wins two rounds in a row, it is already
he awards the rubber and the third is not played.
• Lead: First card of a trick. Sometimes the lead card is also called the attack card.
• Sequence: Series of consecutive cards of a suit.
• Trick: Each of the tricks won by a pair above the six of the obligation.
• Trump: Applies to the suit whose cards beat any of the other three suits, regardless of their
respective value.

7 .The suit of Trump

In each game of whist there is a suit that has a special value in relation to the others. This suit is

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called trump and its cards beat those of the other three suits, regardless of their index.
The triumph is determined by the last card that is dealt at the beginning of the game, which the
giver returns before placing it with the cards in his hand for everyone to see; Thus, the giver always
has at least one trump card.
The same order relationship exists between the cards of the trump suit as in the other suits, that is,
the ace is the top card and the two is the bottom card.

An alternative way to determine the trump suit of each hand is to set it beforehand. In these cases it
is common to use a fixed sequence of suits to indicate it, which can be any. For example, if
alphabetical order is used, the trump of the first hand is hearts, diamonds for the second, spades for
the third, and clubs for the fourth. After the first four hands, the trump suit sequence begins again.
This is the system that is commonly used in whist tournaments.

8 .Outputs
In whist the important thing is to win the tricks and not what cards you do with, since only the tricks
have value in points, and the trick won with a two is worth as much as the trick won with an Ace.
It must be remembered that this is a couples game in which the two components of a couple act as
a unit. For this reason, it is advisable for each player to know the cards that his partner has so as
not to block each other's suits, to help him secure the cards in his hand and, ultimately, not to play
against his partner. However, in whist body signs (gestures or expressions) are not allowed as in
other card games, which is why a series of codes have been established based on the cards played
that allow knowing certain data about those possessed by the partner. .

Naturally, the opponents can make the same deductions, but at the same time the cards played by
the opponents allow us to intuit both the composition of their hands and that of their partner, who
must have the remaining cards. Many of the whist codes have been used and perfected in bridge
(although it must be remembered that in the latter game each player “sees” half of the deck, since
he has his own game and that of dummy in view).

One of the best-known codes is to play a high card first and then a low one to indicate an even
number of cards, especially a dubleton.

9 .Tricks in Play
A trick is made up of a group of cards equal to the number of players in the game. Each of these
cards has been placed or played on the table by one of the players following the game turn.
The first card played in a trick is the lead and the one who plays it is the hand. In the first trick, the
hand is the player next to the giver (in the case of whist the one on the left because it is played
clockwise ). In subsequent tricks, the hand player is the winner of the previous trick. Players cannot
play any card, but must play one of the same suit as the one they led, that is, they must attend.

If the hand player leads a trump card, it is said to drag. The purpose of drags is to eliminate trumps
in the opponent's hands in order to win with one's own firm cards.
When a player cannot attend because he does not have a card of the lead suit, he can play any
card (discard) or the trump suit (ruff).

If no trump card has been played in the trick, the highest card of the leading suit wins (even if it is a
two, it can win if it is the only card of that suit in the trick); If there are one or more trump cards in
the trick, the winner is the highest card of the trump suit.

The winner picks up the trick and places it in front of himself or his partner (since the tricks belong
to the pair and not just to the player who wins them) before going out for the next trick. The cards
won are not placed in a single pile, but rather each trick is placed slightly offset from the previous
one to clearly distinguish at any time the number of tricks won during the game by each pair.

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10 .Obligation and Tricks
Once the hand has been played, the tricks won are counted. The first six tricks obtained by a pair
constitute the obligation and do not provide points.
Each trick above the required six is a trick and is worth one point. Since there are only thirteen
tricks in play in each hand, it is easy to deduce that only one of the pairs can take tricks in it.

11 .The Firm Letters

Those that can win the trick when you go outside of them are called firm cards.
A card can be firm by its own nature, such as aces, or because the superior ones of the same suit
have already been played.
During the game, it is very convenient to keep track of the cards that appear in each suit, in order to
know if the cards in your hand are remaining firm or if there is the possibility of affirming them.

The four highest cards - ace, king, queen and jack - of the trump suit are the honors. If the two
members of a pair have obtained these four cards, that of the partial game. If they only have three
of the four honors, they receive 2 points. However, these points do not count if with them the couple
reaches the established limit to win the round, that is, it cannot be won with honors points alone,
since it must be done with tricks points.

Not all players agree to count honor points, as this means giving more value to chance than to
strategy; In particular, in the United States, honors points are not taken into account.

The game begins with the drawing of the pairs, if they have not been previously determined, and
the first giver. Normally two decks are used, with different backs. While a player deals one of them,
his partner shuffles the other, which he leaves to his right, that is, to the left of the next giver.

The dealer deals clockwise, from left to right, all the cards one at a time. In this way each player
receives thirteen.
Upon reaching the last card, the dealer turns it over and leaves it on the table for a few moments to
mark the victory. When all the players know the trump, he picks it up and places it in his hand with
the rest of his cards.

The hand player, seated to the left of the dealer, plays the first card. In their turn, each player
places one of their cards on the table, and must attend whenever they can. The winner of the trick
picks it up, places it with the rest of the pair's tricks and goes out to play the next trick.
After the thirteen tricks have been played, the couples' tricks and points are counted and recorded.

15 .Game, manga and games

The thirteen tricks played after a distribution of cards constitute a game. The winning couple scores
as many points as tricks they have won.
When a couple reaches 5 points in one or more games, a set is scored.
A game or rubber is played “best of three rounds”, that is, until a couple scores two; so if these are
the first two, the third is no longer played.

In the United States, rounds are played to 7 points. The so-called long whist is also played, in which
the sleeves must be 9 points. Some players consider that a complete game is made up of three
rubbers, changing the composition of the pairs in each of them so that each player has played as a
pair with the other three. The traditional way of making the change after the first rubber is for the

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giver of the next hand and the player to cut to remain in their seats, with the other two players
exchanging their positions. In the third hand, the player whose turn it is to give does not move, and
the player who has played with him and the one who must be his third partner must exchange
places, for not having played with him in the two previous rubbers.

16 .The Variants
The game of whist, mainly because it dates back about three centuries, has generated numerous
variants. In general, trick games with/without a trump suit come from it and are played in pairs,
normally between four players. The most important variant is bridge, although there are other well-
known games: tute, brisca, hearts or hearts, swords or spades, Butifarra, oh Hell (the rotten one),
Belote, Julepe... among others. They all share basic rules, only small variations in the rules
differentiate them.

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• Brisca
La Brisca belongs to the large family of Tute card games, games in which it
The is about taking tricks (winning rounds), with a dominant suit or trump suit. In
Brisca the Brisca, a variable number of players arranged around the gaming table
face each other. 2 or 3 people can play in individual mode. When 3 players
play, deuces are not used. In this way the number of cards in play is a
multiple of three. It can be played in pairs: one deck for 4 players, although
if 6 or 8 players play there are two decks. Another option is to play 2 pairs
and at the end of the hand the one with the most points plays against the
resting pair.
Objective of the game) The objective is to score as many points as
possible with the cards won in each trick. We will have to try to take a large number of tricks, but
tricks with cards that give us points, with the highest possible score.
Three non-visible cards are dealt to each player and the next one is left visible under the deck
during the game: that card will be the one that draws (the one that marks the victory in that hand).
The one who leads will put one of his cards (the one he wants) in the center of the mat, and the
others (the direction of the round is decided before starting) must each throw one more, the one
they want, without limitations. or obligations of any kind regarding which one to cast. The
trick will be taken by the player who had played the highest card of the trump suit, and if there are
no trumps on the table, the highest card of the leading suit.
The hierarchy between cards of the same suit is as follows, from highest to lowest: Ace, three, king,
knight, jack, seven, six, five, four, two. In successive tricks, within the same hand, the player who
took the last trick (winner) is the one who will begin by throwing the 1st card of the next trick. And
the next player continues according to the direction of the round. Once the round is over, the winner
takes the discarded cards and all the players will take a card from the top of the deck, starting with
the one who won the previous trick, so that they always have three cards in their hand.

Logically, as the game progresses in a hand, the cards in the deck will run out and there will come a
time when there will be no cards to draw: in the last three tricks you will play only with the cards you
had in your hand (two in the penultimate and one in the last). When the cards in the deck run out,
the last player takes the card that indicates the trump suit. Once all the tricks for a hand have been
completed, the points obtained by each player in that hand will be counted and recorded.
For these purposes, the value of each card is as follows: Ace (11 points), Three (10 points), King (4
points), Knight (3 points) and Jack (2 points). The rest of the cards have no scoring value. The total
number of points scored by the cards in the deck is 120.

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The player who obtains the most points in a hand will be the one who wins it. In the event of a tie on
points between two or more players, the hand will be assigned to each of them as won.
Additional options:
• Change of cards > when a player had in his hand during the
I play the seven of the trump suit, you can change it for the card you draw (the sample one) if
it is a card of higher value: Ace, Three, King, Knight or Jack. This change can be made just
after winning a trick and before proceeding to draw the corresponding card from the deck.
This same change, and with the same rules and limitations, can be made by players if they
have a two in their possession and want to exchange it for the card that marks the victory if it
is a worthless card (Four, Five, Six or Seven).
• Brisca or Black hand > If a player has the 3 most important cards in his hand
high points of trump (Ace, three and king), he can claim victory for Brisca, he wins the game
automatically, adding 50 points in his favor.
• Play 6 or 8 players > In the case of 6 players, 2 cards are removed (2
twos of the same suit). Players from the same pair will always sit opposite each other. They
are played with 2 decks and when 2 identical cards are thrown (same suit and number) there
are two options to choose from:
■ The cards cancel each other out, that is, their value does not count towards
winning the trick, but it does count towards the calculation of points.
■ It is prohibited to throw 2 identical cards (same suit and number) on the mat in
a round. Therefore, the next player must throw a different card. Only in the last
round can it be the case that 2 identical cards can be thrown, so that the
second one who has thrown it is the one who would take the cards if that card
won the trick.

Durak is a Russian word, it can be translated as "fool", "fool" or "stupid", which is
the nickname given to the one who loses in the game, since in durak there is no
winner, but only a loser, who He is the last one left with cards in hand. The
object of the game is to get rid of all the cards and at the end of the game, the
last player with cards in their hand is called the loser, durak.

Players) It can be played between any number of participants, up to 6 players competing

individually or in pairs. The most common durak games are played between 4 players. If you play in
pairs, the way the players position themselves is to sit facing each other at the table and the other
members of the opposing pair are placed between them.
The main difference between the individual game and the game in pairs is that in the latter the
partners do not attack each other, although it cannot be defended together, in reality the game in
pairs only serves to worry about fewer adversaries.

Type of Deck > Any deck can be used to play durak, but the usual one is the English poker

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deck with French symbols. The so-called short deck is usually used, that is, one made up of only
36 cards:
• From the poker deck of 36, cards 2 to 5 are removed (52-16=36).
• From the Spanish deck of 48 cards, 2 to 4 are removed (48-12=36).

If you play with 36 cards and there are six players, there will be no deck (6 cards x 6 players =
36 cards). The entire deck can also be used, which is often done when there are 5 or 6 players
in the game, and also among beginners. The ideal is to have a deck or deck to draw cards, so it
is better to play with 1 complete deck for 4 players or 2 decks for up to 8 players.
Card Values > Cards have no point value. Its value is only relative and serves to determine the
winner of the play in dispute. The relative order of the cards is, in all suits, from highest to
lowest: ace, king, queen, jack, ten...two.

The trump suit ^ In each game of durak there is a privileged suit called the trump suit, whose
cards beat any card of the other suits, regardless of their relative value. Among the cards of the
trump suit, the order of the cards indicated for all suits continues to be maintained.

The trump suit is determined by a card revealed under the deck at a 90º angle so that the
number and suit can be seen by all players, and it will be the last card to be taken by the
players. The player who has the lowest trump suit, 2 with a full deck, or 6 with a short deck, is
usually allowed to replace this card with the one that marks the trump, once all the cards have
been dealt and before starting to play ( just like brisca).

Game ^ In the game of durak, giving the cards is considered an unworthy task, only typical of
true duraks, so, starting from the second game, the giver in each of them is the loser of the
previous game.

In the first deal, any method is used to determine the first giver, from a penalty to a draw. Only
the giver can touch the cards, so if the giver decides to cut the cards and the player to whom
they are offered touches them, he becomes the giver. (There is a Russian expression, which can
be translated as "I don't raise my hat to an idiot", which is often used in this circumstance to
reject the cutting of the deck.) Usually the deck is not cut, although in some places they play by
cutting, but without penalize.
The deck is mixed, each player is dealt 6 cards alternately, and the first bottom card of the deck
will mark the triumph and the rest of the cards or deck are left in the center of the table forming a
deck, so that the players can take cards. in successive phases of the game. If a player receives
all 6 cards of the same suit, all red cards or all black cards are shuffled and dealt again.

The first player to the left of the dealer, called the “first attacker or main attacker” (the
first to throw a card), begins the round. The player to the left of the main attacker is
always the “defender.”

Attack ) Each player, in his turn, becomes the main attacker of the player on his left, who is the
only defender in this game turn. The main attacking player plays one of his cards on the table
(the first card of the round), so that everyone can see it, although the attack is only directed
against the player to his left. The suit of the drawn card is called the “hit suit” or “lead suit.”

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Defense ^ The defender must play one card for each attacking card. Attacking non-trump
cards may be defended by a higher value card of the same suit or any trump card. That is, the
defender must win as if it were a game of tricks with a trump suit. Attacking trump cards can only
be defended by a trump card of higher value.

Each defending card is placed overlapping the attacking card it defends, and in order so that
players can figure out which card defends which. If after the throw of the first card the defender
has defended correctly, the first attacker can decide to continue attacking or pass (even if he has
cards to play, passing is optional for strategic reasons). If you decide to throw a card you must
play a card of the same index as those displayed on those already played (on the table), the
suit is indifferent.

Once the first attacker passes (cannot shoot or does not want to shoot), all players in turn
become attackers, starting with the first player to the left of the defender who becomes the
“second attacker”, as long as they play a card of the same index as those displayed on the table.
When the second attacker stops throwing a card, the next player becomes the attacker, going
through all the players until reaching the first attacker who will continue the round of attacks.
Only when all players pass or the defender cannot defend are the cards removed and a new
round begins.
The round of attacks continues by all players in turn. Now we have 3 situations:
1. If the defender was able to defend against all the attacking cards, and the other players do
not want to draw (pass) or cannot add more cards to the attack, then the defense has been
successful. All cards on the table are discarded from the game to a discard pile (they will not
be used again) and the turn ends. The defending player who has defended will start the next
turn as the new main attacker.

2. At any time during the defense, the defender passes (unable or unwilling to defend all
attacking cards). Now all players can voluntarily play the cards they want that match the
same index as those displayed on the table, performing as many rounds as necessary. Only
when all attackers pass must the defender pick up all cards from the table (including
attacking cards that other players added) and add them to his hand, ending the turn. Then
the attack will have been successful, and the defender who lost the attack loses his turn to
attack, so the next player to be the main attacker in the new turn will be the one to the left of
the defender who lost, i.e. , skip turn for the defender who has not been able to defend

3. The defender is discarded, he is left without cards. All cards on the table are discarded from
the game to a discard pile (they will not be used again) and the turn ends. The defending
player who has defended will start the next turn as the new main attacker. The maximum limit
number of attacks is determined by the number of cards of the defender (there is only one
defender), that is, a defender cannot receive a number of attacks greater than the number of
cards he has in his possession.

End of turn > At the end of each turn, whether the defense was successful or the attack was
successful, each player with less than 6 cards in his hand must take the necessary cards from
the deck to have 6 cards in his hand again (or take as many cards as of the deck to have those
initially distributed).

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The order is important in this operation because the deck may run out and cards may be
missing to complete the hand of one or some players: it always begins with the main attacker of
the turn, followed by the defender and followed by any player who needs to complete their hand
of cards. . Now the game continues normally without any more cards being drawn. (Ex: If there
are six cards in the deck and the main attacker spent his entire hand on the last attack, he picks
up all six cards in the deck, and no other player picks up cards.)
Once the deck is finished and only when it runs out , when a player runs out of cards, he
exits the game becoming a “non-loser,” and the rest continue playing. No player may “review”
the cards in the discard pile at any time.
There are no winners, only one loser. The last person with cards in their hand is the loser (the
fool, or “durak”). That person is the dealer in the next game, and the person to his left is the first

Note ^ Even if you have cards to play, the option to pass is voluntary for attackers and
defenders, it means:
• For the defender it means adding more cards to his hand and losing his turn.
• The attacker does not throw any more cards and passes the turn, and those that have
been played are discarded.
- If the attack is successful (the defense fails), the defender takes the cards on the table, adds
them to his hand and loses his turn, and the new main attacker becomes the player to the
defender's left.
- If the defense is successful (the attack fails), the discarded cards are discarded (removed to a
discard pile) and the defender becomes the new main attacker.
- In any case, if there is still a deck of cards to draw, the players in strict order must draw the
necessary cards to once again have the same number of cards as those initially dealt.

The game in pairs ^ The main difference between the game in pairs and the individual game
is that the defender's partner does not participate in the attacks against him. It must be
remembered that each turn attacks are made against a single defender, who all other players
can attack.

When playing in pairs, the defender remains single (his partner cannot help him defend against
attacks), but is not attacked by his partner. If both members of a pair are the last to run out of
cards, they are both durak and do not compete with each other.

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1. Throw In ) classic game of basic attack/defense rules with a 36-card deck.

2. BIG (Double deck) ^ 72 cards (36+36).
3. FULL (Full deck) > 52 cards (full poker deck). If you play Jokers, a Joker of a particular
color beats any card of that particular color.
4. DOUBLE FULL ^ 104 cards (52+52)
5. Albanian > After all the cards are dealt to the players, the next highest card will be trump.
6. Without trump suit (Trumpless): sends the requested suit or leading suit.
7. Changeable triumph > We have 2 ways to play:
1. Another hidden card is placed under the trump card. When the trump card is dealt,
the hidden card is the new trump for the end of the game. Of course this card is
also dealt.
2. A player may exchange the trump for the other card of the same index and color.
8. Perevodnoy Durak - passing > Only in the first card defense of each round, if the
defender has a card of the same value as the attacking card(s) in his hand, he can
choose whether to defend the attack or Pass it to the next player to your left. If you pass
it, you add your card of the same index to the attacker(s) and the defender then becomes
the new first attacker, and the player to his left the new defender, and must defend
himself against all attacking cards. The new defender, if he is in the same situation, must
decide whether to defend the attack or pass it.
9. Railway Durak > At the beginning of the game, the entire deck is distributed to the
players, and the last card determines the victory. Note that the players must have the
same number of cards, so if the deal is exact the last card is shown to all players and will
mark the win, but this card is played. And if the distribution is not exact, of the remaining
cards only one is shown that will be the triumph.
10. Japanese> Spades can only be beaten by spades, by no other suit. Keep in mind that
swords do not defeat trump.
11. Polish variant (Durek platkowy) > Only in the initial roll of each round can the attacker
attack with 2 cards of the same index, the defender having to defend himself with the 2
12. Bezmastniy > The trump card can only be defended by a superior trump card. The non-
trump card can be defended by any top card of any suit or by a trump card.

La Sueca is played with an English deck of 40 cards. Four players compete in pairs.
Objective of the game > The general objective of the game is to win four points before the
other players, and the specific objective in each hand is to score the greatest number of points
possible with the cards won in each trick. For these purposes the value of each card is ANTONIO
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the next: Ace (11 points), Seven (10 points), K-King (4 points), J-King (3 points) and Q-Queen (2
points). The rest of the cards have no scoring value.
There is a hierarchy between cards of the same suit in order to know which card wins in each of
the tricks. It is as follows, from highest to lowest: Ace, Seven, K (King), J (King), Q (Queen), Six,
Five, Four, Three and Two. At the same time, there is a hierarchy between suits: the highest-
ranking suit is the trump suit (it changes in each hand), in second place is the lead suit (it
changes in each trick), and finally there are the two remaining suits.
Game development
In each hand the dealer will have the player on his right cut the deck, and will then distribute all
the cards in the deck among the four players one by one and from left to right. When he has
finished dealing, he will show the last one before keeping it for himself: that card will be the one
that draws, the one that marks the victory in that hand.
Each of the hands consists of several tricks, as many as the number resulting from dividing the
number of cards in the deck by the number of players involved. In short, a trick is the set of
cards (one for each player) that the players throw onto the table in their respective turn. Every
time a trick is completed there will be a player who wins it, who takes it.
To play cards
In each hand, the one who leads will place one of his cards in the center of the table (the one he
wants), which will be the one that indicates the starting suit of that trick, and the others, from left
to right, must play a plus each one, following the following rules:
• Obligation to assist: if a player, in his turn, had cards of the leading suit, he will be obliged
to ASSIST (play a card of that suit).
• If a player does not have cards to assist, he can then play any card he wants.
The trick will be taken by the player who had played the highest card in the hierarchy indicated
above. In successive tricks, within the same hand, the player who took the last trick is the one
who will begin by throwing the 1st card of the next trick.
Scoring by tricks
Once all the tricks in a hand have been completed, the points obtained by each player in that
hand will be counted for the tricks won. The scores will be added for all purposes in pairs. The
total number of points scored by the cards in the deck is 120.
The pair that obtains the most points in a hand (61 or more) will be the one that wins and will be
assigned a point. In the event of a tie, the hand will be void and none of the pairs will score any
points. If the winning couple exceeds 90 points, they will add 2 points in that hand. If he takes all
10 tricks from his hand, he obtains a Bandeira, and will add 4 points, thus winning the game.
The game ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds four points.

• Wink
The objective of the wink game is the same as the brisca, as is the number of players.
However, certain actions are mandatory. The hand player is the first to play a card to the trick. In

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reference to this first card, the following players must play a card of the same suit if they have it
(attend) and a higher one if possible (ride). If they do not have a card of the leading suit they
must play trump (ruffle), which in the case of playing it after another player must be higher if
they have it (ruffle or step ), if they cannot fail they must also play trump ( underfail). You can
only play a card of one of the other two suits (discard) if you do not have a card of the leading
suit or a trump. The winner of a trick becomes the hand of the next trick. The trick is won by the
highest card of the trump suit, and if there are no trumps, the highest card of the leading suit.
These actions are not mandatory when there are no more cards left to be dealt from the deck.
Chants ^ When a player has certain cards in his hand, he can make chants that give
additional points, and only one chant can be made per player in each trick, and only after
winning the trick. If it is in pairs, the player can sing if his partner wins the trick. The cards must
be shown to verify it:
• Call the 20 ^ jack and king of the same suit.
• Call the 40 ^ jack and king of the trump suit.
The score is: 11 points for the ACE, 10 points for the THREE, 4 points for the KING, 3 points for
the KNIGHT, 2 points for the JACK, 20 points for calling the 20, 40 points for calling the 40 and
10 points for the pair that wins the last trick

• Tute
A game is played for a number of games established in advance. The Spanish deck of 40 cards
is used. The number of players can vary from two to four, depending on the modality. Tute is
played by tricks, in which it is about getting tricks (winning rounds), with a dominant suit or trump
suit (just like the Brisca).

Start of the game

Tute has an option and that is that any player (this will have no subsequent effects) shuffles the
deck and begins to distribute the cards to his companions by turning them over and putting them
face up. The first one who receives a king is the one who gathers them again and shuffles them
again and then deals them in the normal way. Another option is that whoever has the highest
card is the first to deal.

Player obligations

The first card played is called the "lead card." There is always a suit that "paints" or "trumps."
Cards of the trump suit beat the other cards. The highest card of the same suit as the lead card
wins the trick. If the trick contains cards of the trump suit, the highest value trump card wins.
The players (except the "hand" player) are obliged to win the trick, if they have cards that allow
them to do so. In each hand, the one who leads will place one of his cards in the center of the
table (the one he wants as it is the lead card), which will be the one that indicates the lead suit of

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that trick (apart from the trump suit). , and the others, from left to right, must each play one more
card. In order of priority, they are required to follow the following rules:
1. Obligation to assist and mount : "Attend" means that they must play a card of the lead
suit and "mount" means that they must exceed the value of the lead card (play a card of
the lead suit that surpasses the cards that are on top). the mat).
2. If it is not possible to "ride", they are still obliged to "attend".
3. In case of not being able to "assist", a player has the obligation to "fail": if a player,
in his turn, could not ASSIST (he did not have a card of the leading suit) he must FAIL
(play a card of the trump suit). If another trump card has already been played, the player
will have the obligation to "step", that is, play a superior trump card. If you cannot "step",
you are not obliged to "fail", and can play any other card.
4. Finally, the player must counterrule : if he does not have a card that allows "assist" or
"rule", he can play any other card, whatever he wants. This is called "counterfailing."
If it is discovered that a player does not comply with the obligation to "assist", "mount", "miss"
and "step" while being able to do so, he is said to commit "resign" and loses the game. The trick
will be taken by the player who had played the highest card in the hierarchy indicated above. In
successive tricks, within the same hand, the player who took the last trick is the one who will
begin by throwing the 1st card of the next trick.

There is a hierarchy between cards of the same suit in order to know which card wins in each of
the tricks. It is as follows, from highest to lowest: Ace, Three, King, Knight, Jack, Seven, Six,
Five, Four and Two. The remaining cards, called white cards, have no value in points. At the
same time, there is a hierarchy between suits: the highest-ranking suit is the trump suit
(it changes in each hand), secondly, there is the lead suit (it changes in each trick or
round), and finally there are the two remaining suits. .
Tute for two players
Six (generally) or seven cards are dealt and the next card is placed under the deck turned upside
down so that it can be seen to be the pinte (trump suit). Before starting the game, you can change
the card you face to a seven, if it is an ace, three or figure, and to a two, if it is a white card, but
there is no obligation to do so.
The hand player will place one of his cards (the one he wants) in the center of the table, and the
other player must place one more, whichever he wants, without limitations or obligations of any kind
regarding which one to place. The trick will be taken by the player who had played the highest card
of the trump suit, and if there are no trumps on the table, the highest card of the leading suit.

This type of tute between two is different from the rest, since there is no obligation to throw
specific cards in the initial tricks (it has the same rules as the Brisca). However, when the
pinte card is drawn, the rules are again the same for the remaining tricks: There is already
an obligation to "assist", "ride", "ruffle", "step" and "counterrule".

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The fundamental characteristic of this Tute for two is that you can win whatever the number of
points added to the cards won by each player, making Capote . It consists of winning the 6 or 7
tricks that remain to be played once the trick is finished (the trump card is drawn and the deck has
been finished, so that only the number of rounds or tricks that the card is in hand will be played) ,
but you must previously call that you are trying to make this play, and if the opposing player takes
any of the 8 tricks, he is the one who wins the game.

Tute for three players (called “Tute Arrastrado”)

All the cards are dealt, leaving one left over that is placed as a pint (trump card) on the table and
that does not play. Before starting the game, you can change the card you face to seven, if it is an
ace, three or figure, and to two, if
It is carte blanche, but there is no obligation to do so. Once dealt, each player should have 13
The game is played according to the following rules: attendance, riding, failure and stepping are
mandatory. When you cannot step, counter-rule is allowed, playing any card. You cannot call more
than one acknowledgment for each trick won and it is obligatory to call “the forty” before “the
The player who scores the most points from the tricks won wins the game, being valid for winning
the Tute of Kings or Tute of Knights play. In this modality, it is usually common to write down the
games lost and not the points won, so the player who first reaches 10 or 12 lost games is the one
who loses and the one who has the fewest points recorded is the one who wins. A loss will be
awarded to the one who scores the fewest points. However, in the case of a player winning two
games in a row, the other two score one each as lost regardless of the points they have.
Tute for four players
This modality is usually the most seen, especially in the case of competitions, and it is generally
played by teams, forming two pairs that sit on the table facing each other. It is determined by lot
who deals the cards first. Ten cards are dealt to each player, one at a time, in strict turn. The dealer
keeps the last card in the deck, but must show it by placing it in the center of the table before being
able to pick it up, since this card signals the victory of that game (because that card does
play ). Exceptionally, in the first hand they always draw gold, and the player who receives the 2 of
gold is the hand. For the next game the rotation of starting hands begins.
The game is played according to the following rules: attendance, riding, failure and stepping are
mandatory. When you cannot step, counter-rule is allowed, playing any card. You cannot call more
than one acknowledgment for each trick won and it is obligatory to call “the forty” before “the
During the development of the hand, if a player has the king and the knight of the same suit, he can
make a chant , this is what is called singing the 40 (if it is the knight and the king of the trump suit)
or singing 20 (if it is a king and knight of any other suit). You must indicate this circumstance by
specifying the suit in which you bid the 20 (20 in pentacles, cups, spades or clubs) or if you bid the

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40 it will be enough for you to indicate it without needing to indicate the suit, since in each hand
there is only one suit of triumph.
The first chant must be made by the players of a pair immediately after taking the first trick
(maximum two simultaneous chants per pair). If they have more chants they must perform them in
the next tricks they win. If you have the necessary cards to be able to perform more than one chant,
the 40 must be sung before the 20.
If a player has the four kings or the four knights in his hand, he may call TUTE after having won the
first trick of the pair, and cannot previously make any other call, otherwise, the tute does not appear
and the game continues. In this case the hand ends immediately and, with the prior agreement of
the participants, whoever has sung tute achieves a certain amount of points, or even the entire

• Horse and king of the suit that triumphs or paints: The 40 is sung.
• Knight and king of another suit: 20 are called.
• Four kings or four horses: Tute is sung.

Scores achieved (Game Score)

When all the cards have been played, the points are counted and the team with the most points
wins. The cards from the tricks played cannot be looked at until the end of the game . It's not
fair, because the game expects that sometimes you don't remember what came out and what didn't
come out already. They have value in so many (points):

• The value cards of the tricks won: the value of each card is as follows: Ace (11 points),
Three (10 points), King (4 points), Knight (3 points) and Jack (2 points). The rest of the cards
have no scoring value.
• Accusations or songs. It is the combination of king and knight of the same suit in a player's
hand. The acknowledgments have a value of 40 points when they are of a trump suit, “the
forty”, and 20 points when they are of another suit that is not a trump, “the twenty in…”.
• Last trick. Winning the last trick of the game is worth 10 points, called the “last ten” or “ten
de monte”. Winning this last trick wins the game when there is a tie on points between two
• Tute. It is the combination of the 4 kings (Tute de reyes) or the 4 knights (Tute de horses) in
a player's hand. The player who sings TUTE wins the game and scores 100 points.

Other considerations

• Drag : It is called when a player goes out for the suit he paints . In this case, the
The opposing player must go to the suit , that is, he must also throw a major card of the suit he
is dealing with and, if he does not have one, a minor card of the suit he is dealing with. If he
doesn't have either, he can play any card, thus losing the trick. Furthermore, in Spain, it is very
ingrained to call dragging not only the previous thing, but also coming back from the same
previous suit one or two more times, whatever it was, since the effects are similar, since you

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exhaust that suit and in the end you force to "fail" one of the other players who will therefore be
thrown out of the picture.
• Shrinking : If someone misses a card, the following players can shrink, i.e.
Once someone fails, the other players should not take into account the rule of overcoming the
card, unless they also fail, because in the presence of the suit of the pint in the trick, if one fails,
they will have to overcome the card of the trump suit that the previous one to fail will throw out.
He who, having an ace, chooses not to play said card to try to eat the three, also shrinks.
• Throw the cards : If a player sees that he has very bad cards (the score of the cards in his
hand does not exceed 10 points) he can throw the cards , that is, consider the game lost and
automatically give two games to the player. rival. This is done because the player thinks that he
has already lost and thus saves himself from playing a game that he believes he will not win,
although if his cards do not exceed ten points, and the trumps are conspicuous by their
absence, in certain circumstances the result of playing or not, it may be the same.
• Resignation : A player resigns if he has made a mistake when playing the cards. A
renouncement is made when a card of a suit is thrown that is not what it should be, when the
value of the suit is not exceeded even though it could have been exceeded, when it fails and it
should not have failed or when it is called and it is a lie. If a team calls waiver, it is accusing the
rival team of playing badly (unintentionally or on purpose), then the plays are checked and if it is
proven that a waiver has been made, the team that called it will win two games. In the event that
a team calls I resign and it is proven that there is no

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such waiver (it is proven that it has been played fairly ) the opposing team will be the one
that wins two games.
• Having a ruff or semi-ruff : If initially a player does not have any card of a specific suit, he
is said to have a ruff to that suit. This fact is very interesting because he will be able to eat
the ace of that suit with a high probability. If you only have one card of one suit, it is said that
you have a semi-ruff to that suit. In this second case you will be able to win the second
round played in that suit and with a little more luck you will be able to take the 3.
• Load:: In the case of playing four for teams of two, it can be applied to several plays
although the most typical case is that of loading the 3. If a player has a 3 of a suit, he will
usually win the second trick played to that suit (since the first is usually won by the ace).
However, for fear that someone with a semi-ruff to that suit will take the 3, he can "load"
(play) the 3 in a trick that is won by his partner at the cost of losing the possibility of winning
another trick, but ensuring 10 points.
• Against the ace, you will never drag : Popular saying used to advise someone not to drag
if the ace is yet to be led, as you are destined to lose the trick. Sometimes it is not entirely
true, for example, when looking for 40, it is a good move to drag against the ace.

• You bastard
This is a popular variant of the tute for three players. Because it is a game quite similar to the
classic four-person Tute, its differences will be explained:
• It can be played between a variable number of players, the minimum being 3.
• The fundamental feature of this game is that in each hand not one player wins but one
loses. The goal is to avoid being the loser in each hand.
• As a general rule, the player or players who, in the final count of each hand, is in the
middle position will be the one who loses the hand; That is, the objective is to achieve
the highest or lowest score among the participants. There are exceptions to this rule
which are explained below.
• When 4 players participate, the usual deck of 40 cards is used; When 3 participate, a 36-
card card is used (without the deuces).
• At the beginning of each hand, all cards are dealt among the players, without marking a
trump suit at the beginning of the hand.
• When the knight and the king of the same suit coincide in a trick on the table, the player
who takes it will bid in that suit. If it is the first bid of the hand, 40 will be bid and the suit
of the king and knight in question will be the trump suit for the rest of the hand. In the
successive songs 20 will be sung. This is the only way chants can be performed in the
tute cabrón.
• Exceptions to the general rule of the loser of each hand: as indicated above, the person
or persons who are in the middle in the final calculation of the hand loses the hand, but
with two exceptions:
1. If one or more players fail to take any tricks, they automatically lose the
2. Not being the above circumstance, if there is a player who exceeds 100
points, he or she automatically loses the hand (if there are two who meet this condition,
both lose the hand).
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• In the event of a tie on points between two or more players, the criterion applied is that
they lose the point if no other player does; Thus, when there are 3 participants in the
game, the tied players always lose the point, and in the case of 4 players they do not lose
if there is already another player with an intermediate score.

In summary, the objective of the players will be to try to be first or last in each hand, but not
being able to do so from the most comfortable positions in each case (if you are first you cannot
go over the point limit and if you are Lastly, one cannot be left without any trump card).
The loser or losers of each hand will receive a point. The game ends when one of the
participants reaches the number of points or losing hands initially agreed upon. The winner is the
one with the lowest score; In the event of a tie for the lowest score between two or more players,
successive hands will be played until a single winner is obtained.

• Julep
Julep is a trick game from the same family as the English Loo. These are games in which the
participants must win a certain number of tricks - two in the case of julep - to recover the initial
bet. It is a game of Spanish origin, which spread rapidly throughout large areas of Latin America
starting in the 19th century. It should be noted that the original julep, in which three cards are
dealt to each player, is the game currently known as tomato, while the game discussed here is
one of the variants of the original game, although it is now known by the name of julep.
Objective > Win at least two tricks in each hand to win the bet and not be left "julep".
Number of Players ^ The ideal number of players for a julep game is six, who play
Type of Deck ^ To play julep, a Spanish deck of 40 cards is used. An English deck of cards
can also be used, eliminating the eights, nines and tens, or figures.
Value and Order of the Cards > In the game of julep, the cards do not have any specific value
in points, but only relative to those of a suit, so that it is possible to establish the winner of the
same. The order of the cards that determines their relative value is, from highest to lowest: ace,
three, king, knight, jack, seven, six, five, four and two.
The Trump Suit > In each game of a julep game, one of the suits of the deck is chosen as the
Cards of the trump suit have the property of beating those of other suits, regardless of the
relative value of each of the cards. The trump suit is chosen at random, revealing the next card
in the deck after five have been dealt to each player. This letter is called the pint.
The Tricks) The game of julep is played through hands with five tricks . A trick is a group of
cards made up of one from each player that is played on the table in the same turn of play
. The winner of the trick is the player who has played the highest card of the leading suit or the
highest trump if there is one in the trick.
The hand player is the first to play a card to the trick. The following players must play a card of

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the same suit (assist), if they have one, or a higher one if possible (mount). If they do not have
a card of the leading suit, they must play trump (ruffle), which in the case of playing it after
another player must be higher (ruffle or step ), if they have it; If they cannot fail, they must also
play trump ( underrule). You can only play a card of one of the other two suits (discard) if you
do not have a card of the leading suit or a trump. The winner of a trick becomes the hand of the
next trick.
Home ^ After the dealer is drawn, he places the agreed upon hand position in the center of the
table, shuffles the cards and gives them to the player on his left to cut. Deal five cards to each
player, from right to left and one at a time. After the deal, reveal the first card of the deck that
remains undealt, which will indicate the triumph (which is why this card is called the pint), and
leave the rest of the cards face down on the table.

Development > The purpose of the game is to win at least two tricks; If they do not succeed,
that is, if a player only wins one trick or none, they "give him a julep." However, it is not
necessary to play all the hands, nor do it with the cards in the deal. Looking at their cards, the
players, taking turns counterclockwise, declare whether to pass or play. If they pass, they leave
their cards on the table and do not intervene in the subsequent play of tricks.

Players who are still "in play" can discard one or more cards, even all five, and replace them with
new cards, which will be distributed by the dealer counterclockwise among the players who are
still in play and have discarded from some of his initial letters. If there are not enough cards for
everyone from the deck, the players' discards are taken, shuffled and distributed among the
players who still lack cards to complete the hand.
When taking the discards to complete the second distribution, care will be taken not to take
those of the players who have yet to be given cards, to avoid receiving the same cards that have
been discarded again. Once the game is set up, the first player to the right of the giver who is
still in play is the first hand, and therefore starts the first trick. The winner of each trick will
become the giver of the next trick.

The winner . After playing the five tricks, as it is necessary to have won two to avoid being julep,
there may be two, one or no winner.
Players who have not won at least two tricks, whether they have won one or none, have left
juleps or have been given juleps, and must pay the amount established for this circumstance.

There are two winners if two players have taken two tricks each or one of them has taken three
and the other two. In either case, they take the initial bet and the payments of the players to
whom they have given julep. The two winners, whether they have won two or three tricks, have
the same category, so no distinctions are made between them and they share the amount won
equally (the initial bid and the juleps). There is only one winner if only one player has managed
to take two or more tricks. This player takes the stake and pays for the other players' juleps.

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In the event that there is no winner because all players have received a julep, everyone must
pay the julep, and such amounts are added to the bet for the next game. To avoid very large
dishes, some players divide them between several hands; However, it should be noted that large
dishes may prevent some players from overpassing.
Defense against bazooka. When all players pass except one, he must play against the basket.
The hand player of those who passed takes the first six cards of the deck and discards one. The
player who did not pass then makes his normal discard.

These two players play the five tricks, after which it may happen that:

• the basket carries a julep: the player who won gets the prize;
• neither of them carry a julep: they share the bet, but only the player takes his share,
keeping the part of the bet to accumulate in the next bet;
• the pot gives a julep to the player: he does not lose anything, but the bet remains on the
table, increasing the plate for the following game.

Dance ^ The player who deals the cards can keep the pint or card that marks the victory. By
doing so you force yourself to play. On your turn to discard, you will leave the cards you want
and receive one less. In the event that the pint was an ace (which is equivalent to having a safe
trick), if the giver takes it he is forced to play and win three tricks so as not to be left julep,
instead of the usual two.

Julep for Five or Seven Players > If there are seven players, the dealer acts as mayor, that is,
he gives the cards and pays the bet, but he does not give cards to himself and does not
participate in this game of tricks.
If there are five players, each one receives six cards in the initial distribution, of which he must
discard one, which will not be replaced. Players can discard more than one card, but receive one
less of those discarded, since five tricks are still played, of which two must be won.

• Broom of 15
It can be played individually or in pairs. You play as many
hands or partial games as necessary until you reach a
certain number of points set before the start of the game.
The broom game consists of taking card tricks that add
up to 15 points.
It is played with a Spanish deck, taking into account that
each card has the value of the number it represents, with
the exception of the characters: jack which is worth 8, the knight which is worth 9 and the king
which is worth 10.

We can play with a poker deck, in this case the values of the figures are: jack which is worth 11,
the horse which is worth 12 and the king which is worth 13.
A similar game with more features is Casino Royal and Italian Broom (Scopa). The winner of the
game is the one who reaches 51 points first.

Beginning of the game : By drawing lots it is decided who is the first to deal. To do this, this

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player will shuffle and deal 3 hidden cards to each player and places 4 cards face up in the
center of the mat (community cards) as a sample. The direction of the round is decided and the
game begins.
A player plays the card that best suits him from among those in his hand, putting it on the table
and trying to score 15 points with this card and with those on the table. If he succeeds, he picks
them up, leaving the remaining cards on the table (the cards that are picked up are placed in a
pile next to the player face down). If you cannot add 15 or do not realize that you can add 15,
you must get rid of a card that you will place face up next to the rest of the community cards.
The cards you take must be placed in such a way that the number of brooms collected is clearly
indicated (one broom on top of another, but crossing the cards perpendicularly).

Broom > If you manage to score 15 points with all the cards on the mat, you are said to
have made a broom. In that case, when collecting the cards to put them with the rest of the
tricks won, one of the cards is usually placed face up and crossed with the rest of the cards as a
mark to be able to count the additional points won by the player at the end of the hand. broom
made. Logically, the next player to throw after a broom will not be able to take a trick and will be
limited to putting a card on the table.

Hand broom ^ Exceptionally and only valid for the moment in which the player who deals
places the four cards on the table, if the cards placed add up to exactly one or two groups of 15,
the person who dealt will take them for himself by marking on their pile one or two hand
brooms respectively.
Double Broom > It may also be the case that you find that these four cards form two pairs of
cards that add up to 15 each pair, having obtained double broom .

Game mode options:

1. Only one card can be played per turn, which will be replaced from the deck once
2. Only one card can be played per turn, players must play their cards until they run
out of the three cards initially dealt to each one. At that moment the player whose
turn it was to deal must do it again as before: three cards each, but from now on
no samples are left on the table.

The trick ends when there are no more cards to be dealt. The game is won when a player
reaches an agreed upon number of points before starting to play.

Leftover cards at the end of the hand

At the end of the hand (all the cards in the deck have been dealt), the cards remaining in the
center will be taken by the last player who managed to take a broom in their corresponding turn.

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Point counting (diamonds replace gold in poker deck)
• 2 points for each broom.
• 1 point to the one who has the most cards. In the event of a tie, each of the teams will
add a point.
protagonist players of it.
• 1 point to the one who has the most sevens in the deck, including the golds. In
In the event of a tie, each of the players involved will add a point.
• 3 points to the one who has the 4 sevens in the deck.
• 1 point to the one who has the most cards of the suit of pentacles. In case of a tie, a point
will be added
each of the protagonist players.
• 2 points if you have all the cards of the gold suit.
• 1 point if you have the 7 of pentacles (also called the veil or guindis).
• 2 points for each player who has less than 10 cards won.

Penalty: Mandatory pickup option

On certain occasions a player uses a card with which it would be possible to score 15 points, but
leaves the card in the center due to a mistake or because it makes it impossible for the opponent
to get a broom. How this rule is applied undoubtedly greatly affects the strategy of the game. We
will adopt the penalty that the next opponent in turn takes the cards that add up to 15 points.
If a player plays his card and does not notice that he adds 15 with any or all of the center cards,
he loses the right to said trick at the time the next player plays his card. And the latter can take
the trick left by the previous player, also making his move.

> Broom
The game mechanism is similar to the broom game. The only difference is that in this game the
player with the fewest points will win. That is, the purpose of this game is to try not to take tricks
so as not to score points.

Players will put cards on the table trying to ensure that the card placed does not add 15 points in
combination with those already placed. If the sum is 15, the player will take the cards that best
suit him to avoid scoring points, that is, he will try to avoid taking golds or sevens (especially the
seven of golds) and will try to take as few cards as possible.

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If a player places a card on the table that adds up to 15 points in combination with others already
placed and does not take any tricks (either because he does it on purpose or because he does
not realize it), the other players may choose the trick they It takes adding 15, that is, you can
choose which cards to take. This will harm the affected person, since their opponents will
choose the greatest number of golds, sevens or cards possible in order to try to score more

> Italian broom (Scopa)

Scopa, also called Italian broom, is one of the most popular
card games in Italy. There is already news of it since the 16th
century, and all indications point to the scopa being at the origin
of the popular Spanish deck broom game.
If you know Spanish broom, you can quickly learn how to play
scopa by directly consulting the differences between both
games. It is a Spanish deck game with 40 cards, although it can
be played with a poker card. It can be played individually or in
You play as many hands or partial games (tricks) as necessary
until you reach a certain number of points set before the start of the game. To achieve these
points, players must take possession of the cards on the table, taking them with one of the cards
in their hand, and based on the rules explained later.

By draw it is decided who is the first to distribute. To do this, this player will shuffle the deck and
let the one on his left cut it, after which he will distribute three cards to each player one at a time,
starting with the one on his right (hand) and continuing in the same sense. You must also place
four cards face up in the center of the mat.
> The winner of the game is the one who reaches 51 points first.
> The hand will begin by moving (to the right of the dealer), which he will do using one of
the cards he has in his hand. If said card matches in number with any of the ones on
the table, he takes both. If he could do this operation, he will collect the cards in a small
pile that he will keep to his right and that he will be able to increase later, in successive
turns, which at the end will add up to his points earned.
> If there is no card of the same number as the one played on the table, and only in this
case, a set of cards will be taken from the table whose sum is equal to the card
played (generally it will be a maximum of 2 cards, although They can be any
number) . For these purposes, regardless of the suit to which they belong, the cards are
valued according to their silk-screened index, and then the jack, knight and king figures.
> If the value of the card used does not coincide with the sum of values of one or more of
those that are on the mat, you will be obliged to deposit it, face up on the mat, next to
those that are already there. Now it's the next player's turn.
> If any of the players, in their turn, take all the cards on the table, they will make a
scopa , and thus mark it on their pile of captured cards, leaving one card from the
collected ones crossed transversely in their pile, and face up.
This movement will be repeated by all the players, successively passing each player's turn to the
one on their right, and until the three cards initially dealt to each one are gone. At that moment,
the player whose turn it was to deal must do it again as before, repeating this entire system of
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dealing and discarding until the cards in the deck run out.
In each hand the distribution of cards passes successively from one player to another, from left
to right. At the end of the hand (all the cards in the deck have been dealt), the cards remaining in
the center will be taken by the last player who managed to take cards in their corresponding

Point counting (diamonds replace gold in poker deck)

Once a hand has finished, the points obtained by each of the players are counted, according to
the cards they had taken possession of during the game, and based on the criteria described
• For each scopa that a player has made, one point will be added.
• The player who had the seven of golds in his possession, called the beautiful sette, will
score one point.
• The player who had the highest score in the first round takes one point. The first consists
of checking which are the 4 cards with the highest score for each player based on the
values indicated below (add these points and the one with the highest score is the one
who takes first place). For these purposes, the points for each card are as follows: seven
(21 points); six (18 points); five (16 points); four (15 points); three (14 points); two (13
points); ace (12 points); jack, knight and king (10 points).
• The player who had the greatest number of cards in his possession will be awarded a
point. In the event of a tie between two or more players, no point will be awarded to any
of them.
• The player who had the greatest number of cards of the suit of gold (denari, 10 in total) in
his possession will score one point. In the event of a tie between two or more players, no
point will be awarded to any of them.
At the moment in which in the count of one of the hands two or more players exceed the number
required to win the game, the one who reaches a higher number will win. In the event of a tie at
the predetermined number for victory or more, between two or more players, the tie will be
resolved by playing a new hand, and so on until the tie is broken.

Differences with the Spanish broom

If you know the Spanish broom, the differences between both games are summarized below:
• The fundamental difference lies in the rule for taking the cards: instead of adding 15, the
value of the card in hand must coincide with the sum of the cards taken from the center; If
there is a card of equal value, it is a priority to take said card.

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> It is mandatory to take cards with the played card, whenever possible.
> There is no point for whoever achieves the most sevens, but rather for whoever achieves
the best first, which generally consists of obtaining the greatest number of sevens, and in
the event of a tie, the greatest number of sixes.
> When counting the concepts of cards, gold and first prize, no one takes the point in case
of a tie.

• Royal Casino
Casino Royal is a card game for both adults and children that will
help you review math skills and think strategically. It is similar to
the game BROOM OF 15.
A poker deck without jokers of 52 cards is used for every 4
people or even 2 decks can be used. The value of each card is its silk-screened numerical
value . 4 hidden cards are dealt to each player and after this another 4 cards are placed in the
center of the table and turned face up.
6 playersx4 cards distributed + 8 cards common )3distributions (104 cards)
5 playersx5 cards distributed + 4 cards common ^4distributions (104 cards)
5 playersx4 cards distributed + 4 cards common ^5distributions (104 cards)
4 playersx5 cards distributed + 4 cards common ^4distributions (104 cards)
4 playersx4 cards distributed + 4 cards common ^2distributions (52 cards)
3 playersx4 cards distributed + 4 cards common ^3distributions (52 cards)


3 playersx4 cards distributed + 4 cards common )2distributions(40cards)
3 playersx5 cards distributed + 5 cards common ^4distributions(80cards)
4 playersx6 cards distributed + 8 cards common ^ 2distributions(80cards)
6 playersx4 cards distributed + 8 cards common ^2distributions(80cards)
5 playersx5 cards distributed + 5 cards common ^2distributions(80cards)

TO. Playing ) The objective of the game is to win the greatest number of points. It is about getting
rid of all your cards by making a “game” with those shown on the mat. The cards that each
player makes are removed for him and put aside for the final sum of points. Making a game is in
the following ways:

1. Cards of the same value. For example, if you have an eight in hand and there are
another eight or several on the table, you can take them all to make a game.
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2. Add cards from the table : take several cards from the table that, when added
together, equal the value of one of the cards you have in your hand to make a
game. For example, if you have an 8 in your hand and there is a 5 and a 3 on the
table, you must take the two cards and put them together with the 8 to make the
game. You can take all the necessary cards from the mat to start the game.

Note > If we use a poker deck, the figures have no numerical value so they can
only play with another figure. Otherwise, the game must be made by its numerical

3. Combine cards from your hand with those on the table: For example, if you
have a three and an eight in your hand and there is a five on the cards on the table,
you must place your three on top of the five (both indexes are shown) and say: " I
make an eight ", and on your next turn place the eight of your cards on the three
and the five to make the game. You must always have the sum card to be able
to combine them.

^ Be careful because if another player has an eight, he can place it on your three and your five
before you do, making him a game. The two cards cannot be separated, so they will always
go together with a value of 8 as if it were a single card .

^ More cards can also be combined on top of already combined ones. For example, if you
have a ten and a two in hand and there is the previous combined eight on the cards on the
table, you can place your two on top of the combined eight (all the indexes are shown) and say:
" I make a ten ", and on your next turn place the ten of your cards on the three, the five and the
two to make the game.
TO. If you have no game (you cannot make a game), you must place one of your cards face up
next to the other cards turned over on the table and take your turn.
Once all the players have played all their cards, 4 cards are dealt again to each player (never on
the mat) and the turn of plays continues.

The game will end when all the cards in the deck are dealt out. In the event that there are cards
left without being able to combine, the player who made the last game (took cards) from the
table will receive all the cards that remain to be played from the rest of the players and those
that remain turned over on the table and will be added to his score. . The player who scores the
most points wins the hand.

Sweeps OR Clear ^ A sweep occurs when a player takes all the cards on the table while
making a play, leaving it empty and forcing the next player to throw a card on the table because
he cannot make a game. This is called “making a broom” in the game broom or Scopa.

Point count
• Highest number of cards > 3 points
• Greatest number of swords ^ 1 point
• Each AS ^ 1 point
• 10 of diamonds playing card (called Big Casino or the Good Ten ) ^ 2 points
• Playing card 2 of spades (called Little Casino or the Good Two ) ^ 1 point
• Each Sweep ^ 1 point

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NOTE) The cards that are going to be played must be shown so that the rest of the
players can verify that it is correct. So you have to be careful with your moves, because if
we don't play, the opponents know what cards we have, and they can try to prevent us
from playing.

Forty - 40
Cuarenta is also known as Fall and Clear, it is a traditional game from Ecuador. It integrates,
with some small modifications, the rules of two games: Ronda and Scopa . In this card game,
the winner is the first player or couple to reach 40 points, which are obtained through various
ways that the game provides to earn points. Before starting the game, all the cards are moved
hidden on the table (in a row or fan), and the players draw a card at random. The highest card
indicates who will be the one who shuffles and deals.
It is normally played with a deck of 40 when for 2 or 4 players. Although we can play with a deck
of 48 numbered cards with a number of players of 2, 3 or 4, either individually or in pairs, so
that we have the same distribution of cards.
The dealer of the hand shuffles the cards and begins the deal starting with the player on the
right, giving five hidden and alternating cards (card by card) to each player. The remaining
undealt cards (the remaining deck) are kept face down next to the dealer to begin a new deal
once all current cards have been played.

Deck of 48 cards ^ All cards with the numbers 8, 9 and 10 are removed from the deck.
The rest of the cards (40 in total) are shuffled. In the case of 2 players, four hands of 5 cards
and a final hand of 4 cards will be dealt. In the case of 3 players, two hands of 5 cards and a
final one of 6 cards will be dealt. In the case of 4 players, two hands of 6 cards will be dealt.
Deck of 40 cards > In the case of 2 players, four hands of 5 will be dealt. In the case of 4
players, two hands of 5 cards will be dealt. In the case of 3 players, you cannot play because the
distribution is not fair.

Start of the game

The objective of the game is to take the greatest number of cards. After the dealing of cards ,
the first player to the right of the dealer begins the game by throwing a card onto the table (since
there are no cards on it). The next player in turn must throw a card on the mat. There are 4

1) Lift with its similar> If you have a card with the same index or figure as the one
in the center of the table, you lift (take) it with your card.
2) Lift up in a ladder > If you have a card with the same index as the one in the
center of the table, you take it with your card. If after the card you pick up from the
table there are more that are superior correlatives to this one, you will also pick
them up with it (the suit is not taken into account). And you save them to count all
the cards you have collected at the end of the game.

3) Raise combined sums ^ if there are 2 cards on the table that, when added
together, give the value of a card that we have, we will take those two cards with the
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ours (Scopa or Italian Broom rule: you can raise cards by adding them up to a
maximum of two, for example, if you have a 4 card, you can take a 3 with an Ace
found on the table). And furthermore, if after the card you pick up from the table
there are more that are superior correlatives to this one, you will also pick them up
with it. And you save them to count all the cards you have collected at the end of
the game.

4) If you have no cards to take, you will throw one of your cards on the table and the
turn will pass to the next player.

And we continue playing all the cards in the current hand. Once all the cards in the current hand
have been played, a new hand of cards is dealt again. Once all the cards in the deck have
been exhausted and played, the game ends .

At the end of a game, not all the cards have necessarily been picked up, that is, they have been
won or combined, since it is possible that one or some cards may have been left on the table
(they do not count for anyone, no player takes them).
When a player has thrown or revealed a card, they cannot remove it from the table. It's a played

There are two game modes. Playing "the girl" means that the team that first completes 40 points
during the initial rounds wins the table, that is, the game. The "big game" mode is the one in
which three girls play. In this case, the team that wins two of the three "girls" wins the table. After
totaling the points, if no team scored 40 points, a new game or hand is started, and the giver
rotates each game.
A table can also be won in a single game if a team (or player) manages to score 30 points and
the opposing team has scored less than 10 points, in this case it is said that the members of the
losing team were left behind.


Fall > When a player throws a card without picking up another one from the table and the
next player to throw has this same card, he can pick it up, producing a “ fall” , and the following
correlative cards if there are any. You earn 2 points.
Clear ^ If a player leaves the table empty when picking up the cards, it is considered "
Clear table ". Earn 2 points.
Fall and clean ^ If a player performs a fall leaving the table empty, it is considered "
Fall with table" and 4 points are added to his account: 2 for clearing and 2 for the fall.
Round or Aesthetic > if after the distribution of cards a player has received 3 cards of
the same value (number), he will be able to receive 2 additional points thanks to his good luck,
he is also told that he has gotten ' two per round ' or ' two per handsome '.
Before throwing one of the dealt cards, he will request 2 points per " round", showing the cards
for verification. Once the first card has been thrown by one of the four players, a "round" bonus
can no longer be requested.

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This serves as a warning to the other players that there is someone with 3 identical cards, this
information is valuable to know what cards the so-called handsome can or cannot raise.
Double Round, flower, poker, equal > It is considered “ Double round ” when the
player has 4 cards of the same number. Before throwing one of the dealt cards, he will request
the 4 points for a " double round", showing the cards for verification. Once the first card has
been thrown by one of the four players, a "double round" bonus can no longer be requested.
Card > The number of cards raised (won) is called card . The card gives points starting
from card 20. That is, if the card is made up of 19 cards or less, it does not receive any points. If
you have 20 cards, you receive 6 points. Each more card has an extra point: 21 cards is 7
points, 22 cards is 8 points, etc.
This rule can make a game very quick to win (reach 40 points). Therefore, if desired, it can be
replaced by:
- the player (individual game) or the team (pair game) wins 2 points to the one who
has the most additional cards won, counted from 21: 21 card is 1 additional card,
22 is 2 additional cards, etc. In the event of a tie, the player or team with the
highest card or cards wins the 2 points.

"38 who doesn't play"

It is clear that at the end of a hand once the points on both sides have been counted, the team
that reaches 40 points wins the game. But if during or at the end of the game the score of the
team that has the most points reaches 38 points, there is a new rule that makes the game more
interesting: the team that reaches 38 points can no longer claim its clean bonus, neither round
nor double round, but must necessarily make a fall or fall and clear the opponent to reach 40

The objective of the '38 not playing' rule is to ensure excitement at the end of the hand and to
provide an opportunity for the team with the lowest score to catch up and even surpass the
leading team.

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> chinese ten
G4A: Chinese Ten

3 players x 8 cards dealt + 4 common cards ^ 24 cards + 24 deck (52 cards) 4 players x 6
cards dealt + 4 common cards ) 24 cards + 24 deck (52 cards)
4 players x 12 cards dealt + 8 common cards ^ 48 cards + 48 deck (104 cards)
5 players x 10 cards dealt + 4 common cards ^ 50 cards + 50 deck (104 cards)
6 players x 8 cards dealt + 8 common cards ^ 48 cards + 48 deck (104 cards)
7 players x 7 cards dealt + 6 common cards ^ 49 cards + 49 deck (104 cards)
8 players x 6 cards dealt + 8 common cards ^ 48 cards + 48 deck (104 cards)

The game is played with one or two standard 52-card poker decks without jokers. In the deal,
each player receives his cards face down, the common cards are placed face up in the center of
the table and the remaining cards form the pile.
The object of the game is to capture the greatest number of cards on the table to obtain the
greatest number of points.
A number card from ace (1) to 9 captures another if the values add up to 10. For example, a
three captures a seven, a nine captures an ace, and a five captures a five. The ten card and
face cards only capture cards equal to themselves, so a jack can only capture another jack.

On your turn you play only one card from your hand. If this card captures a card on the table,
both are taken, otherwise its card is added to the cards already on the table. Whether you have
captured it or not, the top card of the pile is turned face up. If this card captures a card from the
table, take both. Otherwise this card is also added to the table. After this the turn passes to the
next player.
Please note that each card can only capture a single card from the table.
Special cases: The following rules are necessary so that at the end of the game, no cards are
left on the table. :
• If the initial layout contains 3 matching cards (three kings, three queens, three knights,
etc.) then the fourth card of that rank captures the three matching cards.
• If in the initial layout there are 4 identical cards (four kings, four queens, four knights,
etc.), then the d automatically captures all four of a kind.
Scoring : You can play a certain number of rounds and then the one with the most points wins,
or the winner will be the one who first reaches a limit of points (300 points). Only red cards and
aces score.
• Red 2 to 9: Nominal value.
• Red 10 and figures: 10 points each.
• Aces: 20 points each.

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> Hearts

Hearts Gold It is a card game whose objective is to finish the game with the
Mana Battery Cards minimum possible points. It is an evolution of the original
French "Queen of Spades". It is played with a French deck
without jokers and four players, alone or in pairs.

Start of the game > 13 cards are distributed to each player.

one by one, clockwise. After the card distribution stage,
13 rounds or tricks and the game is over.

> In the 1st round, each player must choose 3 cards and pass them hidden to the player on
the left, receiving 3 from the player on their right.
> In the 2nd round, each player must choose 3 cards and pass them hidden to the player
on the right, receiving 3 from the player on their left.
> In the 3rd round, each player must choose 3 cards and pass them hidden to the player in
front, receiving 3 from the player in front.
> In the 4th round there are no cards passed.
In the consecutive round, cards are passed to the left, in the next to the right, in the next to the
center, in the next no cards are passed and so on for up to 13 rounds. After 13 rounds, all
players will have no cards in hand, and the points are tallied (see below).
Hierarchy > All suits are ranked from AS, whose value is the highest, to 2, which is the lowest
value. For example, the Ace of clubs (the highest card of clubs) and is followed by the king (K),
queen (Q),…. three, two of clubs (lowest card).
^ Consider that if you are playing with a number other than 4 players, you may have some
cards left over when you deal; These are called "hole" cards. Once everyone has the same
number of cards, remove the remaining cards from the game without seeing them and put them
back in the deck before dealing the next round <

A dealer is chosen : it is shuffled and each one draws a card and shows it. The player who got
the highest is the one who deals. After the distribution of cards, the player who has the 2 of
clubs (♣) in his hand begins the game with this card, which will play out in a clockwise direction.
In the 1st round or trick it is not allowed to play a card from the suit of hearts or the black Queen
(Queen of spades or spades). Each player can only play one card on their turn. The cards in
each hand are called tricks. In Hearts terminology, it is said that whoever plays the first card
opens the trick, and this card is the leading suit. This first person can open with any card they
want, with certain exceptions that are explained in the next step. The

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Players who follow are obliged to play cards of the same suit if they have them (called
assisting ), and if they do not have cards of the leading suit they can play any other card they
The only exception to opening (playing the first card) with any suit is that you cannot open a
hand with hearts until they have been "broken." Hearts are broken when a player cannot assist
(follow the suit that opened the trick) and instead plays a heart card.
At the end of each round the player who played the highest card of the leading suit wins the
round, and takes the 4 cards played and places them in his mount (mount is the pile of cards
won by the player in each round and that will be used in the count at the end of the game). The
winning player of the round starts the next round.
Score > At the end of the game, each player will receive the points corresponding to the cards
they have in their pile. Negative cards are cards that add points:
> 1 point for each card of the hearts suit (♥).
> 13 points for the Queen of Spades (Q of Spades ♠).
> The rest of the cards are worthless.

Reach for the Moon ) When a player at the end of the trick has all the Hearts and the Queen of
Swords cards in his pile, he automatically wins the hand and a special score is applied. It is
what is called ball, touching the sky, reaching the moon or full queen. The player who
"Reached the Moon" earns no points, and the other 3 earn 26 points each.

The game continues until one of the players reaches the agreed upon score, usually 100 points.
When one or more players reach the agreed score, the game is over and whoever has the
lowest score wins.

• In some variations, if a player attempts to reach the moon, they have the option of
subtracting 26 points from their overall score, rather than adding them to each of their
opponents. This is a good idea since those 26 points can make one or more players lose
by reaching the established point limit, and if this were the case the game would end and
it is very likely that the player who reached the moon would also lose.

• It can be played with a Spanish poker deck. Their

equivalence in suits or pints is indicated by this image.


• Normal ) Each card of the heart suit is worth 1 point and black queen 13 points.
• Spot hearts - Engraved value ^ Each card of the heart suit is worth its screen printed
jack 11 points, knight 12 points, king 13 points and black queen 13 points.
• Grouped ^ Heart cards 2-10 are worth their printed value, face cards 10 points, Ace 15
points and black queen 13 points.

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• High value) Each heart card from 2-10 is worth 1 point, jack 2 points, knight 3 points,
king 4 points, Ace 5 points and black queen 13 points.
• Black Marie > The 3 cards are always passed in the same direction (to the right), there
is no restriction on throwing the hearts cards and there is no trump suit.
• Canceling hearts > version for 4 to 8 players. Two decks of 52 cards are used. The 13
cards are dealt and the remaining deck is left face down on the mat. When two identical
cards are played to a trick, they cancel each other out in terms of power, so that their
value in the trick is zero: these cards do not count towards taking the trick (but have
penalty points if they are punishment cards) . If all the cards played of the leading suit
are in pair cancellation, the game continues another round with the same cards lying on
the table.
• Nines Elevators > If the first card of the trick to be pulled is a nine, two rounds are
played in a row, so that the starting suit is still the suit of the first card and the winner of
the trick will take the cards from both rounds .
• Teams > when playing by teams, the total points are the sum of the team members.
• Without passing cards > It is played without passing cards to teammates.

> Swords (Spades)

Swords or Spades is a game that descends from Whist, the
normal rules of card tricks are followed, where the card that
looks like a Spade is always a trump (Swords are always a
trump in this game, then the suit of Spades wins). lead) and
what counts is the number of tricks taken, not the cards that
have been won (as in the game of Hearts).

It is usually played with 4 people in teams (in pairs), and the bets to be won are the sum of the
bid of the two players, so that the tricks that must be won between the two are added and at the
end of the hand they are added tricks won by both (never individually).

Card Values ^ A normal pack of 52 cards is used. The cards of each pint have a value from
lowest to highest: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A

Dealing of cards - ^ The first person to deal is chosen at random and the turn rotates
clockwise. The cards are shuffled and dealt one at a time, starting with the player to the left of
the dealer, until all 52 cards are dealt, 13 for each player.

Bets ^ Each person makes a bet (bid) that consists of the number of tricks they plan to take. A
trick is made up of four cards, each played by one of the four players.
First, the player to the left of the one who dealt the cards tells the others how many tricks he
thinks he will win and continues betting the rest, with the dealer being the last to bet. When
betting, the value of your cards and the bets made by previous players are taken into
consideration. If played by teams, the members of the pairs cannot communicate the cards they

Unlike other games with a bet, there are no bid restrictions on bets, except for the maximum
number of tricks to be won which is determined by the number of cards dealt.
Players cannot pass when it is their turn to bet, there is no second round of bets and once made
they cannot be altered.

There are two special cases of betting: void and blind void.

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> No bet > the player indicates that he will not win any tricks during that game. The partner
of the one making the no bet will also bet on the number of tricks they will win as a team.

> Blind zero bet ^ Before the start of the game, some players allow a blind zero bid. This
is a void bid declared before a player sees their cards. After everyone has bid and before
playing the first card, the bidder may exchange two cards with the partner - the null bidder
discards two face-down cards, the partner picks them up and returns two face-down
cards in return. The requirement to bid is that a team is losing by a minimum of 100
points, and only one of the team members can bid.

Game Procedure ^ To begin the first trick, the player to the left of the dealer will put the card
he wants on the table, except a Sword . Each player, going clockwise, must throw a card of the
same size (attendance is mandatory) unless they do not have cards of the starting size, in which
case they can throw the card they want.

If Spades are thrown in a trick, the highest Spade wins; If no Spade is thrown, the highest card
in the starting face will win the trick. The winner of each trick will start the next trick. Spades
cannot be played until spades are broken (some player has thrown a Spade because it does not
have the same appearance as the one being played or because the trick hand only has Spades
left to play). Playing the first Sword is called "breaking" the Swords.
Score > The team that wins at least the same number of tricks as it had bet on scores the
number of tricks multiplied by 10. Additional tricks are worth one point each.

For example, if a team had bet 7 and wins 8 tricks, they would score 7 x 10 = 70 + 1 extra trick
point, which would make a total of 71 points. When a team accumulates 10 extra tricks (in
several games), 100 points will be deducted, and so on.

If a team does not get the number of tricks it had bet on, it loses 10 points for each trick it lacks
to complete the bet. For example, if you bet on 7 tricks and only get 5, you will lose 20 points.

The team that manages to win a void bet scores 100 points. These points are added to the
score obtained (or lost) by the pair of the player who has won the null bet according to the tricks
won. If the void bet fails (that is, if the bettor takes at least one trick), the bettor's team loses 100
points, but any score achieved by the other team member will be recorded.

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According to the general rule, when a no bet is ruffed, the tricks won by the player who makes a
no bet are not taken into account in the count of his partner's tricks.
A blind no bet is worth twice as much as a normal no bet: 200 positive points if you win and 200
negative points if you lose.

End of the Game ^ The game ends when:

1) one team reaches the winning total score (determined when the game is set up, usually 500
2) The team whose negative score reaches that score (500 negative points) loses.
3) A number of hands are determined to be played and the winning team is the one with the
most points at the end.

Swords for 6 players > it is played with 2 decks and 17 cards are dealt. There are 2 cards left,
so there are two options:
1. Eliminate 2 matching low cards (2 of diamonds, or 2 of clubs)
2. Deal the 17 cards and the remaining 2 remain unplayed, and are not valid for the
calculation of points.

Swords for 3 players > it is played with 1 deck and 17 cards are dealt. There is 1 card left over,
so after dealing the 17 cards and the remaining one, it remains as the initial sample of the first
trick. Players play individually.


It can be played with a Spanish poker deck. Its equivalence in suits

or pints is indicated by this image


Whiz) the player must bet the same number of swords he has in his bet (he wins with each
sword he has) or make a zero bet (none to win).

Mirror ^ the player always bets the same number of spades as he has in hand.

Normal + Blind > the player makes his bet before looking at his cards and then continues with
the normal spade rules.

Oh Hell – The rotten one – Pocha

Oh Hell is a variation of the game Whist, a contract game in which players try to predict the
exact number (no more, no less) of tricks they will win. Traditionally, the number of cards to be
played increases or decreases one at a time in each hand, and this has given rise to different
names: Elevator (in France), Down and Up (in Australia and New Zealand), 10 (in the
Netherlands ), La podrida or Pocha (in Spain)…
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It is played by 4 to 7 people so as not to extend the game too much, although it can be played by
3 to 8 players. A 52-card poker deck is used without jokers. The ranks of each suit from high to
low are: Ace KQJ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. The cards have no point value, since only the number of
tricks won or lost by each player is taken into account.

Trump Suit ^ Depending on the number of cards dealt to the players and the number of
players participating in the game, there may be some cards left to deal. Once the cards have
been dealt to all players, the next card is revealed to mark the trump suit.

However, some hands can be played without a trump because the cards are dealt in their

• Deck of cards 52 card poker with 4 players.

• Deck of cards Spanish 40 cards with 5 or 6 players.
• Deck of cards Spanish 48 cards with 8 or 6 players

This is a decision to be agreed upon before playing, since it can be decided that there is a fixed
trump, which in this case will always be spades or spades.

Precisions and Requests ^ Once the deal has been made and in view of the trump suit, the
players calculate the exact number of tricks they can win with their cards, which varies from 0 to
the number of cards dealt. It is a contract that each player agrees to make.

Next, and before starting to play the tricks, the players make these predictions public. There are
two ways to make these forecasts: “openly” or “secretly”. To decide the type of requests it will be
done by vote, although the best option is the hidden one.

1. Openly> each player in turn, begins the hand until the dealer, will call (pronounce out loud)
before all the players the number of tricks to be won.

When requests are made publicly, as the turn of the game is followed to do so, each player can
guide their predictions based on those of previous players. Thus, if there are many requests and
you have high cards, you can deduce that those requests are made relying on trumps and
failures, so surely your cards will not be worth winning a trick.

Restriction and Modification > to eliminate the advantage that the last player has
when asking (the giver), by knowing all the previous requests, the limitation is established that
with his request he cannot make the total sum of tricks requested by all the players is equal to
the number of tricks in play. This inequality can be one or more tricks. Furthermore, in the
maximum hands play, as many hands as there are players are played.

2. Hidden ^ all requests are made at the same time, so no player has the advantage of
knowing the requests of the previous players (note that the hand always requests secretly, since
he does not know the requests of the other players). In this case the number of tricks requested
can coincide with the number of tricks in play. Once all the players have decided on their
forecast, they will write it on a piece of paper and everyone will show it at the same time.

High game . When there are more tricks requested by the players than tricks in play, the game
is said to be high. In this case, one or more players will miss their predictions, since there are not
enough tricks for everyone. It may also happen that a player who does not
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I expected to take a trick, since players will try to win their tricks with intermediate cards to speed
up their chances, which will make the trick deficit even greater.

Downside game . The game is said to be downward when there are fewer tricks asked than
there are in play. In this type of game, control of medium-sized cards is very important, as well
as small trumps, since they can provide unexpected tricks.

The Trick > It is a group of cards made up of one card from each player that has been played in
a given turn; A trick is therefore made up of as many cards as there are players participating in
the game.

In each trick, the starting card played by the hand will have great importance, which will be the
player next to the giver, the first to throw a card into the trick, generally the one on the right,
since it is usually played from right to left for the first asset; For the following tricks, the hand
player will be the winner of the previous trick.

Once the hand has played the first card, the rest of the players must take turns playing one of
theirs. The only obligation is to attend , that is, play a card of the same suit; It is not necessary
to mount (play a card of the same suit and of higher value), ruff (play trump if you cannot assist),
or tread (ruffle with a higher trump, after a previous ruff). If a player cannot attend, because he
does not have a card of the leading suit, he can play a card of any Suit (discard) and thus
eliminate possibilities of taking tricks that do not interest him according to his predictions.

If the hand player comes out with a trump it is said to be a drag and all players who have one
must play it. As in any game of tricks with a trump suit, in the rotida the draws are intended for
two purposes. On the one hand, making those who expected to win a trick by playing a trump in
a suit they were ruffed (they had no cards) not fulfill their expectations; On the other hand,
prevent tricks attempted with firm cards of suits other than trump from being missed.

Once a trick is completed, the winner of the trick places it in front of him - face down - and draws
a card for the next trick. The winner of the trick, in case there is no trump, is the player who has
played the highest card of the leading suit; If there is a trump, the winner is the player who has
rolled the highest trump. Thus, only the leading suit and the trump suit are decisive in the trick;
Cards of other suits do not count, so they are called discards.
The winner of the trick is the hand that starts the next trick.

Value of Tricks and Prizes ^ The cards have no value in points, since only the number of
tricks won or lost by each player is taken into account. The absolute value of the tricks is always
the same, 1 point. However, their relative value depends on the forecasts made: it will be 1
positive or negative point.

Thus, if the number of tricks won coincides with the forecasts, that is, with the tricks requested,
each trick requested will be worth 1 positive point. In addition to the value of the tricks won,
when the predictions are correct there is a prize of 10 additional points for the success. On the
other hand, if the number of tricks does not coincide (whether the player has won more or less)
with the number of tricks requested, only the erroneous tricks are taken into account (those that
are less: those that are missing, and those that are extra). : the last ones), which will each be
worth 1 negative point. Therefore, if the forecasts indicated with the markers are missed, the
score is negative.

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Therefore, to win it is not only necessary to get the forecasts right; You must also obtain the
maximum number of tricks possible.

The type of game is “Down and Up”: it will be played first in Descending and then Ascending.
If the game type is “Descending”, the game will start with the maximum number of cards in hand
and will be reduced by 1 card in each hand, until it reaches 1 card.
If the game type is “Ascending”, the game will start with the minimum number of cards in hand (1
card) and will increase by 1 card in each hand, until reaching the maximum number of cards.

Down and Up Example : The game consists of a series of partial hands, with each hand taking
a number of tricks equal to the number of cards dealt. With 7 players, the order of the hands is: 7
cards dealt, then 6,5,4,3,2,1, then 2,3,4,5,6,7, for a total of 13 hands. game.

The maximum number of cards to be dealt will depend on the number of players:

• 3 players, 17 cards each (3 players x 17 cards = 51 cards)

• 4 players, 13 cards each (4 players x 13 cards = 52 cards)
• 5 players, 10 cards each (5 players x 10 cards = 50 cards)
• 6 players, 8 cards each (6 players x 8 cards = 48 cards)
• 7 players, 7 cards each (7 players x 7 cards = 49 cards)

• The winner of the tricks will be:
1. All hands are exhausted and whoever has the most points.
2. The first one to reach 100 points. The necessary rounds will be played for this.
• The trump suit will be:
1. Fixed: always swords or spades, regardless of whether there are any leftover
cards or not.
2. Variable: only if there are cards left over after dealing, the trump is shown.
3. No trump: there is no trump if the distribution of cards is exact (there are no
• In the first hand and last hand there is no triumph.
• In order not to extend the game too much, a maximum of 10 cards are dealt for 3, 4 or 5
• Play with jokers . In this case they always win the trick of their color, since they have the
highest value in their color: the trump color wins and then the color of the leading suit.

Some tips for a good start

In the auction

• When there are many cards in the pile, count your Kings and Queens as almost
winning tricks. Also add tricks if you have many trumps , even if they are low.
• At No Trump, consider your ability to get the hand . Since sometimes you can have
many tricks to play in a suit that no one is going to play with.
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In the mail

• If you can, take out the opponent's trumps , before taking out your firm cards (this will
reduce the risk of failure).
• Consider getting rid of your highest cards if you have too many tricks compared to
what you have drawn.
• Consider also getting rid of your useless trumps (for example by underruffing) if you
have too many tricks.

This is a 48-card Spanish deck game. It is played between four people in pairs. The objective is
to add the greatest number of points possible with the cards won in each trick to surpass 100
points before the opponents. We will have to try to take a large number of tricks, if possible,
tricks with high-scoring cards. For these purposes, the value of each card is as follows: Nine (5
points), Ace (4 points), King (3 points), Knight (2 points) and Jack (1 point). The rest of the cards
have no scoring value.

There is a hierarchy between cards of the same suit in order to know which card wins in each of
the tricks. It is as follows, from highest to lowest: Nine (Handle), Ace, King, Knight, Jack, Eight,
Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three and Two. At the same time, there is a hierarchy between suits: the
highest-ranking suit is the trump suit (it changes in each hand), secondly, there is the lead suit (it
changes in each trick), and finally there are the two remaining suits.

Beginning of the game and each of the hands

In each hand the dealer will have the player on his left cut the deck, and will then distribute all
the cards in the deck among the four players one by one and from left to right. When you have
finished dealing, and looking at your cards, you must choose one of the following options:

> Choose the trump suit.

> You can decide to make it Butifarra , which means that there will be no trump suit in that
hand. If Butifarra has been chosen as the trump suit, the pair that wins the hand will score
> As a third option, you can pass that decision to your partner, who must decide between
one of the trump suits and Butifarra.
Contro, Recontro and San Vicenç

Once the trump suit has been decided, players can decide if they want to multiply the points
obtained by the winning pair by 2, 4 or 8.

Before starting to play the cards, any of the members of the pair who did not decide the trump
suit must indicate if against (make the points count double, quadruple if the trump is Butifarra). If
they win, the rivals can win again (multiply the points by four, or by eight if the winner is
Butifarra). Only if the victory is not sausage, the couple that has contracted can in turn do San
Vicenç, which would imply that the points won would be multiplied by 8.

To play cards

In each hand, the one who leads will place one of his cards in the center of the table (the one he

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wants), which will be the one that indicates the starting suit of that trick, and the others, from left
to right, must play a plus each one, following the following rules:

> Obligation to assemble and assist : if a player, in his turn, has cards of the leading suit,
he will be obliged to ASSIST (play a card of that suit), and also, if he could, to SET (lay a
card of the leading suit that outperform the cards on the table).
> Obligation to fail: if a player, in his turn, could not attend (he did not have a card of the
leading suit) he must FAIL (play a card of the trump suit) as long as he surpasses those
on the table.

If the trick is won by your partner with whom you are a pair, there is no obligation to mount or
ruff, but only the obligation to assist the leading suit. This is a particularity that distinguishes the
Guiñote from the Tute in this phase of the game. If a player has no cards to assist or fail by
beating the cards on the table, he may then play any card he wants.
The trick will be taken by the player who had played the highest card in the hierarchy indicated
In successive tricks, within the same hand, the player who took the last trick is the one who will
begin by throwing the 1st card of the next trick.

Sometimes additional restrictions are applied, when the player must throw a card with which it is
not possible to win the trick, which forces them not to waste cards with the sole purpose of
confusing the rival pair. When these restrictions are applied, the game is played in forced mode,
and specifically they consist of the following:

> If his partner is not winning the trick, the player must choose the lowest card of the suit
> If your partner wins the trick, you must play the lowest worthless card or any value card of
the suit used.
> If your partner has not yet played his card: if he attends, he must do so with the lowest
card of the suit; If you cannot attend, you must choose a card with value or the lowest of
the suit you use.

Scoring by tricks

Once all the tricks in a hand have been completed, the points obtained by each player in that
hand will be counted for the tricks won. The scores will be added for all purposes in pairs.

As indicated above, the value of each card is as follows:

> Nine: 5 points

> Ace: 4 points
> King: 3 points
> Horse: 2 points
> Jack: 1 point

In addition, one point must be counted for each trick won. Ultimately, there are 72 points at stake
in each hand.
The couple that wins the most points in that hand will add those that exceed 36 to the game
count, multiplying them, if applicable, by 2, 4 or 8.

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End of the game

The pair that first exceeds the amount of 100 points in the game count wins the game, or 75 or
50 if agreed.

Round or Fall

It is played with a Spanish deck of 48 cards. The number of players will be 2, 3 or 4, either
individually or in pairs. In the case of 3 players, 3 cards are placed on the mat, so that the deck
has the same number of cards to distribute to the 3 players.
In this card game, the winner is the first player or couple to reach 24 points, which are obtained
through various mechanisms that the game provides to earn points.
Before starting the game, all the cards are moved hidden on the table (in a row or fan), and the
players draw a card at random. The highest card indicates that it will be the one who shuffles
and deals.
The first player located on the right side of the dealer is the hand, he is the one who begins the
game after the distribution of cards. The dealer deals the cards as follows:
a) If the player decides to turn over the table first , he can do so by throwing 4
cards on the table, saying the numbers 1,2,3,4, if some of those numbers appear
in strict order, whoever deals will earn the same points to his account. , in the
same way you can say 4,3,2,1. But it is important to note that these two are the
only order in which the table is delivered or distributed. After handing over the
table, the players are dealt 3 cards each.

b) If the player decides to deal the cards to the players first , he does so by
dealing card by card starting with the player on his right, and deals to each player
until each player has 3 cards in their hand including the dealer. And then deliver
the table in the manner explained above.

c) If the player decides to deal the cards alternately, he first does so by placing a

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face card on the table, then giving a hidden card to each player, then one more
card to the center of the table, then another card to each player, and so on until
Each player has 3 cards in their hand, including the dealer, and the 4 cards are on
the table.

In this game the suits are not taken into account, only their index value. In the initial distribution
of the four cards face up in the center of the table there cannot be two or more cards of the
same value (there cannot be two fours or more, for example). In this case, the repeated cards
are removed and replaced with others from the deck, until there are 4 of different value.


The main rule of this game is to accumulate as many points as possible. Each player, in
their turn, must throw a card on the mat. There are two cases:

2. If you have a card with the same index as the one in the center of the table, you
take it with your card. If after the card you pick up from the table there are more
that are superior correlatives to this one, you will also pick them up with it. And you
save them to count all the cards you have collected at the end of the game.
3. If you have no cards to take, you will throw one of your cards on the table and the
turn will pass to the next player.

This is how all the players play and when everyone has played their cards, 3 cards will be dealt
to each one again, but this time without putting the 4 cards on the table (that is only in the first
hand). Once all the cards in the deck have been exhausted, the game ends . The last player
to win cards from the table is the one who takes any leftover cards on the table in the last hand.


In each hand after the cards have been dealt, when a player has 2 or more identical cards they
can perform the CHANTS or CHANTS: say it out loud so that all the other players know it. It is
not mandatory to sing, since you can consider that your cards are low and if someone else
sings, the cards must be compared to know who gets the points.

When you have 2 identical cards, you can sing RONDA , that is, you can score 1 point. You are
not obliged to sing it until it is your turn to play and always before releasing the first card. At the
moment someone calls a round, if another player has another one, they can call it. Then there
are more points at stake (1 point for each round called) and they will go to whoever has the
highest pair.

Be careful here, a round of aces is the lowest. Perhaps if the round is low it is not advisable to
call it, because it is likely that you will lose it and give a point to the opposing pair and you will
also report that you have two identical cards, but you will see that as you gain practice in the

If the players have the same round (same value of cards), the player whose third different card is
higher will win the round (the same function as the Kicker in poker), otherwise if both players
have the same cards, whoever is shuffling loses. and whoever is closest to the one shuffling in
the right direction wins.

If a player instead of 2 has 3 identical cards, he/she may call RONDÍN, being subject to the
same rules as the Round written previously, although each rondí is worth 2 points.

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In the event that in the same hand the players sing Rounds and Rounds, the Rounds
automatically cancel the Rounds of opposing players, however between partners if the different
songs would be valid, accumulating the points that they reported for the score.


If the game is in pairs, the points of both components are added. The counting is done by each
player in the following way, for a deck of 48 cards:

a) Having 4 players in the game, after having finished the game they count up to 11 cards, if
there are more cards left over, they are points accumulated to the player's account (that is, one
point counts for each card that exceeds 11 cards).

b) Having 3 players in the game, after having finished the game they count up to 15 cards, if
there are more cards left over, they are points accumulated to the player's account (that is, one
point counts for each card that exceeds 15 cards).

c) Having 2 players in the game, both count up to 22 cards, if there are more cards left over,
points are accumulated to the player's account.

NOTE > We can play with a Spanish deck of 40 cards. 4 cards are dealt to the center and
3 to each player, and the counting would be done like this:

a) Having 4 players in the game, after finishing the game they count up to 10 cards, if there are
more cards left over, they are points accumulated to the player's account.

b) Having 3 players in the game, the dealer counts up to 14 cards and the other 2 players up to
13 cards. If there are more cards left over, points are accumulated to the player's account.

c) Having 2 players in the game, both count up to 20 cards, if there are more cards left over,
points are accumulated to the player's account


One of the most important and vital plays in this game of chance is the so-called "fall". When a
player throws a card without picking up another one from the table and the next player to throw
has this same card, they can pick it up, producing a FALL .

If after the fall the next player also had this same card, they can fall it again, producing a

If the fourth player also had the last available card of the number in question, he can drop it
again, producing a SAINT VINCENT.

After the fall, counterfall or Saint Vincent, if there are cards on the table corresponding to this
one, they will also be collected.
It is customary in all these cases that, when the action of dropping the card to the opponent
occurs, the player who makes the drop hits the table with his knuckles, this is not considered a
lack of respect, but rather another step in the game, which also facilitates the game since it is a
wake-up call, both for rivals for possible counters, and to keep score of the game. Hitting is not
mandatory either, although if the fall is not hit, one must say “it falls” for the purpose outlined

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The drop score depends on the value of the cards, expressed below:

a) The fall has a value of 1 point .

b) The Backfall is worth 2 points .

c) San Vicente has a value of 3 points .

If a player leaves the table empty when picking up the cards, it is considered a " clean table "
and 1 points are awarded. This set of the game occurs by leaving the table clean of cards: with
one card we are able to take all the ones on the table, we clean it and that is equivalent to 1

If a player performs a fall leaving the table empty, it is considered " Fall with table " and 2 points
are added to his account: one for clearing and one for the fall. Note that we can do Contracaída
and San Vicente, adding the corresponding points.

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Black Jack
Blackjack is a classic casino game also known as 21. There are two variants of the Blackjack
game, the American and the European. The table, the objective of the game and the bets of
both modalities are practically the same.

Blackjack is not just a game of

chance, it involves a lot of
mathematics and strategy, so to win
at Blackjack it is necessary to know
the rules to know what to do at all
times and to be able to establish a
good game strategy.

The value of the cards in Blackjack is

as follows; From card two to card ten
the value of the card is its same
number, the figures are worth ten,
and the Aces can be worth one or
eleven, it will be the player who
decides what value the Aces take at
each moment of the game.

Therefore, a player wins if he has

Blackjack, or if the sum of his cards
is closer to 21, without going over,
than the sum of the cards in the

Adding 21 with more than 2 cards is NOT


If a player goes over twenty-one he automatically loses the cards in his bet, regardless of
whether the dealer also goes over twenty-one when playing his hand, that is, the player who
goes over twenty-one will always lose his bet.

The Blackjack table

Several players can sit at a BlackJack table , generally the tables have space to accommodate
up to 7 players maximum. However, in blackjack each player plays independently against the
casino dealer.
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CRUPIER card holder Recor

Hand of
Bet area

Tokens =
player Table


The blackjack table is semicircular in shape and has a mat that completely covers the table .
The players stand along the semicircle. The dealer does it in front of them. Generally in casinos ,
blackjack tables are grouped in groups of 6 to 12 tables in such a way that they delimit an area of
exclusive access for dealers, table bosses and authorized casino personnel called Pits. All players are
free to sit at the table they want, but they can never invade the Pit area.

The dealer has three fundamental elements at his disposal for the development of the game .
To his left is the “shoe” or dispenser that he uses to take the cards he needs or is requested by the
different players. Located right in front of you is the card case, which is the place where the dealer has
all his cards placed, with which he makes payments and gives change when requested. Generally, the
hand played by the dealer in each round is placed in front of the card case, so that all players can see
it perfectly. To the right of the dealer is the discard pile , which are the cards that have already been
played and that are waiting to be shuffled when the deck in the “shoe” runs out.

On a blackjack table there are three fundamental inscriptions that are on the table for the
information of the players and that can be read from the position they occupy. The first of them refers
to the payment of blackjack , “Blackjack pays 3 to 2” (Blackjack pays 3 to 2). The second tells us in
which situation the dealer will deal one more card and when he will stand , “The dealer must
stand on 17 and must draw to 16.” Finally, and located between the betting places for the players and
the first two registrations, there is an area for players to place their bets regarding insurance . This
semicircular insurance area has written inside “Insurance pays 2 to 1” (Insurance pays 2 to 1). The
three inscriptions that appear on the table are written in a semicircular shape, following the design of
the table in the players' area and in such a way that the players can read them without any problem.

At the table, generally, there is capacity for up to 7 players , in each place there will be a rectangle
or a circle drawn on the table to indicate the betting place of each player. A player, as long as the
casino allows it, can occupy several places. of bets and play several hands simultaneously. Most
tables, as in almost all casino games, must indicate the limit, both maximum and minimum, with a
sign . Generally, in most casinos there are tables of different values and as the maximum limit
increases, so does the minimum. The players' cards that are not bet must remain between their
corresponding betting place and the player himself, they cannot be scattered around the table.

Objective of the game

In Blackjack each player plays against the bank. The objective of the game is to score 21 points or at
least get a value closer to 21 than the dealer without going over . The values of the cards in
BlackJack are as follows: cards from 2 to 10 are worth their value, the face cards are worth 10 and the
AS is worth 1 or 11 depending on what suits the player. The maximum play of the game is “Blackjack”,
a player will have “BlackJack” when his two initial cards add up to 21, that is, they are an AS and a

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card with a value of 10 (10 or any figure). The sum of 21 with more than two cards is not “BlackJack”.

How to play BlackJack and the game bets

At the beginning of the game, each player must place their initial bet. After all the players have placed
their bets, the dealer will say “no more” to close the betting round and begin the distribution of cards.
Each Blackjack table has two betting limits: the minimum bet limit and the maximum bet limit. Players
must adhere to these limits when placing bets.

Once all players have bet, the dealer will deal the cards starting with the player to his left. The
dealer will deal two cards to each player and then to himself (according to the American or
European rule they are dealt in different ways). The distribution of cards is done in two rounds.
In the first round the dealer will deal a face-up card to each player starting with the player on
his left, and another face-up card to himself. If we are playing European Blackjack the dealer
will not deal the second card, if we are playing American Blackjack the dealer will deal another
card to himself face down.

• The rules of American BlackJack : establish that the dealer is initially dealt a face-up card
and another face-down card. If the value of the face card is an AS or a 10 there is a chance
that the dealer has BJ, in these two cases the dealer will check the value of his face card at the
beginning of the game before giving way to the first player to play his hand. Depending on the
value of the hidden card, we proceed in one way or another. This version of the game is more
beneficial for the player since the casino's advantage in the American mode is less than in the
European mode, although not by much.

• The rules of European BlackJack: The ENHC (European No Hole Card) rule of BlackJack is
exclusive to the European modality, this rule indicates that the dealer initially deals only one
face-up card, a second hole card is not dealt. as occurs in the American version. According to
the rules of European BlackJack the dealer will deal his second card after all players have
played their hand.

After the dealer deals his card, he will deal another round of cards face up, again starting with
the player furthest to his left. After the deal of cards the dealer will give way to the player
located furthest to his left to play his hand, after this player plays his hand, the dealer will give
way to the next player and so on until finally it is the dealer who play your hand .

Players who stay further than 21 than the dealer or have gone bust lose their bets. Players who tie
with the dealer do not win or lose, they get their bet back.

Winning bets with the BlackJack play are paid 3 x 2 (which is the same as saying 1.5 x 1), the rest of
the winning bets, players who have been closer than 21 than the dealer, will be paid 1 x 1 .
Each player only has one turn to play their hand, in their turn they can:

> Ask for a letter to try to get close to 21 without going over . A player can draw as many cards
as he wants as long as he does not go over 21. In the event that when drawing a card the result of
the hand adds up to more than 21, the player will have gone bust and will lose his bet. The dealer
will immediately collect the player's bet and cards. Therefore, if a player goes over 21 he
automatically loses his bet regardless of whether the dealer may go over when playing his hand.
> Stand: You can stand with any total that adds up to your hand at any time.
> Separate the hand : If the player has 2 identical cards as initial cards , for example, two eights,
he can separate the hand into two independent hands . To do this, the player must make
another bet identical to the one he made initially, in this way a bet will be played for each hand.
Each hand is played independently. The player will first play the hand furthest to his right and when

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he finishes playing said hand he will continue playing the next one. In BlackJack, each hand is
made up of 2 cards, therefore, when the player is about to play a separate hand, the dealer will
necessarily deal him a card.

Therefore, in the case of separating a hand into two, the player can:
o Win both hands.
o Lose both hands.
o Win one hand and lose another.

The player may separate his hand again if the dealer, when dealing the second card to a separate
hand, receives an identical card again.
There are some casinos that put limits on the number of times you can separate your hands. On
the other hand, when a player separates a pair of aces he will only be dealt one more card for
each separated hand . In addition, if a player separates a pair of aces or a pair of cards worth
10 points and when hitting a card they get the score of 21 with 2 cards , these hands will not
be considered BlackJack and the payout for these hands will be at the rate of 1 for 1.

IMPORTANT > You can only get Blackjack with the two initial cards, it is also known as “natural”. If
after separating a hand the score of 21 is achieved with two cards it is not considered Blackjack,
BlackJack can never be obtained in the separated hands.

and Double the bet.

If a player considers that his two initial cards are good, he can double his bet. To do this, you must
double your original bet , that is, make another bet of the same value as the initial one (you can
only double the bet at the beginning of the turn, after receiving the initial cards).
Players who double their bet will only receive one more card. That is, players who double their bet
cannot stand or ask as many cards as they want; by doubling the bet the player is obliged to
receive one and only one more card .
Some casinos allow you to double bets on any combination of starting cards. However, most
casinos only allow starting hands that total 9 to 11 to double.

On the other hand, depending on the casino, the bet may or may not be doubled after having
separated an initial hand of a pair of cards into two separate hands.

As mentioned, depending on the casino you can find variations when it comes to separating pairs and
doubling the bet. Therefore, before starting to play at a BlackJack table it is advisable to ask the dealer
what rules apply to splitting and doubling. If you are playing BlackJack online you can consult the rules
in the “Help” section of the game. There are also BlackJack tables that allow surrender, this is
discussed in the article the surrender rule in Blackjack.

Insurance Bets – Dealer's Face Up Card is an Ace

If the dealer's face-up card is an AS, the dealer immediately after the deal of cards, before giving way
to the players to play their hand, will offer the players the possibility of placing insurance bets. With the
insurance bet, a player insures himself against a possible BlackJack from the dealer. To do so, the
insurance bet must be placed by placing a maximum of half of the initial bet on the insurance line of
the BlackJack table.

If the dealer gets BlackJack, he will pay each player who placed the insurance bet twice (the payment
of the insurance bet is at a rate of 2 x 1) of what he bet on the insurance line. If the dealer does not get
BlackJack he collects all insurance bets.
In American BlackJack, the dealer is initially dealt two cards, one face up and one face down, this
affects how the game is played if the dealer's face up card is an AS, a 10 or a different value. The
details on how to play American BlackJack are explained later.

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Dealer rules in BlackJack
In Blackjack, the dealer will play his hand after all players have played their hands. The dealer must
always comply with a series of fixed rules . These rules are as follows:

• The dealer is obliged to hit until he reaches at least 17.

• The dealer will not be able to draw any more cards if his hand has a value of 17 or more.
• If any of your cards is an AS, you must count it as 11 if it adds at least 17 as long as it does not
exceed 21 points, in which case the AS will be taken to have the value of 1.

NOTE: These rules may vary depending on the casino, the rules above are the rules used at most
BlackJack tables in Spain. The rules by which a table is governed are inscribed on the table mat.

Following these Blackjack rules the following cases may occur:

• The dealer goes over 21 . If you bust, the players still at the table will win their bets. The players
who will still be at the table are those who did not go over 21 when they played their hand, since
when a player goes over 21 they lose their bets and are no longer part of the game the moment
they go over.

• The dealer does not go over 21 . Depending on the blackjack rules you must follow, your hand
will always have a value equal to or greater than 17. Therefore, players who stood with a hand
worth less than 17 will only be able to win if the dealer busts.

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If you do not bust, players who have a hand closer to 21 than the dealer will win their bets and
players who have a hand less close to 21 than the dealer will lose. In the event of a tie, the player
neither wins nor loses, the player recovers the cards of his bet.

After finishing playing his hand, the dealer will proceed from right to left to collect the losing bets and
pay the players who have won in a 1 to 1 ratio, in turn collecting the players' cards and placing the
cards face up. down in the discard area, and finally he will deposit his cards in the same place. Players
who are tied with the dealer will be able to recover their bet cards when the dealer takes the cards
from their hand.

Hard Cards and Soft Cards in Blackjack

In blackjack the cards have a value between 1 and 11 points. The cards from 2 to 10 have a value
corresponding to the number written on them, the JQK figures are worth 10 points and the Ace is a
special case since it can be worth 1 or 11 points depending on the situation . This variable
value of the Ace is what means that once the cards have been dealt by the dealer we can
differentiate them into two types; hard cards and soft or soft cards .

The difference between the two is that the value they have is already preset or, on the contrary, is
variable. Whenever we receive two cards between which there is an Ace, we will talk about a soft
hand and if there is no Ace, we will talk about a hard hand.
When in blackjack the dealer deals us a hand in which we obtain a card between 2 and 9, both
included and accompanied by an Ace, we can affirm that it is a hand of soft cards since the possibility
of the Ace whether it is worth 1 or 11 gives us a certain advantage. If we are dealt a 10 or a face and
an Ace, what we have is BlackJack.

A soft (or soft) starting hand upon receiving another card may remain a soft card hand or
become a hard hand . If after receiving the card the AS can still continue to take the value 11, it will
still be a soft hand, otherwise it will be a hard hand.

If, on the other hand, when the dealer makes the deal, he gives us two cards and none of them is an
Ace, it is said that we have been dealt a hand with hard cards . This term is used because the value
of the final hand cannot be modified as it happens with the presence of an Ace. In the case of hard
hands, our initial score will be the sum of the total value of the cards we have been dealt.

Example soft cards :

We have an Ace and a 7, the hand score can be 11 + 7 = 18 points or 1 + 7 = 8 points. In this case, it
is said that we have a soft or soft 18 (we always speak of soft as the score of the hand counting the
Ace as 11, this score is "soft" since we can always transform the Ace from 11 to 1)

Ace + 7 = 18 Soft, the hand can be worth 18 or 8.

We have AS-7, 18 soft. A 4 is received, then we have a hard 12, a hard
hand, since in the AS-7-4 hand, the only value that the AS can take in this
case is a 1, otherwise we would go over 21.

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Ace + 7 = 18 Soft, but Ace + 7 + 4 = 12 hard, in this case the
AS can only take the value 1.
If we have AS-7, 18 soft. If we receive a 2, we continue
having a soft hand, specifically a soft 20, since the AS can still be
worth 11 points without going bust.

Ace + 7 + 2 = 20 Soft, the hand can be worth 20 or 10.

Example Hard Cards:
If we have a 10 and an 8, we have a hard 18, if we ask for a card and
the dealer deals us a 4 our only score is 10 + 8 + 4 = 22 points, we
have gone too far.

10 + 8 = 18 hard, there are no Aces among the cards.

The big question for players is what to do with a hard hand or a soft

American BlackJack Rules

In North American casinos, such as Las Vegas casinos, American
BlackJack is played. For a player used to playing European BlackJack it may seem a bit strange to
play the American variant. However, to the delight of the players , the casino advantage in the
American version is smaller than in the European version , that is, the player can win more. Below
are the rules of American BlackJack that explain why.

In American BlackJack, at the beginning of the game the dealer is dealt two cards, one covered
and one face up . If the value of the face card is a 10 (10, J, Q, K) or an Ace the dealer will check the
value of the face card to see if it has BlackJack (BJ). If you have BJ, you will discover it and the game
will end without giving the players the opportunity to play their hand. The dealer will collect the losing
bets and the players who have BJ get their bets back since they are in a tie with the dealer. Otherwise,
players will start playing their hands, players play with the advantage of knowing that the dealer does
not have BJ.

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In American BlackJack the dealer is initially dealt a down card and another

Having the dealer check for BJ

before giving way to players is an
advantage , as a player in your
hand can double your bet or split
your hand in two, which requires
making another bet. If the dealer did
not notice that he has BJ before the
players play, at the end of the game
the players who doubled or split
would lose in addition to their initial
bet their double and split bets, since
the dealer has BJ.

In the game BlackJack

American, when the dealer's face-
up card has a value of 10 or is an
Ace and you are playing your hand,
you know that he does not have BJ, this information is of great value when making decisions about
doubling or splitting the hand. In European BlackJack, the dealer only has one card, so until he plays
his hand, after all the players play, it is not known if he will be able to get BJ.
Therefore, in European BlackJack you will have to be more cautious when doubling or separating
when the dealer's card has a value of 10 or is an Ace, since there is a possibility that the dealer will
get BJ.

Another play that appears in American BlackJack that does not exist in European BlackJack is that a
player can cash in a BlackJack in advance if the dealer's upcard is an Ace . If the dealer's upcard
is an Ace, in addition to the insurance bets the dealer will offer players who have BJ if they want to
cash their Blackjack early at a rate of 1 to 1 (the normal payout for the BJ play is 3 to 2) before the
dealer checks the value of his covered card.

The dealer
Dealer's checks if he When the Player With BlackJack
face up Insuranc has BJ at the players start
card e Betting start playing

Players with BJ are offered to have their

They will only BJ paid 1 to 1, like any winning hand, in
Yes, before be able to advance before the dealer checks for BJ.
the players play their The player can accept payment “at par”
ACE Yeah
play their hand if the or not. If he does not accept it and the
hand. dealer does dealer has BJ, it is a tie and the player
not have BJ only recovers the bet. If he does not
accept it and the dealer does not have
BJ, the player is paid the BJ 3 to 2.

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The dealer
Dealer's checks if he When the Player With BlackJack
face up Insuranc has BJ at the players start
card e Betting start playing
If the dealer after checking his hole card
has BJ, he will show it. Players with BJ
They will only
recover their bet by being in a tie with the
Yes, before be able to
dealer. If the dealer after checking his
the players play their
10, J, Q, K No card does not have BJ, the players start
play their hand if the
playing their hands. If a player has BJ,
hand. dealer does
the dealer will pay the BJ on his turn at a
not have BJ
rate of 3 to 2.

They play
their hand
Another No, no
No after the The player is paid the BJ on his turn.
letter chance of BJ
cards are
American BlackJack Rules Summary

European Blackjack Rules

In European Blackjack the dealer only deals one card at the beginning and when all the players
have made their plays, the dealer deals a second card , this is the main difference between
European Blackjack and American Blackjack. This rule is known as ENHC (European No Hole Card.
"Hole Card" means "hole card", therefore it could be translated as "European does not have a hole
card") and it is very rare to find it in any North American casino. It is generally more widespread in
European and Asian casinos.

In European BlackJack the dealer is initially dealt only one face-up card

In Blackjack, the dealer always deals two cards

to each player. In the American mode the dealer
deals himself a face-up card and a face-down
card, if his face-up card is an Ace or a 10 the
dealer will check if he has BlackJack before the
players start playing, this offers an advantage to
the player, It is explained in detail in the
American BlackJack Rules article. On the
contrary, in the European mode, the dealer is
dealt only one card at the beginning and once the
players have made their decisions and played
their cards, the dealer completes his initial hand
with a second card.

In European BlackJack, players play their hand

without knowing if the dealer will get BlackJack with their second card. If the dealer gets Blackjack,
players who do not have BlackJack will lose the initial bets such as doubled bets and split pair bets if
they made them. . Only players who have Blackjack, who tie with the dealer, are saved.

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If the first and only card that the dealer is dealt in European BlackJack is an Ace, players can
choose to make insurance bets , placing an amount corresponding to half of their bet in the area
indicated for insurance, these bets They will be resolved when the dealer deals his second card.

If the dealer's card is an Ace, players can place the insurance bet

After the insurance bets, the players will play their

hands, those players who double their bet or open
their pairs during the development can lose
everything if the dealer at the end of the hand and
after dealing his second card obtains a natural
blackjack. Therefore it is advisable to be cautious
with betting if the dealer has an Ace. In the event
that the dealer's card has a value of 10, insurance
bets will not be available, but there is the same risk
that the dealer will obtain natural blackjack with his
second card.

Therefore, it is advisable not to risk too much when

betting when the dealer's card is 10 or AS since there is a risk that the dealer will get BlackJack,
and when we say not to risk too much we mean not doubling or separating the pairs, the initial bet.
It is made before the distribution of cards without having information about the dealer's card, but
once the dealer has dealt his card we must take that information into account to play.

Therefore, in European BlackJack the player makes his initial bet, receives two cards from the
dealer and the dealer deals himself a face-up card, the players play their hand and make the rest
of the bets they want, when all the bets and decisions of the players have concluded, the dealer
deals his second card, in which case if he gets Blackjack with this second card, he wins all the bets
of the players at the table who do not have Blackjack.

Dealer's The dealer When the Player With BlackJack

face up Insuranc checks if he has players start
card e Betting BJ at the start playing
No, the dealer After all players play their hand, the
cannot check if he They play their dealer will play his. If the dealer gets
will get BJ hand after BJ, the players who have BJ get
ACE Yeah because at the placing their bet back. If the dealer does not
beginning of the insurance get BJ, the dealer will pay the
game he only has bets. players with BJ at a rate of 3 to 2.
one card.
No, the dealer
cannot check if he They play their
will get BJ hand after the The same as for the case where the
10, J, Q, K No
because at the cards are dealer's upcard is an Ace.
beginning of the dealt.
game he only has
one card.

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Dealer's The dealer
face up checks if he has When the Player With BlackJack
e Betting players start
card BJ at the start
They play their
No, there is no
Another hand after the The same as for the case where the
No chance of BJ
letter cards are dealer's face-up card is an Ace or a
dealt. card with a value of 10 (10, J, Q, K).
European BlackJack Rules Summary

European BlackJack vs. American BlackJack

European BlackJack American BlackJack

cards at the 1 card revealed
1 card revealed
start of the 1 cover card
It is offered after finishing dealing the It is offered after finishing dealing the
cards when the dealer's face-up card cards when the dealer's face-up card is
is an Ace. an Ace.
Insurance bets are settled when the dealer plays his hand. The dealer plays
his hand after all players have placed insurance bets. If the dealer checks the
value of the second card when dealing, he gets BJ, he pays the cover. If you
have BJ, you show it and bet the insurance and collect the rest game ends.
The dealer pays the bets of the players who do not bet safely and collects

have BJ. The players who have initial bets of the players who BJ, are in a tie
with the dealer have BJ. The players you have and get their bet back.
bets are
BJ*, they are in a tie with the dealer and
If the dealer does not have a BJ, he collects the bet to recover his initial bet.
insurance bets and pays the If the dealer does not have BJ, he collects the
players who have the best hand insurance bets and the player located on his
left begins to play. players who have a worse hand than him.

The dealer offers an insurance bet, then

checks if he has a BJ, if he does not
have a BJ, he collects the insurance
The dealer offers an insurance bet,
bets and starts the game. If you have
Visible card after the players have made the
BJ, you pay the insurance bets, you
is an ACE insurance bets, the player to the left
collect the bets of the players who do
of the dealer begins to play his hand.
not have BJ, the players with BJ* get
their bet back because they are in a tie
with the dealer.

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European BlackJack American BlackJack

The player furthest to the dealer's left

The dealer checks the value of his hole
begins to play their hand. After all
card, if it is an Ace, he turns it face up
players have played their hand, the
and announces that he has BJ. The
dealer plays his hand. If the dealer's
Visible card dealer collects the bets from the players
second card is an Ace, the dealer will
is a 10, J, Q, (initial bets, the players have not played
have gotten BJ. The dealer collects
K their hands, they have only made the
all the bets made
initial bet) that does not have BJ.
(initials, bets of fold,
Players who have BJ recover their bet
split bets) by players who do not
due to a tie with the dealer.
have BJ. The players that BJ has are
in a tie with the dealer therefore they
recover their bet.
Visible card The player furthest to the dealer's left The player furthest to the dealer's left
is another begins to play their hand. begins to play their hand.
card If a player has BJ and the dealer's
upcard is an ACE, the player is offered
the option of cashing the BJ “at par”
before the dealer checks whether his
The BlackJack payout is made after
hand is BJ, i.e. he is paid the BJ at a
the dealer has played his hand. If the
rate of 1 to 1. If the player accepts the
dealer has BJ, the players
Blackjack payment “at par” the dealer pays him
that have B.J.
payout and removes his cards from the table. If
they recover their bet. If the dealer
the player does not accept the payment
does not have BJ, he will pay players
“at par”, the dealer checks if he has BJ,
with BJ at a rate of 3 to 2.
if he has BJ, player and dealer are tied,
the player recovers his bet. If the dealer
does not have BJ, the dealer pays the
player the BJ at a rate of 3 to 2.

European BlackJack vs. American Blackjack

*Players who have BJ, in this case refers to players who have BlackJack and have rejected the
BlackJack prepayment offer that the dealer offered them before checking their BlackJack. This dealer
offer is explained in the “BlackJack Payout” row and “American BlackJack” column of the table.
Learning to play blackjack is easy, but there is a big difference between knowing how to play and
playing strategically well. Blackjack is one of the few games that can truly neutralize the house edge if
the right strategy is used.

The strategy based on mathematical probabilities allows players to know what action to take based on
the dealer's card and the total value of their own hand.
That's where the counting comes in. Some claim that it is possible to count the number of cards used
with such a degree of probability that one can determine what their next hand will be. Although there is
doubt that this is possible (since casinos typically use between 6 and 8 decks in a blackjack game)
there are some counting strategies based on the number of cards dealt to calculate the mathematical
probabilities of getting a certain card and in This is what the bets are based on.

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} Half past seven

In the seven and a half you play with the Spanish deck of 40 cards, your objective is to get close to
seven and a half but without going over to beat the bank, if you get the same score as the bank you
will lose. The figures are worth 0.5 and the other cards their face value. You can draw cards face
down or face up, but you can only have one face down, the banker will not know its value . It is
best played with 2 decks.
One of the players must act as the Banker who will deal the cards. Before the initial distribution, the
mandatory bet is made (everyone contributes equally the same amount to the pot, including the
banker). After this the bank deals a card face down to each player and itself and leaves the deck on
the table.
Each player in turn asks for cards from the bank (the one on the left of the bank starts), with the
condition that only one of the cards he has remains covered, so that, if he uncovers all of them, the
bank gives it to him covered, and if he keeps one face down, the bank gives him another one face
down, at the player's choice. In the distribution of cards there are two cases:
1. The player exceeds seven and a half ^ He must show all the cards to the rest of the
players and is eliminated from the game, even though there are still players to distribute
cards, the cards being removed by the bank (they are placed aside from the deck and
are not dealt since these cards have already been played).
2. The player stands > If he does not go over seven and a half, the hidden card is not
shown, regardless of their value, creating suspense for the rest of the players. It will be
displayed when the game is closed and you touch show all the cards.

When all the players have played, it is the banker's turn, playing in the same way as the rest of the
players. Once the banker has played the game is closed, it is time to show the cards. The pot goes to
whoever wins: whoever makes seven and a half or more gets close to seven and a half without going
If there is a tie between players, the pot is distributed equally. If the tie is with the bank, the bank
always wins. If everyone has lost the pot is accumulated for the next game.
Options: Any player who has a figure as their first card (half a point) and when asking receives
another figure, two figures, three figures (consecutive), may double, triple, quadruple... until receiving
a card that is not a figure. This means that with each of the figures you can play as if you were a
different player, betting the same initial amount in each of the games independently.
Game variation
In this case the objective is to obtain a better score than the bank : seven and a half points or get as
close as possible, but without going over. When all the players have played, it is the banker's turn:
now all the players must show their cards, so the banker plays with the advantage of knowing all the
players' cards. After this the bank shows its cards and plays in front of everyone.
Bet Payouts:
Each player will receive double their bet if they beat the bank: the bank pays double each bet to each
player who has beaten them. It will be paid to the winners of the common pot: if there is any

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missing money, the bank will provide it from its own pocket. Therefore, the bet to be made will be
agreed upon by everyone, which must be such that if the bank loses it can pay everyone (it can cope,
1 euro for example).
If there is any money left in the pot once the winners have been paid, it will be the property of the
banker (the person who acts as banker in that round). In the event that the bank exceeds seven and a
half, the pot is distributed equally among all the winners. If there are no winners, the pot is
accumulated for the next game or each player recovers their bet, to choose.
Each game will have as many rounds as there are players, so that everyone is a banker once
and has the same opportunities. In this way, the bench will rotate at each start of the game.
Once everyone has banked and a new game is about to start, a new bet amount can be agreed

• Baccarat
Baccarat is a so-called circle game: one that pits several players against each other . Currently,
it is a game that has practically disappeared from casinos, with new versions that are more beneficial
to business owners of the game having become popular, such as Punto y Banca or mini Punto y
Banca. The novice or younger player tends to confuse them and even believe that Punto y Banca is
actually Baccarat.

The main differences between the different types of Baccarat are fundamentally:
• The number of decks used during the game: there will be 2 or more poker decks.
• The banking margin: partly dependent on the number of decks.
• Rotating bank: if the players face each other (in a circle), in which the bank rotates to the
highest bidder.
• Fixed banking: an establishment runs the bank permanently, the house: (the bank can change
hands, but it is always the house).
• It varies slightly from one modality to another when to ask for a card or stand: in Baccarat it is
voluntary (the player decides) and in point and banking it is automatic, since they follow fixed
rules (the player does not decide).
In all types of Baccarat:
► The objective is the same: reach 9 points or stay as close as possible, although in reality
it is to have a higher score than the bank without exceeding 9. The best possible result in
Baccarat is to get a 9. Adding a total of 9 with two cards is called “natural 9” and cannot be

► The value of the cards is the same: aces count as 1, cards 2 to 9 have their natural
value, 10 and face cards count as zero. Points are calculated by adding the values of the

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cards, the suit of the card is not taken into account.

► The addition procedure is the same: if the total hand value is two digits, the first digit is
ignored, the last digit will be the hand value in Baccarat. The tens are disregarded, leaving us
only with the units

It is a circle game, that is, several players face each other. The Bank can be assigned by request of
one of the participants or by auction, being delivered to whoever presents the largest bank (money
that the Bank puts into play to cover bets). In the event of a tie, the Bank draws. The bank is carried by
one of the players until he loses a hand, at which time it is passed to the next player closest to his
right. The bank was generally occupied by all hands, which made this game one of the most risky and
exciting known.

The banker could, if he deemed it appropriate, make use of 2 rights called:

• "horse or garage", which consisted, once the first three hands had been passed, of
being able to withdraw a part of the bank.
• "continuation", which consisted of folding at any time by passing the bank to the
next player, with the condition that the next player had to put in the same amount of
money as the leaving bank had at the time of folding.

Before the start of the hand, the normal bet is made: on the banker's hand (BANKER) and\or on
the player's hand (PLAYER) and\or on the tie (TIE). Once the normal bets have been placed, the
game begins. Both players sitting at the table and those standing can bet against the bank.

Next, the bank deals each player 2 face cards and finally it also deals 2 face cards to itself.

Players review their cards and calculate their points. The player who has 8 or 9 points shows his
cards and competes against the house. The other players are left without playing until the next
round. If the players have the same score as the house, a TIE is declared.

When no player has 8 or 9 points, the players play normally. The player counts the points on his
cards and decides whether to hit a card or stand.

Players can only draw 1 additional card, then the values are added together for the final score. If

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the sum of the cards is greater than 10, then 10 points are subtracted from the value so that the
score remains in one digit (6 +7 = 13 -10 = 3 points). When a player stands or hits his third card
his turn ends.

When all players have played the Bank reveals their cards. The bank stands with 7 points or
more and asks with 6 points or less (depends on the case):

1) The card that the bank asks depends on the 3rd card dealt to the players (the highest
among all), if no player asks for a 3rd card, then the bank stands with the score it has.
2) If the bank has 0-2 points it always asks for a card; If it has 3 points, it asks when there
are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9; If it has 4 points, it asks when there are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7; If you
have 5 points, ask when there are 4,5,6,7; If you have 6 points, ask when there are
6.7. If you have 7 or more points you never draw cards.

After the banker has played the players reveal their cards. It is evaluated which players have a
higher score than the bank. The player who beats the banker's score wins. When a player has
the same score as the banker, he neither loses nor wins, it is a tie, the play is considered void
and the bet is recovered. Although currently, the normal thing is that you can bet on a Draw.

The Player with the score closest to 9 wins:

• If you bet in favor of the Player and he wins, your bet will be paid 2 to 1.
• If you bet on the banker and he wins, you are paid 2 to 1, minus the banker's commission
5% (vigorish).
• If the player's hand and the banker's hand have equal totals, the result of the game is a
'tie' and its profitability is 8 to 1. If there is a tie, you will recover the bets you have placed
on the boxes that are not 'tied' and they will be returned to you (1:1).

• Point and banking

When Baccarat is played against an establishment that permanently owns the bank and the
players no longer face each other, (in a circle), it is called Punto y Banco. It is actually a
monstrosity devised by casinos to increase their profits, since this game increases their
mathematical margin.

In point and bank the house plays with only 2 hands (the point and the bank) and players must
bet which hand wins. The point begins to ask for a card and then the bank. The player who
guesses the winning hand wins. It is a game in which skill does not intervene at all and winning
is just a matter of luck, no decision is required after placing a bet, the cards are dealt according
to a series of predetermined rules.

The casinos established permanent banking, the bets were limited and consequently the great
game, the spectacle game, ended, the game was distorted, a practice common to all casinos
whose aim is to win without risking anything in return. To maintain the illusion that the player's
role is important and give them the false sense that it is still the great game it was, players are
allowed to act on behalf of the bank and draw sabot cards the old-fashioned way, or well pick up
and turn over the cards destined for the Point. This ploy is known as the “ game control
fallacy”: the player believes that his physical intervention in the game determines the results.

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This is very well exploited by slot machines where buttons are placed that give the player the
sensation that the reel is going to stop in one place or another depending on the player's skill,
when in reality the machine makes use of a predetermined mathematical program. totally
unrelated to the player's manipulations or abilities.


Eight French decks of 52 cards, four of each color, without indexes and without
Type of decks: jokers.

All for their face value including the Ace, except the ten and the face cards that
Card value: are worth 0 points.

Distribution method: From a sabot.

Number of players:
Fourteen seated and an unlimited number standing.

Aim: Add nine points or get as close to this score as possible.

The Gaming Table : This is an oval-shaped table with a slight indentation on one of its long
sides that marks the position of the croupier. The table is divided into several separate spaces
and numbered in ascending order from the dealer's right. These boxes mark the position of each
of the seated players, and can only accommodate one of them. The table also has the following
openings, one in the center, called a basket, intended to collect the cards that come out. Another
opening to the right of the croupier called the well or cagnotte intended to collect the profits of
the house. A third

destined for croupiers' tips. The amount put at stake by the bank is placed in front of the

To carry out this game you need a series of people at the table:

• Inspector or table boss : He is in charge of monitoring the correct development of the

game, acts as a delegate of the Casino Management and is the one who has to resolve any
conflict that arises at the table. You must also keep a list of the players who want to occupy
the vacant places at the table. Currently he is also in charge of managing the electronic panel
that keeps track of the hands passed.

• Croupier : Two per table. Its function is to mix and introduce the cards into the sabot,
transfer the cards to the players with its spade and announce out loud the different phases of
the game. You must also calculate the amount that corresponds to the well or cagnotte and
deposit it in its corresponding slot. He is also responsible for introducing the discarded cards
and tips into their respective slots. It is also up to him to control and guard the amount that
constitutes the bank and pay the winning players.

• Moneychanger : He stands in front of the croupier and his mission is to exchange money for

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chips to those players who request it.

Game rules

8 decks of 52 cards are used. Aces are worth one point, cards 2 through 9 retain their numerical
value, while dice and monkeys (Jack, Queen, and King) are worth zero points. The total of a
combination of cards will be the final digit of the total points. For example, a 6, 7, and 8 add up to
21, so the hand is worth 1 point.

There are three bets: Banker, Player and Draw. The bet on the Player should not be confused
with the player himself, nor the Bank with the dealer. Names are capitalized to avoid confusion.
Once the bets are placed, the cards are dealt.

The player in charge of drawing the cards from the sabot on behalf of the bank rotates, starting
at the beginning of the night with the one sitting in box number one. He will carry the sabot, (not
the dealer), until he loses a hand, in which case he passes to the player sitting on his right who
can decline to draw the cards so he will pass to the next player on his right.

The player who has made the highest bet will be the Point, and the two cards corresponding to
the point are picked up and turned face up once the dealer orders him to do so. If the
circumstance arises that no player has bet on Punto, the croupier will be in charge of handling
these two cards. Both players must be seated.

In the event that the sum of the first two cards is 8 or 9 for the Bank and/or the Point, the game
must be shown, the cards are compared and the hand is ended. If this amount is not added, a
single third card is given that is governed by the Third Card Rule, which determines when a third
card will be automatically dealt to the point and/or the bank. If it is dealt, the dealer gives it first to
the player and then, if necessary, to the

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banker, which means that the banker plays with the advantage of knowing the value of the point

The following tables from the Point and Banker rules show when the player's and banker's hand
will automatically receive a third card.

Player's Hand
Baccarat Score of Player's Own First Two Cards
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Deal one more card
6, 7 It is planted
8, 9 Natural Hand

If the Player stands (does not ask for a third card) the banker will ask for a card with 5 or less. If
the Player hits the third card, then see the table to see if the banker will hit or stand.

Banker's Hand
Baccarat Score of the Banker's Deal when the player's third Does not deal when the
First Two Cards card is player's third card is
0, 1, 2 Always deal a card
3 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 8
4 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 0, 1, 8, 9
5 4, 5, 6, 7 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
6 6, 7 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
7 It is always planted
8,9 Player cannot deal Player cannot deal

Payment of bets

At the end of the play, the croupier announces the winner, either the Point or the Bank,
depending on who has the highest score, and proceeds to pay the corresponding bets and then
start a new game.

• If the Point wins, the participants who bet on their hand will collect with a 1-1 ratio, the
others lose their bets.

• If the Bank wins, the participants who bet on it will collect at a 1-1 rate, subtracting the
room's commission (a percentage is deducted from winning bets, which constitutes the
bank's profit margin) and the others lose their bets. .

• If the Punto and Banca hands tie, the bettors of this option will receive 8:1 times the
amount bet while the other bettors will recover their investment
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Bets are always paid at par, 1:1, unless the winner is the Bank. After carrying out the relevant
mathematical analysis, the conclusion is reached that the house should charge 2.84% instead of
5%, so it is recommended to play on a point. Currently, in their unstoppable ambition, casinos
have implemented a new bet, this is deposited in a box called a tie, when the scores of the Bank
and the Point are the same, the player who has bet on this box will collect at a rate of 8:1 , that
is, you will be paid eight times what you bet.

Players are free to reduce or increase their bets on each play within the limits set by the casino.
Likewise, you can withdraw your bet or remain in it, since at the end of the play the croupier
pays the winnings, but does not return the amount bet that remains where the player bet.

Additional Bets

Some casinos offer additional bets that are not associated with the normal bets of the game.
You can place any type of bets that are available.

The rules for additional bets are as follows:

• According to the paytable, the player's pair and banker's pair side bet is won if the first
two cards dealt to the respective hands form a pair, for example 5 of spades and 5 of

• According to the paytable, any pair side bet is won if the first two cards in the banker's or
the player's hand (or both) form a pair.

• According to the paytable, the perfect pair side bet is won if the player's or banker's first
two cards form a pair of the same suit, for example, a pair of 7s of diamonds.

• According to the paytable, a large side bet is won if the total number of cards dealt
between the player and the dealer is 5 or 6.

• According to the paytable, a small side bet is won if the total number of cards dealt
between the player and the dealer is 4.


Contrary to popular belief among Baccarat players, for all practical purposes each hand is
independent of past hands. It doesn't help at all to keep track of the hands dealt to look for
trends. The House edge is less than the Bank bet, but it is not much less than the Player bet.
The Tie bet and Pairs bets have a very high House edge and should therefore be avoided. The
optimal strategy would be to always bet on the Bank. However, if you don't want to give up your
freedom of expression, you can place the Gambler bet as well. The important thing is to avoid
betting on Ties and Evens.

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The House edge is 1.06% on the Bank bet, 1.24% on the Player, 14.36% on the Tie, and
10.36% on the Pairs.
Side bets are for fools. This tip applies to all games in the casino. However, if you want to try to
win the big prizes…go ahead, it's your money.

Final note
The universal rule ^ the easier a game is to play in the casino, the less likely a player is to
• Slot machines are a perfect example of this. Simply insert your money, press the button
and see that you won.
• Roulette is another good example of this. The dealer throws a ball on a wheel with 37 or
38 numbers, players bet on where the ball will land.

• Puzzle
You have to solve the 11-card puzzle, which
must be ordered from 1 to 11, starting with 1
in the upper left.
The cards are moved as if they were pieces
of a puzzle when moving them. Only cards
adjacent to the gap can be moved, therefore
1 in each move, moving the gap to another

In this case there are 11 cards and 12 positions forming 3 rows x 4 columns. But we can create
different combinations depending on the deck to play and cards to use: poker deck with joker (in
last position): 3 rows x 5 columns (13 cards per suit).
We can play with the desired combination (4 x 3; 4 x 4; 5 x 4; etc.) with or without jokers, and the
condition is to leave the cards in question in order.

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• Letters from
It involves moving all the cards
from column 1 to column 3,
maintaining their order from
highest to lowest. Initially (easy
level: 4 cards, difficult level: 7
cards) they are in the first column
ordered from highest to lowest.
Only the last card in each column
can be played. A card can only be
moved to another column if the
moved card is of lower value than
the card on which it is placed, that
is, the card that remains below
must always be of higher value. To
do this, we will use column 2 as a
movement aid.

• Add eight
We place a face-up deal of 3x3 cards. The objective is to remove all the cards. We played with a
Spanish deck of 40 cards. To do this you can remove:
• when two cards add up to 8 (5+3; 4+6; etc.)
• when they are the three figures of the same suit (jack, knight, king).
As cards are removed, new ones are added to the deck.
If we play with a poker card we must add 11 (two cards) or the 3 figures.
The game is won if all the cards are removed, otherwise it is lost.

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• Twenty Twenty
• Spanish deck of 40 cards
• 6 tokens for each player or each team (a
different color for each one)

5 cards are dealt to each one , the rest are left in a pile face down.
The first player throws a card seen on the table. In turns, each player places a card face up on the
table next to another card: they can place it horizontally (forming rows) or vertically (forming columns)
and takes a new card from the pile. Now it is the turn of the other player who does the same operation,
puts one card on the table next to another and takes a new card from the pile.

When a player puts a card in a row and/or column, and manages to add exactly 20 , he closes the
row or column by placing one of his chips at each end, that is, he places two chips.
The first player who manages to place his six pieces wins or, in other words, the first who manages
to close 3 rows and/or columns (sum 20).

It is a simple math card game that can help children practice their math
skills, but it can also be a fun competitive game for adults. For gamers
of all ages, it's a great way to increase mental math skills. It is played
with a standard deck of cards (Spanish or poker). Face cards and
jokers are used if desired, and the cards would have the following
values: Joker = 14, King = 13, Queen = 12, Jack = 11, Ace = 1. All
other cards are worth their face value (according to their screen

The objective of the game is to perform operations with the values of the dealt cards to reach a given
target number. The basic arithmetic operations to make the target number are: addition, subtraction,
division, multiplication. A card dealer is chosen, he shuffles the deck well and deals 4 community
cards face up to carry out the calculations for all the players, and after this he exposes the target

Now a time is set (sounding an alarm is better) and at the end of this time all the players are asked if
they can form the exact target number. If anyone forms it, the operations are shown and verified, there
is a winner. If none of the players can calculate the exact target number with the 4 arithmetic cards

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given, then one more community card is dealt and the calculation time begins again.
If at the end of the time an exact calculation combination of the target number still cannot be found, the
players say the calculated number and the number closest to the target without going over is the
winning combination . A new round begins, with the dealer being the winner of the previous round.
The use of calculators is prohibited.

Target number > The target number should vary frequently, occupying high and low values.
• Variation 1 > The dealer will randomly choose a target number between 0 and 100 before
dealing cards.
• Variation 2 > The dealer will show 1, 2 or 3 cards face up and their sum will be the target
number for everyone (players will choose how many cards are shown before the deal).
Examples > Observe the priority of operations.
• Suppose the object is 6 and the arithmetic cards are 2, 2, 8, 9. A winning combination would be
(9 - 8 + 2) x 2 = 6.
• Suppose the object is 49 and the arithmetic cards are 12, 1, 8, 9. A winning combination is ((12
x 8) / 2) + 1 = 49.

Eleusis is a “mathematical card game.” What is explained here varies a little from the original
Try to create rules (formula of a function or series) to be able to put sequences of consecutive cards
that comply with the rule (the values of the function or series). The goal of the game is to figure out
that rule, regardless of the cards placed and rejected. The game ends when the password is found out
or when the cards to be played run out and the password has not been found out. The player who
finds out wins the game, proclaims himself a prophet and deals the next game.
Of course, you can only speak when it is your turn, since the previous player could also think they
know it. Let's explain it.
The distribution ) Normally, the deck contains 2 or 3 decks of 52 cards for every 4 players. The
dealer shuffles the cards well and deals 14 to each player, and one on the mat face up: this is the
starting card, the first card of the main line.

The Secret Rule ^ Each round has a different rule that determines which cards are acceptable in the
main line and which must be rejected. At the beginning of a round, no player except the dealer knows
what this rule is. The dealer of the current round invents the secret rule, which he does not explain to
the other players. The dealer must write his rule on a sheet of paper, which is set aside and can be
referred to later.
Before starting, the dealer can, if he wishes, provide some clue about his rule. However, once the
round has started, no instructions can be given to the players (unless the game is being played

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When someone plays a card, the dealer determines whether it fits the secret rule or not. If it fits, the
cards are added to the main line, otherwise they are placed together on the table in the same order,
overlapping and seen next to the main line, so that we can see the cards that were played and be able
to deduce good rules. and bad.
If an incorrect series is played, the player receives a number of cards from the deck equal to twice the
number of cards in the series. Players try to discover the secret rule by observing the pattern that
forms in the main line of incorrect cards. The closer a player is to understanding the rule behind the
distribution of cards on the table, the easier it will be for him to play good cards.

Play a single card: To play a single card, the player takes it from his hand and shows it to the dealer,
who announces "correct" or "incorrect", depending on whether the card fits in that spot according to
the secret rule. If the card is correct, it is placed at the end of the main line, which grows to the right
(forming a sequence). If it is incorrect, it is discarded to the pot and the dealer gives the player 2 cards
from the dealing deck. Consequently, a correct play reduces the player's hand by one card, while an
incorrect play increases it by one card.

Play a series of cards : A series is made up of 2, 3, 4 or more cards that, if correct, will be added to
the main line. To play a series, the player takes the cards from his hand, overlaps them slightly to
indicate their order, and shows them to the dealer. The dealer declares that the series is good only if
all the cards in the series are good. If one or more of the cards in the series are incorrect, the dealer
declares the entire series incorrect, without revealing which of the cards in the series are incorrect. (A
series of three cards, for example, is equivalent to three consecutive plays of a single card.) If an
incorrect series is played, the player receives a number of cards from the deck equal to twice the
number of cards in the series.

Examples of simple secret rules

Below are some examples of rules that shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. In
In all these rules, last card means the last card accepted in the main line or, if none have been
accepted yet, the initial card).

• If the last card is red, play black. If the last card is black, play red.
• If the last card is spades, play hearts; If the last one is hearts, play
diamonds; if the last one is diamonds, play clubs; If the last one is clubs, play spades.
• Good cards should follow this pattern: three red cards, three black cards, three red, three black,
and so on.
• If the last card is odd, play an even card; If the last card is even, play an odd one.
• If the last card is between the ace and the seven, play any card between the 8 and the K; If the
last card is between the 8 and the K, play any card between the Ace and the 7.
• If the last card is a prime number, play a card with a composite (non-prime) number; If the last
one has a composite number (not prime), play a prime number.

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• Play a card with a value one unit higher than the value of the last card. The values can "turn
around", that is, after the K comes the ace and then the two, etc.
• Play a card with a value one or two units higher than the value of the last card. Values can "turn
around", cyclical.

Why are these rules considered simple? All of them, except the last one, create rigid patterns in the
main line, patterns that are easy to see. For example, the first rule creates a black-red-black-red-etc
layout. Furthermore, these rules only involve one variable, such as red-black. More complex rules
typically use two or more variables, such as red-black combined with even-odd.
And the rule that involves prime numbers? It doesn't seem particularly simple. In reality, you should
never use a rule like this unless you are absolutely sure that all players know what a prime number is.
But regardless of this, the rule remains simple, because it creates a rigid guideline. The last rule on the
list does not create a completely rigid pattern in the main line, but it does create a pattern that is
relatively easy to see.

Examples of complex secret rules

Below are some examples of more complex secret rules. These are the kinds of rules you'll probably
use after you've played enough Eleusis . Obviously, once all the players in your group are experts in
the game, you can create rules that are totally different from what we have seen so far. They usually
combine several variables in one rule.
• If the last card is odd, play a red card; If the last card is even, play a black card.
• The card played must be of the same suit or value as the last card.
• If the last card is black, play a card with a value equal to or less than the value of
that last letter; If the last card is red, play a card with a value equal to or greater than
5 value of that last card.

• Divide the value of the last card by four. If you get a remainder equal to 1, play spades; If you
get a remainder equal to 2, play hearts; If you get a remainder equal to 3, play diamonds; If you
get a remainder equal to 0 (exact division), play clubs. [This rule does not
It's as complicated as it seems, it's just hard to explain].

• If the card you are going to play is the first one that appears of a suit, it is correct; Otherwise,
refer to the last card of the main line of the same suit as the card you are going to play: your
card must have a value one or two units higher than that card. [This rule is very difficult and if
you use something similar it is advisable to give some kind of hint.]

Getting started in this game can be difficult. The problem is not the rules of the game, but the secret
rule that the dealer invents each round. If all the players are rookies, their first round can be a real
disaster. A person may decide to be the dealer because he has come up with a rule that he thinks is
very clever, but then it turns out that no one is able to discover it and the other players will almost be
able to kick him out of the game. The delivery man protests, because he cannot understand how no
one has been able to discover the rule, which seems so obvious to him.

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First-time delivery drivers (and, in fact, all delivery drivers) should always keep in mind that whatever
rule they make up, it will always be harder to discover than they think. Another problem is that even if
a dealer tries to create a simple rule, it is difficult to know what others find easy or difficult to discover.
After playing Eleusis a few times, you will find it easier to find this balance, but no one is perfect.

Variant ^ The objective is to find out the maximum number of secret rules. Each player makes
up a rule and writes it down on a piece of paper. The hand deals 14 cards to each player,

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including him, and leaves one card on the table face up in front of each player and the rest of
the deck face down on the table (it will be the draw pile).
The next player to the right of the hand begins the turn. Show a card to everyone and each
player must confirm if it complies with their created rule. It is possible that the card can be
placed in more than one row, so the player in turn decides where to put it. You can even put
her in your line if she follows your rule.
If a player shows a card and does not follow any rules, they must draw a card from the pile and
pass their turn. Once the draw pile is gone, there are no more cards to draw. A player can
throw more than 1 card, and must show them in the specific order to be placed. When a player
thinks he knows one or more rules, he can try to find out the rules by telling the corresponding
player when it is his turn. Once a rule is found out, the particular row is closed, placing the first
and last card face down. Once the players can no longer put down cards, a round is done to
figure out the rules. After this the game closes. At the end, the paper with the rules created is
read to confirm them.
With this variant, the game is made more enjoyable.

• 4 in line
Also known as “Connect 4” or “4 in a row”. This typical game
Four on Ray C is for 2 players, and is usually played with a vertical board
Alberto Hernandez
and the objective is to align 4 consecutive pieces of the same color
vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

But it can be played with cards, and it is much more fun because there are
several additional rules. To do this we need 2 decks, each with a different
color on the back of the cards (although if we don't have them, other
options are a Spanish poker deck and another English poker deck, or
separating 2 suits for each player...). The cards are shuffled well and each
deck is placed face down on the table (we will only see the back). Each
player can only take cards from their deck.

Before starting to play we must define:

5) Bottom of the board: remember that when playing with chips, the board is vertical and
the chips fall to the bottom (1st row). However, with cards we will play in a horizontal
position, therefore, we must start placing cards in the background, which will define
which will be the lower rows and which will be the upper ones. We will decide which will
be the first and last column.
6) Board size: 7x7, 7x9 (rows x columns). These combinations are the best to have equity.

Game > It is decided who starts pulling and in turns, the players must place a single card face down
(only the back is visible) in the lowest row/column intersection that they prefer, as long as the column
is not complete (if it were a token , it will drop to the lowest position). The first person to align four
consecutive cards of the same color horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game. If all the
columns are full and no one has made a complete lineup, there is a tie (no one adds or subtracts

Additional rules ^ To the typical game we can play and/or add the following:
3. The first player to connect 4 wins.

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4. The first player to connect 4 loses.
5. The game ends when the board is completed and the one who makes the most lines of 4
wins .
6. Draw 2 cards per turn , except the first turn of each start of the game which only puts 1.
7. We can remove cards from the background: on his turn, the player, instead of throwing a
card (add one more card to the board), can remove a card of his stuck to the background (card
from the first row) and in this way, the cards that are above they fall one position. In this case,
the opponent will have more pieces on the board.
8. Without a defined board: we choose the size of the board as always, but the position of the
cards played by each player will determine the first and last column of the board. The number of
rows chosen does not change.

Example: suppose a 7x5 board (7 rows x 5 columns). The first player throws the 1st card in
any column, the next player throws the 2nd card 2 columns to the left (we already have 3
columns of the board). Now the next player throws the 3rd card 2 columns further to the LEFT of
the second card, and we already have our board defined, since we occupy our 5 columns, with
the 2nd card thrown occupying the central column.

Observe how the cards did not have a specific position, only relative, but now they do because
we already know exactly the columns to play on the board. But suppose the player throws the
3rd card 2 columns to the RIGHT of the 1st card (instead of to the left of the 2nd card). We
would now have our 5 game columns, but in this case the 1st card would occupy the central

Score > The points to be added by the winner will be the sum of the value of the cards that have
formed the 4 in a row. For this they are discovered and calculated. If we add additional rule
number 3 to the game, it may be the case of forming 5 in a row. In this case, before showing the
cards, the winning player will choose a card from the end that forms the 5 in a row, this card being
the multiplier of the rest of the points that form the other 4 in a row (or we multiply by 2 the sum of
the 5 cards, option to choose before starting to play).

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• Cornered kings
It is a multiplayer solitaire for 2 to 6 players. You can play it
with poker or other game chips and a single deck of poker
We have the option of playing with a Spanish poker game, so
in this case we alternate suits and not colors.

Game settings:

Distribute all the chips equally among all the players.

2. Deal 7 cards face down to each player in a clockwise direction.

3. Place the remaining deck of cards face down in the center of the table. This is the pile to raise

4. Pick up four cards from the center pile and place them face down, one on each side of the pile in
the shape of a cross. If a king comes out, it is placed in the corner. Each player places a chip from
their pile on the bank. Place the bench where all players can reach it

5. The cards that were face down are turned over and the game begins. It is played in turns, with the
first player to the left of the dealer starting the turn.

6. It is played the same as solitaire: the game consists of interspersing the cards in descending order,
interspersing colors, regardless of the figure, that is, red on black, and vice versa: assuming that on
the right side there is a red 8, and the player in turn It has a black 7, it places it there. (This means
that you can only put red on black and black on red , and that you can only put, for example, a
six on a seven). The objective of the game is to run out of cards.

7. The king has priority. If you have a King, you must immediately place it in the corners that are
formed between each side of the cross, hence the name Corner King. Cornered Kings also serve
to arrange cards in descending order.

8. Another thing to keep in mind is that you also play the cards in the shape of a cross on the table,
not the corners (kings): move one pile on top of another if the bottom card can be played on the
destination pile. If on the left side there is a black 9 and on the right side there is a red 8 and the
player has just placed the black 7, he can also move the red 8 and black 7 to the black 9 on the

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right and has the space on the right free to place the letter you want. You can now play any card
from your hand onto the open space to start a new cross pile.

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9. If it's your turn and you have a game, continue playing cards until there are no more options. You
can choose to stop playing cards at any time during your turn.

10. If your turn comes and you cannot put any card from your hand or move any pile, you must place
another token on the bench, and “draw” a card from the central pile until you find one that allows
you to make a move.

11. The game ends when:

1. A player has discarded all his cards. The player who played all his cards is the winner
of the hand. The winner takes all the chips on the bank and as many chips from each
player as there are cards left in his hand to play.
2. There are no legal moves left by all players (having taken all cards from the center
pile). Aces are worth 1 point, cards from 2 to 10 are worth the value they represent,
the jack (or jack) is worth 11, the queen (or quince) is worth 12 and the king is 13.
The player with the lowest score in hand wins and takes all the chips from the bank.

Variant) The stacks of kings in descending order, while the stacks of crosses in ascending order.

• Klondike Solitaire
Classic solitaire is also called “Klondike Solitaire” and “ Patience Solitaire”. This simple game uses
a traditional deck of 52 cards and is played by just one person as a way to pass the time or to
sharpen your mental skills and develop strategies. It presents challenges for almost any player.
Sometimes the game is unwinnable, but that's part of the fun.

Objective of the game > It involves creating 4 rows of independent cards per suit (one for each
pint) in ascending order, starting with the Ace and ending with the King.

Adjust the game. Place one card face up and 6 cards face down next to the first. Then place a
face-up card on top of (but slightly below) the first face-down card, and do the same with the other
five face-down cards. Continue doing this so that each column has a face-up card on top of the
and in such a way that the left column has one card, the
next two, then three, four, five, six and finally seven.
The remaining cards are placed face down in the form
of a deck either above (on top of the first card seen) or
below the 7 columns. This is the reserve deck and this pile
is where you will get cards from when you run out of playing
Leave space above the 7 columns for another 4 rows of
cards. Build your ranks starting with the aces. The ultimate
goal of the game is to move all the cards to these 4 piles.
You will win the game when all the cards are arranged by
color from the
Ace to the King, in all four suits.

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Starts the game. If you have seen an AS or several, place them on top of the 7 columns, each
AS in a row. If there are no aces, rearrange the cards you have, moving only those that are face
up (seen). When you place a card on top of another (a little lower so you can see the value of
the card below), it must be a different color than the one that was already there and have a value
of one less. This way, if you have a six of hearts (red), you can place a five of spades (black) or
five of clubs (black) on top. Keep placing cards on top of each other until you can't move
anything anymore. Each column must alternate in color and be in descending order.
If you have an ace on top of your cards (eventually you should have all four aces there), you can
place more cards of the same suit on them in ascending order (A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , J, Q,
K). If we find a card in the columns that forms a sequence in the upper rows, it can be taken to
its corresponding row.
Always, the first card of each column must be visible. If you move a card from a column and
the next one is covered, it must be turned over to make it visible.

Use the reserve deck. This process can be done at any time, even if you have a game with the
cards in the columns. However, use is limited to 3 times after the reserve deck runs out. Once
you've run out of cards in the reserve deck, the discard deck becomes the reserve deck.
However, make sure you “do not” shuffle them to keep the same order!
The top 3 cards of the reserve deck are taken and placed aside, one on top of the other face
down, maintaining the same order they have, starting the discard pile. Now we turn over the first
card (the top one) and use it if possible. If you manage to place the top card, we turn over the
next one and proceed to see if you can place it. And so it continues as long as there are cards
left. We can repeat until you run out of your reserve deck. While we use the reserve cards, we
can use the cards from the game columns if it suits us. The top card (first card) of the pile of
discarded cards will always be visible and can be played at any time.

If you finish all the cards in one of the 7 columns, only one king can be placed in the
empty space. Start a new pile if one of the piles becomes empty, you can only do this with
kings. Always keep seven columns.
Move blocks of adjacent cards. If we have a group of cards in descending order by value of
one and alternating color in a column, we can move the entire group to another column if the top
card (the first to be moved) continues with the same order.

The game ends when we can no longer make any legal moves on the table to form the
rows or when we have formed the 4 rows.
Optional and additional rules:
> We can make it so that we have no limit on the use of the reserve deck with the condition
that we can only use it if we have no game with the cards in the columns (we recycle the
deck as many times as we want).
> When using the reserve deck we have explained that we take three cards. We can
change this option for a single card (draw 3 cards or draw 1 card).
> Use of wild cards, although to win the game the wild cards cannot be part of the final
composition row (the top ones).
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• Spider Solitaire
Spider Solitaire is a single-player game usually played with 2 packs of 52 cards (no jokers),
although numerous variations exist. However, the same basic rules apply to all. Spider can be a
difficult (and time-consuming) game. It supports 999 billion different games, so you will never
play the same game twice. We will explain three levels: Easy (one suit), Intermediate (two suits)
and Difficult (four suits). If you avoid the first two levels and go straight to Hard, it will be like
jumping into an empty pool. Spend some time practicing the first two to understand the game
and the different moves you can do.

Outline ^ There are four areas of the screen:

1. Construction Piles : There are ten construction piles. Only the top card of each
pile is facing up, the others are turned over one by one when the card above them
is removed. An empty building pile can accept any type of card (in classic solo you
could only put a king). The default number of cards initially in the construction piles
is six for the first four piles and five for the rest. These values can be varied, a
smaller number results in an easier game.
2. Deck - Located in the upper left corner and contains cards not initially found in the
construction piles. When there are no more possible moves in the construction
piles, an additional card is drawn from the deck for each construction pile. The
deck has hidden cards. This pile is known as “the reserve.”
3. Discard Pile: It is located in the upper right corner and is initially empty. All
thirteen cards of a suit can be moved to the discard pile if they are arranged in
descending rank from King to Ace. The game is won when all four suits from both
decks have been moved to the discard pile.
4. Free Cells: Free cells are a modification of the original game and are not found in
the standard Spider rules, so it is an option to decide if we want to use it. Free
cells are used to temporarily hold a card from a construction pile, so we can put it
in and take it from the cell whenever we want. Up to four free cells can be used.
We will place them on top of the construction piles, between the deck and the
discard pile. (Same function as Freecell Solitaire).

Although Spider has the usual goal of putting all the suits in order, it does not provide a separate
pile for the assembly of each suit (we saw that in classic solitaire we have 4 independent top
rows - one per suit - to place the cards in ladder). Instead, the sticks must be sorted into the
same build piles and then moved to a discard pile. The game is won when all cards from both
decks are in the discard pile. Piles (ladders) in Spider can be created with any suit, but to move
groups of cards between piles, they must all have the same suit.
With the French deck of 52 cards, 10 columns of cards are created, in the first four columns
there must be 5 cards covered and the 6th must be uncovered (revealed). The other six columns
must have 4 cards face down or covered and the 5th must be revealed. The rest of the cards
(deck) should be kept aside to be used later.

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Rules for playing the Cuatro Palos version (the most difficult level)
The objective is to build eight ladders (2 decks x 4 suits each) in a descending direction (the first
card is king - the one with the highest value -, the last card is ace - the one with the lowest value
-) of the same suit, in order to move them to their respective cells once completed.

Movement of the Cards in 4 suit version

The following rules indicate how cards can be moved:
• A card on top of a construction source pile or free cell may be placed on top of another
destination pile if the rank of the card is one less than the rank of the card on top of the
destination pile. The suit of the cards does not matter. You cannot place a king on an ace.
For example, you can only move a 5 (or put it on top of) a 6. If a covered card becomes
available, it must be turned over to reveal it.
• Stairs can be built on the building piles without regard to the sticks. However, groups of
cards (straights) can only be moved if they all belong to the same suit and are placed in
perfect descending order. Let's say you have a 9, 8, 7 of hearts as a group, so you can
only place it on any 10 available on the table (it doesn't matter if it's not a heart, although
it would be advisable).
• Any card on the top of a building pile or ladder can be moved to an empty building pile.
• Any card on the top of a building pile can be moved to an empty "Free Cell" (if "Free
Cells" are being used), but ladders cannot.
• If any of the columns on the board are empty, they can be occupied by any card or group
of cards (straight). Each pile must contain at least one card before a card from the deck
can be added to it. If you run out of moves and still have cards in the deck, place a face-
up card from the deck on each of the 10 card piles, then continue playing.
• A straight containing all cards of a suit (13 cards, kings…ace) may be moved to the
discard pile, and left face up.
• The game ends when you have created all 8 stacks of sequences from 'King' to 'Ace' or
when there are no more possible moves.

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Rules to play the Dos Palos version (intermediate level)

To play this version you use all 52 cards in the set, but you must consider that the red cards
belong to the same suit and the black cards to another suit (or that the black suit is one suit and
the red suit is another suit). In the Two Suits version, groups of cards can only be moved if they
are in perfect descending order and if they are of the same suit (red or black). For example, you
can move a 9 of Hearts, an 8 of Diamonds, and a 7 of Hearts and place it on any available 10 on
the table.
If you have a perfect descending sequence that is of the same suit (color), you can remove it
from the game. For example, a sequence of black cards that begins with a King and ends with
an Ace may be eliminated from the game. In addition to these rules, the game is governed by
the rules of the classic four-suit version.

Rules for playing the Single Suit version (1 suit - easy level)
To play the easiest version (with a single suit), you must consider all the cards in the pack to be
of the same suit. This means that you can move any group of cards that are in descending
order. For example, you can move a 5 of Swords, 4 of Diamonds, and 3 of Hearts to any 6 that
is available on the table.
Any group of cards that has the complete descending sequence of cards, from King to Ace, may
be eliminated from the game. This version of Spider Solitaire is considered particularly simple
and is perfect if you are just getting started in the game or if you want a less complicated round
to relax.
You can play with a Spanish deck, but we must keep in mind that, due to the suits, we will play
the 1 individual suit or 4 suit version without
complications. For the 2 suit version we must relate the
suits (clubs+swords and cups+golds).
If we play with 2 Spanish decks of 40 cards we will make
8 columns of 5 cards. If it is 48 cards, 9 columns.

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• FreeCell Solitaire (carte blanche)
White Card differs from other solitaire games
because all cards are dealt face up and by its
use of white cards (free cells) to temporarily
store cards that you want to move from one
column to another. Because you can see all
the cards, you can identify the importance of
each one and plan the moves of your strategy.
The main objective of the game is to bring all
the cards of the same suit (pint) in ascending
order (from Ace to King) to the starting card.

The playing area consists of:

• 4 starting cards : located in the upper right part of the table and are used to
store the ascending sequence (AS ^ King) for each suit.
• 4 free cells (white cards): located in the upper left and are used
temporarily to park cards while you make a move. One letter per free cell.
• 8 columns of cards : 1 French deck of 52 cards that are dealt face-to-face
up in 8 columns or cascades when starting the game: the 4 on the left will have 7 cards,
while the 4 on the right will have 6. Located at the bottom of the table (in most games)
you must arrange the cards in descending order (from Kings to Aces), alternating figures.

Card moves:
• Each free cell can only be occupied by one card from any column.
• The starting cards can only be in ascending order, from ace to king, with each card being
the same suit as the previous one. These piles are called foundations.
• You can move cards to another column only consecutively and descending (a 3 hearts
over a 4 clubs, for example) alternating colors (red on black, or black on red).
• Groups of cards can be moved in sequence from one column to the other only if there are
enough white cards available to allow the play (we should always use white cells as
intermediaries for movements in groups of cards). While computer implementations
typically show this movement, players using physical decks of cards typically move the
stack in one go, if moving is possible.

NOTE) we can make an easier game if in point 3 we do not alternate colors, equal to 1-suit
spider solitaire -easy level-.

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The game ends if one of two things happens:
• Moved all cards to the start cards in their order. Victory.
• We cannot make any more legal moves: moving cards between columns, to a white card,
or to a starting card. Defeat.

We can play it with a Spanish deck.

The image shown is a deal for a deck
of 40 cards, but if it were Spanish poker
the deal would be as explained for a
French poker deck.
The cards can be combined under
other cards in descending correlative
order and different suit (color if it is a
French poker deck). When a column is
free, you can play any other card you
want on that space. In this solitaire you
can move blocks of cards, that is,
several cards that already form a
correlative descending semi-ladder.
The top 3 squares on the left are
auxiliary game squares, like buffer

• Splice and Malice

Spite & Malice (also known as Cat and
Mouse or Skip-Bo) is a solitaire game
in which two players compete. It is played with two decks of poker without jokers.
Each player starts with a hand of 5 personal hole cards, an initial 20-card discard pile, and 4
empty draw piles next to him. In the middle of the table, 3 empty growth piles and a common
draw pile are placed with the rest of the cards placed between the personal discard piles.
The object of the game is to be the first to empty your personal discard pile.


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• Center growth stacks are formed from the AS up, not counting the suit. The first card can
be the ace of diamonds, followed by the two of spades...
• Kings are wild cards, meaning you can play them on any of the 3 center piles substituting
for the next number. For example, if you play the king of spades over a ten of clubs, the
king will become a jack J.
• When a center growth pile is completed (by playing a queen Q or king on a jack J), the
pile is removed and shuffled back into the common pile for dealing again.
• Of the personal starting pile only the first card is visible and this card can only be played
in the 3 central growth piles, never in the discard pile. The rest of the cards remain hidden
face down.
• You can place any of the 5 personal cards into the growth piles or the side dump piles no
matter which ones are there. However, you can only take the top card from each of these
draw piles. In these piles we place the cards one on top of the other and let them be

Then, you have several plays available:

• Play the top card from your starting discard pile onto one of the growth piles. The next
card from the personal pile is revealed to see its value and be played.
• Play the top card of one of your draw piles onto one of the 3 center growth piles.
• Play one of your personal cards on one of the growth piles in the center.
• Play one of your personal cards on one of your draw piles . With this your turn ends.

At the beginning of your turn you receive from the draw pile the cards necessary to complete the
initial five cards of a hand. After this you can make a move.

A sweep occurs when the 5 personal cards are played ONLY on the growth piles . In this case,
5 cards are drawn again to continue the turn.
The game ends when:
1. A participant plays his last card from the discard pile onto one of the growth piles. This
player wins and receives 1 point for each card your opponent has in their starting pile and 3
point for each sweep. The other player does not receive points even if he has made
2. The game also ends once all the cards in the draw pile have been played and the players
have no move to continue. When this happens, the game ends in a tie and neither player
scores points.

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1. We can have 4 growth stacks.
2. We can have 15, 20 or 25 cards in the discard pile.

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• Crapette
Crapette is a card game of German origin, in which 2 players participate and is played with two
French decks of 52 cards, one for each player. The game is solitaire for two people. The
fundamental objective of La Crapette is to get rid of all your cards first.

Each player shuffles his opponent's deck and then

cuts it.
Each one sets aside 13 cards face down, which will
form their crapette .
Now he takes 4 cards from the basket and places
them vertically, in front of him and to the right (on top
of his crapette). These 8 cards on the table are used
to build descending series, alternating color.

A space of two cards must be left between the cards

of the two opponents, to form the eight basic piles
that are used to build increasing series of the same
suit, starting with the Ace and ending with the King.

The remaining 35 cards form the player's deck ,

located below their crapette. To the right of the basin
we will have the discard pile.

Each player then turns over the top card of their crapette. Whoever has the highest card starts
playing. The player, on his turn, turns over the first card of his deck, and then makes as many
moves as he can. When he finishes, he moves the top card from his deck to the discard pile,
and the opponent's turn begins.

The top card of the pot, the card from the discard pool and the crapette card can be placed on
the table according to the rules specified above. Once the jackpot or crapette card is played, the
next one is turned over. If at the beginning or during your turn (but not at the end) the bucket is
emptied, the discard pool is turned over, which will form the new bucket.
The law of the game is the same as for classic solitaire:

• The eight basic stacks in the middle are used to build sets of the same suit, starting with
the Ace and ending with the King.
• The other eight cards on the table are used to build descending series, alternating color.
• You can only move cards from the table one by one (not the entire pile); An empty space
can receive any card.
• A player can add a card to the opponent's crapette or discard pool : for this to
happen, this card must be of the same color and of an index immediately lower or higher
than the card seen at the top of each pile.
• The first player to arrange all the suits and get rid of all the cards will be the winner of the

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• Pyramid Solitaire
It is played with a French or Spanish poker deck. We place a
pyramid of cards made up of 7 rows (from 1 to 7 cards in
ascending order, as shown in the figure). The reserve pile is
located in the upper left corner above, and the discard pile is
located in the upper left corner below. Initially we only show
the first card of the reserve deck. The objective is to form
pairs of cards that add up to 13: those in the pyramid and the
first card in each pile, which are always shown. The Ace is
worth 1, and so on up to the king which is worth 13, which
can be eliminated only because it is worth 13. The removed
cards are placed
in the upper right corner.
Valid pyramid cards cannot be “stepped on” by others (at the beginning of the game they are the
7 base cards). In case we do not have a game with those in the pyramid, we put a card from the
reserve deck on the discard pile, revealing the next card from the reserve deck. If you run out of
cards, the discard pile is put back into the reserve deck.
If we continue without having a game we continue discovering. You cannot shuffle runes once
the game has started, respect the order of the stacks.

The game ends when we have freed all the cards in the pyramid or we have exhausted the
reserve deck 2 times.

It can also be played with a Spanish deck of 40 cards. The value is from
1 to 7, and the face cards jack=8, knight=9, king=10. In this case, the
two cards must add up to 10, except for the king, which is removed
alone because it is worth 10. The distribution of the cards is shown on
the left side.

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• Golf Pyramid Solitaire

We place a pyramid of cards made up of 7

rows (from 1 to 7 cards in ascending order,
as shown in the figure). The backup battery
is located in the lower left corner. Next, we
put a sample card next to it, which will be
the sample pile.

The objective is to discard the cards in the

pyramid by placing a card on the sample
with a difference index: greater than one or
less than one that shows it. If we have a
game, the new superimposed card will be
the new sample for the
next play. Note that they are cyclic
sequences, after the king comes the
1 and vice versa.

Valid pyramid cards cannot be “stepped on” by others (at the beginning of the game they are the
7 base cards). In case we don't have a game with those in the pyramid, we draw another
sample card on top. Only the top card of the sample pile can be seen.

If the cards in the reserve pile are exhausted, the deck of the sample pile is turned over, which
will become the reserve pile. You cannot shuffle runes once the game has started, respect the
order of the stacks.
The game ends when we have freed all the cards from the pyramid or we have exhausted the
reserve deck 2 or 3 times.

The image shows a different distribution than

the pyramid, for a Spanish deck of 40 cards (4
rows x 7 columns x 4 cards per column). In
case of playing with a poker deck, a
distribution of 5 cards is made for each

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• Giza Pyramid Solitaire

The objective is to remove all the cards from the

pyramid. In this solitaire there is no deck to draw
and no draw pit.

It is played with a Spanish deck of 40 cards. The

value is from 1 to 7, and the face cards jack=8,
knight=9, king=10.
In this case, the cards to be removed are two
cards that must add up to 10, except for the king,
which is removed alone because it is worth 10.
The card distribution is shown on the left side.

• Solitaire Sandwich
Initially we place 3 cards in a row on the mat, and now we look for the relationship between a
first and the third card (the second that follows). If both match the same number or the same suit,
then the middle card is placed on top of the first card, moving the rest one position.
Next, we put one more card from the deck at the end of the row, repeating the process. We look
for the relationship again and if there is no relationship, we reintroduce another card from the
If the rows become very long, we can make another row below, but maintaining the order of the
cards to relate them. The game is won if only 1 card remains on the table (we have collected the

Mus vs Poker

Texas Holdem poker (the most played) has only been known in Spain for a few years , and
yet the game has been in our country for at least 3 or 4 centuries . But today's Poker has
arrived in Spain and is hitting hard. If we consider that mus is the quintessential Spanish
game , we will see here why perhaps this Poker game has been so well received in Spain.

At first glance, mus and poker seem to have nothing to do with each other. Obviously they are
very different games and the differences between the two prevail. In short, mus is played with a
Spanish deck and in pairs , and on the contrary , poker is played with a French deck and

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individually . Or as a curiosity, the direction of the turns in Poker is clockwise, and in mus it
will be counterclockwise . But we will still be surprised by their great closeness in certain

Their main similarity is that they are both card games with bets. Both are influenced by the
randomness of the cards and therefore luck . But in both, said luck is more than framed by
the strategy of the game and the mischief of the players . We will see a large number of
deceptions on all sides, we will be able to play on the size of the bets at all times with mischief as
the flag, we will see bets without having anything or bluffing, not bets with huge games inciting
the rival to bet and then raise the bet (“check-raise”)... In short, all kinds of mistakes, deceptions
and mischief could be repeated almost identically in both games.

Another similarity is that they are both no-limit games and the nickname of their maximum
bet is well-known . We will have the famous “ORDAGO” in Mus and the famous “ALL-IN” in
Poker . These two concepts consist of betting all the remaining cards of the player on duty. In
the mus the minimum base bet will be the “stake” and will be two cards; In poker the minimum
bet will depend on the blinds at each moment of the game.

The betting rounds in both games also have several aspects in common . In the Mus we
will have the Big, the Small, the Pairs, and the Game ; In Poker we will have Preflop, Flop,
Turn, and River. We note that in both cases there are four rounds of betting, and in each of
them you can bet any amount from nothing to everything. The main difference between these
rounds is that in Mus there would be a hypothetical fifth round that we could call “pre-
grande” (before the first round, GRANDE) in which there would be no bets, but rather the players
would decide whether to discard by saying “mus”. or there are no more discards saying “there is
no mus”, and start with the first round.

The fact that both games have betting rounds highlights the strategic nature, another
similarity . Having 4 possibilities of action (1 per round, although in reality the betting round only
ends when the participants want), each bet will have to be organized and distributed, always
taking into account in which round they are made and what happened in the previous ones and
what may happen in the future. Position will also be a determining factor in both games.

The psychological factor is fundamental in both games . In mus there is perhaps more open
interaction, mainly due to the fact that it is played in pairs and there are signs and other
relationships between partners. In Poker the interaction is present between all the players at the
table individually, let's say it is a perhaps deeper relationship but just as important.
At all times in both games you will have to guess the meaning of each opponent's movement
through the talent of physical and mental reading. Any bet or bet in MUS may

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be justified by some good cards, or on the contrary consist of the purest bluff. You will not be
able to be guided solely by your cards, but you will have to, in some way, imagine those of your
rival. To the point that there will be times when you will make bets with mediocre cards thinking
that your opponent's are worse, or you will throw good cards in the same way thinking that your
opponent's are better. No less important is experience, memory and mathematics, because by
remembering the visible cards and doing tests you can attempt probability calculations.

The luck factor is perhaps the element that is most talked about in both cases . And in both
cases the majority opinion is that luck is very important but that it is not the fundamental factor. In
both games, being a good player is much more important than luck. Perhaps for this reason both
games have a lot to do with each other, in what other games are skill, strategy and mischief
developed to such an extent that they leave aside such present luck due to the chance of the


Mus, our dearest mus, is a card game that was possibly born in the
taverns of northern Spain. It is an instrument of popular
entertainment in which deceptions and ambushes are developed
through audacity and daring. It is normally played in pairs, it is a fight
fought two against two, it is the fight of the stake, but also a constant
verbal fight full of expletives. Discover with us the wonderful world of

The Mus and the Spanish Deck

If you are not very familiar with the Spanish deck, let's see what it is made of, why it was created
and how it differs from the French deck or poker cards. The French one is perhaps the most
used since it is mainly used in all Anglo-Saxon countries. Spanish is used apart from Spain, in
Portugal, Latin America and partly in other countries such as Italy .
The most famous and well-known Spanish deck is the Heraclio Fournier deck. Surely you had
already noticed it, since the vast majority of cards we use are of this brand, and the Ace of
Pentacles clearly has the name of Heraclio Fournier stamped on it. The word “Vitoria” is also
written in said letter. In fact, Heraclio Fournier commissioned a Vitoriano professor named
Agustín Ríus to design a deck of cards in 1875. And this is how the deck we use today was
drawn. Although this deck is our current deck, other similar decks existed long before, at least a
few centuries ago, such as the one from Valencia from 1778.
What most characterizes a Spanish deck are the 4 suits that make it up and the drawings that
they carry. Thus each letter can be read not only by the number written on it, but also by the

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Each suit is a symbol that represents a thing , fact or value of society: the pentacles
Spanish deck of cards *, Mus is played without 8 or 9.

represent money, the glasses represent wine, drinking and fun, the swords represent fighting
and strength, and the clubs represent power and brutality. . These symbols are present in almost
all societies of the time, and especially in Spain.
The French also gives meanings to the different suits or colors. In this case we would say that
hearts would represent love, diamonds would represent wealth, clubs would represent
agriculture, and spades would represent war. There is quite a similarity with the meanings of the
Spanish one, which in any case is later, since the French one dates from the end of the 15th
century. Thus, the cups would be the hearts, the golds the diamonds, the clubs the clubs and the
spades the spades.

Parallelism of the suits of the Spanish Deck * with the French Deck

Unlike the French deck, the Spanish one has clear traits of machismo .
Mainly because the only female card is the jack, also called “whore.” The jack (number 10) is the
equivalent of the French “jack” or “valet” which means servant or servant. Furthermore, in the
French deck there is a queen, in the
Spanish deck the number 11 is the
horse, possibly the king's horse or
knight, in this case more important
than the queen herself, which is not
even reflected.
Mus, like many other games, is
played without eights or nines (except
in some regions such as the Basque
Country, Navarra or La Rioja). In the
French the figures do not have a
number and they do have the 10,
which in the Spanish the 10 is a
figure, the jack. There are also no wild
cards in the Spanish deck and even

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less so in the mus. Therefore, if necessary we can play mus perfectly with a French deck by
removing the 8s and 9s and 10s and jokers. In this case the queen will be the knight and the
valet or jack will be the jack. In any case, 3s would continue to be worth the same as kings, and
deuces the same as aces.

How to start playing Mus

To play mus, 4 players are required who will sit in pairs facing each other, a Spanish deck of
40 cards (without 8s or 9s ) and a few cards for calculating points (stones or points). This is
done with small pebbles or with some suitable small object (chickpeas, beans...). 22 objects are
needed. They all start on a plate in the center of the table and are placed in front of the four
players to represent the score . Each coalition decides who will keep the stones (worth 1
point ) and who will keep the moorings (worth 5 points ). Thus , in each pair, each player
will have a different task, to prevent everyone from putting their hand into the cards: the one
who counts the points (the one who takes the points from the central pile) will have the 1 point
cards or cards in front of him. stones and your partner will have the 5-point cards or ties.

When a team wins one or more points, the player who keeps the ones (the stones) simply takes
the appropriate amount from the plate and places them in front of himself. When he reaches five,
he gives one to his partner, who keeps the ties (the fives), and puts the other four back on the
plate. When taking or moving stones you should always tell your opponents how many stones
are being taken and why.

When the player who keeps the fives has collected 7 ties, representing 35 stones (points or
points), he must notify the opponents by saying interior (inside), to alert them that his team is
five points away from winning. The 7 moorings are then placed back on the plate. After a team is
in , as soon as the player keeping the stones has collected 5 more stones (making a total score
of 40), they win the current game.
Points are earned for having the best hand of cards in each of the four categories: Big (highest
value), Small (lowest value), Pairs (equal cards, minimum pair) and Set (total sum of
points for the 4 cards ) . Players can try to increase the points each category gives by betting.
The bets in each category are taken in strict order (first the hand, last the dessert), and only after
completing the four rounds of betting are the cards lowered (looked at) to compare the hands
and calculate the points.

The word ROUND (BAZA or LANZE) is used to indicate bets in one of the four categories (Big -
Small - Pairs - Game). A HAND (COW) is the period of play from the deal, through the four
rounds of betting and the drop of cards for the final score.
To win the Mus it is done in two ways, choosing the type of game before starting:

7) MATCH: the first team to reach 40 points. A match (party or game) consists of
playing as many hands (cows) as necessary for a team to reach 40 points.

8) MATCH: consists of 3 or 5 games, where the team that has won the most games

Card Dealing

Once the structure of the game has been decided, the game begins. To find out who will
start dealing the cards, a player will pick up a card at random. The suits are pentacles, cups,
spades and clubs: if pentacles come up, the player located to the right of the one who drew the
card will deal, if cups come up the next player counterclockwise, if spades come up it would be
the next player, and if they came up close, the player who drew the card would deal.

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The dealer shuffles the cards, the player to the dealer's left cuts, and the dealer distributes the
hole cards, starting from his right one by one until each player has four. The giver is known as
the dessert and the player to the right of the giver, who speaks first in each betting round, is
known as the hand.

As a result of this, certain positions will be assigned: thus the giver (the one who distributes)
will be the DESSERT (last to speak and worst position) and the first to be distributed will
be the HAND (first to speak and best position). The player who has just dealt will leave the
remaining deck on his right in front of the player who is in the “hand” position.

Pre-Large Round: the discard

In the pre-first round of all, all types of communication between the players will be
prohibited , this is called “ mus run and without signs” and will only be repeated at the
beginning of each cow or hand and not at the beginning of each game. There is no betting
in this round, rather players decide whether to fold or not before the start of the first round.

Mus is a proposal for all players to have the opportunity to improve their hands by discarding one
or more cards. This can only happen if all players agree (if there is a discard it is because
everyone wants to) . If all players agree to exchange cards by asking for "Mus", the discard is
carried out as follows: each player in turn, starting with the hand, discards one to four cards face
down and is given an equal number of new cards also face down. below. The players look at
their new hands and there is another opportunity to bid "Mus" as before. Discards are always left
separate from the deal deck.

If any player objects saying "There is no mus" there will be no opportunity to discard (no
one discards) and the game begins immediately with the first round of betting, the big

The player who cuts the mus or “there is no mus” on this first occasion of “running and without
signs” will leave the deck to his left and will prevent the rest of the players who follow him from
discarding and the first round of betting will begin, the big one. . The player who cuts mus will be
the hand. The betting rounds will not begin until someone cuts mus.
If, as a result of the discards, the cards in the deck run out, all the discarded cards will be
collected, shuffled again, and those that are needed will be distributed from there.
The gavel is only passed when you ask for “mus” in the exceptional round of “mus run and
without signs” . In the rest of the games the deck does not move when you ask for “mus” ,
therefore, throughout the game one player will deal and the positions will be maintained. The
purpose of this first round with “running and without signs” consists, among other things, of
determining the positions in the fairest and most random way possible since the positions
change as the deck is passed.

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The player on the right of the hand will have to do it, then the partner on the hand will have to
Order to speak (ask for mus or bet)
When you start talking in a game, it is always the hand first , then the
speak and finally the
dessert will speak (the
last player, the player on
the left of the hand).

However, in practice, he
will speak first the hand
and then the partner of
the hand, since he has
the possibility of
passing to his partner
and he will practically
always do so to have
more information when
betting or asking for

Mus table, 4 players (2

couples) and in the
center the moorings or
"as many

This is a customary rule since the turns are respected in counter-clockwise order, but in practice
do not be surprised if you see that the player in the hand position and his partner speak together
first, and then the player in the hand position. second position and its partner. Thus, if the first
two players (the hand or their partner) cut mus, it will go directly to the first round of
betting, and if the two give each other mus, it will be the second player's turn to talk and
the dessert to see if they want mus or not (the same for betting).

After the hand, the counter-clockwise order will be followed, so the next player to speak would be
the player immediately to his right, although this player and second to speak will always have the
option of saying “I have dessert” (step up to my partner who is in last position) and thus let the
couple holding hands speak first. In other words, each couple usually speaks together, deciding
to bet or ask for mus or not (ask for mus or not). Whenever you have a partner who has not yet
spoken, you can say “until my partner.”

Also, do not be surprised if any of the players of the non-hand pair, without saying a word and
skipping positions, say “speak” or “cut mus”, cutting off the possibility of discarding. But this will
be exceptional, since normally the second pair will wait for the first to speak to gather some

At any time a player cuts the mus, all players must start betting with the cards they have
at that moment without the possibility of discarding .

Betting on the MUS

The betting dynamics in mus are very similar to that of Poker. Mus is a card game in which bets
prevail. The “stake” is the minimum bet in the mus and consists of betting 2 points. If you decide
to bet, each bet will range from a simple bet (2 points) up to the maximum number of cards, 40
which would correspond to a deal.

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In each betting round (Big, Small, Pairs and Play) each player will have the option to check or
bet . One of these cases will occur:

1. Everyone passes: all players decide not to bet. Continue with the next round.
2. Do not follow the bet: make the rival pass. The winning couple takes the bet stones and
moves on to the next round.
3. Close the bet: the bet is seen and no more is raised. If a bet is equal, the total amount bet
will be memorized and at the end of the 4 rounds, when the cards are shown, the points will
be counted.
4. Throw an Órdago : if the opponent sees it, the cards will be raised and whoever has the best
hand in that specific round will win, and the game will be over. If the opponent does not see
it, the winning couple takes the points bet and goes to the next round.

A player may pass, without being eliminated, as long as no player before him has raised, and
may enter the game when his second turn to speak arrives, accepting or increasing the previous
raises; but if a player passes after having raised a player before him, he is definitively eliminated
from that play.

If someone bets, the players of the rival pair will have to choose between:
• Check (don't want to): don't bet.
• See the bet (want): match the bet.
• Raise the bet (I send over): see the bet and the raise.

In the event that a player makes a bet and a rival raises his bet, chained bets are created.
If the raised bet is equal, the total amount bet will be memorized and at the end of the 4 rounds,
when the cards are shown, the points will be counted. If someone ends up passing, the winning
couple will score the accumulated sum of all the previous bets their rival made before passing.
For example , if a player raises (bet 2), a rival raises 5 more, and the first raises 15 more. If the
player who bet 5 more decided to pass, the opposing pair would score 7 cards (2+5).

The bets for each round are placed, they are noted and at the end of the last round (the
“game”), the cards will be lowered (shown) and the points from each of the rounds will be
counted. The team that has decided to pass in any round will not be able to score (score
any points), even if it turns out to have the best play.

As we said, mus is played in pairs, and it does not matter which player in the pair makes
the bets, when counting, the best play for each round of any of the two players in each
pair will be taken into account.

Bets are voluntary, so even if you have a combination of cards to play a specific round,
you can choose not to bet (if you think that with the combination you have you cannot
win the round).

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The Órdago is a special set: a proposal to lower the cards immediately, to define the
entire match with the result of the category being played. During any of the four rounds, a
player instead of betting or raising the bet in the normal way can call órdago . Opponents
can then:

• Leave) granting the loss of that category.

• Call (match the bet) ^ the cards are lowered and the match is decided with the best
hand of the specific round in which the call was called.

Let's look at an example. In the first round of betting A, B and C pass, D says "I bet 5" and A
says "I accept." Then the Large one will be worth 5 stones. Second round of betting (Girl): A
says "I bet"; B says "increase 4, making 6"; C says "order". B and D must now either leave or
watch. If they leave, A and C take 6 stones. If you see, the side with the best Girl wins the match
immediately (and the Big's 5 stones become irrelevant, even if they could be enough to decide
the match). Of course it is possible to say ordago in the first bet of a round, without having
anything bet. If you do this and the opponents leave, you get only one stone, of "why not."

First round of Mus Betting: BIG.

The "Pigs", kings and 3's, are the highest cards in the Mus
1. Big
The player who occupies the hand
position will speak first, and the rest
of the players will speak
counterclockwise until the last one,
who is in the dessert position. Each
pair will normally have only one voice
as they play together. In the “big”
style, the player who has the
highest value cards will win. The
highest card is kings and threes (both
kings and threes represent the same
card, the “pigs”). To compare two
hands, the cards in each hand are
placed in descending order. The
“pigs” that each player has will be
counted first, in case of a tie the next card will be looked at and so on up to 4 cards. Thus, if, for
example, two rival players have 2 pigs each, they would look at the third card, if they both have 2
pigs and a horse they would look at the 4th card and in the event of a total tie, the player in the
best position (closest) would win. of the hand). In any case, the number of kings and threes will
be looked at first, then horses, jacks... but for example a single king would beat three horses or a
horse would win 4 jacks. The next card is only looked at in case of a tie between the maximum
cards of each player.

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The Sotas in the Mus are called "Whores"

The Horses in the Mus are called "Jacos"

Second round of Mus Betting: GIRL.

Once the first round is over, the girl begins. The small one is completely the opposite of the
big one, here the lowest possible play will be valued . The cards are placed in ascending
order and the hand with the lowest first card wins , or if these are equal the lowest second
card, and so on. The aces and deuces (also called both “whistles”) will be counted first, and As
in the previous round, in the event of a tie in the number of “whistles” the rest of the cards will be
looked at. The saying "girl player losing mus" is well known since the girl round is exceptional in
the sense that if you have a very good play on girl it will normally mean that you have no game
and your pairs are made up of low cards, the whistles.

Card value from low to high: Ace and 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; jack; horse; king and 3.

The "Pitos", aces and 2's, are the lowest cards in the Mus

Third round of Mus Betting: PAIRS.

The third and fourth round of betting, the pairs, and the game, have the peculiarity that before
starting the bets, each player must say in the normal order (hand first, until dessert) if they have
pairs or game, and without being able to lie about it. Therefore, in the pairs you will say out loud
“YES pairs” or “I have pairs” or “I made pairs” if you have at least one pair and “NO pairs” or “no

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pairs” if you do not have pairs, that is, you have four different cards.

If no player, a single player, or only two of the same pair had pairs, it would move on to the next
round since there will be no bets by players from opposing pairs. However, if at least one player
of each pair, the 3, or the 4 players had pairs, there may be bets and only the players who said
YES to the pairs will bet on the pairs.
Pairs are games of two or more cards of equal rank. Remember that 3s and Kings are the
same and that Aces and 2s are also the same. That is, an ace and a 2 is considered a pair,
as is a king and a 3.

Among those who have pairs, the one with the best pairs will win. There are three types. In
ascending order they are:

• Simple Pair
Two cards of equal rank and two of different ranks (such as RSS-5 or 7-6-2-A). The hand with
the highest pair wins, and the other two cards are irrelevant even if the pairs are equal.
Therefore, between 7-7-4-3 and RC-7-7, the winner is the hand or the first player after the
counterclockwise hand .
• Socks
Three cards of equal rank and one card of different rank, such as RR-3-6. The hand with the
highest three-card set wins, and the rank of the fourth card is irrelevant.
• Doubles
Double pairs (2 pairs of cards of equal rank) or 4 equal cards. The 4 of a kind are considered a
double pair, that is, 4 horses, they are 2 pairs of horses, it has no special significance if the four
cards are of the same rank.
If more than one player has doubles , the highest pair is compared first, then the lowest pair.
Thus CC-5-5 beats SSSS because the Knight is greater than the Jack, and CC-5-5 beats CC-4-4
because the 5 beats the 4.

In the pairs round, the first thing to assess is the rank of pairs: any twos beat any halfs
and any halfs beat any single pair , regardless of the rank of the cards.
In the event that two rival players have the same type of pairs (pair, half or double), the
value of the cards that make up said pair will be taken into account according to the value
of the large cards (the one with the highest rank).
TIE PLAYS ) In case of a tie, the player who is closest to the hand wins. It is obvious that if the
hand ties with anyone it wins (it is unbeatable), however, the dessert will always be won in case
of a tie. Therefore, hand position will be essential since it is very common to face two identical

Fourth round of Mus Bet: GAME.

In the same way as in the previous round of pairs, the players must say and without lying if they

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have a game or not before starting the betting round. To have a game, the sum of your card
values must be between 31 and 40. If it is 30 or less, you have no game.

The cards will be counted as follows: the face cards (jack, knight and king and ey plus the
threes that are also kings) are worth 10 points, the whistles (the ace and the two) are
worth 1 point and the other cards will count their value, that is, the number you put on the

3, King, Knight, Jack ^ 10 points

7 > 7 points
6 ^ 6 points
5 > 5 points
4 ^ 4 points
As or 2 > 1 point

The play of 3 Pigs and 1 Pito is known as "Sirloin", it is the best play in the Mus, it sweeps
in Big, Pairs and Game, the only weak thing is the girl, but in the Mus it is called "winner
of girl loser of "mus"

If by adding the cards you get 31 points, you will have the best game, the second best game
score is 32, and from this it jumps to 40 and then in a decreasing direction 39, 38... until reaching
33, which is the worst game.

In this round there is a special case when none of the 4 players has a game. Instead, bet on the
best Point and the one closest to 30 will win. The Highest Point is a hand of 30 points, then in
descending order 29, 28, 27... and so on up to 4, which is the worst score.

TIE PLAYS ^ In case of a tie, the player closest to the hand wins. It is obvious that if the hand
ties with anyone it wins (it is unbeatable), however, the dessert will always be won in case of a
tie. Therefore, hand position will be essential since it is very common to face two identical

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End of the game: the Score (the count of points in the Mus)

When the last round of betting (on the Game or the Point) is over, the
players will show their cards and the score will begin. Again this is
done in the same order Big, Small, Pairs, Set. The order in which the
points are counted is important because it is possible that the match
will be won by a side that reaches 40 points at some point in the
counting process, since the pair that first reaches 40 counting by
count will ALWAYS win the game. this order .

SHOW THE CARDS 7 Only the cards necessary to determine the winner will be shown.

TIE PLAYS ^ In case of a tie, the player closest to the hand wins. It is obvious that if the hand
ties with anyone it wins (it is unbeatable), however, the dessert will always be won in case of a
tie. Therefore, hand position will be essential since it is very common to face two identical

Scoring the Big and the Small

• If the betting round is over and there have been unmatched bets (some side has
withdrawn from the corresponding betting round) there is nothing to score, the winners
are the side that has bet and they have already taken their bet stones, (even if the
withdrawn side has a better card play, there are no points for this, since they have
granted their rights to win to the opposing side for not following the bet).

• If the betting round is over and everyone passed, the side with the best play (big or small)
wins a stone, the “why not” amount. In the case of a large round, the highest hand will
score 1 “big in step” point, and in the case of a small round, the lowest hand will score 1
“small in step” point.

• If the betting round is over and there have been bets (bets) and the other side has called,
then the hands are compared to see which individual player has the best combination of
that type, and which team wins the amount of stones bet.

Example for the Large : A ( hand ) has 7-7-2-A; B has 3-3-S-2; C has RRSA; D has C- CC-6.
Then B's hand is the best (B and C have matching cards, but B is first in the playing order), then
B and D win the Big bet.

Scoring Pairs

When counting “pairs” and “game” points, things change a little for two reasons: 1) on the one
hand, there are not always pairs or games.
2) In the “pairs” and “game” rounds, the simple fact of having a play will report extra points in
the points count to the pair that wins the round either by having made their rivals pass, or in the
case of a bet. tied for having the best play. In “pairs” it may be the case that no one has pairs, in
which case no one will score anything.

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• If one side folded in the betting round, then the side that made the final bet or raised it
automatically wins, even if its Pairs are not as good as those of the folded side. The
winning side wins the stones staked, PLUS the value of each member of the pair's pairs,
and the loser receives nothing for any pairs they may have.

• If the betting round ended with one side accepting a bet, then the cards are shown to see
which individual player has the best Pairs. The winning pair wins the amount of stones
bet, PLUS the value of each member of the pair's pairs, and the loser receives nothing for
any pairs they may have.

• If there were no bets, the hands are shown and compared and the side with better pairs is
the winner. Score only for the Pairs each member of the pair has, and the loser receives
nothing for any pairs they may have. Of course if no one has Pairs then no one

The value of the pairs will be the following:

• Each Simple Pair > 1 stone

• Each Pair Stockings > 2 stones
• Each Duple Pair ^ 3stones

Using the same examplethat before: A ( hand ) has 7-7-2-A; B has 3-3-S-2; C has RR-
SA; D has CCC-6. A's hand is the best ( dubles ), then A and C score for A's doubles and C's
single pair . Assuming A and C have bet 4 and B and D have called then A and C win a total of 8
stones (3 + 1 + 4). Alternatively if A and C bet 4, B and D raise by 6 making 10, and A and C
fold, B and D could now win 3 stones (for B's single pair and halfs ) from D in addition to the 4
who won in the betting round when A and C left.

Scoring the Game or the Point

• If one side leaves during betting, then the other side has already won, and has already
taken its stones. In addition to this, if the bet was on the Game , both members of the
winning team add the appropriate amount of stones for the Games they have in their
hands: 3 points for 31, 2 points for any other Game . If the bet was on the Point ,
the couple who bet will receive 2 stones, “point and fear”: one point and one fear
stone, for winning the Point . The losing side does not score anything.

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• If the betting round ended with one side accepting a bet, then the hands are compared to
see which player has the best cards. The winning side takes the points bet and in
addition to this, if the bet was on the Game , both members of the winning team add the
appropriate amount of stones for the Games they have in their hands: 3 points for 31, 2
points for any another game . If the bet was on the Point , they take 1 additional stone
for winning the Point . The losing side does not score anything.

• If there were no bets but at least one player has a Game , then the team of the player
with the best Game scores for this and for his partner's Game if he had: 3 points for 31,
2 points for any other Game . If no one has Game , then the team of the player with the
best Point takes 1 point.

Once the points have been counted, if no one has reached forty, another trick will be started. If a
couple has reached 40 by trial, they say “we are out”, the markers will be reset to zero and a new
game will start. If a couple had less than 5 stones left to finish, they would put all their moorings
in the center saying “we are in.” If only one mooring was missing, they would put all the stones in
the middle, leaving them “lacking one.”

In the mus, the points are marked by each couple for themselves. In the mus there is a
maximum of trust, whereby you trust in the good faith of the rival pair in the accounting of the
points. The scores marked with cheating are known in the language of the mus as so many “for

The Signs of the Mus

Mus is a game that is normally played in pairs, collectively. In mus you cannot show the cards to
your partner without also showing them to your rivals. In the mus you will not be able to
communicate your letters to your partner using signs that only you know. Therefore, if you want
your partner to know your cards, the only way to convey it to them is through the commonly
accepted mus signs listed below:
• Two pigs : biting the lower lip.
• Two whistles: stick out the tip of your
• Three whistles: stick your tongue out
from the side.
• Three pigs: biting the side of the lower
• Stockings : twisting the mouth to one
side with the mouth closed.
• Duples : raise eyebrows.
• I play with thirty-one: wink.
• Sirloin (three pigs and a whistle): kiss
without sound.
• Blind (I'm not wearing anything): close your eyes.
• Thirty to the point: raise both shoulders.
The previous list includes the most common signs . Depending on the place where you play,
these signs may or may not be used and we may even find that some of them are prohibited.
Mus rules may vary from place to place . In fact, in some places speaking is prohibited and
everything is done using signs. And in others, on the contrary, all signs are prohibited and
speaking is allowed.

Common to all places and as a general rule, is that in the mus you cannot lie in a sign. That is,
you will not be able to use signs to deceive or mislead . It is also common as a general rule
that if a rival catches you making a sign and asks you if you made such a sign, you are
obliged to tell him yes or no , and always with the truth.
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The signs in the mus are used to communicate the cards to your partner, so you will try to pass
the messages when the opponent is not vigilant. In this way, your partner, knowing what you
have, will be able to adapt his strategy taking into account your cards to confuse his rivals.
In mus, it is very important to pass signs so that the team game is more complex, but if they
catch a sign it will ruin the play , and especially if they catch you doing the blind sign (not
carrying anything) since they can be take advantage of that and destroy you.

Basic Mus Tips

In the following article we have collected some tips to help you play. If we have said that
communication with your partner in the mus is essential, you must also jointly monitor your
rivals, each of you will monitor a rival to try to intercept possible signals. Therefore, as a first
piece of advice, you should try to read the moves , where their strength is and where you can
catch possible bluffs from them.

In general, in mus you play almost more with your opponent's cards than with your own, just as
in Poker bluffing is the order of the day. Another tip is that you should try to bluff and not just
play good cards since you will rarely win that way since you will depend too much on luck.
Another tip is that you should also know how to back off if you are caught by bluffs . And
almost more importantly, be alert in case you yourself can catch one of those bluffs. Antonio
Mingote, academic and author of a famous book on mus, says: “He who plays mus with a frown,
his wife makes him a cuckold.”
A kind of bluff will also be known as giving yourself “black mus” . The best known black
mus is hand mus with 31. It is the least your opponent will expect, since a 31 hand is invincible
unless you play with the real one, which is almost impossible. Another typical “black mus” is to
mus with 3 kings, since you will try to take 31 or 4 kings or at least another figure, and in any
case if they cut your mus you will be able to hit the big one and perhaps the pairs or at least
simply see.

Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation in which the rival pair has few points left to
win the game and you are far behind . It will be said that you will have to “row” to reach them.
To achieve this objective and ensure that your rivals “do not go out” (reach 40 points or more), it
will be more than advisable to avoid simple bets, especially if you are not sure of winning them. It
will be preferable to bet on the órdagos, since in any case the órdagos give the game to whoever
wins it, regardless of the points you have. So if one pair is short of a few cards and another is
short of many cards, the pair that is behind will use the resource of the order. In any case the
couple with few points left will rarely see a split unless they are very sure, and even then they
may lose.
Our advice in the case of being very behind in cards and your rivals have very few cards left, is
that you should not concede more unless you have no pairs or game and your rivals have
already spoken and throw everything or almost everything into question. . If you let them
give themselves more, each discard will work against you since they will perfect the plays and
they will be able to take some points, especially if they are a hand and take 31 for example.

All this and many more techniques, you will learn as you play. And especially if you like the
game, do not hesitate to watch a good game, since you will learn many things that cannot be
explained in words. Although be careful not to comment on the

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plays, since you will be able to suffer the reproaches of the players who will possibly say to you:
“The onlookers are made of stone, they keep quiet and give tobacco.”

Variations of the MUS

) Mus with four kings and four aces

In Navarra, La Rioja, and some areas of the Basque Country, Mus is played in its original form
with four kings and four aces. In this game threes and twos count as such, not as kings and
aces. The order of the cards is RCS 7 6 5 4 3 2 A. In Game or Point , three are worth 3 points
and two are worth 2 points.

Since there are few good cards in the deck, winning the match does not depend as much on
making an unbeatable hand and there are more opportunities to lie. In this version the signal of
closing both eyes (the blind one) to indicate bad cards is generally not recognized.

• Real Game

Some players recognize a special combination called the Royal Game , which is worth 31 points
consisting of three sevens and a 10-point card. This beats an ordinary 31-point Game , and is
the only way to beat a 31-point Game that has the Hand . It must be agreed whether to play this
variation or not before starting to play, otherwise there would be big arguments later.

For some players, the 10-point card in a Royal Game should be the Page of Pentacles. This of
course makes it very unlikely. There are other variations, for example, that the Royal Game
consists of sevens of three suits and the Jack of the fourth suit. The Royal Game is worth 3
points, the same as any other Game .

> Mus Seen

If it happens that during the deal a card is exposed, this is called "mus seen" . It can be agreed
in this case that all players have an opportunity to discard any number of cards and receive the
replacement, without the need for each one to agree by saying "Mus" . In the case of mus seen ,
you are not required to discard any cards - you can keep your hand if you want. After everyone
has their chance to change cards, the game continues with a normal round and you can say
"Mus" or "No mus" .

- Replacement of Cards 4-5-6-7

A hand consisting of 4-5-6-7 is one of the worst combinations you can receive. In this variation, a
player who receives those cards as a starting hand can immediately expose them and is dealt
four new cards in replacement. This can be done before the Mus.

The poker deck

While the Spanish deck is made up of 48 cards, the so-called “French” deck has 52 cards. And
we say the call, because the truth is that, despite that Spanish terminology, the poker deck is
much more Anglo-Saxon than French. It is played with in France, of course, and for a long time.

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But it has been played more in England, and for even longer. Then, it went to the United States,
and that is why many also call it "American deck." That it is Anglo-Saxon is clearly stated in
some of its letters: specifically J, Q and K. These acronyms correspond to the English words
Jockey (rider or knight), Queen (queen) and King (King). As for the A in "ace", it also
corresponds to the English word "ace".
We insist from the beginning that the game of poker is not at all a game of chance, since it
involves both the strategy and the skills of the player himself, although it is always obvious that it
will be decisive whether one manages to make a great play. But even in that case, the lucky
player may not win anything, if he has not been able to play his chances skillfully and skillfully.
And, on the contrary, a bad play can make its owner win if he masters the strategy well and,
above all, knows how to fake it in front of his opponents.
The rules of the different variants of poker games
Once we read the different poker games we will see that the fundamentals are the same for all
versions: dealing cards, betting round and showing the best hand (either high or low, depending
on the variant). Something in common in all variants of Poker is to bet (bet) in each betting
round. This means that before a player can show his hand and win the pot (if he has the best
hand), he must match the bets of the other players. The number of betting rounds for each hand
is different in different poker variants. But leaving aside the different variants, the individual
betting rounds follow more or less the same pattern
The objective of the game is always the same: the player wants to win the common pot by
obtaining the winning combination of cards or by forcing the other players to leave the game,
which can be achieved by following a special betting strategy and bluffing. .
When we talk about poker we are actually referring not to one, but to a large family of card and
betting games that are classified according to a series of related variants. These characteristics
that differentiate some games from others have to do with the way in which a poker game
behaves according to the following aspects:

1. The amount and way in which the cards are dealt to each player: open or discard
In relation to the way in which cards are dealt during a game, poker is divided into three main
types of games:
• draw poker games
In draw poker, each player receives a complete hand of five hidden cards from the dealer,
which he can discard during the different betting rounds in order to improve his play. This
category is considered the original form of the game from which all other variants have been
developed. Under this modality we will group games such as Five Card Draw, or Triple Draw
• stud poker games
Each player is dealt a combination of hidden cards (closed) and visible cards (open) from
the dealer during all available betting rounds. This variety is also known as open poker, since a
part of the cards that make up our hand will always be visible to the rest of the players. Some
examples of this group are Five Card Stud and Seven Card Stud.

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• holdem poker games
Holdem poker or community card poker, more than a group in itself, is actually a variant of stud
poker games. In this case, each player will receive an incomplete hand (less than five cards),
and using a certain number of community cards (visible on the table and common to all players)
will try to form their play. Within this group are games such as Texas Holdem or Omaha.

2. The structure of your bets: Games with or without limit.

As we have said, another way to distinguish one variant of poker from another is the structure of
its bets. According to this classification, the game is divided into games with limit, no limit, with
pot limit, etc.

3. The value of the plays: Games to the highest or lowest card.

And finally, the last order parameter is based on the value of the moves that will determine the
winner of the game. Although at first glance these rules may be somewhat confusing, in reality it
is a totally logical classification, and you only have to pay attention to the name of each game to
know which category we fall into (and therefore know which rules we have to continue).

Example: A Seven Card Stud High/Low Pot Limit poker game is a game in which just by
looking at the name we already know that: we will play with seven cards (seven card), some
cards will be visible and others will be hidden from the table. (stud), the pot will be divided
equally between the highest and lowest value hand on the table (high/low) and the maximum
betting limit in each round will be determined by the amount of money in the pot ( pot limit).
But, although all these rules may differ from each other in the details (the value of the hands,
number of cards played, number of rounds, types of bets...), poker games share the same logic,
some basic concepts. and some general theories that apply to all its variants equally.

The game of poker consists of several rounds, each of which begins with the distribution of new
cards: to the players or community. Right after the deal, the player evaluates the cards he has
been dealt and continues betting or abandons the game by throwing away the cards.
In poker there are the following types of bets:
• Initial bet: Players have to make this initial bet to start the pot and start the dealing of
cards. There are two types of initial bets: BEFORE or BLIND.
• Bet on the course of the game. They are done after each deal of cards. The player
examines his cards, evaluates the cards he has been dealt and continues betting or
abandons the game by throwing away the cards.
• Bet everything, “all-in”. During a betting round, the player goes all-in and bets all the
money he has left (this possibility exists only in no-limit types of poker).
The actions after the distribution of cards in each round are as follows:
• CHECK - If there is no bet in the current betting round, the player may check. Passing or
holding means not betting anything and passing the turn to the player on your left. That a
player passes does not make him lose the right to the pot, only the current right to bet (he
agrees with the current bet). If during a betting round all active players pass, the round will
be considered completed and you will move on to the next round. However, if a player has

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bet before you in this betting round, they will not be able to reserve. You can always
check, but if you want to play for the pot, you will have to call the bet or increase it.
• BET (BET) - If there has not been a bet in the current betting round, the player can bet. If
a player bets, the player immediately to the left of him (and all following players) may fold
the cards (fold), call the bet (call), or raise the bet (call and raise). Placing a bet forces
players to fold or call to continue playing.
• FOLD - The act of folding or folding the cards causes all rights to the current pot to be
lost. A player who folds the cards loses all money wagered up to the current round. They
fold because they think they have a worse hand than another player.
• CALL - If there has been a bet in the current round, a player may call that bet to continue
playing. It is matched by placing a bet the same amount as the previous bet before yours.
It is equalized because it is thought that we have a chance of winning the current hand.
• RAISE - If there has been a bet in the current betting round, the player can raise that bet.
It is increased by making a bet greater than the bet before yours. The act of raising the
bet requires the player to match the current bet and then make a higher bet. All
subsequent players will have to “call” the raise or “call and raise” the bet again in order to
continue fighting for the pot and contribute equally. It is called and raised because it is
thought that we have a chance of winning the current hand.
The first round of betting: Before and blinds.
The first betting round is a little more complicated than the typical consecutive betting rounds
described above. There are 2 variants of mandatory initial bets before the deal of cards: Blinds
and Before (forced)
1) Ante : An "ante" is a forced bet in which all players must put money before the cards are
dealt. It usually amounts to an amount around 10% of the small bet. Once the cards are
dealt, it is decided which player starts betting based on the rules of the specific variant.
When the first player has bet, the betting turn circulates to the left of the table just like the
typical betting round described above.
2) Blinds : A blind bet is a mandatory bet in which some, but not all players have to put up
money before the cards are dealt. Normally, it is the two players to the left of the dealer
who have to make a blind bet. Usually the first player must make a smaller bet, called the
small blind bet, while the second player must make a larger bet, called the big blind bet
Blind bets, unlike before, are considered live bets, they count as valid bets in the first round of
betting. The big blind is always double the small blind and when we are in that position we have
to pay what is stipulated, whether we have a good game or not. Obviously the position changes
each hand and thus, once per turn, all players have to face that amount that goes directly to the
pot on the table.
Once the cards have been dealt, the first round of betting begins by the player to the left of the
big blind bet. Since the big blind counts as a bet, this player cannot reserve. You can always
check, but if you want to play for the pot you must call or raise.
To call, you must place a bet of the same amount as the big blind. To raise, you must place a bet
higher than this (at least twice the amount of the big blind). The bet is then moved to the left of
the table, much like the typical betting round described above.
Small blind
If you are in the small blind position on your betting turn, you can fold, call or raise. Because the
small blind counts as a bet, it is a little cheaper to call. If, for example, the small blind is $1, to

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call a bet of $4 you will need to put in another $3. Calling means matching the last bet, and since
blind bets are placed live, you can include your small blind when calculating the amount needed
to call.
Big blind
If you are in the big blind position on your betting turn, you can still fold, call, or raise. Since the
big blind also counts as a bet, it's now even cheaper to call. To call a bet, you will need to put in
an amount equal to that bet minus the big blind amount.
If, for example, the big blind is $2 and a player has bet $4, you call by simply putting in another

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Reserve yourself in the large "blind"
If you are in the position of the big blind, the first round of betting is something special. When it is
your turn to bet, if no player has increased their big blind, you will have the right to reserve or
bet. This is a little different from the typical betting round, and can be a little confusing for the
poker beginner. But don't worry, you'll pick up the pace in no time!

Once all players have paid the ante or the players in the blind positions have made their
payment, the dealer deals cards to all players clockwise and starting from their left.
In each betting round, the bets placed are added to the common pot and continue until all
players have called the bets placed or have folded (if no bets are placed, the round is
completed once all players have passed). When the betting round ends, the next round of
dealing or betting begins, or the hand is completed.

Winner of every poker hand.

1. If the last bet or raise of the betting round is called, a “showdown” or final
confrontation occurs: the one who has the hand with the best ranking once all the cards
are shown is the winner. At this moment the winner of the common pot is determined, since
the players show their hands in a specific order, and the player whose combination of cards
is the best wins. At the end of the hand, active losing players have the option of Do not
show losing hand: players whose hands cannot defeat the best hand shown so far can
choose whether to show or not show their cards (they throw the cards face down).

2. If the last bet or raise of the betting round is NOT called, there is a winner, the one who
raised it (so there is no "showdown"). This can happen when a player bets or raises and
no active player calls that bet (in other words, all players fold the cards). In this case, the
player who has bet or raised takes the entire common pot, and has the option of Do not
show winning hand: if there is only one player left in the hand after the showdown, they can
choose whether to show or not show their cards.
In poker games in casinos, a part of the pot goes to the house as “payment for services”
provided for the development of the game.
• Recount or Showdown (show the hands of each active player)
When all players have folded or added an equal bet amount to the pot, the betting round is over.
Then, the next card(s) will be dealt. Or, in the case of the last round of betting, the remaining
hands are shown to see who wins the pot. This is called a count: more than one player remains
in the game when the last round of betting ends. This means that ANTONIO HUESCAR > Page 142 of
The remaining players will have to show their cards to decide who has the best hand. The count
begins with the first player who put money on the last bet, that is, the player who made the last
bet that the rest of the players saw.

• If one player bets $5, another player checks, and another player calls, the first player must
show his cards first.
• If a player bets $10, a second player raises to $20 and the first player sees the raise, it is
the second player who must show his cards first, since he was the first player to bet $20.

> Don't show when you lose > In a count, when a player in front of you has shown a hand
that beats yours, you are not required to show your hand.

> Win without showing your hand > If you make a bet or raise and the rest of the players
check, you will win the pot without having to show your hand. This is common in poker,
and the reason why bluffing can occur in this game. You will not have to show a winning
hand to win the pot. Bluffing is not as common as people think, but it is still an inherent
practice in the game of poker.

Limits in Poker
Certain poker limits are used more in some types of poker games than others.

> NO LIMIT Poker

The predominant form of Texas Holdem poker is NL Texas Holdem (Texas Holdem No Limit),
and it is the one used in most important tournaments and other current games.
No Limit poker consists of the ability to bet or raise the bet with any amount up to the total
number of cards in your stack (all-in) at any time during the game. What seen in another way
does constitute a certain limit, your stack being that limit, since it is prohibited to bet anything that
is outside this stack, be it extra money or personal items like in the movies.
The minimum initial bet in No Limit poker to enter to play a hand will normally be the amount
referred to by the big blind, and raises must normally at least double the previous bet, but players
may bet their entire stack at any time. . The highest bet, that is, the maximum raise that a player
can make will be his entire stack, this is known as “all-in”, which could be translated as “all in”.
If in a hand a player is interested in betting, but does not have enough cards to match the
player's bet, he or she can go “all-in” (bet all the cards he has left) and a parallel pot will be
created for If the player who went “all-in” wins, he will take the portion of the pot that he was able
to cover with his bet.
Note: There are also Mixed Texas Holdem poker game modes in which limit and no-limit rounds
will alternate. There are also “mixed games” in which different types of poker alternate, combined
with different modalities. (Ex. HORSE:. Texas Hold'em; Omaha; Razz; seven card Stud; and
seven card stud Eight or better).
This is a No-Limit game involving three players (players A, B, and C) in the hand. Player A has

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$300, Player B has $200, and Player C has $100. Player C puts in all of them and bets $100,
player B calls and has to put in $100 of his total $200, player A decides to raise by putting in all
of them and bets his $300 so player B decides to go and put in his last $100.
In a situation like this, a parallel boat is created. The main pot will contain what player C can win
($100 from C + $100 from B + $100 from A = $300) and the side pot will contain ($100 from B +
$100 from A = $200 ). In this way, player A will recover $100.
When the cards are revealed, if player C has the best hand he will win the main pot ($300).
Player A or Player B will win the side pot ($200), depending on who has the best hand. If player
A or B had the best hand of all, that player would win both the main and side pot ($300 + $200 =
> LIMIT or fixed limit poker
This type of poker is usually played at CASH tables in some casinos. And it is more common to
find Omaha LIMIT tables than Holdem LIMIT. The LIMIT poker modality is characterized by
having the bets set in advance. This means that you can only bet according to the limit set,
usually by the blinds.
In the phases before and during the flop, the bets placed must be equal to the big blind. In the
case of Turn and River, all bets must double their value. To explain the bets in Texas Holdem
LIMIT poker, we will divide the betting rounds into two groups (We will use an example of a $1/$2

Thus, in the preflop and flop rounds you can only bet the sum of the big blind, this bet is called
“small bet” (BEWARE! Not to be confused with small blind which means “small blind), and the
number of raises in each round is limited to 3 or 4 (bet, raise, reraise and cap). Thus, in the
example the big blind is $2: the hypothetical bet will be $2, the raise would be another $2, the
reraise another $2, with the cap of $2, ($2 bet +$2 raise +$2 reraise +$2 CAP) . After the cap, the
raises are closed, the other players will no longer be able to continue raising, and will have the
option of calling or just folding.
Therefore, in the preflop and flop, the amount to bet on each bet, raise or re-raise may be greater
than the big blind and in the last two rounds, the turn and the river, only the sum of double the
amount can be bet. big blind (“big bet”). In these rounds there will also be a maximum of 4
climbs. That is, the same 4 consecutive bets as in the previous two rounds (bet, raise, reraise
and cap), but this time each bet is the sum of double the big blind, in the example it would be: the
bet would be $4, the another $4 raise, another $4 reraise, with another $4 cap, ($4 bet +$4 raise
+$4 reraise +$4 CAP).
Therefore, at a table with blinds of $1 / $2 you can bet $2 in the first two preflop and flop rounds
and $4 in the last two turn and river rounds.
So, for example, in the final two rounds, if a player bets, it will be $4, the next player can call or
raise another $4, the next player can call $8 or raise another $4, the next player can call $12 or
raise up to $16, but this will be the limit or cap and from here on the other players present will
only be able to fold or match the $16 bet.
In short, the pot can be increased up to $8 ($2 bet +$2 raise +$2 reraise +$2 CAP) for each
player in the first two rounds, and up to $16 ($4 bet +$4 raise +$4 reraise +$4 CAP) in the two
In this way, in limit Texas, up to four bets are allowed for each player in each betting round.
These include a bet, a raise, a re-raise and a final raise.
In this type of game you obviously won't lose all your money in one hand as could happen in No-
Limit, nor will you be able to double your money at once. But that doesn't make it easier to play.
The strategy will be different, in short it is a different game. In this type of poker, mathematical
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knowledge will be of vital importance and the psychological factor will lose importance compared
to the No Limit modality.

• Small bet : This is the maximum starting bet for Limit Poker games. This “small bet” will be
used in the first two betting rounds (Preflop and Flop).
• Big Bet : It is the largest bet of the two fixed bets. This “big bet” will be used in the last two
betting rounds (Turn and River), which will considerably increase the pot. This “big bet”
usually corresponds to double the initial bet or “small bet”.
• CAP : it is the fact by which the betting round is closed. The possibility of raising the bet is
closed. From this “cap”, the other players still in the hand will only be able to match the bet. It
is the most objective representation of the Limit mode, that is, it represents the betting limit for
each round. The possibility of raises will be closed when there is a bet, a raise and a re-raise.


Pot Limit poker is for me the most complicated and complex form of poker. This modality is very
similar to no-limit poker. In Texas Holdem Pot Limit poker the minimum bet has to be equal to the
big blind and you can bet at any time up to the size of the pot.

As in the Limit mode, the bets will be limited. However, in this modality the fixed amount of bets is
determined by the size of the pot at the time of the player's bet. ………This fact must be clarified,
since in the event that there is a previous bet and a possible raise, that raise will have to be
added to the total pot, and that total pot will be the maximum possible of the hypothetical raise,
that is, The maximum bet that players can bet will be any amount that is between the big blind
bet and the total sum of the central pot. The central pot will include all of the bets made up to that
point in the hand. The minimum raise must be at least one bet, equal to the bet or raise from the
previous round.
Thus, if, for example, there is a pot of $25 and a player bets the maximum ($25), the pot will
already be $50, plus the $25 you need to see his bet and the total pot will be $75. This sum will
be the maximum you can raise. So in this case, if you want to reraise the maximum (or “raise the
pot” or “potting”), you will have to put in $100 ($75 of the maximum reraise plus the $25 to call
your bet). So in this case the raise will be between $50 and $100 as the minimum rise is
necessarily equal to the previous one.
In this mode, unlike the Fixed limit mode, there is no “cap” on the number of raises allowed, with
all-in being the only limit.

The difficulty of playing Texas Holdem Pot Limit poker decreases when you play online since the
limits are automatically detailed by the software, you don't have to be calculating what the limits
are to place bets.
When playing Texas Holdem Pot Limit poker you have to be careful and not be fooled by
appearances, although this modality seems safer than No Limit, it is not since the pot increases
very quickly and rarely in the late rounds of pot-limit betting you will not have the chance to go all-
in. The only difference in that regard is that you usually won't be able to go all-in in the early
Pot Limit poker seems like an intermediate form between Limit and No-limit. However, it is

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located much closer to that of No-Limit since the bets in No-Limit do not usually reach the value
of the Pot.

The game is Pot-Limit Texas Hold'em or Pot-Limit Omaha (the two games are identical in terms
of betting procedures) with bets between $1 and $2. In Pot-Limit Texas Hold'em or Pot-Limit
Omaha with bets between $1 and $2 the small blind bet is $1 and the big blind bet is $2. The first
player can either raise the $2 minimum (making it take $4 to call), raise the pot, or raise any
amount between the minimum raise and the pot raise. A pot raise would be $7 (small blind ($1) +
big blind ($2) + call ($2) = $5. The pot raise will then be $5 more, so the call ($2) + plus the raise
($5) makes $7 necessary). If the next player decides to raise the pot, they can raise it up to $24
(small blind ($1) + big blind ($2) + $7 raise + call ($7) = $17. Raising the pot again makes it
another $17, so the call ($7) + the new raise ($17) makes it take $24 to call).

Pot-Limit and No-Limit table funds

Nowadays table backgrounds are used in almost all poker games. It provides protection so that
the player can play with any amount in front of him. This implies that if two players involved in a
hand have one $100 and the other $50, the player with $100 can bet, at most, $50 (and
consequently can only lose $50 on that hand), or in other words Otherwise, everyone can bet.

The maximum bet in Poker: ALL-IN

The All-in in Poker is the maximum bet. It consists of betting all your cards , the rest of your
stack, in a single bet . The All-in is therefore the greatest exponent of No Limit Texas
Hold'em Poker . This unlimited Texas Holdem mode therefore means that any bet can be of any
amount, with the only limit being your stack of cards. So, if you decide to bet everything you will
be “All-in”.

In a poker tournament, if you are all-in it means that you are running the risk of being eliminated
if someone calls your bet, because if you lose you are left with zero stack.

There are two ways to go all-in:

• You decide to bet all your cards. You are putting all your cards in, in the inner area of
the table where the bets are placed.
• Another player makes a bet equal to or greater than your stack of cards . In the
event that a rival bet is greater than your remaining number of cards, if you decided to call
it, you would play for the rest of the cards you have left. For example, if there was a bet of
500 and we only had 300 more, in any case we would only be playing for 300. The other
200 would go to another parallel pot for which you would no longer play (you have not
been able to match it), those who matched the amount would play for it. And if there were
no more players, the player who bet first would recover the remaining 200 cards.

(The stack is the amount of chips - money in the case of a cash game - that we have on the

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As we have said, you can go all-in at any time in a “no limit” game, in any betting round and in
any betting phase no matter what cards you have. If you have fewer cards than the other players
and more than one rival signs up in the same play, parallel pots will be formed, that is, you will
play for a pot up to the total of your cards, and from there the rest of the players present will fight.
between them in a parallel boat for which, in any case, you will not be involved.
We can say that the resource of this maximum bet is an exceptional resource, in which you will
be risking everything. Although on the other hand it is a very strong bet that will allow you to
make a great show of strength in order to intimidate your rivals.


The kickers are the cards that do not belong to your play but that complete your hand of five
cards, the highest value card that does not belong to our play will be the first kicker. We compare
the kickers when there is a tie at the showdown to determine the winner.
Taking into account that a Poker play consists of five cards, the rest of the cards that we do not
use for our play until we reach five cards would be our kickers, although normally we only use
one kicker.
Kickers do not belong to any combination of cards, but they complete them. Naturally, there are
only kickers in hands with combinations of less than five cards, if we have a tie with two pairs of
the same value, the one with the fifth highest card, that is, the highest kicker will win the hand.
The kicker decides who wins the hand in case of a tie.

If two players have the same play, the kicker or kickers would come into play. Normally one is
Let's give an example: Player 1 has AQ and player 2 has AK, on the table we have AJ 3 6 9.
Assuming that both players have a pair of aces, player 2 would win by having the kicker king,
while player 1 has the kicker queen.

It is usually common for a kicker to be shared, this happens when the card on the higher table
that does not complete the play is greater than the players' kicker, let's see an example: Player 1
has KQ and player 2 has QJ, on the table we have QA 6 8 3. Both players have a pair of queens
and have the board's ace as their kicker, but player 1 would win by having A+K as kickers while
player 2 has A+J as kickers.

Let's remember that a complete Poker hand consists of five cards, therefore a pair would have 3
kickers, a trio would have 2 kickers and a Poker would only have one kiker.
A specific case that is often misleading is the case of color. Let's give an example: player 1 has
97 spades and player 2 has 2J spades. On the table we have Ap Kp Qp 7c 4c. Both players have
a flush to the Ace, but if we analyze both hands in depth, player 2 would win, player one has a
flush to Ace, K, Q, 9 and 7 while player two has a flush to Ace, K, Q, J and 2. Both players would
have a flush to the ace with kickers K and Q, but on the fourth card of the flush player 2 has a J
and player 1 only a 9.


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Hands are always formed with 5 cards in all poker variants, although depending on the
variety of poker, it is played with more cards (community and/or individual for each
player) . The most important part of any type of poker is the combination of cards: the player who
has the winning combination wins, this means that depending on the type of poker it can be the
highest or lowest combination. The standard high poker combinations are as follows (from
highest to lowest):

1. Royal Flush or Imperial Flower (royal flush). It is a straight flush in its highest value, that
is, 5 cards of the same suit in consecutive order, from 10 to Ace. It is the strongest
combination in poker.

2. Straight flush (straight flush). Combination of 5 consecutive cards of the same suit (for
example, two, three, four, five and six of hearts). If two or more players have a straight
flush, the winner will be the one whose straight flush has the highest card.

3. Poker (quad or four of a kind). This is the combination that is made up of 4 cards of the
same value and a single card called a kicker . Depending on the value of the kicker, the
winner can be decided almost as soon as two players have the same poker. Aces poker is
the strongest of the Four of a Kind; 2-of-a-kind is the weakest.

4. Full House (or full boat). It is the combination of three cards of the same value and two
equal cards of another value (TRIO + PAIR): for example, three aces and two tens. If two
or more players have a full house in their hand, the player whose combination of three
cards is greater will win. For example, a full house
of three tens and two queens would beat a full house of three sevens and two aces.

5. Color (flush). They are 5 cards of the same suit (spades, hearts, diamonds or clubs) that
are not consecutive. If two or more players have made a flush, the combination with the
highest card will win. If the highest card of the color is the same in both players' hands, the
second highest cards will be compared and so on.

6. Staircase (straight). It is the combination of five consecutive cards, but of different suits.
In the event that two or more players have a straight, the player whose card is the highest
will win.

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7. Trio or Leg (three of a kind, trips or set ). It is the combination of three cards of equal
value (for example, three deuces) and any two other cards.

8. Double pairs or Double pair (two pair or Pocket). It is the combination of two pairs of
cards of the same value (for example, two queens, two threes and any fifth card (kicker). If
several players have two pairs, the winner is decided depending on who has the highest
card: for example, the combination of two queens and two sevens beats the combination
of two jacks and two tens. In the event that the pairs are identical, the winner will be the
one whose kicker value is higher.

9. Couple or Pair (one pair). It is the smallest of the combinations, and consists of two cards
of the same value along with any three cards. In case two players have the same pair, the
winner will be decided depending on the kickers. It is usually the case that the highest
value partner outperforms the lowest value partner. The pair of Aces is the strongest and
the pair of 2 is the weakest.

10. High card, No pair (Ace High, No pair) : the importance of poker cards goes from high to
low. The highest card is the Ace, then the king, the queen, the jack, the ten and so on, with
the lowest card being two. If in the last distribution of cards the remaining players have not
managed to put together a winning combination, the highest card will decide who is the
winner, with the player whose highest card being the winner winning.

Repoker : if you play poker with a wild card, it consists of having 5 cards of the same value, one
of them necessarily being the wild card. Therefore, “ poker ” is added to the traditional
combinations and depending on the agreement reached before starting the game, this
combination can be:
1. The biggest move that can be made, above Royal Flush.
2. It is placed above Poker and below Straight Flush.

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Keep in mind that the wild card replaces any card, so the probability of
forming other combinations increases. If it is played with two jokers, the one
with the highest number of cards wins, and there cannot be a tie. In the event
that 2 players have the same hand, the one with the fewest jokers wins; if the
tie continues, the one with the highest value cards wins.


The two most common lowball poker variants (in which the “worst” hand or lowest hand wins) are
Triple Draw poker and Razz poker. They are also used in games in which the traditional high and
low hand system is combined (Omaha Hi/Lo, Stud Hi/Lo, ...), where the pot is divided between
the best high hand and the best low hand.
Depending on the variant played, the lowest hand (and therefore the winning one) may follow
different rules. For example, aces can be used as a low card or not, and straights and flushes
can have value (and hurt the player) or not.
What does happen in all variants is that pairs (and other hands with several identical cards)
count, with any hand that does not have identical cards being better than the smallest pair.
• Ace-to-Five Low: The best possible hand, called the “wheel,” is 5-4-3-2-A. The aces
They are the lowest card, plus straights and flushes do not count. Games that follow this
pattern are California Lowball (also known as Ace-Five Lowball) and Razz, which is the
low version of 7Card Stud. In Omaha Hi-Lo (in the lower half of the pot) this ranking is also
• Ace-to-Six Low: The best possible hand in this variation is 6-4-3-2-A. The aces
They count as a low card, the difference with Ace-to-Five being the fact that straights and
flushes act as a value hand. It is also possible to find the Ace-to-Six called “6-4 Low”.
• Deuce-to-Seven Low: As explained above, the best possible hand is 2-7
(actually 7-2, 7-5-4-3-2) since aces are a high card, counting as a value hand for both a
straight and a flush. Also known as “7-5 Low” is the ranking variant used in 2-7 Triple
Draw Lowball and similar.
• Deuce-to-Six Low: The best possible hand is 6-5-4-3-2. Aces are high, while
that straights and flushes don't count. This form of gaming is really hard to find.
• Pot sharing rule (or split pot rule). If more than one player wins in poker, the common
pot is divided equally between the winners.
• Parallel boat rule . It applies when a player has run out of money and cannot continue
betting (for example, after a player has gone “all in”). In this case, a parallel pot is created
to which only the remaining players who can bet aspire.
• “Own money” rule (or stake rule). The player can place bets based only on the amount
of money he has placed on the table before starting the game. You can only increase the
stake between two players before the start of each round, it can never be done between
rounds (while playing).
• Number of cards in the winning combination: hands are always formed with 5 cards in
all poker variants, although depending on the variety of poker, it is played and formed with
a combination of different community and own cards.
• All players contribute identically to the pot: in each betting round to advance to the

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next, active players must match the highest bet to continue.
• The value of cards in the ranking of high hands in poker (win
that of
values decreasing from AS, maximum value of the game. Thus, the order in the
deck of cards
English or American is as follows: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

• Choice of the card dealer : before starting the game it is shuffled well he mallet
A card is dealt to each one, and the highest one will correspond to whoever has to deal
the game (the hand, the dealer). The cards that follow in value mark the order to the right
of the remaining players, with the player with the lowest card being on the left. In the event
of a tie, the suits are ordered hierarchically from lowest to highest as follows: Club,
Diamond, Heart and Spade.
• It is expressly prohibited:
> Play the common cards.
> The game in pairs or the connivance of the players: playing together and/or
agreeing to share the pot voluntarily.
> Buy, lend or add chips or money to your stock to increase it over the course of a
hand. It is also not allowed to keep chips from the rest.
> Make comments between players about the plays during the course of them. As
well as looking at other players' cards, even if you are not playing that turn.
• Positions at a poker table: hands to play according to our position at the table

Position is one of the most important concepts in poker. Depending on which site we are in, we
will develop one strategy or another.

The positions at a poker table are divided into 3 blocks:

• Early positions : Early positions are the first to speak. Since there is no one before us,
we have no idea about the strength of our adversaries' hands. That is why it is advisable
to play only

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• very strong hands in these positions. As a general rule, only “ Premium ” cards should be
played in these positions.

• Middle positions : Middle positions continue to be complicated to risk, but as we

approach the last positions they give us more possibilities to play more hands. In these
positions, we will generally play with the “ Premium ” and “ good card ” categories of cards.

• Late positions : Late positions are positions in which there are many options to play many
more hands. They are ideal for stealing blinds, for example. Generally, here we can play
with “ Premium ” cards, “ good cards ”, “ Potential ” cards, “ Small Pairs ” and “
Speculative ” cards.

Positions in poker rotate clockwise. In each hand we will advance one position to the left, as the
blinds advance. This means that
each turn we will occupy a
different position.


Hand selection is the most
common and easiest mistake made by beginner poker players. Often, these players bet with
hands that look good to them. But in reality they are not always as good as they seem and, in the
end, they end up losing a lot of chips. For this reason, we are going to identify different
categories of cards and see in which position on the table it is most convenient to play them.

When we receive our initial two letters, the private letters, these are usually of a certain category.
Let's now look at these 6 categories and what they consist of:

• The best cards, Premium calls

• The good cards
• The cards with Potential
• The Speculative
• The small couples
• The Trash hands

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We consider only
these 4 card
combinations as
Premium .


These are what we consider good cards

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We will call cards with potential those that are consecutive and of the same suit. With cards of
this type, however, we will avoid using those below 7.


We call them speculative because they are cards

that look good and seem strong, when in reality
they bring us many more losses than gains. Later
we will see how to play them.

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We consider small couples to be those

that range from a couple of 10 to a
couple of 2. As we gain poker
experience, pairs of 10, 9 and 8 will be
considered intermediate and will be
played in a certain way, which

We'll see later. CONCLUSION:


And finally, the Trash hands , which are all the ones we
haven't seen in the first 5 categories.

This probability confirms that, when we are in first

positions, we should only play cards from the “
Premium ” category, since 3 out of 10 times we
will be leaving too many players the possibility of
finding good cards. The more players behind us,
the greater the chance that they have better cards
than us.

Standard bets

IN THE PRE-FLOP When we receive our 2 cards in hand, the first round of betting begins,
and we are faced with 3 different situations:

• It's our turn to talk and no player has bet before. In this case we will have the option to
"open the pot". In situations like this, the standard bet is to multiply the big blind by 3 (x3
the bb).
Example: we are the first to bet and we make a standard raise: x3 the bb (big blind) = 50x3 =
150 .

• It's our turn to play and there are one or more players who have bet at the level of the big
blind (this type of bettor is called limpers ). Our standard bet, in this situation, is to multiply
the big blind (bb) by 3 and add a big blind for each player who has “limped” (x3 the bb +
1bb for each limper ).
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Example: a limper plays before us, showing us a certain weakness in his hand, since he has only
bet at the level of the big blind. Our standard raise is then: x3 la bb + 1bb = (3x2) + 2 = 8

• When it is our turn, a player has previously raised the big blind bet. If our hand allows it, we
can either call his bet and go see the flop, or re-raise it. If we choose the second option, our
standard re-raise in this situation is to multiply the previous raise by 3 .

ON THE FLOP: If we want to bet on the FLOP, generally the standard bet is between 1/2 pot
and 3/4 of the pot . It is a moderate and proportionate bet with respect to the pot. In
exceptional cases, such as when we want to protect a middle pair found on the flop, we can
bet at the height of the pot .

ON THE TURN: If we want to bet on the TURN, in order not to make a disproportionate bet in
relation to the pot, normally the standard bet is around 1/2 pot .

ON THE RIVER: If we want to bet on the RIVER, generally the standard bet is around 1/3 of
the pot .

• continuation bets

The continuation bet, in English called « continuation bet », « c-bet » or « cbet » is an action that, if
you have not used it yet, will completely revolutionize your way of playing on the Flop.
Indeed, the most common move that beginners have during the Flop is to bet, if they have a good
hand, and to check or fold if they have nothing good. Next we are going to see how to play our hand
against an opponent, even if the Flop does not improve our hand.

This is a bet that we are going to make on the Flop , after having raised during the Pre-Flop
and seeing that the common cards on the table have not improved our hand. EXAMPLE:

Our starting hand is A♥ K♠ . We raise Pre-Flop and a player pays us to go see a

FLOP : Q♥ 7♣ 4♦ . Then we can try to win the pot by making a bet, even if the Flop does not bring
us improvements. Our bet should be in proportion to what is in the pot, that is, between half and ¾
of that pot.

The reason why this move works is simply due to probability: the most common thing is that our
opponent finds a favorable Flop only 3 out of 10 times. Therefore, most of the time, he will not be
able to face our continuation bet. If that probability, instead of 3/10, were greater (for example, 7 out
of 10 times), it would mean that the 3 times that our bet was raised, we should minimize the losses
and not hesitate to withdraw from the hand in time.


• If we have been aggressive Pre-Flop, and our opponent has paid us only to go see a Flop,
then 100% of the time we will make a continuation bet.
• We will not make continuation bets if there are several players on the Flop and our hand has
not improved with the draw of the community cards.
• If they pay us the continuation bet on the Flop, we will go to see a Turn, and we will decide to

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bet again only if the board (cards common to all players) is interesting to us.
• The continuation bet works 7 out of 10 times. Therefore, we must know how to fold in time if
we see that the bets are following us and that our hand does not improve

• Five Card Draw poker (5-Card Draw)

It is the poker that everyone has played at some point in their life, and the one that we have seen in
countless Wild West movies, draw poker (covered poker or five-card closed poker) is normally the
one you start with to learn how to play. play poker It is the oldest variant of open poker and is still a
fun for many players who consider themselves traditional. Long before Texas Hold 'em became the
most popular style of poker in the world, 5-Card Draw was the game of choice for many players. 5-
Card Draw is a discard poker game, meaning players can choose to discard any of the five cards in
their starting hand and receive new cards. Just like in Hold 'em, the goal in 5-Card Draw is to
achieve the highest possible five-card hand.
Like flop-based games like Hold 'em, draw games have blinds (mandatory bets) to stimulate action
at the table. The small blind and big blind are assigned to the players. Once the blinds are posted,
the hand has begun. In a game of 5-Card Draw, five face cards are dealt to each player, starting
with the player to the left of the button. Once the cards are dealt, the first round of betting begins.
Starting with the player to the left of the big blind, each player has the option to fold (quit the game),
call the current bet (big blind), or raise. If no one raises, the player in the big blind has the option to
check, which means that player does not make a bet, but retains his hand.
The amount you can bet or raise is determined by the betting structure of the game you are playing:
• If the game is No Limit, you can bet all your cards at any time during the hand.
• If the game is Pot Limit, you can bet up to the current pot amount at any time during the
• If the game is Fixed Limit, you can bet in increments of a predetermined betting limit that
corresponds to the size of the blinds.
The Discard: Once the first round of betting is complete, all players remaining in the hand have
the option to discard any or all of their cards and receive new ones. Once all players have
discarded (as many cards as they want), new cards will be dealt from the deck and each player
will receive the same number of cards they discarded.
The last round of betting: After the discard cards are dealt, the last round of betting takes place,
starting with the first player to the left of the button. If no one has bet, you have the option to
check or place a betvvbbvchhfa. If you are placed with a bet, you have the option to fold, call, or
Showdown: In the final showdown the cards are shown and the player with the highest hand will
win the pot. If there is a tie for the best hand, the pot will be divided equally between the tied
Players do not show their cards at the same time. This operation is carried out in a specific
order, from the left to the right of the button. The first player's cards are obligatory to be shown. If
the next active player has a hand that is better than (or equal to) the one just shown, he shows
his cards. If you don't have a better hand, you have the choice: show your cards if you wish, or

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you can leave the game without showing the cards (muck). And so with all the players.
In the event that all but one player withdraws, or if one player raises his bet and the rest do not
follow, he is declared the winner and will win the pot. You have the option of being alone at the
table, showing your cards or not.

Shuffle the Cards: In discard games, more cards may be needed than those left in the
deck. When the original 52 cards in the deck have been dealt, the discarded cards may be
reshuffled to finish the discard round. The rules for shuffling the deck in discard games
are as follows:

• During a discard round, any cards remaining in the original deck are distributed to the
players in the order in which they were discarded.
• If there are not enough cards in the original deck to complete a discard round, reshuffling
will be necessary.
• For the first discard or for games with a single round of discard: the deck is shuffled using
first the cards of the players who have been removed from the hand, and then those of
the discards if necessary (to avoid that a player the same discard cards come up).
• For subsequent rounds of discards: the deck is shuffled using first the cards of the players
that have been removed from the hand along with those from the previous discards, and
then those from the current round's discard if necessary.

For example: In a 5-Card Draw game with six players in hand, each player is dealt five hole
cards, and a total of 22 cards remain in the original deck. A round of betting comes, and only
one player folds from the hand.
In the discard round, three players discard 5 cards each and the other two players discard four
cards each. This means that 23 cards will be needed to cover the discard, but only 22 cards
remain in the original deck.
In this case, the players who acted first in the discard round will receive the remaining cards
from the original deck, while the player who acted last will receive the remaining cards from the
original deck and one card after reshuffling. Please note that you may receive a card you
previously discarded again if the discard cards need to be shuffled.
Little summary:
• At the beginning all players put the same amount to start the game.
• When the rounds for trading cards are over, the betting round begins.
• The player who starts the round has 3 options: increase the bet, keep his bet or fold.
• Responding players have 3 options: call the bet, raise the bet or fold.
• All participating players must have bet the same, that is, if one player raises the bet, all
the others must at least match it to be able to continue playing (contributing the bet
(Bluff is a term used when a player bets big to make others believe they have a good hand,
when in reality they do not.)

5 Card Draw is probably the most classic and well-known variant of poker, being the king
of movies, TV series and until recently of home games.

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Until the boom led by Texas Hold'em, 5Card Draw was the most well-known and played poker
variant in the world, although currently not everyone knows its rules, so we have made this small
guide to help you. grow back to 5Card.
Because the game has been around for a long time and has been played in countless home
games throughout the world, there are two variants of 5Card Draw within the traditional rules.
The game is simple: make the best possible hand after having discarded and without community
cards, placing bets in relation to the cards (or not doing so in case of bluffing).
The player who has the best hand after the two rounds of betting have been made, one before
the discard and one after, is the player who wins the pot.

Blind and Before

There are two main variants in 5Card Draw:

1. Before
2. Blind
The variant played with before is the original form of 5Card Draw and is the most used system in
home games around the world. In this version, each player must pay a certain amount of money
before receiving their cards.
The second form of 5Card Draw has the characteristics of a blinded variant, similar to Texas
Hold'em. In a blind game, only the two players to the left of the dealer (or the button) must put in
a certain amount of chips before receiving the cards.
The player immediately to the left of the dealer is the small blind, while the player to the dealer's
left is the big blind.
The size of the big blind can be whatever size you decide, with the small blind (as a general
rule) being half of this. Normally the big blind is 100 times smaller than the table's buy-in.

The distribution of cards and first round of betting

Once all the players have paid the ante or the players in the blind positions have made their
payment, the dealer deals to all the players in a clockwise direction and starting from their left
five cards hidden from the rest of players (face down).
After all players have received their cards, the first round of betting begins. If you are playing
with blinds, the player to the left of the big blind starts (just like in Hold'em), while if you are
playing with before, the player to the left of the dealer starts betting.
In a game like this with ante players can “check”, which means staying in the hand without the
need to bet (except for the ante already paid). In case of playing with blinds, any player who
wants to enter the hand must at least call the big blind.

The discard round

When the betting round has ended, the discarding begins by all the players remaining in the
hand, starting with the player located to the left of the dealer, as long as he continues playing
said hand.
Each player still in play has the option to change the number of cards they wish.
The player has the option of calling himself “served”, which means that he does not want to part
with any cards and wants to keep said hand without making any discards.

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If this is not your wish, you can discard the cards you think are necessary (from 1 to 5), these
being replaced by the same number from the deck.
In some home games or games with more restrictive rules, only a maximum of three cards can
be discarded. This rule is usually used more frequently in home games in order to benefit
weaker players because it is not a good option to enter the game to exchange 4 or 5 cards in the

Second round of betting and showdown

Once the players have received their new cards, each player must evaluate the strength of their
hand and proceed to the second (and final) round of betting.
Once this has been done and each player has had the option to bet, it is time for the showdown,
as long as there are at least two players left in the hand, since if there is only one left, he takes
the pot without having to show. his letters.
As in most poker games, the player with the best five-card play at the showdown wins the pot. If
you have doubts about the strength of the different plays you can have, we recommend you
read our complete list with the ranking of poker hands .
Once the showdown has taken place, the dealer collects all the cards and the player to his left
becomes the new dealer. If there is a professional dealer, the button that shows who would be
the dealer if there was no professional would move one position to the left.

• Five Card Stud

Another variant of discovered poker. First, each player receives two initial cards, one covered
and one uncovered. The first round of betting is carried out and, once completed, each player
receives a new face-up card and another round of betting is made. Dealing and betting rounds
continue until each player has five cards: one face-up and four face-up. At the end of the last
round the cards are shown. Whoever has a better combination wins. In the event of a tie, the
suits of the cards are taken into account. The order from highest to lowest: Spades, Hearts,
Diamonds and Clubs.

• Seven Card Stud

Differences between Seven-Card Stud and Hold'em
In Seven-Card Stud there are five betting rounds instead of four as in Hold'em. The game is
played with an ante instead of blind bets. In Stud there are no common cards. The players'
hands decide the magnitude of the action. In the first betting round the player with the lowest
card must make an initial bet and in subsequent betting rounds the player who shows the best
card will act first.

7 card stud is a variant of poker , derived from stud poker . In this mode, players are dealt seven
individual cards, and the objective is to obtain the highest combination by choosing their five
best cards.
Seven-card stud is played with fixed bets (similar to Fixed Limit ) .

As in stud poker, players (with a maximum of eight) must place a mandatory bet, called ante.
The dealer then hands two closed cards (covered, face down) and one open card (exposed,
face up) to each. The player with the lowest exposed card (Ace is high) must pay a mandatory
bet, or bring in. Following the betting round clockwise, the other players can call, raise, or

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withdraw from the game.
1. All players receive two face cards (starting cards) and one face up card (uncovered card). The
cards are dealt one at a time.
2. The player with the lowest face-up card must make an initial bet.
3. Betting continues clockwise to the left of whoever started.
4. A fourth face-up card is dealt to each player. The action will begin with the player with the best
cards revealed and will continue clockwise.

5. A fifth card will be dealt to each player, also revealed. The action will begin with the player with
the best cards revealed and will continue clockwise.
6. A sixth card will be dealt, once again revealed. The action will begin with the player with the best
cards revealed and will continue clockwise.
7. The seventh card is dealt face down. The action will begin with the player with the best cards
revealed and will continue clockwise.
8. Players will build the best possible poker hand with five cards.
The dealer again delivers an open letter (known as "fourth street"). The player with the highest
hand, of the two visible, starts the bet (or can check). A fifth and a sixth card, with their
respective betting rounds, fifth street and sixth street are exposed. Likewise, the round starts
with the player who has the highest visible hand. A final sealed card is dealt, betting begins in
the same way.
This mode is played with bets limited to a maximum for each round. The maximum bet doubles
from the fifth round, that is, in the fifth and sixth rounds the bets can be much higher and
represents a breaking point between those who want to continue and those who do not.
Finally, if after the last card dealt and after the betting round there are two or more players still in
the hand we reach what is called “Show Down”: showing all the players' cards to find out the
winning combination , which will be higher.

• 7 Card Stud is the most popular version of Stud poker; the number of players can
be from two to eight. Each player gets seven cards, three face down and the other four
face up.

The Goal > Make your best possible hand using any combination of the seven cards you are
Mandatory bets. Ante > Seven Card Stud is typically played with an ante that is approximately
1/5 of the low limit bet. Each player must bet before the hand begins. The ante does not count
towards any future bets.
Bring in > After the initial deal when each player is showing a card, the person with the lowest
card must put ½ of the low limit bet in the pot (in English it is called bring in). If two or more
players share the lowest card, the one closest to the dealer's left side must bring in. This bet
counts as your first round bet, and until someone raises, you will not have to put any more
money in the pot to see the next card.
Betting Rounds
There are five rounds of betting. In fixed limit Seven Card Stud, all bets and raises must be
equal to the low betting limit or the high limit, depending on which round it is. In the first two
rounds, all bets and raises must be equal to the low limit. In the third, fourth and fifth round all
bets must be equal to the high limit. If, for example, you are playing 3-6 Seven Card Stud, all
bets on the first two rounds will be in three-dollar increments, and all bets on the last three

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rounds will be six dollars. The maximum of three raises is allowed per bet in one round.
1) 3rd street – two cards are dealt face down to each player, followed by another card face up. The
player with the lowest card must bring in, betting ½ of the low limit of the low bet. He can choose to
raise by betting the entire low limit bet. Play proceeds to the right around the table, with each player
choosing to Fold, Call, or Raise. All bets and raises must be equal to the low limit bet.

2) 4th street – the fourth card is dealt face up to each player. The player with the highest open hand
(in that case, the highest possible card would be a pair of aces) is the first to act. You can check,
bet or fold. If two or more players tie for the highest hand, the player closest to the left of the dealer
will be the first to act. Play proceeds to the right as before. If a player is currently showing a pair, he
and all other players have the option of betting the low limit or the high betting limit. Otherwise, all
bets and raises must be equal to the low limit bet.

3) 5th street – The fifth card is dealt face up to each player. Play proceeds as in the previous round,
with the highest hand betting first, except now all bets and raises must be equal to the high limit bet.

4) 6th street – The sixth card is dealt face up to each player. Play proceeds as in the previous
round, all bets and raises must be equal to the high limit bet.

5) 7th street – The seventh and final card is dealt to each player. Play proceeds as in the previous
round, all bets and raises must be equal to the high limit bet. In the rare case that all players remain
in the hand, there would not be enough cards to deal one more to each player. If that occurs,
instead of each player receiving a face-down card, a single face-up card is placed in the center of
the table, and each player can use it to make their best five-card hand.

Showdown ^ Anyone who has not folded after the last round of betting will now have the option to
show their hand hoping to win the pot. The person who was last to bet is the first to show their hand
and then proceeds clockwise, with each remaining player choosing between showing their hand or
making the Muck. Often the player will Muck if he is not going to win the pot and would not want his
opponents to see what he played.

Hint: Most online poker rooms offer the option to automatically muck losing hands, so other players
won't see what you played. It is a good idea to select this option.

• Seven Card Stud

Differences between Texas Hold'em and Seven Card Stud
In Stud there are five rounds of betting, instead of the four rounds that occur in Hold'em. The game
is played with an ante instead of blinds. In Stud there are no community cards. The players' hands
determine the order of action. During the first round of betting, the player with the lowest card must
open the betting and in subsequent rounds, the player with the best visible hand will act first.
Before dealing the cards
Depending on the size of the game, an ante system may or may not be applied. The table below
lists the ante, ante and opening bets for the different limits.
1. All players place the ante in front of themselves.
2. The dealer collects the ante and places it in the pot.

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The cards are dealt
All players are dealt two cards face down (hole cards) and one face up (the visible card). The
cards are repaired clockwise, one at a time. This hand is called the starting hand.
• First round of betting
1. The action begins with the player to whom the lowest visible card has been revealed; He is
required to deposit the initial bet ("bring-in") into the pot. If two or more players have the same
card number visible, then it will be decided which is the highest according to their suit. The
lowest suit is Clubs, followed by Diamonds, Hearts and Spades. This means that #2t is the
lowest visible card in the entire deck.
2. After the initial bet is deposited, the action rotates clockwise. The player sitting immediately to
the left of the player who placed the initial bet has the option to fold, call, or raise. Each
increment must be identical to the size of the initial bet, and when calling you simply bet the size
of said initial bet (see table).
3. Bets continue until all players have either folded heads or contributed equally to fattening the
• Second round of betting
1. The dealer deals a fourth card face up to all remaining players.
2. In this round and all subsequent rounds, the player with the best visible cards will be the first to
3. And you no longer have to deposit any small initial bet. If a player receives a pair on his two
visible cards, he has the option of betting the small bet or the large bet used in more advanced
rounds. The only one who can bet this way is the player with the partner.

It's a $5-$10 Seven Card Stud game. A player has (XX) 8 and in the second round of betting he
receives another 8, so his hand becomes (XX) 8 8. You now have the option to either check, bet
$5, or use your special right and place a $10 bet.
4. Bets follow each other clockwise from the player who acts first and end when all players have
folded their cards or contributed equally to the pot.
• Third round of betting
1. The dealer deals a fifth card face up to all remaining players.
2. The player with the best visible cards will be the one who must act first.
3. All bets will be the size of the large bet.
It's a $5-$10 Seven Card Stud game. Three players remain in the hand. Player A has (XX) 8 8
K, Player B (XX) Q 2 Q and Player C (XX) 10 J 9. Player B must act first, since his visible cards
are the best. You can check or bet, and others will bet clockwise.
4. Bets like this continue from the player who acted first until all remaining players have contributed
identically to the pot.
• Fourth round of betting
1. The dealer deals a sixth card face up to all players.
2. The player with the best visible cards will be the first to act.
3. All bets will be the size of the large bet.
4. Bets like this continue from the player who acted first until all remaining players have contributed
identically to the pot.
• Fifth round of betting
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1. The dealer deals a seventh card face down to all remaining players.
2. The player with the best visible cards acts first.
3. All bets will be the size of the large bet.
4. Bets like this continue from the player who acted first until all remaining players have contributed
identically to the pot.
5. If anyone is seen during the last round of betting, there will be a showdown. The spotted player
is forced to reveal his three cards face down and place them face up on the table. The others
have the option of either throwing away their cards or, if they have it, showing the winning hand.

• Seven-card Hi-Lo (Seven-card High-Low)

It is a variant of Seven Card Stud. In Seven-card Hi-Lo the pot is divided between the highest
hand (High) and the lowest (Low). For the HIGH hand we use traditional poker combinations.
For the LOW hand we use the Ace-to-five system.

Electronic versions > There are offline and online electronic versions of all games and
platforms, and portable ones for PC: Governor of Póker portable, Governor of Póker 2 Premium,
Five Card Deluxe portable, PókerTH (Texas Holdem), QuickPókerPortable,

❖ Texas Holdem with fixed limit

The first questions that arise when we want to start playing Texas Holdem poker are: How do
you play Texas Holdem poker? How do you bet?
Each player is given two face cards and five community cards are exposed. The highest 5-card
combination is the winner of the pot, using the combination of cards we want from the
community and own cards.
In Limit Texas Hold'em the bets are fixed. There are big and small bets. Small bets are used
during the first two rounds of betting (preflop and flop), and large bets during the third (turn) and
fourth (river). Large bets always double the sum of small bets. The amount of the bets depends
on the size of the game. Well, the first thing you need to know when starting to play Texas
Holdem poker is that in a Texas Holdem poker game there are four rounds of betting.

Before dealing the cards:

1. One player functions as the dealer (The player who deals the cards is also known as the dealer
or button. The name button is because its position on the table is marked with a card that has
the shape of a button, on this card the word “DEALER” is written, which determines who is the
player who is acting as dealer, that is, he is the one who is dealing the cards). The button
determines the order in which players will make decisions during the hand, and rotates
clockwise after each hand.

2. Before starting the Texas Holdem poker game (before the cards are dealt) the first player to the
left of the button (seat number 1) places a forced bet on the table, called the small blind, and the
second player to the left The button (seat number 2) also places a forced bet on the table, called
the big blind: the big blind is always double the small blind.

3. Everyone must contribute the value of the big blind so that they can start the game and the
distribution of cards can begin. The player who contributed the small blind will only contribute the
The objective of blind bets or “BLINDS” is so that before starting the game a previous pot has
already been generated, therefore ensuring a minimum pot for the winner of the hand and
constitutes a mandatory initial bet.

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The blinds also mark a position at the table. In this way, the player immediately to the left of the
dealer will be in the Small Blind position, and the next player in the same order, to the left of the
small blind will be in the Big Blind position. Players in the “blind” position will be the last to speak
in the pre-round. flop, but will nevertheless be the first to speak in the following rounds.
Exceptionally, in advanced stages of poker tournaments there is a supplement to the blinds
called “ante”, which all players must post, including players in the blind position.

The cards are dealt

After everyone's blinds are placed on the table, the dealer deals the cards clockwise, starting
with the player to the left of the button (the small blind) and ending with the player who is
running. as dealer (the button). Each player is dealt two hole cards which are placed face down
on the table. This hand is called the starting hand.

1st Betting Round: PRE-FLOP

The first round of betting begins, we are pre-flop.
1. The action begins with the player sitting to the left of the big blind (seat number 3), also
known as sitting "under the gun." This player has the option of folding (leaving his hole
cards in the center of the table), calling (placing an amount equal to the big blind on the
table), or raising (placing two small bets in front of him).
2. The action now rotates to seat number 4 (the player sitting to the left of seat number 3),
who has the option of folding the cards, calling, raising or re-raising (the latter case only
if the player previous one went up before him).
3. Betting continues clockwise until it is the player who made the small blind bet's turn to
bet. He will have the option to call the bet to continue in the hand by adding to his small
blind bet the difference between the bet that remains on the table and the small blind (the
value of this bet will be the big blind if the players who entered play the hand only they
saw the big blind or it will be the value of some player's raise), make a raise, reraise or
4. When the betting turn comes again to the player who placed the big blind, he will have
the option to check if no player has raised the big blind bet, this option gives him the
opportunity to stay in the game but without adding more money in the pot, raise the bet,
make a re-raise to a previous player's bet or fold.
5. After the first round of betting has finished and all players still in the hand have
contributed equally to the pot, it will be time to proceed to the flop.

It is a $10/$20 Limit Texas Hold'em game and 10 players are seated at the table. The cards are
dealt and the first player to act (sitting within range) decides to raise. Therefore you must deposit
$20 into the pot (two small bets). Players sitting in seats 4,5, 6 and 7 choose to throw cards in
the center of the table. The player in seat number 8 chooses to re-raise, and therefore must
contribute $30 to the pot (three small bets). The player in seat number 9 chooses to call, and
therefore must contribute $30 (three small bets) to the pot. The player sitting on the button (the
dealer) throws the cards.
The small blind, who has already deposited $5 into the pot, decides to call and, as a result, must
contribute an additional $25 ($30 total, an amount equal to three small bets). The action rotates
to the big blind, who chooses to re-raise and must therefore leave $40 on the table (since he
had already deposited $10 in the pot at the beginning of the hand, he only needs to add $30 for

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a total of $40, amount equivalent to four small bets).
This is called reaching the "cap" of bets, which means that you are no longer allowed to raise
again. Re-raising is only allowed three times in each betting round, that is, four bets in total.
After the stop, players can either throw the cards or call. The game continues, and now it will be
the turn of the player who had initially raised, sitting within range.

2nd Betting Round: FLOP

Once the first round of betting is finished, it is time to reveal the three common cards, it is time
for the Flop. These three cards that will be revealed can be used by all players, and thus begins
the second round of betting.

1. The dealer begins by "burning" the card located on the top of the deck and then placing it
face down on the table. This is done to avoid cheating, as the top card could be marked.
This card, the burnt card, will be excluded from the game. The dealer then turns over the
next three cards on the table so everyone can see them. These cards are called the
"flop." This is a defining moment for all remaining players, as only two more cards remain
to be revealed. In other words, 5 of the 7 cards have already been revealed.

The flop contains community cards, which are used together with the two hole cards to
create the best possible 5-card poker hand.
2. Since the blinds are only paid in the first round of betting, it is now the small blind who
acts first (sitting in seat number 1). If the small blind folds before the flop, it will be the big
blind's turn, and so on.
3. The first player to act has the option to check (the action moves clockwise to the next
active player) or bet (if the player bets, his bet must exactly equal a small bet). If all
players check the flop, they are allowed to turn over the fourth card (the turn) without
having to add any additional money.
4. Bets are developed following the same pattern as in the first round, with a maximum of
three increments allowed (four small bets in total).

It is a $10/$20 Limit Texas Hold'em game and 10 players are seated at the table. After the first
round bets only the small blind, the big blind and the button remain in play. The dealer takes the
pot and places it in the center of the table, burns the top card (places it face down on the table),
and turns over the three community cards (the flop). Taking into account that the order of bets is
guided according to the clockwise direction, counting from the button, the little blind man will be
the first to act, and he decides to pass. The big blind bets ($10, equivalent to a small bet) and
the button decides to call (deposits $10). Once again, it is the little blind man's turn; he can raise
(raise to $20), which is called check-raise, fold (leave his hole cards face down in the center of
the table), or call (lay down $10).

Once the second round of betting is over and all remaining players have contributed identically
to increasing the pot, it is time for the turn.

3rd Betting Round: TURN

Once the second round of betting is finished, the fourth common card, the Turn, is revealed,
which will give rise to the third round of betting.

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1. The dealer burns the top card of the deck and turns over the next community card (the
fourth), placing it next to the flop. This card is called the "turn."
2. Bets advance clockwise from the button, as during the flop. The only difference is that the
bets are now doubled in size and are called "big bets."
It is a $10/$20 Limit Texas Hold'em game and 10 players are seated at the table. After the flop
only the big blind and the button remain active. Since bets advance clockwise from the button,
the big blind must act first. The big blind decides to bet (places $20, equivalent to a big bet), the
button chooses to raise (places $40, the equivalent of two big bets), and the big blind decides to
call (adds $20, equaling his bet with the $40 he had made the button). The third round of betting
has ended.

After the third round of betting has ended and all remaining players have contributed equally to
the pot, it is time to watch the river.

4th Betting Round: RIVER

After the third round of betting we moved on to River. In this case, the fifth and last card of the
common cards is revealed and the last round of betting is carried out. After the last round of
betting, the players still in the game have to show their cards, it is time for the showdown, and
whoever has the highest hand wins. And in the hypothetical case that these hands are equal,
the pot has to be shared between them.
You don't always get to the showdown. In the event that a player makes a bet and this bet is not
matched by any player, that is, the rest of the players fold, the player who made the bet wins the
hand. In this case, the player can choose whether to show or not show his cards.
1. The dealer burns the top card of the deck and turns over a fifth community card, which he
places next to the flop and turn. This card is called the "river."
2. Bets move clockwise from the button, just like on the flop and turn.
3. Bets will have the same value as those placed during the turn.
It is a $10/$20 Limit Texas Hold'em game and 10 players are seated at the table. After the turn
only the big blind and the button remain active. Since bets advance clockwise from the button,
the big blind must act first. The big blind decides to check and the turn progresses to the button,
who bets (deposits $20, that is, an amount equal to a big bet). The big blind now has the option
to fold, raise, or call, and decides to call (places $20, equivalent to a big bet). The button has
been seen and, since this is the last round of betting, you have to reveal your two hole cards by
turning them over on the table. You then combine the hole cards with the five community cards
to create the best possible 5-card poker hand. The big blind has the option of either folding his
hole cards without showing them (in case he cannot beat the button cards), or turning them over
on the table and revealing a winning hand. To win the pot both hole cards must be turned over
and revealed, even if only one is to be used in combination with the community cards to create
the best hand.

Once the hand has finished, the dealer rotates one position clockwise. The deck is shuffled
again and the cards are dealt again.

Texas Holdem Poker -- HOW TO PLAY A HAND

Players combine their own cards with community cards to try to make the best five-card hand.

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All cards can be used to compose a hand.

The bases
Texas Hold'em is a community poker game that can be played between 2 and 10 players
1. One player deals the cards. This position is recognized by a mark and rotates clockwise in each
2. The two players to the left of the dealer are known as the small blind and the big blind,
3. These two players are forced to bet a predetermined amount of money and are the only
ones who bet before the cards are dealt.
4. Each player receives two cards face down than with hole cards.
5. When all the hole cards have been dealt, the first round of betting begins with the player sitting
to the right of the big blind. This player can not it, call, and raise the bet.
6. Betting continues to the left, each player has the option to fold, call the bet amount, bet or raise.
7. When the first round of betting is over, three community cards are placed on the table. This is
known as a flop.
8. The second round of betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer's mark. The bet
continues with the rest of the players following clockwise. Each one can up the ante, go or not
9. When the second round of betting ends, the fourth community card is placed on the table. This is
known as a turn.
10. The third round of betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer.
11. When the third round ends, the fifth community card is revealed on the table. This is the river.
12. The fourth round of betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer. The bet follows the
direction of clockwise.

At the beginning of the Texas Holdem poker game, the dealer shuffles a standard 52-card deck.
In casinos or card rooms the dealer does not play, however, when there is a shortage of dealers
or when the game is played at home, one of the players may deal the cards. In that case the
dealer changes clockwise. In non-playing dealer games, a round disc called the Dealer Button
moves from player to player in a clockwise direction. The button indicates the player who should
deal the cards if there is no dealer who does not play.

The Blinds > There are no Bets required of all players, instead there are two mandatory bets,
they are called the Blinds. The game begins when two players to the left of the dealer or the
dealer/player put a predetermined amount of money into the pot before the cards are dealt, thus
ensuring that there is some pot to play with on each hand. In tournaments this amount is
increased after the agreed period to ensure the elimination of players. Typically the player
offering the small blind bet (the one to the dealer's immediate left) puts up half the minimum bet,
and the player to his left puts up the full minimum bet. This is called posting the blinds.

The Deal (The Deal) Each player receives two cards face down (the Hole Cards), which he
does not show. The objective of the game is to combine these two cards with the five that will
eventually be placed in front of the dealer to make the best hand between the players. This hand
can consist of two Hole Cards and three community cards, one Hole Card and four community
cards or - very rarely - only community cards without any Hole Cards. Whoever has this hand
wins the pot (the accumulation of all bets).

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The First Round ^ Happens immediately after the distribution. The first player to act is the first
to the left of the big blind bet. In non-tournament games, the player can make the third bet and
place a bet twice the size of the big blind before the cards are dealt. That action is called
Straddle. In the first round of betting the player who makes the Straddle acts last and has the
possibility of considering the bets of all the other players.
• The first player to act has three options: Call, Raise or Fold.

• To Call, the player places the bet equal to the big blind or the Straddle.

• To Raise, the player adds additional money. The amount depends on the type of game: in
Limit Games the amount is fixed and can be limited after the agreed number of rounds
(normally four rounds); In Pot Limit games the amount cannot be larger than the amount
currently in the pot. In No Limit games it can be any amount limited only by the number of
chips the player has. To Fold, the player places his cards face down and pushes them
towards the center of the table, which constitutes the Muck. When any card touches the
Muck it must be removed. That player can no longer participate in the hand and his bets are
added to the pot.

The following players have the same options, they can also Raise again. The increase must be at
least equal to the previous increase.

The Flop > After the first round of betting the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is done
to ensure that no one accidentally sees the top card and to help prevent cheating. The burnt card is
placed next to the flop, under the next open card or in the muck. The dealer places the next three
cards face up on the table. These cards are called the flop.

The Second Betting Round) In addition to Call, Raise and Fold players now have the option to
check (stay in the hand without betting) until their turn to act again. When a bet has been made a
player can View the amount, or Raise, or Re-Raise (where this is applicable). If you do not choose
any option you have to leave. At the end of the round the players will have placed the equal amount
of bets except the player who has an inadequate amount of chips, in which case he can bet the total
amount he has and one or more Side Pots are established limiting the amount he can win by
accumulating equal amounts of the pot from the players who contributed to that pot.
The Turn > After the end of the second round the dealer discards one more card and another card
is revealed and added to the Board (the community cards). This is the Turn card.
The Third Round ^ In limit games, the set amount is doubled in value and maintains that value
until the final round of betting. In no-limit games, a round of betting is made, in which players can
Raise, Call, or Fold the hand, or Check if there are no previous bets.
The River ^ After the end of the third round, the dealer discards one more card and the fifth and
final card is exposed and added to the Board. This is the river card.
The Fourth Round ^ This round precedes the showdown, when the Player must reveal his cards.
If two or more players have the same hand, the next highest card in the player's hand (the Kicker) is
used to break the tie. If there is no Kicker card (the tied players have used both Hole cards or have
the same hand) the pot is divided between them. Players who rely on the five exposed cards to
make the best hand must announce that this is what they are doing before discarding their cards,
otherwise they forfeit all claim to the pot.
There are 3 different ways to make our combinations. The objective is to form the best

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combination of 5 cards, from the 7 we have: our 2 cards in hand (private cards), and the 5 common
cards (public or community) to all players.
• With the 2 private and 3 public letters.
• With 1 private letter and 4 public.
• With the 5 public letters.

Delivery Driver Errors

• If the first card dealt is exposed, the wrong deal happens. The dealer will retrieve the card
and shuffle the cards once more.

• If any other card is exposed due to the dealer's error, the deal continues. The exposed card
cannot be put away and after finishing the hand the dealer replaces the card with the top
card of the deck, and the exposed card is used as the discard card. If more than one card is
exposed, the cards must be dealt again.

• If the Flop contains too many cards, it must be dealt again (this applies even if it is possible
to know which card is unnecessary).

• If the Flop must be dealt again because it was made prematurely before finishing the bets, or
the Flop contained too many cards, the Board cards are mixed with the rest of the deck. The
discarded card is left on the table. After shuffling the cards again, the dealer splits the deck
and deals a new Flop without discarding cards.

• If the dealer opens the fourth card on the table before the betting round is complete, the card
is taken from play for this round, even if subsequent players choose to Fold. So the bets are
complete. The dealer discards and opens what would have been the fifth card in the place of
the fourth. After this round of betting, the dealer shuffles the deck again, including the card
that was taken from the game, but not including the discarded cards. Then the dealer divides
the deck and opens the last card without discarding. If the fifth card is opened prematurely,
the dealer shuffles the deck once more and deals in the same manner.

• If the dealer mistakenly deals an additional card to the first player (after all players have
received their cards) the card will be returned to the deck and used for discard. If the dealer
mistakenly deals more than one additional card, he must deal again.

Before dealing the cards, the two players located to the left of the button must place mandatory bets
called “blinds . ” The first player will post the small blind . Next, the second player will post the big
blind , whose value will be double the small blind. Afterwards, each player will receive two private
cards face down. These two cards will be held in your hands, out of sight of the other players.
The blinds are already posted and each player has their 2 private cards. At this moment the first
round of betting begins. The first to speak is the one just to the left of the big blind .
At that point, the player can:

• Bet the same amount bet on the big blind ( Call )

• Bet by increasing ( Raise ) the big blind (minimum double), if you think your hand is very good
• Fold if you think your hand is not good enough
Those players who do not choose to fold must at least pay the mandatory bet, that is, the big blind.

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If a player bets a greater number of chips than the previous player just bet, he is said to be raising
the bet. The next player can then decide that his hand is not good enough and fold : that is, fold the

Once all active players have called the big blind (or called a raise), the dealer will reveal the first 3
common cards for all players at the table. This step is known as the Flop .
Once all players agree to pay the big blind amount, the Flop is revealed, at which point the second
round of betting begins.

Once we have the flop on the table, the first to speak (located to the left of the button) can:

• Pass ( Check ), that is: he does not withdraw but he does not bet anything, because no one
bet before him.
• Bet ( Bet ) the minimum, that is, the amount of the big blind.
If, during this round, someone makes a bet, the other players must match it or raise it before they
can reveal the fourth community card, called Turn .

The same procedure is followed as in the Flop: the first to speak (located to the left of the button)

• Pass ( Check ), that is: he does not withdraw but he does not bet anything, because no one
bet before him. It remains in your hand to continue playing.
• Bet ( Bet ) the minimum, that is, the same amount as the big blind.

From there, the other players must match or raise the bet, if any, in order to move on to reveal the
fifth common card, called " River ".
As in the other betting rounds, all players must have matched the last bet before revealing their
cards, in order to determine who has the best combination and, therefore, is declared the winner of
the game.

As always, the first to speak (located to the left of the button) can:

• Pass ( Check ), that is, not bet anything, since no one bet before him. That does not mean that
he retires, but that he continues playing.
• Bet ( Bet ) the minimum, that is, the amount in the big blind.

* Omaha poker
Omaha hold 'em (or simply "Omaha") is a poker variant similar to Texas hold'em. Each player is
given four face cards and five community cards are exposed. The highest 5-card combination is the
winner of the pot, using two individual cards and three community cards (while in Texas Holdem
poker the player can use any common and own card at will).
• Pre-Flop
After placing all the blinds (mandatory bets), the game begins by dealing 4 cards (decks) to each
player. These cards are called pocket cards or hole cards . They are the only cards that each player
will receive privately and individually, and will only be revealed (possibly) when the cards are
revealed at the end of the hand. The hand begins with a round of pre-flop betting, starting with the

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player to the left of the big blind and continuing in a clockwise direction.
After the "pre-flop" betting round, if there are still at least 2 players in the hand, the 5 revealed
community cards begin to be put on the table (in this way Omaha hold'em is an "uncovered" poker
game ") in three phases:
• Flop
The dealer deals the flop , three cards revealed simultaneously (community cards). The flop is
followed by another round of betting. This and all other betting rounds begin with the player to the
left of the dealer and continue clockwise.
• turn
After the round of betting on the flop, a new upcard ( turn ) is placed on the table, followed by
another round of betting. This letter is also called 4th street ("fourth street").
• River
After the "Turn", another face up card ( river ) is placed on the table (forming the 5 "community
cards"), and is followed by another round of betting. This card is also called 5th street ("fifth street").
or Show Down
Finally, if after the last card dealt and after the betting round there are two or more players still in the
hand we reach what is called “Show Down”: showing all the players' cards to find out the winning
combination , which will be the highest.
1. Omaha Hi-Lo
In Omaha Hi-Lo ("High Low" or "Omaha Eight or Better"), the pot is divided between the highest
and lowest hand, using the traditional poker combination for HIGH and the Ace-to- System for
LOW. five.

■ Omaha is mainly played in the Omaha Hi mode, in which the highest hand wins the pot, but the
Hi-lo version, in which half of the pot goes to the highest hand and the other half to the lowest, is
very popular in the US. This Hi-Lo version is usually played in fixed limit mode, while the normal
version is played with a Pot Limit, called Pot Limit Omaha. The betting rounds are the same as
in Texas Hold'em. Omaha rules are based on Texas Hold'em with the following differences:

Players are dealt 4 hole cards.

■ The player must use two and only two cards from his hand and three and only three from the
table to build his play.
■ The maximum number of players per table is 10.

Preflop > The player to the left of the big blind begins to speak.
Flop, Turn and River > The small blind begins to speak or, failing that, the player closest to its
left who continues in the play.
It is very important to remember that when presenting the cards to form the play you must use
two cards from your hand and three from the table. It must be taken into account that one of the
characteristics of Omaha is that it is a "nuts" game. In most hands someone will have the
maximum play, so it is advisable not to play draws that are not maximum. The main problem for
Texas Holdem players who switch to Omaha is the overvaluation of pairs. It is very important to
keep in mind that we will have to play with 4 cards that are related.

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❖ Russian poker

The rules of Russian poker are, in principle, similar to the rules of classic American poker,
but unlike traditional card games, in Russian poker only one player plays against the dealer
(a standard deck of cards is used in the game). 52 cards without jokers). Consequently, the
objective of the game in the case of Russian poker is different: it is about defeating the
dealer by obtaining the best poker combination.

At the same time, Russian poker offers plenty of winning opportunities. First of all, if only for
the fact that the player has the opportunity to exchange, if he wishes, any number of cards
and buy a sixth.

Start of game

Once the ante bet has been placed, the player receives five cards face down from the dealer.
The dealer also deals himself five cards, but the last one is face up.

After the first deal of cards, the player has several options for what actions to take next:

1. leave the game, abandon (FOLD / PASS), losing the ante.

2. continue the game (CALL) by making a bet (BET), which will be 2 X ANTE.

3. change the desired cards (change).

4. buy a sixth card (buy).

The player always has the opportunity to replace any number of cards (even five), so he will have to
pay one ante for each card changed. The same goes for the possibility of purchasing a sixth card:
replacing and exchanging cards will cost the player one ANTE. However, if you choose to exchange
you cannot purchase, and vice versa. Once the bet is made, the player and dealer open their cards.
The winner in Russian poker is determined using the standard poker scheme: depending on who
has the highest poker combination.

The player wins automatically in one case (regardless of the cards he has), and that is if the dealer
has not managed to collect a single poker combination or the minimum combination of ace + king
(the minimum combination in Russian poker is AS-K ) . In this case, the player is paid a prize equal
to the sum of an ante bet and recovers his bet. In the rest of the cases (if, for example, the dealer
has the combination of ace + king or a poker combination), the winner is decided by comparing the
poker combinations obtained, and the one with the highest combination wins according to traditional
rules. of poker. (If the player's combination is higher than the dealer's, the player's ANTE and BET
profits are paid.)

The hierarchy of winning combinations is analogous to the listing of poker combinations in any other
type of poker, i.e. straight flush to ace, straight flush, four of a kind, and so on from high to low up to
single pair or combination of ace + king. If the player has won the game, the prize is paid according
to the pay table, and the greater the poker combination obtained, the greater the prize to be
received in case of victory. The standard Russian poker paytable is as follows:

Straight Flush to Ace (Royal Flush) Pay 100 to 1

Straight Flush Pay 50 to 1

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Poker (Four of a Kind) Pay 20 to 1
Full House Pay 7 to 1
Color (Flush) Pay 5 to 1
Staircase (Straight) Pay 4 to 1
Trio (Three of a Kind) Pay 3 to 1
Double pairs (Two Pairs) Pay 2 to 1
Couple (One Pair) Pay 1 to 1
Ace & King Pay 1 to 1
Even for those who are by no means beginners in poker, to play Russian poker for real money it is
necessary to take into account the fact that in this type of card game there are several special rules:

- Double combination rule : since the player in Russian poker has not only five cards,
but six (it is understood that if the player has made the decision to buy a sixth card
after the deal), it could happen that there would be not just one winning combination,
but two, and this is the most important rule of Russian poker.

What are known as double combinations are valid in Russian poker only when at least
one card of the first poker combination is “free”, that is, it does not intervene in the
second combination.

Consequently, by making not just one combination but two, the player wins a large
prize, and the total size of the prize is also calculated by the pay table, whereby both
combinations obtained are paid immediately.

- Multiple hands rule: the gaming table in Russian poker consists of six boxes, so if
the player wishes, he can play several hands simultaneously (from one to three).

The order of play in different boxes has some differences (for example, in the third
box the player always plays with hidden cards), but the distribution of cards is always
the same, since the dealer always deals five cards per box.

However, the amounts to bet in each box can be different, for example, in the first box
the player can make the minimum bet, in the second he can make a higher bet, etc.
Each of the boxes of Russian poker is considered completely independently and can
have different rules, and this means that the player makes bets and makes decisions
consecutively: once the dealt cards have been analyzed and the bet is made in the
first box, the player has the opportunity to look at the cards in the second box and so

- In some casinos there is the possibility of purchasing the dealer's game for an ANTE.
The dealer deals new cards to complete his hand.

Caribbean Stud Poker

Caribbean Stud Poker is a very simple casino game, but some clarifications are necessary to
understand the development of the game. A Caribbean table is made up of a dealer located on one
side of the table and usually 7 seats in front for the players. The Carribbean Stud Poker tables have

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established minimum and maximum bet limits. You should always bet within the table limits.

At a Caribbean Stud poker table, each player will have the squares drawn on the table to place bets
during the game. To play Caribbean Stud Poker, each of the players seated at the table must place
an initial bet on their “ante” space on the table for the game to begin. This bet is made without
having received any cards. After all the initial or “ante” bets are placed , the dealer will deal 5 face
cards to each player at the table, and then deal another 5 cards to himself, one of which will remain
visible. After all players and dealer have the 5 cards, and without any possibility of discarding,
each player must decide if they want to make the “call” bet or not.

In Caribbean Stud Poker, to make the decision to continue in the game, only the information on the
dealer's visible card and the five cards in one's own hand will be available. The value of the “call”
bet will be double the “ante” bet. For example, if a player bet 1 Euro as an initial bet (ante), to
continue playing he must bet 2 Euros as a “call” bet.

Therefore, each of the players must decide if they want to continue playing or prefer to retire. If a
player decides to withdraw he will lose the initial bet (ante). Players who decide to continue in the
game must place the “call” bet on the table. Once all the players have placed their final bets (call)
the dealer will show their cards.

The dealer does not qualify

Players who decide to continue in the game after looking at their cards and betting will automatically
win if their poker combination is better than the dealer's, or if the dealer does not make at least a
pair. If the dealer's cards do not present any poker combination (pair, three of a kind, full, ...) or
at least an AS-K , it is said that the dealer has not qualified his hand and therefore there will be no
“action”. In this case, all players who have kept

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Your cards will win the initial bet, that is, your initial bet (ante) will be doubled. However, call bets
will remain intact and will be recovered, but nothing will be won on them, since the dealer has not
qualified their hand (there is no action).

Case: The dealer's hand is worse than an Ace - K, so it doesn't qualify

The dealer qualifies

If the dealer's cards present a poker combination or at

Hand Pay least has an AS-K combination , we will say that "there is
action." If there is action, we will compare the combinations
Couple 1 to 1 to see who has won.
Double couple 2 to 1
Trio 3 to 1 If the dealer presents a better combination than a player, this
Ladder 4 to 1 player will lose the initial bet (ante) and the subsequent bet
Color 5 to 1 (call). However, if the player's combination is better than the
full 7 to 1 dealer's, the same will be paid for the initial bet (the initial bet
Poker 20 to 1 is doubled), and the subsequent bet (call) is paid according
Straight Flush 50 to 1 to the combination we have as specified in the following
Royal flush 100 to 1 table .

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Case: The dealer's hand is at least an AS - K, so it qualifies

Therefore, if our hand presents any combination, the strategy to follow is to make the “call” bet. If
our hand does not have any winning combination (even or better) or has a combination worse than
AS - K - J - 8 - 3, we must throw the cards and not place the “call” bet.

On the contrary, if our hand presents a strong combination, we will pray that “there is action”, or
what is the same that the dealer has at least Ace-K or a pair, since in this case our bet will be
multiplied. call” by the number of times reflected in the previous pay table. If the dealer's hand does
not qualify, as we have said before the initial bet will simply be won, the final bet (call) will only be

Example of how to play Caribbean Poker

Let's give an example of how Caribbean poker is played. Let's imagine that we bet €100 as an initial
bet (ante), and we have a Full House, therefore we continue in the game and make the "call" bet,
which must necessarily be €200 (double the initial bet), we have already bet 100 ante + 200 call =
300 total.

If the dealer “qualifies his hand” there will be action and we will be paid the “call” bet multiplied by 7
in this case €1,400, plus double the “ante” for having won or €200. We would have a total profit of:
1800 (total) - 300 (bet) = €1500 (profit).

However, if the dealer does not have even a pair or AS-K at least, “he will not qualify his hand”,
therefore only double the initial bet will be won, going from €1,500 profit to only €100 profit. (€400

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(total) - €300 (bet) = €100 profit). And all this in the same play depending on the dealer's cards.

Betting on the Pot in a Caribbean Poker game

A Caribbean poker table has a progressive jackpot associated with it. Therefore, there is the
possibility of betting on the pot on each hand. The jackpot bet is an optional bet and parallel to the
main game with which you can win the jackpot (jackpot).

The pot at a Caribbean poker table grows progressively with the bets that players place on the pot,
part of the pot bet is used to make the pot grow. This progressive jackpot, also called jackpot, is one
of the attractions of this game.

Hand Pay
If a player wants to play for the jackpot, he must put
Color 50€ $1 or €1 (it will depend on the table) in his box drawn
on the mat identified with the word “jackpot” or
full 100€
jackpot. This bet must be made at the same time as
Poker 500€
placing the initial bet (ante bet), that is, before
Straight Flush 10% of the pot receiving any card. If the player who has played for
the pot gets a color combination or higher, he will win
Royal flush 100% of the pot
a portion of the pot according to the following table:

Caribbean Stud Poker - Pot Betting Paytable

The most popular basic Caribbean poker strategies are two . The analysis of Peter Griffin and
John M. Gwynn Jr. resulted in three strategies, the simplest and most popular of these three
strategies is its basic strategy which only takes into account the value of the player's hand to make
the decision to bet or not. This strategy establishes the following:

• Bet with AS - K - J - 8 - 3 or better, fold otherwise.

The second most popular strategy is the one developed by the physicist Olaf Vancura and is
collected in his book “Smart Casino Gambling”. This strategy consists of the following:

• Always bet with a partner or better.

• With AS - K, bet if one of the other 3 cards in your hand matches the dealer's face-up
• With AS - K - Q or AS - K - J, you bet when the dealer's face-up card is equal to any of the
five cards that make up the player's hand.
• With AS - K - Q - x - y (x greater than y), bet when the dealer's upcard is less than x.

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• Tic Tac Toe poker
It is not practiced inside casinos, but is generally played at home or in
private circles. The rules and game mechanisms of TIC TAC TOE
POKER are similar to those of Texas Hold'em, the main difference is
in the community cards. In Tic Tac Toe the dealer will have 9
community cards in the center of the table, with 2 variants depending
on how to display them. Let's play with wild cards if you remember.
Before the initial distribution of cards, an ANTE (all players) must be

The player must form a combination with 2 of his private cards with 3
of the community cards, but with the following criteria: community
cards can only be used in groups of three: 3 cards from the same
horizontal row or 3 cards from the same column or 3 cards that make
up the diagonal (only in this way).

Variation 1) After having placed the ante, the dealer distributes 2 personal cards to each player.
After each player sees their cards, they begin the first round of betting. After this first round, the
dealer arranges the first 3 community cards revealed in a column. Now the second round of betting
begins. After this second round of betting, the dealer arranges the next 3 community cards face up
in a column. Now the third round of betting begins. After this third round of betting, the dealer
arranges the last 3 community cards revealed in a column (forming a square of 3 columns of 3
cards each (3x3)). Now the fourth and final round of betting begins. After this last round of betting
there are 3 cases:

1. There is a showdown: the cards are shown.

2. Everyone folds: the money in the pot for the next game.
3. There is only one player left who is the winner.

Variation 2 ^ In this variant, the middle card is the last to be shown. Once the ANTE is paid,
the dealer will deal 2 cards face down to each player and nine common face cards in the center of
the table in a 3x3 square. Each player looks at their cards and begins the first round of betting,
starting with the player to the left of the dealer, who must bet or fold. The last person who bet in the
betting round turns over two cards of their choice, not consecutively.

Now the second round of betting begins (2 cards seen), starting from the left of the player who has
raised the community cards. The last person who bet in the betting round turns over two cards of
their choice (4 cards seen), not consecutive. Now the third round of betting begins, starting from
the left of the player who has raised the community cards. The last person who bet in the betting
round turns over two cards of their choice (6 cards seen), not consecutive.

Now the fourth round of betting begins, starting from the left of the player who has raised the
community cards. The last person who bet in the betting round turns over the two remaining cards
(8 cards seen). Now the fifth round of betting begins, starting from the left of the player who has
raised the community cards. The last person who bet in the betting round turns over the center
card (9 cards seen). Now the sixth and final round of betting begins, starting from the left of the
player who has raised the community cards.

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After this last round of betting there are 3 cases:

1. There is a showdown: the cards are shown.

2. Everyone folds: the money in the pot for the next game.
3. There is only one player left who is the winner.

Note ) We can add a discard: before the last round of betting, when all the community cards
have been shown, or, in the distribution of the 3 private cards before the first round of

Variant 3) It is called Elevator. In this case, 2 hidden cards are dealt to

each player and 7 community cards covered on the mat. The order of
showing cards is 1-4, 3-6 and 2-5. The center card is the last one to be
shown . The player will choose a row, of which the center card will be in
any of the three rows (or more rows).

In the end, every poker game is the same: certain community cards and
certain private cards are dealt, and community cards are revealed while
several rounds of betting take place. After the last round, the player
chooses some community cards and shows his hand. To see variantsóker/variants/ .

Variant 4) We add the 2 diagonal lines to make a poker move.

• Solitaire Square Poker

Also called “Poker Solitaire” or “Poker Hands”. The objective is to get
the maximum score by completing 10 poker hands (instead of trying to
beat an opponent, you have ten possibilities to arrange the best
hands): 5 horizontally and 5 vertically. We must form a 5x5 square.

There are several game forms to choose from to play:

1. Hole cards ^ The poker cards are shuffled and only

We draw 25 cards at random. There are 2 basic rules: we cannot see
the cards we draw and they are drawn one at a time (never several at
a time), until we place a card we cannot draw the next one. We can
take the card from wherever we want (top of the deck, bottom of the
deck, shuffle again before taking another card, cut...). In this form of
the game we can add a discard row, so we can discard up to 5 cards.
These discard cards cannot be used to make a game.

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2. Cards seen ) The cards are shuffled
poker and we only draw 25 cards at random, but
without placing any. Now we show them and try to
make the best hands possible. With this model we
can set two rules: Maximum playing time and once
a card is placed it can no longer be moved.

Score) Each row and each column of five cards

each form 10 poker hands. Your final score is the
total of the scores from your 10 poker hands. Once
the 25 cards are completed, we add the score
according to the attached table. To win this
solitaire you have to score 120 points in the
English scoring system and 310 in the American
scoring system.

• Five Card Solitaire

We will use 1 poker deck to play alone (single player). It is in a portable electronic version, and is
similar to Square poker. In this case we can only make combinations in the rows, not in the
columns. This way we can play with the rows we want.
General operation: for the game we will use a 4 row x 5 column or 5x5 grid. After shuffling, we turn
the deck face down and turn over the first card. Now we will place it in the desired position, thinking
about making the best poker combination. And so we continue with the next letter.
• If we draw 5 cards in a row and we do not have any valid poker combination, the row is
closed. In this case we turn the cards over (showing their backs) and we will not be able to
throw any more cards in that row (in the figure it is shown with a lock).
• If we throw 5 cards in a row and we have a valid poker combination, we add the points of
said combination and they are removed

Poker Hand American English

Point System Point System
Royal Flush 100 30

straight flush 75 30

Four of a kind 50 16

Full House 25 10

flush 20 5

Straight 15 12

Three Of A Kind 10 6

TWo pair 5 3

One Pair 2 1

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all the cards in that row, leaving the row open (we can continue throwing cards in that row
Used cards cannot be used again in the same trick. The better combination, the higher the
score. We will use the score displayed in the Square poker game.
Game modes:
• Normal mode > the objective is to try to make the maximum number of points before
finishing the game. The game ends when we have all the rows closed (there are no free
spaces for cards) or when we have finished all the cards in the deck. Now we add the points
obtained from the game.
• Complete a challenge: poker combinations > try to make the proposed poker
combinations before finishing the game or the trick. The game is over when:
a) Let's have all the lines closed.
b) We have finished all the cards in the deck without achieving the proposed challenge.
c) when we have completed all the challenges. With each challenge completed, we will
have made some poker combinations, which we must write down to add the partial points
of each trick (each challenge) and at the end calculate the total points. After each
completed challenge, we collect all the cards, we return to shuffle now for the new
Challenges (one trick per challenge) start from lowest to highest difficulty. We list some in order,
although we can add or modify to suit the players:
1) 2 couples + double couple. 5) couples + full
2) 2 double couple 6) poker
3) double couple + trio 7) straight flush
4) double couple + color 8) Royal flush
5) 2 couples + ladder
• Complete a challenge: get a number of points ^ In this case it is about reaching
minimum points, so that the first person to achieve it adds those points. In the event that a
player achieves 2 challenges in a row (and only in a row), multiply the points of the challenge
achieved by two, and so on continuously (by 3 if there are 3 in a row).
1> 25 points; 2 > 45 points; 3 > 65 points; 4 > 80 points; 5 > 100 points

Additional options
• It is played with jokers. Once the row is completed we choose the value we want to give to
• Choose the combinations to make together.
• To make it a little easier, we can show two cards to throw , although they are always
played in order. When we throw one we show another from the deck, with two always being

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• Multiplayer: 1 or 2 decks for 2 players, 2 decks for 2 or 3 players, and 3 decks for 4 players.
We can add 1 or 2 more rows, since we increase the number of cards played. Now we
choose the game model:
or 1) we use 1 single board of 4 rows x 5 columns for everyone.
or 2) each player has their own 4 row x 5 column board.
We mix and shuffle all the cards together well and place the deck face down in the center of
the table. Now, in turns, each player takes the first hidden card and places it in the desired
position (same as explained before). In normal mode, each player writes down their
combinations to add up the points at the end of the game. In challenge mode, each player
writes down their combinations to add up the points at the end of each trick. In this mode
each player will complete the proposed challenge, and whoever succeeds will multiply the
points obtained in the trick by two.


It is played with one deck for every 5 players (9 cards per player + 5 community cards = calculate
yourself). A Spanish deck of 40 cards is worth it.

Like the previous one, we have a 3x3 grid and the objective is to make the maximum number of
horizontal (lines), vertical (columns) and diagonal combinations, adding points for each one. The
combinations are: trio (3 cards of the same value: 100 points), straight (3 consecutive cards of
different suits: 200 points), and straight flush (3 consecutive cards of the same suit: 500 points). We
could add whatever we want.

This game is similar to Five card Solitaire. In this case there are 5 open community cards and each
player takes a card and puts it in an empty space in their 3x3 square, to make their combinations,
starting with the player on the left to whom they deal. As a card is taken, another one from the deck
is shown, and each player must always have 5 cards to choose from. You can play with jokers, but
you must choose the card when placing it on the grid.

Variant) The number of community cards can be one card less than the number of players (3
community cards if there are 2 players, 5 community cards if there are 4 players...). In this
way, the community cards are replaced when all the players have chosen and the community
cards have been exhausted, thus creating rounds in which the players have fewer cards to
choose from and the number of cards to choose always rotates.

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❖ Politaire poker solitaire
The deck is shuffled and placed face down. The player takes and places 5 cards of his own to play
face up in front of him and shows another 3 face up cards next to the deck, which will be draw cards
and will be numbered from left to right from 1 to 3. This means that the first card to draw will always
be the first one on the left, and so on in order. Likewise, if a pot card is drawn, the other cards are
moved and replaced from the deck in that order.

The poker combination is made only with the 5 own cards. Once we have dealt the cards there are
two situations:

1 ^ If there is a poker game with the 5 own cards, they are noted and removed. Next, the removed
cards are added, starting with the 3 initial draw cards.

2 ^ If we do not have a poker game, we can withdraw at will from 1 to 3 of the 5 own cards and
they are reincorporated from the 3 draw cards. The removals of the 5 own are put in a new deck
next to the existing one, and are replaced from the initial deck. Once the starting deck is finished,
the remaining deck is shuffled and becomes the starting deck.

Point count > the silk-screened value of the cards that make up the game is added and multiplied
by the amount indicated in the attached image.

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sage poker solitaire

It is played with a 52-card poker deck. A 3x3 square is formed and all the cards are dealt hidden,
leaving 9 piles. Now the first card of each grid is raised and we look for the poker game.

We remove the cards that make up the game, noting which one it is. Next, the first card from the
pile of removed cards is lifted, once again having the piles operational. If there is no game, a card
must be removed from a pile and search again to see if there is game. The eliminated cards are set
aside and cannot be played again.

To count points, take note of the value of the combinations in the attached figure. It can be played
with 2 decks.

❖ BlackJack 21 Solitaire
The BlackJack 21 solitaire game is a simple rules card game based partially on the rules of
BlackJack 21, and the object of the game is to place the cards in such a way that they make 21 as
many times as possible. We have 2 basic variations:

1. BlackJack Column Solitaire.

2. BlackJack Cross Solitaire.

The card values are:

1. Jack, Queen, King figures count as 10 points.

2. An Ace counts as 1 point or 11 points, depending on whether it comes from the hand.
3. All other cards have their numerical value.

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Scoring ) BlackJack is a combination of an Ace and a face card (10 point card). This means
that if you add 21 doing BlackJack you add twice as much (50 points) as adding 21 with
different cards (25 points).

BlackJack Solitaire Columns

It is played with a poker deck without jokers. The deck is shuffled and placed face up, showing the
first card. Now we play with several columns, in this case with 4. We can place each card in any
column as long as the sum does not exceed 21.

Catch 21 Blackjack Solitaire

CardzyGames Cards

We have 2 game variations:

1. Timed game) We set a desired countdown time (3 minutes, for example), and when
this time ends the game ends. If you cannot place a card in a column, we remove it to
the end of the deck to continue playing it (cyclical). It is mandatory to play the card in
any column if its sum does not exceed 21, it cannot be removed if we have a play.

When a column adds 21, the cards are removed for later scoring. Each group formed
is placed on top of the previous one removed with the cards making a cross, so that
when counting the points the groups are clearly identified.

In this type of game, if we exhaust all the cards we have an additional Bonus of 100

2. Untimed game) In this case the cards do not return to the deck, so the game ends
when the cards in the deck run out.

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BlackJack Cross Solitaire

We can make the shape we want, cross, square or

rectangle. While in the square the number of cards that
form the columns and rows is the same, in the cross
and the rectangle they are different, so the game gives
us more possibilities. In the figures shown we see that
we can form a BlackJack (with 2 cards), but if we only
take into account that 21 points are added, we can use
the figures we want.

The objective is to get the maximum score by

completing hands of 21 points: horizontally and
vertically. We can also add the diagonals.

There are 2 game ways to choose from to play:

1. Hidden cards> The poker cards are shuffled and we only draw the number of cards at
random to complete the figure. There are 2 basic rules: we cannot see the cards we
draw and they are drawn one at a time (never several at a time), until we place a card
we cannot draw the next one. We can take the card from wherever we want (top of the
deck, bottom of the deck, shuffle again before taking another card, cut...). Once a card
is placed it can no longer be moved.

In this form of the game we can add a discard row, so we can discard up to 5 cards. If
the card we have is not wanted, it is discarded and can no longer be used to make a

2. Cards seen ) The poker cards are shuffled and we only draw the number of cards at
random to complete the figure, but without placing any. Now we show them (we can
see them) and try to make the best hands possible. With this model we can set two
rules: Maximum playing time and once a card is placed it can no longer be moved.

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• Chinese poker discovered.

It is played with the classic deck of 52 cards, and in total each player will receive 13 cards. That
said, there will be a maximum of 4 players per deck in each game. (Add another deck for more
players, although the usual is a maximum of 4 players). Each player must form three poker hands:
two of them with five cards (the highest value closest to the player, the one below) and the third with
three cards (the furthest). The main five-card hand must be
higher in value than the average hand, while the three-card
hand must have a lower value than both five-card hands.

• The top street with 3 cards is the top or front hand.

• The middle street with 5 cards is the middle hand.
• The bottom street with 5 cards is the back hand.

In Standard Chinese Poker , the 13 cards with which the player has to form their hands are dealt
at the same time to each player and remain hidden while they make the three streets.
In Open Face Chinese (OFC), the players do not receive all the cards at the beginning, but first get
five cards that must be shown to the rest of the players ^ The game begins with the dealer dealing
face cards to all the players, one at a time one and clockwise until everyone has 5. The first player
to act is the one to the left of the button (dealer) and must place face up and as desired the 5 cards
distributed among the 3 streets (Back, Middle or Top) and they will no longer be able to move. Once
this player has placed them, the others will place them in clockwise order.

From this moment on, each player receives the cards one at a time and must place these cards
together with the five shown before receiving the next one, until he has the necessary 13 cards
(forming two hands of five cards and one of three) ^ The dealer deals 8 more cards to the players
1 at a time up to a total of 8 cards in the same direction as before in the following way: deal the next
card to the first player and once place his card in its respective back , middle or top, the card will be
dealt to the second player and he will place his card in his respective back, middle or top, and so
on, until each player has his 13 cards placed. As in Texas Holdem, it is important to be on the
button, since when you place your cards last, you can see your rivals' cards and will be able to act
better accordingly.
The main objective of the players will be to comply with the rule from the strongest hand (back) to
the least strong (front): the back hand move must be the best of the three, the second most
valuable must be the middle one. and the play with the least value must be the one from the front
hand (there are 3 cards, a maximum of three of a kind). If your hands do not comply with this rule, it
is a fault, foul or missed and it will mean that you will have lost all three hands directly and you will
not score points (the plays have no value).

For example, you place a two pair in the closest five-card hand, while in the middle you have a
three of a kind (a better play), it is a foul. Committing a foul also penalizes you from not receiving
any bonus that you could receive.

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Once all the cards have been placed, the rivals' hands are checked and the points and bonuses
(royalties) that each one has are tallied. This accounting must be done by everyone against

Each player must compare their groups of hands with those of their opponents, starting with the
player who occupies the place of the button, who will compare his groups with the player to his left,
and continuing with the rest in a clockwise direction, That is to say that the front hand of one player
competes against the front hands of the rest, the same goes for the two remaining groups, in a
game with 4 people, each player will make 3 separate comparisons with each of their opponents.

In this way, points are earned with each victory (they are added), and in the same way points
are lost for each defeat obtained (they are subtracted).

Points per line

To calculate the score, a street-by-street comparison is made between 2 players. The street won
adds 1 point and the street lost subtracts 1 point (which is the same, the player receives one
point for each hand he wins against the opponent).

• If a player A wins 1 of the 3 streets and loses 2 streets compared to an opponent B ^

player A gets -1 point (has lost), and opponent B gets +1 point (has won). Player A pays 1
point to opponent B.

• If a player A wins 2 of the 3 streets against an opponent B ^ player A gets +1 point (has
won), and opponent B gets -1 point (has lost). Opponent B pays 1 point to player A.

• If a player A wins the 3 streets against another player B ^, he manages to SCOOP and
scores +6 points (+1 point for each street and +3 extra points). Rival B will get -6 points.
Opponent B pays 6 points to player A.

• If Player A's hand is void (you do not follow the rule of hands in order, strongest to weakest),
he loses 6 points against all players who did not foul. Player A pays 6 points to each player
who did not foul on his hand.

• If a player gives up and abandons the hand, he must pay two units to each opponent.

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Scoring in Open Face Chinese is made up of points, sometimes called units. In a $1 OFC game,
each point (or unit) is equal to $1. Points are earned (and paid) at the end of the hand, at the
showdown, after comparing these.

Bonuses (Royalities)
The point per line is not very complicated to calculate, the score in open Chinese poker is
complicated by the extra points or royalties. Royalties are extra units that the player receives for
completing certain hands. You must add these extra points only to the streets you have won and
depending on which line it is placed on.
These are more generous in the OFC than in the Chinese Poker standard because it is more
complicated to complete them, with the royalties in Open Face Chinese being the following:

Move Back Middle

Trio 0 2 The bonuses of the Back and Middle

Ladder 2 4
lines are the following:

Color 4 8
• Extra points on the back hand
are calculated from the straight.
Full House 6 12
• Unlike the back, in the middle
Poker 8 16 hand the royalties start counting from the
trio. Furthermore, the score of the rest of
Straight Flush 10 20 the plays is worth double that of the
back hand .
Royal flush 20 40

The Top or Front hand street bonuses: Although the front hand extra points table may seem like
a mess, it is easier than you think. You will start adding extra points from the pair of 66 and from
there upwards one point will be added per pair or trio as shown below:

6% 6* 9% 9* 9*
: 1 point. AV Af : 17 points.
7% 7• 10• 10+104
: 2 points. 2% 24 24 : 18 points.
8% 84 : 10 points. JV J• J4
: 3 points. 3% 34 34 : 19 points.
9% 9• : 11 points. QV Q+ Q+
: 4 points. 4V 44 44 : 20 points.
10% 104 : 12 point. KV K+ K*
: 5 points. 5% 54 5* : 21 points.
JV 4 : 13 point. AV A+ A*
: 6 points. 6% 64 6* : 22 points.
Q% Q• : 14 point.
: 7 points. 7• 7+ 74
: 15 points.
: 8 points. 8% 84 8* For example, a pair of aces
: 16 points.
In the three card hand you would receive nine points from each player. It is necessary to
Royalties are paid regardless of whether a player has won a hand or not, being also
It is important to know that the bonuses of each player face the other (it is mandatory not to commit
a foul). For example, if two players have four of a kind in the strongest hand, no bonuses are paid

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(since they both have the same value and any number except theirs is 0).

Fantasy Land Bonus

In some Open Face Chinese games, Fantasyland rules apply, which consists of a special bonus
that is achieved by placing on the top line (Top or Front hand) a minimum hand of JJ or greater (pair
of checkers or better) without commit foul If you get this special play, respecting the order of the
plays (best hand in back, then in middle and then in top) you will be able to enter what they call

The player who gets fantasyLand, in the next game will receive the 13 cards directly, he will not
show any of his cards placed in his streets until the rivals have completed all their hands (as
explained for the OFC, 5 visible at the beginning and subsequently 1 at a time), and can make the
hand directly while the rest of the players deal him card by card (which makes it easier to get a
strong play).
To get FantasyLand again, it will no longer be enough to put pair or better on Top street, but you
must at least make one of the following three combinations:
• Poker in the back line (Back).
• Full House in the middle one.
• Trio or Set on the top one (Top).

Check score

To know if we have done the calculations correctly, the sum of all the points has to be equal to 0.
The points that one loses are gained by another.

• Player 1 wins two streets (lines), so he adds 1 point + 18 bonus points and must pay 12
bonus points to player 2. Total: 1+18-12= 7 points.
• Player 2 wins a street (line), so he must pay 1 point to his opponent. Additionally, he has +12
bonus points, but must pay 18 bonus points to player 1. Total: 12- 18-1= -7 points.

• Pineapple OFC
A very popular variant of Open Face Chinese is Pineapple OFC, the main difference being the fact
of cards that are dealt after the first round. In both variants you receive five cards at the beginning,
but in the Pineapple you receive the cards three at a time (while in the standard OFC you receive
them one at a time). Of the three cards received, the player places two in his hands and discards
the third.

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The main difference, therefore, is that while in the standard OFC there are nine rounds (the first of 5
cards and the rest, 8 rounds of 1 by 1), in the Pineapple there are only 5 rounds (placing 5 cards at
the beginning and in the next 4 rounds two cards each time).

The player also receives in the Pineapple, 17 cards in total (instead of 13) by discarding 4 of all of
them (1 card for each of the rounds in which he receives three). Due to the fact that each player
receives more cards in total, the maximum number of players in Pineapple OFC is three players
(per deck). Scoring, royalties and Fantasyland follow the same rules as in the standard OFC. The
Pineapple variant is faster and has more options (being able to discard cards), being the one that is
generating the most interest.

As a SUMMARY in the rules of Chinese poker three things can happen :

> That the player fouls, in which case it will mean that his hands do not comply with the basic
rule and therefore he will have lost all at once.

> Let the player scoop: the player wins all three streets from a rival. (+3 extra points).

> That no one is needed or scoop, in which case it will be compared street by street.

In addition to this, the royalties will then be added according to the tables shown above.


Player 1 : Player 2 :
Top: KV J• 3% Top: K• K• 6%
(High K: No bonus) (Couple of kings: +8
Middle: 9• 9+ 9* 10+10* (Full: +12 points)
Middle: 4% 44 2% 24 5%
Back: AV A A* 7• 7• (Double
(Full: +6 points) couples: No bonus)
Back: 244 34 64 Q4 (Color: +4 points)
> Outs
Just as in Hold'em or Omaha, in Chinese poker there are also outs, only here they are somewhat
different. The concept does not change: an out is still a card that helps us complete our play.
The main difference is that Chinese poker is a face card game , so the count of outs is much
more accurate. In Chinese poker, the names “live card” and “dead card” are used to refer to
whether a card still has the possibility of coming out or, on the contrary, there are no longer copies
of that card in the deck. That is, if it has outs or no longer has outs.
For example, let's imagine that we are playing against an opponent who has KKKQ7 as his starting
hand. Place KKK on the bottom street, Q on the middle street, and 7 on the top street.
Now, our starting hand is KJ552. When making our composition, we must take into account that the
K is a “dead card”, which means that all the copies of that card have already been dealt and we will
not have the possibility of linking a pair with that card. We have 0 outs. This will have a great weight

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when deploying our initial hand.
On the other hand, it can be said that the 5 “are alive”, since our opponent does not take any 5 from
us and there are still 2 copies left to come out. The same would happen with the J's, of which we
would have 3 outs.
These concepts of “live” and “dead” are somewhat colloquial and imprecise, but they mean whether
a card has outs or not, which is what we must take into account at all times when placing our cards.

* Outlaw Poker
The rules of this game are based on “Outlaw poker” from playstore. In principle it is a game for 2.
The goal is to make the highest poker play. Each player is dealt 5 hidden cards and the deck is left
face down on the table. A timer is set with a given time (usually 1 minute), and when the countdown
is activated, each player sees the cards dealt and chooses 1 card of the 5, and reserves it for
himself: it will be one of the cards that will form his hand. Once the countdown is over, each player
draws 1 card from the pile and adds it to the initial 4, forming the initial group of 5 cards. After this,
an exchange of cards occurs between the players: both exchange the group of 5 cards face down,
beginning the countdown cycle again. This process is repeated like this until both players have their
5-card combination reserved. After this they both show their hands and the highest hand wins.
Part of the strategy is guessing which cards your opponent will make. Several players can play, the
idea is that the exchange of cards is between everyone: in this way each player gives the cards to a
different player in each exchange.
Regarding bets, one when picking up the 3rd card, another for the 4th and another for the 5th card.

* Anaconda poker
Among the draw poker games, in which players receive all the cards in the initial deal and then
have to exchange some of them in subsequent rounds, there is a version known as Anaconda,
which is played with 1 deck of 52 cards if there are up to 7 players (7 cards x 7 players = 49 cards).
It is basically a Seven Card Stud with cards exchanged between the players, which is where it gets
its name since the cards are said to “snake” around the table. It is also known as "passing" based
on the premise that giving and receiving bad cards is the reason for the game, however some
strategies do exactly the opposite (passing high cards) in the hope of forming a good hand. low
cards. Another name and surely the most descriptive of all is "3-2-1-left" in reference to the number
of cards that each player must exchange in each round and the direction in which they must do so.
Anaconda poker can also include different modifications such as:
• Change the number of starting cards.
• Modify the number of cards exchanged.
• Alter the order of players with whom cards are exchanged.
• Include wildcards.
• Incorporate only one round of betting and showdown after all card passes.

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• Remove all bets and play without money.
In this game the position is important, so to determine them, 1 card is dealt to each player and the
lowest card will be to the left of the dealer, and so on until the highest, which will be to the right.
After each game, the dealer position moves one position to the left.
Before the start there is an Ante bet (mandatory bet for all players prior to the distribution of cards).
Third Street
After paying the ante, the game begins: the dealer deals a total of seven cards face down to each
player, 1 at a time, and then a first round of betting is made. The first to bet will be the player who is
seated immediately to the left of the dealer and will do so obligatorily through the bring-in , however
he may do so for half the minimum bet determined by the table.
^ The Bring-In is equal to half of the lowest value of the betting limit, and each bet or raise must
be, at least, equal to this; That is to say that in a game of $2 - $4, the Bring-In will be $1 or less 4
Fourth Street
After the first round of betting, each player will pass three cards to the player on his left, and will in
turn receive another three cards from the player sitting on his right. Now for the second round of
Fifth Street
After the second round of betting, everyone still at the table will pass two cards again to the player
on their left and will receive two from the player on their right. The third round of betting begins.
Sixth Street
After the third round of betting, each player again passes 1 card face down to his left, and receives
1 card from the player on his right. The fourth round of betting begins.
Seventh Street
After the fourth round of betting, each player will choose their five best cards, place them face down
in front of them on the table and discard the 2 remaining cards.
When the dealer indicates it, each one will show their best card (the highest of their effective
combination). When the best cards of all the players have been seen by the table, the fifth and final
round of betting will begin by the player who has the highest revealed card.
After the last round of betting we arrive at the showdown, where each player will show their five
cards to the table. The first to show his move will generally be the one who made the last bet and
from then on the order will be the same as that used in all the rounds, that is: following clockwise.

• Passing cards is mandatory, regardless of whether you want to or not, or the
combination of cards each player has.
• During the exchange of cards it is important that no player has more than seven cards
in their possession at the same time, everyone must then make sure to pass their
cards before picking up those on their right.

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Let's remember, now, how much the game changes if the wild card is part of it. The “joker” or
“Joker” is an additional card, usually representing a medieval jester, the so-called “joker”. It is a card
that is not usually used, except for games like “ramiro” and “gin rummy*, but if it is applied to poker -
which is often done to give it more excitement -, it gives it an extremely dangerous turn for poker.
players who forget about it during the game or who give it less importance than it really has.
And, as its Spanish name indicates, “wild card” means that it can be used for everything, that it fits
anywhere, hence its value. That is, it can be an ace, a king, a queen, a J, a ten, an eight, a two, etc.
It can be anything we want, depending on the play we have.
For example : we have two K and a wildcard. Well, we now have a trio of K. Or we have two tens
and a wild card, they are a trio of 10 (Three tens). If we have double pairs and a joker, it is a full
house of the highest card. If there is an incomplete straight, in the absence of a card, and we
receive the wild card, the straight is made, regardless of the missing card.
What if we have a trio of Qs and a joker? We have obtained poker of Q. And so on. In the royal or
flush flush, the same: the joker acts as the card that may be missing, and the straight flush is valid.
But what happens if we have a poker done... and also the joker as the fifth card?
Simply put, we will have linked a “ repoker ”. In some games, and as long as this is agreed upon in
advance, to avoid conflicts, the “repoker” is considered the maximum move, and even beats the
straight flush. But usually, it is only above poker, and therefore, below the royal flush. We insist that,
possibly, the wild card can give more excitement to the game, but precisely because of its value in
every play, it becomes a double-edged sword, which can help a player a lot, and ruin the best of the
plays, if it capriciously aligns itself with another play that, without that wild card, would be nothing.

Therefore, when that card is in the game, all players must be extremely careful when placing their
bets and when discarding or seeing others discard.
Hitting cards with a pair and a joker is not the same as with a normal three of a kind. The
possibilities of linking a poker are precisely double, since the player only needs another identical
card to do so, and if he receives both, he reaches the “repoker”. It is also not the same to ask cards
with an ace and a joker as with a pair of aces. One can link from the trio of aces, which is the most
normal, to a straight to the ace, if three consecutive cards are received, or the full house or four of a
kind. In short, the wild card makes things easier for whoever receives it, but it makes the game very
complicated for the opponents.

But it can also happen that one becomes too confident with the wild card. And there are games in
which it is previously stipulated that, if two identical moves are linked at the same time, the
one with the wild card always loses . So what I said: it is a double-edged sword in all cases, so,
as a general rule, experienced players prefer not to include it in the game.

In short, the game systems are infinite, and depend as much on the cards that serve us as on the
temperament of our opponent, and even our own. There are those who, with a K and an ace, ask
for three cards. He is a bold person, who hopes to be able to link double pairs either alias, or a trio
of any of them, or even, with a lot of luck, a possible poker of one or the other. The normal thing is
that, at most, he flirts with one partner and even two, but not much more. However, no one can
guarantee anything. The bravest in this game either lose everything or win large sums. And not
always by luck. In a stake game, chance is secondary, we have already said it. If not always, yes

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most of the time.

> How to steal the blinds?

The concept of "stealing the blinds" refers to when a player in late position raises his bet before
the Flop with the aim of taking the blinds without anyone calling him .
Stealing the blinds is an essential resource if we want to survive in a Poker tournament. This is a
very effective strategy, because players in the blind position will have any two cards and, most of
the time, they will not dare to call our raise, so we can easily win the pot .
However, we must keep in mind that, in the same way that we can steal other players' blinds, other
times it will be our rivals who try to steal ours.


Like most strategies, to execute this action with certain guarantees of success, a series of
circumstances must be met. So, before stealing a blind we will make sure :
1. Be positioned in the last positions ("cut-off" or "button");
2. That the hand comes to us clean, that is, without anyone having bet before us;
3. Have a good image at the table, that is, that our rivals do not believe that we enter every now
and then with speculative hands;
4. That the amount of chips in the blinds is worth it in relation to our stack.

Another consideration to take into account is that we must act differently if we are playing a
tournament or if we are playing a "Cash Game" game. Stealing blinds is most effective in
tournaments . Indeed, in a tournament we will often find that we urgently need to recover chips,
without expecting to receive “premium” category cards or even good ones (since they rarely reach
us). On these occasions, blind stealing is ideal for accumulating chips.

However, in the early stages of a tournament, the blinds are often very low relative to your stack
size, making stealing blinds unprofitable. Furthermore, and precisely because the stacks are still
high for all players, it will always be more likely that any opponent will call the raise and thwart your

In cash games, the blinds will generally be very small compared to your stack. This means that it is
not worth stealing as much because what we will be doing is risking money with weak hands.
Therefore, the recommendation is not to do it every round, because the players in the blind position
will end up realizing your intentions. The ideal is to start doing it in later betting rounds and thus
take more chips. Speaking last in each round will allow you to have a lot of control over situations.
To finish, then, we can conclude that blind stealing depends on the ratio between the size of the
blinds and the size of the stack (both ours and that of others). It is not advisable to try it with low
volume blinds , since we will risk many chips for few profits.

Ways to lose your hand in poker ("dead hands")

In live poker you have to pay attention to all the little details that can happen at the table. Unlike on
the internet, at a live poker table, people are the ones who speed up the game, so mistakes can be
made that can leave you in a very embarrassing situation. So that no mishap happens to you, it is
essential that you know the cases in which you can lose your hand due to not being attentive or
making a wrong move.

Losing your hand accidentally can be a very embarrassing and sometimes very angry situation if

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it was a hand with potential. You must know that a dead hand is not resurrected , that is to say
that once you lose it there will be no turning back. These are the famous " dead-hands " in
There can be very varied situations in which you can lose your hand:
- If you say the word fold or fold the cards even if you are making a bet
- If they ask for time and you still go over the time limit
- If you throw your cards and they land face down in the discard area, "muck." In this particular
case an exception can be made. If the reading of cards has occurred due to a false external
motivation, that is to say that someone led you into error, it can be rectified in the only assumption
that the cards can be identified with certainty, and if the table delegate gives his or her consent.
general interest of the game.
- If you do not have your cards protected and a player mixes them with yours when throwing them
- If you do not have the cards protected and the dealer picks them up by mistake
- If you throw your cards on top of another player's hand even if you throw them face up
- If you make you throw the cards and you don't throw them but your action causes the next player
to speak
- If you do not warn that you have been dealt more or fewer cards or that there is an incorrect card
(e.g. Joker)

For all this, we recommend a series of things to keep in mind when you are playing Texas Holdem
poker, so that this type of disagreement does not happen to you:
- Keep your cards protected at all times with a card or protector.
- Never reveal your cards until you are sure that all the players have folded or because you have to
show them at the showdown. In any case, do not listen to what the rest of the players tell you but
rather the dealer.
- Avoid throwing the cards wildly so that they do not mix with other cards, and lift them in front of
you carefully.
- Make clear moves that do not lead to confusion, and announce your bets clearly.
In this sense, the rules of poker are very clear, and when a hand becomes useless, it is immediately
considered a "dead-hand", which means that you will not be able to recover it. There will be no way
to do it even if that hand were to give you a lot of cards. Knowing the reasons, and with a little care,
you should not have any mishaps at any live poker table.
• Mathematics in games of chance: combinatorics, probability and statistics.
This topic is very beautiful and as extensive as one wants. A good book is MATHEMATICS AND
DE HAIGH, JOHN . Games of chance are games in which the chances of winning or losing do
not depend on the player's skill but exclusively on chance.

Most popular games of chance

Bingo ^ Bingo, originally from Italy, consists of a drum with a certain number of numbered balls
inside (75 or 90). Players play with cards with random numbers written on them, within the
corresponding range, 1-75 or 1-90. An announcer or singer takes balls from the drum, singing the
numbers out loud. If a player has said number on their card (the 24-number one is the most

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common), they cross it out, and the game continues like this until someone manages to mark all the
numbers on a line and the card.

The probability of obtaining a line or the entire card depends on the number of cards that are
participating in the game, so it will depend on the number of people who are playing as well as the
number of cards that each participant plays with. Since in this game a number is drawn until
someone “calls bingo”, that is, has the card with the 24 numbers, the probability depends on the
number of cards in play, as well as the player's control over their cards.

Eagle or Sun ^ This simple game, in which a coin is usually thrown into the air on a horizontal
surface and the one who chose the side facing up wins. It has different names depending on the
part of the world we are in: cara or ceca in Argentina; face or stamp in Chile, Panama and
Venezuela; face or crown in the Savior; heads or tails in Ecuador, Spain and Puerto Rico; face or
shield in Honduras and Guatemala; eagle or sun in Mexico; face or number in Paraguay; etc… As
there are only 2 possible choices, the probability of success is 50%.

Dice ^ The game of dice consists of throwing a polyhedral-shaped object on a horizontal surface.
The possible numerical results are marked on each of the faces of the polyhedron and are chosen
by taking, normally, the result marked on the face that is seen upwards. The most conventional die
has six faces so the probability of obtaining a number (of the 6) is 1 in 6, that is, 16.67%. If we roll 2
6-sided dice it will be 4.76%. In China and India they played dice with their fingers.

Lottery ^ In a coupon draw, the probability of winning depends on the number of tickets in play, as
well as the number of series. As an example, the extraordinary Christmas raffle in Spain will be
used, where 170 series of 85,000 tickets are put into play, of which 13,334 win prizes. The
probability of winning the jackpot with a single coupon is 1 in 14 and a half million (170 series x
85,000 tickets). The amount of the prize to be received not only depends on the probability of
success, but also on the percentage of the amount played that is returned as a prize, which is
usually 70%.

Pools (Spain) > As for pools, their success depends on the number of possibilities or possible
choices. If we make a simple bet, we have to face 3 to the power of 14 of possible cases, since in
each of the fourteen matches we have three possible results: 1, X, 2. Therefore, we must divide our
bet (1) between all the possibilities

(3 to 14), so there is a probability of 1 in almost 5 million to win the plenary session. The difference
with other forms of betting is that here, in addition to chance, there is a greater probability of
success, which depends on the difference between the soccer teams at play.

Primitive Lottery or “Lotto” ^ In this type of lottery, there is a series of numbers, of which a
certain number are the winners. In the event that there are 49 and six winners, the probability of
winning the maximum prize with a simple bet is 1 in 13,983,816, that is, the possible combinations
of 6 numbers out of 49 numbers.

Pool jackpot > To participate in the game, the bettor must choose two three-digit numbers or, if
desired, the gaming terminal will automatically generate the bet. If those two three-digit numbers
appear in any order among the first five prizes on the statement, they will be considered winners of
the game. The prize will be made up by allocating forty percent (40%) of the total proceeds raised.
The probability of success is 1 in 49,850.

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Slot Machines > This game occasionally offers a prize in exchange for an amount of money. There
are two types: programmed machines (common in gambling halls and bars), in which, according to
an internal program, after a number of games, the machine must return a part of the income that
has been made (around at 70%); slot machines (common in casinos), in which they depend
exclusively on chance. The largest slot machine prize was awarded in Atlantic City (United States)
with more than ten million dollars, which had been accumulated as a "jackpot" for years, and in
exchange for only a five-cent coin.

Roulette ^ The game of roulette, typical of casinos, owes its origin to the French mathematician
Blaise Pascal, hence its name comes from the French term roulette, which means small wheel. At
first it had 36 numbers (the sum of the first 36 numbers gives the magical number par excellence:
666) and at the end of the 19th century, the Blanc brothers modified it by adding a new number, 0,
and initially introduced it in the Casino de Monte Carlo. This roulette has a prize ratio of 36/37,
which leaves a house margin of 2.7% (in Europe) or 5.4% (in the US) if it has two zeros

Now another explanation

In games, not everything is simple luck, since mathematical skills, grouped data and a good
memory are required. Winning in a game of chance does not only lie in the skill that the player has,
but also the skill involved in calculating both favorable and unfavorable possibilities that arise from
the game itself, and from the actions that are carried out while playing. (the player must be skilled at
reducing the probability of unfavorable outcomes and increasing the probability of favorable ones
through his actions).
Mainly the player's skill is useful in calculating the possibilities that arise from one or more actions,
always in relation to chance.
But if everything were applied mathematics, they would not be called games of chance, since even
the most expert mathematician or player can fail, and this is the essential component called luck or
chance that can snatch victory. Winning or losing in this type of game depends, to a large extent,
on the skill of the players, but the unpredictable component that is chance can snatch victory from
even the most experienced and skilled player.

We can say that games of chance are games where the chances of winning or losing not
only depend on the player's skill, but also involve chance, since the probability of winning or
losing is something that cannot be predicted, but whether to calculate.

Conclusions) Gambling games have prizes, and they are determined by the statistical
probability of hitting the chosen combination or the best combination. That is why many people
resort to this discipline to play certain combinations, and thus try to win prizes (they try to increase
their probability of success). However, in certain games there are certain lessons or strategies to
the game, so luck is definitely not a factor that alone decides who wins and who loses. That said,
the skill of each player is essential. Now we should distinguish 2 types of games:
• Pure chance > only chance intervenes (bingo, lottery, euromillion...). In these cases we
calculate the probabilities of success.
• Hybrid chance ^ In this case, in addition to chance, there are other elements that influence
the result: humans, meteorological, mechanical... such as horse riding, car racing, darts,
bowling, cards...
For example, in pools we bet believing that a soccer team will win, draw or lose against another,

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based on statistics (team history). However, the human factor of each team (the players) will be
what declines the result. And we are left with card games, which, like the previous example, an
experienced player will make greater profits in the long run than a novice (in the long term, and
we say long term since in a single hand an inexperienced player can beat the world champion
with the right cards. But the luck factor will disappear, giving way to the ability of each player to
make their good hands profitable and minimize losses in bad streaks.)
NOTE > Currently there are games that are electronically controlled. This means that we are
in the explanation of the case of the “slot machine”: if the prize is controlled by the program,
it is no longer random. And electronic games...almost all of them. may-vencer-
los.html I leave you the following extract from the web address. Document Summary :
BANKING never loses.
The professional player is also aware that every day casinos implement more and more innovative
"Countermeasures" (Countermeasures) in their games of chance that are aimed precisely at
reducing their chances of success, or that do not allow the player to discover significant statistical
trends. in the behavior of the game, or that make it difficult for him to collect the information
necessary to calculate probabilities, etc., which increasingly reduces the possibility that the
professional player can try to do something to try to obtain favorable economic results in games of
In truth, true professional gamblers are a rare species on the verge of extinction, because as long
as all games of chance in casinos operate only on electronic video machines governed by the
unbeatable Random Number Generators (Random Numbers Generator or Randomizer oRNG),
then the few systems that can still be applied to try to obtain profits through the mental ability
applied to try to overcome the Uncertainty that governs games of chance will be totally inoperative.
Under the growing empire of the Randomizer or the RNG, it will gradually be observed that all
players (the deluded novices, the inveterate gamblers, the agile cheaters and the skilled bettors),
will end up equally subjected to the unbeatable Mathematical Advantage in favor of the Bank, to
the imperturbable random march of the game and the most complex uncertainty in all games of
chance generated by artificial computer procedures used to produce pseudo-randomness.

• Differences between probability and statistics

There is confusion about the difference, similarity and link between probability and statistics, and
they are very often thought of as synonymous or equivalent concepts. This issue is not of minor
importance and acquires great relevance when this translates into potential conceptual and
operational errors, since if we do not know what the niche and range of application of each of these
areas is, important errors can be made in this regard. .

Chance, random event and probability.

Chance , in normal language, is considered the characteristic of an unpredictable event.

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In statistics this definition is modified by adding an additional property: Chance is the
characteristic of an experiment that produces diverse results, unpredictable in each specific
situation, but whose frequencies, in the long run, tend to stabilize towards a "limit" value at infinity. .
As a consequence, random events are defined as the results of an experiment whose
variation (that of the results) is due to chance.
The probability of an event is only defined for the case of random events.
There are several ways to define probability.
• First of all we can consider the intuitive definition that tells us that the probability of an event
is the possibility of it occurring. This first definition does not seem very useful because it is
difficult to quantify.
We can also consider the classical definition of probability. In this definition, we begin by
considering all the possible results of an experiment; Then the results favorable to our event are
counted, that is, all those in which the experiment results in the event considered; Finally, assuming
that there is reciprocal symmetry of all outcomes, that is, that all possible outcomes are equally
possible, probability is defined as the number of favorable cases divided by the number of possible

• This second definition has the drawback that it is not always possible to know how many
possible results of an experiment are and not always all possible results are equally
Therefore, we will consider probability defined in another way. Suppose that we carry out an
experiment many times and we write down the value of the relative frequency that, as we know,
tends to stabilize. Assuming that we could perform the experiment infinitely many times, the
stabilization value of the frequencies at infinity would be the probability of the events. That is, the
probability is the value of the relative frequency at infinity. It is important to note that this stabilization
value is not a limit in the mathematical sense of the expression since, since it is a random event, no
one can guarantee a mathematical equation for the value of the relative frequency.

Probability > Probability is the possibility that exists among several possibilities that an event or
condition will occur (which are values that basically depend on chance or the possibility that they
may or may not occur). Probability, then, measures the frequency with which a result is obtained
when carrying out an experiment for which all possible results are known thanks to the stability
conditions that the context assumes in advance (THEORY).
Its method is deductive, that is, starting from certain definitions and basic properties established in
advance, known as axioms, the properties of the objects of interest are deduced, and whose results
are established as theorems, which are true or true propositions. that can and must be
demonstrated. In this sense, probability is related to other branches of mathematics such as
algebra, mathematical analysis, geometry or topology.

STATISTICS > Science that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data that seeks
to explain the conditions in those random phenomena, its purpose being to describe the structure of
the data, through the development of summary numbers and graphs, such as averages or
variances , histograms, diagrams... (PRACTICE).
The method of statistics is based on the scientific process, which is basically inductive,
which goes to a certain extent in the opposite order to the deductive one; This method is

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based on a process of observation, hypothesis generation, experimentation and potentially
prognosis on the behavior of the phenomenon under interest (an additional purpose could be the
establishment of laws or even theories, of general validity in broad fields of application). .

Thus, a key distinction between probability and statistics is that the former uses the deductive
method, while the latter is a factual and experimental field of study, and is based on an inductive
process, which must be contrasted throughout. case with experience or experimentation.

EXAMPLE ^ After this theory I will explain with an example what I have understood. Suppose we
have a coin and we play HEADS or TAILS. You have to choose one, which one? Now you are
going to decide again, but knowing the following.

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• Probability) The probability of heads or tails coming up is 50% (1/2), it is obvious because
there are only 2 possibilities.
• Statistics ^ The dice have previously been rolled 100 times, and heads have come up 60
times and tails 40 times. This means that heads come up at 60% and tails at 40%.
We all know that it is random, but based on practical results (statistics) possibly the majority will
choose heads.
Now with a die) The probability (theoretically) of rolling a number from 1 to 6 is 1/6
(0.166). Now suppose that the number 5 on the die is on two sides, so the
probability of getting the numbers 1 to 4 is 1/6, while the number 5 is 2/6 (double).
What number do you choose?
However, statistically (practically) number 5 comes out at 35%, number 1 at 40%
and the rest at the same percentage. What number do you choose?

Well, basically, people rely on this when betting: probability (theory) and statistics (practice,
based on the history of results). But in poker we add bluffs, which are the risk factor of the
game: they provide that uncertainty and adrenaline. Therefore, a good player handles
mathematics and reading body language well.

• The mathematics of poker: odds and outs.

In poker you will often be behind with an incomplete hand, but you will have a chance to beat your
opponent's hand. A "draw" is understood as an incomplete hand that has to be completed with
another community card to be drawn to become a made hand (you probably don't have the best
hand after the flop, but you have a real chance of improving your hand and making it the best .
Typical draws are flush or straight.
The outs are the cards that, if they come out on the turn and/or the river , will make you make a
play with which you will have the greatest probability of winning the hand . From a mathematical
point of view, the calculation of outs has a direct and decisive influence on decision making, since
it has a direct impact on the odds (probabilities that the outs will be dealt in the community cards)
and on the equities. ( part of the pot that belongs to a player based on his probability of winning),
which are the concepts that determine the two types of hands you can play, those that are based on
speculation of the size of the pot and those that are governed by expectations calculations.
Therefore, performing the calculation well is essential to be successful at playing poker. At first
glance, it doesn't seem like a difficult task. However, if you delve a little deeper into the subject you
will realize that it can be one of the most important keys to the game .
First of all, you will realize that just as important as recognizing your own outs is estimating those of
your opponent. Recognizing your own outs and other people's outs will allow you to select your
bet sizes when attacking and know if you should call your opponent's bets profitably.
On the other hand, it is also crucial that you know how to distinguish between real outs and false
outs , that is, between outs that can only give you a winning play, and outs that can improve your
play, but even more so that of an opponent.
Finally, you must also be aware that the outs are not all the same; There are higher and lower

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quality ones ( strong outs and weak outs ). Some will give you the nuts move (the maximum
possible) and others a considerably lower strength move, which will make you doubt even your
chances of winning. Some will give you the most profitable play (which will usually be the least
“readable” by the opponent) and others a very predictable play, with which you will barely be able to
extract “value” (money or points from the rival).
For these reasons, we recommend that you not only count the outs, but also value them
qualitatively and, in addition, take into account those that your opponent may have.
The Basics: Odds and Outs
In poker you will often be behind with an incomplete hand, but you will have a chance to beat your
opponent's hand. On the turn or river you need a card, which will improve your hand to a made
hand like a flush or a straight.
The card that will transform a draw into a made hand is called an out . When such a card appears
on the turn or river we say that we have "hit an out."
In this lesson you will discover the profitability of hitting an out. This is called odds. You will learn to
calculate whether you can pay an opponent's bet profitably when you run a draw, all using the odds
and outs, as shown in the table below.
Outs transform projects into ready-made hands
A draw is when you probably don't have the best hand after the flop, but you have a real chance to
improve your hand and make it the best. Typical draws are flush or straight. The cards that
complete your draw are called outs .
Example: you carry I I 7^ 1 and the flop is I A* |lpy| 3*|
. You have a flush draw. All hearts on the turn give
you a flush. The deck has 13 hearts, two of them are in your hand and two are on the flop. So there
are nine hearts left that can give you the flush on the turn. This means you have nine outs.

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The more outs a draw has, the stronger it will be. Remember that you can only count as outs
cards that really improve your draw in the best hand with high odds. If an 8 appeared on the turn
in the example, then your hand would be a pair, but it is very unlikely that with a hand like that
you will be ahead.

Projects and their outs

Project Outs

Color project: 9


Open staircase project 8

ANTONIO HUESCAR ) Page207 of 255

Two overcards: 6




Gutshot: 4


Texas Hold'em odds are the probabilities of hitting an out

In order to make the right decision with your draw you must know the probability of hitting an out
on the turn and the river. This is calculated as follows:

• Step 1: Determine the number of outs that complete your project.

• Step 2: Divide the number of outs by the number of possible cards that can appear on the next
Let's go back to the example: you have 8%17% and the flop is I AV | ioy| 3*1 , so you have a flush
draw. You know you have nine outs here. In the next step you have to divide the number of outs by
the total number of cards on the turn.
The deck has 52 cards. You already know five. Two of them are in your hand and three are on the
flop. So there are 47 unknown cards left that can appear on the turn. So the probability of hitting the
flush on the turn is:
9 outs / 47 possible cards = 0.19 = 19% ~ 4 to 1.
This probability is called odds . In Texas Hold'em the odds are usually marked "xa y". A 19%
chance means that you will hit an out on the next street in one out of every five cases. We say it like
"4 to 1." On average there are 4 failures against one success.
In the table below you will find the poker odds for typical situations. Also includes Texas Hold'em
odds from flop to river. For example, this is important in an all-in situation, since in that case you will
see the turn and the river of all.
Poker odds table
Odds and outs

Outs Odds: Odds: Example

Flop-Turn / Turn-River Flop-River

ANTONIO HUESCAR ) Page208 of 255

46:1 22.5:1 Backdoor Color Project

2 22.5:1 11:1 Couple hand set

4 11:1 5:1 Gutshot

5 8:1 4:1 Double couples/trio

8 5:1 2:1 Open staircase project

9 4:1 2:1 Color project

12 3:1 1:1 Color draft + gutshot

13 2.5:1 1:1 OESD + couple

14 2.5:1 1:1 Color project + pair

15 2:1 1:1 Color project + OESD

Pot odds: can I play my hand profitably?

Pot odds are the rate of the possible reward compared to the amount you face when betting.
Let's go back to the example:

Here you should pay $2, the pre-bet pot is $8 and your possible reward is $10. The odds of hitting
your flush are 4:1 against you.
Let's assume that in this case you win the hand. This means that in one of these five cases you will
win $12. In all other cases you will lose $2. Once again we assume that if you don't improve your
hand on the turn, you will have to fold it.
When you pay the $2, on average after five times you will have lost $2 four times and won $10
once. Your total profits, calculated profits - losses, are $10 - $8 = $2.
For this reason, in this case, in the long run it will pay you to pay your rival's bet. On average you
will win $0.40 (= $2 / 5 hands) each time.
Now we add the pot odds calls. They give you the rate of the possible reward compared to the
necessary payment, so it's a risk/reward rate.
Pot odds = possible reward: bet required
In the situation already mentioned, the pot has $8. You have to add the $2 that your opponent has

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put up, which makes the pot a total of $10, which is also your possible profits. You have to pay $2 to
stay in the hand and see the turn. Therefore your pot odds are $10:$2 or 5:1.
So your pot odds are 5:1 and your odds are 4:1.
Now you have to consider the following rule: if the pot odds are higher than the odds of an
incomplete hand, you will win in the long run. If they are lower, you will lose.
What would happen if your opponent bet $4 instead of just $2? The possible profits would become
$8 + $4 = $12. However, your pot odds will become $12:$4, which is a ratio of 3:1. Therefore calling
would not be profitable, since your odds are 4:1 and your pot odds are lower than your odds. At this
point you should fold your hand, otherwise you will lose in the long run.
Equilab: improve your knowledge of odds and outs
You can better understand the odds and outs, and your chances of winning the hand in various
situations using our free Equilab software. The Equilab can
analyze the range of hands of an opponent in a given situation and give you equity figures so you
can deduce the profitability of a particular situation.


Using poker odds and outs you can calculate if you can pay profitably with a draw. The outs are the
cards that complete your draw. The odds are the probabilities of making an out. In Texas Hold'em
odds = outs / possible cards.
Pot odds give you the rate of a possible reward compared to the amount you have to pay. They are
calculated like this: pot odds = possible reward: bet to pay. If the pot odds are greater than the odds
of a hand, you will win in the long run. If they are lower, you will lose in the long run.

• The odds in poker

As we have already said repeatedly, poker is a game of strategies in which the influence of chance
plays a minimal role. One of the most relevant guidelines when putting this set of strategies into
practice is knowledge of the probabilities surrounding the development of this game. Regarding the
calculation of probabilities we will analyze two basic concepts: Outs and Odds.
• Definition of Outs
The term Outs refers to those cards that we have not yet seen and that will allow us to complete or
improve our play.

Example) We are in the Turn of a Hold'em game and our cards are Q 9 in last position. On the
table we have AK 744 ♦ and the player before us bets, it is very likely that he has two pairs formed
with A v A4K v K ♦ .
Our only chance to win is for the River to be of hearts and in this way be able to form a Flush. Let's
see then, what are the chances that the card that would give us victory will be dealt to us in the next
A Poker deck is made up of 13 cards of each suit (52 in total), meaning that for our interests there
are 13 hearts of which we have already seen 4 (two in our possession and two on the table); We
still have 9 hearts left to see that would allow us to get a Flush and with it the victory.
These 9 cards that we haven't seen yet are our Outs. In the following table we will see the outs we

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have to transform a hand into another of higher value.
• Outs Table
Current Play Outs

Couple Trio 2

High Letter Couple 3

Double Couple Full House 4

Move Move
Current Improved

Yo Yo
Internal 4

- 8

Color - 9

Example) In case of having double pairs, the number of Outs that will allow us to transform the
hand into a Full House is four, that is, the two remaining cards not yet seen of each suit:
Current Move: A V A to K v K ♦
Improved Move: A v AAK V K ♦ K a
Outs: A + A ♦ K + K a

• Definition of Odds
The term Odds refers to the odds against something happening.
Example > Continuing with the first example, we know that our Outs are 9 (hearts that would give

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us victory), we also know that there are 4 cards on the table and in our possession there are
another 2, that is, 6 cards in total that we know.
On the other hand, there are also 46 cards that we do not know (52 from the deck minus our 6).
In order to calculate the probability that the next card is a heart, we must divide our Outs (9) by the
total number of cards that we do not yet know (46).
9/46 = 0.19 (That is, the possibility of the Turn being hearts is 19%).
Let's look at it this other way, of the 46 cards that still remain in the deck (for the purposes of
probabilities we don't care if they have not yet been dealt or if they are in the possession of our
opponents), 9 are our Outs (hearts to come out) , the remaining 37 assure us a negative result.
That is to say that our Odds are 37 to 9 (37:9), we simplify the result by dividing both numbers by 9
and we will obtain 4 to 1 (4:1), this means that out of 5 times 4 will be

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unfavorable (the shuffled card will not be a color) and only 1 will be favorable (we will be able to put
together our project).
The following table reflects the probabilities of getting the desired cards (Odds) based on the Outs
available for each standard poker play.

• Odds table
Outs Turn + River River

T Yo
1 22 : 1 45 : 1

2 11 : 1 22 : 1

3 7:1 14 : 1

4 5:1 10,5 : 1

5 4:1 8:1

6 3:1 6,6 : 1

7 2,6 : 1 5,5 : 1

8 2:1 4,7 : 1

9 2:1 4:1

10 1,6 : 1 3,6 : 1
Managing Outs and Odds will allow us to play poker more efficiently since they help our decisions to
be based on mathematical probabilities, leaving aside the influence of chance.

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Calculate pot odds
As we have already studied, the concepts Outs and Odds help us measure the probabilities of
receiving a card that we need to improve our play. Now we will focus on the bet that we should
make to achieve a certain profit and whether said action would be profitable or not.
We will talk about Pot Odds.

Pot Odds
It defines the relationship between the possible profit and the bet that must be made to achieve it, in
other words our Pot Odds represent the amount of Odds that we need for it to be correct to call a

Example > Suppose we play at a table with a pot of €20 and one of our opponents makes a bet of
€5, if we want to continue in the hand we must at least match those €5, thus achieving the
possibility of winning €25 ( the pot plus the bet).
Our Pot Odds are therefore 25 to 5 (25:5), or simplified 5 to 1 (5:1), that is, the potential profit
against the bet necessary to achieve it.

Most Bet Jackpot

----------------------= Pot Odds
Required Bet
To see

How do we use this information? It's very simple, it's about comparing this result with the
probabilities of getting the card necessary to win, that is, with our Odds.

Outs Turn + River River

1 22 : 1 45 : 1

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Outs Turn + River River

Yo Yo
2 11 : 1 22 : 1

3 7:1 14 : 1

4 5:1 10,5 : 1

5 4:1 8:1

6 3:1 6,6 : 1

7 2,6 : 1 5,5 : 1

8 2:1 4,7 : 1

9 2:1 4:1

10 1,6 : 1 3,6 : 1

According to our first example, if our Pot Odds are 5:1, this means that we will have to win 1
out of every 5 hands so that our win-loss balance remains at 0, if we manage to win more
than 1 time we will obtain profits, if for Otherwise we do not reach this quota we will obtain
In conclusion, to obtain profits I need Odds (probabilities of receiving a winning hand) that
exceed the ratio marked by my Pot Odds, in this case they must be greater than 5 to 1 (5:1).
Therefore, if we want to make a mathematically correct decision we must know that:
If the Odds are greater than the Pot Odds we should fold.
If the Odds are less than the Pot Odds we should call.
If the Odds are the same as the Pot Odds there is no difference between folding or calling.
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Example) Let's assume that we are in the Turn of a hand of No Limit Texas Hold'em, our cards
are 7 v K V and the three community cards on the table are 8 v 10 v 5 + . The jackpot amounts
to €100.
With 9 of the cards still left in the deck we would complete the flush and win the hand.
Our Odds to complete the flush are 4 to 1, meaning that one in five times we will win the hand
(we will form the flush).
If to see the River we have to pay a bet of €10, this gives us pot odds of €110 to €10 or
simplified 11 to 1 in this case "see" would be mathematically correct, since if the Odds (4:1 ) are
less than the Pot Odds (11:1) we should call the bet.

Now let's assume that instead of €10 we had to pay €40 to see the bet (and with it the River and
the possibility of completing our flush). Our Pot Odds would be €140 to €40, that is, 3.5 to 1 and
here we see how our Odds (4:1) are now greater than our Pot Odds (3.5:1) therefore the
mathematically correct decision is withdraw.
However, despite everything, we may find ourselves in situations where, even having made the
mathematically correct decision, we do not win the hand, or at our own risk we do not follow
such rules and still win.
All this is possible, but we must not forget that every time we act contrary to what we should do,
we are losing our long-term game since the law of probabilities will end up prevailing over the
ephemeral nature of chance.


Economics , through the so-called "Game Theory" , explains that in the search for
success (in this case business or strategic) in addition to our own decisions have
of fundamental relevance to the decisions made by others.

Not only that, but my own decisions will be conditioned by the decisions I make.
believe that they are going to take over the rest of the market agents , especially when we talk
about my
direct competitors. That is, "Game Theory" tries to study and explain the
behavior and interaction of the various agents in a market, as well as the
incentives that lead them to carry out their decision processes.

The objective: find the optimal strategy by anticipating and anticipating the strategy of the rest.

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This theory becomes especially relevant in markets in which there are very direct competitors
fighting to gain a greater market share, for example in oligopolies or in certain mass
consumption sectors where competition is fierce.

In "Game Theory" the relevant thing is to take a course of action taking into account what we
think others will do, knowing that they will act in turn thinking about what they think we are going
to do . This model is used in the business world, in economics in general, in psychology or even
in games like poker.

"Game Theory" is usually represented graphically through matrices and decision trees. The
concept is not only based on conflict and combat, it can also help to cooperate. "There are
games like chess, in which if someone wins the other immediately loses. But there are joint
production games: if you and I write something together, we can both win. There is no winner or
loser, but the act of playing together creates something we can both benefit from.

"Game Theory" classifies different types of games into categories based on the method that
must be applied to solve them. In this way there are:
- Symmetrical and asymmetrical games.
- Zero-sum and non-zero-sum games.
- "maximin" and "minimax" criteria.
- "Nash equilibrium" (or "Nash-Cournot equilibrium").

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- Cooperative games.
- Simultaneous and sequential games.
- Perfect information games.
- Infinite information games ("Supergames").

The so-called "Prisoner's Dilemma" is one of the best-known examples within the category of
games of the "Nash Equilibrium" type (economist who developed this theory, and whose life
was by the way made into a film in the film "A Beautiful Mind"). "being played by Russel Crowe).
It analyzes the incentives that two prisoners imprisoned for a minor crime have to report the
other to the police and thus access prison benefits, always taking into account the decision that
the other could make:

This exercise considers the assumption that each prisoner is imprisoned separately, in such a
way that they cannot communicate with each other, agree, agree on their decisions or know
what the other is doing.

The possibilities of conviction depending on the decision made by both are the following:

a) NOBODY TELLS: if neither of them reported the other to the police, then each would receive
a sentence of 2 years: (-2, -2).

b) ONE TELLS THE OTHER: if one of the prisoners betrays the other, but the other does not
betray the other, then the prisoner who betrays the other would reduce his sentence to only 1
year, while the prisoner who betrayed would see his sentence increased to 10 years:
possibilities ( -10, -1) and (-1, -10).

c) BOTH TELL OUT EACH OTHER: if both decide to tell on the other, then they will receive a
sentence of 6 years in prison for each (-6, -6).

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The conclusion that explains this exercise is that the separate logical thinking of each prisoner
means that in the end each one makes separately the decision that is best for him individually
and not what would be the best decision for the common good.

If we put ourselves in the shoes of one of the two prisoners, we know that our best decision will
be to betray the other in any case, because this way we will always minimize our sentence,
regardless of what the other does. And given that the other prisoner is just as intelligent and will
reason in the same way, what will ultimately happen is that both will end up spending 6 years
behind bars (-6, -6), while if they had cooperated they would have been sentenced for only 2 ( -
2, -2).

The situation finally reached is a "Nash equilibrium" : a situation in which each individual
player gains nothing by modifying his strategy while the others maintain theirs. In this specific
case, both parties cannot change their individual decision without getting worse (if one of the
prisoners decided not to betray the other, his situation would be even worse, since he would
receive more years of sentence, while the other prisoner continues to have incentives to betray).
In this way, each player executes the best movement he can given the movements of the other

That is, a "Nash equilibrium" is a situation in which all players put

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practice a strategy that maximizes their individual profits, given the strategies of others. As a
consequence, no player has any incentive to individually modify his strategy. In the "Nash
equilibrium" the best result is achieved individually for each player, but not the best result for all
of them as a whole. It is possible that the result would be better for all players if they coordinated
their actions (a situation that occurs in oligopolies).

Applied to economics, the "Nash equilibrium" is a type of imperfect competition equilibrium

that describes the situation of several companies competing for the market for the same good
and that can choose how much to produce to try to maximize their profits.

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poker dice

The dice game consists of 5 dice and 1 cup. The game consists of
obtaining the greatest number of points possible on each play. To
do this you must accumulate the greatest number of dice with the
same value (same figure) in each play.

Poker dice, instead of having numbers on their faces, have the

following drawings:

• The red dot is the Ace and its value is 6 points.

• The K the king. Its value is 5 points.
• The Q is the queen or queen and its value is 4 points.
• The J is the page and is worth 3 points.
• Red: red points on the die and its value is 2 points.
• Black: black points on the die and its value is 1 point.

• During the game the AS acts as a wild card if what we are looking for is to obtain the
greatest number of figures other than AS. When acting as a wild card, the AS will have
the value of the figure sought, instead of 6 points.

• If you do not have access to poker dice you can replace them with normal dice, and each
face indicates its value in points.

• It is not necessary to have a die of the desired figure in the play to be able to reserve the
aces. However, if the figure you need does not appear, the wildcards will not add points.
For example, I'm going for reds. I roll the first time and reserve two Aces, on the second
roll I reserve another Ace and on the third I don't get any red dice. In this case the wild
cards are of no use to me without a red, so my score would be zero patatero in reds.

• It often happens that when throwing the dice they end up on top of each other forming a
tower. This is said to be “fear” and all the dice are rolled again. If it happens three times
in a row the player loses his turn.

Two games are played. Each game has 6 rounds (one for each figure), and each round consists
of 3 dice rolls or plays. The dice are rolled by placing them in the glass, shaking them, and then
gently tossing them onto the table. After the first and second roll you can decide to reserve any
number of dice. The reserved dice will not be rolled on the next roll, unless it is doubling, in
which case all 5 dice will be rolled.

In the first game, each player freely chooses which figure to go for at any given time, and will try
to get the greatest number of them. After the 3 rolls, the player places the dice on the figure they
want, the points obtained are recorded and the turn passes to the next player.

DOUBLE or DOUBLE ^ This can be done when on the first or second throw all the dice have
the same value, taking into account that the aces can act as a wild card. In this case, all the dice
are rolled again, adding the value of the 5 dice of the double to the total sum.

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Once all the participants have played, the first round is over. Now a second round begins, in
which a different figure must be chosen (each player must choose a different figure for each
round). The first game continues like this until completing the 6 rounds.

- Now all the points obtained from the first game will be added and the winner
chooses the strict order that the figures to be searched for in each round of the
second game must follow, and it is mandatory to follow the chosen sequence.

There are usually no problems with this game because it is a game that does not depend at all
on how good or bad a player you are, but rather it is pure chance. You can have a very good
first round and in one of your turns you don't get a score and in the end you lose or on the
contrary you double your points in one of your turns and win. It is impossible to know in advance
who wins or loses and it is not clear until the final count is made.

Liar's Poker
It is played with 5 poker dice and a cup. As many people as they wish can participate, arranged
around a table. It is a game that is played with several hands and in each of them there is not a
winner, but a loser, who is the one who scores a point.

It is previously determined how many points the game will be played and as the participants
reach that number they are eliminated from the game (20 points, for example). To carry out
these successive eliminations, as many hands as necessary will be played. To know who starts
the game, it is determined by rolling a dice each, and the highest score starts.

Hierarchy of combinations) Before describing the development of the game itself, it is

necessary to explain, on the one hand, the existing hierarchical order between the values of the
dice, and on the other, the hierarchy of the different possible combinations of dice or tricks.

^ The order of the values of each figure of each die, from highest to lowest value is: As, K, Q,
red (eight), black (seven)
) The order of hierarchy between combinations of dice in order from highest to lowest is that of
poker, as follows: two plays with poker wins the one with the highest value number or letters.

Repóquer) It is that combination of dice in which all five are equal. Between
Example: poker of aces. I J Ij

Poker) It is that combination in which four of the five dice are equal. Between two plays
with poker, the one with the highest value number or letters wins. In case of

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equality between two tricks with poker, because they are of the same value, it will be the value
of the fifth die, the kicker.
Example: poker of K with
Full) It is that Q.
combination in which three of the dice are equal to each other and in turn the other two are also
equal to each other. Between two plays with a full house, the one with a trio of dice of higher
value wins, and if the equality of the trio persists, the one with the dice of the pair of higher value
will be superior. Example:

full of black aces.

The full of K and Q is of lower KKKQQ

Trio > In this combination three of the dice are of the same value. Between two
Whoever trios,
wins with dice of a higher value wins. In case of identity between two trios,
It will be at the value of the other dice, with the winner being the one with the next higher
value die.
Example: trio of J with ace and

The trio of J with ace and black is of lower

Double Pair or Pairs) This is a combination in which four of the five dice are paired
two to two. In the case of comparing two tricks with double pairs, the one with the pair with
dice of a higher value wins. If the tie persists, the one with his second pair of higher value
wins. If the tie still persists, it will be at the value of the fifth die. Example: double pair of J
and reds with black.

The double pair of J and blacks with ace is of lower

Pair) It consists of having only two dice paired. When comparing two tricks with pairs, the
winner is the one whose pair consists of dice of a higher value. In the event of a tie, the value of
the other three dice will be used, with the one with the highest winning. Example: pair of aces
with K, Q and J. Í J í J Q tj

In this case the last die gives a lower value to the following combination:

Start the game ) The first player throws the dice on the table. There are two ways for a
player to roll the dice:

1. In the center of the table, so that all the other players can see them.
2. Inside the cup, so that only he can see the dice combination.

The player may choose to combine the rolls: throw the dice he wants inside the cup and the

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ones he wants outside, either all at the same time, in groups, or one at a time, but he cannot
roll the same dice more than once. . The player who starts each hand will always leave at
least 2 dice exposed for all players to see, while the rest may or may not be hidden under the
cup in which they have been thrown on the table. The number of dice hidden in the dice cup will
be three or less, or even none.

Thus, the most common thing is for the player to throw two or three dice, check the result
without revealing it to the others, and then decide whether to throw the rest directly out of the
cup (in groups or one at a time) or whether to reveal those dice and Throw the rest away,
keeping them hidden in the cup. Then the player checks what type of poker play he has by
combining all the dice.

Pass the cup ^ Once the player knows the combination of all his dice
(which the others do not, since some of them remain hidden under the cup) passes the cup with
the hidden dice to the player on his right.

At the same time that you do this, you must tell him the move you have, which statement may
be true or false. From this moment on, the first player's turn ends and he goes to the player on
his right, telling him what combination the dice have, the hidden ones plus the visible ones.

Look at the dice ) For the purposes of this game, only one who presumes to have a
combination greater than the real one is a liar; it is not understood as false to affirm that
one has a combination lower than the one one really has. For example, saying you have a
full house when you actually have four of a kind, and it would be considered true.

The player who has been handed the cup, without looking at its contents, must state whether he
considers that what his opponent stated is true or, on the contrary, false:

> If it is considered false > it will immediately lift the cup to see the dice it was hiding:

• If the play was indeed false, the shooter will take a penalty point for having tried to
deceive and not succeeding.
• If the statement were true, the penalty point would be for the one who thought he
discovered a deception and was wrong.

The player who lost starts a new round and must no longer overcome what the previous player
had experienced.

> If it is considered true ^ he will look at the dice without showing them to the other
players and will verify the veracity of the move, but he will not be able to reveal the result.
Now it is his turn to play and he will be obliged to pass a better move (of greater value) to
the next player on his right, whether the move was true or false.

o The player is not obliged to play the dice and can pass the dice to the next player,
but he has to improve the previously mentioned combination ( remember: it is not
understood as false to claim that you have a lower combination than what
you really have).

o If you choose to play the dice, you have to leave the dice you want from the
previously played play visible to all the players, in the same position in which
you received them and throw the remaining ones with the cup and show

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them or not if you wish. want.

A typical example is when the previous player passed us a full house and it was
true. If we only play the matching dice and keep the three of a kind, the possibility of
obtaining a four-of-a-kind is relatively high (1/3). Or when we have been passed a real
poker: it will be enough to play the Kicker and, if something better is obtained, the previous
poker is considered to have been surpassed

Turn step ^ The player whose turn it is must always pass the cup with
its contents to the player on his right, claiming to have a greater trick than the one he
thought had been passed to him.

The mechanism is reproduced in each turn, logically increasing in each of them the trick for
which it is played, ending the hand at the moment in which it is technically impossible for a
player to overcome the trick that was passed to him (repoker of aces), at which point that
player is awarded a point, or, as described above, if someone were to stop play because
they considered their predecessor a liar.

The dynamic that moves the game is that, although a player does not want to "bluff" (lie
about the move he has made), sooner or later he will be forced to do so, by making a
move that has not surpassed that of the player. former. The need for plays to be constantly
improved means that rounds do not drag on indefinitely.

> Yacht or Yatzy

Adapt yatzy to cards: each dice is a deck. A 6-sided die is the 6 corresponding cards
from the Spanish or French deck. If we play with 5 dice we get 30 cards (5 dice X 6 sides),
while with 6 dice there are 36 cards. We can add 1 or 2 wildcards. In this case the wild
card is valid to form a play but it does not add points, it only adds the rest of the cards.

Each player rolls the five dice to determine the order of play. The person with the lowest
score goes out first and the person next in score sits to his left and so on. The game
continues clockwise. If playing for money, each player places the same bet in the pot.

The original game consists of 5 dice and 1 cup and consists of obtaining the greatest
number of points possible. To do this we must try to achieve the requirements requested
by each play box, which requires certain conditions to be able to score. There are several
versions of this game (general, Five Dice, etc...), each of which can have different

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1's Ace
2's Two
3's Three
4's Four
5's Five
6's Six
Upper Score (Sub –
Subtotal or Sum
Bonuses Bonuses
Chance Choice
Minimum Minimum
Maximun Maximum
Difference Difference (Max-Min)
One Pair 1 couple
Two Pair Double couple
3 of a king Three of a kind (Trio)
4 of a king Four of a kind (Poker)
full Full House (3 + 2)
Straight (3X) 3X Ladder
Lower/small Straight Minor or Small Staircase
(4X) (4X)

Large/Big Straight (5X) Main or Long Staircase (5X)

Yahtzee (5 of a king) Yacht (Repoker)
Yahtzee Bonus Yahtzee Bonuses
Final Score Total

The game consists of as many rounds as there are move spaces, and each round consists
of 3 dice rolls. After each roll the player can reserve the dice he wants and reroll the
remaining ones. You can use the 3 rolls or stand after each roll (it is not mandatory to
make all 3 rolls), and after any of the 3 rolls decide to complete the desired square. Once
the dice are chosen and placed in the combination, the score is recorded and the turn
passes to the next player.

The dice are rolled by placing them in the glass, shaking them, and then gently tossing
them onto the table. In each round the player must choose a different category and once a
score has been recorded in one of them, they will not be able to modify it. After the
necessary rounds of play, each player must have a score in all the boxes and the game is
over. In some boxes there may be zero points because you have not rolled a combination
to score points in that box or because you have decided to score the roll in a specific box.
When the total points are added, the player with the highest score wins.

Spanish dice have a value equal to the number of points on each of their faces. Poker
dice, instead of having numbers on their faces, have the following drawings:

- The red dot is the Ace and its value is 6 points.

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- The K the king. Its value is 5 points.
- The Q is the queen or queen and its value is 4 points.
- The J is the page and is worth 3 points.
- Red: red points on the die and its value is 2 points.
- Black: black points on the die and its value is 1 point.

Each box needs certain requirements for it to score:

- Numbers from AS to six : Add the total number of numbers that meet the condition
of the box. Example, if the square is the AS, only the dice with a value of 1 point add

- Subtotal or Sum: It is the total sum of points in the boxes from AS to 6. This box is
not taken into account for the total calculation.

- Bonus : If the score in the Subtotal box is equal to or greater than 63, you will get
an extra bonus of 35 points.

- Choice or Chance : Sum of the value of the 5 dice. Here we write down the roll that
the player wants. For example, if a participant rolls two 6s, two 5s and a 4, 26 points
can be scored in the "choice" category.
- Minimum : Sum of the value of the five dice when we believe that their value will be
the lowest that we get. This box does not count toward the total count.

- Maximum : Sum of the value of the five dice when we believe that their value will be
the highest that we get. This box does not count toward the total count.

- Max-Min Difference: Subtraction of the Maximum – Minimum boxes. This box does
count towards the total count.

- 1 Pair: There must be two dice of the same number. You just add the scores of the
even dice (a roll of two 5s, a 4, a 3 and a 2 are worth 10 points). It is only valid if
there are 2 identical dice.

- Double pair : two + two dice of the same number. You only add the scores of the
even dice (a roll of two 3s, two 5s and a 2 are worth 16 points).

- Three of a kind or 3 of a kind or Trio: Three dice of the same number. You add
the scores of all the dice (a roll of three 6s and a 4 and a 2 are worth 24 points).

- Four of a kind or 4 of a kind or Poker : Four dice of the same number. You add
the scores of all the dice (a roll of four 3s and one 2 are worth 14 points).

- Full house or Full house: You must obtain three dice of one kind and two of
another kind (trio + pair). For example, three 1s and two 5s. This play is worth 20

- Mini Ladder (3X): It is a combination of three correlative value dice. You add the
score of the dice that form the 3-dice ladder. If the straight is larger, you choose the
3 dice you want.

) Minor Straight or Small Straight (4X) : It is a combination of four correlative value

dice (1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5-6). It is worth 30 points. If the straight is larger, you
choose the 4 dice you want.

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- Major Straight or Large Straight (5X) : It is a combination of the five correlative
value dice (2-3-4-5-6 or 1-2-3-4-5). It is worth 40 points.

- Yacht or Repóker : Five equal dice. It is worth 50 points, whatever number it is

made of.

- Yahtzee Bonuses: If in the same game you get more than one Yahtzee, and our
Yatch box must be occupied, each extra Yacht that we place in another box will
provide us with the value of the box itself plus 100 additional points.

NOTE 1 ^ As in poker, the requirement to score on a dice box of multiple combinational

values implies that its values have different values. In this way, four dice of the same
number are not considered two pairs, five dice of the same number are not considered trio
+ pair, three of the same dice or two pairs are not considered 1 pair. And the same for
combinations with the 6-dice game.


• EASY DICE COMBINATIONS > “note 1” above for box scoring can be omitted
to make combinations easier. In this way four dice of equal number if two pairs
are considered, five dice of equal number if trio + pair are considered.

• SCORE OF THE BOXES ^ It can be taken as a general rule that in the score
given by each box, only the dice that meet the conditions of the box are
included. A default will only have Yatzy with 50 points and Super Yatzy with 100

• EXCHANGE > consist of changing moves between squares, either by moving a

move to an empty square or exchanging two filled squares with each other. To
be able to make an exchange:
• It can't be done in the last round.
• The first roll of the dice must not have begun.
• Once the exchange is made, it is the turn of the next player, so it is
considered that he has already played.

GAME WITH 6 DICE ^ There are versions of this game with six dice. The rules are
identical, only there are more combinations and we increase playing time:

• 3 x 2 (3 pairs: 2 alike + 2 alike + 2 alike).

• 3 + 3X (1 triple + Straight 3X).
• 2 x 3X (Ladder 3X + Ladder 3X)
• 3 + 3 (2 triples: 3 of a kind + 3 of a kind).
• 4 + 2 (poker + couple: 4 of a kind + 2 of a kind).
• Super Straight 6X (6 consecutive dice).
• Super Yatch (6 alike). It's 100 points
) With 6 dice, the Sum box computes if the Subtotal is 84 points or more.
- Super Yahtzee Bonuses: It's 150 points.

Strategy > the best chances of scoring are in making bigger games. Use the numbers to
note those plays in which you did not get a high score. Therefore, if you are shooting for a
major straight and you fail and have no score on the Ace, you can score zero to the ace or
aces you have drawn, thus leaving the opportunity to make a major straight for later.

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> Cricket Dice

The cricket game is original from darts or baseball, but we can adapt a basic game to dice.
The poker combinations to use are:
• Repoker ^ It is that combination of dice in which all 5 are equal. It's 100
• Poker > It is that combination in which 4 of the 5 dice are equal. It's 50 points.
• Full ^ It is that combination in which 3 of the dice are equal to each other and in
The other 2 dice are also mutually exclusive. It's 40 points.
• Trio > In this combination three of the dice are of the same value. It's 30 points.
• Double pair or Pairs ^ This is a combination in which four of the five dice are
paired two to two. It's 20 points.
• Pair > Consists of having only two dice paired. It's 10 points.

In each round each player has the possibility of making 2 rolls. The dice are rolled by
placing them in the glass, shaking them, and then gently tossing them onto the table. After
the first roll you can decide to reserve any number of dice. The reserved dice will not be
rolled on the next roll.

The player can use the two rolls or stand after the first (it is not mandatory to make the 2
rolls), and after any of the 2 rolls decide to place the dice on any poker square.

The objective of this game is to obtain the maximum number of points. To get points we
must “close” the poker boxes (poker combinations). The game ends when a player
closes all his squares, playing as many rounds as necessary.

• To score we have to reach an open square. The first time we put the dice on a
square, what we do is CLOSE our square, and we don't get points. An open square
is one that we have already closed, but that another player has not yet closed. In
this case, if in successive rolls we place the dice on an open box we add the
corresponding points. As soon as all players close the same box, that box is no
longer available for scoring.

• The first time we put the dice on a square, what we do is CLOSE our square, but we
don't get points. But in successive rolls, if we place the dice on that box and there
are players who have not yet closed their box of the same combination , we
obtain the corresponding score. As soon as all players close the same box, that box
is no longer available for scoring.

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Bowling distribution

The bowling pins or pins (10 in total) are placed equidistant from
each other at 30.5 cm, at the end of the track, in the shape of an
equilateral triangle.

The numbering of the pins individually is numbered as shown in

the attached figure.

Diagram of the distribution of the

bowling pins (pins).

Point annotation

Frame ) A frame is one tenth of the game. A game of bowling has ten frames (10 rounds)
and there are ten frames on a scorecard. The bowler scores twice in a frame (two throws).

In a bowling game, international regulations always apply. Here we will explain two more
game modifications:

3. International rules: Bonus additional variable points.

4. Bonus rule fixed additional points.
5. Regulations Bonus additional spins.

Ideally, manufacturers would implement these modalities and be able to choose a game

International rules

Punctuation system

A typical bowling game consists of 10 rounds, plays or frames. Each round consists of 2 throws
or pitches except if you get a strike, in which case you do not throw again in that round.

As a general rule it is 1 point per pin knocked down. The points achieved in the previous round
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plus those knocked down in the current round are added, except if you get a Spare or a Strike in
which case subsequent rolls must be taken into account for the calculation of points.

We distinguish four cases of punctuation:

• Do not score ^ In the event that a pin is not knocked down in a throw, it will be marked
on the score sheet with a dash (-). If both rolls are not scored, both dashes will be
marked in the frame of the current round and the score will be the points from the
previous round (no points added).

• Make Open Frame ^ It occurs when a player does not knock down the ten pins after
the two throws. If in the 2 rolls we do not knock down all the pins, the points from the
previous round will be added plus the pins knocked down in the current round.

• Making Spare or Semipleno ^ indicates that all the pins have been knocked down in
the 2 throws. The score for the Spare round will be the points from the previous round,
plus 10 points from the Spare round, plus the pins knocked down on the next throw (first
throw only). On the score sheet, a spare is symbolized by a forward slash (/) in the upper
right box of the frame.

• Making Strike or Pleno or Chuza ^ indicates that all the pins have been knocked down
on the first throw. The score for the Strike round will be the points from the previous
round, plus 10 points from the Strike round, plus the pins knocked down in the next 2
throws (only the next 2). On the score sheet, a strike is symbolized by an (X) in the upper
left box of the frame in which it was knocked down.

The last round (the tenth) is special, since we can make three throws, depending on the results
of the throws we choose:

► 1 extra throw if we manage to do Spare or semi-full (knock down all the

double throw bowling).
► 2 extra throws if we manage to do Strike or full (knock down all the
bowling on the first throw).

These extra throws are due to the third or fourth scoring case. If you obtain full or semi-full
results in the extra rolls, no more rolls can be made.

Two Strikes in a row is a “double”. Three Strikes in a row is “turkey”. From here on they are
named with the English number plus the word “bagger”, for example “four-bagger”, “six-bagger”,
and so on up to the maximum possible number. A “Strike out” is when a bowler takes three
strikes in a row in the tenth frame.

The highest score that can be obtained from a roll is 30 points (10 points for the original strike,
plus the next 2 strikes on the next 2 rolls). So, the highest score in the game is achieved by
doing 12 Strikes in a row: it would be 30 points round x 10 rounds = 300 points.

Foul > At the moment of throwing the ball our feet cannot have contact with or go beyond the
FOUL line (line at the beginning of the court), because it would be an invalid throw and the score
would be reflected with a letter F without adding points.

Split > A split is an arrangement of pins that remain standing after the first throw and occurs
when 2 or more pins are separated from each other by more than one pin's distance and
whenever pin number one is knocked down. The most difficult split is 7-10. On the score sheet,
a split is symbolized by a circle (O) in the frame in which it was knocked down.

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Approach ) is the area you stand to prepare for your shot. This is simply the ground you stand
on while you are throwing the ball.

Lane > is the floor on which the ball rolls to throw the pins.

Channel ^ is a channel along each side of the rail. If the ball leaves the rail, it guides it to its
destination so that it can be used again.

Straight Ball> is when a player throws the ball down the lane and makes a straight path.

Hook or Hook > is when a player throws the ball down the lane and makes a curve in its path.

Bonus rules fixed points

In this mode you get 1 point per pin knocked down plus a Bonus of 5 points for Spare and 10
points for Strike. The player has 10 rounds and 2 rolls per round. Each player will always make
2 rolls per round except when making Strike, which will only make 1 roll. Each Spare achieved
adds 15 points and for each Strike achieved adds 20 points.

Additional Bonus Spins Rules

In this mode you only get 1 point per pin knocked down. The player has 10 rounds and 2 rolls
per round.
Each player will always make the 2 rolls per round (20 throws) plus an additional roll Bonus:

► 1 Bonus spin for the Spare (3 spins in total).

► 2 Bonus spins for 1 Strike in the same round (4 spins in total).

► 3 Bonus spins for 2 Strike in the same round (5 spins in total).

Bonus spins will always be made after finishing each player's current round. If you obtain full or
semi-full passes in the extra throws, no more throws can be made, and the number of pins
knocked down increases to the score.

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American Billiards - 8 Ball
The American pool table has 6 pockets: 4 in the
corners of the table and 2 in the middle of the
longest of the four rails on the table.

The outside part of the table that is not covered is

called the handrail and has marks called diamonds
or eighth marks that serve to guide the player in the
shots in which the bands must be used.

American 8-ball
billiards is played with a cue ball (cue ball) and 15 object balls
numbered from 1 to 15. The object balls are divided into 1 smooth
black ball (number 8) and 2 groups (smooth and striped).

The objective of the game is to legally pocket the group of seven

balls (smooth or striped) and then pocket the black one. The
game begins by placing the object balls inside a triangle whose
base is placed parallel to the shortest rail, the ball placed must
coincide at the upper vertex of the triangle with the central point
marked on the table.

The placement of the balls in the triangle must be: the black
ball in the center, and in the lower corners of the triangle one
smooth ball and one striped ball. The white is placed in the
place preferred by the serving player, but on the opposite
side of the table.

The first player to shoot will have to hit the triangle of balls
with the white ball to break it, if it does not hit any ball, it is a

In case of a foul at the beginning of the game, the opponent can choose between 2 options:
place the balls in the triangle and serve again himself, or continue playing with the balls as they
have been, having 2 shots in a row.

Until the first valid ball is pocketed after the serve (smooth or striped), the game is considered
open and both teams may hit both the smooth and striped balls without it being considered a

At the moment in which one of the teams scores the first valid ball (smooth or striped), the
objective of the game will be defined. For example, if the blue team player pots a smooth ball,
the rest of the game will have to pot the smooth ones, and the red team will have to pot the
striped ones, and vice versa.

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From now on, in any of the throws you make, the first ball you have to touch is always that of
your team. If you touch the opponent's or the black one, it is a foul.

When you throw and hit one of your balls first but do not pocket any, a miss is made and the turn
passes to your opponent. Whenever you score one of your balls, you shoot again.
You keep your turn until you fail or commit a foul.

You commit a foul when:

1. The cue ball does not hit any balls.

2. When when making your shot the first ball you hit is your opponent's or the black one.
3. When you put your opponent's ball in your throw.
4. When you score the white ball.
5. When in your throw you take something off the table ball. in case to be the ball white
It should be placed in the place where the first shot (break thetriangle).
6. The cue ball is hit twice in the same shot.
7. The cue ball is shot while the balls are still in motion.

The moment you commit a foul when making your roll, your opponent gets a bonus: he is
entitled to 1 extra throw (that is, he rolls 2 times).
He loses this bonus the moment he makes his first shot and commits another foul. In that case,
he will miss his turn and you get the bonus of 1 extra shot for his miss.

Neither faults nor bonuses will be accumulated. For example, if you commit 2 fouls in the same
play, your opponent will only have 1 extra shot, not 2.

Potting the 8 ball > When a player pots his 7 balls it is time to pot the black ball. There are 2

1. It should be announced in which pocket it will be done, but not details such as the
number of bands, caroms, etc.
a. If you put it in the pocket you indicated, you win the game.
b. If you put it in another pocket, you lose the game.
c. If you don't put it in any of them, you lose your turn.

2. There is no need to announce in which pocket it will be done. But there is an obligation to
hit 3 cushions with the white ball before putting the black ball or hit at least 1 cushion with
the black ball before entering the pocket. If you put the black one in and any condition is
not met, you lose the game. Otherwise, the shift changes.

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In case there is only the 8 ball left, there are 2 possibilities:

1. If your opponent has not yet pocketed all of his colored balls, failure to pocket the black
ball in any pocket is considered a foul, so your opponent is rewarded with an extra turn.
2. If your opponent has already pocketed the 7 colored balls and is also trying to pocket the
black one, then you simply lose your turn.

If during the game you pocket the black ball without having first pocketed the 7 balls of
your team, you lose the game and your opponent wins

American Billiards - 9 Ball

The 9-ball American pool table has 6 pockets (pool). The balls are
numbered from 1 to 9 and the white ball is called mingo. The first player to
put ball number 9 in any hole wins.

The pineapple is the way to place the balls on the table

just before breaking. It is diamond-shaped, the 1 ball is
placed first, the 9 ball in the middle and the 8 ball at the
back of it. The order of the balls in the pineapple can vary,
but the position of the 1 ball and the 9 ball cannot be

The game begins with the serve, which consists of hitting

the pineapple with the white ball. The pine cone will be broken by hitting the lowest numbered
ball on the table, ball 1, with the white ball. The only condition to get a valid shot is that the first
ball that must touch the white ball is always the one with the lowest number on the table, and
then you can put in the 9 ball or another ball with a higher number than the first ball hit; This is
what is known as carom.

You commit a foul when:

1. The first ball to hit with the white is not the one with the lowest number.
2. The cue ball does not hit any balls.
3. When you pocket the first hit ball (the one with the lowest number).
4. When you score the white ball.
5. When you take off the table in your throw some ball. Should it be the ball white
It must be placed in the place where the first shot (break the triangle).
6. The cue ball is hit twice in the same shot.
7. The cue ball is shot while the balls are still in motion.

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In 9-ball billiards, fouls will be penalized with the sanction of mingo in hand for the opposing
player, that is, the opposing player has the freedom to place the mingo or white ball in the part of
the table he wants.

The defense consists of making a shot whose intention will be to leave the white ball as
uncomfortable as possible for the opponent, that is, covering the ball with the lowest number
with another ball that is between it and the white ball, this is what is known as " tape".

Win the game ^ The winner is whoever puts the 9 ball in a previously announced pocket. It
can be entered in different ways:

> When breaking, the 9 ball is introduced into any pocket since the table is open.

> Hitting the lowest numbered ball with the cue ball with the objective of directing the cue
ball so that it hits the 9 to the announced pocket.

> Hitting the lowest numbered ball with the cue ball and having it hit the 9 ball until inside
the announced pocket.

Losing the game > The game is lost if the 9-ball is put into a pocket without the specified rules.

Spanish Billiards
The pool table is divided into two rails, left rail or right rail
depending on the initial direction of the shot when breaking.
Each band contains 3.

There are 15 billiard balls numbered from 1 to 15 and a cue

ball whose value is 10 points (and in case of a tie at 65, the
cue ball will be worth 11 points). Whoever reaches 66 points
first wins the game.

The cushions are assigned to the teams when the first ball is introduced, in which case the team
that pocketed the ball is assigned that cushion. The objective of the game is to get the greatest
number of points by putting as many balls as you can in your own court (there is no distinction
between smooth or striped). When all the colored balls have been pocketed, the last ball to be
placed in the pocket will be the white one.

When you shoot, but do not put any ball in your cushion, a mistake is made and the turn passes
to your opponent. Whenever you put a ball in your cushion, you shoot again. You keep your turn
until you fail or commit a foul. If you commit a foul, the penalty is that the opponent shoots twice
in a row.

The moment you commit a foul when making your roll, your opponent gets a bonus: he is

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entitled to 1 extra throw (that is, he rolls 2 times).
He loses this bonus the moment he makes his first shot and commits another foul. In that case,
he will miss his turn and you get the bonus of 1 extra shot for his miss. Neither faults nor
bonuses will be accumulated. For example, if you commit 2 fouls in the same play, your
opponent will only have 1 extra shot, not 2.

A foul is committed when:

1. A player hits the ball on the opposite side. In addition, the opponent adds the points of the
ball introduced into his cushion.
2. When you put the cue ball in, it is not the last one on the table.
3. The cue ball does not hit any balls.
4. When in your throw you take something off the table ball. in case to be the ball white
It should be placed in the place where the first shot (break the triangle).
5. The cue ball is hit twice in the same shot.
6. The cue ball is shot while the balls are still in motion.

French or carom billiards

French pool tables are rectangular with two short and two long rails. The table has no pockets -
also known as pockets - and is larger than billiard or pool tables.

The table is covered with green cloth, normally, and the bands have a rubber edge that makes
the balls bounce when they hit them. The rubber on the inner sides is also lined with the same
material as the rest of the playing surface and therefore is not visible.

Since the game contains a factor where the bouncing of the balls on the rails is important, it is
advisable that the tables be kept in a stable environment, not fluctuating with respect to climate
and humidity, since these variables tend to affect the elasticity and longevity of the material. The
table has two different parts on its edge, the part that has the same cloth that covers the playing
area, and the outer part, which can be made of varnished wood.

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It is in this outer part where the diamonds
are found. The diamonds are
symmetrically embedded reference points
that are used to direct the ball by
controlling its trajectory.

Knowledge of angles and spin takes on

special importance in the game, since
directing a shot towards a diamond will
have different results depending on the angle of contact and the rotation of the ball when hitting
the rail.

Color of the French or Carom Billiard Balls

Currently, the usual thing is to use a red ball, a white ball marked
with dots and a yellow one also marked with dots. The reason for marking the white and yellow
balls is the attractiveness of the game, thinking about the public, even more so when it is
broadcast on television, in this way the spectators can perfectly follow the rotation of the ball and
the effects.


The objective of the game is to put the white ball in contact with the red ball and the yellow ball,
that is, to carom, and depending on the modality, certain rules must be followed.

The order of contact is indifferent: first red, then yellow or vice versa. The shooting ball will
always be the white one, called the player ball. The carom is performed when a player meets the
following 2 conditions:

1. He hits the other 2 balls with his ball.

2. His ball touches rail before touching the third ball.

We differentiate between 4 or 5 types of caroms depending on the number of bands that the cue
ball always touches before touching the third ball:

1. Simple : 1 band.
2. Double: 2 different bands.
3. Triple: 3 different bands. This can be replaced by number 4 and 5.
4. Short triple : 3 different bands, 2 of them being the closest.
5. Long triple : 3 different bands, 2 of them being the furthest away.
6. Quadruple : 4 different bands.

Special cases

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• If the cue ball touches the other 2 balls and only then hits rail, it is not considered a
• If you touch the other 2 balls, then touch band and touch ball again, it is not considered
• If you play the same 2 bands repeatedly, the carom is only double.

carom billiards

In this modality, the objective is to make 6 caroms , no matter what type they are, that is, it is
enough to make simple caroms. When the player caroms, he throws again . If the player
performs 6 caroms having benefited from one more turn than his opponent, his opponent will
have an additional turn to tie.

French billiards

This mode is more similar to official 3-cushion billiards and rewards more experienced players.
The objective is to get the maximum score in a total of 10 turns for each player. The turns are
always alternate and there is no reroll for caroming. On each turn, the player must try to get the
best carom possible. Each carom awards a different amount of points . ( We can opt for option 3
and eliminate 4 and 5. Or vice versa).

1. Simple: 3 points.
2. Double: 5 points.
3. Triple: 8
4. Short triple: 9 points.
5. Long triple: 11 points.
6. Quadruple: 12 points.

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Checkers is a board game for two opponents. The game evolved differently in different parts of
the world, giving rise to variants: different rules, position of pieces, different board sizes and
consequently different numbers of pieces (larger boards, more pieces).
Checkers are not a variant of chess, although both games can be played on the same 8x8 board
(64 squares).

Objective of the game

In the traditional game the goal is to capture all of the opposing pieces or block them, called
suffocation. The suffocation of a player is that when it is his turn to move a piece he is not able
to make any movement. In Checkers this situation is not a draw, but rather a loss of the game
for the drowned player.
In Russian checkers, in its poddavki variant, the winner is whoever runs out of chips or has the
ones they have blocked (just the opposite of the rest of the variants).

Start of game
Throughout the game there are two very different types of pieces: pawns and queens. The
game consists of a number of pieces or tokens called pawns , which will be light or dark in color,
and are placed in squares of the same color in the first rows of each side of the board
(alternating squares).
It is played in alternating turns. Whoever has the pieces of the same color
as the square in which they are positioned on the board begins to play. On
their turn each player only moves one of their own pieces.
In the attached figure we see an 8x8 board, the pieces are placed in the
dark squares (although they could be placed in the light ones). In this case
the dark pieces start the game.

Movements of the pieces

In the vast majority of variants of the game (except in Turkish and corner checkers) the pawns
move diagonally both to the right and to the left, with the movements of the pawns always
moving forward one square, and in the same color square on the board, while the checkers can
move forward and backward.
When a pawn reaches the first rank of the opposing side, it is crowned, becoming a queen ,
which is distinguished from the rest of the pieces by the placement of another pawn of the same
color on the one that reaches the first rank.
Checkers have the same movements as pawns, but with a series of special powers depending
on the game variant in question, always being the strongest pieces in the checkers game.
When a pawn is crowned it ends its movement, and cannot continue capturing opposing pieces,
except in Russian queens, which it can.

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Ladies rules
Rules common to all variants:
1. Mandatory capture > Capture is always mandatory, that is, if when a player's turn
arrives one or more of his pieces are in a position to make captures, it will be mandatory to
move this or one of these pieces and make such a capture, and he cannot choose for moving
a piece that is not in a position to capture.
The pawn captures diagonally by jumping over the opposing piece that is going to be captured,
landing on the square immediately after the captured pawn. To do this, you must comply:
a. The pawn to capture must be one adjacent square in front of the pawn it
b. The square immediately after the pawn to be captured must be free for the
movement to end.

The capture with a queen is the same as the pawn, diagonally. However, the lady has advanced
powers. Below we describe checkers variant rules and then relate these rules to the different
2. Chained capture > Both with a queen and a pawn, if after a capture, the piece in question
is in a position to make a new capture, such new capture will be carried out in a chained
manner, and so on as long as such a circumstance exists to be able to continue capturing.
Your move and turn end when there are no more pieces to capture.

3. Direction of capture ^ The queen can capture both forward and backward, while the
pawn can always capture forward.

Specific rules:
4. Flying queen > the piece to be captured does not have to be on an adjacent square, as
long as it is on the same diagonal line and without pieces between the queen making the
capture and the captured piece. Furthermore, the movement does not have to end on the
square immediately behind the captured piece either. What the queen can never do is jump
over her own pieces (same chip color), and she can never capture two opposing pieces
located on squares adjacent to each other.

5. Law of Quality ^ For an equal number of pieces to capture, it is mandatory to capture

those of highest quality, queen before pawn.

6. Law of Quantity > It is mandatory to capture as many pieces as possible

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Particular rules of each checkers game
Board size and Pawn Law of
Game flying quality
number of captures quantity Particularities
Variant lady law
pawns backwards d

Spanish 8x8 x x x
Ladies 12 pawns
International 10x10
x x x
Ladies 20 pawns

Brazilian 8x8
x x x Internationals with
Ladies 12 pawns
smaller board
Canadian 12x12 Internationals with a
x x x
Ladies s 30 pawns larger board

checkers 8x8
12 pawns The simplest rules
The most
8x8 sophisticated
Italian Ladies x x
12 pawns capture obligation
rules that exist

A piece can continue

8x8 capturing in the
Checkers x x
12 pawns same move after
becoming a queen

Russian It is the who wins

Checkers x x loses version of the
12 pawns
(Poddavki) Shashki
A combination of
rules between
Pool 8x8
x x International
Checkers 12 pawns
checkers and
Russian checkers

Frisian 10x10 The craziest ladies

x x x x when it comes to
Ladies 20 pawns
The variant with
Thai Ladies x fewer parts. The lady
8 pawns
flies but with limits

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Turkish Ladies

8x8 board (it makes no difference whether the squares are two colors,
in fact, it is usually played on boards with squares of a single color). 16
pawns per player (white and black respectively for each of them)
located on the 16 squares of the 2nd and 3rd rows closest to each

1. Pawns move orthogonally, a position forward or to the sides, not behind.

2. It is captured by jumping over the piece to be captured located in an adjacent position, to
the sides or forward.
3. Mandatory to chain the captures. As they are captured, the captured pieces are removed.
4. When a piece reaches the last row it is crowned queen or lady.
5. Queens move any number of empty positions forward, backward or to the side.
6. Queens capture the same as normal pieces, but they can capture pieces separated from
them by a line of empty squares and go to any last square of the captured piece,
following a line of empty squares.
7. Capture is mandatory. It is necessary to capture the maximum number of pieces.
8. The winner is those who capture all of the opponent's pieces, immobilize them or leave
them with only one piece against, at least, a queen.
Chinese checkers

This is a peculiar variant of checkers that can be played between 2, 4 or 6 players, each with a
different color of chips. The board is squared for 2 or 4 players and in the case of 6 players the
board is hexagonal with many more squares.
The square board is a 16 x 16 square grid with 19 pieces per player, although there are 8x8 and
10x10 variants of the board, any of which are suitable for two players and there are 10, 12 or 15
pieces per player.
Each player begins the game with his pieces in the region of one of the vertices of the board and
his objective is to move all his pieces to the region of the opposite vertex (from the initial corner
to the front corner occupied by the opponent immediately opposite at the beginning of the
game). game).

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Corners Puzzle

A checker can move in any direction: forward,

backward or diagonally. On each turn the player
moves a single piece of his, either by moving the
Movement of the pieces
piece to an adjacent empty square, or by jumping
over other pieces of his or another player's as
long as the final square where the piece goes is
empty, and like the For conventional checkers,
multiple jumps can be performed with the same
checker (chained jumps).
In this game you don't eat pieces, they simply move by jumping over each other. It is interesting
to make movements with several chained jumps, as this way the pieces reach the opposite
vertex sooner.
The player who places all his pieces in the opposite vertex region before anyone else wins. No
player may introduce any piece into the opposite region until he has removed all his pieces from
his own region.

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Darts is a game played individually or in teams, which consists of throwing three darts
alternately each player at a target, until completing a certain score and/or reaching certain
sectors a series of times, depending on the variant
of the game.

All dart boards are the same. Each board is numbered 1-20 in a non-
sequential order all the way around. To play, you must throw a dart towards
different parts of the board, always counting the points you make.
The board is divided into different sections . Each section or segment of The
bullseye is headed by a number that indicates the score of a dart that lands
in that area.
• If the dart lands in the 18-point section, you would receive exactly that many points.
• If a dart lands in the outlying green or red sections, the thrower gets double points for that
• If the dart lands on the inner green or red sections, the thrower gets triple points for that

The center of the board is called the bull's-eye . The bullseye is divided into two sections.
The inner section (usually red) is called the "double bullseye" and the outer section (usually
green) is known as the "single bullseye."
• If a dart lands on the green part of the bullseye, the thrower scores 25 points.
• If a dart lands on the red part of the bullseye, the thrower scores 50 points.

double score (36 points)

single score (16 points) triple
score (54 points) single score
(18 points)

simple target (25 points)

double target (50 points)

Depending on the type of tip we use, the launching distance is different. We have to take into
account that the only official target recognized by the Spanish Federation of

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Darts is the European dartboard (triple narrow) which is where the official national and
international tests are held.
If we use soft tip darts, they are usually made of plastic, the distance from the target to the
throwing line is 2.80 cm and if we use steel tip darts the distance should be 12 cm more, which
is the same 2.92 cm. Another type of darts are blowgun darts. In this case, the distance to the
target is greater since the darts are very small.
First of all, it is decided who throws first. The order is decided by tossing a coin or by playing a
game called "rock, paper, scissors." Each player throws three darts in turn from behind the
throwing line and can lean over it, getting closer to the target, but it is strictly prohibited to step
on or cross it.
After throwing the three darts, the turn will pass to the opponent. When all players have finished
their throws, a round is considered over.

2 Darts Game Rules 01 (301, 401, 501, 601,701, 901)

The objective of the 01 game (301, 401, 501, 601,701, 901) is to reach the exact score of zero
starting from the initial established score (301, 401, 501, 601,701, 901).
You can target any segment of it. The score of each dart is subtracted from the total point value
at that time.
If a player exceeds zero, for example, is 10 points short of zero and hits the 18, it is considered a
"miss" and the score returns to the value it had at the beginning of that round.
A limit can be placed on the number of "mistakes" that a player can make, such that the first
player to make that limit of mistakes loses the game.
It is also common to set a maximum number of rounds to reach zero, in such a way that the
game ends when that maximum number of rounds is reached, even if no player has reached
The first player to get an exact score of zero wins, in case any player reaches zero. In the event
that a maximum number of rounds has been established and no player has reached zero and
the rounds have ended, the player with the score closest to zero will win.

DOUBLE IN ^ Maintaining the previous rules, in this case scoring and subtracting points do not
begin until a double is made.
DOUBLE OUT > The last score achieved must be a double, so the amount before the double
must be even, the game is not won until zero is reached with a double as the last score.
DOUBLE IN and OUT ^ It is the combination of the previous variants, that is, to start scoring
you have to do a double and to get to zero you have to do it with a double.
MASTER OUT ) It is the same as the DOUBLE OUT variant, adding that to finish you can make
a double or a triple.
DOUBLE IN / MASTER OUT > It is the combination of the DOUBLE IN / MASTER OUT

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7 Standard Cricket Dart Game Rules
The objective of the game is to play a certain number of rounds and close the segments before
the opponent and, at the same time, achieve a higher score than the opponent.
Only targets made in segments 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and in the bull's eye (bullseye) count.
Each player has to hit a target three times in a segment to "open it" and be able to start scoring
points on successive targets in that segment. Double sections score in duplicate and triple
sections score in triplicate.
The segments can be open or closed. A segment is closed when all players have hit the target
three times in that segment, until this happens the segment is open. Targets in closed segments
do not score points.
Game winner
- The first player to close all his closed segments wins and closes his target if the rounds to
shoot have not finished.

^ If the rounds have ended, the player with the most points wins.

Cricket Pick-it ) The six numbers are chosen by the players before starting.
Cricket Wild ^ The machine chooses the six numbers at random.
Cricket Crazy > The numbers to shoot at, unless closed, change each round.

No-Score Cricket: ^ This game has the same rules as standard cricket, except that no score is
kept. The winner will be the one who first closes all the numbers already indicated in standard

Cricket Cut Throat: ^ Same rules as standard cricket, only when scoring begins, points are added to
the opponents' total. The objective is therefore to close with the fewest number of points.

This variant offers a different psychology to the players. Instead of advancing his own cause, he
harms that of others. Perfect for competitive players. Therefore, whoever closes and has the
lowest score wins.

Cricket Advanced: (advanced) ^ In this more difficult version, players must close the numbers by
hitting only triples and doubles. Double segments count as singles (x1) and triples as doubles
(x2). The bullseye remains as always. Otherwise same rules as standard cricket. The player with
the most points that has closed will win.

Cricket Scram (two players only) This game is a variant of cricket. It consists of two rounds. Players
have a different goal each round. During the first round, player 1 tries to “close” the cricket
numbers (achieve 3 hits in each number from 15 to 20 and the center). During this time player 2
tries to get as many points as he can on the numbers that player 1 has not yet closed. The first
round ends when player 1 closes all the numbers.
In the second round the roles are reversed. The winner will be the one with the highest score.
English Cricket (two players only) > The game consists of two rounds. The players have a
different objective in each of them. In the first round, player 2 tries to reach the center of the
target; You must reach it 9 times to end the round (the double center counts as two hits).

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Meanwhile, player 1 tries to get the maximum amount of points possible (counting doubles and
triples), taking into account that in each turn only points above 40 will be added to his score (with
63 he would add 23 points). In addition, you must be careful not to hit the target, as it would
count as one more target for player 2. Once player 2 hits the center of the target 9 times, the
other round will begin and the players will exchange roles.
At the end of both rounds, the player who has scored the most points on their scoreboard wins.
One game option is to count as the opponent's points those that result from missing the center of
the target (each in its own round). In this way, the chance of failures has too much influence on
the final result.
It is worth mentioning that despite being a variant of cricket, all the numbers on the target are
valid (something that is not common).

^ Round The Clock Darts Game Rules

The objective is to hit each and every segment of the target in strict order, that is, until you hit 1
you cannot hit 2.
Each player has 3 rolls per round. It starts with segment 1 and ends in segment 20 and follows
the strict order of the natural numbers, that is, 1, 2, 3, ... 20.
Only targets made in the segment consecutive to the last one in which a valid target was made
are valid. The player who hits the target first in the last segment wins.

Round the Clock 5: Starts with the number 5 and continues clockwise until 4.
Round the Clock 10: Starts with the number 10 and continues clockwise until 9.
Round the Clock 15: Starts with the number 15 and continues clockwise until 14.
Double Round the Clock ) Players must target the double segments in strict order.
Round the Clock triple ) Players must target the triple segments in strict order.
These last two variants also have Clock 5, 10 and 15.

RULES OF 321 Zap

All players start the game with 0 points and it ends when one of them reaches exactly 321
points. If a player scores more than required to reach 321, the score will count backwards,
subtracting the excess from 321.

For example: If a player has 315 points and hits the dart on the number 14, he will have a total of
329 points. 8 points will be subtracted from 321, which are those that exceed 321, and you will
be left with 313 points.

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If a player achieves a score equal to that of an opponent, the opponent's score will return to zero
points. This action is called Zap.

In the case of the 321 Zap Masters mode, each player must at least Zap an opponent in order to
close the game. If a player reaches 321 without having made any Zap, their score will return to

High Score
Variant of the game that consists of reaching the highest possible score in a limited number of
spins, which are normally seven.

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Dominoes are a board game in which rectangular pieces (tiles) are used, generally white on the
face and black on the back. They are divided into two squares, each of which is marked from
zero (no point) to a certain number of points:

• Domino 6 or double 6 ^ from the number 0 to 6, whose values range from white zero to
double six . It consists of 28 pieces.
• Domino 9 or double 9 ^ from the number 0 to 9, whose values range from white zero to
double nine . It consists of 55 pieces.

Name of the chips

Pieces with the same number of points in both squares are known as
EEFEEEE doubles, mules, chanchos or carts.
The pieces with one of the squares without points are called white, those
HHEFEF with one point are known as ones, those with two points are known as
twos, and so on with the rest of the numbers.

Types of domain
The classic domino is double 6. And with this domino, depending on where it is played there are
different rules. Double 9 domino is the so-called Cuban domino, played in Cuba. There are more
dominoes (double 12 dominoes -91 tiles-), but these two are the most popular.

The game is generally played with 4 players alone or in pairs. Although you can practice with 2,
3, 5 or more people and you have to divide the chips according to the number of players. If it is
in pairs, the players are placed alternately around a table, and the members that make up each
pair remain in opposite positions (keep in mind that you can play in pairs with rules of 6
dominoes with 9 dominoes, resulting in more than 2 couples).

Game type
Before the start of the game the type of game must be agreed:

1. Reach a previously set score, playing the hands or rounds that are precise (for example
250 points).
2. Play a fixed number of hands or agreed rounds and then count the points to determine
the winner (for example 10 hands).

The objectives of the game are:

1. Place all your chips on the table before your opponents and get rid of the chips with the
most points as soon as possible.
2. Make the opponent pass (who does not have a move).
3. If necessary, close or block the game if you think it is appropriate (if you think you have
fewer points than your opponents).
The player who wins the round (places all his chips) will add the points from his rivals' chips and
in the event of a close, only those that he has left without playing. In pairs mode

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He will also add those of his partner. The player or team with the most points will win the game
depending on the type of game chosen.

Start of the game. Way to place the chips

The first thing to keep in mind is that all the chips must be the same on the back, and all different
on the side that expresses their value. This means that once turned over on the table there
cannot be any of them with any mark or damage that could indicate to the players which piece it
In his turn, each player will place one of his pieces on the board forming a row, with the
obligation that it matches one of the pieces at the ends: two pieces can only be placed together
when the adjacent squares are of the same value: two with two, three with three, and so on with
the rest of the numbers. It is customary to place the doubles transversely. Placing a double is
often called bending or lying down.
If a player cannot place any chip on his turn, he will have to “pass” the turn to the next player if
there is no pot, or he will have to take a chip from the leftovers (from the pot).

It is common that in the game all the pieces of a number are thrown except double that number,
for example, all the 3's are thrown leaving only the double three to be thrown. In this case it is
said that he has hanged or killed the three double. The player who has it will no longer be able to
win the round unless his partner wins it, because he will no longer be able to play twice as much.

Before starting, the chips are placed face down on the table and shuffled so that players
randomly collect an equal number of chips. To find out the number of chips we divide the total
chips by the number of players.

Once the players have taken the chips, the remaining ones go to the pot, which will allow players
who do not have a move to “steal” a chip. At this point you have to decide between 2 options:
• Steal only 1 token, and if you have a good game, otherwise you keep the token and pass
the turn.
• Steal tokens until you have a game. If you steal all of them and have no game, you keep
the stolen chips and pass your turn.

If playing dominoes with cards, they will be dealt one by one to each
player. The pot will be the pile of leftover cards, placed on the table in
the form of a deck.

In the left image we have the double 6 domino in chips and the double
9 domino in cards.

DOMINO RULES. Game modes

Although the most common game mode is that of couples with 4 players, there is another mode
such as the individual mode:
• 2 individual players: 7 chips with pot (stealing chips).
• 2 individual players: 14 chips each player.
• 3 individual players: 7 chips with a pot.
• 3 individual players: 9 chips each player. The remainder is the starting card.
• 4 or more players: we can divide all the chips between the players, if there is one left over
It remains on the table as the starting chip, and if there are more left over they can be

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used as a pot. It is advisable to play with no less than 7 chips per player.

Depending on the region or country where it is played, Dominoes is governed by a set of

regulations or playing conditions.

• International :
■ Double 6 dominoes (tokens 0 to 6): 28 tokens.
■ In the case of 1-round games, the one with the highest double will start or in the
event that no player has a double, the one with the highest chip will start.
■ In the case of round-based games, to choose who will make the first exit, the
pieces are mixed and each player takes a piece. The player who takes out the
highest piece (sum of points on both sides of the piece) is the one who is going to
make the first start of that game. The one who started the round that has just
ended shuffles the tiles again, and the second, third and subsequent rounds will be
started by the one to the right of the player who just shuffled.
■ Each player will start with 7 pieces.
■ If there are 2 or 3 players, the remaining chips go into the pot.
■ If a player cannot place a piece, he must draw from the pot until he finds one.
token to place or there are none left in the pot. In this case, the player will lose his
■ 4-player games can be optionally in pairs.

■ Cuban :
■ Double 9 dominoes (tokens 0 to 9): 55 tokens.
■ From 2 to 4 players in pairs or separately.
■ Each player will start with 10 chips.
■ The 15 remaining pieces remain in the pot (“asleep”), face down without being
seen by any of the players.
■ If a player cannot place a chip, he must draw a chip from the pool. If he can, he will
place that piece, otherwise he keeps the piece and passes the turn.
■ In the case of 1-round games, the one with the highest double will start or in the
event that no player has a double, the one with the highest chip will start.
■ In the case of round-based games, to choose who will make the first exit, the
pieces are mixed and each player takes a piece. The player who takes out the
highest piece (sum of points on both sides of the piece) is the one who is going to
make the first start of that game. The one who started the round that has just
ended shuffles the tiles again, and the second, third and subsequent rounds will be
started by the one to the right of the player who just shuffled.

Every time a new "hand" begins, they shuffle the 55 chips again, so that the 15 that remain
"sleeping" change regularly. The fact that the players do not know the values of the pieces that
remain dormant increases the unpredictability: it is more difficult to guess what the other player

7 players can play with 7 chips (7x7=49) with 6 in the pot. But if there seem to be many players,
you can reduce the number of players by increasing the number of chips to play. At ease. And
even 8 players with 7 chips (7x8=56), we include a wild card.

Game over

Once a hand is finished, the results are counted and recorded. To do this, it is necessary to
distinguish whether the hand has ended by dominoes or by closure:

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• Ends by domino : A player places his last chip on the table, being the winner of the
game and taking the sum of points from all the chips of the rest of the players, except
those in the pot. And they are recorded for the player if it is individual mode or for the
couple if it is in pairs.

• Ends by closure : No one can place more chips, the game is said to be blocked or

o In individual game mode, players will count the points of the chips they have left and
the player with the fewest points is the winner. When scoring the results, the points
of the four players will be added together. The pot chips are not counted.

o In pairs mode, the points contained in the chips that have been left in the
possession of each pair will be added, with the pair whose sum of points is lower
winning the hand. When scoring the results, the points of the four players will be
added together. The pot chips are not counted.

Games that do not add points

• “Double zero” or “double white” tile > In two-person games, it may be the case that
one player makes dominoes and his opponent keeps the double zero tile. In this case the
winner does not add points, with this “double zero” or “double white” chip there is no point

• Tie in the game > In the event of a close, it may be the case that the players (individual
or pair mode) may have the same points. In this case no points are added.
Spinner tab option > In case of playing with domino 9. Only the first double token that is played
will be Spinner, and 4 tokens can come out of it, forming a cross. If in normal dominoes there are
two extremes, with this token there are 4 extremes where you can play.
Once the current hand is finished, its results have been computed and written down, the chips
are placed face down and the next hand begins with the process of mixing (shuffling) them again
by the player who started the finished round. . And the player to the right of the one who has
mixed the chips will begin the first throw.

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> Other Playstore games
There are many interesting games. Here I show some that I liked, although there are many to
download. In the case of Freecell, we can select the item number (combination). In case of a
bad fight, we can play Bluetooth with another person. As for ladies, there are Turkish, English,
international, corner ladies... they are all very good.
Of all, all…poker (and mus for some). They have a feature that makes it essential: lanterns.
Now you have to think if what your opponent is carrying is true...because it is also not
mandatory to show your cards if you back down. You will never know.

Shijin Reversi
Games 4.0*

Unblock 2 Escape
Mana Battery Puzzles

Final note
The universal rule ^ the easier a game is to play in the casino, the less likely a player is to win:
• Slot machines are a perfect example of this. Simply insert your money, press the button
and see that you won.
• Roulette is another good example of this. The dealer throws a ball on a wheel with 37 o
38 numbers, players bet on where the ball will land.

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