Peace Agreement in Colombia and South Africa

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National Learning Service SENA

Apprentice: Angie Sofia Campy Perez

File: 2348448
Program: administrative support in health.
Comparative table peace agreement in South Africa and peace agreement in

criteria South Africa Colombia

Who intervened? President de klerk and -Juan Manuel Santos
congress national - Raúl Castro-Timoleón
African. Jiménez (Timochenko)
Humberto de la calle- The
victims-Iván Marquez-
Luis Carlos Villegas-
Sergio Jaramillo caro-
Rafael brown wheel-
Frame lion Calarca-
Rodrigo granda-Andrés
paris-simon trinity.-
frank pearl-Antonio
García-Nicolas Rodríguez-
Bautista (Gabino)-Hugo
What was your way of In first place, HE It came about through
acting and managing examine the agreements proposed by
conflict? characteristics both parties. Transitional
justice is agreed to act
and through the special
general trends of peace jurisdiction for peace.
processes in the region
and secondly, the evolution
of each of the cases during
the year is analyzed. At the
beginning of the chapter, a
map is included identifying
the countries on the
African continent that were
the scene of negotiations.
What were the political -The South African vision
conditions or facilitate the creation of of foreign policy is based
circumstances? new political parties so that on the perception that the
ex-combatants can country's future is
economic, social, and insert themselves into the inextricably linked to that of
cultural situation political life of the country. - Africa at the regional level
offer guarantees to and of the southern
strengthen transparency countries at the
and greater participation in international level.
electoral processes. -
Guarantees are
established for citizen and
political participation to
define a statute for the
-policy without weapons -
lower war expenses.
- the effects on GDP

H ow the conflict was The war ended with the

resolved. independence of Namibia
and the withdrawal of . “Comprehensive Rural
South African and Cuban Reform”, which will
forces. A period of peace contribute to the structural
emerged between the transformation of the
nations of southern Africa, countryside. Cordova
which signed peace with 2. Political participation:
the different guerrilla Democratic opening to
groups financed by the build peace.
South African regime. 3. Bilateral and Definitive
1-Cease fire. Ceasefire and Hostilities
2. End of the state of and the Laying Down of
emergency. Arms.
3. Lifting of all bans on 4. Solution to the Problem
banned organizations and of Illicit Drugs 5. Victims:
persons. Comprehensive System of
4. Withdrawal of troops Truth, Justice, Reparation
from the towns. and Non-Repetition.
5. Release of political 6. Implementation and
prisoners. verification mechanisms in
which a “Commission for
implementation, monitoring
and verification of the Final
Peace Agreement and
dispute resolution” is

How is peace strengthened by being recognized as a human right? How do

you think you can apply today's session in your daily life?
When peace is recognized as a fundamental right, it is strengthened in such a way
that citizens have the hope that each of the ideals we have about ending wars and
so much conflict will be fulfilled, in addition to the fact that we must be aware that
war only It leads to having the hope that our country needs. Nowadays we don't
see it as much as we did before, although unfortunately it is not completely over
since the news does not show what is really happening with our country and
although we know that day after day they are killing our farmers, leaders, children,
women and even men who, by seeking peace, end up being targets for those who
still do not want it that way and want to continue living in war.
How do we build peace, from where, what values does it imply? What is our
responsibility in this regard? Is it up to us to do it? We build peace ourselves
from home from the principles that are not instilled at an early age in addition to the
education they give us and from where we see things without any hatred, taking
into account that with our actions we can make great changes. It involves all values
since this is what makes us reasonable people, some of these are:
Solidarity, Responsibility, Humility, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Patience, Love,
Empathy, Kindness, Sincerity And although you sound and are so beautiful,
unfortunately in my Colombia they lack many of these values and sometimes and in
too many cases they lack all the values and the most Empathy for people, due to
the lack of it, is important because our country is as it is since people care about
nothing, least of all the people who suffer around them due to the war in which we
find ourselves, even though peace agreements have been signed. Our
responsibility is to strive to minimally comply with these values since with this we
are contributing to the peace of our country without seeking more war where there
should be no war; Of course, it is up to us not only as citizens but as people since it
is our duty to end the war in our country in the best way, of course.
Who are the agents involved in doing it? All people are the agents involved as
citizens who elect our rulers who, unfortunately, because of their bad decisions and
ours also because of electing them, we are as we are; The decisions that they think
are good for the people many times, in most cases, affect us as people, so we are
all involved in making sure that all this can change as a people and as citizens we
can also make ourselves heard.

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