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Cerporucin Unmritra H
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Appendix 1

Problem Tree.

The Problem Tree as a tool for analysis and methodological support in the project planning

phase, allows us to visualize and know in a practical and agile way the causes and effects of a

problem or need. The problems represent an undesirable state of situation, unmet needs or

opportunities to be taken advantage of, which can be addressed through the formulation and

execution of public or private projects. In this sense, this methodology was used to identify and

clearly delimit the problem situation addressed through this project. From there and with the

visualization of the cause-effect relationships associated with the identified problem or need, the

proposal presented was defined in a clear and coherent manner.

Negative tree.

Following the guidelines of the problem tree, we present the negative tree, which shows

the identified problem situation, its causes and effects.

Figure 1. negative tree

Explanation of the causes .

The Problem Tree methodology establishes that the causes must be explained in detail so as not to

deviate and approach the problem appropriately. For such

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da Dlas reason, based on the negative tree explained above, each of the causes that gave rise to the

central problem was explained.

Poor education in economics, administration and basic finance in colleges and universities.

In Colombia, the commitment to implement educational programs that promote critical thinking

in adolescents and young people has not been established as a priority for primary, secondary,

secondary and higher education institutions (in careers that do not belong to administrative

sciences). reflective necessary for making responsible and informed decisions on economic and

financial issues that favor the construction of their life projects with quality and sustainability.

They do not have partners, advisors or relatives with good financial habits, savings, investment

and expense control.

Normally, companies or new entrepreneurial projects start with family or social companies

without taking into account the importance of surrounding themselves with trained personnel or

with sufficient knowledge in financial and administrative matters.

Little knowledge in administration, finance, customer management, accounting and tax

management, human resources.

In general, businessmen and entrepreneurs in most cases do not have sufficient knowledge in

financial and administrative issues to help the growth of the business since they concentrate only on

productive activity, neglecting opportunities for financial growth.

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Little knowledge for project formulation, sales and expense projections,

financial indicators.

Businessmen and entrepreneurs in most cases do not have sufficient knowledge to formulate

and evaluate investment projects, which translates into poor projection of sales and expenses,
poor or no formulation of financial indicators, waste of business ideas and economic losses and

closure of nascent companies.

No habits are created, nor incentives for savings, control of income and expenses and

management of

investment from an early age.

In Colombia, the creation of habits, nor incentives for savings, control of income and

expenses and investment management from an early age is not very common, which has harmed

profitability and profits and the entrepreneurship of new businesses or expansions thereof.

Explanation of the effects.

Continuing with the problem tree methodology, we proceeded with the detailed explanation of

the effects of the negative tree, this, taking into account the principle of causality in its original

form which postulates that every event (effect) must always have a cause (which, in identical

circumstances, a cause always has the same effect). These are:

Does not prepare a budget for income and expenses, Constant Illiquidity and Increase in


One of the most notable problems of small and medium-sized businesses is the lack of

expense and sales budgets.

Constant risk of illiquidity.

Entrepreneurs get used to working with the daily needs of operation without doing

a control or projection of your expenses affecting your liquidity.

Recurrent use of credit to cover expenses due to lack of liquidity.

Failure to prepare income and expense budgets leads to unplanned expenditures that

undermine liquidity and promote the recurrent use of credit to make up for the deficit, generating

an increase in debt without clear investment objectives.

Increase in debt without clear investment objectives.

The lack of planning for business growth increases debt to address low-priority situations that

do not add value to companies.

Constant risk of illiquidity.

The increase in debt to cover financial and operating expenses in an uncontrolled manner

directly impacts the working capital of the business, triggering illiquidity and insolvency.

They do not allocate part of their income to savings and/or investment.

As with the lack of budgeting and debt planning and liquidity control, these companies, for

the most part, do not allocate part of their income to savings and/or investment.

Low or no capacity to respond to economic crises.

The lack of savings programming in small and medium-sized businesses generates a low or

no response capacity to current economic situations that affect their current assets. Financial

stagnation and difficulties in undertaking projects and applying for loans .

The increase in debt and constant illiquidity makes it difficult for SMEs entrepreneurs and

businessmen to execute projects and obtain financial leverage when


Cerporucin Unmritra H
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There is no investment in new projects or growth of the SME. Closing of the Business. Broken

The lack of financial leverage due to illiquidity and high levels of debt, added to the lack of

financial and administrative knowledge and little experience in project formulation, prevent

SMEs from concentrating efforts on new growth projects.

Problem Statement.

From the methodological support of the negative tree, we can state that the growing number of

businessmen and entrepreneurs with low levels of understanding and poor mastery of financial
and administrative issues applicable to the creation, development, management and maintenance

of their SMEs, ventures and/or Investment projects can be one of the determining factors in the

closure of nascent companies and failures of investment projects of several entrepreneurs and/or


Although the Colombian economy is advancing at a slow but stable pace, a significant number

of entrepreneurs and companies face problems.

Not in vain, according to data from the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce, he

warned about the speed with which companies close daily in the Caribbean region and the

country. More than 50 percent of companies that begin their life fail in the attempt and are

liquidated before the Chamber of Commerce. This is not counting those that began

informally and closed their doors (Heraldo D. e., 2015).

Therefore, the lack of financial and administrative education to carry out business ideas

and/or remaining in a competitive market is affecting the development of new ventures. Added to

the limited knowledge for project formulation,

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Cerporucin Unmritra H

mata da Dlas projections of sales and expenses, financial indicators, further hinder corporate

growth and development.

On average, 3 years after being created, a significant percentage of Colombian

companies go through what has been called the “valley of death”, which is when the

capital or credit resources that give them the initial boost run out. to entrepreneurship

(Confecamaras, 2015).

This, without leaving aside the absence of good financial habits, savings, investment and

expense control of entrepreneurs and businessmen.

This conclusion is shared by Dionisio Araujo, for whom one of the factors that affects
the bankruptcy of companies is that they are formed with very reduced working capital,

which leads to their financial oxygen running out (Bogotá, 2015).

That is why we must move towards longer-term thinking. Despite the important efforts of the

government in creating bibliographic sources and spaces for understanding these issues that

affect businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Positive tree.

The Positive Tree as a tool for analysis and methodological support in the project planning

phase, involves working on the causes of the problem raised in the negative tree. This tree

allowed us to visualize and know in a practical and agile way the means and ends of the expected

situation based on the causes and effects of the central problem. Which made it possible to

visualize and establish alternative solutions to the problem raised.

Next, we show the positive tree of the expected situation.





Figure 2. Positive Tree

Cerporucin Unmritra H
mata da Dlas Media Explanation.

Following the guidelines of the problem tree methodology, the means are the paths that give

rise to or lead to the expected situation. For this reason, each of the means found in the positive

tree is explained that subsequently gave rise to an alternative solution to respond to the central

problem of this project.

Appropriate education in basic economics, management and finance in colleges and


In Colombia, it is a priority for primary, secondary, secondary and higher education

institutions (in careers that do not belong to administrative sciences), the implementation of

educational programs that promote in adolescents and young people the critical reflective

thinking necessary for decision-making. responsible and informed decisions on economic and

financial issues that favor the construction of their life projects with quality and sustainability.

Partners, advisors and friends with good financial, savings, investment and expense control


Normally, companies or new entrepreneurial projects are started taking into account the

importance of surrounding themselves with trained personnel or with sufficient knowledge in

financial and administrative matters.

Sufficient knowledge in administration, finance, customer management, accounting and tax

management, human resources.

In general, businessmen and entrepreneurs in most cases have sufficient knowledge in

financial and administrative issues that help the growth of the business.
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Cerporucin Unmritra H

kills business since they concentrate solely on productive activity , neglecting opportunities for

financial growth.

Complete and comprehensive knowledge for project formulation, sales and expense

projections, financial indicators.

Businessmen and entrepreneurs in most cases have sufficient knowledge to formulate and

evaluate investment projects, which translates into efficient sales and expense projections,

adequate formulation of financial indicators, use of business ideas and economic profits and

durability of nascent companies.

Creation and strengthening of habits and incentives for saving, control of income and

expenses and investment management from an early age.

In Colombia, the creation of habits, the incentive to save, the control of income and expenses

and investment management from an early age is common, which has benefited profitability and

profits and the entrepreneurship of new businesses or expansions thereof.

Explanation of the purposes.

The expected situation of the positive tree has some purposes that will give possible

alternative solutions to the problem taking into account each of the means explained in the

previous section. So each of the purposes were explained.

Income and expense budgets are prepared.

One of the strengths of small and medium-sized businesses is the preparation of budgets.

expenses and sales.

Cerporucin Unmritra H mata da Dlas
Constant liquidity control.

Entrepreneurs get used to working by making controls or a projection of their expenses,

increasing their liquidity.

Little use of credit to cover expenses due to lack of liquidity.

The preparation of income and expense budgets leads to planned expenditures and avoids the

recurring use of credits to make up for the deficit, without increasing unnecessary debt.

Increase in debt with clear investment objectives.

Prior planning for business growth increases debt to address priority situations that add value

to companies.

Part of your income is allocated for savings and/or investment.

As with budgeting, debt planning and liquidity control, these companies mostly allocate part

of their income to savings and/or investment.

High capacity to respond to economic crises.

Savings programming in small and medium-sized businesses generates a greater capacity to

respond to current economic situations that may affect their current assets.

Financial evolution and facilities for undertaking projects and requesting loans.

The low levels of debt and constant liquidity make it easier for SMEs entrepreneurs and

businessmen to execute projects and obtain financial leverage when needed.

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Cerporucin Unmritra H
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It is invested in new projects or in the growth of the company.

Good financial leverage and low levels of debt, added to financial and administrative

knowledge and experience in project formulation, encourage the concentration of efforts on new

sustainability and growth projects by SMEs.

Alternative solutions.

Taking into account the positive problem tree, each medium gave us an alternative solution,

which was studied and analyzed to choose the appropriate one that guarantees a definitive

solution to the central problem posed in the negative tree. We proceed to explain the possible

solutions to the problem found in the methodological process.

Medium 1.

Sufficient knowledge in administration, finance, customer management, accounting and tax

management, human resources.

• Alternative 1: development of a technological platform for online training.

Develop a technological platform through which courses and general information on

economics and corporate finance can be published, aimed mainly at entrepreneurs and

businessmen who wish to acquire the respective knowledge. The development of this platform

would be done with its own resources and only the first modules would be taught and the others

would have an additional cost.

Medium 2.

Complete and comprehensive knowledge for project formulation, sales and expense

projections, financial indicators.

Alternative 2: implementation of a training program in companies.

-- ED — UNIMINUTO Cerporucin Unmritra H mata da Dlas
Create a training program aimed at entrepreneurs and/or companies to educate them on

economics and corporate finance or provide support services in the management of their

companies. Contracts with small and medium-sized companies in the private sector to train their

owners, managers and other employees or to offer consulting and support services in

administrative management. It would also be implemented to technological institutions and

compensation funds.

Medium 3.

Creation and strengthening of habits and incentives for saving, control of income and

expenses and investment management from an early age.

• Alternative 3: develop mobile app tools to control finances

It consists of developing tools for Smart devices that, in addition to helping control corporate

finances, contain modules that educate users in economics and finance. The tools would be

downloaded for free with limited features and the download of the other features and knowledge

would be subject to paid update downloads.

Selected alternative.

According to what was stated in the previous section, and after analyzing the different

alternatives to solve the problem, the most favorable alternative and the one that was most

adjusted to reach the growing number of businessmen and entrepreneurs with high levels of

understanding and little mastery of financial and administrative topics applicable to the creation,

development, management and maintenance of your SMEs and/or investment projects, is the

Development of a technological platform for online training , which will allow the publication

of courses and general information on economics and corporate finance aimed primarily at
Cerporucin Unmritra H
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entrepreneurs and businessmen who wish to acquire the respective knowledge. This will allow
the training of our clients so that they can adequately develop the different financial and
administrative concepts according to their specific needs.

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