Formal Police Instruction Regulation 1

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That, article 160 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, says: “Persons aspiring to a military and
police career will not be discriminated against in their entry. The law will establish specific requirements for
cases in which special skills, knowledge or abilities are required”;

That it is necessary to internally regulate the development of academic periods, in accordance with articles
26 and 84 of the Organic Code of Citizen Security and Public Order Entities, legal provisions that indicate:
Art. 26.- “Staff training.- Training will be based on knowledge of human rights, constitutional principles and
guarantees and a democratic doctrine of citizen security, with unrestricted adherence to the legal system.
The academic training of the employees of the entities provided for in this Code will be provided through
the national higher education system, through centers accredited for this purpose, in coordination with the
national authority governing higher education.- The State may grant study scholarships in the country or
abroad for courses that are not taught in public higher education centers, according to the level of
academic performance of the applicants”; and, Art. 84.- Applicants and training.- The applicants are the
people who join the police and academic training institutions.- The applicants will not be part of the organic
structure of the National Police, nor will they hold the status of servants. or servants until they have passed
the respective police and academic training courses, in addition to having complied with all legal
requirements for entry. Nor will they receive any remuneration during the training course. - The training
periods will depend on the technical criteria and institutional operational needs”;

That, to make the contents of articles 26 and 84 of the Organic Code of Citizen Security and Public Order
Entities viable, the Ministry of the Interior has been requested to delegate to regulate the legal situation of
aspiring police officers;

That, in Ministerial Agreement No. 033 dated October 16, 2018, issued by the Minister of the Interior Dr.
María Paulo Romo, agrees.

Article. “1.- Delegate to the National Education Directorate of the National Police in coordination with the
head of the Police Health Governance Directorate, so that on behalf of the Minister of the Interior, it
exercises and executes the following functions:

a. Resolve the admission, postponement and definitive separation in the Police Training Centers, of the
aspiring police officers and operational technicians, and of foreign scholarship students, through a
motivated act.

b. Decide on the legal, financial, disciplinary, academic, educational, food, health, logistics, uniforms, and
other situations that are generated within the development of the academic periods fulfilled by the
aspiring police officers, directors and operational technicians; of national scholarship candidates
destined for police centers abroad, as well as of foreign scholarship students who are studying at police
training centers in Ecuador.

c. Empower the National Director of Education of the National Police to issue the internal, legal, technical-
legal, and administrative instruments necessary to internally regulate the development of academic
periods, with the exception of those related to financial management or of public procurement”.

That it is necessary to establish a process of uniformity in movements and voices of command, which
translate into a better understanding of the dispositions of hierarchical superiors to the applicants, in the
specific, exclusive and exclusive activities of police officers, in his daily police work; because it acts by
legal mandate, in control, order and citizen security;

That, the Director of Police Health Governance, Dr. Jorge Humberto Villarroel Merino, expresses his
agreement with the text of the Resolution;

In accordance with the provisions of article 154, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Ecuador, in accordance with Ministerial Agreement No. 033, dated October 16, 2018, published in Official
Registry No. 393 of December 21, 2018:




TITLE I ........................................................................................................................................................

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I ...................................................................................................................................................... OF THE
GENERALITIES ...............................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................................................... OF THE
CONCEPTS .....................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................................................... OF THE
VOICE OF COMMAND.....................................................................................................................................

TITLE II ....................................................................................................................................................... …..

POLICE COURTESY AND GREETING ..........................................................................................................

CHAPTER I ...................................................................................................................................................... POLICE
COURTESY .....................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................................................... POLICE
SALUTE ...........................................................................................................................................................

TITLE III ...........................................................................................................................................................

INDIVIDUAL FORMAL INSTRUCTION..........................................................................................................

CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL RULES ...........................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................................................... BASIC
POLICE POSITIONS .......................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................................................... TURNS
ON FIRM FOOT ...............................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV .................................................................................................................................................... GEARS
AND STOP........................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER V...................................................................................................................................................... GEAR
CHANGES .......................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER VI .................................................................................................................................................... TURN ON
THE FLY ..........................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER VII ................................................................................................................................................... WAYS
TO PRESENT YOURSELF ..............................................................................................................................

TITLE IV ...........................................................................................................................................................

FORMAL GROUP INSTRUCTION ..................................................................................................................

CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL RULES ...........................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II .....................................................................................................................................................
COVERAGE AND ALIGNMENT ......................................................................................................................
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................................................................
NUMERATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ......................................................................................................

CHAPTER V......................................................................................................................................................

HONORS AND PART.......................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER VI ....................................................................................................................................................
CONVERSIONS AND CHANGE OF TRAINING .............................................................................................
CHAPTER VII ...................................................................................................................................................
LIFE AND ORDER OF THE BODY .................................................................................................................

TITLE V ............................................................................................................................................................

INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION WITH WEAPONS .............................................................................................

CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL RULES ...........................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II .....................................................................................................................................................
BASIC POSITIONS WITH LONG WEAPON ...................................................................................................
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................................................
TURN, MARCH AND STOP WITH LONG GUN ..............................................................................................
CHAPTER IV.....................................................................................................................................................
GREETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS WITH LONG WEAPON......................................................................
CHAPTER V......................................................................................................................................................
BASIC POSITIONS WITH SHORT GUN .........................................................................................................

TITLE VI ...........................................................................................................................................................

GROUP INSTRUCTION WITH WEAPONS .....................................................................................................

CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL RULES ...........................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II .....................................................................................................................................................
COVERAGE AND ALIGNMENT.......................................................................................................................
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................................................
HONORS AND PART.......................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV.....................................................................................................................................................
REGULAR STEP .............................................................................................................................................

TITLE VII ..........................................................................................................................................................

PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL DISPOSITION.................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II .....................................................................................................................................................
TRANSITIONAL PROVISION ..........................................................................................................................
CHAPTER III FINAL PROVISION ...................................................................................................................



“The heartfelt police officer does only what the rule says”


Article 1. First Generality.- The purpose of this regulation is individual and group police training, to
standardize behaviors and protocols, within the framework of police practices and the
interaction between its members.

Article 2. Second Generality.- The objective of formal instruction is the unification of instruction in
all police units, helping to maintain police discipline and coordination.

Article 3. Third Generality.- Promote the handling of weapons in police units, in a protocol sense.
Article 4. Fourth Generality.- The positions and definitions that determine this regulation will be of
mandatory use, in the protocol and formal police procedure or framework.

Article 5. Fifth Generality.- It is prohibited to modify this Regulation, introducing in the instruction
movements or positions other than those prescribed therein, as well as creating or changing
demand voices.


Article 6. Definitions.- The terms used in these regulations will be understood in their natural and
obvious sense according to their general use; However, the terms defined below will be
understood according to their conceptualization, for the purposes of application of this regulation:

1. Alignment
Location of the police officers, elements or units in a line at the same height, in the
direction of the front, in such a way that the one with the greatest height is to the right of
the one with the shortest height.

2. Coverage
Location of the police officers, elements or units one behind the other, in the direction of
depth, in such a way that the one with shorter height is in front of the one with greater

3. Side stand
Left or right lateral part of the policeman, formation or object.

4. Address
Direction in which police officers, elements or units move in compliance with a

5. Line discipline
Environment in which the police officer operates in police formations and movements,
maintaining intervals, distances, coverage and alignments.

The components of row discipline are:

a. Silence
b. Immobility
c. Energy

6. Distance
Space that separates the police, elements or units in the sense of depth.

7. Forehead
Space occupied by the first row in a formation.

8. Row
Union of two police officers.

a. Row in a row.- If one is next to the other with loose elbow contact.
b. Covered row.- If one covers the other, with a distance of 90 cm, from chest to back.

9. Interval
Separation of two police officers, elements or units in the direction of the front.

10. Motion
Action carried out by one or more police officers, elements or units to change their
position, that of their weapons or equipment.

11. Order
Way of locating police officers, elements, units or objects in space, according to a certain
criterion or certain standard.

12. Orders
Verbal or written provisions, which must be legal and legitimate, issued by the
hierarchical superior to subordinates.
13. order of precedence
Correct location of police officers in relation to their hierarchical rank or seniority from
highest to lowest.

14. Position
Body posture assumed by a police officer at a specific moment.

15. Depth
Space occupied by the column from the first police officer to the last.

16. Police, rank or base unit

Police, line or unit by which the formation is aligned or regulated.

17. Time
Fraction into which certain movements are divided to facilitate their execution or


Article 7. Command voice.- It is a clear and precise verbal order issued by a hierarchical superior, for the
execution of any movement. The command voice is comprised of two parts:

a. Preventive voice.- Anticipate the movement to be made:

1. It will be preceded by the name of the unit in formation.

Example: Police, Binomial, Section, etc.!

2. The preventive voice will be pronounced in an elongated manner, using twice the time
of the executive voice.
Example: Police, Binomial, Section, etc., attention !

b. Executive voice.- Determines the execution of the movement:

1. It will be energetic and sharp.

Example: sea … !
2. Allows equality in the execution of movements.

Command position.- Whoever is in command of the police officer, element or unit in training
Article 8. must:

a. Stand in a “firm” position.

b. Position yourself in front, in the center and at an appropriate distance from the unit in
c. If the police officer in command is part of the training and does not use voice amplification
elements, he must turn his head in the direction of the unit when giving the command
d. If the police officer in command is part of the training and uses voice amplification
elements, he must not turn his head in the direction of the unit when giving the command
e. If the police officer in command finds himself with his saber sheathed, he will adopt the
“firm” position to give the voice demand.
f. If the police officer in command is found with his saber drawn, he will bring the saber to
the “shoulder” position, to give the voice demand.




“The police officer at heart knows and respects the national and institutional symbols”


Article 9. Definition.- Demonstration of good manners expressed by the police towards the hierarchical
superior, subordinate and society in general.
Article 10. Acts of Courtesy of the Hierarchical Superior.- The hierarchical superior will demonstrate
courtesy to the subordinate:
a. It will avoid keeping the subordinate unnecessarily in a forced, rigid or immobile position.
b. He will avoid issuing lengthy provisions or speeches.
c. It will avoid exposing the subordinate to adverse weather conditions unnecessarily.
d. Pay attention, avoiding distractions, when the subordinate is speaking.

Article 11. Acts of Courtesy of the Subordinate.- The subordinate will demonstrate courtesy to the
hierarchical superior:

a. The least old one will be located on the left side.

b. If there are more than two and it is an odd number, the oldest occupies the center, the
next oldest occupies the right side, the next occupies the left side and so on alternately, as
long as it does not occupy too much front, in which case The younger ones march behind,
respecting the same distribution. If the number of police officers is even, there will be
double precedence, with the two oldest in the center and the others alternating as
established above.
c. When the superior speaks to a subordinate, he or she will remain in a firm position until he
or she orders him or her to get into a comfortable position.
d. The subordinate will offer his place or seat to the hierarchical superior, whenever the
circumstances warrant.


Article 12. Police Greeting.- It is the spontaneous manifestation of respect and consideration that the police
officer pays to the national and institutional symbols, members of the institution and society in

Article 13. General considerations.- This important manifestation of respect and consideration must be

a. In all places and circumstances, even when not wearing the uniform.
b. Mandatory, both the hierarchical superiors to answer and the subordinates to carry out the
same; and, the omission of this good police custom should not be tolerated.
c. If there are several hierarchical superiors gathered together, all of them must respond to
the greeting of the subordinates.
d. If three or more senior police officers are gathered, the subordinate must first greet the
most senior and then address the greeting jointly to the rest of the group, differentiating
whether the group contains officers, cadets, classes and police officers, candidates or civil
persons, according to sex. Example:
Good morning My Colonel, good morning ladies and gentlemen Officers,
ladies and gentlemen Cadets, fellow Aspirants!
e. Police officers who have the same rank, being promotion colleagues, have the obligation
to greet each other, anticipating the younger one.
f. When the degree of seniority between police officers cannot be established, courtesy
determines that the greeting be reciprocal or by the first person to notice the presence of
the other.
g. The police salute must be carried out even if the subordinate believes that he has not
been seen by the hierarchical superior.
h. The police officer on active duty must greet and show respect and consideration to the
police officer on passive duty.
i. The police officer must suspend any activity he is carrying out at the time of saluting.
j. If the occasion allows for the police to shake hands after the protocol greeting, the
insinuation should come from the hierarchical superior.
k. If the police officer is using gloves, he must remove the one from his right hand to shake
hands. If he cannot remove the glove, he will apologize saying “excuse the glove.”
l. Police officers of different sexes must avoid demonstrations of familiarity, affection or
excess trust, when they are on duty or in uniform, and may greet only as determined in
this regulation.
m. The subordinate who is seated must stand up to greet the hierarchical superior.
n. The subordinate will greet the hierarchical superior and also his companion, as a sign of
respect, courtesy and education.
o. The hierarchical superior will respond to the subordinate's greeting and will greet his
companion, as a sign of respect, courtesy and education.

p. The police officer will protocolally greet all civil authorities and personnel from other
uniformed institutions.

Article 14. Ways of greeting.- There are three ways of greeting that are used depending on the
circumstance and with their own formalism:

a. Loud greeting.- The police greeting must be energetic, clear, complete and with a strong
tone of voice, demonstrating security and gallantry.

To greet you, you must first say the time of day (good morning, good afternoon or good
night), accompanied by the word Me and finally the rank of the hierarchical superior.
Good morning – Good afternoon – Good evening, My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc. (Hierarchical Grade)!

b. I wave to the visor.- It will be executed when the police officer is in uniform and covers his
head with a cap, hat, kepi, beret or helmet. This greeting is accompanied by the loud

1. The right hand will be raised by the shortest route, in front of the body.
2. The arm forms a right angle (90º), at the intersection with the body.
3. The forearm forms an angle of approximately 45º, at the intersection with the elbow,
keeping the forearm in a single line with the hand, without bending the wrist. The
direction of the elbow should be facing the right side of the body.
4. Fingers together and stretched out, including the thumb, the middle finger touches the
right edge of the visor on the cap or kepi, in the case of the cristina at the bottom of the
lapel, on the helmet at the beginning of the brim. and with a beret the middle finger
coincides with the right temple. The palm of the hand faces the face without forming
5. The salute will be performed in two stages, the first stage is used to raise the hand and
the second to return to the initial position, energetically.
6. The left hand will remain extended to the left side or attached to the thigh of the left leg
as appropriate to the type of greeting.

7. Salute with permission.- He will be executed to salute the national standard.

1. If the police officer's head is uncovered or he is in civilian clothes, the bow is performed
by tilting the trunk and head slightly, a movement that will start from the standing
2. If the police officer is covering his head with a cap, shawl, kepi, beret or helmet, he will
salute the flag by raising his hand to the visor and perform the bow by slightly inclining
his trunk and head. The hand returns to its initial position after bowing, this movement
will start from the standing position.

Article 15. Greeting classes.- The greeting is classified depending on the circumstances and is executed
according to the following description:

a. Greeting without cap, hat, kepi, beret or helmet.- It will be carried out only in closed places
or without wearing the uniform, taking into consideration that it is the police officer's
obligation to use the cap, hat, kepi, beret or helmet in open places.

1. If the greeting is done while standing, static, adopt a firm position and greet out loud.
You must keep your eyes forward and will not bow. He continues carrying out his activity
after making the greeting.
2. If the greeting is done while walking, the walk is not stopped, the arms and hands are
extended to the side of the thighs, both of them together and still at a distance of
approximately 10 cm, between the thigh and the Palm of the hand. The greeting must
be accompanied by a sight and a small bow (slight inclination of the head), towards
whom the greeting is directed. The greeting begins approximately three steps before
reaching the level of the hierarchical superior.

b. Greeting with a cap, visor, kepi, beret or helmet.- It will be carried out only in open places
when the police officer is in uniform, taking into consideration that it is the police officer's
obligation to use the cap, visor, kepi, beret or helmet in open places and remove them in
closed places as a gesture of courtesy and good manners.

1. If the salute is performed when standing still, adopt a firm position and salute by raising
the right hand to the visor, while the left hand remains attached to the left thigh. You
must keep your eyes forward and will not bow. It must be accompanied by a loud
2. If the greeting is done while walking, the walk is not stopped, the left hand is extended
to the side of the left thigh, fingers together and at a distance of approximately 10 cm,
between the thigh and the palm of the hand. . The right hand is raised to the visor as
established by “the hand salute to the visor.” The greeting must be accompanied by a
movement of the head and the gaze towards whom the greeting is directed. The
greeting begins approximately three steps before reaching the height of the hierarchical
superior and ends once it has passed him, bringing the head forward, energetically
lowering the right hand and continuing the normal march. It must be accompanied by a
loud greeting.
3. If the hierarchical superior and the subordinate are marching in the same direction, the
second will execute the salute when passing him or her.
4. The greeting will be carried out at a walk, but not at a trot or a run.

c. Greeting from the vehicle.- Both the driver and the companions, when observing a
hierarchical superior, will make a slight inclination of the head in their direction. The driver
will execute the salute without neglecting his main driving function.

d. Greeting on a motorcycle, bicycle or similar.- When observing a hierarchical superior, they

will salute with their hand to the visor, maintaining control of the vehicle with their left hand
without neglecting driving.

e. Greeting in public places.- The subordinate, upon observing the hierarchical superior in a
public place, will approach to greet. If you meet several times at the same place or public
event, you will only greet once.

f. Greeting when the police officer is carrying out physical activity individually.- The
subordinate, upon observing the hierarchical superior, will make a slight inclination of the
head to the hierarchical superior and continue with the activity.




“The police officer at heart values the rank, subordinates himself to the hierarchical superior
and leads the subordinate ”


Article 16. Principles of individual formal instruction.- It will be taught exclusively by the police instructor,

a. Use of organizational procedures.

b. Control of distracting agents.
c. Teaching methodology for police instruction.
d. Error correction methodology.
e. Correct command position and proper use of voices I demand.
f. Correct use of the uniform.
g. Use of appropriate police implements.
h. Adequate management of work and rest times during instruction.

Article 17. General considerations.- For the execution of individual formal instruction movements, the
following must be considered:

a. Every formal instruction movement starts from a firm position.

b. When a police officer or a unit is in the “position at discretion” or the “rest position”, upon
receiving the preventive voice of any movement, he adopts the “firm” position, at the
executive voice he performs the ordered movement and returns to the “position at
c. Instruction movements must be carried out with maximum energy, seeking equality for all
police officers.
d. After the execution of any instructional movement, the immobility and absolute silence of
the police officer or the unit in formation must be maintained.


Article 18. Firm Position.- It is the fundamental position from which one starts to make any movement. In
this position one cannot speak or make any movement, without prior order or authorization
from the hierarchical superior who is in command.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

training), etc., Attention... !
2. Executive voice.- Fir...!

b. Execution: The policeman remains motionless and silent, adopting the following position,
in a single moment:

1. Square the heel of the left foot over the heel of the right foot in such a way that the
heels are together and aligned at the same height.
2. Tips of the feet aligned outwards, so that they form an angle of approximately 45º.
3. Knees extended.
4. Contracted thighs.
5. Abdomen submerged.
6. Chest upright.
7. Shoulders at the same height and slightly back.
8. Arms down, slightly bent at the elbows and forward.
9. Palms of the hands completely stretched and placed on the lateral part of the thigh.
10.Fingers joined and stretched, in such a way that the middle finger coincides with the
middle part of the thigh.
11. Stretched neck.
12. Tucked chin.
13. The head vertical.
14. The view ahead taking a fixed point of reference.

Article 19. Position at discretion.- It is the position of relaxation of the muscles that were previously in tension due to
the firm position. In this position you cannot speak or make any movement, without prior order or
authorization from the hierarchical superior in command. .

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
2. Executive voice.- Discretion...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Bend your left knee at approximately 45º , lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Left foot tip down.
3. Heel of the left foot parallel and at the same height as the right leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.

time two

6. Vigorously move your left foot to the left.

7. Toes and heels are aligned with each other.
8. Separate the legs shoulder-width apart.
9. Simultaneously, when settling the sole of the left foot, the hands adopt the semi-fist position,
with the thumb on the outside.
10. The fisted fingers are approximately 10 cm apart from the thighs.
11. Arms loose naturally.
12. Abdomen submerged.
13. Chest upright.
14. Shoulders at the same height and slightly back.
15. Stretched neck.
16. Tucked chin.
17. The head vertical.
18. The view ahead taking a fixed point of reference.

Article 20. Rest position.- It is a variant of the “at discretion” position, it will be used to give provisions or instructions
when these last a long time. In this position you cannot speak or make any movement, without prior
order or authorization from the hierarchical superior. that is in command.
a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.!
2. Executive voice.- Discretion...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:

1. Perform the same movements as the “at will” position.

2. After placing his left foot, the police officer in charge will emit the conventional voice: “two.”
3. Immediately, the arms are placed behind the back.
4. The right hand holds the wrist of the left hand.
5. To undo the movement, at the warning voice of the next movement, the hands are released,
remaining in the “discretion” position.

Article 21. Relaxation position.- It is the position that allows the police officer to be kept in his location, waiting for
orders but without tension. In this position he can speak or make movements, without encouraging
indiscipline, and the hierarchical superior will not be able to give orders or instructions.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
2. Executive voice.- Get it together...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, adopting the following position, at
a time:

1. Vigorously hit the thighs with the palm of your hands.

2. Keeps heels together.
3. Cannot squat or move.
4. To undo the movement, “finish” will be commanded and you must adopt a firm position.


Article 22. Turns.- Ordered movements carried out by police officers to change front and formation.

Article 23. Classification.- Steady turns are classified as:

a. Conventional turns:
1. On the left

2. On the right
3. Turn around

b. Possible turns:
1. Middle left
2. Half right

Article 24. To the left.- 90º turn towards the left side:
a. Command voice: The command voices will be:
1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
to laizzz... !
2. Executive voice.- Whoa...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Bend your right knee at approximately 45º , lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Tip of the right foot down.
3. Heel of the right foot parallel and at the same height as the left leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.
6. The tip of the left foot is raised and, pivoting on the heel, the leg and body are turned 90º to the

time two

7. Vigorously square the inner edge of the right foot on the left, matching the front convex part of
the right foot on the concave part of the left.
8. If the police officer is wearing a spur or spurs, the square is performed by making them
forcefully impact each other.
9. Immediately after squaring up, a firm position is adopted.
To Article 25. the right.- 90º turn towards the right side:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
etc., to the deee... !
2. Executive voice.- Re...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting the following position,
in two stages:

Time a
1. Bend your right knee at approximately 45º, lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Tip of the right foot down.
3. Heel of the right foot parallel and at the same height as the left leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.
6. The tip of the left foot is raised and, pivoting on the heel, the leg and body are turned 90º to
the right.

time two
7. Vigorously square the inner edge of the right foot on the left, matching the front convex part
of the right foot on the concave part of the left.
8. If the police officer is wearing a spur or spurs, the square is performed by making them
forcefully impact each other.
9. Immediately after squaring up, a firm position is adopted.

Half turn.- 180º turn on the left side:

Article 26.
a. Demand voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
etc., average... !
2. Executive voice.- Come back...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting the following position,
in two stages:

Time a
1. Bend your right knee at approximately 45º, lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Tip of the right foot down.
3. Heel of the right foot parallel and at the same height as the left leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.
6. The tip of the left foot is raised and, pivoting on the heel, the leg and body are rotated 180º to the left.

time two
7. Vigorously square the inner
the concave part of the left.
8. If the police officer
9. Immediately after squaring up, the firm position is adopted.

To the middle left.- 45º turn towards the left side:

Article 27. a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
at medioizzz… !
2. Executive voice.- Whoa...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:
Time a
1. Bend your right knee at approximately 45º, lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Tip of the right foot down.
3. Heel of the right foot parallel and at the same height as the left leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.
6. The tip of the left foot is raised and, pivoting on the heel, the leg and body are turned 45º to the

time two
7. Vigorously square the inner edge of the right foot on the left, matching the front convex part of
the right foot on the concave part of the left.
8. If the police officer is wearing a spur or spurs, the square is performed by making them
forcefully impact each other.
9. Immediately after squaring up, a firm position is adopted.

To the middle right.- 45º turn towards the right side:

Article 28.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
etc., halfway through... !
2. Executive voice.- Re...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting the following position, i
two stages:

Time a

1. Bend your right knee at approximately 45º, lifting your foot off the floor.
2. Tip of the right foot down.
3. Heel of the right foot parallel and at the same height as the left leg.
4. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
5. Fingers joined and stretched.
6. The tip of the left foot is raised and, pivoting on the heel, the leg and body are turned 45º to
the right.

time two

7. Vigorously square the inner edge of the right foot on the left, matching the front convex part
of the right foot on the concave part of the left.
8. If the police officer is wearing a spur or spurs, the square is performed by making them
forcefully impact each other.
9. Immediately after squaring up, a firm position is adopted.


Marches.- Ordered movements carried out by police officers to move from one place to another.
Article 29.
Halts.- Ordered movements carried out by the police to stop the march, the halt will always be
Article 30. ordered when the compass is on the left foot.

Classification of the marches.- The marches are classified as:

Article 31.
a. Marches with compass:

1. normal gait
2. Set the pace
3. Trotting
4. Steps
5. regular pace

b. March without compass:

1. To the race

Article 32. Normal gait.- Elegant way of walking of the police officer:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
from the front... !
2. Executive voice.- Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. Start the walk by breaking it with a free step, that is, with the left leg, keeping the knee
extended, the sole of the foot stretched and the toe down.
2. The sole of the left foot settles vigorously, when leaving with a free step.
3. In the next step, the right foot regulates the gait, maintaining a normal cadence.
4. The steps are performed following the heel-toe sequence.
5. Swinging the arms naturally, forward the hand reaches the front of the body up to the height of
the buckle with a slight bend in the elbow; and, backwards, the front arm stretched out.
6. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.
7. Chest upright.
8. Stretched neck.
9. Tucked chin.
10. The head vertical.
11. The view ahead taking a fixed point of reference.

c. Stop: The police officer stops the normal march upon receiving the command voice: Preventive
voice: Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc. You executive:
Al… ! :

1. If the executive voice is ordered to the next left measure after the preventive voice is issued,
the stop will be made by continuing the advance, squaring the right foot to the next left
measure; that is, after the sequence: right-left-square.
2. If the executive voice is ordered by letting one or more left measures pass after the preventive
voice is uttered, the pace will first be marked on the ground itself, after two left measures of the
preventive voice being pronounced, raising the left leg to the third left measure; The stop will be
done by squaring the right foot on the left; that is, after the sequence: right-left-square, a
sequence that will be counted after receiving the executive voice .
3. When stopping the march, the firm position is adopted.

Article 33. Set the pace.- March on one's own ground, the police officer neither gains nor gives ground:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
set the pace... !
2. Executive voice.- Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:
1. Start walking by raising your left leg.
2. Thigh raised at 90º at the intersection with the body.
3. Knee flexed at 90º at the intersection of the thigh and leg
4. Foot stretched with toe down.
5. The feet land in the same place from which they started.
6. Swinging the arms naturally, forward the hand reaches the front of the body up to the height of
the buckle with a slight bend in the elbow; and, backwards, the stretched front arm.
7. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.
8. Chest upright.
9. Stretched neck.
10. Tucked chin.
11. The head vertical.
12. The view ahead taking a fixed point of reference.

c. Stop: The police officer stops the step he was marking on his own field upon receiving the
command voice: Preventive voice: Lieutenant, Cadet, Policeman, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or
unit in training), etc. Executive voice: Al… ! :

1. The stop will be made by squaring the right foot to the next left step; that is, after the sequence:
2. When a police officer or unit is setting the pace with a band or command platoon march, the
“alto deluxe” will be performed, in which, at the last beat of the bass drum or timpani, a
sequence of three bars, which begins at the left foot, the march is stopped, without bringing it to
square, on the left foot, adopting the firm position, in this virtue the corresponding sequence is:
3. When stopping the march, the firm position is adopted.

Article 34. Trotting.- The police officer's accelerated gait to move from one place to another, without losing pace
and formation:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
trot... !
2. Executive voice.- Sea...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, adopting the following position, in
two moments:

In the preventive voice

1. After the preventive voice, the left knee is slightly bent, raising the heel of the left foot and
keeping the toe on the floor.
2. Elbows bent forming a 90º angle at the intersection of the arm and forearm.
3. Elbows close to the body.
4. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.
5. Body slightly inclined forward.
6. Stretched neck.
7. Tucked chin.
8. The head vertical.
9. The view ahead taking a fixed point of reference.
10. Simultaneously, when executing the preparatory movements for the trot, a loud cry is made :

In the executive voice

11. After the executive voice, the trot begins with the left leg, vigorously settling the sole of the left
12. The push is done with the right leg.
13. The arms swing naturally from front to back.
14. Simultaneously, when starting the trot, with a loud shout an exclamation is made to the noble
institution saying: Police!

c. Stop: The policeman stops the trot upon receiving the demand voice: Preventive voice: Lieutenant,
Cadet, Policeman, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc. You executive: Al… ! :

1. If the executive voice is ordered to the next left measure after the preventive voice is issued,
the stop will be made by continuing the advance, squaring the right foot to the next left
measure; that is, after the sequence: right-left-square.
2. If the executive voice is ordered by letting one or more left measures pass after the preventive
voice is uttered, the pace will first be marked on the field itself with the trot cadence, after two
left measures of the preventive voice being pronounced, stopping the advance to the third left
compass; The stop will be done by squaring the right foot on the left; that is, after the
sequence: right-left-square, a sequence that will be counted after receiving the executive voice
3. When stopping the trot, the firm position is adopted.

Article 35. Steps.- Ordered movements that allow you to gain or give up ground, without changing front or

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

training), etc., one, two, three, four, five, etc., steps forward, back, to the left, to the right … !
2. Executive voice.- Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. The turn is made in the indicated direction.

2. The indicated number of steps is taken, starting the walk with the left leg with a free step.
3. You stop when you finish taking the indicated number of steps, always squaring your right foot
on your left.
4. The front that was before executing the movement is recovered.
5. If it is an even number of steps, you must take one more step to square with your right foot.
6. For the execution of steps, the normal gait protocol for movement is considered.
7. The steps will be counted mentally by whoever executes them, maintaining silence at all times.
8. In case of taking two or more directions, the front is always recovered after completing the
indicated steps, the turn is made towards the new direction, the indicated steps are taken and
the front is resumed again.

Article 36. On the run.- It is the movement from one place to another, in the shortest possible time:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
on the run... !
2. Executive voice.- Mar…!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy:

1. The execution of the race is done through natural movements.
2. The aim is to reach maximum speed.
3. To start the movement, upon hearing the command, it will take the direction in which it is sent
to run along the shortest route.

c. Stop: The police officer stops the race upon receiving the command: Preventive voice: Lieutenant,
Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc. Executive you: Stop… ! :

1. At the executive order, they immediately stop at the place where the police are .
2. He will take the lead towards the hierarchical superior who is in command .
3. When stopping the race, the firm position is adopted.


Article 37. Gear Change.- Ordered movements carried out by police officers to go from one type of gear to another.

Article 38. Classification of gear changes.- Gear changes are classified into:

a. From normal walking to trotting

b. From trot to normal walk
c. From walking on one's own terrain to normal walking

d. From normal walking to walking on one's own terrain

Article 39. From normal walking to trotting.- To execute the transition you must consider:

1. While the police officer is in normal motion, he will receive the command to trot.
2. The preventive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant
(hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc., trot…!
3. The police officer continues with the normal march and on the next left beat he will raise his
forearms adopting the position described above.
4. Simultaneously, when raising the arms, a loud shout is made Haaaaaa!
5. The executive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Mar..!
6. At the next left beat he begins the trot, lunging his body forward and breaking the trot energetically
with his left foot.
7. Simultaneously, when starting the trot, with a loud shout an exclamation is made to the noble
institution saying: Police!

Article 40. From trot to normal walking.- To execute the transition you must consider:

1. While the police officer is trotting, he will receive the command for normal marching.
2. The preventive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant
(hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc., step by step...!
3. The policeman continues his trot.
4. The executive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Mar..!
5. To the next left measure the counting of the sequence begins: left-right- left-
normal gait.
6. The normal gait will begin in the rhythm of the right foot.

Article 41. From walking on one's own terrain to normal walking.-

To execute the transition you must consider:

1. While the police officer is marching on his own land, he will receive the command for the normal
2. The preventive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant
(hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc., from the front... ! .
3. The police officer continues the march on the field itself.
4. The executive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot: Mar...!
5. At the next left beat, the march stops for a while, energetically lowering the left leg, joining it to the
6. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
7. In the following period, the gait is broken with a free step of the left foot and the normal gait begins.

Article 42. From normal walking to walking on one's own terrain.-

To execute the transition you must consider:

1. While the police officer is in normal motion, he will receive the command to set the pace on his
own field.
2. There will be a single voice of command, the rank of the police officer or the unit in training. The
executive voice will coincide with the beat of the left foot:
Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.
3. Two left measures are allowed to pass, marching normally.
4. At the third left beat, the left knee is vigorously raised to 90º, and begins to mark the beat on the
ground itself.


Article 43. Turns on the fly.- Ordered movements carried out by police officers to change front, formation and
direction of march.

Article 44. Classification.- Turns on the fly are classified as:

a. Turns on normal walking:

1. On the left
2. On the right

3. Turn around

b. Turns on the fly on your own terrain:

1. On the left
2. On the right
3. Turn around

Article 45. Turns on normal walking.- They are executed using only the command voice, allowing you to change
direction while gaining or giving up ground.
Article 46. To the left.- 90º turn towards the left side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
on the left... !
2. Executive voice.- It will occur when the rhythm of the march is on the left foot. Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. You will take two more steps, that is, after the sequence: right-left-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the left foot.
3. The right foot is slightly forward of the left foot, which acted as the axis for the turn, taking a
small step.
4. At the moment of starting the turn, a small flexion-extension of the elbows is performed,
completely stretching the arms and stopping oscillating.
5. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
6. Fingers joined and pulled.
7. After taking the indicated front, the march will be broken with a free step of the left foot.
8. The normal oscillation is resumed when breaking stride, with the right arm forward.

Article 47. To the right.- 90º turn towards the right side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Demand voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
on the right… !
2. Executive voice.- It will occur when the rhythm of the march is on the right foot. Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. It will take two more steps, that is, after the sequence: left-right-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the right foot.
3. The left foot is slightly forward of the right foot, which acted as the axis for the turn, taking a
small step.
4. At the moment of starting the turn, a small flexion-extension of the elbows is performed,
completely stretching the arms and stopping oscillating.
5. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
6. Fingers joined and stretched.
7. After taking the indicated front, the march will be broken with a free step of the right foot.
8. The normal oscillation is resumed when breaking stride, with the left arm forward.

Article 48. Half turn.- 180º turn on the left side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Demand voice: The demand voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training), etc.,
half a turn... !
2. Executive voice.- It will occur when the rhythm of the march is on the left foot. Sea...!

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. You will take two more steps, that is, after the sequence: right-left-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the left foot.
3. The right foot is slightly forward of the left foot, which acted as the axis for the turn, taking a
small step.
4. At the moment of starting the turn, a small flexion-extension of the elbows is performed,
completely stretching the arms and stopping oscillating.
5. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
6. Fingers joined and stretched.
7. After taking the indicated front, the march will be broken with a free step of the left foot.
8. The normal oscillation is resumed when breaking stride, with the right arm forward.

Article 49. Turns on the fly on one's own terrain.- They are executed using only the rhythm of the musical band,
allowing them to change front and formation without gaining or giving up ground.
Article 50. To the left.- 90º turn towards the left side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Beat of the bass drum or timpani: The musical instruments will keep time with the bass drum or
timpani to anticipate the turns in the terrain itself:

1. Preventive touch.- There will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani in a row, short
sequence: left-right-left. The playing of measures with the bass drum or timpani is interrupted.
2. Executive touch.- After the silence, there will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani in a
row, short sequence: left-right-left. Continue playing with a cadence on the left foot, long
sequence: left-left.

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. After the third pump of the short sequence, which coincides with the left foot, he will take one
more step and perform the turn, that is, after the sequence: right-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the right foot.
3. Start the turn by raising your left leg.
4. Thigh raised at 90º at the intersection with the thorax.
5. Knee flexed at 90º at the intersection of the thigh and leg
6. Foot stretched with toe down.
7. The left foot falls 90º to the left side.
8. The body rotates in the direction of the left leg.
9. Arm swing naturally, without pausing, the turn coinciding with the swing of the right arm when
rotating the left leg.
10. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.

Article 51. To the right.- 90º turn towards the right side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Beat of the bass drum or timpani: The musical instruments will keep time with the bass drum or
timpani to anticipate the turns in the terrain itself:

1. Preventive touch.- There will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani in a row, short
sequence: left-right-left. The playing of measures with the bass drum or timpani is interrupted.
2. Executive touch.- After the silence, there will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani in a
row, short sequence: left-right-left. Continue playing with a cadence on the left foot, long
sequence: left-left.

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the
following position:

1. After the third pump of the short sequence, which coincides with the left foot, he will take one
more step and perform the turn, that is, after the sequence: right-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the right foot.
3. Start the turn by lifting your left leg and crossing it to the right side.
4. Thigh raised at 90º at the intersection with the body.
5. Knee flexed at 90º at the intersection of the thigh and leg
6. Foot stretched with toe down.
7. The left foot falls 90º to the right side.
8. The body rotates in the direction of the left leg.
9. Swing of arms naturally, without pausing, the turn coinciding with the swing of the
right arm when rotating the left leg.
10. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.

Article 52. Half turn.- 180º turn on the left side, maintaining the cadence of the march:

a. Beat of the bass drum or timpani: The musical instruments will keep time with the bass drum or timpani to anticipate the tu

1. Preventive touch.- There will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani in a row, short
sequence: left-right-left. The playing of measures with the bass drum or timpani is
2. Executive touch.- After the silence, there will be three touches of the bass drum or timpani
in a row, short sequence: left-right-left. Continue playing with a cadence on the left foot,
long sequence: left-left.

b. Execution: The police officer performs the movements with energy and in silence, adopting the following position:

1. After the third pump of the short sequence, which coincides with the left foot, he will take
one more step and perform the turn, that is, after the sequence: right-turn .
2. The turn is performed on the tip of the right foot.
3. Start the turn by raising your left leg.
4. Thigh raised at 90º at the intersection with the body.
5. Knee flexed at 90º at the intersection of the thigh and leg
6. Foot stretched with toe down.
7. The left foot falls 90º to the left side.
8. A beat is allowed to pass with the right foot.
9. A new turn is made with the left leg of 90º towards the left side, thus completing the 180º.
10. The body rotates in the direction of the left leg.
11. Arm swing naturally, without pausing, the turn coinciding with the swing of the right arm
when rotating the left leg.
12. Semi-grip hands with the thumb on the outside.


Ways of introducing oneself.- Protocol forms typical of the police officer to address the hierarchical
Article 53. Introduce yourself, speak and leave.- The subordinate will stand in front of the hierarchical superior
and will leave after introducing himself, following the protocol:
Article 54.
a. Introduce oneself
1. He/she will arrive in front of the hierarchical superior taking a step with the left foot and
squaring with the right.
2. He will maintain a distance of approximately three steps.
3. They will be positioned in such a way that they coincide face to face, right shoulder to right
4. He will adopt a firm position, keeping his eyes straight ahead, without looking directly into the
eyes of his hierarchical superior.

b. Talk
1. He will perform the police salute, with his hand to the visor and say: “ Excuse me, My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) good morning, afternoon or evening; I request
or for your information... ”
2. He will explain what is pertinent, without making movements of the body, hands or head.
3. When speaking, you should avoid, as far as possible, using terms such as: for, is that, perhaps,
etc., among others, which may generate confusion in the message.
4. If you are going to request some type of permit, it must be direct: “speak permit , ” “entry
permit,” “leave permit,” “continue permit,” etc.
5. He will maintain his firm position until the hierarchical superior orders otherwise; in any case, he
will always maintain a gallant posture.

c. Backing out
1. Once the presentation is over, you must wait for the hierarchical superior to tell you that you
can continue or leave.
2. Once the order is received, the subordinate will say: “Permission to leave, My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)” ; or, “To line up My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)”, depending on the order received, immediately raising and
lowering the hand to the visor.
3. It will make a half turn.
4. He will break the march with a clear step and will leave the place at a run.

Article 55. Classification.- The ways of presenting are classified as:

a. When in training
b. When not in training
c. When you want to deliver an object

Article 56. When in training.- The police officer who is in training and wishes to leave it to appear before a
hierarchical superior must consider the following cases:

a. To introduce yourself to the hierarchical superior who is in charge of the training:

1. Adopting a firm position, he will ask for permission saying: “Permission, I may leave the line to
speak with you, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) . ”
2. If you receive authorization, you will say: “In front, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc…
(hierarchical rank)” .
3. He will leave the training in accordance with the established protocol and will appear before the
hierarchical superior in a regulatory manner.

b. To introduce yourself to the line manager who is not in charge of the training:
1. Adopting a firm position, he will ask permission from whoever is in command of the formation,
regardless of whether he is more or less senior than the police officer to whom he is going to
appear, saying: “Excuse me, I'm leaving the line My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc. …
(hierarchical level); to talk to My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical level)” .
2. If you receive authorization, you will say: “In front, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc…
(hierarchical rank)” .
3. He will leave the training in accordance with the established protocol and will appear before the
hierarchical superior who is in charge of the training, in a regulatory manner.
4. He will again express the request to speak with the hierarchical superior who is not in
command, once authorized, he will leave at a run, after the half turn.
5. To enter the training, you must appear before the hierarchical superior who is in command and
say: “Permission to enter the line My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank).
6. Once the authorization has been received, he will leave the presence of the hierarchical
superior in accordance with the protocol and will enter the line duly.

c. When called by the hierarchical superior who is in charge of the training:

1. Yes, it is at your discretion, upon hearing your name you will adopt a firm position, saying:
“Firm My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)” .
2. If, he stands firm, upon hearing his name he will respond: “Order My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) . ”
3. Yes, he is ordered to go to the front or leave the formation, the subordinate will repeat the order
saying: “To the front, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)” .
4. You will adopt established procedures for leaving training, introducing yourself, speaking,
leaving and entering training.

d. When called by the hierarchical superior who is not in charge of the training:
1. Yes, it is at your discretion, upon hearing your name you will adopt a firm position, saying:
“Firm My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)” .
2. If, he stands firm, upon hearing his name he will respond: “Order My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) . ”
3. Yes, you are ordered to go to the front or leave the formation, the subordinate will repeat the
order saying: “To the front My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc... (hierarchical rank),
permission I leave the line My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant , etc… (hierarchical level)” request
that will be made to the hierarchical superior who is in charge of the training.
4. If you receive authorization, you will say: “In front, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc…
(hierarchical rank)” .
5. He will leave the training in accordance with the established protocol and will appear before the
hierarchical superior who is in command of the training, in a regulatory manner and will say:
"Permission My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc... (hierarchical rank) to place myself under
the orders of My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank).”
6. You will adopt established procedures for introducing yourself, speaking, leaving and entering
7. Police courtesy determines that if the hierarchical superior is more senior than the person in
charge of the training, he will moderately request authorization to remove a subordinate from
the training.

e. To speak to the line manager in charge without leaving training:

1. Adopting a firm position, he will ask permission saying: “Permission, I may speak with you, My
Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) . ”
2. If you receive authorization, you will speak from the formation, maintaining your firm position.
3. If, before requesting authorization, you were in a position other than the “firm” position, once
the communication is completed, you will adopt the previous position.

f. Ways to exit training:

1. If he is in the first row of the formation, he will come out from the front, breaking the march with
a clear step and then start running.
2. If you are in the second row towards the back, you will exit from the right or left side, depending
on which is closest to you, you will have to make a half turn and move along the back of your
row, towards the head or tail of the training, as appropriate, a transfer that will be carried out
during the race, avoiding contact with the police officers who are in training.

g. Ways to enter training:

1. To enter the formation, the police officer will enter through the final part of the formation, that is,
on the left side of the formation.
2. The police officer will look for a location in the last row of the column from which he left, a place
where the space must exist, because the column had to cover forward the space left by the
police officer when leaving the formation.
3. If, while the police officer was outside the formation, he was sent to line up, covering all spaces,
when entering the formation, he will be placed in the last column.
4. You will have to look for the correct location depending on your height when lining up, looking
over, or passing your foot.

Article 57. When he is not in training.- The police officer who is not in training and wishes to appear before a
hierarchical superior must consider the following cases:

a. To introduce yourself to the line manager who is alone:

1. You will go to the hierarchical superior and follow the established protocols of introducing
yourself, speaking and leaving.
2. If the hierarchical superior asks you to explain the situation while walking, you will be located on
the left side of the superior.

b. To introduce yourself to the hierarchical superior who is accompanied:

1. It will avoid interrupting a conversation or meeting.
2. If the hierarchical superior is in a position to assist you, he or she will request authorization from
the most senior to speak with whoever he or she wishes.
3. If it is unknown who is older, because they have the same rank, you may request authorization
from any of them.
4. Police courtesy determines that if the hierarchical superior notices the confusion of the
subordinate, due to the issue of seniority, one of them will point out who should request

Article 58. When you want to hand over an object.- The police officer will always carry any object: briefcase, case,
suitcase, documents, cap, etc., in his left hand and to hand it over he must consider:

1. The object to be delivered will be carried in the left hand.

2. The protocol of appearing before the hierarchical superior with the respective greeting will be
3. To deliver the object, he passes it from his left hand to his right and takes a clear step with his left
4. The left hand separates from the thigh when taking the step and remains extended with the fingers
5. The object is delivered to the hand of the hierarchical superior.
6. After handing over the object, the firm position is adopted, energetically squaring the left foot on
the right.
7. He leaves the place asking for permission and following the protocol established for this purpose.

Article 59. To follow the Regular Body.- The police officer will go through a regular body to reach the highest police
authority, being the only one empowered to make decisions on a specific issue, and must carry out
the following procedure:

1. Request authorization from your immediate superior to follow the regular body.
2. If authorized, you must put on the A4 presentation uniform, or its similar, to begin the process.
3. He/she will return to the immediate superior and must formally introduce himself/herself,
adopting the position indicated to speak with a hierarchical superior and will say :
“Permission My...(hierarchical grade)... good morning, he or she is present... (grade and names)... "
4. This presentation must be made by the police officer to all his superiors according to the
respective channel until reaching the hierarchical superior who has the legal capacity to acquit the
5. If the Regular Body was accepted, the first police officer who knew about it must be informed.
6. The Regular Body is a procedure to which every police officer is entitled and cannot be denied,
and the request may or may not be authorized.



“The heartfelt police officer dignifies his uniform by wearing it correctly ”



Article 60. Principles of formal group instruction.- It will be taught exclusively by the police instructor,

a. Maintain line discipline.

b. Achieve equality in the execution of movements.
c. Repetition is the tool to achieve mechanization and synchronization of movements.
d. The use of physical exercise as an instructional teaching mechanism is prohibited.

Article 61. Units in training.- For the execution of group instruction, the units in training must be considered,
which depends on the number of police officers that constitute them, these being:

t Binomial: It is the union of 2 police officers.


b. Square: It is the union of 5


c. Section: It is the union of 3 squads, 30 police

d. Platoon: It is the union of 3 sections, 90 police officers.

e. Company: More than 3 sections.


f. Group: When the number of police officers is undetermined.


Article 62. Cover and align yourself.- It means finding the correct location of the police in the direction of the front
and depth, considering the order of height.

Article 63. General procedure.- In all cases, the police officers in a formation will first seek cover and then alignment,
an execution that must be carried out in the shortest possible time, silently, with energy and at the
end, maintaining immobility.

Article 64. Classification.- Coverage and alignments are classified as:

a. Direct:
1. View
2. Foot

b. Hints:
1. Normal
2. Eventual
3. By guides
4. Cover and align

Article 65. Direct.- They are carried out without the need for a command voice from the hierarchical superior in
charge of the unit in training, the voices for the execution of the movements are issued by a police
officer included in the training.

Article 66. View.- Movement carried out by the police to seek correct coverage and alignment while maintaining the
initial formation; It will also be used to announce that a collective provision has been fulfilled.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- View…!
2. Executive voice.- Two-three...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and in successive order,
adopting the following position, in the shortest time possible:

In the preventive voice

1. The first police officer, in the first row and first column, will always be the one visible to you,
from the standing position.
2. By loudly shouting the preventive voice: View! , all the police officers in the first column turn
their heads to their left side.
3. The other police officers turn their heads to the right side.
4. All police officers will adopt a firm position when hearing the warning voice and at the same
time they will make the corresponding head movement.
5. The movements must be executed equally.
6. Prior to the executive order, the police will look for the correct location, cover themselves and
line up.

In the executive voice

7. The first police officer must wait until all the police officers in the formation are in their location
and motionless, to give the executive voice.
8. With the executive voice the policemen return their gaze to the front quickly and energetically.
9. The view must be taken up in successive order from the right to the left side of the formation.
10. The movement ends when the police officers are covered and lined up at attention.
11.If the hearing is held after the group has carried out an activity ordered by a hierarchical
superior, the police officer who held the hearing will say: “Your order has been fulfilled, My
Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank).”
12.If the hearing is passed due to a request from a hierarchical superior, the police officer who
passed the hearing will say: “Order My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical level)”

Article 67. Foot.- Movement carried out by the police to seek correct coverage and alignment while maintaining the
initial formation; It will also be used to adopt the “at discretion” position.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Piee…!
2. Executive voice.- Two-three...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and in successive order,
adopting the following position, in the shortest time possible:

In the preventive voice

1. The last police officer, in the first column and last row, will always be the one who passes the
foot, from the standing position.
2. When the preventive voice loudly shouts: Foot!, all the police officers in the first column turn
their heads towards their left side.
3. The other police officers turn their heads to the right side.
4. All police officers will adopt a firm position when hearing the warning voice and at the same
time they will make the corresponding head movement.
5. The movements must be executed equally.
6. Prior to the executive order, the police will look for the correct location, cover themselves and
line up.

In the executive voice

7. The last police officer must wait until all the police officers in the formation are in their location
and motionless, to give the executive voice.
8. With the executive voice, the police officers return their eyes to the front and will quickly and
energetically put themselves at their discretion.
9. The movement should not be executed with a jump.
10.The sight and foot must be taken up in successive order from the right to the left side of the
11.The movement ends when the police officers are covered and lined up in position at their

Article 68. Indirect.- They are carried out through a command voice issued by the police officer who is at the
command of the unit in formation.

Article 69. Normal.- Alignment that is made taking as reference the police officer or base column on the right.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, line up... !
2. Executive voice 1.- Ar...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and equality, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

In the preventive voice 1

1. The base police officer or the police officers in the first column keep their heads forward, in a
firm position, without generating any movement.
2. The other police officers turn their heads to the right side.
3. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
4. Fingers joined and stretched.

In the executive voice 1

5. The base police officer or the police officers in the first column keep their heads forward, in a
firm position, without generating any movement.
6. The other police officers in formation will move their left foot vigorously forward together with
their body.
7. After forcefully impacting the sole of the left foot on the floor, immediately return to square the
left foot on the right.
8. Hands attached to the thighs as in the firm position.
9. If the view is kept to the right.
10. The correct placement of men is sought in order of height.
11. The respective coverage and alignment is sought.
12. Immobility is maintained.
13.During this movement, it is not allowed to speak, raise your hands or comply with any order;
you must wait until the movement is finished.

In the preventive voice 2

14.It will be issued once the police in training have completed the necessary movements to
achieve the correct location, coverage and alignment.
15. Having to bring the left shoulder forward to achieve correct alignment.

In the executive voice 2

16. The police officers return their gaze to the front energetically and at the same time, seeking
17. The discipline of silence and immobility is maintained.
TO . .
Article 70. Eventual.- Alignment that is made taking as reference the police officer or base column on the left.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, line up on the left... !
2. Executive voice 1.- Ar...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and equality, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

In the preventive voice 1

1. The last police officer or police officers in the last column keep their heads forward, in a firm
position, without generating any movement.
2. The other police officers turn their heads to the left side.
3. Hands extended and separated approximately 10 cm from the thighs.
4. Fingers joined and stretched.

In the executive voice 1

5. The last police officer or police officers in the last column keep their heads forward, in a firm
position, without generating any movement.
6. The other police officers in formation will move their right foot energetically towards in front
together with your body.
7. After forcefully impacting the sole of the right foot on the floor, immediately return to square the
right foot on the left.
8. Hands attached to the thighs as in the firm position.
9. If the view is kept to the left.
10. The correct placement of men is sought in order of height.
11. The respective coverage and alignment is sought.
12. Immobility is maintained.
13.During this movement, it is not allowed to speak, raise your hands or comply with any order;
you must wait until the movement is finished.

In the preventive voice 2

14.It will be issued once the police in training have completed the necessary movements to
achieve the correct location, coverage and alignment.
15. Having to bring the right shoulder forward to achieve correct alignment.

In the executive voice 2

16. The police officers return their gaze to the front energetically and at the same time, seeking
17. The discipline of silence and immobility is maintained.

Article 71. By guides.- Alignment that is made taking as reference the police officer or column in the center.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Team, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, line up in the center… !
2. Executive voice 1.- Ar...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and equality, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:
In the preventive voice 1
1. The police officer or police officers in the center column keep their heads forward, in a firm
position, without generating any movement.
2. The police officers on the left side of the column or guide police will execute the normal
alignment movements.
3. The police officers on the right side of the column or guide police will execute the eventual
alignment movements.

In the executive voice 1

4. The police officers on the left side of the column or leading police officer will move their left foot
energetically forward together with their body.
5. The police officers on the right side of the column or leading police officer will move their right
foot energetically forward together with their body.
6. After forcefully impacting the sole of your foot on the floor, immediately return to squaring your
foot accordingly.

In the preventive voice 2

7. It will be issued once the police in training have completed the necessary movements to
achieve the correct location, coverage and alignment.

In the executive voice 2

8. The police officers return their gaze to the front energetically and at the same time, seeking
9. The discipline of silence and immobility is maintained.

Article 72. Cover and align yourself.- Alignment that is made taking as reference the police officer or base column
on the right.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, coverseee... !
2. Executive voice 1.- And align...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and equality, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

In the preventive voice 1

1. The police do not make preparatory movements.

In the executive voice 1

2. The base police officer or the police officers in the first column keep their heads forward, in a
firm position, without generating any movement.
3. The other police officers in formation will move their left foot vigorously forward together with
their body.
4. After forcefully impacting the sole of the left foot on the floor, immediately return to square the
left foot on the right.
5. Hands attached to the thighs as in the firm position.
6. If the view is kept to the right.
7. The correct placement of the men is sought in order of height.
8. The respective coverage and alignment is sought.
9. Immobility is maintained.
10.During this movement, it is not allowed to speak, raise your hands or comply with any order;
you must wait until the movement is finished.

In the preventive voice 2

11.It will be issued once the police in training have completed the necessary movements to
achieve the correct location, coverage and alignment.

In the executive voice 2

12. The police officers return their gaze to the front energetically and at the same time, seeking
13. The discipline of silence and immobility is maintained.


Article 73. Training.- Orderly arrangement of police officers, elements or units in the direction of front and
depth, considering their height, sex, hierarchical rank or seniority, as appropriate.

Article 74. General procedure.- In all formations, the unit in formation must be located in the center and facing
the person who is exercising command.

Article 75. Classification.- The formations are classified as:

a. Row
b. Line
c. Column
d. Chart
Article 76. Row.- Meeting of two or more police officers, one next to the other with elbow contact.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, in
rowaaa… !
2. Executive voice.- Form...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

1. The police will make a U-turn.

2. They look for their location, side by side with elbow contact.
3. The base police officer will pass the hearing.
Article 77. Line.- It is the formation that results from the union of two or more rows, one behind the other with a
approximately 90cm.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or

lineaa… ! Company, in
2. Executive voice.- Form...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

1. The police will make a U-turn.

2. They look for their location, one next to the other with elbow contact and one row separated
from the other at a distance of approximately 90cm.
3. The base police officer will pass the hearing.

Article 78. Column.- It is the set of two or more police officers, one behind the other in the direction of depth with an
approximate distance of 90 cm., and they can be a column of one, rows, three, etc.:

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, in a column of one, of rows,
of trees, etc... !
2. Executive voice.- Form...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

1. The police will make a U-turn.

2. They look for their location, one after the other in the sense of depth with distance

approximately 90cm.
The base police officer will
pass the hearing.

Article 79. Table.- It is the location of the police officers in the direction of the front and the sides.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Section, Platoon or Company, make a square at the height of... (the
policeman or section on the right side of the formation is pointed out) !
2. Executive voice.- And... (points to the police officer or section on the left side of the formation)
! ...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position, in the shortest time possible:

1. The police officers who must form the cadre on the right and left sides, after the executive
voice, will break the march with clear steps.
2. They search for your location.
3. The base police officer, the first police officer in the first row and first column on the right side,
will pass the view.
4. The last policeman in the first column on the right side will pass the foot.


Article 80. Numbering.- It is making known to the hierarchical superior the number of police officers who are part of
a unit in training.

Article 81. General procedure.- For numbering, the following must be considered:

a. It will only be sent to be numbered when the hierarchical superior is not able to count the men of
the unit in formation at a glance.
b. In all formations, the first or last police officer in the line will pass the number to the back line on
the inside side of the line.
c. To pass the number one, just say: “un” .

Article 82. Classification.- The numbering is classified as:

a. Successive
b. Total
c. Partial

Article 83. Successive.- All the police officers in the formation pass the number in ascending and successive order.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Section, Platoon or Company, successively...!

2. Executive voice.- Number yourself...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

1. The police officers in the odd rows will look to the right side and pass the number to their left
2. The police officers in the even rows will look to the left side and pass the number to their right
3. The police officer who receives the number of the row in front keeps his eyes straight ahead.
4. Once this action is finished, they will immediately adopt a firm position.
5. The last police officer of the unit in training informs the hierarchical superior of the number of
police officers who are in the unit, saying: “twenty-three, thirty-two, etc…, My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)”

Article 84. Total.- Only the police officers in the first row of the formation pass the number, in ascending and
successive order.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Section, Platoon or Company, nuuu…!

2. Executive voice.- Merse...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

1. The police officers in the front row will look to the right side and pass the number to their left
2. Once this action is finished, they will immediately adopt a firm position.
3. The last police officer in the first row informs the hierarchical superior of the number of police
officers who were numbered, adding whether the last column is hollow or covered, saying:
“eight, ten, etc., hollow or covered row, My Captain, Lieutenant , Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical

Article 85. Partial.- All police officers in the formation pass the number, according to the determined fraction.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Section, Platoon or Company, two, three, five, eight...nuuu... !

2. Executive voice.- Merse...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

1. The police officers in the front row will look to the right side and pass the number to their left
2. The police officers in the even rows will look to the left side and pass the number to their right
3. The police officer who receives the number of the row in front keeps his eyes straight ahead.
4. The numbering goes from one to the number indicated in the command and the sequence is
repeated as many times as necessary until all the police officers pass the number.
5. Once this action is finished, they will immediately adopt a firm position.
6. The last police officer of the unit in training informs the hierarchical superior the number at
which the sequence remained, saying: “3, 6, 7, etc…, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc…
(hierarchical rank)”

Article 86. Ways of introducing oneself.- Protocol forms typical of the police officer to address the hierarchical
superior in a group.

Article 87. Introduce yourself, speak and leave.- The subordinates will stand in front of the hierarchical superior and
will leave after presenting themselves, following the protocol:

a. Introduce oneself
1. They will arrive in front of the hierarchical superior “looking past” .
2. They will maintain a distance of approximately three steps.
3. They will be positioned in such a way that the hierarchical superior is in the center of the police
officers who are presenting themselves.
4. They will adopt a firm position, keeping their eyes straight ahead, without looking directly into
the eyes of their hierarchical superior.
5. If two or more police officers who are in formation are called to leave the line, the police officer
who is closest to the right side will command: “In front, My Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc…
(hierarchical rank), two - three". Breaking the march or turning around, as appropriate, those
who have been called by the
6. hierarchical superior.

b. Talk
1. The most senior police officer will be the one at the head of the formation and will perform the
police salute, with his hand on his visor and say: “ Excuse me, My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank) good morning, afternoon or nights; I request or for your
information... ”
2. He will explain what is pertinent, without making movements of the body, hands or head.
3. When speaking, you should avoid, as far as possible, using terms such as: for, is that, perhaps,
etc., among others, which may generate confusion in the message.
4. If you are going to request some type of permit, it must be direct: “speak permit , ” “entry
permit,” “leave permit,” “continue permit,” etc.
5. They will maintain their firm position until the hierarchical superior orders otherwise; in any
case, they will always maintain a gallant posture.

c. Backing out
1. Once the presentation is over, they must wait for the hierarchical superior to tell them that they
can continue or leave.
2. Once the order is received, the base subaltern will say: “Permission to withdraw, My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank)” ; or, “To the line My Captain, Lieutenant,
Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank); two - three” , depending on the order received.
3. They will make a U-turn.
4. They will break the march at a free pace and rush away from the place.

Article 88.
Honors.- Public manifestation of respect offered to national symbols; or, to the hierarchy or status
of a person due to their rank, position or dignity.
Article 89.
General procedure.- For honors, the following must be considered:

a. Only honors will be performed by raising the hand to the visor from the rank of Second Sergeant
to Senior Non-Commissioned Officer and from Second Lieutenant to General.
b. The Cadets of the Higher Police School “Gral. Alberto Enríquez Gallo”, will raise their hand to the
visor for honors and parts after completing a thousand days of stay at the School.
c. The police officer who receives the report with honors, remains in the “firm” position and with his
hand on his visor, until receiving a report from all the units.
d. Police officers in the ranks of Second Lieutenant to General can receive an honorable part.
e. In the case of honors, depending on the location of the national symbols, authorities or
hierarchical superior, they will be on the left or right.
Article 90.
Classification.- Honors are classified as:

a. Honors on firm foot

1. Without cap, cristina, kepi, beret or helmet
2. With cap, cristina, kepi, beret or helmet

b. Honors on the go
1. Without cap, cristina, kepi, beret or helmet
2. With cap, cristina, kepi, beret or helmet
Article 91.
Standing honors.- They are carried out when the units are in formation.
Article 92.
Honors without cap, christina, kepi, beret or helmet.- In this case the head movements are
executed while keeping the hands close to the thighs as in the firm position.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Honors to the Flag/ to
My General, to My Colonel, to My Major, to My Captain; First Name and First Last Name; position
or function (Commander of Zone 4)/ attention to the deee /izzz… !
2. Executive voice 1.- Re/want...!
Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

In command voice 1
1. The police officers will look, with an energetic movement of the head, to the side where the
national symbol, authority or hierarchical superior is located, to whom the honors are directed.
2. The chin slightly raised in the direction of the person addressing the honors.
3. The body position is maintained as in the firm position.

In command voice 2
1. The view is returned to the front by energetically lowering the
2. A firm position is adopted, maintaining immobility and silence.

Article 93. Honors with cap, christina, kepi, beret or helmet.- In this case the head movements are
executed by bringing the hand to the visor as in the salute.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices
and two executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Honors to the
Flag / to My General, to My Major, to My Captain ; First Name and First Last Name;
position or function (Zone 4 Commander) / attention to the deee / izzz…!
2. Executive voice 1.- Re/want...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the
following position:

In command voice 1
1. The police officers will look, with an energetic movement of the head, to the side where
the national symbol, authority or hierarchical superior is located, to whom the honors
are directed.
2. The chin slightly raised in the direction of the person addressing the honors.
3. Simultaneously, he puts his hand on his visor following the formalism of the greeting.
4. The body position is maintained as in the firm position.

In command voice 2

Article 94. Honors on the march.- They are carried out when the units are moving in formation.

Article 95. Honors without cap, christina, kepi, beret or helmet.- For the execution of the movement the
command voices will be given in the rhythm of the left foot.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Honors to My General,
to My Colonel, to My Major, to My Captain; First Name and First Last Name; position or function
(Zone 4 Commander); attention seen to the deee / izzz… !
2. Executive voice 1.- Re/want...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

In command voice 1
1. Continue with normal walking.
2. The next left step after receiving the executive voice, the police officers will look, with an
energetic movement of the head, to the side where the authority or hierarchical superior, to
whom the honors are directed, is located.
3. The chin slightly raised in the direction of the person addressing the honors.
4. The arms and hands are extended to the side of the thighs, fingers together and at a distance
of approximately 10 cm, between the thigh and the palm of the hand.
In command voice 2
5. On the next left beat, the gaze returns to the front, energetically lowering the chin.
6. On the next left beat, after returning the sight, the normal swing of the arms is resumed, starting
with the right arm that coincides with the left foot.

Article 96. Honors with cap, christina, kepi, beret or helmet.- For the execution of the movement the command voices
will be given in the rhythm of the left foot. In this case, the head movements are executed by bringing
the hand to the visor as in the greeting.

a. Command voice: This movement has two command voices, that is; two preventive voices and two
executive voices, the same ones that will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Honors to My General,
to My Colonel, to My Major, to my Captain; First Name and First Last Name; position or function
(Zone 4 Commander); attention seen to the deee / izzz… !
2. Executive voice 1.- Re/want...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Vistaaal… !
4. Executive voice 2.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy, adopting the following

In command voice 1
1. Continue with normal walking.
2. To the next left compass, the police officers will look, with an energetic movement of the head,
to the side where the authority or hierarchical superior, to whom the honors are directed, is
3. The chin slightly raised in the direction of the person addressing the honors.
4. Simultaneously, he puts his hand on his visor following the formalism of the greeting.
5. The left arm and hand extend to the side of the thigh, fingers together and at a distance of
approximately 10 cm, between the thigh and the palm of the hand.

In command voice 2
7. On the next left beat, the gaze returns to the front, energetically lowering the chin and hand.
8. On the next left beat, after returning the sight, the normal swing of the arms is resumed, starting
with the right arm that coincides with the left foot.

Article 97. Part.- Act through which activities or news are made known to the hierarchical superior, which can be
verbal or written.

Article 98. Classification.- The parts are classified as:

a. Writings

b. Verbal
1. Of the information
2. of the guard
3. From service

Article 99. Writings.- The written reports constitute an informative document that must respect the formalities
established for this purpose, and may use digital mechanisms.

Article 100. Verbal.- The hierarchical superior is made aware of the existing activities and developments of the
police unit or service.

Article 101. Of training.- To report a unit in training, if it corresponds to the rank or authority, it must be executed
with the corresponding honors; Otherwise, the unit will remain in a firm position. To give a verbal part
it is necessary to consider:

a. Stand three steps in front of the hierarchical superior, right shoulder to right shoulder.
b. Square vigorously.
c. Adopt a firm position.

d. If you have any written report or electronic device to report, you must carry it in your left hand.
e. The subordinate to report must respect the following formalism: “ Permission My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank); good morning, afternoon, evening; They are
trained for their knowledge… ”
f. If the subordinate's grade requires him to keep his hand raised to his visor, it will remain that way
until he finishes reporting.

Article 102. Of the guard.- To provide part of the guard service, the following must be considered:

a. Stand three steps in front of the hierarchical superior, right shoulder to right shoulder.
b. Square vigorously.
c. Adopt a firm position.
d. The subordinate to report must respect the following formalism: “ Permission My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank); good morning, afternoon, evening; The Lieutenant,
Cadet, Aspirant, etc. is introduced. (hierarchical level); first name and first surname; belonging to
the first company (unit); of the third watch room (watch room you are performing); sector (place of
responsibility of the guard); without news / with the news that…….” .
e. If the subordinate's grade requires him to keep his hand raised to his visor, it will remain that way
until he finishes reporting.
f. After receiving the order to leave, the subordinate will repeat the order and leave the place with a
half turn.

Article 103. On duty.- The police officer who is on duty has the obligation to appear before the hierarchical superior
who is near the place, to do so he must consider the following cases:

a. Stand three steps in front of the hierarchical superior, right shoulder to right shoulder.
b. Square vigorously.
c. Adopt a firm position.
d. The subordinate to report must respect the following formalism: “ Permission My Captain,
Lieutenant, Sergeant, etc… (hierarchical rank); good morning, afternoon, evening; at the moment
two, three, etc., police officers carrying out..., without news / with the news that..." .
e. If the subordinate's grade requires him to keep his hand raised to his visor, it will remain that way
until he finishes reporting.
f. After receiving the order to leave, the subordinate will repeat the order and leave the place with a
half turn.
g. If the subordinate is inside a vehicle or on a motorcycle, he must get out of it to report.
h. If the police are carrying out various activities in an open place, whoever first notices the presence
of a hierarchical superior, more senior than those involved in the activity, will loudly shout “STOP”;
At this order, everyone will face the hierarchical superior, adopting a firm position, and must
remain in position until the oldest member of the party and the hierarchical superior order
i. If the police are carrying out various activities in a closed place, whoever first notices the presence
of a hierarchical superior, older than those involved in the activity, will loudly shout “ATTENTION”;
At this order, everyone will face the hierarchical superior, adopting a firm position, and must
remain in position until the oldest member of the party and the hierarchical superior order
j. If a hierarchical superior enters the dining room or bar and the police are serving food, whoever
sees it first will shout “DINING SILENCE” , all those who are seated will stop carrying out the action
they are doing and will rest their backs on the back of the chair, place their wrists on the edge of
the table and keep their eyes straight ahead, while the police officers who are standing will
immediately adopt a firm position facing the place where the hierarchical superior enters,
remaining that way until the oldest part or the superior orders “CONTINUE” .


Article 104. Conversion.- Orderly movement that allows police officers to be divided to form units; or, to change
direction without changing front or deformation.

Article105. Classification.- Conversions are classified into:

a. Conversions on foot

b. Conversions on the fly

Article 106. Conversions on foot.- Movement carried out by police officers to form squads, sections, platoons or

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, conversion to the right / to the
2. Executive voice.- mar...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position:

In the preventive voice

1. All base police officers turn their heads to their left or right side, as appropriate.
2. The other police officers turn their heads towards the opposite side of the base police officer.
3. The arms are separated approximately 10 cm, making contact with each other with their
forearms to proceed to perform the indicated turn.
4. The movements must be executed equally.

In the executive voice

5. The march begins by raising the knee at 90º, adopting the marching protocol on the terrain
6. In the count of eleven steps, you must move 90º from the initial position to the front, in such a
way that the line moves slowly, maintaining alignment, with its axis on the base man.
7. Step number twelve, which coincides with the right foot, will be done to square it on the left foot
while recovering sight and adopting a firm position.

Article 107. Conversions on the fly.- Movement carried out by police officers to change direction without stopping
movement or changing deformation.

a. Demand voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- doooos…!

2. Executive voice.- Vistal fren...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position:

In the preventive voice

1. The preventive voice will be emitted in the rhythm of the left foot.
2. At the next left beat, the base police officer in the first row turns his head to his left or right side,
as appropriate.
3. The other police officers in the front row turn their heads towards the opposite side of the base
police officer.
4. The arms are separated approximately 10 cm, making contact with each other with their
forearms to proceed to perform the indicated turn.
5. The second row will perform the aforementioned movement in the second left measure, the
third row in the third and so on.
6. Normal march is maintained, maintaining the alignment of the ranks.
7. Police officers closest to the axis should take short steps, while those further away will extend
their stride length.
8. The base column should minimize the chest-back distance between man and man.
9. The ends of each row must rest towards the axis.
10. The rhythm of the march must be maintained.

In the executive voice

11.Once all the rows have completed the conversion, the executive voice will be sent in the
measure of the left foot.
12.On the next left measure the first row looks forward and on the second the normal swing of the
arms begins.
13. The second row, looks forward in the second left measure and in the third begins the
14.The third row looks forward in the third left measure and in the fourth it begins the oscillation.
This procedure is repeated successively with the other rows.
15. Alignment, coverage and walking cadence are maintained.

Article 108. Change of formation on the fly.- Movement carried out by the police to change formation without
stopping the movement or losing the rhythm of the march.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, column of one, of rows...!
2. Executive voice.- mar...!

b. Execution: The police officers will execute the movements with energy and silence, adopting the
following position:

1. It is used to move from a line formation to a column of one or a column of two (row).
2. The unit in formation is moving in a line formation, the command voice is given in the rhythm of
the left foot.
3. The police officers let one left beat pass and on the next left beat they hit the floor with the sole
of their foot while performing a half-right turn.
4. The first row becomes the head column.
5. The first man in the second row joins the column, placing himself after the last man in the
previous column and so on.
6. If the change is to a column of rows, the first two rows will become the column of rows, with the
third and fourth rows covering the previous ones and so on.
7. Normal progress is maintained, maintaining coverage.


Article 109. Institutional Vivada.- It is the exaltation that is carried out out loud, every day at the beginning and end
of the work day, to raise the spirit of each police officer, who in his long work is full of energy and
responsibility to efficiently carry out his work.

Article 110. Procedure. - With the unit in formation and in a firm position, the hierarchical superior with his hand on
his visor executes the solemn protocol as follows:

1. The hierarchical superior begins by saying:

“Value, Discipline and Loyalty”

In response, the subordinates, framed in formation, fervently express: “To serve the Society, the
Institution, the Free and Sovereign Homeland.”

2. This strengthens the commitment to service that we fulfill and reaffirms to whom we owe,
therefore, in the end, whoever is in charge proclaims:

“Long live Ecuador”

And receives in response:


3. Ending with a warm greeting:

“Companions, good morning”

To which the unit in formation responds: “Good morning, My (Hierarchical Grade)”

Article 111. Order of the Corps.- It is an official document of the National Police of Ecuador that includes: the
designation of the police service, communications of institutional interest, password, password and
signature of responsibility.

Article 112. Reading of the Order of the Body. - With the unit in formation, the solemn protocol is executed as

a. The police officer who will read the Corps Order will stand in front of the unit in formation in a
“firm” position.
b. To start reading, you will send: Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company,
“attention…fir… ” !
c. You will take the document, Order of the Body, holding it at the top left corner with your left hand
and the bottom right corner with your right hand.
d. Arms fully extended, keeping the left arm at the height of the left shoulder.
e. It will read: “Order of the Body for the day… (Monday, June 18, 2019)” f.There will be a pause for
the unit in formation to “step up” .
g. With the unit in the “at discretion” position, the reading of the Order continues.
h. Before finishing, the password will be read twice; and the password.
i. Finally it will be pronounced: “Sign the order.”
j. Immediately the unit in formation will square energetically.
k. The names, rank and position of the police officer who signs the Corps Order must be read,
highlighting if there is: “a signature and a seal” .
l. While the reading of the Order of the Body is in progress, no one may interrupt this solemn act
and it may not be suspended or stopped from being carried out on a daily basis.




“The policeman at heart is formal, not fashionable or trendy ”


Article 113. Principles of individual instruction with weapons.- It will be taught exclusively by the police instructor,

a. The command voices will be the same as formal individual instruction.

b. The movements and positions in general are executed under the same principles, times and
pauses as formal individual instruction.
c. The principles of individual formal instruction must be considered.
d. It will be taught in the sense of strengthening or substantiating the protocol acts.

Article 114. General considerations.- For the execution of individual instruction movements with weapons, the
following must be considered:

a. The weapons provided by the National Police of Ecuador will be used.

b. Respect the general considerations of individual formal instruction.


Article 115. Firm position.- It is the fundamental position from which one starts to make any movement. In this
position one cannot speak or make any movement, without prior order or authorization from the
hierarchical superior who is in command.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
etc., Attention... !
2. Executive voice.- Fir...!
b. Execution: The policeman remains motionless and silent, adopting the following position, in a
single moment:

1. Adopt the firm position of individual formal instruction.

2. The long weapon is held by the right hand at the right side.
3. The buttplate rests on the ground and the tip of it aligned with the tip of the right foot.
4. The weapon is vertical with the handguard in front.
5. The right hand holds the long weapon with the thumb behind it and the remaining four fingers
joined and stretched in front of the trumpet.
6. The thumb must firmly hold the barrel, ensuring its immobility.

Article 116. Position at discretion.- It is the position of relaxation of the muscles that were previously in tension due
to the firm position. In this position you cannot speak or make any movement, without prior order or
authorization from the hierarchical superior in command. .

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
2. Executive voice.- At your discretion...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:

1. Adopt position at the discretion of individual formal instruction.

2. At the same time that the police officer moves his left foot, he tilts the long weapon forward,
leaving his right arm fully extended and holding the weapon at the height of the trumpet.
3. The corner piece will rest in the ground.
Article 117. High plying.- It is the position that allows movements and turns.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in training),
etc., third...!
2. Executive voice.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent, adopting
the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The right hand holds below the trumpet.
3. Right elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the left hand receives the weapon, hitting at the height of the handguard.
5. The thumb of the left hand is at the same level as the beginning of the handguard on the left
side and the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the handguard on the
6. The trumpet will be in front of the eye level and the elbows slightly separated from the

time two
7. The right hand will vigorously strike and grip the throat of the long weapon.
8. Simultaneously, he places it obliquely with the handguard facing forward.
9. Both hands will grip the grip points described above.
10.The inclination of the long weapon will coincide at the top with the left shoulder and the bottom
with the right side of the hip, forming an approximate angle of 45 degrees.
11. The elbows will be kept slightly apart from the body.
12. The long weapon is kept at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the chest.
c. Command voice to undo the movement: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

training), etc., rest...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!

d. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The left hand holds the weapon at the height of the handguard.
3. Left elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the right hand receives the weapon, striking at the height of the trumpet.
5. The thumb of the right hand is at the height of the barrel trumpet on the left side and
the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the barrel in front.
6. The trumpet will be in front of you at eye level and your elbows will be slightly
separated from the body.

time two
7. The right hand places the long weapon at the height of the right foot, just as in the
standing position, without hitting the floor.
8. Simultaneously, the left hand returns to the left thigh in a firm position, without hitting
the thigh.

Article 118. Prevent position.- It is the preventive position of the firearm, which allows movements and turns
to be executed. It is an adaptation of the high plywood.

a. Demand voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in
training), etc., in prevent third...!
2. Executive voice.- Stop...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The right hand holds below the trumpet.
3. Right elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the left hand receives the weapon, striking at the height of the hand guard.
5. The thumb of the left hand is at the same level as the beginning of the handguard on
the left side and the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the
handguard on the front.
6. The trumpet will be in front of you at eye level and your elbows will be slightly
separated from the body.

time two
7. The right hand will vigorously strike and grip the throat of the long weapon.
8. Simultaneously, he places it obliquely with the handguard facing down.
9. Both hands will grip the grip points described above.
10.The inclination of the long weapon will coincide in its upper part (barrel) with the left hip
and the lower part (stock) with the right shoulder, forming an approximate angle of 45
degrees, with the barrel pointing to the ground.
11. The elbows will be kept slightly apart from the body.
12. The long weapon is kept at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the chest.

c. Command voice to undo the movement: The command voices will be:
1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in
training), etc., rest...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!

d. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The left hand holds below the trumpet.
3. Left elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the right hand receives the weapon, hitting at the height of the handguard.
5. The thumb of the right hand is at the height of the barrel trumpet on the left side and
the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the barrel in front.
6. The trumpet will be in front of you at eye level and your elbows will be slightly
separated from the body.

time two
7. The right hand places the long weapon at the height of the right foot, just as in the
standing position, without hitting the floor.
8. Simultaneously, the left hand returns to the left thigh in a firm position, without hitting
the thigh.

Article 119. On the shoulder.- It is the position that allows honors, guard relief, movements, and regular

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

2. etc., on the shoulder...!
3. Executive voice.- Ar...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in four stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The right hand holds below the trumpet.
3. Right elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the left hand receives the weapon, hitting at the height of the handguard.
5. The thumb of the left hand is at the same level as the beginning of the handguard on
the left side and the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the
handguard on the front.
6. The trumpet will be in front of you at eye level and your elbows will be slightly
separated from the body.

time two
7. The right hand will vigorously hit and grip the throat of the long weapon, in such a way
that the thumb is behind the weapon and the remaining fingers are joined in front of it.
8. Keeping the long weapon in front of the chest vertically at a distance that allows the
weapon to be maneuvered, without removing the elbows from the body.
Time three
9. The right hand, which is holding the weapon by the throat, will immediately turn
towards the police officer's left side, placing the feeder with the view towards this side.
10.Simultaneously, the palm of the left hand will vigorously strike the base of the stock of
the long weapon, holding it with the thumb on the left side and the remaining fingers
together and facing forward to drive it to the left shoulder with the handguard facing
11.The left arm must form a straight line with the left hand, which will rest on the hip on
your side, in order to keep the long weapon motionless and attached to the shoulder
vertically; and the elbow should extend slightly behind the body.
12.The right arm should be left with the elbow raised at shoulder height, with the fingers of
the right hand extended and joined parallel to the floor; taking care that the hand
should be directed towards the height of the left pectoral.

Time four
13.The police officer located in the center of the formation will execute the conventional
voice “Two…” .
14.At this command, the right arm descends by the fastest way to the firm position without
hitting the thigh.

c. Command voice to undo the movement: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

training), etc., rest...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!
d. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. With a slight push of the left shoulder he will drop the long weapon forward.
2. Also leading to stretch the left arm in such a way that the palm of the right hand will
immediately rise to grip the upper part of the handguard to receive it in front of the

time two
3. The right hand places the long weapon at the height of the right foot, just as in the
standing position, without hitting the floor.
4. Simultaneously, the left hand returns to the left thigh in a firm position, without hitting
the thigh.

Article 120. At present.- It is the position that allows honoring the National Symbols, the President and Vice
President of the Republic.

a. Command voice: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in
training), etc., present...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Time a
1. Carry the long weapon vertically in front of the chest.
2. The right hand holds below the trumpet.
3. Right elbow lifting slightly.
4. Palm of the left hand receives the weapon, hitting at the height of the handguard.
5. The thumb of the left hand is at the same level as the beginning of the handguard on
the left side and the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the
handguard on the front.
6. The trumpet will be in front of the eye level and the elbows slightly separated from the

time two
7. The right arm is extended vigorously with the four fingers of the hand extended and
joined down in front of the throat, while the thumb is placed behind it, without holding it.
8. The left elbow remains close to the body.
9. The long weapon vertical to the floor so that the middle part of the barrel is at eye level.
10.From this position the head movements necessary to perform honors will be executed.

c. Command voice to undo the movement: The command voices will be:

1. Preventive voice.- Lieutenant, Cadet, Police, Aspirant (hierarchical rank or unit in

training), etc., rest...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!

d. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:
Time a
1. The left hand holds at the height of the handguard.
2. Left elbow lifting slightly.
3. Palm of the right hand receives the weapon, striking at the height of the trumpet.
4. The thumb of the right hand is at the height of the barrel trumpet on the left side and
the remaining four fingers are joined together and surrounding the barrel in front.
5. The trumpet will be in front of you at eye level and your elbows will be slightly
separated from the body.

time two
6. The right hand places the long weapon at the height of the right foot, just as in the
standing position, without hitting the floor.
7. Simultaneously, the left hand returns to the left thigh in a firm position, without hitting
the thigh.


Article 121. Steady turns.- The turns will be executed in the manner prescribed in the individual formal
instruction, only the following should be considered:

a. If you start from a firm position:

1. At the warning, the police officer will suspend the long weapon approximately 3 cm
from the ground.
2. At the executive voice perform the indicated movement.
3. Once the movement is finished, lower the long weapon to the firm position.
4. In turns, the long weapon will be next to the thigh of the right leg and perpendicular to
the floor.
b. With the long weapon in the other positions:
1. The turn will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal individual unarmed
2. Keeping the long gun still.

c. Turns on the fly:

1. The turn will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal individual unarmed
2. Keeping the long gun still.

Article 122. Marches and stops.- The marches and stops will be executed in the manner prescribed in the
formal instruction.
individually, only the following should be considered:

a. Normal march and set the pace:

1. In these marches the long weapon will be carried in the high-termination positions.
2. For short distances the long weapon can be kept suspended, in this way, at the
warning, the police officer will suspend the long weapon more or less about 3 cm from
the ground.
3. At the executive voice perform the indicated movement.
4. Once the movement is finished, lower the long weapon to the firm position.
5. The shoulder position will be maintained only for parades, funeral processions; always
taking care of the correct position of the weapon.

b. Trotting:
1. In these marches the long weapon will be carried in the high-termination positions.
2. The elbows of the arms remain close to the body.
3. At the executive voice perform the indicated movement.

c. To the race:
4. In these marches the long weapon will be carried in the high-termination positions.
5. It is carried out according to formal instruction without weapons.


Article 123. Greetings.- Greetings will be executed in the manner prescribed in the greetings section, only
you should consider:

a. On firm footing:
1. They will be carried out in the same way as in unarmed training, without changing the
position of the long weapon in each movement.

b. On the progress:
1. The on-the-fly salute is executed without changing the position of the weapon.
2. The police officer who carries the long weapon in the raised or suspended position will
keep the weapon in that position and will only salute by turning his head in the direction
of the hierarchical superior.

Article 124. Presentations.- Presentations will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal instruction
individually, only the following should be considered:

to. Execution: The policeman remains motionless and silent, adopting the following position,
in a single moment:
1. The weapon in any position it is in will be brought to the standing position, once the
police officer stands at attention in front of the hierarchical superior.
2. To retreat, he will take the weapon to the high platform and then make a half turn.
Article 125. Firm position.- It will be executed in the manner prescribed in the individual formal instruction,
only the following should be considered:

to. Execution: The policeman remains motionless and silent, adopting the following position,
in a single moment:
1. Adopt the firm position of individual formal instruction.
2. The weapon is holstered and suspended in the police belt, to the right or left,
depending on who is carrying it.
3. The palm of the hand, where the weapon is located, is extended in the prescribed
manner for the firm position without the weapon constituting an obstacle to doing so.
4. The hand opposite to the side where the weapon is located is normally placed in the
firm position.
5. The position will be adopted whether the weapon is located at waist or thigh level.
6. The body in general adopts the firm position described in the individual formal

Article 126. Position at discretion.- It will be executed in the manner prescribed in the individual formal
instruction, only the following should be considered:

to. Execution: The policeman remains motionless and silent, adopting the following position,
in two steps:
1. Adopt position at the discretion of individual formal instruction.
2. The weapon is holstered and suspended in the police belt, to the right or left,
depending on who is carrying it.
3. The hand, where the weapon is located, adopts the semi-fist position in front of the
4. The position will be adopted whether the weapon is located at waist or thigh level.
5. The body in general adopts the position at its discretion described in the individual
formal instruction.




“The heartfelt police officer executes the service with legitimacy, acting with passion but without
passion ”


Article 127. Principles of group instruction with weapons.- It will be taught exclusively by the police instructor,

a. Maintain line discipline.

b. Consider the principles established in formal group instruction.
c. The use of physical exercise as an instructional teaching mechanism is prohibited.


Article 128. Cover and align.- It will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal group instruction,
only the following should be considered:

a. With the preventive voice of the lineup, “Alineee…” the police officers will raise the long
weapon, approximately 3 cm, and execute the established movement.
b. After the executive voice “Ar…” the butt of the long weapon sits on the floor, without hitting
it with the weapon.
c. The other alignment and coverage movements are executed as established by the formal
group instruction.
d. Alignment and coverage movements can only be executed with the long weapon in the
firm position.


Article 129. Honors.- It will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal group instruction, only the
following should be considered:

a. When it comes to presenting weapons to the Flag:

1. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Honors to the flag,
attention present...!
2. Executive voice.- Ar...!

b. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

1. Weapon handling is executed for the “present” position.

2. The movement for beat two is executed, stretching the right arm and placing the hand
in the prescribed position.
3. Simultaneously, they will look to where the national symbol to whom the honors are
directed is, with an energetic movement of the head, in such a way that the chin is in
the direction of the pavilion.

c. Command voice to undo the movement: The command voices will be:

Command voice 1
1. Preventive voice 1.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Vistaaal...!
2. Executive voice 1.- Stop...!

Command voice 2
3. Preventive voice 2.- Team, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, Rest...!
4. Executive voice 2.- Ar...!

d. Execution: The policeman performs the movements with energy, remains still and silent,
adopting the following position, in two stages:

Command voice 1
1. At this voice the gaze will be energetically returned to the front.

Command voice 2
2. The protocol is executed to undo the handling of the weapon to the present.

Article 130. Parts.- It will be executed in the manner prescribed in the formal group instruction, only the
following should be considered:

a. To report in a group, you must first rest your weapons.

b. Whoever gives the command and is found with a long weapon will first adopt a firm
position and then send the police in formation.
c. Sighting is only allowed with the long weapon in the high cocked position.


Article 131. Regular gait.- The cadence of this gait is slower, approximately 52 steps per minute, than the
normal gait, in order to maintain alignment, coverage and equality in movements.
Article 132. March.- The march used to execute the regular step will be “The march for parades” , composed
by Master Composer Mayr. José Ignacio Rivadeneira Pérez.
Article 133. Command voice.- The command voices will be:

a. Preventive voice.- Binomial, Squad, Section, Platoon or Company, With a regular cadence of
steps forward...!
b. Executive voice.- Sea...!

Article 134. Execution.- To start this march, the police must have the carbine in the SHOULDER position:

a. Start walking with your left foot, keeping the sole of your foot parallel to the floor at a
height of approximately 10cm.
b. Toe down.
c. Legs completely stretched, without bending the knees.
d. Simultaneously, the right arm with the semi-finished hand rises to chest height, forming a
90° angle between the arm and forearm parallel to the floor, maintaining the oscillation.
e. In the next step you must keep the toe down.
f. The walk will be in a straight line, in such a way that the heel of the left foot is at the height
of the toe of the right foot, and vice versa. Heel-toe stride.
g. To the conventional voice “Vista”, which will be emitted with the beats of the bass drum,
after the silence and the three short beats, the policeman, on the next beat of the left foot,
performs the head movement for honors.
h. On the next left beat, that is, on the third long beat of the bass drum, you will raise your left
leg to 45º or 90º, as appropriate.
i. When the leg is raised, the knee and toe of the foot must be kept fully extended and
downward in relation to the leg that serves as support, maintaining the oscillation.
j. When you lower your foot to the ground, keep your leg straight and hit the floor with the
sole of your foot and heel.
k. The trunk remains upright.
l. The movement will end when the conventional voice “Two…” is commanded, which will
fall on the left foot.
m. At the first subsequent left step of the conventional voice, the head will recover the front,
maintaining the oscillation and cadence of the regular step.
n. To recover the normal walking cadence, you must command “head on…, sea…”.
o. Immediately to the next left, the normal walking cadence will be adopted, maintaining the
oscillation, this movement will be executed without stopping the walk.




“The heartfelt police officer acts with integrity, because he thinks what he should, says what he thinks
and does what he says”




Sole.- The Formal Police Instruction Regulations render the previous issued null and void, insofar as it is
inherent to the Instruction.

Sole.- For the application of the educational standard under the precepts of this regulation, it must be
considered from its validity.

Sole.- This regulation will come into force upon its subscription, without prejudice to its publication in the
General Order of the National Police; and the National Director of Education of the National Police is
responsible for its execution.

PUBLISH AND COMMUNICATE. - Given in the Metropolitan District of Quito, on Monday, July 24, 2019.- f)

MSc. Nelson I Humberto Villegas Ubillús

Superior General

Edgar Fernando Correa Gordillo

District General

Produced by: PFMM

Reviewed by: EJFC

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