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Name Date

Tiara Fernanda Saucedo Maciel 1 A From March 16 to 31, 2020

Didactic sequence: The Birds

Curricular Component: Academic Training Fields

Exploration and Understanding of the Natural and Social World

Curricular organizer 1: Natural World Curriculum Organizer 2: Nature Exploration

Expected Learning: Obtains, records, represents and describes information to answer questions and expand their
knowledge in relation to plants, animals and other natural elements.

Curricular Component: Areas of Personal and Social Development

Curricular organizer 1: Artistic Expression Curricular organizer 2: Familiarization with the basic elements
of the arts
Expected Learning: Use visual arts resources in your own creations.

1. A conceptual map will be made with the help of the children, about birds. Asking the following questions: Does
anyone have a bird in their home? What birds do you know? Where they live? What do they eat? How do they
move? Where are they born? The concept map will be made with pictograms so that we can all read them
2. They will watch the video to gain more knowledge about

3. The song “Little Birds to Fly” will be practiced 3 times a week to present it as the closing of the sequence.
4. The children will decorate a letter for the parents asking them for their support in the “The Birds” project.
5. You will see a video of how birds are born, explanatory for children.
6. They will be given a sheet to decorate and cut out the stages of the birds' birth so that they can place them in
order when finished.
Task in Annexes.
7. The room will be adapted with the help of the children to create our own bird corner, making categories in it to
place our products.
8. The children will make their own bird nest which they will place in the corner, and then place their eggs
decorated in the shape of birds. The birds will be your pets during the time of the project and you must care for
them, feed them and give them attention.
9. Various images of birds will be compared to record their characteristics, according to similarities and
10. Make your own salt dough with the help of the teachers.
11. The children will be given a drawing with the type of leg of some birds which they will have to mold with salt
12. Watch the video “Habitat” so that the children know what this is and what would be typical of the birds we are
getting to know.
13. They will decorate 5 different types of birds to mention their names and characteristics which will be recorded
on the board.
From March 16 to 31, 2020

14. They will go out to the patio to look for a tree branch where they will place the birds, simulating the creation of
a habitat for them.
15. They will learn about some types of bird feathers and what can be done with them.
16. Watch the video “Curiosities of birds” to learn how they
17. We will go out to the patio to perform different actions that some types of birds do, to move from one place to
18. They will make their own bird kite and decorate it to their liking and then go out to play with it in the yard,
simulating flying their own bird.
19. Decorate your own bird mask with various materials, to your liking. The mask will be used for the dance that
will be presented to the other kindergarten students.

1. Together we will make a model about the birds according to what we learned during the project.
2. Perform the bird dance together with the students of the third grade group section A.
3. We will visit the Torreón Coahuila Aviary to see the birds up close and the explanations of
guided tour.
Resources: Materials to decorate, bird feathers, videos, computer, cannon, horn, drawings of birds, ribbon, paint, bird
mask, egg carton, material to make your own salt dough.
Evaluation: Educator's Diary
Observation records.
Curricular adaptations

Authorization signature of the Authorization signature of the
Preschool education teacher Professional Practice Teacher

Teacher: Alejandra Yadira Tovar Ruiz Teacher: Idalia Silva Alemán


Types of birds:
Pigeons, Chickens, Falcons, Eagles, Penguins, Ducks, Turkeys, Peacocks, Woodpecker, Owl,
Vulture, Stork, Hummingbird, Crow, Flamingo, Seagull, Parrot and Toucan.
Where they live?
Pigeons: The pigeon (Columba livia) is a bird belonging to the Columbiformes family, well
known throughout the world. The place where pigeons live can be in a field, the city or as pets
in a home.
Chickens: Wild species can be found distributed mainly in forests on the North American and
Asian continents. However, nowadays, most chickens and roosters live in chicken coops.
Falcons: On almost all continents, except Antarctica.
Eagles: The golden eagle lives mainly in certain regions of North America, North Africa and
Eurasia. It lives with other individuals of its species on islands such as the Mediterranean, Great
Britain, Vancouver and Japan.
Penguins: Some of them are able to live in the coldest parts of the world, others live very close
to the equator, where temperatures are warmer. All penguins, residing in the southern
hemisphere, are found on all continents.
Ducks: They are very social birds that like to stay on solid ground as well as in water. Body
language and the sounds they make are very important to communicate with their loved ones.
They live in various types of habitats, as long as they have water and humid areas.
Domestic turkeys: The agriotype of this domesticated bird is the guajolote or Mexican wild
turkey (Meleagris gallopavo mexicana), a subspecies of the common wild turkey (Meleagris
gallopavo), a species that still lives in the forests of North America.
Peacocks: The common peacock is native to southern India and the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Woodpecker: They have a cosmopolitan distribution, with the exception of Australia,
Madagascar and the extreme polar regions. They can be sedentary or migratory; Many species
remain in the same area for years, while others travel long distances from their breeding
grounds to wintering grounds.
Owl: There are more than 200 kinds of owls. These birds live in almost all places on the planet,
except Antarctica. They are birds of prey, because they feed on living beings such as: fish,
insects, mice, lizards and other animals. These birds are nocturnal, and can hunt in the dark.
Vulture: American vultures are found from the southern part of Canada to the tip of South
America, the so-called Tierra del Fuego. The place where the vulture lives varies depending on
the type, they can live in absolute deserts, semi-deserts, savannahs and even forests; some,
like the California Condor, live in remote hills.
Stork: The white stork is a long-distance migratory bird. It winters in Africa from the sub-
Saharan area to the south, in the Indian subcontinent and in areas of the Arabian Peninsula.
Hummingbird: They live in areas with temperate and tropical climates, it has been discovered
that some live in deserts, coasts, forests, grasslands and mountains. When they have their
babies they seek warm areas, but they can survive in cold temperatures; hummingbirds make
migration trips to achieve this goal.
Crow: It lives from sparse forests and deserted beaches to urban centers. Crows eat on the
ground and almost anything; Earthworms, insects and other small animals, seeds and fruits are
part of their diet. However, they also eat garbage, carrion, and chicks that they steal from other
birds' nests.
Flamingo: Many people are surprised to learn that flamingos live in mountain areas, since
many think they are plain animals. These animals enjoy areas with abundant water and mud,
which is why they are found near lagoons, lakes and swampy areas.
Gull: Gulls are typically coastal marine or coastal species of inland lakes and lagoons, and fly
long distances.
Parrot: The places where parrots live are basically regions with warm climates, this means that
parrots can be found anywhere in the world that has a warm climate. Places like Central
America, South America, Australia and Asia are where the vast majority of these birds are
Toucan: The toucan (in English toco toucan) is one of the most beautiful birds in the world
although it lives in a specific area of South America. You can find it in tropical forests or jungles.
These are found mainly on the east coast of South America.
What do they eat?
Meat, worms, insects, seeds, etc.
Some eat seeds, berries, fruits, insects, others birds, eggs, small mammals, fish, shoots, larvae,
aquatic invertebrates, acorns and other nuts, aquatic vegetation, grains, dead animals,
garbage, and much more... During the months of Spring and summer, most birds eat insects
and spiders.
How do they move?
Birds move in the air in the same way that an airplane does, making the most of air currents to
rise, and managing them in such a way as to provide them with travel speed. Most of these
birds fly, except for penguins, chickens, turkeys and peacocks.
Where are they born?
All birds are oviparous. That is, they are born from eggs that the females lay after being
fertilized. Bird eggs are of various shapes; of different colors and sizes, and their quantity, in
the clutch, is variable. -live-the-toucans/
Instructions: Mark with an * the box that corresponds to the performance level of each of the students.

Academic Training Field: Exploration and Understanding of the Natural and Social World
General purpose: Get interested in observing living beings and discovering characteristics they share.
Expected learning: Obtains, records, represents and describes information to answer questions and expand their
knowledge in relation to plants, animals and other natural elements.
Student's name Evaluation scale
Accomplished In process The It is difficult for Observations
He managed to learn, various animals, you It was difficult
recognize and identify plants or other to recognize and
different animals, plants or natural elements are learn animals, plants
other natural elements. being learned. or other natural

Alemán Martínez Mía Kristal

Avalos Carrillo Ana Gabriela
Canela Chavez Karla Regina
Dueñas Hernández María Fernanda
Duran Pelayo Fernanda Gisell
Estrada Mercado Mia Valentina
Galicia Godínez Lía Nicole
Guerra Hernandez Helianna Regina
Hernandez Ramirez Regina
Lopez Gomez Aisha Nicole
Llamas Pérez Samara
Marín Argueta Anya Romina
Mendivil Cortes Kelly Ann
Martínez Delgado Claudia Angelique
Medina Gómez Daniela Nicole
Villareal Haro Milena Guadalupe
Agüero García Ángel Cristobal
Ávila Marín Daniel Alejandro
Castro Ramirez Dilan Daniel
Coronado Rodríguez Ángel Gabriel
Cuellar Rodríguez Raúl Rodrigo
Garay Acosta Jesus Alexander
Guerrero Cardenas Keiner Alberto
Noriega Medrano Adam Mateo
Palos Sánchez Máximo
Academic Training Field: Arts
General purpose: Use imagination and fantasy, initiative and creativity to express yourself through the visual arts.
Expected learning: Use visual arts resources in your own creations.
Student's name Evaluation scale
Accomplished It is difficult for Observations
In process
He was able to express express him It was difficult
himself in a way artistically but for him to express
artistic and No could himself through art
He managed to capture capture it and he could not
what he wanted through completely through capture what he
the visual arts. the visual arts. imagined.

Alemán Martínez Mía Kristal

Avalos Carrillo Ana Gabriela
Canela Chávez Karla Regina Dueñas Hernández María Fernanda Duran Pelayo Fernanda Gisell Estrada Mercado Mía
Valentina Galicia Godínez Lía Nicole Guerra Hernández Helianna Regina Hernández Ramírez Regina López Gómez Aisha
Nicole Llamas Pérez Samara
Marín Argueta Anya Romina Mendivil Cortes Kelly Ann Martínez Delgado Claudia Angelique Medina Gómez Daniela
Nicole Villareal Haro Milena Guadalupe Agüero García Ángel Cristóbal Ávila Marín Daniel Alejandro Castro Ramírez
Dilan Daniel Coronado Rodríguez Ángel Gabriel Cuellar Rodríguez Raúl Rodrigo Garay Acosta Jesús Alexander
Guerrero Cárdenas Keiner Alberto Noriega Medrano Adam Mateo
Palos Sánchez Máximo

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