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Heat transfer is the process by which thermal energy moves from a hotter region to a cooler one.

are three primary modes of heat transfer:

1. **Conduction**: This is the transfer of heat through a solid material without the material itself
moving. It occurs due to the vibration and collision of molecules. Metals are good conductors of heat,
while materials like wood and plastic are poor conductors (insulators).

2. **Convection**: This involves the movement of heat by the physical movement of fluids (liquids or
gases). Convection can be natural, driven by buoyancy forces that result from density differences due to
temperature variation in the fluid, or forced, driven by external means like a pump or fan.

3. **Radiation**: This is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, such as infrared radiation.
Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require a medium and can occur in a vacuum. The
Sun's heat reaches Earth primarily through radiation.

Each mode of heat transfer plays a crucial role in various natural and technological processes, from
weather patterns to heating and cooling systems.

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