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To facilitate the appropriate choice of a career, a self-assessment instrument is provided.

This test that we could call mobilizing and reflective is the starting point for your vocational

Read each question carefully and circle only the number of the question that you
answer affirmatively.
Answer all the questions without skipping any.

1. Would you accept to work writing articles in the economic section of a
2. Would you offer to organize a bachelor party for one of your friends?
3. Would you like to lead a project to design neighborhoods in your province?
4. When faced with frustration, do you always oppose a positive thought?
5. Would you dedicate yourself to helping people injured or attacked by assailants?
6. When you were a child, were you interested in knowing how your toys were
7. Are you more interested in the mysteries of nature than the secrets of
8. Do you listen carefully to the problems your friends pose to you?
9. Would you offer to explain to your classmates a certain topic that they did not
10. Are you demanding and critical of your work team?
11. Are you attracted to putting together puzzles or puzzles?
12. Can you establish the conceptual difference between macroeconomics and
13. Does wearing a uniform make you feel different, important?
14. Would you participate in an investigation into violence in football?
15. Do you organize your money so that it lasts until the next payment?
16. Do you easily convince other people of the validity of your arguments?
17. Are you informed about the new discoveries being made about the Big Bang
18. In an emergency situation, do you act quickly?
19. When you have to solve a mathematical problem, do you persevere until you
find the solution?
20. If your favorite club called you to run a sports field, would you accept?
21. Are you the one who adds a touch of joy to the holidays?
22. Do you think the details are as important as the whole?
23. Would you feel comfortable working in a hospital setting?
24. Would you like to participate in maintaining order in emergency situations or
25. Would you spend several hours reading a book of interest to you?
26. Do you plan your work in detail before starting?
27. Do you establish an almost personal relationship with your computer?
28. Do you enjoy modeling with clay or plasticine?
29. Do you usually help the blind cross the street?
30. Do you consider it important for primary school students to be critical and
31. Would you accept that women were part of the armed forces under the same
rules as men?
32. Would you like to create new techniques to discover diseases through the
33. Would you participate in a prevention campaign against Chagas disease?
34. Are you interested in topics related to the past and the evolution of man?

35. Would you include yourself in a research project on seismic movements and
their consequences?
36. Outside of school hours, do you dedicate any day of the week to physical
37. Are you interested in activities with a lot of action and quick reaction in
unexpected and dangerous situations?
38. Would you offer to collaborate as a volunteer in NASA's space cabinets?
39. Do you like manual work more than intellectual work?
40. Would you be willing to give up a pleasant moment to offer your services as a
41. Would you participate in an investigation into violence in football?
42. Would you like to work in a laboratory while you study?
43. Would you risk your life to save the life of another you don't know?
44. Would you like to take a first aid course?
45. Would you tolerate starting as many times as necessary until you obtain the
desired achievement?
46. Do you distribute your schedules of the day appropriately to be able to do
everything planned?
47. Would you take a course to learn how to make the instruments and/or parts of
the machines or devices you work with?
48. Would you choose a profession in which you had to be away from your family
for a few months, for example being a sailor?
49. Would you settle in an agricultural-livestock area to develop your activities as a
50. When you are working in a group, are you excited about producing original
ideas that are taken into account?
51. Is it easy for you to coordinate a work group?
52. Was the study of biological sciences interesting to you?
53. If a large company requests a professional as a marketing manager, would you
feel comfortable performing that role?
54. Would you include yourself in a national project to develop the main source of
resources in your province?
55. Are you interested in knowing what are the causes that determine certain
phenomena, even if knowing it does not alter your life?
56. Did you discover any philosopher or writer who had expressed your same ideas
57. Would you like someone to give you a musical instrument for your birthday?
58. Would you agree to collaborate with compliance with the rules in public places?
59. Do you believe that your ideas are important, and do you do everything you can
to put them into practice?
60. When an appliance breaks down in your house, do you quickly set out to repair
61. Would you be part of a work team aimed at the preservation of endangered
flora and fauna?
62. Do you usually read magazines related to the latest scientific and technological

advances in the area of health?
63. Does preserving the cultural roots of our country seem important and necessary
to you?
64. Would you like to carry out research that would contribute to making the
distribution of wealth more fair?
65. Would you like to carry out auxiliary tasks on a boat, such as raising and
lowering sails, painting and preserving the hull, repairing breakdowns,
maintaining engines, etc.?
66. Do you believe that a country should have the highest weapons technology, at
any price?
67. Are freedom and justice fundamental values in your life?
68. Would you agree to do a paid internship in a food products industry in the
quality control sector?
69. Do you think that public health should be a priority, free and efficient for
70. Would you be interested in researching a new vaccine?
71. In a work team, do you prefer the role of coordinator?
72. In an argument between friends, do you offer yourself as a mediator?
73. Do you agree with the formation of a corps of professional soldiers?
74. Would you fight for a just cause to the last consequences?
75. Would you like to do scientific research on agricultural crops?
76. Would you make a new design of an out-of-fashion garment, faced with an
unforeseen meeting?
77. Would you visit an astronomical observatory to see how the devices work in
78. Would you direct the import and export area of a company?
79. Do you become inhibited when entering a new place with unknown people?
80. Would you find it rewarding to work with children?
81. Would you design a poster for an AIDS campaign?
82. Would you run an independent theater group?
83. Would you send your resume to an automotive company that is looking for a
manager for its production area?
84. Would you participate in an international defense group within any armed
85. Would you pay for your studies by working in an audit?
86. Are you one of those who defend lost causes?
87. In the face of an epidemic emergency, would you participate in a campaign
offering your help?
88. Could you answer what DNA and RNA mean?
89. Would you choose a career whose work instrument would be the use of a
foreign language?
90. Do you find working with objects more rewarding than working with people?
91. Would you find it rewarding to be an accounting advisor in a recognized
92. When faced with a call for solidarity, would you offer to care for a sick person?

93. Are you interested in investigating the mysteries of the universe, for example
black holes?
94. Is individual work faster and more effective than group work?
95. Would you dedicate part of your time to helping people in needy areas?
96. When you choose your clothes or decorate an environment, do you take into
account the combination of colors, fabrics or the style of the furniture?
97. Would you like to work as a professional directing the construction of a
hydroelectric company?
98. Do you know what GDP is?


 For each question answered affirmatively, mark the corresponding number with
a cross in the box below.

 Each number marked is worth one point. Add them vertically and place the
result in the empty boxes under each column.

O es o D (What I like)
98 9 21 33 75 84 77
12 34 45 92 6 31 42
64 80 96 70 19 48 88
53 25 57 8 38 73 17
85 95 28 87 60 5 93
1 67 11 62 27 65 32 c h T Y Y d A APTITUDES
O es o N (Ability)
78 41 50 23 83 14 68 15 63 22 69 26 13 94
20 74 3 44 54 37 49 51 30 39 40 59 66 7
71 56 81 16 47 58 35 2 72 76 29 90 18 79
91 89 36 52 97 24 61 46 86 82 4 10 43 55

 Each Area, made up of a group of related careers, corresponds to a letter.

 Consider the two highest scores obtained in: A) CHASIDE - INTERESTS and B)

 Look in these boxes for the Areas with the interests and aptitudes
representative of each one.

C - Administrative and Accounting H - Humanistic and Social

Organizational Persuasive Verbal Responsible
Supervision Aim Organization Fair
Order Practical List of Facts Conciliator
Analysis and Tolerant Linguistics Persuasive
Collaboration Responsible Order Sagacious
Calculation Ambitious Justice Imaginative
Leadership Dynamic The man Comprehensive
Active Resolute Analytical Emotional stability

A - Artistic S - Medicine and Health Sciences

Aesthetic Sensitive Assist Altruistic
Harmonic Imaginative Investigative Solidary
Manual Creative Precision Patient
Visual Retailer Senso- Comprehensiv
Perceptual e
Auditory Innovative Analytical Respectful
Observation Intuitive Help Persuasive
and Analysis
Sensory- Patient Cure Helpful
Spontaneous Rehabilitate Observer

I - Engineering and Computing D - Defense and Security

Calculation Accurate Justice Risky
Scientist Practical Equity Solidary
Manual Critical Collaboration Brave
Exact Analytical Team spirit Aggressive
To plan Rigid Leadership Persuasive
Organize Rational Coordination Adventurous
Check Independent Physical Psychic
Dexterity Balance

Sort out Methodical
Numeric Analytical
Analysis and Synthesis Observer
Organization Introvert
Order Patient
Investigation Sure
Precision Independent
Exact Intuitive

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