The LandLady

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Individual and the community / the city and the dweller –

- The city in the 20th cent. has been identified as the home to immorality and
corruption. The urban landscape has deformed tradition, and it symbolises the city
as symptomatic of the dweller’s mindscape

City as symtomatic of the dwellers mindscape, the other authors would be James
joyce and dublin, Eliot and London , Simmel and paris, Walter Benjamin and Berlin.

- The Landlady explores the identity of a race that is lost in the collapse of
values and is therefore located in emotional panic. The landlady is about moral
repercussion of anonymity caused by the modern city life. The consequences are
seclusion and isolation. Isolation is the reason behind the LandLady's twisted
mindse she expresses her need for company "I stuff all my little pets myself when
they pass away" and yet her seclusion ensures nobody finds her out, significantly
she remains nameless throughout the story. so the tale becomes a cautionary message
about the collapse of community structure and because of this collapse criminality
can go unnoticed and unpunished

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