Descriptive Conclusions by Areas V Cycle

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“Inquire using scientific methods to build your knowledge”

AD Asks questions about the variables that influence a natural or technological fact, phenomenon or object

A Asks questions about the variables that influence a fact, or natural or technological object.

B Asks questions about facts, phenomena or natural objects.

C Asks questions about facts.


“Explains the physical world based on knowledge about living beings, matter and energy, biodiversity, earth and the universe”

AD Explains, based on scientifically supported evidence, the relationships between: macroscopic properties or functions of bodies, materials or
living beings

A Explains, based on documented evidence, the relationships established between properties or functions

B Explains, based on his observations and previous experiences, the relationships between: the characteristics of the materials

C Explains his observations and previous experiences on the subject.


“ Designs and builds technological solutions to solve problems in their environment”

AD Designs and builds technological solutions by identifying the causes that generate technological problems and proposes alternative solutions.

A Designs and builds technological solutions by identifying the causes that generate technological problems.

B Designs and builds technological solutions by establishing the possible causes that generate technological problems.

C builds solutions by establishing possible causes.



“Solves quantity problems”

AD Solve problems referring to one or more actions of comparing, equaling, repeating or distributing quantities.

A Solve problems referring to one or more actions of adding, removing, equalizing, a quantity

B Solve problems related to actions of adding or removing quantities .

C tries to solve problems related to quantity actions.


“Solves problems of regularity, equivalence and change”

AD Solve problems of regularities or exchange relationships between two magnitudes by translating them into equations that combine the four

A Solve problems of regularities or exchange relationships between two magnitudes that combine the four operations
B has difficulty solving problems of regularities or exchange relations that combine the four operations

C attempts to solve change problems that combine the four operations.


“Solves problems of shape, movement and location”

AD Solve problems in which they model the characteristics of objects in the environment into two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, their
properties, their enlargement, reduction or rotation.

A Solve problems from objects in the environment to two-dimensional shapes with their enlargement, reduction or rotation properties.

B has difficulty solving problems with objects in the environment considering their properties of enlargement, reduction or rotation.

C tries to solve problems with objects in the environment



A.D. Solve problems related to qualitative data in situations of interest, collect data.

TO Manages to express occurrence using the notions “sure”, “possible” and “impossible”.

b You still need to read simple frequency tables

c It is difficult to interpret pictograms.



“Build your identity”

AD He builds his identity by becoming aware of the aspects that make him unique, when he recognizes himself based on his personal characteristics,
his capabilities and limitations.

A Builds his identity by becoming aware of the aspects that make him unique, when he recognizes himself

B Builds your identity by becoming aware of the aspects that make you unique.

C little construction of their identity.


“Live together and participate democratically in the search for the common good”

AD Lives together and participates democratically when interacting with others, respecting differences, the rights of each person, fulfilling and
evaluating their duties.

A Lives together and participates democratically when interacting with others, respecting differences and the rights of each person.

B Lives together and participates democratically when interacting with others, respecting differences.

C Lives together and participates democratically when interacting with others.


“Build historical interpretations”

AD Constructs historical interpretations in which it explains, in a general way, Peruvian historical processes, using some temporal categories.

A Constructs historical interpretations in which it explains, in a general way, Peruvian historical processes.

B Constructs historical interpretations that explain them, in a general way.

C little construction of historical interpretations.


“Responsibly manage space and environment”

AD Responsibly manages the space and environment by frequently carrying out activities to care for it and by reducing vulnerability factors to
climate change.

A Responsibly manages the space and environment by frequently carrying out activities for its care.

B Responsibly manages the space and environment by frequently carrying out activities.

C Irresponsibly manages the space and environment.


“Responsibly manage economic resources”

AD Responsibly manages economic resources by using money and other resources as an informed consumer and by carrying out savings, investment
and care actions for them.

A Responsibly manages economic resources by using money and other resources as an informed consumer

B poor management of economic resources when using money and other resources.

C Manages economic resources irresponsibly.



“Critically appreciate artistic-cultural manifestations”

AD Critically appreciates artistic-cultural manifestations by interpreting the expressive qualities sives of the elements of art, the structure and the
media used in an artistic manifestation co-cultural.

A Critically appreciates artistic-cultural manifestations by interpreting the expressive qualities sive of the elements of art.

B Critically appreciates artistic-cultural manifestations by interpreting the expressive qualities if you go.

C little critical appreciation of artistic-cultural manifestations.


“Create projects from artistic languages”

AD Create individual or collaborative artistic projects exploring alternative ways of combining nar and use elements, media, materials and artistic
techniques and technologies to solve creative problems.

A Create individual or collaborative artistic projects exploring alternative ways of combining nar and use items.

B Create individual or collaborative artistic projects

C little creation of individual or collaborative artistic projects.


“Communicates orally in his/her native language”

AD Communicates orally through various types of texts; infers the topic, purpose, facts and conclusions from explicit information, and interprets the
interlocutor's intention.

A Communicates orally through various types of texts; infers the topic, purpose, facts and conclusions.

B Communicates orally through various types of texts.

C little oral communication.


“Reads various types of texts written in their native language”

AD Reads various types of texts with several complex elements in their structure and with varied vocabulary. Obtains information and integrates
data that are in different parts of the text.

A Reads various types of texts with several complex elements in their structure and with varied vocabulary and obtains information.

B has difficulty reading various types of texts with several elements.

C Read texts with few elements.


“Writes various types of texts in their native language”

AD Write various types of texts reflectively. Adapt your text to the recipient, purpose and register, based on your previous experience and some
complementary sources of information.

A Writes various types of texts reflectively and adapts his text to the recipient.

B has difficulty writing various types of texts reflectively.

C lack in writing texts.



“He builds his identity as a human person, loved by God, worthy, free and transcendent, understanding the doctrine of his own religion, open to
dialogue with those close to him”

AD Understands the love of God since creation, respecting the dignity and freedom of the human person. Explains the action of God present in the
Plan of Salvation.

A Understands the love of God since creation, respecting the dignity and freedom of the human person.

B Understands the love of God from creation while respecting dignity.

C Understand the love of God.


“Assume the experience of the personal and community encounter with God in your life project in coherence with your religious belief”

AD Expresses coherence between what you believe, say and do in your personal life project, in light of the biblical message

A Expresses coherence between what he believes, says and does in his personal life project.

B Expresses coherence between what you believe, say and do

C Expresses coherence between what you believe.




AD It develops in virtual environments when it interacts in various spaces (such as educational portals, forums, social
networks, among others) in a conscious and systematic way.

TO Develops in virtual environments when interacting in various spaces

B It develops in virtual environments

C poor development in virtual environments.




AD Manages his learning autonomously by realizing what he must learn, by establishing priorities in carrying out a task taking into account
its feasibility to define his personal goals.

A Manages his learning autonomously by realizing what he should learn.

B little Management of their learning autonomously.

C little Managing your learning autonomously

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