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The 2024 Presidential Election:

Part 2 (The Midpoint)

We are in the middle stage of the 2024 Presidential election. is election is very important as life will never
be the same a er it is nished. Either we have a democracy in reach or an authoritarian fascist regime in 2025.
ere is no neutrality on this issue. As Donald Trump wants to campaign in Temple University to try to gain
black American votes, we know the anti-black agenda of Trump. Trump still wants the Central Park Five to
be executed when they are innocent men, he sued predominately black counties in 2020 election when he lost,
he supports ending DEI programs, he refuses to end the naming of military bases a er Confederate traitors,
and he called black people o ensive, racist names if they disagree with him. ere are many third-party
candidates running for o ce too. President Biden is running his campaign with Vice President Kamala Harris.
ey will have to ght for votes too. Likewise, it is a lie to assume that Trump and Biden are the same. Biden
didn’t support an insurrection against the U.S. Capitol, he was never found liable for rape, and he never
advocate voter suppression laws in Florida, Georgia, Texas, and other stats of America. On environmental
issues (especially in dealing with climate change), Biden is much more pro-environment than Trump or the
MAGA movement. Environmental neglect contributes to the illnesses and cancers in our communities. It is
very hypocritical for Trump and his supporters to lecture us on not wanting to wear masks, but they want to
censor books, tell people where to live, and control what we believe in. e convicted felon Trump said that
he wants to be a dictator on day one, so the GOP is not the Party of Lincoln anymore. It is the part of the cult
of Trump now. is work presents real facts about the Universe. Our energy is to get the message out that our
freedom and justice is our aim fully without compromise.
Fani Willis is the Georgia prosecutor who has tried Trump for serious
crimes involving the 2020 election in the state of Georgia. She
represents a great, talented black woman and a target of Trump
extremists. The source of this image is from Alex Slitz/Pool/Getty
Images, File.

The Table of Contents

1. Prologue

2. Super Tuesday

3. The Further
Developments of the 2024
Presidential Race

4. Trump Trials’ Updates

5. The 2024 University


6. Nearing the

7. The first 2024

Presidential debate

7. Epilogue
It may sound cliche, but the 2024 Presidential election remains the most important election
in human history. This is a new era of this election season at the midway point. This is the
truth about these vital historical events. Some people are skeptical and mention the lie that
voting doesn't matter, or we can't do anything to change things. Over a century ago, my
ancestors (or my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th great grandparents) were slaves in America who were
oppressed and had no income. Now, people came together to fight for the banning of
legalized slavery in American society by 1865. If voting didn't matter, why are far-right
reactionaries passing abhorrent laws censoring black history, harming human rights in
general, and restricting voting rights in Georgia, Florida, Texas, etc.? So, voting does matter
as evil people want to further restrict the rights of Americans to vote. We have just five
companies dominating over 60 percent of American grocery sales. That is why in 2022,
grocery prices were worse than they had in over 4 decades even though inflation is slowing
down now. President Joe Biden is not perfect, and I disagree with him on some issues. Yet,
he made much better policies than Donald Trump (who made the racist comment that his
mug shot and indictments appeal to black voters) by any metric. Biden has promoted student
debt forgiveness policies to help many students pay off their student loan debt (i.e. 138
billion dollars of student loan debt were canceled by President Biden). I am fortunate to pay
off all my student loans, but millions of Americans struggle to do so (and they need real
assistance), the infrastructure law rebuilt many places in America, investments in HBCUs,
and policies that cut childhood poverty in half. This is an unprecedented change since the
Great Society programs of the 1960's. Still, many Americans want to follow Donald Trump,
because they are in a MAGA cult. This Trump cult is more vicious than the wicked
Reaganism agenda was. We live in a new era of time where complex social and foreign policy
issues are heavily discussed and debated like the war in the Middle East and the Trump
federal trials (after being convicted as being liable for raping a woman). The IRS wants to
crack down on corporate jet users who abuse the tax code. Trump's authoritarian, wicked
Project 2025 is clear on what the GOP desires including privatizing Medicare too. Therefore,
we must do our part in promoting democracy, justice, and freedom for all.

Super Tuesday
The Super Tuesday results are in. The results are what most people are expecting. President Joe Biden
won every primary on Super Tuesday, except in American Samoa where James Palmer won that
primary. Donald Trump won every primary on Super Tuesday except Vermont which Nikki Haley
won. The states that people voted on in dealing with Super Tuesday include Alabama, Arkansas,
Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and
Virginia. Donald Trump gave multiple lies in his speech in early 2024. Trump said that America has
the worst economy in the world and Biden is the worst President in American history. The truth is
that Biden saw some of the largest job growth in American history with record-low unemployment.
The deal is that inflation is high in many areas of our economy, especially involving groceries. Wages
are up with unions winning multiple victories recently. Trump demonized migrants who are actually
refugees escaping many nations for survival. When Trump was President, he gave a terrible response
to the COVID-19 response (when millions of Americans lost their jobs as a product of the disease),
and a stimulus plan saved human lives after over 1 million Americans died as a product of the
pandemic. The stimulus plan was heavily promoted by the Democratic people.
America has the largest post-COVID 19 economic growth of any nation on Earth. President Biden
warns that another Trump term will mean chaos, division, and darkness. Now, crime rates are going
down in American locations from Baltimore, New York City, etc. The Trump MAGA cult is one of
the worst cults in world history where brainwashed people desire to support Trump unconditionally
despite his racism, his habitual lying, his sexism, and his corrupt actions (which is being charged with
multiple felonious charges). President Biden's job creation rate is second only to Bill Clinton. Biden
will cap credit card fees, cause drug prices to be re-negotiated, cut many students' student loans, and
cause many progressive policies to exist. We have a clear choice in this 2024 Presidential election.
Our voting rights matter. If anyone supports Trump, he or she is complicit in Trump's evil agenda.
Today, Nikki Haley has decided to end her Presidential campaign. Either we go on the path of
revenge, reactionary lies, and corporate exploitation, or the path of progressive solutions, equality,
justice for all, and democracy.
This is Gaza in 2024.

The Further Developments of

the 2024 Presidential Race
President Biden has allowed U.S. airlift of humanitarian aid to Gaza with the cooperation of Jordan
and other allies. Of course, more can be done, but this is a very historic moment in world history.
America did the Berlin airlift back in 1948. President Biden said that he would create a direct
maritime corridor to supply Gaza needs with U.S. sealift. He wants a big increase in aid trucks
entering Gaza. Senators King and Reed demanded a U.S. Navy ship for Gaza. This time of massive
starvation and deaths of Palestinians has no moral justification at all. There is no excuse for this
reality in any circumstance. The far-right Netanyahu regime in Israel is so extreme that it has lied
and criticized the Biden administration in recent day (of late June of 2024). The Biden administration
is wrong to send the Netanyahu regime massive military weapons being used in Rafah and Gaza in
general. The WHO estimated that about 25 percent of Gaza residents are at the point of famine and
starvation. This means that as many as 500,000 people could face death in weeks along with
environmental problems in the region. Starvation is a human crisis and must be taken seriously. As
the Trump cult (when Trump is accused of over 90 felony counts and Trump has been made liable
of raping a woman) and the Putin regime desire authoritarianism, we desire democracy. The
Supreme Court's refusal to allow Trump to be banned from the ballots represents a contradiction of
true Natural Law as justice and morality from the Preamble are paramount.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema will not seek reelection in Arizona, and she calls herself an Independent.
This is not shocking news, because that is the legacy of moderates or centrists. The issue with
moderates is that moderates never set real trends to truly cause groundbreaking change in human
history. Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Sojourner Truth, Ella Baker, and
Bob Marley were never moderates. They were revolutionaries who refused to be bound by the status
quo. They opposed the agenda of the establishment to seek justice for everyone in building their own
legacies as human beings. Many moderates hide behind the sacrifice and contributions of
progressives to save face. So, Senate Sinema will retire from the Senate. There is a Senate race
between Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona and former Arizona Republican gubernatorial
nominee Kari Lake. This is a very important race. Sinema was a negotiator for the bipartisan border
deal recently. Time will tell what the Senate race will result in.

It is clear what Putin desires. Putin wants the destruction of Ukraine and annexation of it to Russia
as Putin has publicly said that he doesn't believe that Ukraine is a real nation. Many fake leftists say
that since NATO made mistakes and did warmongering (like NATO actually did in many places of
the world from Libya to Southeastern Europe), therefore, we should allow Putin to conquer Ukraine.
That is a bad policy position as the Ukrainian people have every right to use legitimate self-defense
in defending their lands. Medvedev became so extreme that he is an ally of Putin. Putin wants Russia
to have its 1991 borders. Putin desires lifetime rulership of Russia along with the suppression of
democratic rights in Russia. Innocent journalists and dissidents are in Russian prisons now for just
speaking up against the Putin regime. Speaking out against the Putin regime (being found to promote
disinformation, hacking, and having agents supporting the Trump movement overtly) has nothing
to do with hating the Russian people. The vast majority of the Russian people desire freedom and
justice. This dissent against Putin's imperialism has nothing to do with worshiping NATO as
NATO's actions in Libya and other places of the world are deplorable and nefarious. It has to do
with the Ukrainian people having the right to be free from illegal Russian aggression and making
sure that Ukraine is an independent nation with its own self-determination. We reject the Trump
MAGA cult too.
After Nikki Haley and Dean Phillips suspended their Presidential campaigns on March 6, 2024, we
have a new era of the 2024 Presidential election. Now, the two major candidates are President Joe
Biden and Donald Trump along with many third-party candidates to running for office. After the
historic 2024 State of the Union Address made by President Joe Biden on March 7, 2024, caused
Biden to have a new sense of energy to fight for a second term. In his State of the Union address,
President Biden told the truth that we must fight for democracy, Ukraine deserves to be free from
Russian invasion, and the super wealthy ought to pay their fair share of taxation. He did the right
thing by apologizing for calling a person illegal when no human is illegal. Undocumented immigrant
is a proper term. By March 8, Trump won the American Samoa Republican caucuses.

Trump Trials' Updates

Stefanik asked us if we were better off now than four years ago. The answer is that we are better off
now proven by the metrics. We have lower unemployment than four years ago. We have a lower
overall crime rate in America than 4 years ago. We have fewer cases of COVID-19 than four years.
Many people tend to forget that COVID-19 killed over 1 million Americans years ago in a short
period of tie. People were forced to live in their homes for months because of the dangers. Four years
later, we now have massive manufacturing jobs. Thousands and millions of people died from
COVID-19 as a product of Trump's incompetence and bad policies. Stefanik will ignore these facts,
because she is a faithful supporter of the MAGA cult. MAGA cult member and GOP nominee to
run North Carolina public schools (whose name is Michele Morrow) said once that he wanted a
televised showing of the execution of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. This is insanity and evil from
her. This represents the fruit of Trumpism in full display. The fake leftists who want no help to
Ukraine to defend themselves actually want Ukraine to surrender to Russia and be a colony of Russia
too. Ukraine has the right to be free from an illegal Russian invasion.

To break down the legal affairs of Donald Trump, we must break it down into four major cases. The
first Major case is from the New York City case. This case is related to the March 2023 indictment
in New York City. Trump faces 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records in the first degree
related to payments made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 Presidential election. The trial is
scheduled for a date of April 15, 2024, which could change. After that trial, Trump has been convicted
of 34 criminal counts from jury being the first former President in American history to be convicted
of serious crimes.

The second case is from the June 2023 federal indictment in Florida. This is about a federal
government indictment related to classified government documents, in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Florida. Trump faces 40 criminal charges alleging mishandling of
sensitive documents and conspiracy to obstruct the government in retrieving these documents. The
trial is scheduled for May 20, 2024.

The third case is the August 2023 federal indictment in Washington, D.C. An August 2023 federal
indictment related to attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, in the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia, in which Trump faces four criminal charges of
conspiring to defraud the government and disenfranchise voters, and corruptly obstructing an
official proceeding. This case includes Trump's involvement in the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack. On
February 2, 2024, Judge Tanya Chutkan said she would not schedule a trial until the DC Circuit
Court of Appeals decides whether Trump is immune from prosecution. On February 6, the DC
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Trump does not have presidential immunity from prosecution.
The Supreme Court will decide whether Trump has immunity from prosecution or not. Hopefully,
the Supreme Court will make the right decision and say that Trump has no immunity

The fourth case involves an August 2023 indictment in Georgia, in which Trump faces 13 criminal
charges related to alleged attempts to overturn Joe Biden's victory in Georgia, alongside 18 accused
co-conspirators. The trial is not yet scheduled. Prosecutor Fani Willis is involved in the case against
Donald Trump in Georgia. The case involving Fani Willis and her disqualification hearing is over.
The judge rules that Fani Willis is allowed to continue to try the Georgia election case against Trump
and his allies. Yet, she is ordered to fire Georgia prosecutor Nathan Wade. Nathan Wade has sent his
resignation letter to the authorities. The Fulton County judge sent a scathing ruling to both Willis
and Wade. Nathan Wade wrote his letter saying that she is proud of the work involving his team
investigating, indicting, and litigating the case. Willis accepted the resignation on Friday, praising
Wade for his courage to accept the role, even though he didn't seek it. Judge Scott McAfee is allowing
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to continue on the election subversion case against
Trump is very historic. Willis has a technical legal win. Trump and 14 other people still face charges
and will have a legal trial. The judge said that Willis's speech at a church in Atlanta could face a gag
order over her words on the case. Some people feel like the judge went too far in criticizing Fani
Willis's personal life instead of focusing more on the case against Trump. We know what the elephant
in the room is. Let's keep it real and show it. A confident, unapologetic black woman like Fani Willis
angers many in the establishment. The truth is that any black woman has the right to be confident
and unapologetic just like Fani Willis is. The lesson here is that folks must be careful. At the end of
the day, Trump and his allies should have accountability for their crimes against democracy indeed.



The Supreme Court rejected Steve Bannon’s attempt Trump was convicted of all 34 counts of felony crimes
to stop his prison sentence. He was convicted of two in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election
criminal contempt charges (one count of not via a hush money payment to an adult entertainer.
providing documents, and one count of not Donald Trump is the first former American president
testifying). He was tried in federal court and to be convicted of felony crimes in American history.
convicted on July 22, 2022. He is ordered to go to Judge Juan M. Merchan presided over the case.
prison on July 1, 2024. Steve Bannon is a notorious
far right extremist.
This year is the 60th year anniversary Ella Baker, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Rosa
of the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act. Parks, and other black heroes fought
This is a law that many for justice. President Kennedy called
segregationists and reactionaries for the federal Civil Rights Act after
fought hard to prevent the law from Medgar Evers was assassinated by a
passing, but they were defeated by coward. After JFK's assassination,
the truth. The truth is that human filibusters existed by racists in
rights is meant for all people not Congress in trying to stop the Civil
divided in an uneven fashion among Rights Act to be passed, but they failed
all 50 states. All human beings are in their monstrous endeavor. All
created equal and are entitled to Americans have equal protections
unalienable rights. Innocent blood under the law as validated by the
was shed before the law was passed, Fourteenth and Fifteenth
but we honor the martyrs who Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
sacrificed their lives for our freedom After hard work, Democrats and
that many take for granted in 2024 Republicans allowed President Lyndon
even. This landmark legislation Baines Johnson to sign the Civil Rights
(which was signed by President Act of 1964 into law on July 2, 1964, at
Lyndon Baines Johnson) banned the White House. The irony is that the
discrimination based on race, color, Supreme Court now has passed
religion, sex, and national origin. It numerous odious decisions being
banned unfair application of voter antithetical to the spirit of the Civil
registration requirements, racial Rights Act like banning the Chevron
segregation in school, racial Rule, gutting voting rights, and having
segregation in public a hostility towards other human rights.
accommodations, and bans Therefore, we are inspired and
employment discrimination. It is one motivated to defend our rights, so
of the greatest legislative future generations can exist with true
achievements in American history. justice for all.
The 2024 University Protests
The university protests involving pro-Palestinian activists represent one of the most important
events in American history. The conflict in Israel, Gaza, and the West is known by many people of
the world. Debate is strident, but the truth is clear. The truth is that Hamas unjustly raped,
murdered, and kidnapped innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023, and the Netanyahu regime used
excessive force to the point of war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza too. More than 2,100
protesters in over 60 colleges in America have been arrested. The vast majority of protesters have
been peaceful and desire a ceasefire and liberation for the Palestinian people. Likewise, we condemn
the minority of protesters using slurs (including anti-Semitic slurs), using objects to destroy windows
and tables in Columbia, and who seek destruction instead of freedom for people in the Middle East.
We strongly disagree with Jewish people on campuses to be harassed or harmed. Those who commit
destruction against innocent property have nothing to do with the freedom of speech, the right of
civil disobedience, and the right to protest. People have the right to protest injustice, but no one has
the right to destroy innocent property or threaten people based on race or creed. Criticizing Zionism
and criticizing Israeli governmental policy isn't anti-Semitism per se, but some folks are anti-Semitic
and use coded language in trying to spread hatred against Jewish people The terrorism of Hamas and
the epidemic of anti-Semitism in America should not be minimized. Recently, a Jewish student was
blocked from going to a class in UCLA.
There have been incidents in New York City of racists using hateful messages against Jewish people
and Muslims. Some have defaced cultural landmarks, public buildings, and private properties with
red triangles at home (which was done by the Nazis during WWII). These actions have nothing to
do with supporting Palestinians or seeking a ceasefire involving the Middle Eastern conflict. This has
to do with overt anti-Semitism straight up. In the Upper East Side deli, bigots pained a swastika
after voicing support for Israel. People have the right to support or not support Israel in a free society.
Showing a swastika is plainly a hate crime, and those who did it should be punished legally. Anti-
Semites ripped posters of the kidnapped Hamas victims too. Anti-Semites have vandalized the homes
of the Jewish director of the Brooklyn Museum with red paint and several of the museum's board
members. Recently, some people in a subway wanted all Zionists to get out. Hate crimes have been
increasing in America for years, and we must fight the evils of racism, anti-Semitism, sexism,
xenophobia, and all forms of bigotry.

To be clear, most college protesters aren't anti-Semitic, but we must be on the side of opposing
bigotry. Also, we should condemn the excessive police response against some pro-Palestinian
protesters that is blatantly police brutality, and we have tons of evidence showing that reality (from
assaults to tear gas being used against protesting human beings). The only solution is a two-state
solution with no occupation, a ceasefire, freeing all Israeli
hostages, reparations for Gaza and the West Bank to rebuild
Palestinian lands, and full human rights for Israelis and

The historic protests in college campuses in America have

been part of a movement. It has spread from Columbia
University in New York City to Virginia, Georgia, California,
etc. What is the truth behind the protests? The vast majority
of the protesters are not anti-Semitic. They sincerely feel that This image showed an of cer on the
Ohio Union aiming a weapon as a
they want to protest the war in Gaza. They oppose the sniper at protesters at the Ohio State
occupation of Gaza plus the West Bank and other aspects of University Gaza Solidarity
the Middle Eastern crisis. There is no question that Hamas is Encampment on April 25, 2024. This
is highly inappropriate.
a terrorist organization that committed the murder of
innocent Israelis, and the far-right regime of Netanyahu is
indeed complicit of war crimes in Gaza (like killing aid
workers, harming civilian locations in Gaza, and other
actions). This is a nuisance issue. There should be a
promotion of the freedom of speech, and some officers have
used excessive force against protesters proven by video Overview of the McGill pro-
Palestinian encampment, with
evidence and witness testimony. Fights break out between wooden pallets providing walkways
pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA. This has between tents, photographed on
been going on for decades like police repression of anti- May 2nd, 2024,
Vietnam War protests and the protests during the anti-
apartheid movement era. Many campus people were suspended at Columbia University. Also, we are
clear to oppose anti-Semitism, and many of the pro-Palestinian protesters are Jewish people. So,
these Columbia students demand the school to divest from Israel and have a ceasefire. We shall see
what the future holds.

Hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested at university campuses across America over the past
months. By Tuesday night, about 300 protesters were arrested at Columbia University and City
College of New York. More people were arrested at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was law
enforcement moved to disassemble an encampment. Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protesters
clashed on Tuesday night again at UCLA. The protesters used fireworks, poles, and other weapons
attacking each other. There were 15 people injured and one hospitalized at UCLA. Classes were
canceled on Wednesday to promote safety. Columbia has turned into remote learning for the rest of
the semester. Most of the protesters are peaceful people who desire divestment from companies that
support Israel, an end to the war in Gaza, and Palestinian liberation.

President Biden has talked about the recent protests. He said that dissent must not lead to disorder.
He has support for Israel. Biden wants to balance the right to free speech and his desire for "law and
order." Biden is right to condemn anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. I agree with Biden that people
have the right to protest, but some of the police crackdowns on the protesters are blatantly part of
police brutality. Criticism of the Israeli government is not anti-Semitism, and the Netanyahu regime
is a far-right, pro-Trump regime who has invaded Rafah. Even Biden opposes Netanyahu invading
Rafah. Many encampments remain in America. The police ended the encampment at UCLA
recently. There have been over 2,100 arrests during the university protests in total so far. Brown
students celebrate after reaching a deal for a vote to have divestment with Israel. There are
negotiations between Israel and Hamas. The fundamental truth is that protests have the right to
exist, the police must not use brutality, protests shouldn't use unjust violence against innocent life
and innocent property, and there must be an immediate ceasefire in the conflict in Gaza (along with
the Netanyahu regime held accountable for overt war crimes, Israeli hostages released, Palestinian
people having total freedom and independence, and a two-state solution).
Nearing the Conventions
Alabama Republicans passing an anti-DEI bill is not shocking. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed
the law. The law bans public schools and universities from maintaining or funding diversity, equity,
and inclusion programs. This reaction law is anti-democratic. The reason is that democracy is about
diversity, equality, and justice. Programs to help diverse communities are not about hating progress
or promoting cultural tensions. It's about allowing marginalized and minority communities to have
their voices heard. In other words, more diverse voices at the table improve social development,
advance different perspectives, and ultimately benefit all people. The law is called SB129. The law
goes into effect on October 1, 2024. The law bans students, employees, and contractors from being
required to attend any DEI training. This law bans free speech and tries to shut down speech dealing
with many topics. Many in the Alabama NAACP want black athletes to not attend Alabama
universities because of the passing of this law.

Jeff Bezos's Amazon and Elon Musk's SpaceX are fighting in court to make the National Labor
Relations Board declared unconstitutional. They are wrong because historically the National Labor
Relations Board has defended the rights of workers for years and decades. Bezos and Musk have a
history of union busting and workers in their companies accusing them of worker abuse. All of them
have been charged by the NLRB with hundreds of violations of workers' organizing rights. The NLRB
works hard to try to stop union busting in America. Still, we are better now than four years ago.
Four years ago, we had Trump mishandling the COVID-19 disaster, we had Americans hoarding
toilet paper, we had the economy shutting down (with millions of Americans applying for
unemployment benefits), and hospitals running out of ventilators and PPE. Today, we must go on
with the good fight in desiring democracy and justice for all.

Robert Kennedy Jr. announced his Vice-Presidential candidate as Silicon Valley attorney and
entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan. He made this announcement at a rally in Oakland, California on
Tuesday afternoon. Robert Kennedy Jr. wants to expand ballot access in America. As part of the
First Amendment, RFK Jr. has the right to promote his Presidential campaign. Likewise, I have the
right to not to vote for him for many reasons. Some fear that he may be a spoiler candidate that will
cause Trump to win the election in 2024. On the campaign trail, President Joe Biden and Vice
President Kamala Harris held an event on health care in North Carolina. Robert Kennedy Jr. has
been criticized by many human beings on his views on vaccines and other subjects. Shanahan
questions the impact of prescriptions and vaccines on children. Ironically, we have an increase of
measles in America, because some people don't want their children to have lifesaving vaccines which
are required in many public places to allow children to go into public schools.

We are in solidarity with the people of Baltimore, Maryland.

As time goes on, we know more about the Baltimore Bridge disaster. Far-right extremists and racists
have used the racist slur of DEI mayor to describe the young black mayor of Baltimore. When
cowards try to use DEI negatively, we know that it's beyond coded language. These people hate
diversity and hate black people. Now, The Francis Scott Key Bridge came down on the Patapsco
River. The six people presumed to be dead are immigrant workers from Mexico and Central
America. This reality comes amid the massive anti-immigrant attitude that is unfortunately found
in America. The truth is that immigrants made great contributions to American history (like Afro-
Caribbean immigrants, Latino immigrants, Chinese immigrants, Irish immigrants, Southern
European immigrants, Jewish immigrants, Indian immigrants, Japanese immigrants, Arabic
immigrants, etc.) and oppression harms both immigrants and non-immigrants alike. Baltimore's
mayor helped to increase jobs, lower the crime rate, and caused Baltimore to witness a new era of
progress. Yet, with progress, we must acknowledge how far we have to go. Now, the shipping industry
is a major part of our economy. In modern society, we have a battle between people who want private
profit over the needs of the people and people who want the fair distribution of wealth. World trade
has increased in the past half-century. We have automation (which has historically cut many jobs in
the world), containerization, and large ships. The problem is that in America, we need to modernize
our bridges now. The bridge, that fell down, was made in the 1970's which shows the need to update
our infrastructure more. One 2021 estimate by the American Society of Civil Engineers; is that
America has a backlog of $125 billion of needed bridge repairs. Corporate exploitation and lax
infrastructure contribute to many disasters. The bridge in Baltimore should be rebuilt and a more
democratic expression of wealth must exist.
Project 2025 Exposed
What is Project 2025? Project 2025 is a reactionary set of proposals made by the Heritage Foundation that threatens
to harm democracy forever. It is a plan to promote the Republican agenda and promotes a maximalist version of
the unitary executive branch which is against the solemn co-equal three branches of government. Many people in
the plan are Trump supporters like Jeffrey Clark, a former official within the DOJ when Trump was President, Kevin
Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, Johnny McEntee (an ally of Trump during and after his disgraceful
Presidency), Ben Carson, Charlie Kirk, Stephen Miller, Ken Cuccinelli, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter
Navarro, and other people. The Washington Post reported that Jeffrey Clark, a contributor to the project and a
former official within the DOJ, would advise the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic
law enforcement by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and
deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. It is a true plan for disaster and its proposals
represent bigotry, anti-democratic hatred, and evil.
Some of the Plans of Project 2025
1. It desires to eliminate the Department of Education.

2. Projects 2025 wants to reduce legitimate environmental and climate regulations to favor fossil fuel production.

3. It wants to merge government with elements of Christianity (which is a violation of the separation of church and state as
the First Amendment mentions that government can't make an establishment of religion).

4. It seeks to end all DEI or diversity, equity, and inclusion programs (including affirmative action).

5. Project 2025 wants to ban $18 billion sent to low-income students (or Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965) sending the money to the states from the federal government.

6. Project 2025 seeks to ban free school meals and the Head Start program and criticize programs to forgive student loans.

7. Project 2025 wants the executive branch of the President to directly control all federal agencies without those agencies
have some measure of independence.

8. Projects 2025 recommends the curtailing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021, which authorizes funding for de-
carbonizing transportation infrastructure.

Many people have talked about of their movement increased after parties, especially in its leadership.
Christian nationalism. What is it? the 1992 Rudy Ridge standoff, the Christian nationalism makes
Christian nationalism is a heresy that 1993 Waco siege, the OKC America a near idol including Trump
believes in the view that all laws and Bombing in 1995, and the January 6, while ignoring to help the poor and
policies in one nation should reflect 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol the oppressed in general in a
a reactionary interpretation of (many Christian nationalists were systematic fashion. Even the Bible
Christianity. It is beyond just a complicit in). Many of them hate and says that Christians aren't called to
theocracy, but Christian nationalism dehumanize immigrants, racial create a man-made, authoritarian
believed that the Constitution was minorities, and sexual minorities. kingdom on Earth to harm other
divinely inspired to govern everyone Christian nationalists express a people, but the Kingdom of God is
under their causes. The problem persecution complex where they within you (as found in the New
with this view is that many Framers feel that their values and religious Covenant, as the blood of the Lamb
of the Constitutions and views are threatened and redeems souls). Christian
numerous early American marginalized. Many have Nationalists, Dominionism,
political leaders were not depression, anger, anxiety, and Reconstructionism, and likeminded
Christians but Deists, emotional distress. Christian movements are heresies, because
Freemasons, and atheists who nationalists today are Marjorie we are called to realize that our true
explicitly condemned the Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and citizenship is not in this world but in
unification of church and state. Doug Mastriano. For the record, Heaven, where Christ is as found in
Numerous buildings of Washington, Christian Nationalism is not real Hebrews 11:16, and we are all called
D.C. are filled with pagan and occult Christianity but a heresy related to for repentance as found in Acts
statues, imagery, and esoteric Dominionism. Dominion Theology 17:30-31. At the end of the day,
symbolism. Many people back then teaches that believers must rule all people of every faith or no faith
left Europe to escape the union of governments to be a theocracy to have the right to live peacefully in
church and state as advocated by cause the 2nd coming of Jesus America with equal rights, we
the Roman Catholic Church, John Christ. The NT is clear that believers don't need to prove our religious
Calvin's theocratic regime in should spread the Gospel voluntarily convictions by forcing people to
Geneva, Switzerland (whose and without forcing people against involuntarily believe as we believe
modern advocates are people like their wills to believe in what you in, religious freedom can be
the late Rousas J. Rushdoony), and believe in. Prior to the 1970's, most promoted in houses of worship
other ecclesiastical bodies. Evangelicals even rejected the (including in families and at other
Christian nationalists don't believe in union of church and state and places without government
the separation of church and state. followed their religious views dictation), and government is not
Many Christian nationalists are without desiring to merge church meant to be a theocratic,
linked to white racists who believed and state. That would change oppressive state but a fair,
that white conservatives represent among many Evangelicals by the democratic institution. Now, that is
the superior culture that all people 1970's after Jim Crow was gone and the truth.
must follow. Many of them believe in court decisions existed. The powers
the great replacement view. Some that be fund both major political

The first 2024 Presidential race nihilists. The weakness of denying that Ukraine is an actual
has been concluded. The Trump in the debate is that he nation. Trump lied about Hamas
debate shows Trump using uses massive exaggerations and as Hamas attacked Israel for
massive hyperbole while Biden overt lies, and Biden's weakness years prior to the evil Hamas
is showing more facts and is that his voice was not very October 7, 2023, attack. Trump
detail. The paradox is Trump is powerful in establishing his has encouraged Putin as Trump
more subdued with his habitual fundamental points. Yet, Biden has publicly admired the
lying and Biden seems to talk shows more details and facts in authoritarian tyrant Putin.
hoarser in his speech during the debate. Trump believes that Trump praising his COVID-19
especially the beginning of the America has no border which is response is totally repugnant.
debate. Biden seems to speak silliness. Trump desires to During Trump's first term,
better as the debate can go deport every undocumented 400,000 Americans died, Trump
onward. Trump believes that immigrant from America which massively delayed a federal
Biden is the worst President in is impossible unless you have a response to the disease, and he
American history which isn't fascist state. Trump lied and caught COVID-19 during his
true. We know that Andrew said that Biden doesn't like term in office. President Biden is
Johnson and John Buchanan veterans when Trump called right that Putin is a war criminal
were more terrible Presidents military soldiers and veterans who wants to conquer Ukraine.
than President Joe Biden. Both "losers." Trump disrespected Putin's military forces have
Biden and Trump were debating many veterans who disagreed destroyed churches, malls,
with each other about the with his policies too. Biden said apartments, and other civilian
economy, abortion, that he passed policies to help areas in Ukraine. Biden wants
immigration, inflation, the veterans, and his son was a an end to the Israel and Hamas
essence of America, foreign veteran plus he praised the D- conflict. Biden wants all
policy issues, more social Day veterans on the 80th year hostages to be freed, a
issues, and other issues. anniversary of D-Day. ceasefire, and a 2-state
President Biden believes that solution. Biden said he opposed
his bipartisan immigration plan Both candidates talked about 2,000 pound bombs sent to
was rejected by many foreign policies too. Trump lied Israel as it can harm massive
Republicans, and Trump just and said that Biden encouraged civilians being not reliable in
classifies migrants and Russia to invade Ukraine. Putin densely populated areas. Still,
immigrants collectively as invaded Ukraine by his own Netanyahu is clear to attack
murderers, rapists, and just evil accord, and Putin gave a speech Gaza in brutal means causing
massive civilian Palestinian during his Presidency, massive reactionary Project 2025 agenda
deaths. It is no secret that black businesses have grown, represents what Trump wants
Hamas and the Netanyahu low unemployment rates exist for America, and it isn't good at
regime have committed over for African Americans, and all. Biden has been the most
war crimes in the Middle East as acknowledging black families pro-climate President of our
documented by multiple, and childcare issues. Biden said generation.
documented studies from that much more can be done.
various, credible international Biden wants a $10,000 tax credit Trump said that America is a
for the first time weaker nation and near
of black families destruction, and Biden said that
owning a home Trump is the worst President in
and reducing American history. Biden said
student loan that America has the strongest
debt. Trump military on Earth and desires to
accused Biden grow businesses. Both talked
The first 2024 Presidential debate had
of causing about the opioid crisis. Many
spirited discussions about social, inflation and people on the Internet have
economic, and other political issues of our Trump accused criticized the CNN moderators
generation. This election literally is about black and brown for not fact-checking Trump
democracy hanging in the balance. Our families enough. Both people talked
lives matter, which is why the sacrosanct suffering. Trump about the election results. The
act of voting should be taken seriously. blames migrants debate ended with Biden and
and immigrants Trump making their final
organizations. Trump refused to for taking over jobs from Black statements. Many Democrats
completely denounce the Americans and Hispanic and some in the corporate
January 6th terrorist Americans. The truth is that media are in a panic mode by
insurrectionists. Trump said corporate interests and Biden's performance. Some of
that he did nothing wrong which multinational corporations have them even want Biden to step
is a lie, because Trump has been unfairly took away jobs from down allow another candidate
convicted of financial black people and brown people to take his place. This is very
corruption in a university, for decades in the United States early in the election season and
convicted of felonies, and of America, not every immigrant a replacement is just hysteria in
accused of many felonies. or every migrant. Biden said that my view. We shall see what will
Trump has been found legally he promoted the ACA and happen in the future. People will
liable for raping a woman. It Trump wants to try to eliminate talk about Biden's hoarse voice
didn't matter what political the ACA again. Trump wants to at the start of the debate which
parties the prosecutions' end Biden's climate policies. could be a product of over
political affiliations were, Trump wanted the death penalty practicing of the debate. Trump
because these men and women for the Central Park Five when blatantly made many false
used the legal system and they were innocent. Trump just statements. It wasn't the Joe
expert jurors to convict Trump lied and said that he had the Biden of the State of the Union
on many issues. greatest environmental record address. So, this is the start of
ever when he passed policies the new era of the Presidential
Trump is false to say that Pelosi gutting legitimate election. President Biden is said
turned down an offer of 10,000 environmental regulations to have a cold according to
Guard troops. Biden said that during his Presidency. The sources, but Biden has shown
much more facts in the debate. like Biden gave no statistics. rather have democracy
The lesson of the debate is that During that debate, Biden cited destroyed in America than allow
facts matter more than laws, statistics, and solutions, the legitimate work of progress
superficial flash, and Biden but Trump used overt to continue in America. Gavin
must be more prepared to xenophobia and overt habitual Newsom (who could run for
express his ideals. In retrospect, lies. A habitual liar doesn't have President in 2028) said Trump's
Biden should have delayed the a better debate than an attacks on immigrants during
first debate by a few days to get imperfect man who has a strong the debate are repugnant and
his voice under control. The Presidential record. The
reason is that the MAGA cult is undermining of the Biden
relentless to support Trump as a Presidency by MAGA
false idol regardless of his lies, Republicans and pseudo-
racism, sexism, hatred of leftists is not surprising.
democracy (plus the rule of Pseudo-leftists, moderates,
law), and xenophobia that he and MAGA Republicans are
presents publicly. By virtue of threats to our civilization for President Biden gave a speech on
Biden showing more details, different reasons. We have a June 28, 2024 (in Raleigh, North
solutions, and more facts, I threat of a fascist dictatorship Carolina), to reassure voters that
believe that Biden won the with Trump, and Trump his passion to be President is
debate by default. recently (on June 28, 2024)
spoke lies and propaganda in
there, and he will get back up to
Now, the 2024 debate is over, my 757 area at Chesapeake, defend America (in advocating
skeptics believe in the myths Virginia (which is near North for health care, an end to gun
that Biden should give up, and Carolina). Using the skeptics' violence, and standing up to
this election is over. An event logic, FDR, JFK, etc. don't dictators like Putin).
lasting for 90 minutes doesn't deserve to win the Presidency
un-American, and people must
define a whole election. Was because of their health issues.
use resiliency in this campaign.
Biden at his best during the Ageism is one of the few socially
*At the end of the day, our eyes
debate? No. Was Biden giving accepted prejudices in Western
must be at the prize of
straight-up facts and outlined society, so it is a true shame that
supporting democracy and
the contrast between Biden and some people care more for flash
Trump? Yes. These skeptics act than substance. Some would justice for all.
This time represents an Republican National
unprecedented time in American Convention in
history and world history. We Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
live at a crossroads wherefore The rally had a large
2025 will be a new era of our audience. Secret
time. This is truly the most Service snipers were in
dangerous time in our democracy the area. Witnesses A lot of questions will be answered about the
attempted assassination of Donald Trump. What
since the American Civil War as warned authorities is true is that the date of July 14, 2024, represents
I have mentioned for some time that a man was a new era of American history. The evil act of one
now. The attempted assassination climbing in the roof of a person (who was Thomas Matthew Crooks)
harming multiple people with a gun represents a
of Donald Trump was evil, building holding a
manifestation of the political and social crisis that
wicked, and unjust. You always weapon. Minutes into exists in the world spanning multiple decades
express dissent with peaceful, the start of Trump's and centuries.
constructive action, not murder or speech, multiple
critical condition. The murderer
unjust violence. An innocent man people were shot, and Trump was
Crooks is a coward. People said
was murdered by a coward glazed by a bullet next to his ear.
that he was bullied in his high
named Thomas Matthew Crooks His ear started to bleed, and he
school. Millions of people
of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. fell down to the ground. The
throughout human history have
Secret Service did a great job to
been bullied. That is no excuse for
immediately run on stage to hold
murder and political violence at
Trump down. The Secret Service
all period. Crooks had a high-
sacrificed their lives to save many
power semiautomatic rifle that
lives. Trump wanted to get his
could shoot ammo in the range of
shoe, and the Secret Service
hundreds of yards, and the Secret
grabbed him up to the van. Trump
Service Counter Assault Team
yelled Fight, Fight, Fight to the
Milwaukee is the place where the sniper killed Michael Thomas
crowd with blood on his ear. The
2024 Republican National Crooks. Many questions remain
Convention. Recently, the federal crowd yelled USA, USA. Trump
on safety protocol especially
Judge Cannon dismissed the Trump was taken to the hospital. Thomas
classi ed document case being when Crooks climbed on top of
Crooks was killed by a Secret
represented of Cannon’s bias. the roof of the building to shoot a
Service sniper. Armed police
dangerous weapon.
Crooks was a registered authorities, with automatic
Investigations will occur by the
Republican and gave $15 to a weapons, guarded the area too.
President, Congress, and other
progressive cause. The tragic The FBI is investigating this act as
authorities. Political polarization
events started on July 13, 2024. domestic terrorism. This is the first
has increased in the past over five
Former President Donald Trump attempted assassination of either
decades now. Like always, we
was at a campaign rally near a former President or President
don't support the action of murder
Butler, Pennsylvania. This comes since 1981 when Ronald Reagan
and harming innocent human
just before the start of the was shot. Two other victims are in
life. We wish for Trump to have a
full recovery (including the other America (where some people unjust shooting to promote lies
victims), and people have make an idol out of a gun instead like J.D. Vance of Vance blaming
legitimately sent prayers to of promoting virtue, legitimate Democrats for the shooting, Nick
gun regulations, Adams blaming Biden for the
and ethics), the shooting, Erick Erickson showing
threats against out, and Clay Travis cursing
political leaders people out who disagree with
daily, and the him. Yes, I haven't forgotten, and
insurrection in the yes Trump is still wrong on many
The sniper who took out Crooks saved many lives U.S. Congress political issues. That is the truth.
from being harmed by a murderer. This event which was a We should be cautious with our
shows us how righteousness is always superior
product of words, but we will not
and better than blind vengeance and nefarious
evil. violence, racism, compromise our core convictions.
anti-Semitism, We advocate a clean
Trump and the other victims. That and hatred. Trump made fun of a environment, justice for all, the
is right. disabled person, talked down on separation of church and state,
military people, and said that he voting rights protected, the
Likewise, we will not apologize wants to be a dictator on Day humanity of women respected,
for the truth. We will show the One. Trump has spoken violent universal health care, and civil
truth in season and out of season. rhetoric for years. Many Trump rights without injustice. Two
Let's not forget about Project supporters have called for things can be true. It is true that
2025, of the fascists in violence and demonized the actions of Michael Thomas
Charlottesville in 2017 (these progressives with derogatory Crooks have no justification for
fascists were called “nice people” invective for years. So, I have the being evil plus wrong, and people
by Donald Trump) causing same energy to expose their evil. have the God-given right to
mayhem in the streets unjustly, of Right now, far-right extremists peacefully disagree with the
the epidemic of mass shootings in are exploiting the tragedy of the agenda of Donald Trump too.
The 2024 Presidential election represents the massive choice on what we desire our future
to be in America and the world. For almost 250 years, America has existed with its massive
imperfections and massive contributions to society. We have seen massive changes from
technological developments in the Internet to social changes like the 1964 Civil Rights Act
being signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Today, we have the massive MAGA cult
being promoted in our land when its leader, Donald Trump, has made it clear to abhor
democracy and freedom for all people. The common lies are that Trump and Biden are the
same, and Trump promotes the interests of poor and working-class Americans. The reality is
that Trump is funded and supported by corporate interests like Jamie Dimon (the chair and
CEO of the largest bank in America), Elon Musk (who is the richest person on Earth),
Miriam Adelson (heir to the casino magnate), and other corporate leaders who want to roll
back legitimate environmental regulations. MAGA followers have threatened judges, poll
workers, politicians, and other innocent human beings. This is unprecedented. I debated
these Trump followers on the Internet in real life too. Donald Trump was found liable of
raping a woman, convicted of financial fraud involving corrupt colleges, called the January
6th insurrections hostages, and wants a Muslim ban. President Joe Biden is not perfect but
signed a great infrastructure bill into law that benefit urban plus rural communities, cut
massive college student loan debt, cut childhood poverty in half, oversaw record low
unemployment in the black community, targeted corrupt policies from monopolies, passed
policies to cut medical costs, signed important gun regulation legislation, and made other
legitimate policies. These are stone cold facts that many folks won’t the wider public to
ignore, but we will always love the truth. So, we have a real choice between democracy and
fascism literally.

By Timot

These images show three heroic black women who made life changing accomplishments. Gabby
Thomas, reigning 200m Olympic bronze medalist, stormed to victory in 21.81 seconds in the women's
200m final at the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials. She heads to Paris with Brittany Brown and
McKenzie Long (who races in honor of her family, including her late mother). This is the younger
generation who has gotten the torch from previous generations to establish their own legacies as
athletes and as human beings. So, these three young black women will go to Paris for the upcoming
2024 Olympics in the next few weeks.

Reigning world champion Noah Lyles

Sha’Carri Richardson won the women’s 100m secured his second Olympic berth, racing
race going to the Olympics (with an excellent the 100m final in a personal best-tying 9.83
tie of 10.71 seconds). Melisssa Je erson and seconds for the top spot. Kenny Bednarek
Twanisha Terry will also represent America in (9.87) and Fred Kerley (9.88) will join him
the Olympics too. on the U.S. Olympic 100m team.

Congratulations to Masai Russell for

winning the 100m hurdles nal. Now,
Masai Russell, Alaysha Johnson, and
Grace Stark will go to the Olympics in
Paris. Masia Russell broke Gail Devers'
100m hurdles U.S record. Alaysha Syndey McLaughlin-Levrone won the 2024
women’s 400m hurdles race with a world
Johnson said that her victory was for record time of 40.65 seconds. Jasmine
black people, for the poor, and for her Jones and Anna Cockrell won the right to
community. race in Paris too. The image above is from
Peace and Blessings Y’all

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