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Vol. 12 No.

3 (306-313) ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA May, 1999

Mechanical analysis of folds in compressive

belt and its significance to earthquakes*
XIN-SHENG XIE ( i ~ ~ )
Institute of Crustal Dynamics, Seismological Bureau of China, Beijing 100085, China

The paper proposes the conception of Beads type fold system. The mechanical analyses of the typical tectonic
system are made by means of elastic stability theory, mathematical and mechanical method and rheology. The
relation among the deflections of folds and time, external forces, and distribution of stresses, strain energy density
are analyzed to explain the causing mechanism of folding earthquake.

Key words: Beads type fold system critical stress of buckling ratio of minor and major fold axes
viscoelasticity folding earthquake

Active faults and folds were all the geologic phenomena left over by crustal movements. Ac-
tive faults have been researched much more extensive and deep than that of active folds due to
visualization on active faulting. It compelled geologists and seismologists to research the problems
of crustal stability caused by movement of folding since the earthquakes generated by folding
often occurred in the past tens years.
"Through geological surveys on earth's surface and prospecting trenches, excavatings, during
the course of mapping active faulting in Xinjiang, some Cenozoic active foldings have been dis-
covered in recent years. (Deng, et al, 1991a, b; Feng, et al, 1991). It is considered that the Manas
earthquake (1906, M=7.6) was a folding earthquake (Zhang, et al, 1994a), since then researches on
active fold came to a climax. The paper deals with the mechanical origin of fold system in a type
of beads and its earthquake significance by means of the mechanical analysis for buckling of com-
pressive belt, and studies further the tectono-mechanics of uplifts of Tianshan folding belts and the
problem of folding earthquake.

1 Mechanical analysis of Beads type fold system, and distribution of

stresses and strain energy density in buckling of compressive belt
1.1 Conception of Beads type fold system
Beads type fold system means a series of coaxial anticlines alternating with synclines in form
of beads. For example, two strings of Beads type fold systems have been developed in Cenozoic
Manas fold belt of 0rtimqi depression in Xinjiang (Figure 1), namely, there is an unknown coaxial
syncline between Tugulu anticline and Huoerguosi anticline. These anticlines are alternated with a
syncline in form of beads. Two unnamed coaxial synclines at two ends of the major axes of Manas
anticlines are also in the form of beads. Similarly four strings of Beads type fold systems have

"ReceivedSeptember1, 1998;revisedJanuary11. 1999;acceptedJanuary11, 1999.

No.3 XIE, X. X.: M E C H A N I C A L A N A L Y S I S OF F O L D S IN C O M P R E S S I V E BELT 307

~t~Dushanzi Shawan 1~N

.... 111 ~ * Manas !

\"~-- II Fukang
~ ~~ Chin
°~ i "~-- ---

Tianshan " ""X - " ~ ' ~ I.JrUmqi

[~1 [-'~2 [~-----'-~3 0 20kin ~ Tianshan
Figure 1 Map o f Cenozoic structures of north border o f Tianshan (After Feng, et al, 1991)
1. Anticline; 2. Reverse fault; 3 Fault or inferred fault; I. Piedmont anticline belt; I1. Manas anticline belt;
lIl. Anjihai anticline belt; (i) Bogda north border fault belt; ~ Junggar south border fault belt

,~ .... 0 . . ,IQkrn ,Xayar 11:~ l 12] 2 ~3

Figure 2 Map of structures in Kuqa depression on south border of Tianshan (Revised after Liu,
et al, 1994)
I. Piedmont anticline belt; II. Kasangtuokai anticlines; III. Qiulitage anticlines belt; 1. Reverse fault; 2.
Anticline; 3. Boundary line

66"E 72* 78* 84* 90* 96*



I ASL 2000~4000m £Z~ ASL ~-4000m ~ Foreland ~ Qutemary

depression ~ folds
Figure 3 Simplified map of Tianshan landform and neotectonics (After Zhang, et al, 1996)
developed in Kuqa depression at south
border of Tianshan (Figure 2, Liu, et al,
1994). The distribution of uplifts and 1 1 1 11 1: 1 I I ! 1
depressions on the north and south side
of Tianshan shows an alternative ar-
rangement (Figure 3), namely from east tr rTT t t T r r t t
towards west successively there are
Figure 4 Simplified geometric map of Manas anticline
Bogda uplift, 0ramqi depression, Yili
belt in 0rtimqi depression
uplift, Almaty depression and Feiergan- (I) Tugulu anticline; ~ Manas anticline; ® Huoerguosi
nashan uplift; on the north border of anticline; @ Unnamed syncline; m=3, n=2

Tianshan and from east towards west successively there are Turpan depression, Huolashshan uplift,
Kuqa depression, Kelpin uplift and Kashi depression; on the south border of Tianshan (Zhang, et
al, 1996), and also distributed in the form of Beads type. The ratios of minor and major axis of

various folds are different and even folds overlap to each other, nevertheless, their basic form are
identical. Besides, reverse faults dipping to anticline have been developed between anticlines and
synclines of each two strings of folds. Therefore, the mechanical origins should be similar as they
were formed originally.
1.2 Mechanical analysis of Beads type fold system
From the theory of elastic stability (Timoshenko, Gere, 1961; Zhou, 1981) we know that a
compressive belt with hinge ends under the actions of critical compressive stresses and
carry on instability and the buckling wave function is

w = f sin ( m@x ) sin ( ~ - ~ - t (1)

wherefis the unknown maximum buckling deflection, a is the length of compressive belt, b is the
width of compressive belt, rn is longitudinal number of anticlines and synclines, n is transverse
numbers of folds arrangement in compressive belt (Figure 4).
The strain energy of compressive belt in buckling is:

where D is rigidity of buckling, D=Eh3/[12(1-v2)], h is the thickness of compressive belt, v is

Poisson ratio. From equations (1) and (2), we have

f2 +~-) (3)

Work done by external forces is

h (7 +o-y.~r~ dxdy (4)

Where ~x,~,.and %,~,~are the critical stresses for buckling of compressive belt, and let %.,=(p ~,¢r
from equations (1) and (4), we have

W: O'x, cr 8 fz + fa--~-) (5)

Let L to be the ratio of minor and major axes of fold

L: (6)

As a conservative system, it should be:

U: W (7)
From equations (3) and (5), we obtain

a ..... = Kx ~ D Cry,~r = K y ~ ~
, D = ~Ocr . . . . (8)
b2h b'n

n2(1+L2) 2
Kx- (9)
¢,+ L2
In order to determine the value of {p, taking the minimum value of ~ , , , and from
8O'x,cr/OL-- 0, then we have

/ 4L 2/ - L 2/ 4L 2) = 0 (10)
dL + 2 L - { p 1 + L2 L 1 + L2 L

under the boundary conditions m=n, a=b (that is L=I), rp=l, solving above differential equation
and referring to Figure 5, we have

4(1 + L2) L 1 arctan(L)] + 2.142 (11)

{ P - ~ 2 ( l + L 2) 2

It can be seen from Figure 5, that o7~,¢r is larger,

maximum value of the ratio (p of stresses is 2.142, 2.0

when L is very small, the fold become narrow. It means

o 1.0
that the transverse critical normal stresses are larger
than that of longitudinal. It is a dome structure when
'~ 0 . 0
L= 1, thus ax,cr=Crx,,, the major axis of folds are parallel
with orientation of crxx~. When L>1.5, q)<0, namely ~y,,
are tensile stresses. J

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

The development of Beads type fold system was Ratio of minor and major axes
closely related with the ratio of minor and major axis
of folds, width and thickness of compressive belt, Figure 5 Map of relation ship between ratios
numbers of columns and rows of folds and value of c,o. of minor major axes of folds and ra-
tios of stresses
Among them the geometries of structural parameters
are known from field investigation, the ratio of stresses may be calculated according to geometry
of structural parameters, thereafter, crx,, and oTv., may be determined from above formulas. The
result calculated of the paper is the same as that of model of Timoshenko and Gere (1961) and
Zhou (1981), in special as {p= 1, Kx=2. The solution is multiple, as m :~ n, a ~ b obtained by them,
however, a definite solution can be obtained from the paper.
1.3 Distribution of stress field and strain energy density in compressive belt
The stress distribution of compressive belt after buckling is as follows

Eh (c32w 02w l

Eh ( a2w aZwl+~OCrx,.
2 ( f T v Z ) ~ y 2 +V-ffTxz) (12)

Eh 82w
7"xy =
2(l + v) Oxay

its strain energy density is


= 1 [(l_2v)(cr,+o_2) 2 +(cr_o_z)2] (13)

where G is shear modulus, the calculated results from equations (12) and (13) are shown in Figure
(1) The isopleth distribution of stresses and strain energy density is along the folds.
(2) Maximum tensile stress is at top of an anticline, the core of the fold is the place where the
compressive stresses and strain energy density are larger.
(3) No matter whether that are contour lines of fold or isopleth of stresses, especially, that of
the maximum shear stresses and strain energy density, the areas of maximum gradient lie between
anticlines and synclines of two strings of Beads type fold system, and parallel to the major axes of
folds. That areas easily develop reverse faults parallel to the fold and caused earthquake, conse-
quently, the fault surface trends towards anticline.
(4) The troughs of synclines are the high value areas of stresses and strain energy density.
Therefore, the Cenozoic of the trough easily developed secondary Beads type folds system, the
folds in the Cenozoic basins on north and south borders of Tianshan as shown in Figures 1 and 2.

I C--c~__~--.~-.T'=~o C ~ ' - ~ C~.~_...~_~.~~.-~.~[



L r.~ ~-'~.9 ~, ~____.-~s ,' . . . . ~-" /



[Q j 9 18
c.. ol
- 9


Figure 6 Map of contour lines of Beads type folds, isopleth of principal stresses and strain energy density
(a) Contour of Beads type fold system (m), solid lines present anticlines, dash lines present synclines; (b) Isopleth
of maximum principal stresses (unit: MPa, tension is positive): (c) Isop[eth of minimum principal stresses (MPa);
(d) lsopleth of maximum shear stresses (MPa); (e) lsopleth of strain energy density (MPa)

2 The viscoelastic process of Beads type fold system

The folds carried out deform and flow after the Beads type fold system has been formed.
Therefore time and external forces must be considered in viscoelastic process. Through calcula-
tions under the action of tTy,the total deflection is

l~, r/r J
w~ = (1 + a ) w - e x p at a= °,
O'y, cr -- O'y

where w is the elastic deflection, as t = 0, shown by equation (1), z-r is the relaxation time, Cryis the
compressive stress transverse to the fold belt after buckling happened. From equation (14), it can
be seen that the deformation of compressive belt is concerned with the compressive stresses, the
deflection will become infinite as compressive stress approaches to the critical stress. Also, that is

concerned with the time of the force action on the compressive belt, deformation becomes large
with the time is exponent.

3 Origin of Tianshan uplift

3.1 The origin of Manas fold belt in [lriimqi depression on the north border of Tianshan
In Manas fold belt, it has been known that number of longitudinal folds m =3, transverse folds
n=2, length of the belt a=130.5 km, width b=10.4 km (measured from Figure 1), then the ratio of
minor and major axes of fold L=0.119 54. Take elastic modulus E=38 MPa, Poisson ratio v= 0.31,
thickness of compressive belt h=5 km (Cenozoic), amplitude of fold f =500 m, then o-x,,=-I 5.4
MPa, cry.,=-32.6 MPa. Thus, it can be seen that the north-south compressive stresses are the dou-
ble of that in west-east. The resultant orientation in north-east by north and north-west by north.
The areas between two string of anticlines and synclines due to buckling are located at the maxi-
mum gradient locations of stresses and strain energy density, and first developed faults, planes of
which trend towards anticlines. But some planes of reverse faults in Manas anticlines were back-
ing to the anticlines (Zhang, 1994b). Two strings of anticlines overlapped, as shown in Figure 2,
due to the result that the faults slipped in reverse under the action of north-south compressive
stresses to make crustal horizontal shorten in the direction normal to anticline and that the major
axes of anticlines were lengthened and linearized.
3.2 Origin of Tianshan uplift
The distance between Turpan depression and Kashi depression of Tianshan is about 1 600 km,
there developed two strings of Beads type structures. From Figure 3, it can be seen that n=2, m=5,
a =1 600 kin, average width b=200 kin, then L=0.312 5. Take E=5.4×104 MPa, v = 0.27, h=40 km
(crustal thickness of Tianshan is 50 kin), f = 2 000 m, then o-x,cr=-4 403 MPa, %,or=--8 867 MPa.
This means the compressive stresses in north-south are twice as much as that in west-east. The
resultants are in north-east by north and north-west by north. This shows that the mechanical
origin of Tianshan Beads type fold uplift is the same as that of Manas secondary Beads type fold
system. Tianshan uplift belt underwent such action over a long period of time since neotectonics,
and caused Tianshan fold belt to be under viscoelastic processes and continuously uplifted. It may
be considered that the time of formation Beads structures at first was in Miocene Epoch. In the
light of study of Tang (1996), at least 6-7 km thickness of Tianshan has been denuded since Mio-
cene. Now the average high of Tianshan is 5 kin, then the average amplitude of Tianshan folds is
12 km since Miocene. Taking the time and total deflection into equation (12), and taking relaxa-
tion time rr as 12 000 a °, the external force acting on Tianshan for a long period ~ = -20.6 MPa
is far smaller than critical stress cry.... but basically agrees with that obtained from contemporary
crustal stress measurement o.
The compressive belt broke by buckling and broke again by further buckling, consequently
many imbricate blocks further with dipping anticlines which are located between two strings of
Beads type fold system. West part of Tianshan fold belt is wide and east part of it is narrow, so
there are many such blocks present in west part but they are fewer in east part, which reflects that
the north-south compressive stresses in west part are greater than that in the east part. The west-
east compressive stresses in west part are greater than that in the east part by the fact that the basin

Wang W X.1984. Mechanics of Solids. Wuhan: China University of Geoscience Press, 33-358 (in Chinese)
Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Seismological Bureau and Exploration Inc., Petroleum Manage Bureau of Sichuan Province. 1997.
A synthetical study on regional stress field of south margin of Junggar basin

dip to west and the thickness of Cenozoic group has reached ten thousands meters. The Tianshan
of Beads type fold system formed under the common actions of both north-south and west-east
compressions, otherwise Tianshan fold system can not be in a form of Beads type structure but a
west-east huge anticline, if the west-east compressive stresses did not exist. The west-east com-
pressive stresses mainly result from the western part of Tianshan.

4 Beads type fold system and earthquake

As mentioned above, between two strings of Beads type fold system, the areas of maximum
gradient of stress isopleth, especially that of maximum shear stresses and strain energy density are
the locations where easily develop reverse faults dipping to anticlines. The fold belt accumulated
elastic strain energy under the action of external forces, the locations where easily release strain
energy are the reverse faults between anticline and synclines. Various depressions of Tianshan on
the uplift belt are actually the synclines, various uplifts are the anticlines. Historical strong shocks
of Tianshan earthquake belts basically were situated on the transitional belt between anticlines and
synclines of two strings of folds. The south margin of 0rfimqi depressin and the north margin of
Tianshan are none other than the maximum gradient areas of elastic strain energy and shear stress
isopleth between anticlines and synclines. In the area there are faulted zones with dipping to anti-
clines on the south margin of Junggar, the extended folds developed in hanging wall of the fault.
While the shear stresses in the faulting plane exceeded shear strength, slip happened along the
faulting plane, which released energy and caused earthquake. The Manas earthquake of 1906 hap-
pened for this reason. From equation (3) the elastic strain energy U/m (m=5) of Oramqi syncline
and its south anticline may be calculated. It is known that a=l 600 km, b=200 km, n=2, h=40 kin,
f = 2 km, E=5.4x104 MPa, v = 0.27, then U/m=5.83xlO ~7 J, greater than the seismic energy of
M=8.5. However due to the shear strength is lower on the fault plane of south edge of Junggar,
while energy had been accumulated to 10 ~6 J (M-7.6), the Manas earthquake of 1906 happened.
The next earthquake may occur in the faulted zone of south margin of Bogda or in that of north
margin of Kuqa depression.

5 Conclusions and discussion

(1) The beads type fold system formed under the action of compressions in two mutually
perpendicular directions, the ratios of minor and major axes of fold are closely related to the ratios
of critical stresses in buckling.
(2) Stress distribution of Beads type fold system is non-uniform, the tensile stresses in anti-
cline crest are larger; the compressive stresses in syncline trough are larger; the maximum gradient
areas of shear and strain energy density are situated between the anticlines and synclines of two
strings of folds. Folding earthquakes will happen between anticline and syncline, fracture plane
dip to anticline. The anticlines of reverse faults make crust to contract in horizontal, to lengthen
the major axes of folds and to tend towards more linearization. During the process of action of
post seismic external forces, anticlines will become extended folds, furthermore the folding earth-
quakes of next period will possibly occur. Manas earthquake (M=7.6, 1906) happened for this
reason. The magnitude of earthquake is related with the volume of accumulating energy and de-
flection of fold. The next earthquake should be in the faults of south margin of Bogda or in the
fault of north margin of Kuqa depression. The above statement shows that the folding earthquakes
of Tianshan fold belt were related with the Beads type fold system.
No.3 XIE, X. X.: M E C H A N I C A L A N A L Y S I S OF F O L D S IN C O M P R E S S I V E B E L T 313

(3) During the process of formation of Beads type fold system, the amplitude of fold in-
creased in the light of exponential function with time. The amplitude of fold becomes great as the
external force increases; it will become very great as the external force approach to the critical
stress of buckling.
(4) Various scales of Beads type fold systems have developed in mountain range, 1 600 km
long, in a form of Cenozoic basins on the north and south margins of Tianshan. Such type of
structures were formed by joint action of north-south and west-east compressive stresses, the
compressive stresses of north-south were more twice as that of west-east. The north-south com-
pressive stresses originated from the Tarim blocks of north and south parts of Tianshan folds and
from north-south compression of Junggar. The west-east compressive stresses were originated
from the west part of Tianshan. Compressive belt broke by buckling, and broke again by further
buckling, consequently many imbricate blocks whose planes dip to anticlines are located between
two strings of Beads type fold system, west part of Tianshan fold belt is wide and east is narrow,
thus there are many blocks in west part but a few in east part, it reflects that the north-south com-
pressive stresses in the west part are larger than that in east part, simultaneously west-east com-
pressive stresses in the west part are larger than that in east part also. The uplift of Tianshan has a
bearing on the external forces acting on it, and on the time acted moreover. The calculated external
force, cry=-20.6 MPa, is smaller than the critical stresses cry.or, but consistent with the results of
temporary crustal stress measurement.

This work was supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (196078).

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