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Activity to be performed:

• Prepare all the activities in the same document, using the corresponding subtitles.

1. Understand.
Prepare a document that explains the learning objectives of the chapter. Refer to the
summary that appears on pages 435-436.
The learning objectives of this chapter are:

• Define what the groups are and what the stages of their development are:
A group is a set of two or more individuals who interact and depend on each other, brought
together to accomplish some specific objective. Formal groups are work groups defined by the
organizational structure to carry out specific jobs and tasks that are assigned to them so that the
organization achieves its objectives. For their part, informal groups are social groups.

• Describe the main factors that determine group performance and satisfaction.
Among the main factors that determine group performance and satisfaction are external
conditions, the resources of group members, as well as group structure, processes and tasks.
External conditions, such as resource availability, organizational objectives, and other factors,
affect work groups. For their part, the resources of the group members (knowledge, skills,
personality traits) can influence what they are capable of doing and how effectively their
performance will be.

• Define what work teams are and what are the best practices that influence their
Among the characteristics that identify work groups are: there is a leader in charge, beyond any
doubt; Responsibility is always personal: although more limited in scope, the purpose is the
same as that of the organization; the work is done individually; Their meetings are characterized
by efficiency and there is no collaboration or open debate; performance is measured indirectly,
according to its influence in other instances; Work activities are decided by the group leader,
who then delegates them to the group members.
• Analyze contemporary issues related to team management.
The challenges inherent in managing global teams are evident in the resources of the group
members, especially with regard to the diversity of cultural characteristics; in group structure,
particularly in relation to conformity, status, social loafing, and cohesion; in group processes,
especially those corresponding to communication and conflict management; and in the role the
manager plays in making it all work.

2. Review and Analysis Questions.

- Explain how group performance and satisfaction are affected by external
conditions and the resources of its members.
A work group is affected by the external conditions imposed on it, these are, among others:
- Organization strategy.
- Authority relationships.
- Formal rules.
- Availability of resources.
- Employee selection criteria.
- Performance and culture management system.
- General physical distribution of the workspace.
Prepare a Comparison Chart with the differences between the groups and teams.


Group is defined in terms of two or more

individuals who interact and depend on each
other, brought together to accomplish some
specific objective. Formal groups are those
determined by the organizational structure with
the purpose of carrying out specific jobs and
tasks that are assigned to them so that the
organization achieves its objectives. For their
part, informal groups are social groups.

Work teams are groups whose members work

intensely to achieve a specific common
objective, using their positive synergy, their
individual and mutual responsibility, and their
complementary skills.
Design a Concept Map with the four most common types of equipment.

- What is the role that informal (social) networks play in team management?
Support your answer
This style of relationships is based on spontaneity, not hierarchy, it arises from the social
interaction between members and the development of affection or friendship between people.
Informal communication can benefit or harm companies, depending on how it is used. In a
positive way, it helps the cohesion of the group and provides feedback on different aspects of
the work carried out. Negatively, rumor or gossip distorts productivity and does not help, it only
delays and harms people and the organization.
3. Leader in Training
• Investigate the personality traits that those who know how to work in
team, consult 2 experts and write a report detailing your findings.
Personality traits also affect group performance as they have a strong influence on how group
members interact. According to research, traits considered positive in Western cultures (such
as sociability, self-confidence, and independence) tend to show a positive relationship with
productivity and group morale. In contrast, certain negative characteristics such as
authoritarianism, submissiveness, and nonconformity tend to exhibit a negative relationship
with productivity and group morale.

• Research what brainstorming is and how it works; Write a brief report in which
you describe your findings to your teacher and list suggestions for using this
technique as an effective decision-making tool.
It is the process of generating ideas that stimulates the formulation of alternatives without
leaving aside criticism.

• Write down three things you learned in this chapter about “teamwork,” what it
takes to be a competent leader.
Despite the challenges associated with managing global teams, managers can provide the group
with an environment in which efficiency and effectiveness are improved. First, considering that
communication skills are vital, managers should focus on developing them. On the other hand,
as we mentioned before, managers need to take cultural differences into account when deciding
what type of global team to use. Finally, it is critical for managers to be sensitive to the unique
differences of each member of the global team, but it is also important for managers to be
sensitive to their peers.

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