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has examined the link between sport and exercise participation and their relationship

to mental health, as well as the impact of physical activity on the prevention and
treatment of mental health challenges and conditions (see Schinke et al., 2017). In
addition to research, well-recognised and successful athletes such as Darius
Boyd (rugby league), Ian Thorpe (swimming), and Lauren Jackson (basketball) have
openly discussed their challenges with mental health issues. This has created an
opportunity for other athletes to express and discuss more openly their own mental
health experiences. Although more complex clinical mental health issues may be
beyond the scope of practice of some sport and exercise psychologists, the mental
health of athletes, coaches and umpires remains an important topic of research,
discussion, and practice for those interested in the field of sport and exercise
psychology. Demonstrating the importance of sport and mental health, the Australian
Institute of Sport (AIS) has recently established a national network of 30 Athlete
Wellbeing and Engagement managers across a range of sports as well as an AIS
Athlete and Wellbeing and Advisory Engagement Committee.

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