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table of Contents

Basic Concepts of Set Theory.................................................................................1
Set theory and daily life.........................................................................................3
Set theory and logic...............................................................................................5
Set theory and statistics........................................................................................6
Set theory and Engineering...................................................................................7

In this research work, we will talk about the topic of sets and how it is applied
in different areas of life.
Set Theory is the branch of Mathematics that studies the properties of sets
and the operations to which they can be subjected.
In everyday life we often talk about objects grouped in sets: the set of
furniture in a room, the set of books in a library, the set of teachers in a
school, etc.
In all these cases the word "set" is used to mean a collection of various
objects, which are called elements.
The concept of set, of singular importance in mathematical science and the
object of study of one of its most recent disciplines, is present, although in an
informal form, since the first years of man's formation.

General objective
Identify the main concepts, types, representations and operations in
set theory to know the importance they have in daily life.

Specific objectives
Understand sets as the simplest mathematical model known.
Recognize one set from another and be able to graph them using the
Venn diagram.
Know how sets are applied to different disciplines of life.

Basic Concepts of Set Theory.

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the characteristics,

properties, and relationships in a collection of objects.
A set is the grouping, class, or collection of objects or, failing that, elements
that belong to and respond to the same category or group of things, which is
why they can be grouped into the same set. This relationship of belonging
that is established between objects or elements is absolute and possibly
discernible and observable by anyone. Among the objects or elements that
can integrate or form a set, there are, of course, physical things, such as
tables, chairs and books, but also abstract entities such as numbers or
letters. With some characteristic in common. They are usually denoted by the
first letters of the alphabet in capital letters and can be defined by extension
or by comprehension.

Extension: When defining a set by extension, each and every element that
is part of the set is written. Example:

Comprehension: When defining a set by comprehension, you write a

characteristic that identifies all the elements of the set. Example:
{x | x is an even number greater than 0 and less than 10}

Set whose elements are contained in another. It is denoted as and it
is read is contained in .

Empty Set
Set that has no elements. It is denoted by .
Universe Set
Set that contains all the elements of a given situation and is denoted by .
Example: and are subsets of .

Operations with sets

The Union of and , denoted by , is the
set formed by the elements that are in or in or
in both.

The intersection of and , denoted by , is
the set formed by the elements that are in and
at once.

Be , the complement of is the
set of all the elements that are but not in . It is
denoted as .

The difference of and , denoted by , is the
set formed by the elements that are in but not in .

Venn diagrams
Graphic representation of the relationships
that may exist in the elements of one or more
sets. If the interactions explained above are
graphed, we have:

Set Types
Universal Set
In order to avoid confusion, when we define a set
we must specify where the elements that make it
up are being taken. This means that there must
be a base from which we take the elements, this
base on which we work is called a universal set .
We will always use the letter UU to represent the
universal set.
empty set

Let's consider the existence of a set that has no elements, this is called an
empty set .
To represent this set we use the well-known vacuum symbol, as shown in the
image on the right.
Also, using the description by extension , we represent the empty set using
the square brackets {}. Since the empty set has no elements, we cannot
place any elements inside the square brackets.
Unitary sets
The unitary set is distinguished by having only one
element. It doesn't matter what type of element the set
has, a cat, a dog, a number, a letter, or anything else,
if it has only one element it is called a unitary set.

finite sets
This type of set is also distinguished by the number of
elements it has. A set is finite if we can count the
number of elements that make it up .
For example, the set of letters in the Spanish
language is finite because there are 27 letters in total.
Other finite sets are shown in the image on the right.
You can notice that unitary sets are also finite.

infinite sets
It is not easy to find examples of this type of sets in
nature. Infinite sets are those for which we cannot
count the number of elements that compose them.

Set theory and daily life

Grouping objects of the same nature to classify them into “collections” or

“sets” is part of the daily life of human beings. For example, the set of books
in a library, the set of trees on a piece of land, the set of shoes in a retail
business, the set of utensils in a kitchen, etc. In all of these examples, the
word set is used as a collection of objects.

The concept of Set, then, refers to gathering or grouping people, animals,
plants or things, to study or analyze the relationships that these groups can
The idea of grouping objects of the same nature to classify them into
“collections” or “sets” is part of the daily life of human beings. For example,
the set of books in a library, the set of trees on a piece of land, the set of
shoes in a retail business, the set of utensils in a kitchen, etc. In all of these
examples, the word set is used as a collection of objects.
The sets influence our lives in making decisions without realizing it, for
example, with the simple fact of choosing the flavor of an ice cream of two
flavors from a list of six for example {strawberry, mantecado, coconut,
soursop, caramel, chocolate} and we choose one of strawberry and
chocolate, we are applying the subset theory
So in the end, in one way or another, set theory is present in our daily lives,
whether to make a decision or to have possible combinations of results,
some union or intersection of processes or tasks or choices is implicit in one
way or another. .

Having several combinations, for example a red shirt with blue pants or a red
shirt with black pants, would be the result of the following operation.
A={red shirt}
B={blue pants, black pants}
AXB={(red shirt, blue pants), (red shirt, black pants)}

Also in daily life we find groups in the objects, animals or foods we consume.

Set theory and logic

There is a very close relationship between Set Theory and Propositional

Logic. To show this relationship, let us denote the sets with capital letters
A,B... and with the corresponding lowercase letters a,b... their characteristic
properties (that is, the logical proposition that characterizes the elements of
each set); then we have the following correspondence:

Furthermore, the empty set corresponds to a contradiction and the universal

set to a tautology.

For discrete mathematics, the understanding of logic and set theory is

essential, because sometimes it is necessary to study objects that are
usually different, in addition to being separable, but that have to be described
and observed together.
In new information technologies, logic and set theory are used implicitly, for
example, in the formulation of databases because sets are used to develop
the relationship of ordered pairs to create them.
In order to have the elementary theoretical foundations for the study of
discrete mathematics, in this unit the theory will be known as the practice for
solving problems.

Find out who is studying algebra and geometry knowing that:
If Luis studies algebra, Carolina does too.
Felipe or Carolina may be studying algebra
Either Luis or Carolina but not both
Carolina studies algebra if and only if Felipe studies.

Set theory and statistics

Set theory allows, in probability calculations, to perform operations between
events such as joining, intersecting or finding the complement.
It is important to remember that an event is a happening within an
experiment. It is a condition that several elements of the Sample Space
meet. Each event can be represented as a set, which is related to the sample
space, because it is a subset of it. Therefore, it can be said that Set Theory is
applicable to probability, because events when represented as sets can
comply with the theory. In the cases of events, “JOIN” implies that the
elements of one event “A” and the other “B” form a set, this represents that
event “A” occurs or that event “B” occurs. The “INTERSECTION” of two
events will be a set whose elements are in event “A” and in event “B”, that is,
“A” occurs and “B” occurs.
The “COMPLEMENT” of an event will be a set formed by the elements that
do not belong to the event and do belong to the sample space.

From a survey of 135 people to establish reading preferences for magazines
A, B and C; The following results are obtained: Everyone reads one of the 3
magazines; all but 40 read A; 15 read A and B but not C, 6 read B and C but
not A; 10 read only C. The number of those who read A and C is double the
number of those who read the 3 magazines. The number of those who read
only B is the same as the total of those who read A and C. According to all
this, find the number of those who read only A.

Set theory and Engineering

The sets will help us in engineering so that each process we do goes on the
right path and becomes a reality within a physical environment.
Sets within engineering are widely used, so within construction the various
parts are separated into sets: workers, materials, machinery, technicians, etc.
It is also used for more specific parts, for example:
To build a wall you will need bricks, cement, tools. And to build a water
connection, tubes, glue, cables, etc. will be used.
We build a house if and only if we have all the necessary elements to do so.
As in computer or system engineering, we have applied sets in databases in
types of networks.
In addition to what we have seen so far, it is possible to combine the results
of two independent queries and merge them into one or perform other set
For example, we can take the first and last name of all the clients in a
customer table, and combine them with the first and last name of all the
suppliers in a supplier table. There is no relationship between them, but they
are compatible data and we may want to combine them.

In the same way, and assuming that there may be overlap between both
tables, we might want to find out which clients we have that are also
suppliers, or conversely, which suppliers are not clients.
We can apply a set of steps to follow to remodel or build a house using a
Venn diagram.


In set theory, Venn diagrams are very important because they have
many applications in the organization of things in life.

In the end, in one way or another, set theory is present in our daily
lives, whether to make a decision or to have possible combinations of
results, some union or intersection of processes or tasks or choices is
implicit in one way or another.

Set theory is an important tool to study the relationships between a

whole and its parts, at the same time it laid the foundations to simplify
definitions of concepts that were more complex.

Elementary set theory (1 edition). Clag SA
Discrete Mathematics Sixth Edition. Pearson Education, Mexico, 2005.

Properties of set algebra

Equivalence between sets



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