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Problem Statement..................................................................................................................2
Theoretical framework............................................................................................................7
Conceptual framework..........................................................................................................17
Reference frame....................................................................................................................20
Problem Statement

Nowadays the LGBT community has grown impressively and there are more people who feel

supported by seeing that others are not afraid of feeling something for their same gender,

however, it is necessary to talk about this issue to begin to make a change in Mexican society

since currently in Mexico we still do not understand the word respect for this issue, but the

community must also know how to control itself and know how to handle negative situations in

the face of this.

Likewise, it is necessary to clarify that there are areas of the social construction of sexuality

that are arbitrarily left aside due to a question of the possibilities of correctly covering certain

aspects, among them, the importance of social stratum inequality, as well as the differences

cultural and ethnic characteristics that manifest themselves in social practices and therefore in the

social construction of sexuality. This is created and recreated differently according to the position

that individuals occupy in the objective social structure. The inability of this report to carry out a

larger analysis is established in advance, but it will be a complementary contribution for future

studies that delve into these aspects.

On the other hand, despite the fact that society seems to change and put this conflict aside,

controversies continue to arise, such as adoption, rented wombs, among others, which make

people see wanting to be happy and have a family in a bad light. .

However, it is important to know how to handle this with children and that from the beginning

they learn that in life they will find people like that and they should not judge them, but society still

sees it badly because wanting to follow a "fashion" has aroused certain disagreements with their

parents, that is why in the municipality of Pachuca in the state of Hidalgo it is essential to speak and

combat this situation in order to be a society that truly learns to respect and understand that this is


The people who belong to this large group have suffered discrimination for being gay,

bisexual, lesbian, among others. Likewise, we will make known the correct term of this word or

set of abbreviated letters, the origin and what we should do about it so that no one be affected by

this problem and we all live happily and without any problem.

Therefore, if we put into practice the values that play a very important role in this issue, we

will be able to achieve a healthy coexistence, which is what is being sought when carrying out

these demonstrations.


We chose this topic because it is extremely important for us to talk about this since we must begin to

have a change and stop being a heteronormative world believing and only based on the Bible where it says

that man was created to be with the woman, change our way of thinking about this or simply tolerate and

not act aggressively towards these people who belong to this

community, understand that what happens in these people is love and not simply “fashion” as people

think, leave aside the stereotypes that society imposes

On the other hand, in the religious sphere we must learn to leave this issue aside since indirectly

attacking these people causes the problem to continue and there is not that change that we, as students who

think neutrally, meet the expectations we have.

We also want to make known the specific concept of each of these acronyms “LGBT” and explain

what the differences are in these letters and in the psychological aspect, know what aspects were

sometimes considered to have this type of tastes.

However, we liked the topic for the following points:

1.- The topic has a lot of information and many situations of discrimination that can help us expose and

combat it.

2.- In Pachuca (place where this topic is also presented) there are many people who belong to this

community and out of fear or rejection decide to leave their tastes aside and follow the rules imposed by


3.- Older people (of which there are many today) remain with the thoughts of their time and decide not to

respect the community based on religious aspects or rules that society established in their times such as

“women should not work because "The man must maintain it."

4.-Explain that there are many countries that consider this issue subject to the death penalty since the lack

of information has meant that these types of acts that are practiced throughout the African continent due to

their culture continue to stand and block the follow-up of the decision that they took

5.-With the pressure that society imposes on citizens who have this preference, sometimes this

discrimination leads them to commit various acts such as hurting themselves, psychological problems or

even suicide.
6.-On some occasions, parents' rejection of their children or relatives causes them to leave their homes and

even never see each other again.

7.-When they are rejected, they are exposed to expressing their anger or rejection by hurting other people.

8.-Acceptance for oneself without fear of social rejection


1.-The objective of this topic is to learn the precise and correct concept of the acronym

“LGBT” 2.- See how this generation has evolved in a liberal aspect

3.-Understand what psychological factors caused (in some cases) people to belong to this


4.-Find solutions to this issue by applying values

5.- Make known in which countries it is punishable to be part of the community and reflect on this

to make a change in which no one is harmed

6.-See the problems or disagreements that have caused unpleasant acts among the community and

how to combat them

7.-Change the stereotypes that people have imposed when having a relationship or a family

8.-That individuals who do not have that preference know how to respect the life choice of those

Theoretical framework

“ LGBT+” or “LBTG+” are the acronym for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals that

have been seen in many commercials, publications or have simply been heard by people

belonging to this community, the story of this is simply made so that all citizens are treated

equally regardless of these preferences.

June is the most important month for this large community since the marches for equal rights

were launched and the greatest significance of the “LGBT” community was at the end of the 19th

century and the Second World War, but it is worth noting that At that time, being homosexual was

considered a crime and the main cause of this march was to decriminalize this as a crime and among

the lawyers who played an important role in this act were Heinrich Hössli, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs

and Károly Mária Kertbeny, later the committee humanitarian scientist and institute for sexual

research were the first groups for the decriminalization of this, however, various cultural meetings

began to be presented with stories, magazines, films with gay themes, thus gaining a space in society

but after all these acts finally Decriminalization thus came, taking the first step towards equality

regardless of tastes, however there was a crisis that marked the progress of this community, giving

up the document in which they were given the same rights as any citizen, beginning on the 28th.

June 1969 the famous “LGBT” march and demanding the required rights.

Over the years, this march had what it demanded for a long time and currently they have made

great progress, but not completely since not all of society is satisfied with
the way of being of this community and this has caused a great controversy because both the

“LGBT” community and heterosexual people have caused acts of bad taste and therefore social

coexistence is not successful, when talking about the great movement that was made in This date we

must touch on the meaning of each letter or what it consists of, we will give you below.

As has already been mentioned, the acronym “LGBT+” refers to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and

transsexuals, but what does each one consist of?:

What does the “+” mean?

The “+” sign refers to people whose preference is not in the acronym “LGBT”, there are many

terms that concern the community, but in order not to make the acronym longer, the main actors

in this movement were put. These are some existing terms of the “LGBT” community


They are people who jointly present male or female sexual (biological) characteristics.


They are people who do not identify with any of these binary genders (man and woman) but

consider it necessary to influence

Those who feel romantic and sexual attraction towards a gender independent of theirs, an

example of this or a similar term is bisexuality.


Those people who have no sexual orientation

What does L mean?

The letter “L” refers to lesbians, that is, a person of the female gender who has amorous or

sexual tastes towards their own gender.

What does the letter “G” mean?

Person of the male gender with the taste of the same

What does the letter “B” mean?

This letter is the most delicate, just like the “T” since it is the letter that has the most conflict

with society since having two different tastes can cause a problem when having a family without

knowing which of the two genders you will choose to do. your own family, this letter is very

important since people, not knowing people perfectly, tend to put labels that can harm or damage

the image of the person who belongs to this community

What does “T” mean?

The letter “T” as already mentioned is the letter with the most cases of discrimination and is

the least accepted by society since they believe that changing your gender through surgeries and

reproductive organ transplants is incorrect and antimoral, that letter before the public is

considered the most difficult to deal with since some people who had surgery or
reproductive organ transplants have carried out morbid acts that caused people's dissatisfaction

and, above all, their exclusion.

In the “LGBT” community there are these countries that practice homicide:

Uganda, the newest in Africa

The new norm approved this Friday by parliamentarians in Uganda - which to become law

must be approved by the president, Yoweri Museveni - also prohibits any promotion of gay

behavior or related to it.

The regulations also include a punishment - which includes a prison sentence - for those who

do not report homosexuals to the police.

Since it was drafted in 2009, the proposal has been condemned by various world leaders, with

US President Barack Obama calling it "hateful."

According to the BBC's Kampala correspondent, Catherine Byarunhanga, the government is

aware that this measure will generate a global wave of protests, and this may lead to the

suspension of the aid that Uganda receives from several countries, but Uganda is by no means the

only country in Africa against homosexuality.

As Amnesty International (AI) reported in its June 2013 report on the criminalization of same-

sex relationships in the region, titled "Transforming love into a crime," "the attacks and

persecution of homosexuals in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly visible, homophobia is

reaching dangerous levels"

Attacks and persecution of homosexuals in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly visible,

homophobia is reaching dangerous levels. In many cases the attacks have been encouraged by

politicians and religious leaders2013 AI report

"In many cases the attacks have been encouraged by politicians and religious leaders," the

document adds.

Homosexual relations between adults are a crime in 38 African countries. In addition to

Uganda, countries such as Liberia and Nigeria are studying bills to toughen penalties. "In

Cameroon, people are frequently arrested after being reported to the authorities for being gay or

lesbian based on their appearance or rumors. "Some individuals were imprisoned for up to three

years without trial or charges based on these allegations," the AI report added. Former detainees

told Amnesty that they were frequently beaten and subjected to "invasive procedures such as

forced anal examinations."

Even in those countries where criminalization laws are not usually applied, there are frequent

abuses, such as extortion of homosexuals to avoid punishment.

Solomon Wambua, an activist in Kenya, told Amnesty: "If a person comes home from a bar,

for example, a police officer or municipal employee may approach them and say, 'We suspect

you are gay.' If the person does not pay them, they arrest him and accuse him of any crime."

India: up to ten years in prison

In mid-December, India announced the controversial decision to restore the illegality of

homosexual relations, four years after they were decriminalized.

The decision by the Indian Supreme Court overturned a ruling by a court in Delhi that had

legalized homosexuality in 2009, after a campaign of more than a decade by local civil

organizations such as the Naz Foundation.

The measure four years ago then declared that article 377 of the Penal Code violated the

Constitution. The controversial article is a 148-year-old British law, dating back to the Victorian

era, that considers "carnal relations against the order of nature" illegal and punishes them with up

to 10 years in prison.

Following the legalization in 2009, several religious groups such as the Alliance of Apostolic

Churches, the Utkal Christian Council, the Muslim Law Council of India and leaders of the

Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court's decision is a hard blow for activists like Sunil Mehra, who in a

testimony to the BBC in the past referred to the daily struggle of being gay in India: "It has been

a constant struggle to keep your head up, walk with pride. I have had to repeat myself ad

nauseam, 'I am a good man, I love my family, I believe in God, I have a job, I pay my taxes, and

no one should care who I sleep with.'

India's position is far from being an exception. In all of South Asia, Nepal is now the only

nation where gay relationships are legal.

Also in America

On the American continent, the list of countries that criminalize homosexual relations in some

way includes Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
But even in countries that allow gay marriage like Uruguay, there are reports of attacks and


A case that is of particular concern to international human rights organizations is Honduras.

Local activists denounced this year that more than 186 homosexuals were murdered in the

Central American country between 2009 and 2012 and that most of the crimes have not been


"They are murdering our colleagues simply out of hatred, since the community of sexual

diversity is under the hatred of the sexist Honduran society," said Danni Montesinos, coordinator

of the Kukulcán Association, an institution of the LGBT community.

However, in order to have a healthy coexistence as a social community, we must put into

practice respect and tolerance to avoid conflicts or, better yet, giving our point of view in an

assertive manner, that is, without attacking people, since sometimes the attitude we take By

expressing our opinions that are not appropriate or by giving a nickname that can harm someone

psychologically or simply be in bad taste, we must learn to give our opinions in a calm and

coherent way, if they are not accepted by other people we have to learn to stay with our

arguments and tolerate the other comments that people make.

We must not forget some physical attacks that people commit like these:

Lesbian couple attacked on bus

Two lesbians were insulted and beaten by four men while traveling on a bus in London.

Melania Geymonat, one of those attacked, published a photo on social networks

where she and her partner appear covered in blood. The mayor of London condemned the

incident, calling it a misogynistic attack.

Jorge Luis Martínez: From medalist to standard bearer of the homosexual

community in sports

The Mexican skater Jorge Luis Martínez broke paradigms by declaring himself gay after

winning the bronze medal at the Lima 2019 Pan American Games. Luis Gerardo Bucci

interviewed him about his historic statements and his attempt to give a voice to homosexuals in

Mexican sports.

Voices within the LGBT community in Mexico

June is the month in which LGBT pride is commemorated, year after year, around the world a

series of events and actions are carried out to demand tolerance and equality for the entire


It all dates back to June 1969 in a pub known as the Stonewall Inn in the New York

neighborhood of Greenwich Village. The first riots in the history of the United States took place

here, where the LGBT community fought against a system that persecuted homosexuals with the

consent of the government. This movement is recognized as the great catalyst for LGBT rights

around the world.

On this occasion, Francisco Robledo, Founding Partner of ADIL Diversity and Labor

Inclusion, told us about the current situation, in terms of diversity and inclusion, that companies

in Mexico are experiencing.

ADIL Diversity and Labor Inclusion, for 5 years, has sought to transform work spaces so that

they are free of discrimination, with a specialty in sexual and gender diversity. He is also the

representative in Mexico of the Human Rights Campaign, offering the free EQUITY MX

certification for those companies that meet the essential minimums in terms of diversity and

LGBT inclusion.

"The EQUITY MX certification is based on 3 basic principles: first, that companies have

policies and procedures that clearly indicate that people will not be discriminated against based

on their sexual orientation; second, that there is a group of people who make it a reality, that is, a

Diversity and Inclusion Council, which is constantly working with employees to make the

company more productive. And thirdly, the company's work in favor of the LGBT community,

for example, supporting the LGBT economy from a market perspective or ensuring that its

suppliers also align themselves with this way of working."

Furthermore, Johnny Carmona, LGBT enthusiast, shared with us the moment he decided to come

out of the closet: "I came out of the closet in 1998, 21 years ago when I was 18; and in this time I

have seen progress in society. People today can be who they want to be, they go out and express

their affection and their gender identity, today they consider everything with a lot of freedom. For

example, we can get married, we can go through the process of changing the birth certificate, the

INE process. But on the other hand, there are many things that are still missing."

Finally, Little Miss Salma, Drag Queen, explained to us what the process of transitioning to

Drag Queen is like: "For everyone it is a different process, but in my case it takes me 3 to 4 hours

to completely produce myself, from makeup and hair to the outfit that I am going to wear and

making myself a waist, hip, that is, the body of a real woman. Mental preparation is also needed

because it is
tired, generally in the preparation and when you arrive at the place where you are going to

perform, you arrive tired from having been preparing for a long time before. I think that's what

mental preparation is for, to resist."

XLI March of the Pride LGBT in

CDMX. On June 29, the XLI edition of the LGBT Pride March will take place in

Mexico City, which takes on great relevance since its number is related to the watershed in the

media representation of homosexuality in Mexico.

It is about the dance of the 41 in 1901, a raid in which 41 homosexual men were imprisoned

for participating in a party in Mexico City. A fact that put the topic of homosexuality full of

prejudice and homophobia in the mass media.

The closing event of the march will be in the Zócalo of Mexico City and will feature the

participation of prominent musicians and singers such as Pambo, María León, Zemmoa, the

México de Colores Dance Company, the Gay Choir of Mexico City , the cast of La Más Draga,

Mancandy, Jaime Kohen, Torreblanca, Ruzzi, DJ Guapis, Gabriela Serralde, Aristemo, Jessy

Bulbo and La Bruja de Texcoco, Esteman, Javiera Mena, La Prohibida, Jessica 6 and Jennifer

Conceptual framework

Discrimination against what is different has lasted for a long time, creating the world a place

full of prejudices and mistreatment generally of everything, as an example is the LGBT

community, since it fights, people are guided by what they have learned from home, as well as

the beliefs religion and bibles as some of us know is that the bible mentions a part referring to

that, but as society advances many people begin to accept or do not take it the wrong way,

meanwhile there are still individuals who are guided Because of old norms and ways of life, they

come to hold grudges and imagine that the individuals they choose with whom to be with are of

the same gender, then conflicts begin and greed, hatred and better called homophobia grow, we

find different ways to eradicate discrimination against this community (LGBT) as normally

happens in schools everywhere and that members of that community do not enjoy their stay and

even have problems with themselves.

1 Provide psychological care, legal advice and medical care, if necessary and requested.

2 Recognize the change of identity of transsexual people, assistance lists, without any barrier that

prevents the recognition of the right to self-perceived gender identity of people.

3 Creation and strengthening of the department or committee within schools that provides

multidisciplinary support to LGBTI people who are victims of discrimination, as well as

receiving complaints, reports and following up on them.

4 Express recognition of any person regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, religion, sexual

orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics,

age, marital status, disability, among others, you will have the right to enroll and remain until the

completion of your studies.

5 Contain a clause in its regulations and internal legislation that specifically expresses the right of

students to non-discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

6 Contain within its rules, regulations or laws regarding lack of discipline by students, the express

recognition of homophobia, transphobia and lesbophobia, as expressions of discrimination and


7 Training of teachers, administrators, administrators and school security personnel on human

rights and sexual diversity issues.

8 Creation of reporting and monitoring protocols for cases of discrimination, LGBTI bullying,

and violence based on sexual orientation.

9 Encourage, promote and support the creation of LGBTI university student organizations and

provide them with institutional recognition by the University authorities.

10 Carry out a university week on sexuality and diversity annually, with the support of the student

community authorities.

11 Creation of a Department of Gender Studies and Human Rights to teach curricular and

extracurricular subjects that are incorporated into the study programs, so that students have more

inclusive training on sexual diversity.

12 Provide access to non-stereotyped materials, as well as information, on sexual orientation,

gender identity and gender expression in the school environment.

In this way and following some preventive measures in order to eradicate gender

discrimination and violence as much as possible before each individual who chooses whom they

like, starting from the educational levels, creating that student environment a better place for

create a healthy coexistence and that each student or student enjoys their studies and instead of

lowering performance or academic achievement, increase and create healthy and peaceful

Reference frame

In the municipality of Pachuca it was found that high school students are part of the LGBT

community and that they have presented a series of psychological changes that have marked their

lives. A clear example is high school number one of the autonomous university of the state of

Hidalgo. that has students belonging to it, in high school number one we carried out a survey in

which there is a percentage of 80% of which 50% are gay, 10% are lesbian and 30% are bisexual.

On the other hand, in the survey carried out we were able to realize that the remaining 20% do

not support this type of acts at all and consider that it is repulsive and unacceptable that people of

this type exist, however we not only carried out this survey in high school one but also in high

school number 3 in which we came to the conclusion that the percentage of this is less since the

number of students who are part of the high school are lower than the students of high school one

and therefore the percentage of this decreases drastically.

The psychological changes that these people have suffered are commonly rejection since even

though the number of members of this community is very high, there are people who seek to

physically and morally harm people, from pinching to attacks that harm their health. of the

students and this has led the people of high school 3 to decide to keep their sexual orientation

hidden and anonymous.

Some of the students from high school 3 have told us that family rejection has also affected

them a lot since parents decide to throw their children out of home for not agreeing with this, and

unfortunately these people try to seek help and they are

exposed to something bad happening around them and because of that, many students take refuge

in alcohol, drugs or substances that can harm their physical and mental health.

However, some teachers at this high school tend to follow students who psychologically harm

these people because they believe that it is just a game and they think that nothing will happen by

doing it. Some students manage to tolerate these acts if they have a really high self-esteem. ,

others may have great damage and take refuge in some of these substances mentioned to alleviate

their pain.

The abandonment or absence of a father is also a risk factor for these students, because not

having a father affects not having that father figure that makes them feel safe, fortunately these

situations have not reached a great extreme and these people managed solve this through

communication and thanks to them we were able to argue through real situations how these types

of people live that what they are looking for is to feel safe to express their feelings freely.

By carrying out this work, we want to check how current society behaves and specifically,

towards homosexual people, to know the reason for discrimination towards these people by

others (the so-called homophobic people), the possible causes that lead them to treating them in

such an “inhumane” way and also knowing the possible consequences for homosexual people.

Ultimately, we want to know why homophobia exists.

In our opinion, the main cause of homophobia is the social belief that “natural couples” should

be exclusively between a man and a woman, that is, they believe that the “correct” thing is the

union of a man and a woman.

There are other secondary causes that also affect the spread of homophobia, such as:

1- Some people have always seen homosexuality as a disease, as something that can be “catched”

by being around or talking to someone who is homosexual.

2-It has also been believed that there are cultural differences between men and women, that is,

sweetness and sensitivity are attributed to women, which is the complete opposite of men, who

according to them is aggressive, manly and competitive in nature. This means that, for the vast

majority, the gay man is effeminate or adopts all the behaviors of a woman, and for his part, the

lesbian woman is quite masculine, aggressive and strong.

3-Homosexuality has been thought to be the moral decline of civilization. If there is such a

decline, it is due more to other types of factors; economic, political, cultural or social.

4-Other people think that the union of two homosexuals breaks the family nucleus. But today, do

complete family units really exist?

5-The reproductive inability of homosexual couples is also revealed. This shows that the only

important thing for these heterosexuals is reproduction.

6-Some believe that heterosexuals are superior to homosexuals.

7-It is possible that many think that being homophobic is something natural within their

personality or perhaps many say that they are that way because of the training and education they

received at home.

8-The fact that homosexuals have to come out of the closet to be part of the community

constitutes a justification for heterosexuals who believe they are dominant.

All these causes have their corresponding consequences in the homosexual sector; The

manifestation of violence through insults, humiliation or ridicule leads many of them to fight

against their desires, causing serious psychological conflicts; guilt, anxiety, shame and


Sometimes, the degree of homophobia of some people has been so high that they drive

homosexuals to suicide. This mentality of rejecting homosexuals has been built on myths that

have a great influence on our culture:

This mentality of rejecting homosexuals has been built on myths that have a great influence on

our culture:

1- “It is not normal to be homosexual or to have homosexual feelings”

Very few of us have completely homosexual or heterosexual feelings throughout our lives; A

large percentage of heterosexuals have been attracted to members of the same sex at some point

in their lives.

2- “Homosexuality is a mental illness”

Homosexuality, in itself, does not imply any impediment to social and vocational abilities in


The sexual and emotional orientation of each person is established at a very early age.

Homosexuality itself does not cause psychological abnormalities.

3- “AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuals”

Homosexual men were the first to contract the disease, but they did not cause it.

Although AIDS was first transmitted in Africa, Africans did not cause it either. The enemy is

the disease, not the sick.

4- “Homosexuality is a sin”

The Bible contains 6 passages that condemn homosexual behavior and also contains numerous

passages that condemn heterosexual behavior.

Religion has often been misused to justify hatred and repression.

5- “One chooses to be homosexual or heterosexual”

When we fall in love with someone, regardless of their gender, it is due to a combination of

many factors.
Almost everyone feels that their sexual orientation is not their decision, but a natural impulse.

6 - “The causes of homosexuality are bad upbringing or family problems.”

There is no conclusive evidence that points to a “cause” for homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Homosexuals, like heterosexuals, come from all types of families.

7- “Homosexuals do not contribute anything to society”

Today and historically, gay and bisexual people have made countless contributions to society.


Finally, the team came to the conclusion that we have to exercise the values that are instilled

in us at home since other people deserve respect in every way since we are all equal.

We know that we cannot change people's way of thinking, however we can help them to be

more tolerant and respect the opinions and preferences of others, since in our research we find

people, especially elderly adults, who still continue with old ideas or beliefs that the Bible has

taught them since they say that God only placed women and men to form their families and they

do not accept the idea that people can choose the partner they want and can be happy.

On the other hand, when asking young people or people from the "new generation" they have

the opposite opinion since they say that everyone has the right to make themselves happy and

they decide with whom and how and

All this is thanks to the fact that currently the LGBT community has grown significantly and with

it the support of society since today more and more people are joining the support of each of the

people who make up this community.

This is the result of organizations being formed in various states of our country that support

the rights that the country grants them, such as the opportunity of adoption to form the family that

they so desire.

That is why some of the alternatives that we want to promote in the place we choose are

awareness-raising talks for the population that lives there, since despite everything that has been

done we still have a big problem, which is discrimination. which must be completely eradicated

since we cannot allow this problem to continue. In addition, we can use the help of a professional

who helps families who have a member who is part of this community, whether homosexual,

bisexual, etc. So that they accept their children as they are since if they truly love them they will

accept the decisions they make since otherwise rejection would continue to exist and it would

encourage people to move away from their homes and their families.

This would help us all treat each other equally and make it an issue that does not bother

people because there are people who, out of fear of rejection, have made decisions that have

made them unhappy their entire lives, such as forming a marriage with a person they do not like.

They love and they only do it because society thinks it's okay to see a woman and a man forming

a couple.

In conclusion, we really liked this topic since we found things that we didn't know and that

helped us to help other people who still continue with those ideas that seriously harm others.


Martinez, J. l. (January 28, 2019). The world today (LGBT) . Obtained from Girasol:

ORTIZ, A. m. (sf).

Ortiz, A. m. (April 3, 2018). LGBT community . Obtained from Ozone Layer: https:
// lgbt-
Rocío, B. S. (October 30, 2018). Bioguide . Obtained from https: //

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