Practical Exercises

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Exercise (1): The following pyramids describe population in Africa and Asia .

Q1. Comment on each pyramid as regard its type, proportion of population in each age group
and sex ratio?






Q2. How those pyramids can reflect the population health?




Exercise (2): Chose the correct answer:

1) If the populations of a country keep growing at the rate of 2.8%, it will double every
a. 15 years
b. 25 years
c. 30 years
d. 20 years
2) The total population of a country was 42.6 million. The population for under 15 and over 65
was 34% and 5 % respectively .The child, elderly and total dependency ratios respectively for
this country are………………..
a. 50, 10, 40
b. 56, 8, 64a
c. 40, 10, 50
d. 30, 20, 60

3) Which of following is not true for population pyramids?

a. Each horizontal bar of the pyramid represents the proportion of male and female in a
particular age group out of total population.

b. Each horizontal bar of the pyramid represents the proportion of male of the total male
population and proportion of female of the total female population in a particular age group.

c. Both absolute numbers and proportions can be used to plot the female and male population .

d. Pyramids can be used to study the effect of wars..... etc. on the population

4) An age dependency ratio of 120 means that there are

a. 120 children under 15 year for every 100 person over 65

b. 120 young adultsin the age group 15-64 for every 100 person over age 65

c. 120 elderly persons over age 65 in the age group for every 100 personsin the age group 15 to
64 years

d. 120 children under age 15 and elderly person over age 65 for every 100personsin the age
group 15-64 years in the population
5) A population pyramid with a broad base and a narrowing top is characteristic of:

a. Slowing growing population

b. Population with zero growth rate

c. A rapidly growing population

d. Population with a negative growth rate.

(Exercise ) Data from an outbreak of diarrheal diseases:
What is the most likely infective food?
o Attack rate =
(NO. of new cases of a specified disease during
specified time interval/Population at risk during the
same interval )×1000

Attack rate in
Attack rate in non-Exposed=……………………………………………
Relative Risk=………………………………………………………………..
Attack rate in Exposed=…………………………………………
Attack rate in non-Exposed=……………………………………………
Relative Risk=………………………………………………………………..
Attack rate in Exposed=…………………………………………
Attack rate in non-Exposed=……………………………………………
Relative Risk=………………………………………………………………..
Attack rate in Exposed=…………………………………………
Attack rate in non-Exposed=……………………………………………
Relative Risk=………………………………………………………………..
Attack rate in Exposed=…………………………………………
Attack rate in non-Exposed=……………………………………………
Relative Risk=………………………………………………………………..

The most likely infected food is………………………

Exercise (1)
As a health professional you are asked to write a report on fertility in your village; from
following table calculate:

A- General fertility rate (GFR)




B-Total fertility rate (TFR)









C-The age group is the best to be involved in a family planning program or which has the
highest ASFR?

Exercise (2)
1) The numerator for calculating crude birth rate includes

a. All live births

b. All births that survived to their first year of live

c. All live births and still births

d. None of the above

2) The denominator for general fertility rate relates to

a. All women

b. The total population

c. Women in the reproductive age group

d. Women and men in the reproductive age group

3) Summation of age specific fertility rates over all age groups will yield

a. General fertility rate

b. General reproduction rate

c. Total fertility rate

d. Crude birth rate

4) The age specific fertility rates (ASFR) for the age groups 15-29 and 30-44 is 300 and 250
respectively. Assuming that there is no fertility before age 15 and after age 45, the total fertility
rate for this population will be
a. 6.0
b. 4.0
c. 8.3
d. 2.0

Cont. 5) At replacement levels, the total fertility rate will be

a. Exactly equal to 2
b. Slightly less than 2
c. Slightly more than 2
d. Can be more than or less than 2

6) If NRR=1, it implies (means)

a. The crude birth rate is equal to crude death rate
b. The population will stop growing
c. Will be equal to GRR if there is no mortality among women up to 13 years of age
d. Will be equal to GRR if there is no mortality among women up to the end of child bearing

7) The TFR in a country is 4.8. The sex ratio at birth is 104.

The GRR for this country will be
a. 2.35
b. 2.45
c. 3.0
d. 4.2
8) The TFR in a country is 3.2. The sex ratio is 100 at birth.
There is no mortality among women from birth till the end of child bearing years.
The GRR and NRR in this country are
a. 2, 1
b. 1, 2
c. 2, 1
d. 1.6, 1.6

9) An NRR of 4 means that a woman will be replaced by

a. 16 daughters after 3 generations
b. 64 daughters after 3 generations
c. 4 daughters after 3 generations
d. None of the above.

Exercise (1) You are working at district health office of your governorate. As a part of
healthcare team; you have been asked to write a report to describe the health outcomes during
this year. The information in the following table will help you.

Calculate the following to help you in your report:

1. Crude birth rate



2. Crude death rate




3. Infant mortality rate


4. Maternal mortality rate



5. Age specific mortality rate (>45 years)




6. Proportionate mortality rate due to stroke




7. Cause specific mortality rate due to cancer



Exercise (2)

A city of a population of 100,000 (45,000 males and 55,000 females) and 1000 people die per
year (600 males and 400 females).
There were 50 cases (40 males and 10 females) of colon cancer per year of whom 45 died (36
males and 9 females) compute:
1. Crude mortality rate



2. Sex specific mortality rate




3. Cause specific MR of cancer colon.



4. Case fatality rate of cancer colon.



5. PMR of cancer colon




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