Polleria Business Plan

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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Business Plan for a chicken shop and cevicheria

María Natividad Vargas Guevara.
Jhonatan Elias Solorzano Cueva.
Rosa Irene Gonzales Esquen.
Rosario Elizabeth Ordoñez Urteaga.
Zussel Darlene Rojas Acuña.

Eng. Fanny Rimarachín.

Production Planning and Control


Academic year:
2012 – I

Cajamarca, July 2012


1. Executive Summary
The “ Buen Sabor Shilico ” chicken shop emerged from a thorough market study, which will be
located in Jr. Urrelo # 1020 in the city of Cajamarca.
Where quality products, personalized service and a comfortable environment and modern
infrastructure will be offered. To evaluate the proposed project, two hypotheses were
proposed: The first to determine the potential market for Grilled Chickens, based on the
people of the city of Cajamarca belonging to the middle, upper middle and upper economic
A study of the consumer profile and their purchasing behavior was carried out, as well as the
evaluation of the offer and the elements of the environment (internal and external); from
which the organizational guidelines were established, the administrative processes of the
project, the organic structure and the installed capacity were defined.
The profitability of the business to be installed in the aforementioned area was evaluated; this
Study is made up of the economic and financial analysis. The results allowed us, based on a
sensitivity and risk analysis, to determine scenarios in which the business could occur, taking
into account the existing conditions, and the impact that certain environmental variables could
cause and that are often not controllable. In these scenarios: optimistic, moderate and
pessimistic, the income and expenses were projected and the profitability indices were
determined that will ultimately guide the actions to be carried out for the smooth running of
the project.

2. Projects and Objectives

a. The idea.
The business idea for opening the “Real Chiken” chicken shop arose when we perceived
a market that was dissatisfied with the existing offer in the area where we planned to
open the business.
Area of influence and location: The company will be located in the city of Cajamarca in
Jr. Urrelo.

b. Because?
This is explained since in the area there is a low quality service, poor conditions of
preparation of the products, bad atmosphere where the diners consume the product,
this information was obtained from conversations held with residents of the area and/or
workers of the companies located there. To validate these assumptions that led to the
business idea, we carried out exhaustive market research, which gave us excellent
business expectations.
c. The promoters.
The project to create the “Real Chiken” chicken restaurant is promoted by three
 Ernesto Suito Acuña, whose profession is Business Administrator, with 8 years
of experience working in Banks, Construction Companies and Restaurants of
renowned figures in Peruvian gastronomy (such as Gastón Acurio).
 Grace Victoria Rojas Acuña, graduate of E. TO. P in Environmental Engineering
from the National University of Cajamarca.
 Rosario Elizabeth Ordoñez Urteaga , graduated from the EAP of Engineering in
Food Industries at the National University of Cajamarca.

d. Mission.
We are a poultry shop dedicated to the production and marketing of grilled chickens for
the Cajamarca local market. Our clients are families and workers, mainly from the area,
who seek to have a poultry shop that has a comfortable environment, quality products
and personalized attention. We have a team of workers committed to the values of the
VALUES: Encourage our team of collaborators to develop a comprehensive structure
with an attitude of service, coexistence, professional ethics, honesty and creating an
entrepreneurial spirit in them.

e. Goals.
 Strategic objectives
 Position itself in the next 2 years as the best chicken shop in Cajamarca, due to
the personalized attention, comfortable atmosphere and quality of its
 In a period of 3 years, grow as an organization (business diversification) to new
 Have qualified personnel, for the optimal development of business activities.
 In a period of 1 year, increase brand recognition with customers, based on
personalized attention
 Basic objectives:
 Anticipate the competition, keys in quality of customer service.
 Short term objectives:
 Satisfy consumer needs to the maximum by providing quality service and
 Contribute to the personal and professional development of our workers,
through training, providing them with incentives for the merits they perform.
 Form strategic alliances with our suppliers so that they provide us with good
quality supplies and even better prices when required.
 Medium-term objectives:
 Recover our investment capital.
 Maintain a good work environment and trust that promotes innovation and
continuous improvement.
 Generate profits to maintain financial strength, drive growth.
 Long-term goals:
 Recognition of our brand at a local level.
 Increase in our sales.
 Expansion of new branches in the target market.

3. Surrounding analysis

a. Economic environment.
In general, Peru and Cajamarca are exporting – extractive economies that export raw
materials without added value, which replicates that Cajamarca, by having gold, will
generate a high percentage of the national GDP since this metal has a high price in the
international market.1 , which is a little misleading because more gold would reflect an
increase in the basic basket. But at the same time, this rate of GDP increase in the
department of Cajamarca would also increase the purchasing power of the Cajamarcan
At the same time, this purchasing power, which has Cajamarca mining as a reference
point, has consequences that affect our business basically in fixed costs, such as the
considerable increase in property rentals.

b. Technological environment.
The constant technological changes allow the different sectors of our country's economy
to make great advances in terms of efficiency and presentation of said
The concept “quality products at the right price” makes companies look for better
options in terms of processes and equipment for manufacturing products.
Both technology and innovation are two aspects that must go hand in hand to achieve
the introduction of a product. Consequently, when this innovation allows the company
to achieve greater development and an increase in its productivity, internal processes
will require new forms of management.
Innovation depends on many factors, but even more important is the fact that
innovation must be perceived as a systemic and not fractional process, that is,
innovation is considered an independent process, and is not part of another process.

c. Political-Legal Environment.
In general, the political situation in the country is very uncertain and problematic.
People who hold positions at this level have the great responsibility of achieving the
common good of society, which is not an easy task. Bad decisions, falsehoods, changes
in political color, notable individualism, the famous "accommodations", historical
corruption, etc. abound, that is, a cluster of elements that added to the lack of
comprehensive policies for specific sectors such as agriculture , industrial and
commercial, and the lack of incentives for investment, poor promotion, create an
environment of extreme distrust on the part of society. On the other hand, a fall in the
image of the current government is observed since there is uncertainty about a possible
unstable political economy Fiscal regulations. As we have seen previously in economic
factors, the fiscal policy of a country is a very important factor when it comes to the
success of a company and has to be taken into account by it.

d. Cultural and Social Environment.

Peru is a multicultural country, which throughout its historical process has managed to
become one of the centers that houses the richest and most varied cultural wealth in
the world, which includes all those expressions or testimonies of human creation that
have special relevance in relation to the archaeology, history, literature, education, art,
sciences and culture in general of this country, and that also keeps alive the specific
elements that distinguish its different and multiple cultural contexts. Hence the
importance of its protection, conservation and transmission to generations. The State
has contributed through laws related to the sector, especially the promotion law, the
convening and support of the competitiveness forum, and various other measures to
support exports, education, training, research and development and investment. . This
should be consolidated and deepened in terms of State policy. The private sector has
done a very important task, in all aspects. In addition, it has invested heavily, betting on

4. Product and Market

a. Product: Overview.
Become leaders in the market, looking for opportunities, sources of income and brand
creation. All this backed by continuous innovation, quality in products and services that
will increase the value of the company.

b. Strengths and advantages.

It will be in constant search for a favorable competitive position in the market, taking
advantage of the fact that the competition has weaknesses in terms of infrastructure,
pleasant atmosphere, personalized attention, everything mentioned will be a great
strength since with this we will differentiate ourselves from our direct competitors. thus
providing products and services with added value so that customers can perceive the

c. The client.
We will offer fast service at peak times. Our most important sales strategy is to develop
repeat business. Every customer who comes in has to want to come back. To do this we
will offer some of the most established sales strategies, such as:
 Personalized attention, from the moment the customer enters the chicken shop
until they leave the premises.
 The staff must have a friendly behavior to make the client feel at home.
 Taking advantage of the customer's stay in the establishment, we will carry out
surveys about the service and product in order to obtain information that allows
us to be able to reinforce our line of business so that it coincides with the
customer's tastes and thus satisfy their needs.

d. Targets.
 Sex: Male and female.
 Economic level: People with income S/: 450.00 or more.
 Age: 15-60 years.
 Geographic unit: City of Cajamarca.
 Type of population: Urban.
 Social class: Middle, upper middle and upper.
 Consumption habit: Moderate.
 Reasons for purchasing the product: A new alternative to consuming quality
grilled chicken with good service.

e. Potential market.
Potential clients are:
 Families in the area
 The teachers of the National University of Cajamarca.
 Students and teachers of the Santa Teresita school.
 Mining workers.
 Employees in companies around the area.
 Singles who usually come in groups for lunch.

5. Competitiveness
a. Competence.
In the poultry market, we find a large amount of competition, among which the most
important depending on the location area are:
 Royal Chiken.
Address: Jr. Urrelo #1026.
 Super Chiken.
Address: Jr. Urrelo #1016.
 Oasis.
Address: Amalia Puga # 746.

b. Main competitors.
Our most direct competitors according to their location because they are closer are:
 Royal Chiken.
 Super Chiken.

6. Marketing plan
a. SWOT.
 Differentiation capacity with respect to our direct competition.
A service marked by something very different will be offered, such as personalized
attention, a good atmosphere, and prices that are accessible to the lifestyle of our
 Good geographical location.
The chosen area is the district of Cajamarca, it is located in Jr. Dos de Mayo Nº
1010., is located in an area with high traffic of people because it is a central street
in the town.
 Quality raw material and maintenance
Regarding purchases, we would have a list of suppliers that provide us with quality
 Teamwork within the restaurant
The work environment must have a good work environment between the employer
and employee since the company's production depends on them.
 HR quality
The human resources area will select the personnel according to the need and
capacity of each applicant.
 Adequate standardization of product manufacturing and sales processes
To offer uniform products that generate high levels of customer satisfaction, this
will be possible, with organized, systematized processes and adequate staff
 Permanent Process and Service Innovation.
Continuous innovation is an imperative need for the company, anticipating the
needs and desires of consumers, which usually change periodically, in relation to
products/dishes and the overall quality of the service.
 Growing trend for the consumption of grilled chickens
This trend has been recorded in recent years, since Peruvian gastronomy has been
growing excessively, there is also a special day for this dish.
 Consumer tendencies to seek new experiences and sensations in food
People, apart from looking for different or unconventional things, places and
activities, choose to look for the pleasures of eating something "exquisite" and
 Lack of experience in the business to start
Which generally involves a cost up front. It is necessary to learn it as quickly as
possible to be able to adapt to changes in the best way.
 Probable delay in the learning curve of the business that could affect the normal
development of productive and money-generating activities in the business.
It can be very expensive these days. There are variables that will have to be handled
very carefully such as; suppliers, purchases, warehouse.
 It is difficult to determine costs per dish
A fairly significant amount of inputs in the production of dishes added to the
indirect costs and then their subsequent calculation, an appropriate cost system
will have to be designed.
 Limited investment funds to adequately position the business in a mature market.
We do not have enough resources to initiate aggressive dissemination/promotion
programs, which could delay the communication process of the brand and its
 Low Levels of Customer Loyalty / Poultry Brands
That in a situation of imminent change in market conditions, such as a price war,
could affect the cost structure and profitability margins.
 Insecurity regarding theft
The Cajamarca district is characterized by a lack of security on the part of the
municipality and the national police and causes high crime rates and violence,
which could affect the flow of clients at certain hours and moments, for this we
have planned a series of measures.
b. Product Policy.
In order to capture the attention of the target audience, it is advisable to make a strong
commitment to the decoration and promotion of our product and service. As we have
little budget, we will rely on getting ideas from the competition, reformulating them and
adding added value to be differentiated. The objective is to design a premises very
different from those found in the area where our business will be, which motivates
people to enter the premises and consume our product and enjoy the service that our
staff will provide, all at a price within the reach of the economic possibilities of our
target market.
The acquisition of raw materials will be entrusted to the different poultry farmers in the
city, which give us a quality product, but it is worth highlighting that our specialized
personnel will carry out quality control at the time of receiving the merchandise to
ensure that there is no no difficulty when seasoning the chicken.
We will offer specialized dishes regarding Chickens. Here we will mention just a few
Grilled chicken

Grilled chicken
Grilled chicken
Chicken gizzards
Chicken skewers
c. Service policy and customer service.
We will offer fast service at peak times. Our most important sales strategy is to develop
repeat business. Every customer who comes in has to want to come back. To do this we
will offer some of the most established sales strategies, such as:
 Personalized attention, from the moment the customer enters the chicken shop
until they leave the premises.
 The staff must have a friendly behavior to make the client feel at home.
 Taking advantage of the customer's stay in the establishment, we will carry out
surveys about the service and product in order to obtain information that allows
us to be able to reinforce our line of business so that it coincides with the
customer's tastes and thus satisfy their needs.
d. Pricing policy.
It was determined to set prices based on the company's cost structure, the prices that
our competitors have since it is not convenient to be outside the price range that they
manage. Maintaining a constant price without constantly raising the price.

e. Promotions and discounts policy.

 To communicate and make known to the target market the existence of our poultry
shop, the benefits of our products/services, we will do the following:
 We will professionally train our team of collaborators (sellers) we will define who
will coordinate, supervise, and control the effort of each seller.
 We will train each salesperson so that we can transfer the necessary knowledge of
the product (grilled chickens), service (personalized attention), so that they can
develop their sales skills.
 Each vendor who makes sales (8 to 12) of our main dish, which is grilled chicken,
salads and side dishes, will be provided with an incentive of S/ 5.00 per extra dish.
 The chosen location has a good location. It is located on a main street in the town
and with a very good influx of public, which ensures that "word of mouth" is more
effective and, therefore, the amount of advertising will be minimal. Likewise, the
chicken shop has a well-presented sign that attracts new consumers. In addition,
simple and effective forms of promotion will be used, from web pages to people
who can flyers throughout the town and electronic "mails" to companies in the
area. However, the best advertising will be the one made by customers.
 The front of our chicken shop will be with modern decorations and showing the
name of the chicken shop.
 It will have a wide variety of music, 32'-inch plasma televisions, chairs and tables
will have a fine cedar-colored wood finish, and the waiters and waitresses will be properly

f. Communication.
In public relations, the use of this communication tool is mainly to publicize the existence of the
Pollería, generate interest in the target market, build consumer loyalty and ensure that
regular customers become potential customers for the Pollería. In addition to being a
market entry strategy, public relations is also part of the promotion of our products and
services. Word- of -mouth advertising, although inexpensive, is effective; The goal is for
our clients to recommend us to their friends and, at the same time, to theirs.
It includes the set of activities that we will develop with the purpose of informing and
persuading, in a certain sense, the people who make up the target markets of our

g. Publicity and promotion.

It is a fundamental part of the communication strategy since it is the way in which
consumers will find out about the existence of the products and services that the
business will offer. Media have been chosen taking into account coverage, credibility,
flexibility and cost. Furthermore, their selection was based on the scope, frequency or
number of exposures to consumers and the impact that this produces:
ADVERTISEMENTS : Up to 5 meters in Urban and School buses, and in motorcycle
taxis in the area. In this way, our poultry shop will be known on the main avenues of
the area in an easy, original way but above all at a low price.
FLYERS: With wide reach, frequency of twice a week on Saturdays and Sundays.
Flyers will have basic information such as opening day, location, telephone number,
and the promotion we will be offering.
INTERNET: T his is a medium of vital importance today since it is the one with the
greatest geographic scope and lowest cost in relation. Two forms of advertising will
be used, first an own website and second advertising on pages that group businesses
in the industry. Although this medium is selective, its cost is low, reaching the target
audience, in addition to being a medium in increasing use.
The use of promotion is basically to encourage customers to attend the Pollería,
stimulate consumption , create short-term customer preference and attract potential
audiences. The promotional tools were chosen based on the objectives, the large and
varied competition in the market and the costs of each one. These are the following:
 Gifts glasses with the Restaurant logo, key chains, decorations or centerpieces
with the logo, etc. (merchandising)
 Offer a variety of combos.

7. Sales plan
a. Sales strategy.
 Promote the product through bonuses.
 We will establish strategic alliances with suppliers.
 On weekends and important dates we will hold artistic shows.
 We will properly control the preparation and presentation of the dishes we will
 Constant training of staff.
 We will carry out service measurements permanently.
 We will carry out strict control on input purchases.

b. Terms of sale.
 Due to the nature of the product, sales are cash.
 Payment is made after consumption.
c. Sales Action Plan
 CLASSIC SALAD…………………. S/3.00
Fresh lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, radishes and carrots.
 LAY'S SALAD………………… S/4.00
Lay'sa salad based on lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, radishes, carrots, beets, broccoli
and avocado.
 COOKED SALAD…………………… S/5.00
Salad based on cooked vegetables, accompanied by delicious avocado of the day.
Traditional avocado salad, accompanied by tender corn and fresh tomato. To
complement vinaigrette based on white vinegar and lemon.
 GRILLED CHICKEN………………… S/ 30.00
1 Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots + a 1/2 liter soda
 ½ GRILLED CHICKEN……………… S/16.00
½ Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots.
 ¼ GRILLED CHICKEN……………… S/ 9.00
¼ Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots.
 GRILLED CHICKEN………………S/30.00
1 Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots + a 1/2 liter soda
 ½ GRILLED CHICKEN………. S/16.00
½ Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots.
 ¼ GRILLED CHICKEN……………S/9.00
¼ Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots.
 ¼ GRILLED CHICKEN………………S/7.00
Grilled chicken accompanied by French fries and a classic salad of lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, radishes and fresh carrots.
 1 serving of French fries. ……S/4.00
 1 portion of fried sweet potato…….S/3.00
 1 potion of fried yucca…………. S/4.00
 Personal combo: It could be offered between 5 and 6 p.m., Monday through
Friday. This combo consists of: ¼ of grilled, grilled or grilled chicken, accompanied
by fries, classic salad and personal soda.
 Family combo: 1 grilled chicken, accompanied by French fries, classic salad, family
soda. La Pollería will manage fair and competitive prices, thereby achieving our
goal of attracting more customers every day, maintaining the quality of its menu.
The price of the dishes will be at the same levels as the competition, the
advantage is in the added value, that is, people will receive greater benefits for
the same price, and in this way a fair and competitive pricing strategy is managed,
let's go to always maintain the quality and specialization of our dishes so that
customers remain loyal to our company.

8. Operations and Logistics Plan

a. Infrastructure.
Unlike other supporting activities, infrastructure normally supports the entire chain and
not individual activities. We will provide the company's offices with the necessary
furniture and tools to carry out the various processes efficiently. The distribution of the
premises where the business operations will be carried out will be detailed, for which it
can be seen in the distribution of the premises:


It is important to mention that for the structure of the kitchen, considered a critical
department: It is necessary to have a large space, measuring approx. 4 X 6 M. (24
Square Meters) to install and place all the machinery, tools and facilities, of course we
will achieve the necessary optimization of the space.
There will be a warehouse that will be divided into different sections:
Storage section:
 Storage of perishable supplies.
 Storage of alcoholic, non-alcoholic, natural drinks, snacks, etc.
 Storage of non-perishable or dry foods.
 Storage of hygiene products.
Materials section:
 Kitchen materials and tools section (utensils)
 Utensil washing section.
 Section of glasses, plates.
 Dispatch of dishes.
 Entry of post-use dishes.

KITCHEN AND EQUIPMENT PLAN (working with an ecological oven, two fryers)

Bathroom area:
 This will have large mirrors.
 Cedar wood doors.
 High quality yelling with a shiny silver.
 Hand dryer.
 Individual sections.
 Ceramics with a predominance of strong colors .
The living room
 It will have 4 characteristics that point to differentiation; 4 main parts or divisions:
Reception area:
 Much emphasis will be placed on the ambiance of that place so that the client has a
first impression of great enthusiasm and satisfaction.
Classic tables and chairs area:
 It must be said that the decoration of the restaurant is a factor that seeks to transmit
some characteristics of the environment and ensure that customers come into contact
with various aspects of it. The modern style, warm colors where wood will
predominate. On the walls there will be paintings with inciting images of tranquility
(landscapes of our Peru). The tables will show different designs depending on their
location, there will be the classic tables with individual chairs. This section will have a
maximum capacity of 70 people.

The project will have a cleaning and changing room area: The cleaning area will allow cleaning
products to be stored, as well as being able to separate waste in a garbage deposit area which
will count as an internal environmental measure to carry out the classification of waste in bins
of different colors, to identify them by bottles, cardboard, etc. The locker room area is
designed so that staff can change and will have individual lockers.

Among the characteristics of its manufacture is the 1/20
thick satin stainless steel plate, it has four wheels to
make it easy to move, a clock to measure the
temperature, refractory bricks, propane gas ignition,
having a height of 1.90 m, width 1.05 m long and 1.20 m
long. The fundamental thing about ecological ovens is
that they do not emit smoke, therefore, they do not
pollute the environment, they do not require a chimney
and they save 40% on carbon and, most importantly,
they eliminate the risk of ingesting carcinogenic organic
compounds. Cost in the market S/. 6 000.00


 Manufactured with matte quality Stainless Steel
plates, gastronomic use.
 Equipped with two high-power burners.
 Fire control through two valves Max/min.
 Two baskets with insulating handle.
 Against plating with glass wool.
 A valve to drain the oil.
 Manufactured under strict security measures with
cutting-edge export technology.
 Cost on the market: S/ 1,250.00

 Model: Horizontal
 TEM model display double tempered
curved glass
 Temperature from 2 to 5º C
 display levels
 White color enamel
 Stainless steel lid and bottom.
 Adjustable shelves
 Exterior dimensions 190 cm. x 115 cm. x 91cm
 1/3 HP compressor
 Refrigerator
 Cost in the market S/. 1 800.00


 Gross Capacity 572 liters
 Net Capacity 497 liters
 Width 710mm
 Depth 855mm
 External height 2100 mm
 Temperature range 22ºC –18ºC
 Power 220 v.
 Refrigerant gas type R –134
 Quick freezing
 Front digital temperature display
 Grills with adjustable height
 ergonomic handle
 LG Brand
 Cost on the market: S/ 1,400.00

 Lockable cash drawer, with 8 coin purses and 3 billfolds, one
compartment for each type of currency.
 Electronic journal up to 3,000 lines.
 Alphanumeric operator display with 10 digits, digit height
 10-digit customer display, digit height 12 mm.
 Thermal printing speed 5.2 lines per second.
 Writing fonts and 10 letter sizes.
 Easy and quick “drop in” roll loading.
 Paper roll width 58 mm.
 The receipt title can contain 6 lines with 24 characters each.
 The footer of the receipt can have 4 lines with 24 characters each.
 Duplicate voucher key and voucher key on/off.
 Includes user guide in 8 languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese,
Dutch, Danish, Swedish), 3 Mignon batteries for data protection, paper roll and two
 Measurements approx. With effective drawer (width x depth x height in mm) 340
x360 x 230.
 Market cost: S/ 420.00.

9. Human Resources

a. Functional Organization.






b. Working and remuneration conditions.
MOZOinS the workplace is essential for productivity. This is the process of acquiring
technical, theoretical and practical knowledge that will improve the performance of
employees in their work tasks. Good training can bring benefits to organizations such as
improving their image and the relationship with employees, in addition to increasing the
productivity and quality of the product or service. For employees, there are also benefits
such as increased job satisfaction and developing a sense of progress. Today, training is
one of the best ways to establish an integrated set of actions aimed at improving a
person's performance, so that they reach their potential. In our business we will offer
various types of training in such a way we will develop the following points:
 Develop employee skills.
 Identify performance problems.
 Correct poor performance.
 Diagnose and improve behavioral problems.
 Promote labor relations.
 Provide advice.
 Improves performance and attitude.
In order to improve the performance of our staff and at the same time encourage
Synergy and therefore teamwork and in this way improve the performance of our
collaborators. In order to know what is happening in the restaurant , INDUCTION
meetings will be held on Saturdays of each week, to learn about the workers' concerns,
the failures in different areas of the company, customer concerns, their projections, and
create an organizational climate that allows interrelation between workers. TRAINING
will be carried out, such as courses on the management of culinary techniques, handling
of fire extinguishers, courses on what measures to take in case of earthquakes, fires,
accidents. EVALUATION, according to the courses that will be offered, the evaluation will
be carried out and the performance of their work and participation will be observed.
This evaluation will consist of customer service. The performance evaluation will be, for
example, in customer service: observing how you serve customers.

c. Human Resources Plan.

Currently there are two forms of personnel recruitment, External recruitment will be
used and will be carried out in the following way; Notices will be placed in the job board
of various well-known Gastronomy Institutes and the district municipality, very apart
from other sources of Recruitment will be used: Personal contacts, the recommendation
of acquaintances Advertisements or notices through the media (Newspaper and Radio)
Base of company data. We will place ads on Facebook Notices on the internet. In which
the requirements will be that they have a minimum experience of 1 year.
Personnel requirements in each area and professional profile:
General manager. Requires a recognized professional in the field of Economics,
administration or industrial engineering, who has experience in similar
assignments of no less than 3 years.
Accounting Staff: Requires a professional with studies in Accounting. To provide
adequate advice for the proper management of the company. In the preparation
of accounting books on a weekly or monthly basis.
Sales Department Manager.- Requires a professional with studies in
Administration or related careers, with a minimum of two years of experience.
Chef.- Requires a professional with studies in Gastronomy and experience in
preparing grilled chickens. Minimum 2 years.
Kitchen assistant.- Requires a professional or a gastronomy student with experience
in grilled chicken. Minimum one year.
Waiter in charge of the salon.- Requires a staff with secondary education and a
minimum of two years of experience.
Waiter.- Requires a staff with secondary education and a minimum of one year's
Cashier.- Requires personnel with basic accounting studies or related careers,
with a minimum of one year's experience.
Security.- Requires personnel with secondary education or military service and
with a minimum of one year's experience, the ability to face unforeseen
Cleaning.- Requires staff with primary education or secondary experience.
Administration Department Manager.- Requires a professional with
administration studies or related careers. With minimum experience of two years.
The selection process consists of a series of specific steps used to decide which
applicants should be hired. The specific objective of the selection is to choose and
classify the most suitable candidates to satisfy the needs of our business, for this the
exams that we will use will be the following.
Personal resume.
Personal interview.- opportunity that serves to corroborate the information
described in the resume and evaluate skills and subjective values
Psychological examination - which allows evaluating the mental health of the
candidate and their ability to adapt to the culture of the organization
After evaluating the candidates, it is necessary to make the decision to select the one
that best suits the needs and profile of the position. During the selection process, it is
essential that the candidate be evaluated by the person who will be his or her
immediate boss, so that he or she gives approval. For the personal interview of the
kitchen staff, it will be carried out by the chef, in which the experience will be verified;
Subsequently, a cooking test will be carried out to observe preparation, food handling,
presentation of the dish and time management; as well as the attitude of the applicant.

10. Legal and Corporate Aspects

a. The society.
Type of Company: Closed Joint Stock Company (SAC).

b. Licenses and rights.

 Operating license from the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca.
From the consumer:
 There is a price list, which must be posted outside our premises.
 The prices that will appear on said list must include the General Sales Tax (IGV)
and other consumption surcharges.
 You are given proof of payment (invoice or receipt).
 Minimum cleaning conditions are met

c. Legal Obligations.
A) In labor matters
 Inspection visitor book.
 Work calendar.
 Risk assessment and occupational risk prevention plan.
 Mandatory insurance in case of accidents.
B) In health matters
 Training in food hygiene.
 Sanitary authorization.
 Hazard analysis plan and critical control points.
C) In tourism matters
 Claims sheet.
 Have price lists and letters visible to customers.
D) At the tax level
 Billing obligation.
E) Mandatory signs: where specified:
 The opening and closing hours of the premises.
 The prohibition of consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages to minors
under 18 years of age.
 Establishment capacity.
F) Requirement regarding the protection of personal data.
 Protection of personal data of workers.
 Protection of personal data of suppliers or clients.

d. Permissions.
 Security certificate. Civil defense.
 Health certificate for food handling employees.

11. Conclusions

 This model is presented as a professional tool and also has a long-term strategic
vision that will contribute to the competitive development of the sector, compared
to competing offers.
 The main attributes that customers consider any restaurant must have to be
successful are quality of service, speed of service and parking.
 An organization's strategy has to evolve over time, combining the defined strategy
with the company's response to events.
 In this business plan we offer a global and detailed vision of our business project.
 The restaurant project needs to be implemented based on the proposed model.
 Standardization of the workflow must be carried out through the development of
procedure manuals and work instructions in order to achieve greater benefits when
carrying out production and service processes.

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