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The Forbidden Healing Frequencies

The Solfeggio is a series of frequencies discovered in ancient times. These powerful frequencies
were used by the church many years ago for a spiritual purpose. When people sang in Latin, or in
musical tones, it was very powerful, because it was possible to go through all the limited forms of
thought, to deeper levels of the subconscious, accessing perceptions beyond the belief system. They
were used in the Ancient Gregorian chants, such as the great hymn to Saint John the Baptist. Hidden
by the church The Solfeggio Frequency is the true natural tuning. Tune your musical instruments in
MI 528 love and healing, in RE 417 or in any solfeggio frequency. Solfeggio frequencies are related to
Sacred Geometry, and the numbers that represent them are mathematically linked forming a

The 3, 6 and 9: As we see, the six original frequencies of Solfeggio, using the Pythagorean method,
we find that the base of the root vibrational numbers are 3, 6 and 9. Nikola Tesla tells us: “If only we
knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, we could obtain the key to the Universe.”

UT – 396 Hz – Frequency to release fear and guilt
RE – 417 Hz – Frequency to undo situations and facilitate change
MI – 528 Hz – Frequency for transformation and miracles. DNA repair
FA – 639 Hz – Frequency for connection and relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Frequency for the expansion of consciousness
LA – 852 Hz – Frequency to awaken intuition and return to spiritual order .

396 - Frequency to Release Fear and Guilt, UT note (DO) With this frequency we can eliminate those
vibrations such as fear and guilt from our quantum field. Its sound reflects in us a high and balanced

417 - FREQUENCY OF TRANSMUTATION, note RE This facilitates change and undoes those
situations that cause us stagnation. By also accessing our quantum field, it releases any stagnant
inharmony that does not allow us to evolve. These inharmonies are expressed in our daily lives
through those experiences that cause us to stagnate. By influencing them and breaking them, we
move to a state in which we once again choose our course and can promote changes in our daily
lives. This is why the frequency of transmutation.

MI – 528 Hz Helps repair DNA by connecting all strands of transformation and miracles. The third
note, frequency 528, is related to the MI note of the scale and is derived from the phrase “MI-ra
Gestiónrum”, which in Latin means MIRACLE. Surprisingly, this is the exact frequency used by
biogeneticists to repair broken DNA, the genetic program upon which LIFE is based!

639 - FREQUENCY FOR THE INTEGRATION OF STRUCTURES, note FA This frequency benefits
us in that it facilitates the connection between people and relationships.


LA – 852 Hz – Frequency to awaken intuition and return to spiritual order.

IMPORTANT NOTE: According to Solfeggio experts, when you change the format of these videos
to mp3 or CD, the solfeggio frequency is lost. Many solfeggio videos on the internet have lost their
frequency since they have been changed in format. The videos placed here preserve the solfeggio
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