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GROUP: 204
START DATE: November 7, 2022
DELIVERY DATE: April 28, 2023


Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


Dear students.

This research is dedicated to all those who have gone through difficult times in their
personal lives and have had to struggle with mental health issues while fitting in with
their studies. We know it is not easy and we admire your strength and courage in
facing these challenges.

We hope that this research can provide valuable information and useful tools to help
improve students' mental health. Our goal is to support you on your path to a
healthier and happier life.

To all those who have fought and continue to fight, we want to say that you are not
alone. The academic community is here to help and support you in everything you
need. Don't be afraid to ask for help or talk to someone if you need support.

This research is a tribute to their strength and resilience. We hope the results will be
useful in improving the mental health of students around the world and helping to
create a healthier and more equitable academic environment.

With love and respect, the research team.

DESCRIPTION OR STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..................................................5
GENERAL OBJECTIVE....................................................................................................11
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................11

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

REFERENCE FRAME.......................................................................................................11
Bibliographic references.....................................................................................................16
METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN.......................................................................................16
1. Why do mental disorders arise in students?................................................................17
2. What can cause an advanced mental disorder in the...................................................17
“Mental health in students and how it affects problems in different areas of the student. 18
1. How do you take care of your mental health?.............................................................18
2. What can affect your mental health?...........................................................................18
3. Why do you think food is important for health?..........................................................19
4. Is your mental health more important than studies?....................................................19
5. Do you think it is important to have time to rest to have good mental health?...........19
6. Do you think that the overload of tasks and activities affects your mental health?....19
FINAL REPORT.................................................................................................................27
BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND WEBGRAPHIES.....................................................................33


Mental health is a very important issue today, especially in the educational field. It is
well known that mental health problems can seriously affect academic performance,
social and emotional interaction, decision making, among other aspects of students'
That is why this project aims to deepen the study of students' mental health,
analyzing the relationship between the problems in this area and the different areas
that make up the lives of young people in the academic field. Topics such as
depression, anxiety, stress and lack of sleep, among others, will be addressed,
which can have a significant impact on student performance and well-being.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

To achieve the stated objectives, exhaustive research will be carried out and a
mixed methodological approach that combines quantitative and qualitative elements
will be used. Dependent and independent variables will be identified and the
population and sample of students will be analyzed to obtain data.
Likewise, practical and effective solutions will be proposed that contribute to
improving the mental health of students, either through the implementation of
psychological support programs in schools, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and
the dissemination of information and awareness about the importance of mental
In conclusion, this project's main objective is to improve the mental health of
students and, consequently, contribute to the improvement of academic
performance and quality of life of young people in the educational field. The
research and analysis of this topic will allow us to identify the factors that affect the
mental health of students, as well as propose effective solutions to prevent and treat
these problems.

The problem that is exposed in this research project has as its main idea of knowing
the problems that each student has and also the consequences of these problems
in the school environment, since many students have more activities outside of
school, whether it is a job or some other activity without a direct connection with
school, but these same activities can cause different conflicts for the student, such
as the time to complete their school tasks and constant stress causes the student's
mental health to stabilize, causing them to their performance in the different areas
of their life decreases, this may cause even more problems and end up in a loop
where the student's health will only worsen. If they do not receive help, the situation
of each student is not known, since they do not It is possible, but just as we do not
know each person's life, we have to be empathetic, since the student may have
problems at home and of a personal nature that are unknown. The idea is to share
and disseminate information about how students can take care of themselves, how
they could have good mental health, help must also be disseminated to students
who need it, to avoid any type of disorder that may occur. affect the student, with
the information disseminated we can avoid problems such as depression, which can
become a quite serious problem, we can prevent many negative things in students.

Teachers can sometimes also influence this problem, since by not knowing the

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

student's problems, they think that they have the freedom of time to do the
homework they leave, without thinking that there are also more subjects where they
also leave homework, making them the student has a lot to do, in the same way
there are teachers who are very strict and treat the students as if they were people
without feelings, who only spend their time working, the closed mind of some
teachers only means that the student cannot feel a little More free, on the other
hand, is overwhelmed by the same comments from the teachers, that is why if
teachers learn to think a little about the students, a big change can be made that is
feasible for the students. Teachers who do support students must be an example to
follow, since they understand that they do not know the students' situation
completely and for this reason they try to ensure that in their classes there is no
tension that exists in classes with strict teachers. , making the student not feel bad
and, instead, happy to have support from these teachers.

Mental health in students is something very fundamental, since due to it we can

carry out different activities in the school and social environment, but today
thousands of young students do not have good mental health and this is a big
problem that affects us. , but it is not given its due importance. For example, in
several states such as Chihuahua, there are high levels of suicides or suicide
attempts because the importance of being mentally healthy is not promoted, but
how will we give it its utmost importance if since we are As children, our parents or
different relatives instill in us that our only responsibility is to study and get a 10 in
our grades. It is also difficult to have good mental health if we grow up with
disrespectful upbringings that only teach us to silence our emotions and just be
children or students who They listen and obey without questioning or talking about
what we feel as we see since childhood. They do not allow us to express ourselves
and be free. They do not allow us to have access to the importance of mental health
because our family members have the deep-rooted belief that having a mental
disorder such as anxiety, depression, ED (eating disorder) or another disorder is
attracting attention, being a totally incorrect idea, as young people we can see that
mental health is something as important as eating and breathing because if we are
not mentally healthy we will not be able to have good academic performance , work
or social, however, our mental health is violated with social pressure with a society
that was raised and educated that men do not cry or that it is simply exaggerating
what we feel that hurts us is something that is not so important.
Until recently, mental health has acquired a certain importance because as we see,
we were going through a pandemic which kept us isolated for a long period of time,

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

causing us as students to live in a virtual bubble, growing up with anxiety,

depression, bipolarity, etc. We lived in a period where it was only listening and
remembering, going through stress trying to understand the teachers and after a
while the new normal hit us, suddenly returning again without warning, also causing
an imbalance in us students who from one moment to the next were In a classroom
with people we did not know doing the same process of trying to adapt to society,
every change that the students faced affected us, causing mental health to be
neglected and if it were not for us we started talking to say how our mental health
was. Nobody would have knowledge that we young people, that future that will
make a better Mexico, that will make that promising Guerrero was so vulnerable
causing that future to be deteriorating either because the young students had an
imbalance and will begin to consume harmful substances, They acquired self-
destructive attitudes that evidently caused them self-harm.
In conclusion, we live in a society where we were raised with limiting beliefs about
how we should be, how and how much we should prioritize the academic field
beyond how we are mentally, of course as a society we must and want to
implement. What is the importance of health? mental?, we want to make known
what is mental health? And how does the lack of mental health affect us in different
areas? We are not only students who have the need to learn, but we are also
students who feel, who care, who want to be well, healthy physically and mentally.
We are a new generation that can change society's perspective of the world, we can
achieve whatever we want as long as we are mentally well, one of those ways is for
the government to give us or implement psychologists in schools, free psychologists
thus giving us a easier access to mental health, we ask for something to which we
all as people have the right to physical and mental well-being, we are young
students who want to change society for the good of all, our well-being is found in
our minds, now that our mental health is like the oxygen and food we need.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

Image obtained from

Image 1. - Poor mental health can lead young people to consume
substances such as alcohol, drugs or other

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

Image 2.- Poor mental health can cause self-destructive activities that can
lead to young people self-harming.

Image obtained from

Image 3.- Not being mentally well can affect our sleeping hours, making
our energy and performance during the day low or even non-existent due to
our mood.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

Image obtained of
Image 4.- Poor eating such as compulsive eating (Binge Eating Disorder) is
caused by poor mental health because people suffering from this ED find some
refuge in food.

Image obtained from

Image 5.- The constant stress to which students are subjected can cause health
problems, such as headaches, underweight or overweight, etc.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


Analyze mental problems in adolescents and their causes to provide better

emotional support.


1) Train teaching staff to improve their treatment of students and be more

understandable, since they do not know what situations or problems they
are experiencing.

2) Assign open-minded psychologists to educational facilities, so that students

come when necessary.

3) Help parents realize that their bad actions reflect poor mental health in

4) Disseminate information about the problems that adolescents suffer and

how it affects their studies for their prevention, whether from parents,
friends, classmates or teachers themselves.

5) Promote inclusion in students to avoid discrimination.


An important part of being human is mental health, since, thanks to it, each
individual is capable of interacting appropriately in their family, emotional, social
and physical environment. Favorable mental functioning is attributed to various
aspects of the individual's life, which comprehensively contribute to psychological
well-being. In this regard, Morales (1999) points out that “A healthy individual is one
who has a good balance between his body and his mind, and is well adjusted 11
Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

to their physical and social environment; "He fully controls his physical and mental
faculties, can adapt to environmental changes (as long as they do not exceed
normal limits) and contributes to the well-being of society according to his capacity."
When an individual has good mental health, there is a greater display of their
potential that will be reflected in their coexistence, work and recreation. Nowadays
it may seem difficult to maintain a healthy mental balance due to the diversity of
stressors such as excessive workload, multiple responsibilities or the lack of a
favorable economy. In surveys carried out on families with economic deprivation,
they reported a higher prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders (Sandoval,
J. M. and Richard, M. P., 2005). According to the Ministry of Health (SSA, 2006), in
the last ten years the percentages of disorders related to mental health have
increased: 8% of the diseases correspond to the neuropsychiatry area; 4 million
people suffer from depression; 6 million have problems related to alcohol
consumption; 10% of adults over 65 years of age suffer from dementia; while 15%
of the population between 3 and 12 years old suffers from some type of mental or
behavioral disorder. In general, in Mexico, of every 100 million people, 15% suffer
from some mental health disorder, a proportion that is equivalent to one sixth of our
population. Beginning the study of a professional career can be a source of stress
that threatens psychological well-being, which can result in compromised academic
achievement, physical health or mental health. It is necessary that those who begin
a profession, in addition to being convinced of the chosen career, are mentally
healthy so that they have a greater capacity to cope with the situations that arise
throughout this period; This is a protective factor that the student himself will put
into practice in the face of the demands that studying a degree implies (Cano,
2008). Psychological stress and emotional exhaustion can appear more easily in
students with unfavorable health habits, that is, leaving aside adequate care for
themselves, with aspects such as poor diet, alcohol and tobacco consumption, little
time of sleep, among others. At the University Center for Health Sciences (CUCS)
of the University of Guadalajara, a study was carried out where the perception of
the quality of life and healthy lifestyle of 405 students was evaluated, from the
perspective of the model of universities that promote health. health. It was found
that, in general, students of all majors take care of their health, although in some
cases they did not take care of it at all. In relation to emotional health, the majority
of students surveyed reported having suffered moderately from feelings of anxiety,
depression and irritability. (Meda Lara et al., 2008). Velázquez (2008), in a study
carried out at the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, Peru, maintains that
students when starting a career begin to face a series of social and academic
demands, for which they must have a favorable repertoire. of assertive behaviors
and subjective well-being that allows them to adequately manage interpersonal
situations in social situations. This will provide feelings of tranquility and optimism

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

sufficient to develop coping strategies, since there is a significant relationship

between psychological well-being and academic performance. For his part,
Freuderberger (cited by Salanova, 2005) refers that the psychological well-being of
the student can be hindered by the so-called burnout, this state being a
“combination of chronic emotional fatigue, physical fatigue, loss of interest in work
activity (and) low personal fulfillment.” This syndrome has been expanded and
focused not only in the occupational field, but also in study activities, the so-called
academic burnout, so that various studies have shown that students become
psychologically “burned out” due to their studies, showing levels of exhaustion and
lack of effectiveness regarding their school activities.
Polo (1996) concluded that psychological well-being is disadvantaged by the
presence of stress produced in first-year students, due to the belief that there will
be a greater amount of workload and a lack of time to carry out their academic
activities. . However, this author demonstrated that students in more advanced
courses acquire some type of coping mechanism, which produces a reduction in
stress, which creates a balance in the emotional state, favoring psychological well-
being. Protective factors also help safeguard the mental health of the subjects;
They are defined as the personal characteristics and elements of the environment,
or the perception one has about them, capable of reducing the negative effects that
stress can have on health and well-being (Zaldívar, 2002). These characteristics
are acquired throughout development, which can be provided by people who
surround the individual in a more direct way, such as members of the family
nucleus, or they can also be acquired by the individual's own ability and motivation.
Another protective factor is the so-called resilience. The term has its origin in the
Latin resilio, which means to go back, to jump back, to highlight, to bounce. It is
used in Physics as the ability of materials to resist pressure. This term has been
adapted in the social sciences. Rutter (1993, cited by Muñoz and Sotelo, 2005)
mentions that people with resilience are characterized by being healthy individuals
who achieve success despite being born and living in high-risk situations. Cohen
(1999) maintains that another factor that favors mental health is coping, which “has
the purpose of preventing, delaying, avoiding or controlling tension and stress. This
behavior is not unusual or rare; In reality, all people use it at some point.” It acts as
a protector of psychological and physiological decompensation, through the
incorporation of action responses to cognitive, emotional and perceptual processes.
Various studies cited by Oblitas (2006) have found that social support serves as a
mechanism to cushion the negative effects caused by stress, for example, in
studies with people with cardiovascular problems, cancer or burnout syndrome.
Social support reduces symptoms of discomfort and promotes favorable moods for
coping with both physical and social difficulties. Fromm (1970) stated that “logical

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

thinking is not rational if it is purely logical and is not guided by interest in life and
the study of the total process of living in all its concreteness and with all its
contradictions.” That is, positive mental health allows you to face the stresses of
daily life, do your work better, have better relationships with people around you, and
be satisfied with it. In the case of students, it would be expected that, in addition to
satisfactory health, they would show favorable academic achievement, acquiring
better knowledge and greater development, which will generate a higher quality of
life. Psychological well-being is “a concept linked to the subjective perception that
an individual has regarding the achievements achieved by him, and his degree of
personal satisfaction with his past, present and future actions” (Diner et al., 1999,
cited by Velázquez et al., 2008). This psychological well-being occurs in relation to
a cognitive judgment that the person makes about their achievements, which in turn
influences behavior aimed at achieving goals and purposes, therefore being an
intrinsic motivation factor for the student. People's perception of their own
effectiveness is used as a fundamental requirement to successfully develop actions
leading to the achievement of personal objectives. This perception is called self-
efficacy, a term introduced to the Social Cognitive Theory Bandura (1977).
According to this theory, self-efficacy exerts a profound influence on the choice of
tasks and activities, on people's effort and perseverance when faced with certain
challenges, and on the emotional reactions they experience in difficult situations.
Self-efficacy beliefs represent a cognitive mechanism that mediates between
knowledge and action, and determines, along with other variables, the success of
one's actions (Olivari and Urra, 2007). Likewise, it is vitally important to provide
each individual with elements that allow them to incorporate new knowledge,
develop new skills and modify their behaviors, considering that change and
adaptation will become indispensable agents in their development processes
throughout the stages. of the life. In general, in Mexico there is a high degree of
risks in young people who enter upper secondary education. In a study carried out
by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), it was observed that
university students have a greater consumption of alcohol, a factor associated with
various problems that prevent university students from maintaining favorable
academic performance (Díaz et al. , 2008). In this context, the objective of

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

This study is to identify the psychosocial characteristics of the first-time university

population of the Los Altos University Center for the detection of psychoeducational
needs according to the degree of importance perceived by the students. In addition,
an attempt is made to understand their perception of their psychological and
material well-being, as well as to identify risk factors regarding their mental health,
differentiating cases and non-cases of psychological distress through the evaluation
of their perception of their health. It is expected that the results obtained will
contribute to school decision-making so that appropriate interventions are carried
out according to the needs detected.
Today one The mental health of children and adolescents represents one of the
great challenges that educational institutions must face today. While they must
provide a safe and reliable environment for the development of the cognitive,
emotional and social skills necessary to lay the foundations for mental health, they
must respond to a growing number of psychosocial and behavioral problems that
profoundly affect learning, coexistence and school performance. Given that it is in
the school environment where a large part of the lives of children and adolescents
takes place, the educational community, mainly teachers, play an important role in
promoting well-being and minimizing mental health problems. Educational settings
promote mental health to the extent that they provide their students with the ability
to relate to others and acquire a sense of identity, self-esteem, security, belonging,
mastery, support and social participation, so that they can orient themselves. and
mean your life. Adequate mental health is associated with better educational,
emotional and behavioral outcomes, which significantly impact multiple aspects of
life in the long term. When children and adolescents present emotional, behavioral
and learning problems, they usually have low academic performance that can
cause school failure or dropout, with consequent negative outcomes in terms of
mental health, education, work and opportunities in life. Therefore, the intervention
carried out at school in these cases can be decisive for the future of children and
adolescents. It is essential, then, that teachers know, identify and acquire strategies
to address these types of problems, so that they can intervene in a timely and
appropriate manner, preventing students' mental health problems. Many of these
difficulties derive from different problems at the level of the family and sociocultural
context in which they live, so they can be counteracted with strategies that promote
social and emotional development, and with preventive interventions at a
psychosocial level. Those students who are identified at risk of suffering from a
mental disorder, or who have a cognitive deficiency, will require interdisciplinary
approaches within and outside of school.
Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

institution. Therefore, mental health in childhood and adolescence is crucial for success in
school and in life. There is solid evidence about the cost-benefit relationship in favor of
carrying out mental health interventions in educational institutions, given their positive
outcomes. In this sense, the incorporation of mental health in educational policies will
contribute to developing, maintaining and protecting that valuable resource of our society,
which are children and adolescents, in such a way that they can lead a healthy and
creative life, which allows them to function adequately in the family, school and

Bibliographic references
Sarmiento, M. J. (2017). Our Daily Living . retrieved November 5 , 2022 from
World Health Organization. Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. Geneva, Switzerland:
WHO, 2013 Adelman, H. S., & Taylor, L. Mental health in schools and public health.
Public Health Reports, 294-298. 2006.


There has not been any research on the topic of mental health in our institution or
direction towards students. But there have been activities such as conferences or works
that have to do with the mental health of students in multiple areas. The information was
obtained from the school management.



DESCRIPTIVE: mental health problems, especially in the areas of home and studies,
many victims of poor mental health have been identified, especially adolescents and
young people due to their stage of development and poor treatment of the things that are
related with the mind, since there are many vices that decrease health in this matter. An
example is poor performance at school, which can be a result of poor mental health. At
home, not having communication with family members or losing interest in things can be

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

serious and can lead to a mental disorder or illness.


1. Why do mental disorders arise in students?

Mainly due to lack of attention towards the student and personal problems

2. What can cause an advanced mental disorder in the

It can cause poor academic performance, lack of morale and, in extreme
cases, it can even cause death by suicide.


INDEPENDENT: Lack of mental health is mainly due to problems at school or family. The
main care of mental health in the face of the strongest mental health problems and
identification of mental problems.
DEPENDENT: Mainly, lack of health is due to bad habits of the mind or overwork and
lack of brain activation. Influence and impact on correct habits for mental health,
especially mental rest, and the main mental health problem, which is disorders due to
family problems such as.


In our institution we have approximately 2100 students, originally we were going to

interview around 300 students, but the teacher JOSE LUIS HERNANDEZ ANDRACA gave us
the opportunity to only 100 of these in an accessible and simple way in points of greatest
concentration of students such as the esplanade.

Groups Number of respondents Sex

201 4 M: 2F : 2NB : 0
202 5 M: 3F : 2NB : 0
203 6 M: 2F : 4NB : 1
204 13 M: 8F : 5NB : 0
205 2 M: 1F : 1NB : 0

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

206 5 M: 1F : 4NB : 0
207 2 M: 0F : 1NB : 1
401 3 M: 2F : 1NB : 0
402 4 M: 1F : 3NB : 0
403 2 M: 2F : 0: 0
404 5 NB
M: 4F : 1NB : 0
405 8 M: 4F : 4NB : 0
406 4 M: 1F : 3NB : 0
407 3 M: 1F : 2NB : 0
601 6 M: 2F : 4NB : 0
602 5 M: 1F : 3NB : 1
603 2 M: 1F : 1NB : 0
604 7 M: 3F : 2NB : 2
605 4 M: 3F : 1NB : 0
606 8 M: 4F : 3NB : 1
607 5 M: 1F : 4NB : 0

The purpose of this instrument is to collect objective information on the topic:

“Mental health in students and how it affects problems in

different areas of the student

Instructions: Underline or write the answer that you consider appropriate.

1. How do you take care of your mental health?

A. Working out.
B. Eating healthy.
C. Reading books of interest.
d. Resting correctly.
E. Meditating.
F. Other (specify)_____________

2. What can affect your mental health?

A. Task overload.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

B. Family problems.
C. Social exclusion.
D. Physical problems.
E. World problems.
F. Other (specify)_____________

3. Why do you think food is important for health?

A. Because it is necessary to live.

B. Because it makes the body function properly.
C. Good nutrition gives you energy.
D. other (specify)_____________
4. Is your mental health more important than studies?

A. Yes, the main thing is my mental health to have good physical and emotional
functioning in my environment.
B. No, studies come before my mental health, since good academic performance can
be useful in my work and academic life.
C. Both go hand in hand, it seems to me that my mental health and studies are the
two most important things in my life project.
D. other (specify)_____________

5. Do you think it is important to have time to rest to have good mental health?

A. Yes, because you can analyze things better.

B. Yes, to have a mental break and have time for yourself.
C. No, because you lose the sequence.
D. I don't know, I've never given it importance.
E. other (specify)_____________

6. Do you think that the overload of tasks and activities affects your mental

TO. Yeah
b. Maybe
c. No

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

d. I don't know

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

or oto

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


The software programs that we used to carry out our project were the following: Excel for
the preparation of spreadsheets and graphs, Word for the general structure of the project,
which will be delivered to the teacher digitally, Google Forms for the creation of surveys ,
the Internet service for consulting bibliographic references in the reference framework,
and social networks for the application of surveys and communication between team


Advisor José Luis Hernández Andraca, the team members and the students of high
school #9 (respondents)

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


Activity Estimated cost Real cost

Internet $100 $120

Pen drive $180 $150

Transport $200 $192

Food $350 $280



N ONES BY rating (Score
THE or weighting)
TEACHER 0 to 100%

COVER Name of the

university Name of the
High School Name of the
subject Name of the
06/11/2022 BEAUTIFUL
Professor Title of the topic
· Team members · Group
and shift · Start date
·Date of delivery

BACK COVER (to your

creative design)

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

·Title of the topic 06/11/2022 SANTIAGO

·Image referring to the BEAUTIFUL

07/11/2022 SIMBRON

27/04/2023 SIMBRON

06/11/2022 SIMBRON
PROBLEM (Description
and question)

necessary to present the
05/11/2022 MELANY
reasons why the study is
carried out and express
the motivations that lead
the researcher to develop
the project and answer
the problem question,
include real evidence,
downloaded or
dramatized by the team)


(you can propose 2) 06/11/2022 ASTUILLO IAN

06/11/2022 ASTUILLO IAN
(set from 5 to 1 0)

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

FRAMEWORK OR 05/11/2022
(Indicate the Bibliographic
or Webgraphic source)

BACKGROUND (indicate
if there are similar DIAZ
investigations at the 07/11/2023 BETANCOURT
location of the ISAAC

DESIGN: includes the
following elements.


indicate the approach: DIAZ
Qualitative, quantitative or BETANCOURT
mixed) ISAAC
HYPOTHESIS (based on
07/11/2023 BETANCOURT
the problem question)

VARIABLES: (indicate the DIAZ

DEPENDENT and the 07/11/2023 BETANCOURT


the population) ISAAC

INSTRUMENT: (it is the 25/03/2023 BAHENA
format of the survey well SIMBRON

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

designed, interview script,

observation guide, etc.)

TECHNIQUE (indicate the
coding and tabulation
system. Statistical 25/04/2023
techniques are vital to
evaluate data and
determine its quality, test
hypotheses and obtain



give names)


(What they planned to 26/04/2023 ARZETA
spend and what they MELANY
actually spent) GERALDINE


26/04/2023 SANTIAGO
(print this format so that
you can organize your
work from the beginning)

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


include the following)

information derived from 27/04/2023 MENDOZA
the analysis of the data ARZETA MELANY
obtained is presented) GERALDINE


EQUIPMENT (equipment
used for research, what 26/04/2023 SANTIAGO
devices) BEAUTIFUL
substantiated discussion ASTUILLO IAN
of the background and the 27/04/2023 EMMANUEL
theoretical framework with
the results of the SANTIAGO
research) BEAUTIFUL


the group of proposals
and recommendations
27/04/2023 NAVA WARRIOR
that are raised in relation ALEXA XIMENA
to the problem under
study, including its SANTIAGO BELLO
possible applications) ISAAC ALBERTO
indications in the protocol BAHENA
and recommendations of SIMBRON
Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

teacher. To cite in Word)


ANNEXES (Surveys 25/04/2023

answered, interview
script, photos of the
process of your work as a
team, videos, instructions
or complementary
information on the work)


In this first question, students are asked "how do you take care of your physical health?"
“. The results obtained indicate that 40.7% of those surveyed take care of themselves by
resting adequately, while the remaining 40.7% do so through the practice of physical
exercise. 7.4% of students mentioned reading books of interest as a way to take care of
their mental health, while 3.7% indicated that they do so through listening to music. The
same percentage, 3.7%, indicated that they do not take care of their mental health, while
the remaining 3.7% take care of it through meditation.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

2. What can affect your mental health?

103 answers

• Task overload

• Family “problems”
9 Social exclusion
9 Consumptive problems*
9 Problems of the world
9 My grades
9 Overthinking some things

This second graph was answered by the students of high school #9, who were asked
about the factors that can affect their mental health. The results obtained indicate that the
majority of students, 44.4%, reported that family problems are a factor that affects their
mental health. The second most mentioned factor was grades, with 37% of students
indicating that this affects them. 7.4% of respondents mentioned physical problems as a
factor that impacts their mental health, while 3.7% indicated that world problems are a
factor that affects them. Another 3.7% of students mentioned that their own grades are a
factor that affects their mental health, while an equal percentage, 3.7%, indicated that
overthinking some issues affects them.

3. Why do you think food is important for health
103 answers

9 Because it is necessary to live

9 Because it makes the body function properly
9 Good nutrition gives you energy
9 Because it prevents us from diseases
9 Because we need to be nourished
9 The question is wrong, ask it correctly xd
9 To keep mr body aesthetically good

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

In this third question, the results indicate that 33.3% of those surveyed consider that food
is essential for good bodily functioning. On the other hand, 29.6% of the students
indicated that food is necessary only to live. 22.2% of those surveyed believe that good
nutrition provides energy to the body, while 3.7% of students cited disease prevention as
a reason for good nutrition. Another 3.7% indicated that nutrition is necessary for all
people, and an equal percentage mentioned that good nutrition is important to maintain
an adequate aesthetic appearance.

4. Is your mental health more important than your studies?

103 answers

* Yes, the main thing is my mental health to ensure good

physical and emotional functioning in my environment.
* No. Studies come before my mental health, since good
academic performance can be useful
• Both go hand in hand, it seems to me that my mental health
and studies are the
• MY mental health depends on how I do in studies

In this fourth question, they are asked about

the prioritization they give to their mental
health in relation to their studies. The results obtained indicate that 44.4% of the students
surveyed consider that their mental health is a priority to guarantee good physical and
emotional functioning in their environment. On the other hand, an equal percentage,
44.4%, indicated that both their mental health and their studies are equally important in
their life project. 7.4% of those surveyed stated that studies take priority over their mental
health, since good academic performance can be useful in their academic and work
future. Finally, 3.7% of the students mentioned that their mental health depends on their
performance in their studies.

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

5. Do you think it is important to have time to rest to have good mental health?
103 answers

• Yes, because things can be analyzed better

• Yes, to have a mental break and have time for yourself.

• No. because you lose the sequence

• I don't know, I've never given it importance

In this graph, they were asked about the

importance of having time to rest to preserve
good mental health. The results obtained indicate that 55.6% of the students surveyed
consider that it is indeed important to have this time to achieve a mental break and have
time for themselves. 33.3% stated that it is relevant because it allows them to analyze
situations more effectively. On the other hand, 11.1% of students indicated that they had
not considered the importance of rest for their mental health.


In this project, the computer was used as a tool for researching information, as well as for
the correct structuring and preparation of the project. Likewise, the Internet service was
used in order to access the Wi-Fi network and be able to carry out the search for the
required information.
And finally, mobile devices were used for optimal communication between team


Mental health is a fundamental aspect of human life, since it influences the ability to
interact appropriately in different areas of life. Lack of balance in this aspect can be
caused by various factors, such as stress, lack of self-care, and work overload, among
others. In

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

In Mexico, the percentage of the population with a mental health disorder is 15%,
which demonstrates the relevance of this issue in our society.
In the student environment, it is especially important for university students to have
good mental health, as this will allow them to cope with academic and social
demands adequately. Students who take care of their health tend to have better
academic results and greater subjective well-being. However, some students may
experience academic burnout, which manifests itself in emotional exhaustion,
physical fatigue, and lack of effectiveness. To avoid this problem, it is necessary for
students to have a repertoire of assertive behaviors and subjective well-being that
allows them to adequately handle social situations.
The survey conducted with high school students #9 revealed that the majority of
respondents consider that taking care of their mental health is important and they
do so mainly through adequate rest and physical exercise. This is good news, since
rest and physical activity are two fundamental factors in maintaining good mental
health. Additionally, the factors that most affect your mental health are family
problems and academic grades. It is important for students to be aware of these
factors and work on them to maintain good mental health.
On the other hand, it is observed that the majority of students consider that it is
important to have some rest time to preserve good mental health. This is essential,
since adequate rest is essential for the overall well-being of the individual. It is also
highlighted that diet is considered important, although there are a variety of
opinions about its function in the body and mind. It is important that students
receive accurate and appropriate nutrition information so they can make informed
decisions about their diet.
Regarding the prioritization of mental health in relation to studies, there is a division
of opinions among those surveyed. It is important for students to understand that
taking care of their mental health does not necessarily mean neglecting their
studies, but that both aspects are equally important. In fact, taking care of mental
health can improve academic performance, since students will be more motivated
and have more energy to face academic demands.
In conclusion, the results of the survey conducted with high school #9 students
show the importance of promoting awareness about mental health and the need to
find a balance between studies and personal care. It is necessary that students
receive information and tools to 32
Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

take care of your mental health, as well as to identify and manage situations that
may affect your emotional well-being. Mental health is a fundamental aspect of
human life, and it is important that we all work together to promote mental health.


Adopting healthy habits is one of the keys to achieving a balanced and full life.
Maintaining good physical and mental health is essential to face the challenges that
life presents us every day. Although it may sometimes seem difficult to incorporate
new habits into our routine, the benefits they bring are very valuable and definitely
worth the effort.
• Have good eating habits: A balanced diet rich in nutrients is vital for physical
and mental health. Eating fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods
and saturated fats can improve physical and mental performance,
strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases and maintain a healthy
• Exercise regularly: Physical exercise is essential for physical and mental
health. Performing daily physical activity improves resistance, strength and
muscle flexibility, helps maintain a healthy weight, prevents diseases and
reduces the risk of suffering from chronic diseases .
• Maintain good interpersonal relationships: Maintaining good interpersonal
relationships helps reduce stress and provides emotional support. It is
important to maintain honest communication and respect the limits of others
to establish healthy and lasting relationships that positively affect our mental
and emotional health.
• Avoid tobacco and alcohol consumption: Tobacco and alcohol negatively
affect our physical and mental health, generating health problems, reducing
academic or professional performance and contributing to the appearance of
mental disorders.
• Sleep at least 8 hours a day: Sleeping well is essential for our physical and
mental health. It helps the body recover and replenish energy for the next
day, which can improve academic and professional performance.
• Engage in social, recreational, cultural and sporting activities: Participating in
recreational and cultural activities can improve our mental and emotional
health, reduce stress and increase our self-esteem and creativity.

• Take things calmly. Learning to relax and enjoy the present helps maintain

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”

emotional health. Don't let stress overwhelm you. Taking things slowly
reduces stress and improves quality of life.


Sarmiento, M. J. (2017). Our Daily Living . retrieved November 5, 2022

World Health Organization. Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. Geneva,
Switzerland: WHO, 2013 Adelman, H. S., & Taylor, L. Mental health in schools and
public health. Public Health Reports, 294-298. 2006.

The following links correspond to the sources used to obtain some images that
were incorporated in the development of this project .

Production date: November 7, 2022
Research project: “Mental health in students and how it affects
problems in different areas of the student”


O Computer
O Computer equipment my .
AaXmen- 204, UnJO* han ""
Alex Xlnwna
204, ln 204, kaa Resources humane” EHS staff who helped the work
teacher, family members who helped
To carry out the investigation

The first one is very similar to Do not put print,ropins and

the second one.
Isaac Alberto engargolado w . bn
Activity schedules showing who did each part of the

final report, transfer statistics to Excel to make

graphs and describe the results, one graph for each
question 117 „(
Well, we leave your second one Equipment technological equipment that was used in
and with that we have 3 the project or for the project Yo, .. .,

HUn 204, EMelany Yeratc 204 and I do Conclusion with our opinions of the project ian
one more each and tomorrow I
suppose we will figure out how to nn
do the form, we would have 6
Recommendation proposals that provide a solution to
questions in total the problems that arise in the project

Bibliographies and wedgraphy

We would have 6 and we

Annexes evidence of the development of team work
include the two main ones that with photos of conventions or photos of the team
we have working

YES, with those 8 and it is a

short survey but we would
have a lot of information

Memo is going to say

yes to my questions

Survey form:

Production date: November 7, 2022

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