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1. DANCAN ONDUSO SCM211-1264/2022

2. MAXWELL KIPSANG SCM211-0645/2022
3. EMMANUEL ABAE SCM211-0687/2022
4. CYNTHIA KIARIE SCM211-1344/2021
5. RISPER MUTUA SCM211-0675/2022
To create a PERT diagram for the construction of a townhouse, we'll follow a typical
construction workflow. Notably, some activities can be parallel (e.g., Wiring and
Plumbing after the roof is on), while others are strictly sequential (e.g., you can't start
Plastering until the Walls and Floors are constructed).


1. Preparation of the site must occur first(1 day).
2. Digging and building the foundation follows site preparation(2 days).
3. Building pillars can start once the foundation is ready(3 days).
4. Construction of walls and floors commences after the pillars are up(14 days).
5. Roofing is dependent on the completion of walls and floors(3 days).
6. Wiring and Plumbing can often start once the structure is secure, so these can run in
parallel after roofing(5 days).
7. Applying Plaster needs walls and floors completed; thus, it can start after Roofing,
Wiring, and Plumbing are underway but must wait for Roofing to finish(7 days).
8. Painting can only begin after plaster has been applied and dried(4 days).
9. Tiles installation typically follows Plaster but can start in areas where Plaster is
complete and dry(3 days).
10. Interior Design can start in parallel with Exterior Design after major construction
and installation tasks are completed(14 days).
11. Exterior Design can begin after the structure (walls and roofing) is in place(3 days).
12. Finishing touches are last, ensuring everything is polished and ready for
inspection(2 days).
13. Project launch is the final step, showcasing the completed townhouse.

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