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Instincts and coaching

By Mario Sikora
Translation Elena Carlota Fernández
It's pretty easy to see how other coaches, I could see how
valuable the Enneagram can be their enneatype influenced them.
to the coach. When I began and I started to
working with entrepreneurs help them develop
about 15 years ago, the strategies to get
Enneagram quickly demonstrated advantages of the virtues of their
its value in increasing the level of enneatypes while transcending
commitment - I was soon able to their obstacles or weaknesses.
understand the client's point of
view, identify attitudes and A few years ago I began to
behaviors notice the importance of instincts
potentially problematic and find in coaching – both for the client
solutions and the coach and I began to
structural in a language that pay more attention to them in
appealed to the person of the my work. In this article I would
client in question in front of me, like to briefly introduce some
rather than using a method ways in which a coach can use
based on a generalized knowledge of instincts to
approach. enhance their skills as a coach. I
The ways in which my own will expand on this topic in my
enneatype enhanced and presentation for the IEA
hindered my abilities as a coach Conference in San Francisco next
also quickly became obvious to summer. As I am an executive
me. As a type eight coach, my coach, my focus is on the
clients in the corporate world corporate environment, although
often found resonance with my I believe the basic ideas are also
direct approach and my relevant to other types of
emphasis on inciting action and coaching.
achieving results, but I
sometimes found myself running First of all, I want to
after the solution without having dedicate a few words to clarify
given the clients the time they basic concepts: the readers of
needed to figure out the solution this publication are already
on their own with the help of a probably
little gentle guidance from me. familiar with the term subtypes –
the three variants of each
When I started training enneatype rooted in instinct,

commonly called “self- The concept of instincts, in
preservation,” “social,” and biology literature, is a rather
“sexual.” So, depending on the murky topic. There are many
instinct definitions of instinct, which tend
dominant and enneatype, the to place it somewhere between
person can be a self-preservation an automatic reflex and other
One, a social One, or a sexual much more malleable behaviors.
One, a self-preservation Two, 1
However, it is generally agreed
etc., in total 27 variations of that instincts are very specific
types combined with instincts. and humans, like other
Don Riso and Russ Hudson, with mammals, have many specific
the publication of their book The instincts rather than the three
Wisdom of the Enneagram, major instincts as commonly
astutely began to treat instincts described in the Enneagram
as independent factors. That is, literature. 2 That said, based on
they did not focus instincts solely observation, it seems clear that
in relation to the Enneagram; our instincts correspond
They observed the instinctive approximately three large groups
variants as worthy of study in or domains. This may be a subtle
their own right. Although I think distinction, but it is useful in
there were those who did it explaining the variations found
before, Riso and Hudson put among people of the same
special emphasis on it, which I dominant instinctive tendency (
consider important. bias ) (my preferred term for
these three categories). For
In this article I will treat example, “nest-building and
instincts in this way, focusing on rearing” and resource
behaviors that are rooted in the conservation seem to be at the
dominant instinct, rather than forefront of what is commonly
belonging to a specific subtype. called the “self-preservation
That is, I will focus on behaviors instinct,” but within this realm,
that tend to be consistent for all different “self-preservation” will
self-preservation subtypes, all focus on different behaviors.
social and all sexual, no matter
what type they are. Some will focus on their
I have some objections to home (nest) more than others;
the way instincts are typically some will focus on resource
taught. The first is about the storage more than others; some
idea that there are three, and will focus on their physical well-
only three, instincts. being more than others, etc…

These topics are important to actually an indication that the
everyone in self-preservation, person has misidentified their
but each person will express it in dominant instinct. Our inability to
their own way, within the same see instincts as biological while
domain. insisting on environmental or
psychological explanations to
Which brings us to a explain our instinct-related
second objection: instincts must behavior can blind us to the
be seen first of all as biological dominance of the behaviors and
issues, rather than as render us unable to appreciate
psychological issues. This does the enormous impact they have
not mean that the expression of on our lives.
our instincts is not influenced Lastly, I'm a little
by factors concerned about the names of
psychological, cultural or the dominant instincts, as they
environmental, but the core of are commonly used. The biggest
instincts resides in unalterable problem I see is with the term
and hereditary roots. Instincts “sexual subtype”: details aside,
are reactions to complex stimuli the word “sexual” is impossible
that have nothing to do with to use in the corporate
thought. It is important to environment; To do so is to get
understand this well, because into trouble. The alternative
some people often collude and term, “intimate” (one to one)
try to use reason to explain clouds the concept rather than
instinctive behaviors. They may clarifying it. At the heart of this
say, for example, that they dress instinctive variant is the image of
lavishly (usually an indicator of good reproductive health and the
sexual subtype) for, say, impulse to transmit something of
business reasons, but that they ourselves to others, be it our
are really genes, our ideas, or our
self-preservation, or they explain creations. People with this
their desire to hoard (generally instinctive variant tend to be
an indicator of a self- sociable and charming, and to
preservation subtype) by alluding combine a flattering and
to a childhood of deprivation. seductive quality with a tendency
While these environmental to tell stories about themselves
factors can sometimes influence (that is, to convey). They like
a particular instinct-related intensity in their relationships,
behavior, in my experience such but emphasizing intimate,
apparent exaggerations are comfortable one-on-one

conversations and compromises transition, or simply acting as an
often causes self-preservation impartial listener – but the truth
types (who also often focus on is that helping clients take
that “one-on-one”). you") label advantage of their talents and
themselves as "intimate" and mitigate their weaknesses is
lose the most important what I get paid to do.
elements of the instinctive Coming to an
variant. understanding of instinctual
When working with clients, I variants is quite useful because,
refer to the three instinctive like enneatypes, they help us
variants as “preservation,” quickly identify common patterns
“navigation,” and “transmission,” of strengths and weaknesses.
but for this article, I use the Combining the two in a coaching
standard terminology. Also for program creates a stronger
ease of use, in this article I use understanding of the terrain in
the term “types” when I refer to which the client operates.
people with a particular
instinctive variant, such as “social We will start with the self-
types.” Please keep in mind the preservation (AC) types. Their
difference between this meaning strengths tend to include good
and that of “enea – types”. organizational skills, attention to
Now that these few detail, focus on process and
theoretical objections have been procedure, and tend to be more
clarified, let's move on to cautious and conservative (a
practical issues. strength in many jobs). They are
very given to detecting problems
Instincts and the client and obstacles more clearly than
others. On the negative side, this
As an executive coach, my same caution can hold them
task is very clear: to help my back, and self-preservers often
client take advantage of their need coaching to dare to be
strengths and transcend their more risk-taking, without
weaknesses. Of course, this ignoring their need for security.
simple statement is more This can happen even with
complicated than it seems, and I people who have enneatypes.
never know what the client's typically
specific needs will be – it could considered aggressive or risky.
be professional guidance, For example, AC Threes, Eights
modification of the and Sevens often fight more
behavior, helping in a period of than most over choosing their

next job, if it were something people with enneatypes typically
risky. associated with attention to
detail may struggle in this area.
Additionally, ACs tend to For example, social Ones
ignore what I understand to be and Sixes are not as detail-
the “sizzle” of corporate life – the oriented as ACs and sexuals of
ability to stand out from the the same enneatype. Socials can
crowd, promote yourself and also be ambivalent about self-
your team, and achieve well- promotion. They may feel that
deserved recognition for your they are doing it clumsily, and
achievements. So, they often thus fall into the pattern of trying
need help with career to avoid it, but sometimes
management – promoting overcompensating for it. and
themselves in a way that doesn't exaggerating it. They often need
feel artificial, standing out in guidance to understand that it is
meetings, etc. okay (in fact necessary) to
promote themselves and carry
Social types (SOC.) out the impulse to be seen. They
generally have a different set of can learn to do it consciously in
strengths and weaknesses. They effective and appropriate ways,
are typically good rather than bouncing back and
establishing social connections forth, overdoing it or underdoing
and interpersonal dynamics it.
required for life in companies or
organizations. They are not Sexual (SX) types are
necessarily extraverted, but they generally good at sizzling that
often like to be among people ACs are not. They tend to be
and want to know more about charismatic and extroverted.
others. On the other hand, they They can be inspired people who
may become overly interested in excite people around a common
gossip and the political intrigue cause. They can focus their
of the organization. They may be attention on a person in short
aware of their status or hierarchy but intense bursts, finding just
and fall into the trap of the right word to say and making
unnecessarily comparing the person feel like they are the
themselves to others. only one in the room. On the
Additionally, they generally pay other hand, they can dominate
little attention to details, and conversations and relationships.
tend to be disinterested in the Additionally, they often do not
process and procedures. Even show aptitude for the subtle

interpersonal dynamics that Below are some issues you
socials are good at, and they should be aware of during your
often do not realize how they are coaching. Again this is just a
truly perceived by others. They brief introduction to a much
are not usually good listeners, broader topic.
although they usually disagree Coaches for whom the
with this assessment. They often instinctive variant of self-
need coaching to learn to leave preservation is dominant are
space for others, not dominate generally good at training clients
interactions with others, and to in the different tasks in which
also learn to receive messages as they usually excel: the
well as transmit them. fundamentals of work in
Sexuals can often display a companies. These include
shadow scarcity mentality, organizational and time
believing that they never have management tasks, establishing
enough of the things that are processes and procedures, and
important to them. They may prioritizing tasks. They are
want more money, more typically good at finding potential
prestige, more attention... Sexual problems and devising methods
people usually need coaching to to solve them.
learn to express their desires
without appearing to take the AC Coaches should
law into their own hands. ensure that they are addressing
their own fundamental security
Coaches could view needs and use these to build a
themselves as continuous solid business foundation for
learners, always seeking to their coaching practice - - putting
improve their skills while marketing and administrative
increasing their ability to model structures in place that ensure a
the behaviors and attitudes they comfortable way to make a
expect from their clients. living. At the same time, they
However, it is important to look need to ensure that they do not
at yourself as your own client view their customer primarily as
and work on the gut issues a source of income. One of the
described above as they apply to biggest differences between
you. You should ensure that you coaching and therapy is that a
take full advantage of your coaching program tends to have
strengths while working to a much shorter life than therapy.
reduce your weaknesses. The need for security can lead
AC coaches to prolong the

commitment longer than professional distance from his
necessary, not wanting to miss a client. The SOC coach must also
source of income. Ironically, this ensure that the coaching session
need to maintain clients actually does not revolve around a
prevents the AC coach from conversation with no final
obtaining the security he seeks, resolution. Each coaching session
hindering him from finding new should have an identifiable
clients and the smooth beginning, middle and end. Each
development of his practice. session should conclude with the
When the client finally realizes creation of an action plan and
that the coaching is failing to those action plans should be
show results, they decide to end followed up during the next
the engagement. Then, the meeting.
coach could be left without a job, Since social workers are
having failed to gain a good generally not very good at
portfolio of clients. administrative and organizational
issues, they should really focus
Coaches for whom the on this part of their practice. Well
social instinct is dominant are organized notes in accessible
generally good at training clients formats, good record keeping,
to be more effective in etc. They are fundamental tools
networking and developing for the proper development of
interpersonal skills, so important the practice.
in business life. They often
understand company policies Finally, coaches with a
very well and can help their dominant sexual instinct are
clients become better navigators often good at helping clients
of these sometimes treacherous build confidence in their role and
waters. presentation. They are naturally
good at making the client feel
SOC (social) coaches listened to, valued and especially
should make sure they are engaged from the beginning.
meeting their social needs They understand the value of
outside of the realm of coaching. techniques of making themselves
It is tempting to become friends seen and heard in an
with clients and, although the organization or company, and
commitment of coaching is are often good at helping clients
different from that of therapy, stand out from the crowd.
good ethical practice demands Sex coaches need to
that the coach maintain a ensure that their own need to be

seen and heard does not intrude Combining instincts and
on their role as a good coach. enneatype creates a much
One of the qualities of a good stronger framework for coaching
coach is the ability to be than focusing on Enneatypes
transparent and disappear, to alone. Spending some time
keep the focus on the client and focusing on instincts as an
only appear when necessary. independent factor gives us
The best coaches take a Socratic many insights to improve your
approach, testing, questioning practice as coaches, seeing and
and challenging assumptions, transcending our own
leaving the client to come to the weaknesses and understanding
right conclusions on their own. our clients on a much deeper
Of course, the coach must level.
intercede and guide when
necessary, so that there is
adequate progress and rhythm in
the session, and they must offer
the knowledge acquired from
their experience, but in general it
is better to keep the focus on the Footnotes
client. Sex coaches need to be 1 See, for example, Mark S.
careful that they are not Blumberg's “ Basic Instinct: The
introducing a philosophical, Genesis of Behavior ”
spiritual or political agenda to 2 I discuss this topic more
their clients. extensively in the article “ Notes
As SXs may have and Melody, Part 3 ” which can
weaknesses in organizational be found at
dynamics, they need to ensure http://www.awarenesstoaction.c
they are in tune with their om/downloads/notes_melody_3.
client's organizational policy and pdf .
culture. They need to see the
individual as part of a larger 3 The choice of these
system, and understand the terms is described in the article
effect of this system on the “The Instincts: Taking a Broader
individual's life. Point of View” on my website:
Of course there is much om/downloads/the_instincts.pdf .
more to say on this topic, but I
hope this article sparks some Mario Sikora can be contacted
thought and reflection. for comment at


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