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The "Identity Theory" is a system of transformation of the inner Being of each human
being. This was designed by Dr. José D. Batista, which is registered in the Department of
State of Puerto Rico and in the United States Patent Office.

The "Identity Theory" has been used as a Values Program in various institutions in Puerto
Rico, the United States and Latin America. Institutions include multinational companies,
local companies, schools, governments and social work institutions.

The “Identity Theory” is an analysis of the elements that trigger the wound, the rebellion,
and that affect the different types of anomalous behaviors that affect:

• the relationships
• emotional and physical health
• the malfunctioning of the individual
• the family in society.

The objective of this reference is to help human beings understand what the Fundamental
Values of human beings are, how they relate to Identity and how it helps them process all
types of enslaving emotions in order to free themselves from co-dependence, guilt,
addiction and self-destruction.

The current situation shows the process of formation of a society of relativism, where
values have not really been taught, since all that has been done is to establish norms of
behavior, and human beings constantly seek how to become “BE”, since it is no longer
considered to “IS”.

In a world where human beings have been stripped of their identity, the symbols that
reinforced it and where motivational instruments lack meaning to sustain them, we are
facing the great impact of: “A vacuum of Identity”.

Let us remember that an old man planted a very beautiful garden. He chose a place next
to a stream called LOVE. As you can see, the roots of the trees reach the waters, are
nourished, and then the sun feeds them. In the middle of the garden he planted a tree
which he called:

The Tree of Life .

"That tree represents each of the human beings."

Many years passed and the tree of life grew in the garden, absorbing water through the
roots that reached the river of Love.
The Fruits of that Tree are: Dignity, Integrity and Freedom.

The trunk is your Identity and the roots are your way of thinking.

The fruits are those that identify the tree, those that allow it to be good for itself and for
others, and those that make it easier for it to live, by reproducing.

Way of Thinking- The way one thinks allows love to fuel life.


If the tree is fed well, if it allows its roots or thoughts to be filled with love, it grows strong,
healthy, and becomes the tree that it is potentially capable of being.

1. DIGNITY - "It is the Stewardship of Being"

It is the appreciation of what one is. Nothing and no one makes us, we already are, and we
achieve in life according to what we are. It is knowing that if someone does not love us it
is because they do not have the capacity to love. It means not letting myself be destroyed
by others. It helps us exercise the norms of individuality.

Compassion: Putting love into action towards another person.

Appreciation: Recognizing dignity in another person.

Recognition: Supporting the development of another person.

Acceptance: Recognize the stage of development the other person is in.


It helps us recognize that we already are, nothing and no one makes us, the simple fact of
coming to life already makes us. When we have dignity we make the following decisions:

**Height Life-

I will not belittle or harm my life or the lives of others. I will live life according to the value
that God has given me, not according to the value that people want to give me.

**Life of Excellence-

I will develop and apply to the maximum my ability and the potential I have. I study not to
be someone, but because I am someone, I use my talent 100%, I use what I am to create
what I am prepared to achieve, nothing and no one makes me, I do everything.
**No Codependency-

I will establish relationships but I will not create dependence on anything or anyone. I do
have a relationship, I do have a position, but neither that relationship nor that position
makes me, I make them.

**Confidence in what is-

I am confident in who I am, I do not blame you for my emotions, because they are mine;
Therefore, you cannot hurt me, I do not have to accept what is done wrong, I cannot let
your bad attitude, your verbal or any kind of abuse hurt me, due to your lack of spiritual
development. If I allowed your abuse to hurt me, then I would stop being me, to feel what
you want me to feel.

**Ability to Trust-

I can trust others, because my trust is not based on taking care of your weaknesses, but on
the strength that my inner capacity gives me due to the dignity that God has given me, my
trust is that God is my Father.


I am not just anything, I am the wonderful reason for God's selection to live.


Since I am the beautiful reason for God's selection to live, then, he brought me for a
purpose, he gave me a potential, he gave me capabilities. Therefore, everything I do must
be of excellence because that is what I was selected for: for a work of excellence through
the life, ability and gifts that God gave me.

The Value of Dignity helps you follow the Standards of Individuality authentically

Now I realize that I have suffered a lot, waiting for someone else to appreciate me. Now I
can see that when a person does not have dignity they cannot give love and, then, I feel
sad. This is because I am waiting for him to give me the fruit of his life, but if he does not
bear fruit, he cannot bear it.
2. INTEGRITY - "It is the Stewardship of Character"

It is the ability to act according to who we are and negotiating our talent to the maximum.
Integrity helps us exercise the standards of character, according to which people are
supposed to be:

Honest: They do not steal or cheat.

Truthful: They do not lie, they are transparent

Responsible: Trustworthy

Doers: Hardworking, who use their potential to the fullest.

Organized: They do not waste and are orderly.

3. FREEDOM - "It is the exercise of inner authority to not be an emotional slave to

other people"

It helps us maintain authoritative standards, according to which people are supposed to


Respectful of your life and that of others.

Obedient to parents, laws, authorities, rules of civility.

Orderly, by following the rules of coexistence.

Freedom is a value that directs conscience, it is the moral regulator of being

human to live and coexist with others.

When you are free you have:

- respect for the dignity of every human being

-ability to focus on the situation.


-ability to negotiate.

Now when freedom is sown, the fruits of:

+respect and obedience

+authority and order

+coexistence and peace

Freedom gives the openness to be sensitive to other people's emotions. It is the

ability to listen, regardless of what I feel and want.

Freedom provides the capacity for self-control and being able to exercise discipline;

It also provides the ability to listen, accept.

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