QFB Code of Ethics Regulations

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CNQFBM AC Code of Ethics


Like any profession, ours above all, which requires a high degree of professional ethics, its
actions must be contemplated under a Code of Ethics. In this way, a group of enthusiastic
members developed these bases, during the celebration of the IV National Convention of
Health Responsible Persons of the Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry, in order to achieve
consistency in their interpretation and implementation. The commitment of the
Pharmacist is a logical response to the enormous trust of society, as an example, when
doctors and patients require the use of a medication.

As important members of the health team, whose basic principles are the conservation of
essential human rights: life and health. Promoters of respect for health laws and
regulations; This code proposal rests our commitment and our contribution to the
development and progress of health care, through full professional practice in the different
professional fields in which we work.


Considering that the practice of our professional practice directly affects the care of human
life and the conservation of health, we accept the social responsibility that has been
conferred on us, with the commitment to carry out our function as a responsible specialist
professional, we make use of our right , and at the same time social obligation to
contribute to the improvement of health care given the influence that our activities have
on health promotion.

As associates of the National College of Pharmaceutical Chemists Biologists Mexico AC, we

are committed to observing the principles of this Code of Ethics, regardless of the
professional field of activity, seeking the maximum benefit of the human being as a social
entity; that is, in teaching: in chemical and clinical research; as a regulatory authority: in
the evaluation of new medicines and in the evaluation of third-party facilities and in the
issuance of authorizations; in the industry: in pharmaceutical and analytical development,
in daily clinical practice, in manufacturing, in quality assurance, in distribution and

promotion to health professionals and in the distribution and sale of medicines ; in health
institutions: in clinical research and in the selection, purchase and dispensing of medicines;
and in the administration of groups, businesses, work projects, etc., in any of the
aforementioned areas.


• The Pharmacist deeply respects his relationship with society, considering that he has a
moral obligation, in response to the trust that has been granted to him; Consequently,
the Pharmacist is committed to helping society achieve its maximum benefit by
carrying out its activities.
• The Pharmacist promotes the well-being of the human being, performs adequately,
within an environment of care and protection of the privacy and confidentiality of the
individual as a social entity, superimposing the well-being of the human being over his
or her economic interests.
• The Pharmacist respects the autonomy of the individual and society, promotes the
right of the individual, regardless of cultural, religious or other differences, to make
their own decisions, communicating in a timely manner in clear and concrete terms
that avoid double interpretation.
• The Pharmacist acts with honesty and integrity in his professional relationships, is
consistent, avoiding discriminatory or fraudulent practices, and personal or work
benefits that influence his professional judgment, as well as actions that may
compromise his dedication, beyond the best interest of the company. society.
• The Pharmacist maintains his professional competence, staying updated on
technological, clinical and regulatory advances for the best performance of his
professional practice.

• The Pharmacist respects other health professionals, works as a team with his
colleagues and other health professionals, is aware of the differences in beliefs,
values, knowledge and opinions of the same in his practice, seeking the benefit of the
human being. .
• The Pharmacist knows his social function, he primarily attends to the needs of society
on an individual, community and solidarity basis.
• The Pharmacist deeply respects intellectual property, controls the management of the
information to which it has access and jealously preserves its confidentiality in the
exercise of its functions, regardless of the scope of its performance.
• The Pharmacist deeply respects the environment, ensuring that the handling, use,
distribution and disposal of materials is carried out within the appropriate standards to
avoid any negative effects on the environment and society.
• The Pharmacist observes the law and exercises his profession with dignity and honor,
accepts its ethical principles and does not participate in activities that could cause the

profession to be discredited and refrains from unethical and illegal conduct.

• The Pharmacist guarantees the quality of health supplies and does not accept the
manufacturing, dispensing, promotion or sale of items of dubious quality, that do not
meet standards or that lack therapeutic value.
• The Pharmacist works in accordance with the Law, complies with the law and its
regulations, disseminates them and enforces them, for the benefit of human health.

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