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Rural Drinking Water





…………………………………………..………………. ”
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Title I
General disposition …………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Title II
Objectives of prevention, hygiene
and safety regulations …………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Title III
Health and safety standards …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Title IV
Of Obligations …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Title V
Of the Prohibitions …………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Title VI
Procedure in Case of Fire …………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Title VII
Procedure in Case of Accident …………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Title VIII
Penalties for non-compliance with
hygiene and safety regulations
…………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Title IX
Procedures, Resources and Claims
…………………………………………………………………………….. 15
From the Right to Know …………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Title XI
Maximum Human Load Weight …………………………………………………………………………….. 23
Title XII
From the Current Occupational
Legislation for the Sun Protection of
Exposed Workers. 23
Title XIII ……………………………………………………………………………..
Investigation and Punishment of
Sexual Harassment …………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Title XIV
Validity of the Regulation …………………………………………………………………………….. 26
Annex I
Work Accident Investigation Form
…………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Annex II
Information on Occupational Risks …………………………………………………………………………….. 29


This Hygiene and Safety Regulation is issued in compliance with Art. 67 of Law No. 16,744 on Work
Accidents and Occupational Illnesses and its Regulations on Risk Prevention contained in the DS
No. 40 of February 11, 1969 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. The art. 67 already
mentioned establishes that: "companies or entities will be obliged to keep the internal hygiene
and safety regulations at work up to date and workers to comply with the demands that said
regulations impose on them. The regulations must refer to the application of fines to workers who
do not use the protective elements that have been provided to them or who do not comply with
the obligations imposed on them by the rules, regulations or instructions on hygiene and safety at

The application and claim of said fines will be governed by the provisions of Art. 157 of the Labor
Code and will be allocated according to the provisions of Art. 20 of the aforementioned DS No. 40.

The provisions contained in this regulation have been established in order to prevent the risks of
Work Accidents or Occupational Diseases that could affect the workers of the Rural Drinking Water
Committee and thus contribute to improving and increasing its safety.

Prevention against risks of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases requires that both
the worker and the employer carry out joint action and in close collaboration to achieve the main
objectives that lie in controlling and eliminating the causes that cause accidents and diseases.

In summary, this regulation is intended to put all work in the necessary hygiene and safety
conditions, which can only be achieved with the cooperation of all the people who work in the
Committee, which is why the broadest support is requested from the rules it contains.

Article 1.

Definitions: For the purposes of this regulation it will be understood as:

a) Work accident: Any injury that a person suffers because of or on the occasion of work and that
causes disability or death.

b) Professional risk: The risks to which the official is exposed that may cause an accident or
professional illness, expressly defined in articles 5 and 7 of Law No. 16,744.

c) Unsafe condition: The nature, nature or quality of a thing or situation that makes it potentially
cause accidents or occupational diseases.

d) Unsafe action: The act, activity or fact that enables or is a factor in an accident or occupational

e) Commute accident: One that occurs on the direct journey, going or returning between the
official's home and the workplace. The fact that the accident occurred on the direct route must be
accredited to the respective administrative body through the Carabineros report or other equally
reliable means. (See article 12 and annex I).

f) Occupational illness: It is the illness caused directly by the exercise of the profession or work
carried out by a person and that causes disability or death.

g) Safety standards: The set of mandatory rules, established by the Drinking Water Committee, or
emanating from any public body with authority to do so, that indicate the safest way to carry out a
job or establish specific hygiene and safety conditions.

h) Official or worker: Any person who provides services in any capacity to the Committee and for
whom pension contributions are made.

i) Personal protective equipment: Element or set of elements that allow the worker to act in
direct contact with a hostile substance or environment without deterioration to his or her physical

j) Rural Drinking Water Program (APR): It is a high social impact program run by the Directorate of
Hydraulic Works of the Ministry of Public Works, which aims to supply drinking water to
concentrated and semi-concentrated rural locations in the country. , in addition to providing
advice and assistance to Rural Drinking Water Committees and Cooperatives

j) APR Committees: community organizations that are governed by the Law on Neighborhood
Associations and Other Community Organizations, whose updated text was established by
Supreme Decree No. 58 of 1997, of the Ministry of the Interior. These APR Committees are not for
profit, they have legal personality and their members join and participate voluntarily, personally
and cannot be delegated. The fundamental objective of the Committee is to manage, operate and

maintain the Drinking Water Service of its respective locality built through the National Rural
Drinking Water Program.

k) APR Cooperative: It is an autonomous association of people who have voluntarily joined

together to form a democratic organization whose administration and management must be
carried out in the manner agreed upon by the members for good operation and maintenance of
the Drinking Water Service of their organization. respective locality built through the National
Rural Drinking Water Program.

l) APR Leader or Manager: they are responsible for the administration, operation and
maintenance of the Rural Drinking Water Services.

m) Insurance Managing Body: The Managing Body with which the Committee has an agreement
or of which it is a member.

n) Joint Committee: Set of three representatives of the employer and three representatives of the
workers, who have the status of regular members, intended to ensure safety and industrial
hygiene problems, in accordance with Decree No. 54 of the Ministry of Labor. and Social Welfare
of March 11, 1979, modified by Decree No. 186 of August 30, 1979 of the same Ministry and
Decree No. 30 of August 13, 1988. Three representatives of each of the parties must also be
considered as substitutes.

Article 2.

The regulations contained in the subsequent title have been studied and established with the
purpose of instructing on how to prevent work accidents and professional illnesses in the normal
operations for the functioning of the APR Committee and Cooperative and to establish the
obligations and prohibitions that every official must know and comply. Compliance with them will
contribute to increasing the safety of the tasks that are relevant in the workplace.

These provisions will govern with respect to the Workers, Committees, Leaders and Boards of
Directors insofar as they are applicable, during the work carried out to manage, operate and
maintain the Drinking Water Service.

Article 3.

In accordance with the above, the objectives of these Hygiene and Safety regulations are the

a) Reduce to a minimum the risks of accidents and professional illnesses of the officials of the APR
Committee and Cooperative.
b) Prevent officials from committing unsafe acts or practices in the performance of their work that
cause damage to their health and physical integrity.
c) Establish the obligations and prohibitions that every official must know and comply with and the
corresponding sanctions for non-compliance or transgression of safety regulations.
d) Help carry out the work correctly and without accidents.

Article 4.

All officials are subject to the provisions of Law No. 16,744 and its complementary decrees in force
and that may be issued in the future, to the provisions of this Regulation and to the standards or
instructions issued by the Administrative Body, the Health Services and are protected by Law No.
16,744, with the Pension Normalization Institute (INP) being its administrator if it is not a member
of a private mutual society.

Article 5.
All workers must respect the following hygiene rules in the company in order to avoid conditions
that may cause accidents or occupational illnesses.

a) The Leaders, Managers and Board of Directors will be responsible for the safety of the hired
personnel, and must ensure in this regard the correct application of the general and specific rules
of the respective work areas.

b) Provide the greatest cooperation and deliver all the information requested during the accident

c) Attend training and capacity-building activities regarding risk prevention, when they are
declared mandatory based on the position they hold.

d) Use, when necessary, the personal protection elements provided by their respective
headquarters, which are the property of the Committee or Cooperative; Therefore, they should
not be sold, exchanged or taken outside the premises unless the tasks entrusted to the official
require it.

e) Ensure that the protection elements provided are kept in good condition and clean for use.

f) Make use of personal protection elements such as gloves, goggles, shoes, helmets, etc.,
whenever circumstances warrant it.

g) The lighting of spaces such as Startup Room, Electrical Room, Warehouse and/or Office must be
at appropriate levels, respecting the relevant technical standards (Art. 103 of Supreme Decree No.
594/99). The repair of deficiencies and replacement of damaged elements must be carried out in a
timely manner.

h) All transit areas, hallways and/or escape routes must be kept clear and clean, without
obstructions and in maintenance conditions that avoid risks.

i) Appropriate and permanent cleanliness and maintenance of hygienic services is imperative in all
areas of the facility.

j) Smoking is prohibited in the different rooms, whether the Startup Room, Electrical Room,
Warehouse and/or office.

k) In the Startup room there must be lists with the telephone numbers of Firefighters, Carabineros
and Public Assistance.

l) Fire extinguishers of certified quality must be available in quantity, location and type in
accordance with technical standards. The review and reloading of these elements must be done
partially so as not to affect the security of the dependencies. Staff must be trained in the use of
fire extinguishers.

m) Keep workplaces free of food and other remains, which must be deposited exclusively in the
receptacles provided for such purposes.


Article 6
In accordance with current legal provisions, the Committee or Cooperative must protect all its
personnel from work risks, providing the worker whose work requires it, at no cost, but at his or
her expense and under his or her responsibility, the personal protection elements of the worker.

Article 7

Gloves, goggles, helmet, shoes, boots or other personal protective elements will be, as their name
indicates, for personal use, and their loan or exchange is prohibited for hygienic reasons.

Article 8.
Use individual desks and lockers exclusively for the purposes for which they are intended, avoiding
storing leftover food, waste, etc. in them. with the obligation to keep their work area always clean
and in order, depositing waste exclusively in the places and receptacles enabled for this purpose.

Article 9.
Notify the Board of any unsafe condition in the facilities, machinery, equipment, tools or
environment in which you work and that may constitute risks to people, so that this abnormal
situation can be corrected as soon as possible.

Article 10.
Give immediate notice to the Board of Directors, Manager or other member of the organization
when a fire extinguisher has been used or when it indicates a lack of pressure.

Article 11.
Officials who carry out any repair, inspection or any other work in which it is necessary to remove
defenses or protections must replace them as soon as they have finished their work.

Article 12.
Obey safety signs and notices, as they warn officials of possible risks.

Article 13.
Respect both the transit areas and the storage areas and others established in the respective

Article 14.
The Managers and Directors will be responsible for the safety of the people hired, and must
ensure the correct application of the general and particular safety standards in their respective
work areas. Likewise, each official is responsible for his or her own safety.

Article 15.
At the end of each stage of the work day, the operator or person in charge of a machine must
leave each room locked, in order to prevent the entry of third parties. This same precaution should
be taken in case of momentary abandonment of the workplace.

Article 16.
Raise the alarm or immediate warning when you verify the start or presence of a fire.

Article 17.
Comply with the regulations contained in Law No. 20,001, which regulates the maximum weight of
human load. Direct management must ensure that in the organization that involves manual
manipulations that could affect the health of officials, appropriate means are used in order to
avoid the habitual manual handling of loads, and must instruct officials regarding the methods of

work you must do to protect your health. If manual handling is unavoidable and mechanical aids
cannot be used, operation with loads greater than 50 kg will not be permitted.

Article 18.
Comply with the regulations contained in Law No. 20,096, which establishes protection measures
against ultraviolet radiation. For the above, direct management (Board or Leaders) must adopt the
necessary measures to protect officials effectively. Those workers who perform tasks subject to
direct solar radiation on days between September 1 and March 31, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m., and those who perform regular functions under direct solar UV radiation are considered
exposed to UV radiation. with a UV index equal to or greater than 6, at any time of the year.

Article 19.
Every operator of a machine, tool, equipment or work device must permanently worry about the
operation of the machine in his or her charge to prevent any anomaly that could eventually cause
an accident.

Article 20.
The worker must inform the Leaders, Board of Directors, Manager and/or President of the
Committee about any anomalies detected or any defective element they notice in their work,
preventing dangerous situations.

Article 21.
Internal circulation and/or evacuation routes must be permanently marked and clear, and it is
prohibited to deposit elements that could cause accidents in them, especially in the event of

Article 22.
Workplaces must be kept clean and orderly, avoiding spills of Permanganate, Calcium
Hypochlorite, Sodium Hypochlorite or other substances that could cause slips or falls.

Article 23.
The storage of products such as Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite, Permanganate,
Clarisol, manufacturing assemblies or subassemblies, as well as waste, cuttings, materials or
others, will be done in the warehouse designated for this purpose, and the workers improvise
storage places, and less clog traffic routes.

Article 24.
Any worker who suffers an accident, inside or outside the facilities, no matter how slight or
unimportant it may seem, must immediately report it to the Board of Directors, Board of
Directors, Manager and/or President of the Committee.

Article 25.
The worker who has suffered an accident and who as a result is subjected to medical treatment
will not be able to work without first presenting a "Discharge Certificate" given by the
Administrative Body. This control will be the responsibility of the Administrative Secretary of APR.

Article 26.

The worker who suffers from an illness or who notices that he feels ill, if the discomfort affects his
capacity and therefore his safety at work, must bring this situation to the attention of the Board of
Directors, Administrative Secretary and/or President of the Committee, so that he proceeds to
take the measures that the case requires.

Article 27.
When, in the opinion of the Administrative Body, there are suspected risks of an occupational
disease or a health condition that creates a dangerous situation in a worker, he or she has the
obligation to undergo the examinations provided by his or her medical services on the date, time
and place determined by them. , considering that the time spent in the control, duly verified, is
time actually worked for all legal purposes.

Article 28.
In the event of an accident on the premises that injures a worker, the Leaders, Manager or a
worker trained for this will proceed to care for the injured person. After this, if necessary, it must
be sent to the relevant healthcare center .


Article 29.
It is prohibited for all Officials:

to. Carry out acts or actions that pose a danger to yourself, other people or the materials,
equipment and facilities of your workplace.

b. Entering the workplace or working in a state of intemperance, and it is strictly prohibited to

bring alcoholic beverages into the establishment, drink it or give it to third parties to drink.

c. Working under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs or substances

d. Failure to comply with the safety and hygiene rules and instructions given by this Regulation.

and. Smoking or lighting fires in places that have been marked as prohibited.

F. Sleeping, eating or preparing food in the workplace.

g. Penetrate any work area, especially those defined as dangerous, to those who are not duly
authorized to do so.

h. Chacote, play, push, fight or argue within the company premises and at any time.

Yo. Alter your own or a worker's arrival time record or the departure time record and treat any
injuries you have suffered in an accident at your own expense.

j. Simulate a work accident or occupational disease.

k. Wearing work shoes that are not recommended, such as espadrilles or rubber slippers, or
working barefoot in areas that are not permitted. For women, it is recommended to wear
appropriate footwear that does not involve the risk of falls or sprains.

l. Staying in workplaces after hours without prior authorization.

m. Refusing to provide information in relation to certain working conditions and safety or about
accidents that have occurred.

n. Tear, scratch, remove or destroy notices, signs, posters, instructions, regulations regarding
industrial safety and hygiene.

either. Working without proper safety equipment or without the personal protection elements

p. Carry out, among others, any of the following operations, without being in charge of them or
authorized to do them: alter, change, repair or activate installations, equipment, mechanisms,
electrical systems or tools; remove, modify or deactivate protective mechanisms or equipment
from machinery or facilities; and stop the operation of ventilation, extraction, heating, drainage
and other equipment that exists at the sites.

q. Running unnecessarily within the workplace.

r. Carry out electrical interventions.

s. Wearing inappropriate or flowing clothing.

t. Throw objects of any nature within the premises, even if they are not directed at any person.


Article 29.
The official who detects a situation of this type will immediately notify the Firefighters and officials
and people around them.

Article 30.
Only after the warning has been given will the “fire threat” be combated with the elements that
are available at that moment according to their different types, namely:

Class A Fires. They are those that involve materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, fabrics,
rubber and plastics. They are extinguished with water, dry chemical powder and foams.

Class B fires. They involve combustible and flammable liquids, gases, greases and similar materials.
The extinguishing elements are foam, carbon dioxide (CO2) and class ABC or BC dry chemical

Class C Fires. They involve energized equipment, machinery and electrical installations. They must
be combated with non-electrically conductive agents, such as dry chemical powder, carbon
dioxide, and halogenated compounds.

Class D fires. They are fires that involve metals such as magnesium, sodium and others.
Extinguishing agents are specific for each metal .

Article 31.
The worker must know exactly the location of the fire extinguishing equipment in the sector in
which he carries out his activities, as well as know how to operate them.

Article 32.
Any worker who observes a threat, start or danger of fire must give immediate notice and will
follow the procedure established for these cases.

Article 33.
Access to equipment must be kept clear of obstacles.


Article 34.
Any official who suffers from any type of ailment, discomfort or illness that may affect their ability
and safety at work must report this to the Leaders, Manager or Board of Directors, so that they
can adopt the appropriate measures, especially if they suffer from epilepsy. dizziness,
cardiovascular problems, hearing or visual or other deficiencies, etc.

Article 35.
Any official who suffers an accident at work or while traveling will report its occurrence to the
Board of Directors, President or Manager as soon as possible, indicating precisely the manner and
circumstances in which it occurred. The injured party will be transported to Public Assistance as
soon as possible.

Article 36.
The direct boss (President of the Committee or Manager of the Cooperative) of the injured party
must report and investigate the accident in accordance with the type of investigation format
contained in Annex I of this Regulation.

Article 37.
The travel accident must be proven by the affected person through the Carabineros report, which
must indicate the time and date of the report, or with a certificate of first medical attention
received in a medical or care center, in cases where the first care has taken place in an
establishment other than Public Assistance, Hospital, or with the testimony of two witnesses.

Article 38.
The lack of verification will allow the respective Administrative Body to presume that the reported
accident is not a commuting accident.

Article 39 .
The fault incurred by the injured official who does not report personally or through third parties an
accident of which he has been a victim to the respective Administrative Body within 24 hours of its
occurrence, may lead to the loss of the right to the benefits of Law 16,744.

Article 40.
Every time an accident with injury occurs, the officials who witness the event must ensure that the
affected person receives first aid care by resorting to the nearest first aid kit, or directly to Public
Assistance if the injury is of a certain severity. In the event of a travel accident, the affected person
can go to a healthcare facility closest to the scene of the accident. In any case, the DIAT must
necessarily be issued for presentation to the Administrative Body on the first business day
following the accident.

Article 41.
The person who has suffered a work accident and who, as a result, must undergo medical
treatment, may only return to his or her usual work upon presentation of the corresponding
"Discharge Certificate", issued by the treating doctor. This certificate must be delivered by the
official to the Administrative Secretary of APR before resuming their work.

Article 42.
Any official who contravenes the rules of this regulation, referring to Hygiene and Safety
Measures, may be sanctioned in the manner contemplated in the following articles.

Article 43.

Any official who commits an offense by not complying with any of the provisions of these
regulations will be sanctioned according to the severity of the offense, in accordance with the
following criteria:

a) Minor offenses will be punished with a verbal warning, of which when 3 of these are repeated,
it will remain as a Written Warning with a copy to the Labor Directorate.

b) Less serious offenses or repeated minor offenses by an official, even when they do not cause
immediate harm to himself, others or institutional equipment and facilities, will be sanctioned
with a written reprimand reported to the Board of Directors for a demerit note. on your resume.

c) Minor or less serious offenses may also be punished with a fine of up to 25% of their daily
remuneration, in accordance with the provisions of article 67 of Law 16,744, an amount must be
set within the indicated limit, and without prejudice to issuing the warnings contemplated in
letters a) and b). In any case, the worker may complain to the corresponding Labor Inspection
regarding its application.

d) The simulation of a work accident or an occupational disease will be punished with a fine in
accordance with article 80 of Law 16,744 and will also make the person who filed the complaint
responsible for the reimbursement to the corresponding Administrative Body of all amounts. paid
by it for medical or financial benefits to the alleged work-related accident or professional illness,
without prejudice to its administrative responsibility.

Article 44.
The sanctions indicated in the preceding articles can be applied to all offending officials, even if
they were the victims of the accident.

(Law 16,744 and DS 101, of 1968, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security)

Article 45.
The declaration, evaluation, re-evaluation and review of disabilities resulting from occupational
diseases will be exclusively the responsibility of the respective Health Service, and the
administrative body will be responsible for work accidents.

The provisions of the previous section will be understood without prejudice to the
pronouncements that may be issued to the respective Health Service regarding other disabilities,
as a consequence of the exercise of its supervisory functions over medical services.

Article 46.

Affiliates or their successors, as well as the Administrative Bodies, may complain within a period of
90 business days before the Medical Commission for Claims of Work Accidents and Occupational
Illnesses, against the decisions of the respective Health Service or of the Mutual Insurance
Institutions. in matters of fact that refer to matters of a medical nature.

The resolutions of the Commission will be appealable, in any case, before the Superintendency of
Social Security within a period of 30 business days, which will resolve with exclusive jurisdiction
and without further appeal.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the applicable paragraphs, a claim may be made directly to
the Social Security Superintendency against the other resolutions of the Administrative Bodies
within a period of 90 business days.

The deadlines mentioned in this article will be counted from the notification of the resolution,
which will be carried out by certified letter or by other means established by the respective
regulations. If it had been notified by certified letter, the period will be counted from the third day
of receipt at the Postal Service.

The worker affected by the rejection of a license or medical rest by the Health Services
organizations, the Pension Health Institutions or the Employers' Mutual Insurance Companies,
based on whether the condition invoked has or does not have a professional origin. , as the case
may be, must go before the pension regime body to which he is affiliated, other than the one that
rejected the leave or medical rest, which will be obliged to take it immediately and grant the
corresponding medical or financial benefits, without prejudice to subsequent claims and refunds,
if applicable, established in this article.

In the situation provided for in the previous section, any interested person or entity may complain
directly to the Superintendency of Social Security for the rejection of the license or medical rest,
and the latter must decide, with exclusive jurisdiction and without further recourse, on the nature
of the condition that gave rise to it, within a period of thirty days counted from the receipt of the
required background information or from the date on which the affected worker had undergone
the examinations provided by said Agency, if these were later.

If the Superintendency of Social Security resolves that the benefits should have been granted
under a pension regime different from that under which they were provided, the Health Service,
the Pension Standardization Institute, the Employers' Mutual Fund, the Family Allowance
Compensation Fund or the Pension Health Institution, as appropriate, must reimburse the value of
the former to the administrative body of the entity that paid for them, the latter having to make
the respective request. Said reimbursement must include the part that the worker had to finance
in accordance with the pension health regime to which he is affiliated.

The value of the benefits that, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, must be reimbursed;
will be expressed in development units, according to their value at the time of granting, plus the
current interest for readjustable operations referred to in Law No. 18,010, from said moment until
the date of the request for the respective reimbursement, be paid within a period of ten days,
counted from the request, according to the value that said unit has at the time of effective
payment. If said payment is made after the expiration of the stated period, the amounts owed will
accrue 10% annual interest, which will be applied daily starting from the aforementioned payment

In the event that the benefits have been granted in accordance with the health regimes
established for common illnesses, and the Superintendency of Social Security decides that the
condition is of professional origin, the National Health Fund, the Health Service or the Institution
of Social Security that provided them must return to the worker the part of the reimbursement
corresponding to the value of the benefits that he had paid for, in accordance with the social
security health regime to which he is affiliated, with the respective readjustments and interests.
The term for payment will be ten days, counted from the date the refund was made. If, on the
other hand, the condition is classified as common and the benefits have been granted as if their
origin were professional, the Health Service or the Pension Health Institution that made the
reimbursement must charge its affiliate part of the value of the benefits. benefits that the latter
must pay for, according to the health regime in question, for which only the value of those will be

For the purposes of the reimbursements provided in the preceding paragraphs, the value of the
medical benefits will be considered the equivalent of what the entity that granted them charges
for them when providing them to individuals.

Article 47.
The Medical Claims Commission is also competent to hear claims in the event of suspension by
the Administrative Bodies of the payment of pensions, to those who refuse to undergo the
examinations, controls or prescriptions ordered.

The claims and appeals that this Commission must hear will be filed in writing, before the same
Medical Commission or before the Labor Inspection. In the latter case, the Labor Inspector will
immediately send the claim or appeal and other information to the Commission.
The claim or appeal will be deemed to have been filed, on the date of issuance of the certified
letter, sent to the Medical Commission or Labor Inspection, and if it has been delivered personally,
on the date on which it is stated that it has been received at the offices of the Commission or the
Inspection referred to.

Article 48.
The Superintendency of Social Security will know as exclusive jurisdiction and without further

a) Of the actions of the Medical Claims Commission and the Administrative Bodies of Law No.
16,744 in the exercise of the supervisory powers conferred by that same Law and by Law No.

b) Of the appeals filed against the resolutions that the Medical Commission will issue, in the
matters of which it is aware in the first instance, in accordance with the provisions of article 79 of
the DS. 101 of 1968, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Article 49.
The Administrative Bodies must notify all the resolutions they issue by sending a copy of them to
the affected person, by means of certified letter.

The envelope in which said resolution is delivered will accompany the claim for the purposes of
calculating deadlines.

Article 50.
For the purposes of the claim before the Superintendency referred to in paragraph 3. of Article 77
of the Law, the Administrative Bodies must notify all the resolutions they issue by sending a copy
of them to the affected person, by means of certified letter. The envelope containing said
resolution will be attached to the claim, for the purposes of computing the deadline, as in the
cases indicated in articles 80 and 91 of the DS. No. 101.

Article 51 .
The employing entity must report to the respective Agency, immediately after it occurs, any
accident or illness that may cause incapacity for work or the death of the victim. The injured or ill
person, or his or her successors, or the doctor who treated or diagnosed the injury or illness, as
well as the Joint Hygiene and Safety Committee, will also have the obligation to report the incident
to said Administrative Body, in the in the event that the employing entity had not made the

The complaints mentioned in the previous section must contain all the data that has been
indicated by the Ministry of Health.

The Administrative Bodies must inform the Ministry of Health of the accidents or illnesses that
have been reported to them and that have caused incapacity for work or the death of the victim,
in the manner and with the periodicity established by the regulations.

Article 52.
Apart from the persons and entities obliged to report Work Accidents or Occupational Diseases as
indicated in the preceding article, the report may be made by any person who has knowledge of
the facts and before the Administrative Body that must pay the subsidy.

When the Administrative Body is not the Ministry of Health, said circumstance must be made
known to it on the last business day of the month in which the victim was discharged, indicating
the data indicated by said Ministry.

Article 53.
The report of a Work Accident or an Occupational Illness will be made in a form common to the
Administrative Bodies, approved by the Ministry of Health and must comply with the following

1º It must be carried out and signed by the persons or entities obliged to do so in accordance with
article 76 of the Law, or, where appropriate, by the persons indicated in article 71 of this

2º The natural person or the employing entity that makes the complaint will be responsible for the
veracity and integrity of the facts and circumstances indicated in said complaint;

3º The simulation of a Work Accident or an Occupational Disease will be punished with a fine, in
accordance with article 80 of the Law and will also make the person who filed the complaint
responsible for the reimbursement to the corresponding Administrative Body of all the amounts
paid by it. , for medical or pecuniary presentations to the alleged Work Accident or Professional

4º The complaint that the treating doctor must make, accompanied by the history of which he
becomes aware, will give rise to the payment of the corresponding subsidies and will serve as a
basis to verify the effectiveness of the accident or the existence of the occupational disease. This
complaint will be made to the Administrative Body that must pay the subsidy.

Article 54.
It will be up to the Administrative Body that has received the complaint from the treating doctor
to sanction it without this procedure affecting the payment of the subsidy.

The formal decision of said Body will be final, without prejudice to the claims that may be deduced
in accordance with paragraph 2. of Title VIII of Law 16,744.

Article 55 .
The treating physician will be obliged to report, when appropriate, in the terms of article 73 of this
regulation, in the same act in which he or she provides care to the injured or professionally ill

Other complaints must be made effective within 24 hours of the incident occurring.


Article 56.
The employer must promptly and conveniently inform all its workers about the risks involved in
their work, preventive measures and correct work methods.

It will especially inform about the elements, products and substances that they must use in
production processes or in their work; on their identification (formula, synonyms, appearance and
color), on the permissible exposure limits of these products, on health hazards and on the control
and prevention measures that must be adopted to avoid such risks.

Article 57.
The obligation to inform must be fulfilled when hiring workers or creating activities that involve
risks, and will be done through the Joint Hygiene and Safety Committees and the Risk Prevention
Departments, where applicable. The employer must provide the corresponding information in the
most convenient and appropriate form.

Article 58.

The Committee or Cooperative must maintain the equipment and devices technically necessary to
reduce to minimum levels the risks that may arise in the workplace.


Typical Main Exposed Preventive Measures and safe

Risks Personnel work methods
 Keep hallways free of
 Do not leave materials or tools
on the ground.
 Keep work and traffic surfaces
in order and clear.
 Carry out work in compliance
 Bruises with the rules: Use
 Wounds appropriate footwear, never
1. Same Level APR Operator
 Sprains block your vision with the
Fall APR Secretary
 Dislocations material being transported.
 Fractures  Always travel aware of the
conditions and obstacles that
arise .

 Do not go over or under pipes

when moving from one place
to another.

2. Different APR Operator

Level Fall APR Secretary  Do not climb on floors, chairs,
desks, drawers, shelves, to
ascend to higher levels.
 Use caution when descending
into the valve chambers.
 Maintain order and
 Wounds cleanliness.
 Sprains  Keep traffic surfaces free of
 Fractures obstacles.
 Bruises  Keep floors free of spilled
 Dislocations liquids.
 TEC.  Do not use boxes, drawers or
other elements to reach
elevated products.
 Do not run.
 Use appropriate elements to
do the job.
 Use a safety harness when
cleaning the interior of the

 Use firm and stable wooden
 Use caution when going up
and down ladders in elevated
or semi-buried ponds.

 Do not intervene in
equipment, machinery or
electrical devices, under any
 Repair must be carried out by
qualified and authorized
3. Contact with personnel.
Electricity  Death  Avoid recharging plugs, using
 Burns APR Operator triples or power thieves.
 Wounds APR Secretary  Use the proper tools and
 Bruises appropriate personal
protective equipment.
 Do not take bare cables.
 Do not manipulate equipment
have electricity with wet hands.
 Immediately disconnect the
power supply in case of circuit
 Respect all obligations and
prohibitions related to fire
 Maintain order and cleanliness
in all workplaces.
 Always keep access to the fire
extinguishers free.
4. Fires  Burns in different  Permanently verify that the
degrees. APR Operator fire extinguishers are
 Death. APR Secretary pressurized and checked up to
 Personnel must be aware of
the use and operation of fire
 Know and keep your
establishment's emergency
and evacuation plan up to
 Be careful with heating
devices, check the equipment
and electrical installations
every year; Keep anything

flammable away from these
 Plug each electrical appliance
directly into the wall outlet
and avoid using extension
cords or extension cords.
 Have an electrician check the
electrical connections in your
establishment at least every
two years.
 Paper and garbage receptacles
must be made of non-
combustible material.
 Smoking is prohibited
anywhere in the Rural
Drinking Water Service.

 Do not keep sharp or sharp

5. Contact with  Wounds APR Operator items in pockets or on desks.
Sharp and/or  Hemorrhages APR  Use desk accessories correctly
Sharp Elements  shock Administrative and for what they were
Secretary designed for, such as: scissors,
brackets, hole punches,
pencils, etc.
 Use of personal protective
elements, such as appropriate
gloves, correct use of tools
and in good condition.
 Train workers on
characteristics, properties and
risks of the chemical products
to be used.
 Mucosal and  Mandatory use of personal
6. Contact with respiratory tract protection elements such as:
Chemical irritations masks with filters for organic
Products.  Respiratory faliure APR Operator vapors, gloves, waterproof
(Sodium  Burns clothing or apron that
Hypochlorite,  Dermatitis prevents contact with the skin.
Calcium  Mix the chemicals with the
Hypochlorite, room door open to facilitate
Permanganate) ventilation.
7. Exposure to  Skin cancer.  Instruct workers about the
Ultraviolet  Damage to Eyes. dangers of UV Radiation.
Radiation  Weakening of the  Instruct in the mandatory use
immune system. APR Operator of a neck cover or legionary-
 Premature aging style hat.

of the skin.  Have adequate shaded areas.
 Provide sunscreens

 Follow the safe procedure for

 lumbar injuries manual cargo handling:
 Upper and lower 1. Bend over by bending your
8. Overexertion extremity injuries APR Operator knees and keeping your back
2. Hold the load firmly with both
3. Lift the load using your leg
muscles and not your back.
4. Keep the load close to the body
the entire journey.
7. Repeated  Upper and lower  Take active breaks
movements extremity injuries APR (Compensatory Exercises) of 5
 lumbar injuries Administrative minutes during work every 30
Secretariat minutes of work.
 Complement both limbs in the

Article 59.
Definition of loading and/or unloading handling; Handling includes any load transport or support
operation whose lifting, placing, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving requires physical effort from
one or more workers. The employer will ensure that appropriate means are used in the
organization of the task, especially mechanical ones, in order to avoid the usual manual handling
of loads. The employer will ensure that the worker involved in the manual handling of loads
receives satisfactory training regarding the work methods he or she must use in order to protect
his or her health.

Article 60 .
Regarding the prohibitions on manual handling loading and unloading workers:
a) Workers are prohibited from manually operating loads exceeding 50 kilograms, if manual
handling is unavoidable and mechanical aids cannot be used.
b) Manual loading and unloading operations for pregnant women are prohibited.
c) It is prohibited for minors under 18 years of age and women to carry, transport, load, drag or
push manually, and without mechanical assistance, loads exceeding 20 kilograms.


Article 61.
Regarding current occupational legislation for sun protection of exposed workers, the following
standards will apply:

a) Law No. 20,096 “Establishes Control Mechanisms applicable to substances that deplete the
Ozone Layer”, of the MINSEGPRES, in its Title III “On dissemination, evaluation and protection
measures”, in its Article No. 19 indicates what following: “Without prejudice to the obligations
established in articles 184 of the Labor Code and 67 of Law No. 16,744, employers must adopt the
necessary measures to effectively protect workers when they may be exposed to ultraviolet
radiation. For these purposes, the employment contracts or internal regulations of the companies,
as the case may be, must specify the use of the corresponding protective elements, in accordance
with the provisions of the Regulation on Conditions.
Basic Sanitary and Environmental in the Workplace.

b) Supreme Decree No. 109 “Approves the Regulations for the Qualification and Evaluation of
Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases”, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of 1968,
considers UV radiation as an agent that entails risks of occupational disease. .

c) However, for all exposure to UV radiation, the worker must use sunscreen, glasses and other
sunburn protective devices or products that the company provides.

Article 62.
Sexual harassment is illegal conduct not in accordance with human dignity and contrary to
coexistence within an entity. The Committee will guarantee each of its workers a decent work
environment, to this end it will take all necessary measures so that workers work in conditions
consistent with their dignity.

Article 63.
Any worker of the Committee who suffers or is aware of illegal acts defined as sexual harassment
by law or these regulations, has the right to report them, in writing, to the leaders, or to the
competent Labor Inspection.

Article 64.
Any complaint made in the terms indicated in the previous article must be investigated by the
Committee within a maximum period of 30 days, appointing for these purposes an impartial
official duly trained to deal with these matters. The superiority of the Committee will refer the
case to the respective Labor Inspection, when it determines that there are inabilities within it
caused by the content of the complaint, and when it is considered that the company does not
have qualified personnel to carry out the investigation.

Article 65.
The written complaint addressed to management must indicate the names, surnames and RUT of
the complainant and/or affected person, the position they hold in the company and what their
hierarchical dependency is; a detailed list of the facts that are the subject of the complaint, where
possible indicating the date and time, the name of the alleged harasser and finally the date and
signature of the complainant.

Article 66.
Once the complaint is received, the investigator will have a period of 2 business days, counted
from the receipt of the complaint, to begin his investigative work. Within the same period, you
must notify the parties, personally, of the start of an investigation procedure for sexual
harassment and immediately set the summons dates to hear the parties involved so that they can
provide evidence to support their statements.

Article 67.
The investigator, according to the initial background he has, will ask management to have some
precautionary measures, such as the separation of the physical spaces of those involved in the
case, the redistribution of working hours, or the redistribution of a of the parties, taking into
account the seriousness of the reported facts and the possibilities derived from the working

Article 68.
The entire investigation process will be recorded in writing, leaving a record of the actions carried
out by the investigator, the statements made by those involved, the witnesses and the evidence
they could provide. The procedure will be strictly confidential and both parties will be guaranteed
that they will be heard.

Article 69.
Once the researcher has completed the information collection stage, through the means indicated
in the previous article, he will proceed to issue the report on the existence of facts constituting
sexual harassment.

Article 70.
The report will contain the identification of the parties involved, the witnesses who testified, a list
of the facts presented, the conclusions reached by the investigator and the measures and
sanctions proposed for the case.

Article 71.
Given the seriousness of the facts, the measures and sanctions that will be applied may range
from a verbal or written warning to the harassing worker, to a discount of 25% of the daily
remuneration of the harassing worker, in accordance with the provisions of these Internal
Regulations. The foregoing is without prejudice to the fact that the company could, given the
seriousness of the facts, apply the provisions of article 160 No. 1, letter b), of the Labor Code, that
is, terminate the contract due to sexual harassment behavior.

Article 72.

The report with the conclusions reached by the investigator, including the proposed measures and
sanctions, must be concluded and delivered to the company management no later than the 29th
day from the beginning of the investigation, and notified, personally, to the parties no later than
the 30th.

Article 73.
Those involved may make observations and accompany new information no later than the 10th
day after the investigation begins, by means of a note addressed to the investigating body, who
will evaluate the new information and issue a new report. With this report, the sexual harassment
investigation will be concluded and its issuance date may not exceed day 30, counted from the
beginning of the investigation, which will be sent to the Labor Inspection no later than the
business day following its preparation. The report.

Article 74.
The observations made by the Labor Inspection will be appreciated by the Committee Leaders and
the pertinent adjustments will be made to the report, which will be notified to the parties no later
than the 10th day after receiving the observations from the supervisory body. The proposed
measures and sanctions will be resolved immediately or on the dates indicated in the report itself,
which may not exceed 15 days.

Article 75.
Anyone affected by any measure or sanction may use the general appeal procedure when the
sanction is a fine, that is, they may complain about its application to the Labor Inspection.

Article 76.
Considering the seriousness of the facts verified, the Committee will proceed to take protective
measures such as the separation of physical spaces, redistribute working hours, reassign one of
those involved, or other measures it deems appropriate and the sanctions stipulated in this
regulation, and a combination of safeguard measures and sanctions may be applied.

Article 77.
If one of those involved considers that any of the measures indicated in the previous article is
unfair or disproportionate, they may use the general appeal procedure contained in the Internal
Regulations or resort to the Labor Inspection.

Article 78.
This Regulation will come into force 10 business days from the date of delivery and receipt of a
copy of it to the corresponding Health and Labor Inspection Service and will be brought to the
attention of the staff in the same period. In addition, a printed copy of these Internal Regulations
will be given free of charge to each of the workers with a current employment contract in the
company. Likewise, a copy will be sent to the Labor Directorate within five days following its
validity. The modifications that are introduced to this regulation will also be subject to the
provisions of the preceding paragraphs.

Article 79.
This regulation will be valid for two years, but will be deemed automatically extended for equal
and successive periods if no observations are made at least 30 days in advance of its initial
expiration date or of any subsequent extensions.


(Art. 21 Title Six D. 40, Law 16,744)

Rural Drinking Water Committee of………………………, legally represented by

……………………………………………………………………………. RUT. ……………………………………….…… fulfills the
duty of informing all its workers about the risks involved in the work it performs, preventive
measures and correct work methods.

I ________________________________________________ RUT ________________________

I declare that I have received the Internal Regulations of Hygiene and Safety Order and that I have
received the information corresponding to the existing risks of the activity that I am going to carry
out in the Rural Drinking Water Committee of “Name of the town” and that they are typified in
said regulations between pages 19 to 22.

____ of ___________ of 2014


Worker Signature


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