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NAME: __________________________________________________________
1.- It is a virtue that all beings have and that makes us give each person what belongs.
a) Fraternity b) Justice c) sapes

2.- It is the peaceful union between human beings.

a) fraternity b) marriage disputes c) democracy

3.- Government or country in which the people exercise sovereignty, electing their ruler by free
a) monarchy b) democracy c) justice

4.- They are agreements reached by social groups to regulate the comfort of people to
maintain order.
a) coexistence b) conflicts c) freedom

5.- To regulate the commitment of people, to maintain order, and to ensure that both the
property and the integrity of the population are kept in order.
a) social coexistence b) prison c) multicultural

6.- The teacher asks his students: “why is Mexico democratic?” Choose the student with the
correct answer:
a) savior: because citizens express themselves and participate through voting.
b) Jesus: because it is divided into three powers.
c) Star: because it doesn't have representatives.

7.- Choose the correct option, according to the following statement: “Our republic is federal
because it is divided into 32 federative entities.”
a) True, because we are united by a federal pact.
b) True, because we have a king who rules us.
c) False, because we have four powers.
8.- Article 3 says that education must be secular, free and compulsory. What does secular
a) That we must receive it daily.
b) That religion is not professed in classes.
c) That we cannot miss classes.

9.- When we act with ethical judgment, it means that:

a) We get into conflicts.
b) We act in accordance with good values.
c) Decisions without thinking
10.- We take Complete the sentence: “The Political Constitution establishes that our country is
a democratic, representative and…” republic.
a) Secular. b) Federal. c) Plural. d) Ethics.


NAME: _______________________________________________________
1.- What is the main source of light and heat on our planet.
a) the moon b) the Sun c) the stove

2.- Where do human beings get the energy that allows us to move?
a) food b) solar plants c) photosynthesis

3.- It is used when someone suffers from farsightedness since they help focus
light rays directly on the retina.
a) telescope b) converging lenses c) beach lenses

4.- Through them the images look smaller than the objects.
a) microscope b) divergent lenses c) magnifying glass

5.- This energy is produced by the movement of air in the mills.

a) solar b) wind c) fan

6.- This energy is obtained from ocean currents, waves and tides.
a) tidal b) surf c) geothermal

7.- It is produced from organic waste such as animal and human excrement and
is obtained mainly from methane gas.
a) hydraulic b) step baths c) geothermal

8.- Energy is found everywhere, write two examples of where we can find it.

9.- Name two sources that man uses to obtain energy that we require to meet
our needs as a society.

10.- Name two consequences for the environment that obtaining energy from
various sources has had.

NAME: _______________________________________________________
1.- Through which, human beings transform natural resources.
a) industrial activity b) black magic c) GDP

2.- What is required for the products manufactured in the world to reach our
a) commerce b) banknotes c) combustion

3.- activity that consists of exchanging products or services through their

purchase or sale, within a country or in other countries.
a) trade b) fayuca c) barter

4.- Within international trade, which are the most expensive products.
a) video game b) crafts and manufactures c) spoons

5.- What is the most sold product in the world.

a) Jonny's pallets b) fuels c) chemicals

6.- Type of product that Mexico exports the most.

a) mango b) manufacturing c) peanut

7.- Which is the country that matters most in the world.

a) China b) Morelia c) Lázaro Cárdenas

8.- Which is the country that exports the most in the world?
a) United States of America b) Guatemala c) Guadalajara

9.- Which countries do these brands belong to?

Coca Cola: ________________________
Jarritos: __________________________
Sony: ____________________________
Danone: __________________________
Write: ___________________________

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