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Your FF30X Quickstart Guide

Welcome to your FF30X Quickstart Guide! On behalf of our entire FFP

Team, we’re incredibly grateful to have you with us on the FF30X Program.
We prepared this simple guide to get you started on the program ASAP.

To get started on Fit Father 30X you have 3x “Program Setup Steps”
to complete (we’ve linked them below for you):

● Setup Step #1: Write your FF30X 30-Day Mission Statement

● Setup Step #2: Read over your Fit Father Meal Plan
● Setup Step #3: Watch your FF30X Workouts
● Setup Step #4: Kick off your 30-Day of Accountability Emails
● Join your Fit Father Brotherhood Facebook Chapter Group here

When you click any of the links above, you will be directed to setup
lessons inside your FFP Member’s Area where you can download
your FF30X meal plan/workouts and complete the setup steps.

In this quickstart guide, I am going to give you the “quick & dirty” version of
each of those setup steps so you can get started on the program as quickly
and easily as possible.

** Please note: In addition to using this Quickstart Guide, we still highly

recommend you complete the full FF30X Setup Step lessons linked
above… as those setup step lessons delve into your Fit Father meal plan &
workouts in much greater detail - providing you with the best experience
and results possible.

That said, this Quickstart Guide will give you the bare-bone basics to get
you moving forward on the program TODAY. You will need to be logged
into your FFP Member’s Area to access the special links in this guide.

Let’s get started by talking about your Fit Father Meal Plan...
Write Your FFP Mission Statement:
See your full Mission Statement Setup Step here in your member’s area.

Here’s the truth: exercise and nutrition are NOT enough to ensure you
lose weight and keep it off. You ALSO need the proper MINDSET that will
help you find inner strength, motivation, and discipline.

That’s why we have created a simple, but powerful process to help you
build your IRON MINDSET that will ensure you succeed with FF30X.

Read this Mission Statement guide linked here, and do the journaling
exercises that the guide walks you through.

In a few minutes after reading the guide and watching the video above,
you’ll have a powerful Mission Statement that will KEEP YOU MOTIVATED
on your coming weeks on this FF30X Program.

Complete your Mission Statement Here >>

How To Start The Fit Father Meal Plan:
See your full Meal Plan Setup Lesson here in your FFP member’s area.

Each day on the FF30X Program, here’s your hydration goal:

Your Body Weight (lbs) [1lb=0.45kg] / 2 + 32 = your target intake in ounces

Example: 200lb man would drink 132oz of water (a little over a gallon).

Note: This is a lot more water than you’re likely used to. This is by design
and will really help your body get cleaner, healthier, and more energized.
And yes, you will be peeing all the time. You will get used to it… and the
health benefits are very much worth it.

Pro Tip: Start your day with 32oz of water within 1 hour of waking up to
rehydrate and energize your body. Bonus: Add in a pinch of pink Himalayan
salt to your morning water to get the benefits of over 84 trace minerals that
your body needs.

For Breakfast - you have the following options:

● Make a simple Protein Shake (we have recipes for you here).
● Eat one of the Fit Father Egg-Breakfast recipes (see them here).
● Skip breakfast and intermittent fast (have water, tea, and/or coffee).

Drink water between meals - including breakfast and lunch.

In addition to water, you can have organic green tea (like this brand or this
brand) and/or some quality coffee (avoid added sugar and crappy creamers; if
you need something in your coffee for sweetness… use stevia or a low-sugar
creamer). Coffee intake is excluded from your hydration goal.

Tea intake does count toward your hydration goals. We encourage you to
drink as much organic green tea as you like as it will aid in your fat-burning
and weight loss progress.
For Lunch - you have the following options:
● Make a simple Protein Shake (we have recipes for you here).
● Have a salad with added protein (chicken, salmon, steak, shrimp).
*Organic / wild-caught protein is always preferable when possible.
● Have a Perfect Plate (see concept here on video).
● Have a Fit Father Sandwich Recipe (see recipes here).
● Pick Something From 21 Healthiest “Fast Food” Lunch Picks Guide

Afternoon Snack - you have the following options:

● Fruit and nuts (see guidelines here).
● Approved Protein Bars (see page here).
● You can skip the snack if you’re not hungry.

Dinner - you have the following options:

● Have a Perfect Plate (see concept here on video).
● Eat one of our Fit Father Dinner Recipes (see recipes section here).
● You can make a simple Protein Shake (follow breakfast recipes).

Taper your fluid intake after dinner.

Good evening drinks to enjoy are relaxing, herbal teas (like this one here)
that have a lot of health benefits like boosting your immune system,
lowering cortisol, and helping calm your mind to allow you to sleep deeper.

Remember: this is the quick & dirty version of the FF30X Nutrition Plan.
We encourage you to review your full FF30X Nutrition Plan here.
How To Start Your FF30X Workouts:
See your full FF30X Workout Setup Lesson here in your Member’s Area.

For this first week, you will do 2-3 “APEX 10” workouts. See this page
(linked below) for the video demo of your APEX10 workout:

For your APEX10 workout, all you need is a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.

That video linked above covers the specifics on rep scheme, exercise
form, how much weight to use, & other FAQs for this APEX10 Workout.

You can see your full FF30X Workout Schedule & Overview PDF here.

This APEX10 workout is deceptively challenging… and incredibly effective

for revving up your body’s fat-burning metabolism. You will gain substantial
improvements to your health, fitness, muscle mass, energy, and fat loss
after doing this workout consistently for a few weeks.

Remember: nutrition, sleep, & hydration are the foundations of weight loss.
Although this APEX10 workout is POWERFUL for burning fat, you can't
“out exercise” a bad diet… especially if you’ve been “out of the game” for a
number of years.
FF30X Workout Quickstart FAQs:
Q: What do I do if I’m unable to exercise right now?

If you are unable to workout this week for schedule or health reasons, we
recommend a 30-minute daily WALK (your health permitting). Brisk walking
+ good nutrition work together very well to help you lose weight.

Always consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Q: Are there any exercise substitutions if I have a bad shoulder, knee,

back, or other nagging injury?

Yes. Here are some modified APEX10 workouts for you (linked below):

● APEX10 Substitute - For Low Back Issues

● APEX10 Substitute - For Shoulder Issues
● APEX10 Substitute - For Knee Issues

As we said above, always consult your doctor before beginning any

exercise program. Also, if you need specific help on substitution exercises,
post inside your Fit Father Brotherhood Facebook Group to get advice from
our training staff and your fellow program members.

Now that we’ve talked about exercise, we need to talk about your final
program setup step… writing your FF30X Mission Statement.

Flip to the next page to wrap up this guide.

That’s it for your FF30X Quickstart Guide!
To summarize: there are 3 main steps of your FF30X Program Setup.

● Step #1: Write your FF30X Mission Statement (using this guide).
● Step #2: Read over the Fit Father Meal Plan.
● Step #3: Watch the APEX10 workout video (linked here).

Once you have those 3 elements in place and hit the “Mark As Complete”
button at the bottom of your Setup Step lessons in your member’s area…

Our team will officially kick off your Day #1 on the program and begin
sending you 30-days of accountability emails and incredible bonus training.

Important: we will NOT send you your 30-days of bonus & accountability
emails until we know you’re ready to go and have completed the program
setup steps.

Go through this Quickstart Guide and your in-depth lesson setup steps linked
above, and if you still have questions, you can post in your private
Brotherhood Facebook Group here or simply “hit reply” to any of the program
email you’ve received from our team.

We’re in your corner now. Let’s do this thing!

-Dr. A + The FFP Success Team

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