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Burt Goldman


What are Angels? .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Access and communication ........................................................................................................................... 8

Decision Making .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Internal Conflict ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Guidance ..................................................................................................................................................... 21

The Quantum Angel .................................................................................................................................... 28

Angel on My Shoulder – Burt Goldman Page 1

What are Angels?
Angels are created beings, celestial in nature, designed in part, to help humanity. But there are
different types of Angelic beings, a hierarchy and like all things they follow certain set down rules and
laws. But before I get into that please allow me to take you back in time; back to the year 1929, I had just
turned two years old and my grandmother was calling me from the parlor where I was playing. ‘Berel,
come here.’

I’m translating as my grandmother didn’t speak English. She had emigrated from Eastern
Europe and had settled in on east 22 street in Brooklyn, New York. I knew my name was Burton as that
was how my mother and aunt addressed me; I just thought that grandmothers were different; to her I was
Ber-El. My earliest memory is my telling her that I was busy playing with my 5 Cherubs. I had no idea
my companions were angels, how could I, I was just learning how to speak and Angel wasn’t even in my
very limited vocabulary. I’m not even sure I had a vocabulary at the time, I do remember my 5 playmates
though, they were as real to me as my friends of today are. They didn’t have names as I recall but
whenever I was alone either in the Parlor, or the bedroom, or the bathroom, there they were, in my mind,
waiting for me. At the time I didn’t know the difference between a mental companion and a reality friend.
It was all the same to me. It was many, many years later that I discovered they were my guardian angels.

They disappeared just about the time I became self aware. I believe I was around five years of
age. I can’t say that I missed them, it never entered my mind. But I can visualize my unseen guides now
almost as vividly as I did then; the only difference being that then they were as real as reality but today
they are just in my mind.

Esther Hicks, of the Abraham-Hicks organization calls those unseen guides and tutors a ‘source
energy’ and that ancient homily, ‘ask and you shall receive’ is updated to summon it and it will come.
Abraham calls what I would call angels a ‘group of non-physical entities.’ And of course non-physical
entity would aptly describe an angel.

Doreen Virtue calls her group of angels Angels, and those not totally comfortable with that
label can simply see the unseen guides as Esther Hick’s ‘non-physical entities’ whereas Neale Donald
Walsch in his book ‘Conversations with God’ refers to what I would call angels as simply, ‘higher
intelligence,’ and of course in a general way that too would describe an angel.

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Jane Roberts, whom I greatly admire but who unfortunately has left the physical state,
channeled a personality I would call angel, and who called himself Seth. Also in the Seth material an
angel could be seen as one’s ‘oversoul.’

That being said allow me to offer a few of my thoughts on ‘channeling.’ I recall a time one of
my students, Doctor Eugene Jussek, a medical doctor who specializes in hypnosis, (author of ‘Reaching
for the Oversoul’, a book about one of his patients) was channeling an entity who called himself Yan Su
Lu. Dr. Jussek is a good friend, invited me to hear the channeling process. Gene lived in Encino at the
time, whereas I was in the next town of Tarzana. I must admit to being mightily impressed by the
information coming out of his patient Charles Roberts. The material Gene got out of Roberts while he was
deep in trance seemed to be beyond Charles’ capacity and like Seth, Yan Su Lu expounded reams of
material far beyond the capacity of his host. I decided to further explore this business of channeling a non-
physical entity.

As a trainer of hypnotists at the time I had plenty of subjects with whom I could experiment and
as I had a training class every other month there was the opportunity to receive much important material.
It appeared that most people could do channeling, given the proper guidance. My method, similar to Dr.
Jussek’s, was to put a person in a deep hypnotic trance, and ask them to bring forward the wisest soul
available. And soon the subject would speak, usually in a voice other than their own, and out would come
somewhat startling information. I offered classes in channeling during the 90’s in Switzerland, Holland,
France, the UK and Greece with a few notable classes in Ohio, New York, Chicago, Florida, Texas and
California. Channeling always surprised me and I decided to investigate further. Finally it became clear,
channeling was one of the means Angels could speak through their host. However, channeling isn’t the
only means of communicating with your unseen guides. As I will show you later in this program, there is
a way you can actually meet your guides and communicate with them directly.

But let me speak now about a very interesting time. It was the day I was working out some
more of the QJ concepts and how to use them more effectively. I decided to do a Quantum Jump to a
universe where I could see my angels. As there are an infinity of universes and all things are possible in
one of those universes that part was simple. And as it was the mental universe I was visiting I was
utilizing the first principle of Hermes, that of Mentalism where we are told that ‘The Universe is
Mental.’ The way to touch the varieties of universes is through mental means and I chose the QJ to
manifest my desire to view a variety of angels in the greater universe or multiverse as some scientists
would call it. In one of those limitless places was a universe where Angels were visible and so I soon
found myself in a duplicate universe, with my twin self, or doppelganger in a
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doppelganger world, a twin world with only one exception, I had the ability to see not only my
angels but others as well.

I wasn’t exactly testing out the angel concept but the thought came to me that maybe I could
use the Quantum Jumping technique that I was always working on improving to visit a universe where I
could actually see my angels. All this is on the mental plane of course, and so I thought that in satisfying
my curiosity I could gather more information. And so, jumping through the door way, or I should say
more accurately, stepping through it as I’ve long ago just stepped through although many students of QJ
do actually jump over the threshold, anyway, after stepping through the doorway I found myself seated
in my living room, where I actually was and there in front of me smiling, was an angel; my angel. My
body was deep in meditation but my mind was flowing in another universe through the mystery of
mental imagery.

In the universe I had jumped into angels were visible and it was confusing. Wherever I looked
I saw angels. Even my dog, a mini schnauzer named Baby had his own little dog angel hovering near
him. I walked along the street and everyone had an accompanying angel that they occasionally spoke
with. I shortly found out that every angel on the planet knew everything that happened to every other
angel; what my angel knew, every other angel knew as well. As everyone was aware of this the world
was quite different.

Just imagine if you were aware that everything you did was noted by an angelic host of billions
of angels as soon as you did it. I called that one my Angelic Jump, and the universe and world was my
angelic world. No wars here, not when every angel became aware immediately of the thought of war. In
my angelic world there were no religions as we know them either. Every one was aware of their celestial
guardians just as everyone was aware of a creator and supreme being. There were no churches, temples,
or places to worship as everyone carried their temples with them. There were no beliefs in the spiritual
world as everyone knew it existed. When you know, there is no reason to believe. There were no sadists,
or masochists, or war mongers or trouble makers of any sort on Angel World.

Angels do not have the ability of recreating themselves but they do understand the human and
animal methods of re-creation and so every human, when the time comes, has a curtain of privacy that
angels do not intrude upon unless invited to do so. In angel world people do eat meat but the animals that
are available, each with their own basic angel, know that their function is to merge their consciousness
with the human consciousness at a certain period and they fully accept their role. Animals are treated with
respect, and kindness until the time they are mercifully put to rest with their bodies creating sustenance

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for the highest form of consciousness, the human.

There are businesses and governments and salespeople and politicians but unique in that

there is no lying and so exaggeration takes the place of untruths and metaphors abound but people
understand this and elected officials are given leave to rule not so much as what they promise but their
actions prior to taking office.

These are just very general descriptions of Angel world, if it seems like a heavenly universe
it is very close but there are also polarization worlds where the opposite is true and although there are
angels there as well they are invisible to all and in those worlds there are wars and rumors of wars and
lying deceit and generally turmoil.

But enough about other universes, you can mentally take a quantum jump into any world that
can be imagined, that is the premise of QJ, so let’s get back to this world and my angel.

I say my angel and said hello to her but she just smiled and nodded. I say she but I have no
knowledge as to whether my angel is male, female, or even has a gender, but I will refer to her as a she.
‘May I know your name?’ I asked.

‘Coraline,’ was the reply.

Rather than go through the entire communication which was lengthy I will simply tell you what
knowledge I received from Coraline that day. At this point I would like to add this; believe what you are
about to hear or don’t believe it, if the information comforts you, if it helps you, then I’ve done my job.
Coraline knows that my mission on earth is to help and to comfort and above all to teach. Utilize the
material you will be learning and if your life gets better for it then the time and energy you spend hearing
me out will be well worth it to you.

Incidentally, I have three daughters, two of them are retired teachers, the other teaches at a
Montessori school, my granddaughter teaches dance, and my wife teaches third grade. Apparently we
chose this profession as a family thing on some other level, at some other time.

Every significant religion that I am aware of believes that angels exist. Angels are
mentioned in the Bible, both new and old testaments, in the Koran, in the Book of Mormon,
Jehovah’s Witnesses literature and virtually all major religions.

Angels come in many guises, the first time I noted that was in 1975 when I joined the Silva
organization as an instructor. During the latter half of the course we introduced our students to
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their ‘counselors’ one male, and one female. I immediately thought ‘what a novel way to get
people to their personal angels because there was very little difference between ‘angels’ as I
knew of them and ‘counselors’ as all the Silva instructors taught and for people whose beliefs
wouldn’t allow them to see ‘angels’ counselors was a perfect replacement.

As we continue on I will answer many of your questions. What’s the difference between

the communicating with your Angels and quantum jumping; when your angels are assigned to you, your
personal angel, the hierarchy of angels, the creation of angels and so on. As much as I know, you will
know. Know now however that as you get further into this discourse your mind will open more and more
to the possibility that there are indeed supernatural, let me say celestial beings whose only purpose here
on earth is to help those they are assigned to.

Why then is there so very much difficulty and problems in the world? Why, you might ask do
not the angels all get together and solve mankind’s problem in one fell swoop? Perhaps you will
understand the answer to that riddle before we reach the last module in this series. But first, how do
angels come to be in the first place. Created by God there is an infinity of angels, just as there is an
infinity of Galaxies, solar systems, planets, and people. An unending parade.

You do have an angel, she is with you every moment of your life. Like myself you probably
saw your angel the first few years of your life but if you are like most people, you forgot about her as
soon as you became aware of other things that interested you. You may well ask why you need an angel?
Let me tell you of what I feel makes for a perfect relationship, a good relationship is a filling of needs. If
you have a strong need and the other person in the relationship fills that need then you have a good
relationship. The stronger the need that is filled the better the relationship. I want a good relationship with
the inspirational side of me. That creative portion is easily tapped into when I communicate with my
angel. My angel has a name as I’ve said, it’s Coralene. Using her name makes her a bit more accessible
and friendly. When I’m reaching for a theme or painting a canvass I will sometimes close my eyes for a
moment and mentally say, “Coralene, give me a hand here.’ And then clearing my mind, things usually
come to me.

And if you do not believe in angels it doesn’t matter. I know that some of you may have been raised to
believe that there are such things as angels; and when I say it doesn’t really matter what I mean is that
it’s the result that matters. As I say again and again, if it works use it. Maybe there are no such things as
angels, maybe it’s just wishful thinking and we are just talking to our selves, our inner consciousness;
maybe…but then again, maybe not. I feel more comfortable believing that angels exist and if some
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people don’t believe and won’t use our techniques then it just makes it a bit more difficult for them to
communicate with their angels except when deeply asleep and dreaming. A belief that they exist, even a
minor belief, will open a channel and you will get a message occasionally, usually as an inspirational

Angels do not have physical bodies but they are definitively beings of a spirit nature. Invisible to
you yet you are totally visible to them. Your angel loves you as do all angels love you
and your effort to love and to somewhat understand their natures can only result in good happening.
However one should not worship angels as they are servants as are you and commanded only to worship
God. Angels do not judge or accuse no matter what the cause and although superior to the human race in
spiritual status they never judge the human race.

Although Angels can and do work alone with their hosts they do have a counterpart and all
angels are actually pairs. Not male and female as they have no gender. One angel is positive the other
negative but do not think this means good and bad, but simply a polarization that fulfills the universal
law of gender that requires a positive and negative in all things save the Creator himself.

When you have taken it upon yourself to seek out and to work with your angelic counterpart
you will have taken a giant step towards the crystallization of your spiritual being and becoming. Working
with your angel is really a simple thing having as its first component the desire to do so. Often easiest in
meditation as in meditation you are totally concentrative with the normal minutia of the world held at bay
and only one thought coming in, this allows your angel easy access to you where you may speak and be
spoken to however like all things the more you practice speaking to your angel the easier it becomes until
it is second nature for you.

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Access and communication
Your angel is always close by; nearer to you than can be imagined. But let us see if we can
discover how to use that great imagination of yours to see how close they can be. How close is the person
who calls you on your cell phone? Now your cell phone is the device that allows the person calling to
manifest, but where is that voice you hear if you do not have the phone? The voice, just like a radio wave
permeates the universe. Let’s imagine a radio wave. Say that you have a mini radio, the size of a lima
bean, and let’s say further that you were to swallow that radio that is the size of a lima bean. It would play
in your stomach because radio waves permeate you; they go right through you; that’s science. Now
consider this; is a radio wave stronger than an Angel, I think not.

Imagine an Angel who is an energy form, a spiritual energy form, just as we humans are
physical energy forms. When you go to the extreme microcosmic level of the human and get beyond the
cellular, beyond the atomic, beyond the charms and quarks that make up the atoms that bind us you find
ultimately the strings of vibration that energy is made up of. One of the absolute principles is that of ‘as
above so below, as below so above.’ This gives us a clue that the angelic energy form is similar but at a
higher level of vibration. When you ask where your angel is, the answer is the same as if you were to
ask where the waves of energy of a radio broadcast are; the answer is: Everywhere.

There was an ancient conundrum that asked, ‘How many angels could fit on the head of a pin?’
the answer once again is to compare the question to something of a scientific nature that we are aware of,
and that would be radio waves. How many radio waves could fit on the head of a pin? And the answer to
both questions is, ‘as many as there are.’ An infinite number of angels would be the answer; therefore
look not ‘out there’ for your angels, for they are within as well as outside you.

Now the question will arise as to how do you open yourself to angels and how do you
communicate with your angel? To open the door you must have a desire to do so, you must want to
communicate with your angel, but remember that your angel is on a higher plane, the spiritual plane and
so that begets a different question, ‘how do I reach the spiritual plane?’

The first step is to quiet the mind. There are three planes of existence that we are familiar
with, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. We often move from the physical plane to

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the mental many times during the day. Indeed, before every physical action there had to have been a
mental directive to instigate that action. Some instantaneous but most mental commands come after some
time in thought. Before you do anything you must will yourself to do the thing, that is scientific fact and if
you consider it you will find that it is true. Reading or listening to me now is a conscious choice that you
have made. If you hadn’t made the choice, if you did not have the will or the desire to hear me, you would
not be listening.

You eat when you are hungry but hunger doesn’t cause you to eat, your desire, caused by the
hunger, is what motivates you to eat. A person who is ill, and depleted of energy, may feel hunger pangs
but enervated by the illness has no desire to eat; and so doesn’t eat. Whereas a person who is not hungry,
but desires a piece of candy, or an ice cream, will eat.

People who do not believe in angels and have no desire to see or to hear or even to imagine
them will not see them. Those who believe in angels and have built a desire to see their angel only require
some means of stimulating that desire through the agency of a catalyst or channel. Meditation is the
means to get to that channel. Do not be concerned if you are not adept at meditation, or feeling your
spiritual side, many people feel that way and utilizing our unique methods have in fact, felt as though they
communicated with their angel on the very first try. And if you are skeptical that’s fine, anything that has
not been definitely proven through science should be greeted with a degree of skepticism. All that I ask is
that you withhold judgment and follow along with me as your guide.

With respect to facts, they are in the main anecdotal. To my knowledge no angel has ever
broadcast themselves to the world; that’s not their function. If it were, there would be neither wars nor
rumor of war.

What about bad people, do they speak with their angels as well? Well, the truly bad news
people wouldn’t dream of having a personal angel. Angel’s don’t interfere with the free will of the human
race and so they wouldn’t give any help to their patron in any case.

Angels don’t attempt to chip at or enter the wholesomeness of the human mind nor do they
influence human will and under no circumstances do they interfere with the action of human will. Free
will is exactly that and you do what you do as you do it without celestial influence. Saying that however,
there is a difference in your communicating with and asking for help in your free will actions. Angels do
not have the power to change any of the choices their human makes they can however, when asked,
provide the power necessary to help the human they are assigned to with their human’s desire providing
the human is moral and has good purpose at heart. Angels are

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nearer to you than your skin and deeply care for you; so much so that they are saddened by
intolerance and obstinate and inflexible desires that they know will be harmful to you.

This is how to best use your angel. First of all to be more open and accessible you must get
your emotions out of the way. You chart your own course and then your angels act to make the best
possible use of that course. There are always choices that are available to you. If you look back on your
life you will discover that the choices you made to get to where you are were always one of many.

Allow me to give you an example: Sheila Wagner was at a party and when she grew thirsty
she went to the open bar and ordered a drink. While at the bar she met Tom Wilkins. The first choice she
made was going to the party, before going she thought about staying home and reading a book she had
just purchased but decided she needed some excitement, the second choice was going to the bar, at the
party she was bored and decided to stand at the bar to see if she might meet someone interesting, and the
third choice was when she spoke to Tom Wilkins, he asked her what her name was and as he looked
nice she told him and then she figured what the heck, may as well talk to somebody, that’s what she was
there for after all. They made a date to meet for dinner the following Saturday and that was her fourth
choice, she had left her last boyfriend and figured she’d learn more about the new guy. You see the
sequence; now there were many minor choices made and eventually she had a bad experience with Tom
and broke up with him after spending a year and a half in his company. She put it all down to experience
but it was really a sequence of choices. She wouldn’t have had the bad experience had she not dated him
in the first place, not gone to the bar, nor gone to the party. All the while her angel was hovering nearby
immersed in all the experiences. Her angel knew that Tom was bad for her and indeed that she shouldn’t
have been at the dance at all but angels don’t interfere when not asked.

Had Sheila communicated with her angel prior to going to the dance there may well have been
a different outcome and Sheila would have saved herself 18 months of misery. Now allow me to get to the
present, my present, as I write this I’m thinking of a few choices I have. I can continue writing, or I can
take a walk around the block. The walk is exactly a mile and a quarter, I can use the exercise but it means
stopping work and walking. Well I do a lot of thinking while walking, should I put on my walking shoes,
get the dog and go. The dog loves to walk. He runs madly all over the house at the mention of the word
walk. Well I’ll consult my angel Coralene. I close my eyes and call her. She knows what I want and just
smiles and nods her head. And keyboard and my computer and go for a walk, that’s my decision.

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Now I’m back. Just walked my mile and a quarter; no big deal, but I do a lot of thinking
while walking, kind of a setting up of choices. Now all that may seem to be making mountains out of
molehills, insignificant and meaningless things but they are examples of how your angel can be contacted
and used even for things as simple as taking a walk. Will your angel speak to you as I am speaking to you
now? Will your ears hear her voice? Think about this. Your ears hear due to vibrations on the physical
plane. I speak, and that speech creates a sound wave. Your ears contain tiny ear bones that cause your ear
drum to vibrate, this is basically how you hear. The sound of your voice vibrates the bones in your ear
drum, called the cochlea and you hear. To hear you must have a physical vibration to energize and vibrate
the three bones of hearing in your ear drum. Your angel is on the spiritual plane and can only be contacted
mentally therefore cannot cause a physical vibration and so it is impossible to hear her as you would hear
someone on the physical plane. To hear your angel you must do so on her plane of existence, the spiritual.

When I speak to Coralene she usually answers and I do hear her, but mentally, and on the
spiritual plane. Sometimes it seems as though I’m making it all up and I am talking to myself but when
that happens, as it often does, it is her influencing me to think the thoughts I am thinking that I’m making
up. She has no influence on the physical plane but the spiritual plane is her turf.

When a person on the physical plane reports getting information from the other side as many
do; take Edgar Cayce, or Jan Roberts as example, the entity or angel that appears to be speaking will
utilize the physical aspects after establishing a connection on the spiritual plane and only then. A state
akin to hypnotic trance is often used but meditation operates in the same manner. To get information from
the other side you must first open that channel and you must be on the other side. That is what our
meditation modules are about taking you to the dimension where you will be able to communicate with
your angel.

At first you will not be sure. Are you talking to yourself and answering yourself? Maybe. Are
you speaking to a celestial being who wants to speak with you, and help you in life? Maybe. Are you
speaking with your personal angel? Maybe. Why do I say maybe? Because no one can tell you
scientifically that an Angel even exists. Yes they are in the holy books of most religions and yes billions
of people believe they exist, but it’s all taken on faith. So; have faith. The easiest way for you to begin the
process is to act as if it’s true. Act as if you are really speaking with your angel. Ask your angel her name,
and then ask her a simple question. What question? That’s up to you; just go along with my guidance.
And act as if it’s all true. Act as if you are indeed speaking with your personal angel.

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Decision Making
The biblical homily ‘ask and you shall receive’ comes into play more with respect to getting
help from your angel than perhaps any other. ‘But how,’ you might well ask, “does a person ask an angel
for anything?” Or to put it in another manner, how does one communicate with an angel? Before you ask
you have to decide what it is that you are going to ask for.

Also a question will come up with respect to angels as a metaphor. A metaphor is a word, or a
phrase that is not meant literally but only as an example of. For instance if I were to say that I have a
friend who is strong as a bull, you immediately know that my friend is pretty strong; you also know that
he is definitely not as strong as a bull but it is easier to visualize the strength of the person with the image
of a bull in your mind.

Other models use metaphors that many people view as angels. As example, there are
organizations that use the words ‘higher intelligence’ to indicate their view of angels. The Silva
organization since its inception has used what they call councilors that many feel is a metaphor for an
angel. And of course the channeling process that is so popular is also looked on as a metaphor for angels.
Again you will find people who believe that Esther Hick’s channeling of Abraham, and Jane Roberts
Channeling of Seth are metaphors for the supposition that both Abraham and Seth are angels. One thing
that everyone will agree on is that they are getting help from the other side.

We are not however using a metaphor but the angels themselves. No need to channel if you
can speak directly to your personal angel. Now the question will arise, ‘How do I know if I’m actually
speaking with my angel, or with any angel, for that matter?’ And when it comes time to make an
important decision, how do I know I’m making a good one, the right one?

Let me tell you a story of Steve, a man whose angel was a bean. Yes you heard me right, a
bean. A small dried bean, the kind you find in a bowl of chili and beans. But I get ahead of myself, I heard
the story from a friend who taught Napoleon Hill’s course in Illinois. He told me about Steve, a captain of
industry, a self made man who stood at the top of the heap of industrialists and who received accolades
from the community of successful business people. Steve was intelligent, knowledgeable, charismatic,
and handsome; but what he was best known for was his ability to make an instant decision; every single
time. Whenever he was confronted by something where he had to choose one thing or the other he would
lift his chin as though seeking advice from

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above, eyes turned upward, put his right hand in the pocket of his jacket, think for a moment or two,
and then: Bang, just like that he would make his decision.

Once when interviewed by a reporter, the question of his instant decision making came up and
Steve just winked and said, ‘I’ve got an Angel on my shoulder,’ and that is what was printed in the
newspaper, the man with the angel on his shoulder.

Steve’s decision poise was so well known that when he had his portrait painted by a well
known artist to hang in the company rotunda, the pose was him with chin up tilted, eyes looking up to
the sky, and right hand sunk deep in his jacket pocket.

One day it came time for Steve to retire. His immediate subordinate, Tom Castleton was due
to become the new chairman. Tom called Steve aside and asked for his secret; how in the world, when
confronted by choices, how could he just come up with a decision in a few seconds virtually every
single time? Steve laughed and said, ‘OK Tom, as you're replacing me I’ll tell you the secret, its beans.’

‘I don’t understand,’ Tom said.

‘Do you remember that story the Examiner wrote up about me, that I had an angel on my
shoulder?’ Tom nodded. ‘Well it’s true, there is an angel on my shoulder and whenever I have to make a
decision I call on her.’

‘But what’s a bean got to do with it? Tom asked.

Steve put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a handful of dried beans, after showing them to
Tom he put them back and said, ‘whenever an event, or a question comes up where a decision has to be
made I reach into my pocket and grab some beans, with my hand in my pocket I count them. No one
sees me do this, and if the number of beans in my hand is even, I say yes, if its odd, I say no. Or if there
is more to it then that I will think one way if odd, and the other way if even.

‘You see Tom, I discovered a long time ago that it really didn’t matter in the long run which
decision I made, what did matter was not deciding at all. Now when I’m counting the beans I always ask
that angel at my shoulder to guide the count. And she generally does. She must, because my decisions are
right a whole lot more than they are wrong. Remember this Tom, indecision is your enemy; it stands right
alongside of procrastination to hold you back in life.’ And with that Steve left the building.

I thought about that story quite a bit over the years and I’ve found it to be true, so when you
have a few choices to make, ask your angel to lend a hand. Remember, she’s always there,

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always waiting, but she won’t act on her own, you have to ask; and when you do, your angel will
help you.

Don’t be worrying if you made the right decision at the time. Right or wrong you will only
know the answer at some future time when you look back. I’m reminded of my friend Al, he had a
furniture store and one day there was a fire and it burned down. Al wasn’t insured and he lost everything.
That day was the worst day of his life. He sat around his apartment, listless and depressed. After a year of
living from day to day he was forced into making a decision; he could find work as a salesman for other
companies, or he could work in the service field as a waiter or short order cook. He flipped a coin and got
a job as a waiter. He heard about angels and although he didn't really believe it he decided to act as if it
were true and that he really had an angel. Every night, before he went to bed he closed his eyes and
thought about his angel. Al had a routine to call her. He lit a candle and as long as it was burning, he felt
that his angel could hear him and would help him.

At first it seemed as though he was talking to himself but he listened. Be the best waiter in the
world, and he became the best waiter. Save every penny, and he saved every penny, open a hamburger
stand, and after he had enough for a down payment he opened a hamburger stand. Every night he acted as
if he was actually talking with his personal angel, and every morning he acted on the advice he received.
Al now has two successful restaurants and speaks to his angel about every thing in his life. I asked him if
he really believed in angels and his answer is one to be remembered.

‘It doesn't matter whether I do or not. But I act as if there are angels and that’s enough for me.
One thing I do know, the day that fire took my furniture store and I lost everything was the worst day of
my life. At least that’s what I thought at the time; but as it turned out; it was the best day of my life
because it led me to where I am now; and it is a better place.’

Only when you look back at a thing do you know if it was beneficial or detrimental. Once
again, the important thing is to make the decision. More problems arise from indecision than from making
a wrong decision. When you decide to do something you are going to be right more often than wrong, but
when you make no decision you are always wrong.

How many things in your life are there at the present time where there is choice involved,
where there is a decision to be made? Your angel can help you to make that decision, and to make the
correct decision. But know this, your angel can peek into the future and see how each decision that you
make will affect you in the future, your angel can inspire you and help to overcome indecision. All you
have to do is to ask.

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Wouldn't life be easier if you had someone at hand to help you in all your decision
making. Wouldn't you like to do things differently, and get a better outcome? Let me tell you a story
I first told at the very first seminar I presented.

A couple got married. The young man’s wife was cooking a roast for dinner. The young man
came into the kitchen and watched; she took the meat out of the refrigerator, put on salt, pepper and a
few spices, cut an inch off the left side and an inch off the right side, put it in a pan, and then into the

‘Why did you do that?’ the young man asked.

‘Because that’s the way you cook a roast,’ was the answer.

‘No I understand the salt and pepper and spices, but why did you cut an inch off both sides
of the meat?’

‘I told you, that’s the way you cook a roast.’

‘But that’s crazy.’ He said. And his new bride started crying. He calmed her down and thought,
well if that’s her only craziness it’s OK, I’ve got a few friends who have to contend with a lot more. A
few weeks passed and they went to her mother’s for dinner, she was cooking a roast. The young man
came into the kitchen and watched; his mother in law took the meat out of the refrigerator, put on salt,
pepper and a few spices, cut an inch off the left side and an inch off the right side, put it in a pan, and then
into the oven. Bewildered, he just shook his head.

Some time later they were over her grandmother’s house and coincidently, she was about to
prepare a roast. The young man, determined to get to the bottom of this wackiness asked if he could
watch. The old lady was delighted in his interest. He watched as she took the meat out of the refrigerator,
put on salt, pepper and a few spices, put it in a pan, and then into the oven.

‘Didn't you forget something Grandmother?’ he asked.

She shook her head and answered, ‘No, I did what I always do to make a roast.’

‘You forgot to cut an inch off each side of the meat,’ he said.

‘Oh I stopped doing that years ago,’ she answered.

‘Why did you stop ?’ he asked.

She looked at him and smiled, ‘I got a bigger pan.’

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People are often stuck doing things the same old way, in the same manner as their parents, their friends,
and dozens of other influences in their lives never realizing that there is a better way. It’s easier to go
along with what you are comfortable with doing it the same old way again and again never making a
decision, always taking the easy way, but that’s where your angel can help you, all you have to do is to
communicate. Next you will learn how angels can guide, protect and help you to resolve many of the
issues that cause you distress.

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Internal Conflict
You've learned that there is often a struggle between making a good decision as opposed to a
bad one but that bad decisions can only be recognized after the fact, sometimes long after. Bad decisions
often occur due to some internal conflict. This tension that arises due to preconceived notions, such as
ideas, opinions and the way you look at the world creates this discord and stress. Internal conflict causes
more health problems, as well as problems with the real world than can be imagined. When you believe
that things must be a particular way, but they do not appear to be that way with respect to your reality,
that creates inner conflict. Inner conflict also occurs when you are facing a problem with choices that are
difficult but you absolutely must make a decision one way or another.

The easiest way to get around the conflict is to automatically assume that the stress of the
conflict is caused by forces outside yourself but this is never the case, it is not the event that creates the
problem but your attitude towards the event. This is so important that I am going to repeat it: It’s not the
event that causes problems but your attitude towards the event.

Allow me to tell you about a friend who used her angel to create an attitude that cut off her
inner conflict before it began, she did not allow the conflict to come into the picture at all. The story,
though true in essence, is also metaphorical in that it is an example of how you can deal with your own

Let’s call the friend Leona. Leona had a shop, what kind is not important. One day after a hard
weekend storm she came into her shop to find it flooded. Her roof had given way and it had rained all the
weekend into her place of business. She walked into the place and the water was up to her ankles. Her
immediate reaction was that of stress, her stomach felt as though it had bounced on the ground a couple of
times and a lump formed into her throat as she started to cry. She was ruined. Everything she had worked
for was gone. She got back in her car and drove off crying, after a few minutes she tapped her little finger
with her thumb three times as she was taught in one of my classes and signaled her angel, whose name
was Sunny.

‘Sunny,’ she asked, ‘what am I going to do?’

Leona pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car. Heaving a big sigh she closed her
eyes and thought about her angel. Her mind opened as she sat with closed eyes and went into a light state
of meditation. She heard the words, take a vacation. Take a vacation? That was something she hadn’t
thought of, but her shop was gone, she was out of business, how could she
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take a vacation? A vacation; suddenly her thoughts were not on the event; not on her business
destroyed, she thought about the mountains, and the beach, she thought about laying in the sun, she
thought about flying to New York, or San Francisco, or Los Angeles. As she sat in her car at the side of
the road she thought about all of the places she could visit to relax. When her thoughts came back to her
business being gone she was better able to cope, she saw the loss as an opportunity. She would take a few
weeks off and then decide on what to do next.

Leona like Al, had transformed the inner conflict to peace and a looking forward to new
things. She would do it a new way, she’d figure something out. What had actually happened was that
she was in control of her attitude and instead of bemoaning her fate and blaming bad luck, she used it as
a springboard to something else. Once again she spoke to her angel. What she did next and how she got
on with her life is not important to the point I’m making here. The point being when something comes
along to create conflict in your life don’t allow the event to define you, use the event to create a new
you, with decisions of your choice.

Her angel helped her to resolve the inner conflict before it took hold by inspiring her to take a
different road. Angels speak to their humans all the time but not in the manner you would think. They
speak by making life easy or difficult to show the way, as example. And metaphorically speaking, let’s
say that you are walking along the road of your life and life is difficult; it’s hard. You go along and
there’s a storm that comes up, you get through the storm and there’s a river in your way, you cross the
river and there’s a boulder in front of you, you go around the boulder, and there’s a tiger lying in wait,
you move around the tiger and there’s a fence you have to climb, and it’s just one thing after another; life
is hard and each hurdle that you cross creates more stress and inner conflict. Well that’s a message. That’s
your angel talking to you telling you that you are on the wrong road.

And so you change, you do something different. You make different choices, you make
decisions. And the storm leaves, the boulder is gone, the tiger is no longer there; the river still has to be
crossed and the fence is there but the road is easier. That too is a message; it’s your angel telling you that
you’re doing the right things, making the right decisions. And so you keep at it changing direction, being
kinder, consulting your angel about every decision, and suddenly the road is clear, the river is gone and
the fence is gone and with it all the stress is gone. That too is a message; life is supposed to be easy, the
road ahead is supposed to be clear of obstacles. Your attitude is what is blocking you. With new decisions
your attitude changes, and like Leona you use seemingly negative events to propel you to new heights,
new places.

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I mentioned that Leona tapped her little finger with her thumb three times to call her
angel perhaps I should expand on that. People use different representations to call their angels; it seems
to make it easier to communicate. I personally use the Bagha, touch the roof of my mouth with the tip of
my tongue, and think the word Coraline and imagine she is there. Do I see her as clearly as I see
someone on the physical plane, as I would see you if you were in my presence, no, of course not, it’s
more of a feeling, an intuition if you will. Occasionally I will just act as if she is in my presence. But it’s
all mental.

There are three planes of existence, the physical, the mental and the spiritual. The mental is of a
higher vibration than the physical and the spiritual is a higher vibration than the mental, therefore the
mental plane is closer to the spiritual and angels than is the physical. I would guess we go somewhere in
between the two planes to meet. The Bagha just in case you didn’t know is an ancient yoga technique it
consists of touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth for a moment, that’s the trigger.

Let’s examine the good and the bad decisions. According to Quantum Jumping, I say Jumping
and not Physics because although the premise is the same, Quantum physics works on the physical plane,
that’s where the word physics comes from, physical, and Quantum Jumping works on the mental plane.
We feel that there are an infinite, that means absolutely limitless number of parallel universes. And in
each of them, remember they are infinite, there is a counterpart you. Now then, every time you make a
decision you split off into a different dimension; no you don’t know you are splitting off, as it’s the reality
you are in that is your norm and that you are aware of. Let’s say that you decide not to take the car to the
store, you will walk this time when normally you take your car. You have made a decision and there is a
split off, one self will walk and in another dimension a twin self will be taking the car. In the universe
where you took the car you met someone in the store and was directed to a new relationship. The universe
where you walked you did not meet that person as you arrived after the other person had left. The split
you will have an entirely different life then you.

Let me tell you a story I’ve told a thousand times that will prove to be a good example.

It was New Years Eve, 1948. My friend Jerry and I had just turned twenty one years of age. We
were going to a party we were invited to. When we got to the house the young lady who had invited us
asked for two dollars to cover the food and drink. We were insulted by this not expecting to have to pay
for a party we were invited to and we left. We went to another party we knew about and there my friend
met Lorraine. It was an instant match. Jerry and Lorraine started to go out together and soon were
married. They had four children. One of the children became a major

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factor in the building industry. He put up many of the high rises in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
The cause of all this was two dollars, for if that young lady did not ask us to pay to attend the party we
would have stayed, Jerry would not have met Lorraine, the builder would not have been born, the high
rises would not have been built, and on and on and on; cause and effect. However, in another universe, a
quantum jump away, we paid the two dollars and Jerry and Lorraine didn’t meet, none of those children
were born, and Jerry lived a totally different life.

Which life would prove to be the better one for Jerry? There’s no way to know, perhaps his
angel would know; then again, perhaps his angel inspired him not to pay the two dollars. The point of
the story is that every time you make a decision, there is a self that made a different decision and went
off in another direction.

Your angel’s greatest asset to you is to inspire you to make the best decision for you to have a
better and better life.

. Your angel is always waiting to communicate with you. And your angel knows many good
things about you. Your Angel is there to help you in every way so just relax and you’ll soon discover
how much easier it is to communicate with your angel than you thought it would be.

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At this point you are probably thinking, ‘Am I really getting advice and guidance from my angel or is it
just made up things that I did with my mind?’ And further, how do I know it’s an angel? You may well
ask is there a difference in the sound, or the tone, or the information that you get from that inner voice to
tell you it’s an angel?

Well I’ll tell you something, something it took me more than fifty years to learn; something that you
are going to learn in about fifty seconds, that angel, or inner voice as some will call it, has always
been with you; how do I know?

Because I only recently realized that was the case with respect to some of the things I’ve been doing,
and have done in the past. And I imagine the same thing could be said with many of the so-called
‘lucky’ people of the times --you know, People who suddenly find themselves in a better place,
successful, accomplished, and talented.

I actually became aware of my angel’s presence with my piano playing, I suddenly realized that the same
thing had taken place with my photography, my writing, my singing, and my paintings.

Most people will say that it’s just serendipity. Allow me to define that word--serendipity. It is a natural
gift or talent for discovering things that are useful to you and/or to others; but discovering them by
coincidence, luck or by what seems like an accident.

I had thought it was serendipitous in that one day I discovered could heal people; I was in a small
stationery store and as I paid for my purchase the clerk asked if I had any aspirin on me as she had a bad
headache. I’m not sure to this day what made me do it but I said to her, ‘Bend over,’ she gave me a funny
look and bent over, her head touching the counter. I waved my hands over her head and asked, ‘How’s
your head feel now?’

She picked her head up and kind of moved it around saying, ‘Hey, my headaches gone.
What did you do?’

I didn’t think that I had done anything, as a matter of fact I thought I was just kind of fooling
around. I was more surprised than she was, but that was the beginning; after that, any time anyone

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was in pain I offered to heal them and more often than not, they were healed. I investigated further
at every opportunity until years after that incident I was training other people in the art of healing. I now
believe that my angel was instrumental in my telling that young lady to bend over so I could wave my
hands over her head, it was unlike me, but it turned me in a new direction.

It was pretty much the same way about my painting, and writing, and more recently piano playing.
The serendipitous occurrence as an example with regards to the piano was when one of my associates in
marketing my web sites, Vishen Lakhiani, was visiting my home. He was asking about my paintings. I
should say that my home resembles an art gallery as I have 62 of my canvasses on my walls. I told him
that I started to paint when I was 78 years of age with no training at all, not even to having read a book
about art. I just bought some brushes and paint one day and began, with my angel at my shoulder of
course. Vishen was somewhat amazed as are most people who visit me and he noticed a kind of a toy
keyboard that I played around with sometime. He asked if I played and I said no but I wished I could.
Suddenly a thought popped into my mind, (Coraline at work again.) Give me three numbers from one to
seven I asked, and Vishen said, 2, 5, and 6. I counted the notes on the keyboard 2 was B, 5 was G, and 6
was A, that was about the extent of my musical knowledge, but I picked out a tune using those three notes
and we all laughed.

The next day the thought came to me that I should get a real piano not one of those eighty dollar
things that have hundreds of voices like trumpet, and violin and animal noises and such; and so I went to a
piano store and bought a piano, a real one. The day of delivery I sat down and started banging away.
Hmm, not bad. Then I discovered something that changed my life again; and in came serendipity like a
cyclone. The piano had a record button so that when it was pushed, everything I played was recorded.
Wow. You know you can’t really hear yourself while you are playing but when it’s played back you can
critique your mistakes and get to know yourself. Here comes my angel again. Vishen’s visit was just
about a year ago and since then I’ve composed and recorded over two hundred songs; fifty of them are in
the app store under Burt Goldman and if you have an iphone you can listen to them. (Sorry friend, but
since I wrote that the app disappeared.)

Painting, singing, photography, writing, the internet, apps, piano were all things I knew
nothing about and am now considered quite good at; the number of coincidences were too
coincidental to be coincidental it was getting mysterious.

I thought I would put an end to all the mystery and test out this relationship with Coraline. I figure if my
angel could help me to compose a piano concerto when I know nothing about concertos, that would

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prove-to me at least-that there was indeed an angel at my shoulder and that I could get help from her
when I need it . I would even call the piece Coraline’s Concerto.
And so I sat down at the piano and without a smidgen of practice, and not having a clue as to what I was
going to play, I just started whacking away at the keys making it up as I went along. I have added this
four and a half minute piece as an extra audio so you can hear it for yourself. I just played asking
Coraline to inspire me till I finished.
That’s my first concerto, and knowing nothing about concertos, that really did it, my angel
inspired me. You could say that I got help from the other side. When I listen to it I can hardly believe it’s
me playing. Now a competent pianist will no doubt find many flaws in the number, but as you will
discover when you listen, it’s a musical number that is coming from somewhere outside myself.
So, could I have done it without the help of my angel? It’s hard to say, as she is always with me now. I
suspect that my angel also helped me when I started to paint a few years ago. Like the music I had never
in my life attempted to paint a canvass, never thought that I could. Here’s one of my paintings.

Same with my writing; I don’t know where any of those things came from but my angel seems
to be directing me along the road of creativity. And as you can see for yourself here in the library I’ve
written over twenty books.

When you speak with your

angel, and I suggest that you ask
your angel what her name is,
just imagine that you are indeed
communicating with an entity
from the other side. A celestial
being whose sole purpose is to
guide you with inspiration and
the motivation to take on tasks
and to steer

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you in the right direction for a better, more satisfying life and lifestyle. But don’t expect a vision or
a hallucinatory experience; talking with your angel is more of a feeling, an inspired feeling that she is
indeed there with you. It’s different from the normal minutiae of small thoughts that constantly flit
through your mind—with your angel its immediate concentration, almost as though you can actually
sense her presence.

But don’t expect your angel to do all the work. When people do that they misunderstand the
personal motivation or desire needed to keep communication open. Motivation in this context really
means Desire. The stronger your desire, the more motivated you will be, and the more guidance you

Sometimes people feel frustrated when they think they aren’t getting guidance from their angels. But it
really has to do with emotions, feelings. As example, when you’re angry it’s not the best time to try to
contact your angel, fearful, well that’s another story. Definitely contact your angel when you expect
something bad to happen, she will often help you to overcome the fear. Same goes for depression; if you
get depressed, meditate and just communicate with your angel, that alone will help you. But when you
are angry you do not want to bring that emotion to your angel so if you feel anger, meditate before
communicating. You can’t be angry when meditating.

I like to tell stories when applicable as the images of the tale, although generally metaphors really get
the point across.

This is the story I’ve told many times over the years, I first heard it at an ashram I attended in the early
50s; it concerns a disciple who went to his guru one day and asked, “Master, how do I achieve

“Simply desire it, and it shall be yours,” was the wise man’s answer.

‘But master, I do desire it,’ you disciple said.

The wise old guru said, ‘come with me’ and directed the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River. He
then had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man’s neck

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and pushed his face below the surface of the water. After a minute or so the young disciple was frantic.
He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the grip was like iron. He could not get
his head out of the water. A minute and a half went by and then, when it seemed as though the
disciple’s lungs would burst, the guru released his grip. The young man’s head jerked out of the
water and he took great gulps of air into his tortured lungs.

The guru smiled. “Tell me,” he asked gently, “what was your greatest desire when your face was in the

“To breathe,” the young disciple stated emphatically.

“Ah,” said the guru. “When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours.”

There are varying degrees of desire; I’ve said that motivation is simply strong desire. When you are
indecisive it is because you have no strong desire to choose or to act. Allow me to give you a few more

There are things you need that you are always motivated to act to get when they are taken from you. The
disciples need for breath was one example, another would be water; go without water for a couple of days
and you won’t need a process to motivate you, seeing a faucet behind a window of a locked store you’ll
break the window to get at the water; go without food for two days and you’ll be so motivated you’ll dig
into a trash can for someone’s day old sandwich they’d thrown away; can’t sleep on a hard bed? Go
without sleep for two days and your desire for sleep will be so strong you will sleep on a plank of

At the other end of the scale is weak desire. You’re watching television and you’re comfortable on your
couch. The program ends and another comes on but its one you don’t like. You don’t have a remote and
you’re so comfortable that you don’t get up to change the channel but watch something you don’t like
because your desire is so weak.

Once again, motivation is simply strong desire. To have a better understanding of desire, see it on an
ascending scale, like a giant thermometer. At the bottom of the scale is zero, and at the top, one
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When your desire is weak, near the bottom of the scale, it is unlikely that anything will motivate you to
activate your will and accomplish the object of that desire. When your desire is near the top of the scale
nothing can keep you from success in attaining that desire.

Working with angels is similar to working with the law of attraction or vibrations. When you have that
desire then your angel can help you motivate to take action and guide you to end indecision.

To enhance desire, use the Bagha, touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and
visualize the positive end result of what you desire to happen.

To use your angel visualize her; bring her into your mind. She’s there anyway, like a radio wave she is
in your vicinity at all times just as everyone’s angels are, but they only come when bidden. Create your
own imagery, your loving imagery; because your angel is loving, she is good, she wants to
communicate with you.

You do have an angel, we all are in agreement as to that. What does the story about the disciple and the
guru have to do with an angel? Your desire to bring your angel to you, to inspire you should have a high
degree of desire. If you really don’t care, don’t desire it, it won’t happen.

There is a difference between the thoughts of your ego, and the intuitive thoughts of your angelic
guidance but the angel must be called on. That’s the basic difference between those who receive that help
from the other side and those who just plod along haphazardly. My desire for my angel’s help is strong, so
much so that it’s a pure fact. Right now as I write these words I think about my angel alongside of me
nodding and smiling helping me with every word. I just stopped for a moment closed my eyes, leaned my
head back for a moment and mentally said isn’t that so to my angel, and I imagined Coraline nodded in
turn and smiling back at me. I imagined she asked me to play Coraline’s Concert again as I had it playing
in the background while I was writing this and so I did and it’s playing right now. If I can figure out a
way to plug the mp3 version of the concert here I will so you can hear it as well.

It will help if you have something in mind for your angel to help you with and in the beginning, simply
repeat three times, angel come, angel come, angel come, and then clear your mind and allow your angel
in. When you sense your angel is there ask her for inspiration, for help, for the things you need.

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You’ve been getting messages from your angel all your life, you just were not aware of it; now that
you are aware consider this. All those really good things you were involved with all your life, well
there was an angel involved. You’ve been getting messages from your angel all along, but you
weren’t aware and so you just blocked it. Open the door; let your angel in, and soon you’ll be getting
as much help as you require.

In the next segment you will discover how to open yourself to attract your angel even more and how to
tap into the Quantum world and jump to your more spiritual self and to meet and greet your angel

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The Quantum Angel
There is a theory in the field of Quantum Physics that there are an infinity of universes in the
‘multiverse’ and that whatever can be imagined, is real, in one of those universes. The innumerable
universes contained in the multiverse are known as parallel universes. Infinity being the case then in
one of those parallels you are so spiritually connected and aware that your angel is physically visible to
you and helps guide you along the path of life; in that universe.

But that’s there, you can only get there mentally, how about here and now, physically; how
would you like to do a bit of evolving here, in your present universe? Well let’s just see what we can do
about that. There are, as you know, three levels of consciousness, the physical, the mental and the
spiritual. We know very little about the spiritual only that it is peaceful and close to that which we all
strive. Angels are of course spiritual beings. In the spiritual dimension there is no disease, nor is there
suffering as we know it, no despots, evil dictators, or oil based economies.

In growing more spiritual one grows nearer to the divine power or what some people refer to as
God and spirituality becomes a measure of how useful you are to your fellow human beings. Spirituality
is relative to the elimination of selfishness from one’s emotional frame. On the plane of the spirit there is
no resentment, no jealousy or hate, no selfishness, no wanting of things others have. When you raise your
spiritual nature you find truth in meanings, goodness in the things you value and the natural beauty in
what was previously overlooked. In other words you become more loving and open in each moment.

In achieving spiritual growth you will find yourself imbued with a desire to take your personality
to a new direction and the development of a new standard for the things you value. Your fresh spiritual
state will drive you to new motivations so that you may well find yourself standing above shattering
events that formerly would have disturbed your well being. Spiritual growth depends on association with
spiritual forces and so we bring in the concept of your personal angel to help steer you in the right
direction. I say all that because in going to the spiritual plane all those things tend to develop in a person.

In going to the plane of the spirit and meeting and greeting your angel you will feel all that I’ve
said. So only if you are ready to begin the journey to a new evolved you should you take this Quantum
Jump trip to the spiritual plane.

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Assume that there is an infinity of universes; just as do a great many distinguished Quantum
Physicists who believe in the concept of a multiverse with an infinite, unending number of
universes. That being so then anything that you can imagine, is, in one of those universes.

Let’s take the pairing of angels with Quantum Jumping to a further degree; let’s say that in one of
that infinity of universes you are more spiritual and you live a life that is guided by Angels. I am going to
pursue this idea for awhile. But first allow me to clarify the concept of spirituality as we are using it. To
be spiritual does not mean you must live like a fifteenth century monk, sparse and meager with
possessions and relationships. An example would be a long standing friend, Father Justin Belitz who has
been a Franciscan monk for over thirty years. He loves to do masses on cruises and takes at least one a
year, in addition he invariable is the hit at every wedding he officiates or is a guest at as he is usually the
most sought after dancer there. He has fun out of life and yet he is a highly spiritual person. To be
spiritual is also to be better balanced and to take life as it comes making the best out of whatever the fates
throw at you.

Let me tell you of a shattering event that happened to me some time ago. It was a time that I was
in business many, many years ago. I had a shop in which I stored a great deal of merchandise for other
people. This was long before I was aware of angels much less my own personal angel; but due in the main
to my earlier yoga period I was, even then, of a highly spiritual nature. As I approached my shop I saw
great plumes of smoke pouring into the sky and getting closer saw fire engines and police vehicles on my
street. I stopped at the corner and saw to my horror that the firemen were running in and out of my shop.
They had hoses and axes in their hands and there was a general melee. A thousand thoughts shot through
my mind. The merchandise wasn’t insured, I was ruined, what to do, what to do? I closed my eyes,
relaxed, and repeated the mantra Om again and again. Finally calm I continued to drive but in a different
direction, aimlessly driving around and around the block, avoiding talking to the firemen.

The thought came that I would have to speak to all those people who had merchandise in my
warehouse, and I would have to speak with an attorney about what to do. Then I thought, I had better take
a few weeks off so that I could deal with this with a calm mind. Where can I go for two weeks? I’ve
always wanted to go to Jamaica, that’s what I’ll do, I’ll go to Jamaica, lie around the beach for awhile and
deal with this when I get back. With that thought in mind I drove back to the shop and spoke with the
As it turned out there was no damage to anything in the warehouse. The fire people were great; the
smoke I saw pouring into the sky came from the holes they chopped in the skylight to let the smoke out,
they had sandbagged merchandise prior to pouring water on one area that was burning. I would have
worried for nothing. Point being that some people seeing what I saw when I
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drove up to the place would have had a heart attack whereas I, with my spiritual training, was ready
to go to lie down on a beach in Jamaica and relax.

What that means once again is that in gaining a spiritual nature you don’t lose the joys and the fun
of life, quite the contrary, they increase and you find pleasure in all things. There is a way for you to
utilize the power of your angelic attendant to discover your instinctive loving nature. It is generally
accepted that attitude is what makes the person who they believe themselves to be. Loving people
generally have a loving attitude; evil people have a poor attitude. Walking along a busy street a loving
person sees happy people whereas a pickpocket sees only pockets.

In this physical life things we are involved with are brought to us by our five senses, that is how
we recognize the existence of things. We see, hear, taste, smell and feel them, therefore, they are. Your
mind however differentiates between what you feel is real and what is not; therefore reality to one
person could very well be another persons fantasy. With the spiritual experience the true values of life
are revealed. That is why most if not all of the great masters recommend meditation as the doorway to
the spirit. The injunction ‘man cannot live by bread alone,’ tells us that there is more to life than what is
brought to us by our senses. To transcend the selfishness of personal interest it is incumbent upon us to
attempt to transfer our consciousness to the kingdom of the spirit even if but for a short while. The
manner in which to do this is through the state of meditation to help you to achieve that relaxation state
that is the first step to the spiritual kingdom.

Here is a technique for you that will allow you that first step towards a spiritual nature and a
better, brighter here and now. Imagine that you have a pair of spiritual glasses. All you have to do to use
the glasses is to say spiritual view and imagine the glasses coming down over your eyes like a pair of
sunglasses. When the imaginary glasses are on you can see only the good, only the positive in everything
you see; just as your angel would.

Try it for an hour or two and watch what happens. The first time I used my spiritual glasses I was
driving along a highway in the late afternoon. I remember thinking there’s really nothing that’s
particularly positive around here but I’ll give it a shot. Touching my tongue to the roof of my mouth I said
spiritual view and imagined the glasses on. Suddenly I noticed a hawk flying overhead and thought he
looks like he’s swimming through the air; the grass was beautiful, so pleasantly green, and there were
beautiful fluffy clouds as far as the eye could see. A plane flew by and I imagined the people in the plane
all excited as they were going visiting and on and on it came to me. To test my glasses further I said
spiritual glasses off and suddenly the world was once again bland and ordinary.

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I use my spiritual glasses all the time now, and I have for many years. I know that you will as well
once you get used to using yours. When you get ready to jump into the spiritual plane do take advantage
of your spiritual glasses, they will help you immeasurably when you visit the spiritual plane.

When you do connect with the plane of the spirit and meet your angel you will have a better
understanding as well as an experience of all that I’ve been talking about. So if you are ready to begin the
journey to a new evolved you or you want help communicating with your angel, that help will come when
you connect with the spiritual plane and Quantum Jump to your more spiritually connected self for help.

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