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The journalistic text – 4th ESO

1. The journalistic text

DEFINITION : it is a text that informs and creates opinion about current
events and general interest.
JOURNALIST LANGUAGE : to promote the reader's understanding, use clear , precise
language, with a brief and direct style. To do this, it relies on the following resources:
1. Expressive resources , to be attractive.
2. Action verbs .
3. Active voice (for greater precision) and passive voice (to emphasize the fact).
4. Short phrases .
5. Neolgisms and foreignisms .

Depending on their role in the press, we distinguish 3 genres:

Gender Gender of Mixed gender

informativ opinion or
• Objectivity • Subjective • Subjective
• Interpret • Inform
and and
THE STRUCTURE : most journalistic texts use an inverted pyramid structure to present

2. The informative genre

DEFINITION : journalistic genre that transmits current information seeking the greatest

2.1. The news .

DEFINITION : journalistic/narrative text of the informative genre that reports on some event
of interest that has occurred recently.
In a written news item there are three parts:
1. HEADLINE : brief statement, which summarizes the most important part of the news. Clear
and attractive.
2. HEADER or ENTRY : paragraph that collects the most important data of the news.
3. BODY : text of variable length that develops the news by expanding the details.
The information is arranged from most important to least, like an inverted pyramid.

The news must answer 6 QUESTIONS :

a) WHO did it? b) WHAT has happened? (made) c) WHEN ? (time)
from where ? (place) e) WHY ? (cause) f) HOW ? (mode)
2.2. The informative report .
DEFINITION : journalistic text of the informative genre that extensively develops a topic of
general interest after exhaustive research.
2.3. The objective interview .
DEFINITION : journalistic text of the informative genre in which an interviewer asks
questions to an expert to provide objective information on a specific topic.

3. The genre of opinion

DEFINITION : journalistic genre that transmits the analysis of facts from a SUBJECTIVE
point of view, with the intention of creating opinion among its readers. Reality is analyzed,
interpreted and commented on.

3.1. The opinion (or background) article .

DEFINITION : extensive text of the opinion genre written and signed by a regular
collaborator. With its argumentative structure, it subjectively addresses a current topic.

3.2. The editorial .

DEFINITION : text of the opinion genre that reflects the institutional and collective opinion
of the newspaper or magazine, when written by the director or those who represent the

3.3. The spine .

DEFINITION : relatively short text of the opinion genre that belongs to a fixed section.
Written and signed by a regular collaborator. Combines real and fictional aspects.

4. The mixed or interpretive genre

DEFINITION : journalistic genre that reports on current events, but giving the
JOURNALIST'S POINT OF VIEW . Data are also related and hypotheses are advanced.

4.1. The chronic .

DEFINITION : mixed genre text that conveys extensive and detailed information. It is
written by a specialist, who gives his personal point of view. Parts:
1. HEADLINE : brief statement, which summarizes the most important thing. Clear
and attractive content.
2. HEADER or ENTRY : paragraph that collects the most important data.
3. BODY : text of variable length that develops the information by expanding the
4. CONCLUSION : sometimes the chronicle closes with a conclusion. Not always.

4.2. The interpretive report .

DEFINITION : mixed genre text that extensively develops a topic of general interest after
exhaustive research. The reporter provides personal evaluations.

4.3. The profile (or interpretive) interview .

DEFINITION : mixed genre text in which an interviewer asks his interviewee questions to
learn about his life and career, as well as his opinions and feelings.

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