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Typical Asian dish

A step further south you reach the Asia Valley, land of seasoned fishermen who have made
dried and salted stingray fish their essential food. Here they also have their version of spicy
food, the “Asian spicy”, similar to the one prepared in the Mala basin, but its inhabitants
prefer to taste the grilled dried stingray, accompanied by vinegar, crushed garlic, huatiado
sweet potato and the inevitable yellow chili at discretion. Charquicán de stingray is another
typical meal that is stewed with plenty of ají panca and pieces of potato. White rice is also
part of this exquisite gastronomic session.


Raw Soup

The “GROSS SOUP”.- This typical

dish is traditional in the festivals that
take place in the town. It is prepared in
a clay pot and a wood stove.

The preparation is as follows. The

dressing is made with red chili, tomato,
onion, garlic, pepper, basil, coriander,
oregano, parsley, mushrooms, pepper, cinnamon and salt to taste. When the dressing is
fried, add the chicken meat and beef previously parboiled in water, with leeks, celery and
carrot. Separate the broth to a point of salt, adding roll noodles and dressing, once this is
cooked, it is served, garnished with a slice of bread previously coated in the stew and
chopped parsley with egg


It is prepared in a clay pot and cooked

over a wood fire. This stew is based on
ground dried potatoes, bean flour, peas,
chickpeas and ground peanuts, beef and
pork. The pork meat is fried separately.
The dressing is made with red chili,
tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, cumin,
basil, coriander, oregano, parsley,
mushroom, bay leaf, pepper, cinnamon,
wine, salt to taste. These ingredients are
fried with pig lard. Separately, the beef
is boiled with celery, leeks, carrots,
adding to the broth, the soaked dried potato, the dissolved flours and the fried meat; move
constantly. Add the stew, which will give the special flavor to this stew, when everything is
well cooked. It is served on an extended plate, garnished with chopped parsley with egg
and parboiled cassava.


Which are perhaps the most important tourist attraction of our District, from a culinary
point of view, since every weekend, numerous families travel from Lima to our town, to
consume the traditional breakfast with tamales and pork rinds in the numerous
chicharronerías located mainly on the old Av. Panamericana.

During the celebration of all festivities, whether popular or private, such as weddings,
birthdays or masses for the dead, meals are accompanied by traditional drinks such as
chicha de jora and chicha de maní.
- 1 kilo of dried potato

- 1/2 cup roasted and ground peanuts

- 1/2 kilo of pork

- 1/2 kilo of chicken meat

- 3 chopped onions

- 3 cloves of garlic

- 1/2 cup of oil

- 1/2 cup chopped red panca chili

- Salt, pepper and cumin to taste

- 1 cup chicken broth

- 1/4 clove

- 1/4 cup of Pisco (optional)

- 8 ground butter donuts (optional)

- Chopped yellow chili pepper (optional)

 Preparation:

Soak the dried potato the day before, but if you have it pre-cooked, then just soak it for an hour
before starting to prepare this delicious carapulcra dish. After having the potato well soaked and
well washed, let it drain.

In a pot, pour a little oil and add the butter until you notice that it is melted. Fry the pork and
chicken in small squares and boneless. When you see that it is well browned, remove it and let it

In the same oil that you fried, add the onion until it is cooked. Add garlic, chili peppers and season
to taste. Then, return the meats to the pot and add the hot chicken broth and sweet wine.

From there, add the dried potato with a little cloves. Let it cook over low heat and keep stirring to
prevent the potato from sticking to the pot.

While you are stirring, add the broth or boiling water if necessary. When you see that the potato is
soft, add the chopped peanuts.

Accompany it with white rice, yuca or potato, depending on your preference.

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