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Research methodology: animal abuse

637 words 3 pages

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Investigation methodology

Topic: Animal Abuse

Statement of the Problem: Animal abuse is a truly

alarming problem, because today we see that
society has lost a high degree of sensitivity towards
these animals, only taking into account their
convenience, both for profit or for fun. What
alternatives can be promoted to avoid mistreatment
of animals?

Research questions:
1.- What is animal abuse?
2.- Is there any association or foundation that
protects animals?
3.- How can you avoid animal abuse?
4.- Can the types of animal abuse be cataloged?

General Objective: Search and promote actions that

prevent the continuation of …see more…

We can classify abuse as direct and indirect, direct

abuse would be intentional abuse such as torture,
mutilation or in conclusion a malicious murder of
the animal, and indirect abuse due to neglect of the
basic care that the animal needs, provision of food,
shelter. and adequate veterinary care.
There are people who feel so inferior to others that
they need to prove otherwise by taking out their
anger on animals, since they have an inferior status
in society.
The aforementioned abuse is a large social problem
that not only affects those animals who are victims
of this violence but also all members of our society.
There is a popular belief that rights are something
that is restricted to humans only.

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