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Adnas Eternal rest Alexander Who is he helps men?

Aaron Master, High or exalted, Mountain of Strength, Adonijah The Lord is my master or my teacher Hallelujah Praise the Lord
Illuminated Adonicam The Lord is resurrected Alemet Concealment, Youth
Abaddon The destroyer Adoniram My Lord is the greatest, Lord of power and Alpheus A thousand, Chief, Learned
Abba Father elevation Almodad Measure of God
Abda Bondage, Servant Adoram His beauty, His power alva Your uprising, Your highness
Abdi my servant Adramelec Coat, Blanket Alvan High
Obadiah Servant, Worshiper of YHWH Adriel God's flock love Town of witness, A victim
Abdon Servile, Service or Cloud of Judgment Afía Oratory, Speaking Amal Work, Iniquity
Abed-Nego Servant of Light, Bright Agabus A Grasshopper, The Joy of the Father or Feast Amalek People who lick
Abel Exhalation or Breath, Meadow, Vanity Agag Roof, Protection, High floor Amman Uproar, Tumult
Abez An egg, Muddy Agar Foreigner Would you The Lord says, The integrity of the Lord
Abby My father Age A Valley, Depression love Knead Bearer of a burden
Abijam Father of the Sea Agrippa Someone who causes great pain with his Amasai Strong, The People's Offering
Abijah The Lord is my Father birth Amaziah The strength of the Lord
Abiasaph Meeting, Parent consumer Agur Stranger, Foreigner, Reunited Me Mother, Fear, People
Abiathar Father of the remnant or excellent Father Ahara A smiling brother, A meadow of a Amiel The Lord's people or the people of God
Abib Green fruit, Spike mild flavor Aminadab The relative is generous
Abidan Father of Judgment Aharhel Another Host, The Last Sorrow, The Sheep of the Amisabad The town's dowry
Abiel Servant of God or God is my Father brother Amisadai The People of the Omnipotent
Abiezer Parent Help Ahasbai With confidence in me, An adult brother Amitai True, Blessing
Abigail My Father is joy Ahastari Runner Amiud People of praise
Abihail The Father of Strength Ahava Essence, Generation Amnon Believer, Guardian
Abimael A Father sent by God There My brother or my brothers Amon Believer, True
Abimelech Father of the King Theream Brother of a mother, Brother of a nation Amorite Rebellious, Bitter
Abinadab Father of a promise Ahian Brother of wine Amos Load, Heavy
Abinoam beauty father Ahias Brother of the Lord Amoz Strong, Robust
Abiram Tall Father or Deception Father Ahicam Brother who gets up or gets revenge Spacious Large, Extensive
Abisag MY father went astray Ahiezer Brother of relief or collaboration Amrafel The one who talks about secrets
Abishai My Father's offering Ahilud A brother born Amram Exalted people, Handfuls of grain
Abyssalom Father of Peace Ahimaas A brother of the council amsi Strong
Abisua Father of Salvation Ahiman Brother on the right Ana Funny
Abisur Father of the wall, Father of righteousness Ahimelech my brother is a king Ana Who answers, Afflicted
Abital Father of the dew or Father of the shadow Ahimoth Brother of death Anab One Grape, One Tie
Abitob Father of Kindness Ahinadab A willing brother, Brother of a Anac A necklace, Ornament
Abiú He's my father promise Anaharat Barrenness
Abiud Father of Praise, Confession Ahinoam The beauty of the brother, Brother of Anamelec Answer, King's Poverty
Abner Father of Light approach Anamim A source, Affliction, Response
Abraham Father of a great multitude There His brother Anani Cloud, Divination, Prophecy
Abram Great Father Ahira Brother of iniquity, Brother of the shepherd Ananias God is merciful
Absalom Father of Peace Ahiram Art or skill brother Annas Who answers, Humble
Ahab Uncle Ahisamac Brother of strength Anatotias Answers or Songs of the Lord, Affliction
Ahaz One who takes or Ahisar The brother of a prince, brother of a Andrew Strong man
Acbor Crushed song Andronicus An outstanding man
Acsa Adorned Ahitob Brother of kindness Aner Answer, Song, Affliction
Acub Impersonation, Lasciviousness, Corruption Ahithophel Brother of ruin or foolishness Anger Resentment, Anger
Adam An Assembly Ahiud Brother of vanity Aniam A Town, The strength or sadness of the
Adaiah The Lord's Witness Ahoa A living brother, My sting or thorn Antipas people
For all
Adam Earthly, Carnal, Red Hello His Tabernacle, his tent Anub Strong, Tall
Adbeel Breath Aholiab father's store Oda He who praises, Strength, Union
Adi My Witness, Adorned, Victim Aholiba My shop Apaim Face, Nostril
Adiel The Lord's Witness Aholibama My tabernacle is exalted Apelles Exclusion, Separation
Admata Cloud of Death, Deadly Breath Ahumai A water meadow or with water Apia Fruitful, Profitable
Adna Pleasure, Delight Ahuzam Your possession Apollos Destroyer
AHA Vulnerable Aquila An eagle
Here m Avenger, Confirmer Azalia Close to the Lord Benhail Son of Force
here That's how it is Azan His forces Ben-hanan Son of Grace
Ara Damn, View Azaniah Hearing the Lord, The Weapons of God Benaiah Son of the Lord
Arabic Multiply, Sow sedition Azariah He who listens to the Lord, the Lord is my help Benjamin Son of the right hand or right hand
Aram Highness, Height Azaz The one who is strong Beno Your son
Aran An ark, His Curse Azazel Scapegoat Benoni Son of my sadness
Arauna Ark, I cry for joy, Song Azaziah The strength of the Lord Benzohet Separation son
Arba Four Azgad Strong Weapon, Gang of Thieves Beon In affliction, in anguish
Ard He who rules, He who descends Azmavet Death is strong, Council Beor Ardent, Foolish, Crazy
Ardon Ruler, Curse Judgment Goshawk Assistant Bequer First fruits
Areli The Light or Vision of God Azricam Aid Bera A well, Offering
Aretas Pleasant Azriel God is my help Beraca Blessing, Knee Twist
Arfad The Light of Redemption Azuba abandoned Beraiah The Lord's Choice
Arfaxad Healer, Liberator Azure The one who helps Bered Seed, Hail
Arioch Big, Tall, Long ***************************************************** Berenice One who brings victory
Aristarchus the best prince Baal Lord, Master Berechias He who bows before God
Aristobulus a good advisor Baal-worse Master of the opening Beri My son, Man from the well
Archelaus The prince of the people Baalam The village elder, The destruction of the village Beria In companionship, In envy
Archippus horse master Baalat Celebration, Our proud lord Berit Covenant
Artaxerxes He whose lordship is the Law, Great Chief, Baali My idol, my lord Barnabas son of the prophet
Possessor of a great kingdom (Same as Ahasuerus) Baana In the answer, Affliction Besai Contempt, Dirty
Artemas Whole, Fresh, Healthy Baara Purification, flame kisses Council of the Lord
Handle Doctor, Priest Baasa He who seeks, Fearless Bet-worse Open House or Opening
Asael The Creature of God, God has created Babel Confusion, Mixture (Toponym) Betabara House of trust (toponym)
Asaph collector Babylon Confusion, Mixture (Toponym) Bethany The House of Song, House of Affliction
Asaiah The Lord is the Creator Bahurim Choice, Peaceful, Brave (Toponym) Betel (toponym)
House of God (toponym)
Asan Smoke Balaam Pilgrim, Lord of the town Bethesda House of piety or mercy (toponym)
Asareel The blessedness of God Balak Who is lazy or destructive Betfage House of my month
Asbel an old fire Baladan He who has no judgment Bathsheba Seventh daughter, Daughter of satiety or
Ashkelon Balance, Fire of infamy (Toponym) Barak Thunder Bethsaida satiation
Fruit house (toponym)
Asenath Danger, Misfortune Baraquel He who bows before God Bethuel The sonship of God
To be Happy Barjesus Son of Jesus Bezai Eggs
Thus, the God's work Barabbas Son of shame or affront Bezaleel In the shadow of God
Asyncritic Incomparable Barsabas Son of Rest or Peace Bicri Youth, First call, First fruits
Grab Prisoner, Imprisoned Bartimaeus Son of Timaeus, Son of the honorable bidcar in remorse
Ashkenaz A fire that spreads Bartholome Son of Talmai, a son who suspends the waters Bigtan In the press, Give the meat
Asnapar Unhappy, He who increases the danger w Baruch He who is holy Bigvai In my body
Asriel God's help Barzilai Son of contempt, Made of iron Bildad old friendship
Astoret A wife Basemat Fragrant, Desolation Bilga old countenance
Ahasuerus Prince, Head, Boss Bealias The god of an idol, in an assembly Bilha Shy, Affectionate
Asur Who is happy either walks or looks Baby Empty Bilsan In the tongue
Atai My time, Timely Becorat First fruits Bina Son of the Lord
Athaiah The Lord's time Bedan According to the Judgment Binui construction, building
Atalia God is exalted Beeliada An open idol Birsa An evil, A son who contemplates, Strong
Tie to Crown Beelzebub prince of demons Bislam In peace
Atarot Crowns beer Well Bitia Daughter of the Lord
Atarot-Adar Crowns of power Beera Well, Bring to light Blast What springs, Bobo
Atarot-sofa Rabbit, Hidden (Toponym) Beeri my well Bocru The first call
Ater Left hand, Closed Behemoth Beasts Bohan In them, Chubby, Thumb
Atlai My hour or my time, Timely Bella Destroyer Bul God save us
August Enhanced Belial Wicked Buna Construction, Understanding
Ava Iniquity (Toponym) Belshazzar Treasure Love buni my construction
Aven Iniquity, Sadness (Toponym) Belteshazza He who keeps treasures in secret Buqui Void, Devastation sent by God
Avim Wicked, wicked man r ben Son Buchys The dispersion of the Lord, The mouth of
Avit Evil, Perverse (Toponym) Ben-ammi Son of my people Buzz GodDespised, Devastated
Buzi my contempt Room Fourth Ephraim Fruitful, Growing
***************************************************** cus Black or Ethiopian Ephrathah Abundance
Cades Holiness (Toponym) ***************************************************** Ephron Dust
Dagon Seed, Fish Egypt The one who causes problems or
Kadesh- Holiness of the inconstant son (Toponym) Dalaias The poverty of the Lord oppresses, Anguish,
Cadmel God of ancient times, God of growth Dalfon House in a cave, Falling Fear (Toponym)
Cadmoneans Elders, Chiefs Delilah Flirty, Fickle, Poor, Small Egla Heifer or young woman, Car,
Caftor Sphere, Clasp, Hand (Toponym) Damaris Little woman Round
Caiaphas He who searches diligently, He who vomits Damascus Sack full of blood, Burn (Toponym) Eglon Steer, Cart, Round
Cain Possession, Acquired dan Judgment, He who judges El-bet-el The God of Be-tel (Toponym)
Cainan Owner, Buyer Daniel God is my judge, The Judgment of God The A Oak, Like a tree, Curse, Perjury
Darcon Carrier, Dispersion, Of generation or of elam Young, Virgin, Secret, Tall
Calai Light, Rest by fire, My voice
possession Elasa The works of God, The Maker
Calcol Nutritious
darda House of Wisdom or Science Elasar God's rebellion
Chaldeans Demons Dario The one who is informed Elkanah God is jealous, God's Zeal
Caleb Dog, Crow, Basket, Bold, Impetuous Datan Laws or rituals Elcos Vigor of God (Toponym)
Cane Jealousy, Envy, Possession (Toponym) David well loved Elda Knowledge of God
Canaan Merchant, Lowlands Deborah Bee, Word, Thing Eldad God loved, God's favored one
Candace Who regrets Decar Force Eleazar Gods help
Cappadocia Sphere, Clasp, Hand (Toponym) Dedan Friendship, Her breasts, Judge Elhanan Grace, God is kind
Delaía The Poverty of the Lord Eli High, Elevated, The Offering, My God. In
Capernaum Place of repentance (Toponym)
The rest Popular, Man of the people Luke
Carcas The covering of a lamb, Severe, Eagle Demetrio Pertaining to agriculture, the seeds 3.23, appears as Ascending, Ascending or climbing
Carea Bald, Ice Deuel The Wisdom of God Eliab God is my Father or God is the Father
Carmel Circumcised Lamb, Harvest, Full of ears of Deuteronomy Repetition of the Law or SecondLaw Eliaba My God is the Father
grain (Toponym) Diana Luminous Eliada The God's Wisdom
Carmi My vineyard, Noble, Lamb of the waters Diblaim Cluster or group of figs Eliam He God's people
Carpus Fruit, Fruitful Dibri Speaker Eliaquim The resurrection ofGod, God establishes
Carsena Lamb, Slender Didymus Twin, Double Elijah God It is the Lord, YHWH is my God
Dyne Judgment, Who judges Eliasaf God He added, God has harvested
Casluhim Life expectancies
Dionisio Touched by divinity Eliasib God reward, God has restored,
Cedar Sadness, Darkness
Diotrephes Powered by Jupiter Conversion to God
Cedema Oriental, Elder, First Disan Threshing Eliata God has come,
Kidron Dark, Sad, Sooty (toponym) Dishon Obesity, Ashes Elika God cast away, God expels
Cenaz Your purchase, Your regret Dodava Love Elity The Love of God, God is a friend
Keneos Purchase, Regret, Possession dodo Your uncle Eliel God
Cease Who is delivered by cesarean section doeg Cautious, Careful Elienai In God are my eyes
Cesia Surface, Angle Dor Generation, Room (Toponym) Eliezer God is help
Cetura Incense, Fragrance Dorcas Roe, Gazelle Elifal A miracle from God
Dothan Law, Custom (Toponym) Eliphaz God's purpose, God is fine gold
Chuza Seer, Prophet
Drusilla Soaked in dew Elifelet God of Salvation
Cyrenium Who governs Duma Silence, Similar Elihoref God of heavy rain, God is the reward
Cyrus Disgraceful, Heir Hard Generation, Room (Toponym) Elymas Wise, Wizard
Cis Hard, Difficulty, Handjob ***************************************************** Elimelech My God is King
Claudia Crippled (Same as Claudio) Ebal Naked, Lots of old things Elioenai To Him are my eyes
Gracious Benevolent, Gentle ebed Servant, Worker Elise The Lamb of God, This is God
Cleopas All the Glory Ebed- The King's Servant Elizabeth God is my fullness, Oath, Of God
Chloe Green grass melech
Ebiasaf A Father who reaps or adds Elisafat God is Judge or has judged
Coat Congregation, Wrinkle, Abruptness Elisama God listens
Ecclesiastes The preacher Elysium God is Salvation
Colhoze Every prophet ed Testimony, Witness Elisua God is my salvation
Conias The strength of the Lord Eden Pleasure, Delight (Toponym) Elisur God is my strength, God is my Rock
Korah Baldness, Ice, Ice Cream Edom Red, Bloody (Toponym) Elihu God is He
Cornelius Of a horn, The Ray of the Sun Ephah Tired, Heaviness (Measurement) Eliud God is my praise
Cos Sting, Summer Efer Dust, Protagonist Elmodam The God of measure
Cosam Diviner Ephesus Desirable, profitable (Toponym) Elnaam The Justice of God
Cozbi Liar Elnatan God's gift, God has given
Elon Oak, Strong
Cozeba The men who lie waiting
Crescent Growing
Crete Carnal, Sensuality (Toponym)
Christ anointed
elpaal God's work Ezer Help Gay An earthly man, Lord
Elul Shout, Exclamation (Month) Ezri My help Loop Strong, A goat (Toponym)
Eluzai God is my strength ***************************************************** Gazam The mantle (Fleece) of them
Elzabad God's gift Falu Wonderful, Hidden Gazez An Exit, Postponement
Elzafan God of the northeast wind Phanuel Face or Vision of God Geber Manly, Masculine
Emanuel God with us Pharaoh He who disperses or despoils Gedaliah God is my greatness
Emmaus Hot waters, despised people or Fares Divided Gideon Destroyer, he who bruises or breaks
confused Farfar That produces fruit (Toponym) Geder Wall (Toponym)
emit Terror, fear, people Pharisee Separate system Gemali Goods, Camel
En-Gadi Kids Fountain Phoebe Bright, Pure Gemarias Achievement or perfection of the Lord
Enan Cloud Philip Warrior, Horse lover Gennesaret prince's garden
Aeneas Praised, Worthy of Praise Felix Happy Genesis Beginning, Beginning
Enoch Initiated, Consecrated, Dedicated, Disciplined Phenicia Country of palms, Country of purple, Country of Genubat Heist
Aenon Cloud, Mass of darkness, Place of fountains, Eye those with dark skin (Toponym) Gera Pilgrimage, Combat, Dispute
(Place name) Perezeo who live in villages Gerar Pilgrimage, Combat, Dispute (Toponym)
Enos Man, Mortal, Desperate, Forgetful, Festus Festive Gerson A stranger here, Expulsion, Banishment
Sick Ficol Everyone's mouth, Big, Strong Gethsemane Valley of abundance, Very fat, Press of
Epaphras covered with foam Figello Fugitive oil
Epaphroditu Friendly, Attractive Phylacterie Sign, Remembrance, Things that must be Geuel God's redemption
Epenetus Valuable s especially observed Gibar Strong
Equer Waste land, He who is transplanted Philadelphi Brotherly love (Toponym) Gidel Big
Er Watchtower a Philemon Who kisses, Affectionate Gehazi Valley of vision or sight
Were Disciple Filet Kind, Well loved Gihon Waterfall, Valley of Grace (Toponym)
Erastus Beautiful Philip Warrior, Horse lover (Place name) Gilalai Wheel
Esau Hairy, He who acts or ends Philistine Those who live in villages Gilgal Circle of stones, Rolling, Opprobrium
Sceva Willing, Prepared Philologist card lover Gispa (Toponym)
What comes here
School Bunch of grapes Phinehas Bold, Trustworthy gog Protection, Cover
Ezra Help, Court Phlegon Jealous, Ardent Golgotha Skull, Pile of skulls (Toponym)
That C Violence Fortunato Lucky Goliath Passage, Corridor, Disgusting or pile of
Esli Close, He who separates Phrygia Dry, Barren (Toponym) Gomer garbage
Complete, Finish, Heat
Izmir I Fua Mouth, Bush of hair, Corner Gomorrah Rebel people, Immersion (Toponym)
Spain Rare, Precious (Toponym) Funitas What look, my face Guni Garden, Protection
Esrom Dart of joy, Part of a song Fura The one that bears fruit *****************************************************
Stachys Punta or alcayata, Mazorca Futiel God is my fat Habakkuk Fighter, He who embraces
Esteban Crown, Crowned ***************************************************** Hacaliah Who waits for the Lord
Estefanas Crown, Crowned Gaal Contempt, Abomination Hacatan Little
Estemoa Breast of a woman, Breast Gibeah Mount (Toponym) Hacmoni Wise man
Ester Secret, Hidden Gabai Back Hacufa Commandment of the mouth, Incitement or
Et-baal Idolatrous Gibeon Hill, Cup, Raised Thing (Toponym) Bent tendency,
Ethan Strong, The Offering of the Island Gabata High, Elevated (Toponym) Fairy Joy, Uproar, Clamor, Mighty
Ethanim Strong, Brave, The Evergreen (Month) Gabriel God is my strength Hadad-ezer The beauty or the powerful is your help
Etnan Offering Gad Group of people, Troop Hadadrimmo Invocation to the God Rimón (Fulminator)
Etni Strong Gadarenes Those who come on pilgrimage or fight n Hadar Power, Greatness
Eubulus Prudent, Good advisor Gadi My troop, A boy Hadasa Myrtle, Rejoicing, Joy
Euphrates Which is used to the maximum Gadiel The Lord my happiness, The goat of God Hadid Joy
Eunice good victory Gilead Heap of witnesses, Abrupt, Rough (Toponym) Hadlai Pregnant, Streetwalking
Eutychus Happy, Lucky Galatia White, The color of milk (Toponym) Haggai Festive or born on a holiday,
Eve Living, Living Galal Roll Solemnity
Evie Unfair Galilee Wheel, Revolution (Toponym) Haguia The banquet or festival of the Lord
Evil-merodac The fool who smiles bitterly Gallio Who sucks Haguit Joy
Evodia Sweet scent Gamaliel God's Reward, God's Camel Hamedata He who has problems with the Law
Exodus Exit Gamul Reward Hamelech King, Counselor
Ezbon Hastily understand Gareb Crust Hamor Donkey, Dirty, Mud
Hezekiah The Strength of the Lord Gath grape press Hamul Merciful, Pious
Ezequiel The strength of God Gatam His moos, His touches Hamutal The shadow of its heat
Hanan Full of grace hen Grace, Peace, Rest Ibhar Election, He who is chosen
Hananeel God has been merciful (Toponym) Henadad Mercy of the beloved ibri Avoid understanding, Be angry
hanani Gracious, Merciful Hepsiba My delight is in her Ibzan Splendid, Active, Energetic, Father of a
Hananiah God has favored, Gift of God, heres Carpenter goal, Father of coldness
Mercy, Grace Hermas Profit, Fruit, Translator Ichabod Without Glory
Haniel Gift of God, Grace or Mercy of God Hermogenes Mercury Rising or Profit Generation Iconium Arrival (Toponym)
Hanoc Faithful Hermon Sacred Mount, Anathema, Dedicated to Iddo His people, Power, Praise
Hanoun Merciful destruction (Toponym) Ifdaiah The Lord's Redemption
they will Strong, Enlightened Herod Son of a hero Igal Redeemed, Impure
harbonne His destruction, His Sword Herodion The Song of Juno, Victor of Heroes Igdaliah The greatness of the Lord
Haref Winter, Reproach het Fear, Trembling Iim Hebrew groups
Harhaía Heat Hezekiel The Strength of God Illyricum Joy, Rejoicing (Toponym)
Harhas Anger, Confidence Heat, Searching Hezrai Entrance or Portal Imer Said, Expression, A lamb
harhur Made hot Hezron Dart of joy, Part of a song Imla Abundance, Circumcision
Harim Broken, Faithful to God Hidai Praise, Lament Imna Prosperity, Right hand, Numbering,
Harnefer The anger of a bull, Increase in Heat Gall God's life, God lives Conditioning
Harsa Conscientious, Wood Higaion Meditation imra Rebellious, Changing, Growing bitterness
Harufite Thin, Sharp Hilcias God is my portion Imri Exalting, A Lamb, Bitter
harum High, Casting down Hillel Praiser India Praise, Law (Toponym)
Harumaf Destruction Hinom Their riches, there they are (Toponym) Iques Striker, Evil
Haruz Forewarned, Cautious hir Watchtower, City, Vision Gonna Watchtower, Breaking, Pour
Hasabiah The appreciation of the Lord Hira Freedom, Anger Irad Wild Ass, Bunch of Empires, Dragon
Hasabna The appreciation of the Lord Hiram Exaltation of life, Destroyer, brother Iram Their outpouring, Vigilante
Hasabnias The silence of the Lord exalted. Also His whiteness, His Freedom. Iri Fire, Light, YHWH is my guardian
Hasadiah The Mercy of God Hittite Also Hittites. Who is cracked or Would you go The Fear of the Lord
Hasem Named, Engagement cracked, Who scares or scares Ish-bosheth a man of shame
Hasub Dear, Numbered hobab Favored, Well loved Isaac Laughter
Hasuba Appreciated, Thought, Purpose, Idea hod Praise, Confession Issachar Reward
Hasufa Sold out, Foundation or base made Hodavias Praise to the Lord or God is his praise Jesse YHWH is, Offering, Sacrifice, Who is
Hasum Silence, His haste or acceleration hodes Table, News Isaiah Salvation the Lord or God is my Salvation
Hatac The one who hits Today Praise to the Lord or God is your praise Isbac Who is empty or exhausted
Hatat Fear hogla Your party or dance Isbi-benob Breathing, Conversion, Take prisoner
Hatil Decadent, Vacillating Hoham affliction towards them isca He who anoints
Hatita A turning of sin Homam Making a stir Iscariot Hitman, Man of death
Hatus Contender, Apostate Hor Who conceives (Toponym) Isi Salvation
Havila Which reveals, He who suffers pain Horam Your hill Isiah It is the Lord, Watering of the Lord
Hazael Who considers God, God has seen Horeb Desert, Destruction (Toponym) Isma Named, Prodigy, Desolation
Hazaiah See the Lord Horites Princes, in anger Ishmael God has heard
Hazar-mavet house of death Hori Prince, Born Free Ishmaiah Listening to or Obeying the Lord
Haze-lelponi pain in the face Last Destruction, Consecrated to God (Toponym) Ismerai Guardian
do Prophesy, Sight hosa Trusted isod an attractive man
Heber The one who passes, Anger, The other side, Hosama Obey, Hear Ispa Jasper
Hebrew that come from the other side Hosanna Save now, We beg you to save! Ispan Hidden, Split in two
Hebron Society, Friendship, Union, League (Toponym) Hotam Seal Israel Fighter with God, Who reigns with God
Hefer The one who digs Hotir Excellent, Remnant Israhiah The clarity of the Lord
Hegai Revered, Of respect Hufam Your room, Your bank Isúi Moderate, Strong negative
Helcai Part, Portion Hul Pain, Burn Itai Strong, A sign, A fence
Heldai Lasting, Perpetual, The world, Rust Hulda The world, Weasel Italy Abundant with calving or heifers
Heleb The world, Rust Hupim Covered room, Beach Itamar island of palms
helec Part, Portion Hur Freedom, Whiteness, Ditch Itiel Sign
Heled The world, Rust Huri being angry Itma Orphan
Helem Dreamer, Healer Husa Bringing out Peace, Hastily Itran Search thoroughly diligently, Remnant
He is Armed, Set free Husai His haste, His sensuality, His silence Itream Excellence of the people
Helon Window, Trellis ***************************************************** Izhar Olive oil
Heman Faithful, His problem, Crowd Ibdas Flow of honey, The land of destruction Izrahias The Lord lifts up, The brilliance of the Lord
Izri Fasting, Tribulation The one who heals Jeser
*************** ************************************ Jason Jasub Residence, Return, Controversy Jesimiel Reason or Right, Song God establishes
Jaacan Twister, Work, Tribulation Jatniel Gift from God Jesisai Great rejoicing, Elder
Jaacoba Impersonator, Deceiver, Heeler Javan Deceiver, He who causes sadness Jesus Savior, the one who surrenders
Jaala Ascendant, Little doe or goat Jazer Help, Helper, Fortified (Toponym) Jesus Savior, the one who surrenders
Jaalam Hidden, Young man, Heir Jaziz Parting, Shine Jeter The one that stands out
Jaanai Reply, Worrying, Poor Fact Jeatrai Search thoroughly Jetet Donor, Donation
Jaasai Work, My work Jeberechias speak well of someone Jetla Listen, Have a base
Jaasiel Work of God, The strength of God Jebus Manger, To step under the foot. Original name, Jethro Excellence, Posterity
Jaazanias Whom God listens to Canaanite, from Jerusalem (Toponym) Jetur Order, Descent, Mountainous
Jaaziel God is determining or comforting Jecamiah Resurrection, Establisher Jeuel God listens
Jabal Who slips away Jecoliah Perfection Jesus Counselor, Advice
Jabez Arid place, Confusion, Affront Jeconiah Preparation Jezebel Pure
Jabin God perceives Jecutiel Hope Jezaniah Food or nourishment
Jabbok Evacuation, Fight, Dispersion (Toponym) Jedaiah The hand of the Lord, Acknowledge the Lord Jezer Help Island
Jacan oppressed Jediael The science Jeziah God exalts
jacob He who takes by the heel, He who supplants Jedida Well loved, Kind Jeziel God gathers or assembly of God
Jacob He who impersonates (Same as Jacob) Jedidias Beloved of God Jezoar Clear, White
Jada Understood Jedutun Praisemaker, He Who Gives Praise, His Law Jezreel God sows or spreads (Toponym and
Jadau His hand, His confession or admission Jefone He who witnesses or contemplates Jibsam Name)
Your drought
Jaddua Acquaintance Jehalelel He who praises God Jidlaf The one who distills water
Jael Wild goat, A boy, He who ascends Jehedias common joy Joa God your brother, Brotherhood
Japheth Aggrandizement, Blond, He who persuades Jehias The Lord lives Joab God your father, Fatherhood, Volunteer
Jafia Splendid, Enlightening, Apparition Jehovah He who subsists, He who is. In original Hebrew Joacaz God owns, View
Jaflet must be delivered YHWH: I am who I am. Joacim God promotes, Revenge
Jah The eternal Jehovah-nisi God is my banner Joada Postponement, Testimony of the Lord
Jahat Descendant, Broken into pieces Jehovah- God is Peace Joadan Pleasure
Jahaza Open space salomJehovah- God is there Joanna Grace or gift from God
Jahaziah The vision of the Lord samaJehu God is he Joaquin God will establish, Preparation
Jahaziel Seeing God Jehuba Hidden Joash The Fire of the Lord, God has given, Who
Jahdiel Unit Jehud Man of Judah despair or burn
Jahdo Alone, His joy, His sharp wit, His Jehudaiah The praise of the Lord job He who cries or cries
inexperience Jehus Save advice, Bound, Subject Jobab Afflicted, Sad
Jahleel Wait Jemima pretty as the day Jochebed God is Glory, Honorable
Jahmai Hot or comfortable Jemuel The day of God, Son of God Jocsan An offense, Impoverished, A blow
Jahzeel God distributes Jera Moon, Month, Sweet smell Joktan Dispute, Aversion, Petty dispute
Jair He will illuminate Jerameel The mercy Joed Witness, Disappear, Elude understanding
Jairus He will illuminate or diffuse light Jeremiah My elevation, Launch into the waters, God joel He who pleases or leads, YHWH is God
Pull Stubborn, God endures, Murmur is exalted Joella Lifting, Exploitation, Removing
Jambres Poverty, Bitterness, Rebellious Jeremiah God lifts up, Exaltation to the Lord slander
Jamin Right side, South Wind Jeremoth He who fears death, Eminence Joezer The one who helps
Jamlec Reigning, Asking for advice Jerías Fear Jogli Rejoice, Return, Disappear
Jane He will ask Jericho His moon, His month, Sweet aroma (Toponym) Joha Who gives life
Janes Full of Pleasure, Favor, Poor Jeriel Fear Johanan Grace, Gift of God
Jaquim Uploader, Confirmer, Installer Jerimot He who fears or rejects death Jehoiada God has known
Jaquin He who becomes strong and firm Jeriot Pots, Breaking into pieces Joiarib Combat, Reprimand, Reproach
Rockrose Wood, Honeycomb, Look closely Jerubbaal Let Baal fight with him, He who defends Baal Jonadab God is generous
Jareb argumentative, vengeful Jeroboam He who opposes the people, the people becomes Jonan Dove, Multiplication of the people
Jared Ruling, Imposing, Going Down numerous Jonah Pigeon
Jaresias The rest of the Lord, The Lord decrees, Jeroham High, Merciful, Well loved Jonathan The Gift of God, God has given, Gift of u
Poverty Jerusalem Outlaw, Possession, Inheritance pigeon
Jarib Fight, Multiply, Revenge Jerusalem Vision of Peace or Foundation of Peace Joppa Beauty, Grace (Toponym)
Jasen Bright, Sleeping (Place name) Jora autumn rain
Jaser Just, Incorruptible, Right Jesaiah Health Joram God is exalted
Jasobám Return the people, The people gathered or Jesebeab Sitting, Meeting Jordan He who descends, The river of Judgment
seated (River)
Jorim He who exalts the Lord Libya The heart of the sea, Gordo (Toponym) Malachi My messenger or my angel
Josaba Abundance, Fullness Libna White, Whiteness (Toponym) Malcam Law
Josachar Male, I remember Lida Permanent well (Toponym) Malchus My King, Ruler or advisor
Josadac God is fair Lidia The one that comes from Lida or Asia Maloti Abundance, Fullness, Circumcision
Jehoshaphat God has judged Linen Grid Malchiah God is my king
Josavia The seat Lysanias The one who leaves sad Malchiel God is my king
José May God add, Exalted, Who forgives, Lysias Dilution Malquisua Sublime King, King of healing
Increase Lystra Maluc Reigning, Council
Josiah God heals, The fire of the Lord Lo-ammi That dissolves (Toponym) No my people Mamre Rebellious, Bitterness, Fatness, Vigor or
Josibiah The seat Lo-ruhama (Toponym) energy
Josifiah Finishing of the Lord, Growth of the Lord Lod Unpitied, Merciless Hometown, Generation Mana What is this?
Josue God is salvation, the one who gives himself Lois Better Manaen Comforter, Guide
Jotam The Lord is perfect lots Hidden, Dark in color Manahat Repose
Jozabad Given by God, The Lord's Dowry Luke Bright Manahetites My lady, My prince of rest
Juan The Grace or Mercy of the Lord Lucifer The one who brings the light Manasseh That makes you forget, Oblivion, He who is
Jubal He who runs, Trumpet Pike Born by day, Luminous Manoah forgotten
Rest, Rest, Offering
Jucal Powerful, Perfect, Wasted lud Distorted Maon House, Place of sin
Judah God be praised, Confession lut Distorted Maqui Poor, He who hits
Judas Praise to the Lord (same as Judah) Light Separation, Departure, Almond (Toponym) Maquir Sale, Sold, Connoisseur
Judith Jewess, the praised ***************************************************** Mara Bitter, Bitterness
Julia Soft, smooth and sweet hair Maaca Oppression, Subject, Worn Maranatha The Lord is coming
July Soft smooth Maadiah Kindness, The testimony of the Lord frames Great hammer, Courteous, Brilliant or
Junias Youth Maai Belly or belly, Accumulation Mordecai splendid
Little Man, Regret, Bitterness,
Jupiter The helping father Maasias The Lord's Work Wipe, Strike, Break Crushed
Husab-hesed House, Change of mercy Maat Maresa From the beginning, Heritage (Toponym)
Fair Fair, Right Maaz Wood or made of wood Maria Rebel. Also: Princess, Beautiful, the
***************************************************** Maceda Worship, Burning, Resurrection, Corruption chosen
Kelaía The voice of the Lord, Assembly (Place name) Marsena Bitterness of a bush
Kemuel God has raised Macedonia Ardor, Adoration (Toponym) Martha Who is bitter, Provocative, Lady, Lady
Keren-hapuc beauty girl Macnadebai The one who hits Further Unoccupied, Taken out
Kibrot- Sepulcher of greed (Toponym) Machpela Double (Toponym) Masah Temptation (Toponym)
Kir City, Wall, Reunion (Place name) Madai Grateful, Witness, Dress, Judgment, Masai The protection
***************************************************** Midian Measurement
Dispute, Rebuke, Judgment, Cover, Massa Burden, Prophecy
Laada Gathering, Witnessing, Passing For Delight, Madmana Matan Offering, Gift
Laadan Judgment, Devourer Custom Measurement of an offering, Preparation of a Mattaniah Offering, Gift of God
White, Bright, Fragile, Sweet To God, To The dress Matata His offering or His Gift
Laban Lael Powerful Magbis Height, Grandeur, Excellence Mattathias The gift, gift or offering of the Lord
Lahad Praise, Confess Magdala Tower, Greatness (Toponym) Matthew Reward, Gift of God
Lahmi My bread, My war Cupcake Person born in Magdala Matias gift of God
Lais Lion Magdiel Promulgate God, God's Chosen Fruit matred rod of government
Lamech Poor, made of low condition Magog Cover or protection, Roof, Dilution Matri Rain, Prison
Laodicea Fair people (Toponym) Magor-misabib Terror everywhere Methuselah javelin man
Lapidot Lighting, Lamp Mahala Illness, Softness Mebunai Son, Construction, Understanding
Lachish Who walks (Toponym) Mahalaleel Praise to God, God is splendor Medad He who measures, Waters of love
The sea Learned (Toponym) Mahalat Disease They give Trial, Process
Lazarus God has helped Mahanaim Two camps, Two armies, Tents me Medeba Arise, Waters of Complaint (Toponym)
Read Fatigued (Place name) Half Measurement, Custom, Cover (Toponym)
Lehabim Enraged, Flames, Swords maharai A hill, From a hill, In a hurry Mephiboshe He who destroys shame, From my mouth
th Megiddo come
Lehi Jaw or mandible (Toponym) Mahat Instrument of nickname or
Lemuel God with them or with him, Dedicated to God dissolution, Wiping reproaches Proclaim a message, His precious fruit
Lesem Name, Gemstone Mahaziot He who sees a sign or letter (Place name)
Letusim Filer, He who works with the hammer Maher-salal-hasbaz The plunder rushes, the prey Mehetabel How good is the Lord
Leumim Levi Countries, Without water United precipitated Mehida Harassed, Wits Reward
Mahli Fervorize, Harp, Forgiveness, Weak, Suffering Mehir
Lebanon White (Toponym) Mainan Numbered, Awarded, Prepared Mehujael Who proclaims God
Mehuman He who creates a tumult, Crowd Millo Abundance (Plant) Nahum Compassionate, Penitent
Mehunim Home, Distressed Miniamin Right or from the beginning Nain Kindness, Beauty (Toponym)
Melatias Lord's Delivery Micah Who is like God? Naiot Beauties, Rooms (Toponym)
Melea Provision Look I flow, I radiate or pour, I cry (Toponym) Daffodil Astonishment, Stupidity
Misael Who is questioned or quarantined Nathan God has given, Reward
Melech King, Counselor Misam Your savior, Walking away Nathan-melech The gift of the Lord
Melita The one who provides honesty. It refers to Misia Criminal, Abominable (Toponym) Nathanael God has given
island of Malta the
(place name) Same Listener, Obedient Nazarene From Nazareth
Melqui My King, My advice Same Fat, Acquire provisions Nazarite Separated or consecrated to God
Melchizedek King of Justice or King of Peace Mispar Writing or narration Nazareth Crowned, Separated, Sanctified. Also
Melsar Circumcision of a narrow place, Steward Misraites Expand Offspring, Guardian (Toponym)
Memucan Impoverished, Prepare, True, True Misrefotmaim Aguas Calientes (Toponym) Neapolis New city (Toponym)
Menahem Comforter, Who guides them Mitca Sweetness, Kindness Neariah Child of the Lord
Good stay, Something that drips or drips, Mytilene Purity, Cleanliness, Press (Toponym) Nebai Germination, Speak, Prophet
Memphis Mithnite Loin, Offering, Hope Nebaiot Words, Prophecies, Outbreaks
of honey Honeycomb
Mithridates Breaking the law Neballat Prophecies, Outbreaks (Toponym)
Merab He who fights or fights, Increase Miza Fear of joy, Deviation from head Nebo That announces or prophesies (Toponym)
Meraiot Bitterness, Rebellious, Fluctuating Mizar Smallness (Toponym) Necao Lame, Beaten
Merari Bitter, Sad, Provoke Mizpah Watchtower, Writing or narrative Necoda Painted, Inconstancy
Mercury Speaker, Interpreter (Place name) Nedabiah Prince or vote of the Lord
Mered Rebel Mizraim Tribulations Nefeg Weak
Meremot Bitterness, Strong, Elevation Mnason Diligent Seeker, Exhorter Nephisesim Diminished, Broken into pieces
Moab From his father Naphtali The one who fights
Meres Worthy Moses Drawn from the waters, A son, Motivated, Nefusim Diminished, Broken into pieces
Merib-baal He who resists Baal, Rebellion Produced in response Neginot String instruments
Meriba Dispute, Complaint Cool Birth, Generation (Toponym) Nehelam Dreamer, Valley, Stream (Toponym)
Merodach bitter regret ground Birth, Generation, Procreator Nehemiah God has comforted, The repentance of the
Merodach-balladan Son of death Molech He who reigns Lord
Merom high place More Dilation or elongation (Toponym) Nehum Consolation, Penitent
Meronotite Rejoicing, My song, Master law Moria The bitterness of the Lord (Toponym) Nehusta Made of bronze
Table Salvation, Lien Girl Without yeast Nehustan bronze piece
Meshach that withdraws with force Mupim Outside the mouth, Lining Nemuel God's sleeper
Musi The one who touches ner Lamp, New Farmland
Meshech Possession, That which is removed by force ***************************************************** Nereus Lamp
Meselemiah Peace naama Nice, Blonde Nergal The great man, Hero
Messiah anointed Naaman Pleasant Nergal-sarezer May Nergal protect the king
Mesobaite The place of the Lord, Little Deer Naaran Girl (Place name) Neri My light
Mesopotamia Between two rivers (Toponym) naas Snake Nerías Light, Lamp of the Lord
Meshullam Peaceful, Perfect, His parables Naason Sorcerer, Enchanter Netaniah The gift of the Lord
Methusael Who demands his death Nabal Foolish, Foolish Netineos Dice, Gifts
Mezaab Golden Nabat What contemplates Nezia Conqueror, Strong
Naboth Fruits, Words, Eminence, Prophecies Nibhaz Farmer, Prophet
Mibhar Chosen, Young Nebuchadnezzar Let Nebo defend the borders! Nicanor Victorious
Mibsam Aromatic Nebuzaradan Fruits or prophecies of judgment Nicodemus Victorious with the people or victory of the
Mibzar Defender, Prohibitive, Withdrawal, Fortitude Nacor Who pants, Who snorts, Hoarse, Dry, Hot people,
Michael Who is like God? Nadab Generous, Prince innocent blood
Micah Who is like God? Nafis Soul, He who rests, Numerous, Nicolaitas Followers of Nicholas
Micaiah Who is like God? Breathing Nicholas Victorious of the people
Mical Who is perfect? Nagai Clarity, Brightness, Light Nicopolis City of victory (Toponym)
Miclot Search carefully, Little voices, Nahaliel Heritage, Valley of God (Place name) Niger Black
Naham Comfort Nile Problem
small wishes Naharai my nostalgia,Hot, Anger Nimrod Rebel
Micri Sale Nahas Snake Nimsi Rescue from danger
Mictam Hymn, Poem, Golden Psalm Nahat Rest, Leader Nymphs Husband, Boyfriend
Migdol Tower (Toponym) Nahbi very secret Nineveh Nice, Pleasant (Toponym)
Miguel Who is like God? Nisan Beginning, Pattern, Miracle (Month)
Mijamin Right-handed or right-handed Nisroc Struggle, Test, Temptation, Fragile
Milalai Circumcision, My conversation
Milca Queen
Milcom Your king (Idol)
Miletus Scarlet red
No Excitement, Prohibitive (Toponym) Paphos That boils (Toponym) Pi-hahirot The mouth, Hirot's pass (Toponym)
No-ammon Excitement, Prohibitive Pagiel Prevention, Security Pibeset Abode of the goddess Bast (Toponym)
Not Who doubts or hesitates Pahat-moab Ruler of Moab Piga Part, Division, Hill, Fortress, Eminence
Witness Thinker, Philosopher (Toponym)
Noadías Nob Speech or prophecy (Toponym) Palal Palti Salvation, Surrender, Escape Pilate Armed with a javelin or pilum
Noba what barks Paltiel Salvation, Banishment Pinion Pearl, Jewel, That contemplates
nod Wandering (Toponym) Pamphyly Nation made of all tribes (Toponym) Pirate Its dispersion or waste, Its Privation, Its
nodab I vote for himself For Cow, Increase (Toponym) breakup (Toponym)
Noah Rest, Consolation, Rest, Tranquility Paran Beauty, Glory, Ornament (Toponym) Piream A wild ass for them
Naomi Beautiful, Pleasant Parmasta one year old bull Pisidia Brea, Negro (Toponym)
Nofa Fearsome, Binding (Toponym) Parmenas What supports or endures Ram Changing, Extension of the mouth
Brightness, Clarity Parnac striking bull (Toponym)
Noga Nun Prosperity, A fish, Eternal Paros Flea, The fruit of a moth Python Your bite, Mouth dilation, Persuasion
***************************************************** Parsandata Given by prayer Pontius Marine, Pertaining to the sea
Obadiah Servant of the Lord Parua Blooming, Flying over Pontus The Sea (Toponym)
Obal Inconvenience of old age Pasac Your broken portion Poqueret-hazebaim Binding, Cutting of the mouth
obed Paseah Disappear, Hesitant on thewar
Obed-edom Servant, Hardworking Servant of Edom Pasur Prosperity, Whiteness, He who spreads the ditch Porata Fruitful
Obil Who cries, He who has the right to lament or the hole Potiphar He whom the god Ra has given, Bull of
Obbot Skins of water, Gorges, Wishes, Parents, Patara fattened bull Africa,
Dragons (Toponym) Patmos Trampled underfoot Mortal (Toponym) Potifera
Ahaziah Grip, Vision of the Lord Patrobas Paternal, He who follows in his father's footsteps Prisca Thatwoman
Old spreads away or away
Ocran How disturbing Patros Midday country (Toponym) Priscilla Old woman or old lady
Ophel Tower, Darkness, Small white cloud Pedaías The Redemption of the Lord Prochorus The one who presides over the choirs or
(Place name) Pedasur Strong or powerful Savior, Stone of Proselyte manages
Deck them
Ofir Ofni Fruitful region (Toponym) redemption Publius who has come to join
Hungry, Busy, Folding together Peter rock or stone Mercy Seat Common
Ofra Dust, Fawn peka God opens, He is in freedom Wealthy Ashamed, Shy, Modest
og Cake, Bread baked in ashes, Long neck Pekaia It is the Lord who opens Pul Bean or Jew, Destruction
Ohad Praise, Confession Pelaias The secret or miracle of the Lord Purim Luck
Ohel Tent, Tabernacle, Shine Pelalias He who calls upon God, God judges Puteoli Small fountains, Sulphurous wells
Olympias Sky blue Pelatias The Lord's Surrender, Remains Free Division (Place name)
Omar He who speaks, Bitterness Peleg *****************************************************
Omega Last letter of the Greek alphabet fights Judges, Destroyers Quedorlaome Set of Sheaves
Omri Sheaf of grain or corn, JAH distributes Pelonite Fall, Secret r Quelal Evening
on Pain, Strength, Iniquity Peniel Face of God, He who sees God Chilion Perfect, Finished
Onan Vigorous Penina Pearl, Coral, Gemstone, Face Quelub Basket
Onesiphoru Who brings benefit Pentapolis Five cities (Toponym) Quelubai Bound to the Lord, Against me
Onesimus Useful, Fruitful Pentateuch Five Scrolls or the five books of Moses Queluhi All
Or not Strong, Complaint, His iniquity (Toponym) Pentecost Day 50 Let's burn Manipulation, Away
Oreb Raven Penuel The face of God Quenaana Shattered
Orpah Young freshness, His neck, His skull Worse Opening, Crack (Toponym) Quenani My Pillar
Ornan He who is happy Perazim Divisions (Toponym) Quenanias Prepared
Osaia God saves Perea The country beyond (Toponym) Queriot Cities, Appeals (Toponym)
Osaiah The salvation of the Lord Peres Horse rider Queros Twisted, Corruption
Hosea Saved or Salvation Pérez-uza The Breaking of Uzzah I'm thirsty like a demon
Otni My time, My time Pergamum Height, Elevation (Toponym) Cheese Foolishness, Nonsense
Otoniel God is powerful, God's hour Perge Very earthly (Toponym) Chidon Prepared, Safe (Toponym)
Ozem Who fasts, His longings Perida Separation, Division Quimam Like them or like them
Ozni One year, Pay attention, God listens Persia That cuts or divides, Nail, Rider (Toponym) Kiriath-arba Fourth city, Hebron (Toponym)
***************************************************** Loss What divides or cuts Kiriath-baal City of Baal
Paarai Openness, Sincerity Peruda Separation, Division Kiriathjearim Those who lurk. At the same time it was a
Pablo Little Petaiah The Lord opens, The door of the Lord City of Forests city:
Padan-aram Aram Plateau, Cultivated field Petuel Mouth of God, The Persuasion of God Kiriathaim Two cities, Reuniones (Place name)
Padon His Redemption, Ox's Milk Curd Peultai My job I wanted Poverty, Its heaviness, Its offense
Quislon Hope Reu Your friend, Your shepherd
Quitim Breakup, Small bruise, Golden, Colorful Reuel The pastor or friend of God
***************************************************** Rheumatism High, Sublime
Raama Greatness, Thunder, Of the same Rezin Goodwill, Messenger
nature of Grapnel Skinny, Small, Prince, Secret
Devil Ribai Quarrel
Raamias Thunder Ribla Quarrel, Greatness to him
Rabbah Great, Powerful, Contentious (Place Raffle Remedy, Medicine, Liberation, Sorry
Rimon Pomegranate, Height, Elevation. The god
Rabbi My teacher Fulminator
Rabmag Who defeats or destroys a multitude Fight Song, Rejoicing
Raboni My Sir Rizpah Bed, Extension, Charcoal
Rabshakeh General, Prince's Cupbearer Rehoboam The one who has made the people great
Rabsaris Chief of the eunuchs Rhodes Rosebush
Raca Empty, Worthless, Unworthy Rode Pink
Radai Ruler, Falling Rohga Fill
Raphael The medicine or medicine of God Rome Strength, Power (Toponym)
Roman Powerful, Strong
Rafu Who has been afraid of being healed by the
Romanti-ezer Exaltation to help
Lord Ros Head
Ragau Friend, Pastor Ruben Behold a son, The vision of the son
Raguel Shepherd Rufous Red
Rahab Wide. Applied to Egypt: Violence or Ruhama Pityed
insolence Ruma Exalted, Rejected, Sublime
raham Compassion, Friend Ruth Drink, Satisfied
RAM High, Elevated, Sublime *****************************************************
Branch Height, Height (Toponym)
Ramat-lehi Jaw Hill (Toponym)
Ramat-mizpah Height of the tower
Ramataim of Zofin The two twin heights of the
zofitas (Toponym)
Ramia Exaltation of the Lord
Ramot Eminences, High Places (Toponym)
Raquel Sheep
Reaía Vision of the Lord
Reba The fourth, A square, The one who lies or is
Rebeca A quarrel calmed down, Gorda, Barley, One
rope with sliding knot
Rechab Square, Chariot drawn by four horses
Reelaías Pastor, He who accompanies the Lord
Rephaias The medicine or refreshment of the Lord
Refaim Giants, Medical, Relaxed (Toponym)
Refidim Beds, Resting place (Toponym)
Regem He who stones or is stoned, Purple
Regem-melech He who stones the King, The purple of the
Royal King Rupture, Fracture (Toponym)
Rehabiah Width, Amplitude
Rehob Open space, Big street
Rehoboth Wide spaces (Toponym)
Rehum who has compassion
King My shepherd, My companion, My friend
Remalias The exaltation of the Lord
Renfan Prepared
Requem vain images
Resa Will, Course
Resen Flange, A little
saaf Running away, Reasoning
Saalabin Foxes, Understanding (Toponym)
Saalbim Who looks at the heart (Toponym)
Saalbonita Construction of the foxes
Saaraim Doors, Appreciation, Hair
Saarim Two doors (Toponym)
Saasgaz He who shears the sheep, He who presses
fleece the
Saturday Repose
Sabaot Armies
know Captivity, Conversion, Old Age
Sabetai My rest
Sabta Entrepreneurship, Connecting, Old Age
Sabteca That surrounds, that causes wound
Take out Merchandise, Price
Zadok Straight, Just, Justified
Shadrach Tender, Nipple, Nipple
Sadducees Zadok's followers
Saff Fragments, Algae, Consummation
Saphan Badger, Cautious, Shy
Safat Judge
Safir Delicious (Toponym)
Safira Beautiful, The one that relates or tells
sage Multiply greatly, Touch gently
Salaf Shadow, Buzz, Shake
Salai Exalted, Rejected
Salamis Shake, Beaten, Control (Toponym)
Salatiel I have asked God
Salem Perfect, Peace
salim Foxes, Fists, Path (Toponym)
salisa Third, Trees, Prince, Captain (Toponym)
Salmai My dress
Salman Peaceful, Perfect, What a reward
Shalmanese Bound, Chained, Peace, Retribution,
Salmon Peace, Perfection, He who rewards, His
shadow, His image
Salome Peace, Peacemaker, Perfection
Solomon Peaceful, Perfect, Who rewards
Salum Perfect, Nice
Sama Loss, Desolation, Amazement
Samai My name, My dejection
Samaria Vigilance Mount (Toponym)
Shamgar He is here he is a foreigner
Samhut Desolation, Destruction
Samir Oppressed, Prison, Thorn
Samla Her dress, Her amazement, Her left side
Samos Hill near the river, Full of coarse sand
(Place name)
Samot Names, Dejections
Samothrace Samos of Thrace (Place name)
Samserai Conqueror, there a singer
Samuel Request to God
Sanballat Secret enemy, Bramble
Sanhedrin Meeting
Sansana Branch of the enemy (Toponym)
Samson Little sun, There the second time, Your
worship service or
Sachyas Protection of the Lord
Sarah Princess, Princess of multitudes
Sarai My lady, My princess
sarar Navel or umbilical cord, Thought,
Sardis Prince of Joy (Toponym)
Zarephath Goldsmith's Shop, Mouth Ambush
name) Disconcerting, Tribulation (Toponym)
Sarezer Treasury Inspector
Sargon Who walks away from protection
Sarid Remnant, Hand of a prince (Toponym)
Sharon Plain, His song
Sarsequim Love of the locker room, Chief of the
Sarvia eunuchs
Pain or tribulation of the Lord
Sasac Linen sack, Sixth sack
sasai Rejoice, Mercy, Linen
Satan Contrary, Adversary, Enemy, Accuser
saul Request to God, Ditch or canal, Borrowed,
Sear-jasub Death
A remnant will return
Searias The Gate of the Lord, The tempest or storm
of the Lord
Seba Old man, drunk, who changes. As
toponym: Oath, Captivity
Sebam Surrounding, Old Men
Sebaniah The Lord transforms
Sebat Tribe, Kindred, Staff (Month)
Seber Breakup, Hope
Sebna Who rests, Who is captive
Sebuel Lap Seraph Fiery, Burning Synthesis who speaks or makes a speech
Drylands The Lord's Habitat Seraiah Prince of the Lord Zion Uproar, Tumult, Monument, Raised,
Secú Defense, Branch (Toponym) Sherebiah Singing with the Lord Tomb
Zedekiah The Lord is my justice, The justice of the Lord Sered Freedom from fear, Tincture Sior Ship of him who observes (Toponym)
Sedeur Field of Light, Light of the Omnipotent Seredites Removing a dissent Sipai Threshold, Silver Cup
It was Flesh, Respect or relationship Sergio Paulo Small, Network Shechem Part or portion. As a toponym it means
Sephar Book, Write, Number (Toponym) Serug Cloak, Lining, Branch, Batch, Stem, Fickle Shoulder
Sepharad A book that descends (Toponym) Sesai Mercy, Perfect, Linen, Six Syracuse That drags violently (Toponym)
Sepharvaim The two books or the two scribes (Toponym) Sesbasar Joy in tribulation, Joy in the vintage Armhole Marble, Grato
Sefat Who contemplates, Who visits, Who covers Set Put in place of, Fixed Sisac Offering of the bag, the thigh, the pot
(Place name) Setar Rotten, Search Sisera He who sees a horse or a swallow
Sephatiah The Lord is the one who judges Setar-boznai The one who seeks the one who despises me, the Sismai House, Blindness
Sefo Spectator, Honeycomb, Dress, Desert one who
starts to decompose Sitim Thorns (Toponym)
Zipporah Beauty, Trumpet, Mourning Setur Destroyer, Hidden Sitna Hate (Toponym)
Sefufan Snake It goes Vanity, Uprising, Fame, Tumult Sitrai money collector
Segub Fortified, Raised Sevene Shrub, Enmity (Toponym) Sitri Hide, Demolished
Second The second Shibolet Spike, Stream of water If they go Shrub or thorn (Month)
Sihon Eradicate, Term Shur That contemplates, Fence or wall, Ox, That Siza Your offering
Seir Hairy (Toponym) rescinds (Toponym) SW grain measurement
Sela Prayer, That unties, That strips. As Siaha Movement, Help Sobab Returned, Lightning
toponym: Rock Siba Army, Fight, Strength Sobac Your promises, Your chains
Selah Pause, The end Sibecai Branches, Cabin, Springs Sobai Return from captivity
Select The shadows, Noise made when licking or Sibia The Lord lives or resides, Deer, Goat Sobal Trail, Cob
sip Sibma Too much slavery Sobec Invalidated, Forgotten
Seled Affliction, Warning Sibolet Spike, Stream of water Soko Tents, Tabernacles (Toponym)
Selef Who extracts Sychar End (Toponym) sodi My secret
Shelemiah God is my perfection, My Happiness, My peace Siclag Tight measure (Toponym) Sodom His secret, His cement (Toponym)
Seles Captain, Prince Sidim farm field Sofa Radiating
Seleucia Shaken or hit by waves (Toponym) Sidon Hunting, Fishing, Deer Soferet Scribe
Selomi God is Peace Sifi Crew Zephaniah The Lord is my secret
Selomit Peacemaker, Conciliator Sifra Who does good, Generous, Trumpet Soham Retention
selsa Midday (Toponym) Sigaion Song of problems or consolation somer Watchman, Waste
Selumiel The Peace of God, A friend of God Sihor Fortress wall, Solid, Black (Toponym) Sopater Of good lineage, Who defends his father
Sem Renowned silas Three Bras Savior, Strong, Powerful
Sema Listener, Obedient Silem Peace, Perfection, Retribution Sotai Closing in reasons, Ligature
Shemaiah United to the Lord, He who listens to or obeys the Silhi Who is armed with darts Sua Crying, Redeeming, Channel, Swimming,
Mister Siloam Sent Humiliation
Semarias Throne or custody of the Lord, God is my guardian Shiloh Rest, Envoy. As a city: Abundance, Sual First, Fox, Path
Semeber Name of force or strength Peace Subael Return from captivity, Seat of God
Semed Destroyer, Exhausting silsa Three, Chief, Captain Sukkot Tents, Tabernacles (Toponym)
Semei What do you hear, Obedient Silvanus Who loves the forest Sukkot- The daughters' stores
Semer Guardian, Debris, Thorn Simea Splendor benotSuham Talk, Humiliation, Germination, Thought
Semida Name of knowledge, What does it say? Simeat Guard, Watcher Shulamite Peaceful, Perfect, Award-winning
knowledge Shimei God is remarkable and He is Glorious Sunem His change, His dream (Toponym)
Seminit Octavo, Octavo string instrument Simeon He who listens or obeys, Who is heard Suni Changed, Sleeper
Semiramot The height of the sky Simon Providence of heaven, Fatness, Oil, That Supim Snake
Samuel Appointed by God listen or obey Susa Lily, Rose, Rejoicing (Toponym)
sen Tooth, Ivory, Change Simrat Who listens, Obedient Suzanne Lilac, Pink, Rejoicing
Senaa Bramble or thorny tree, Enemy Simri Thorn, Slag susi Horse, Swallow, Moth
Sennacherib Bush of Destruction Simsai My son Sutela Plant, Verdigris, Wet, Pot
Senazar Treasurer of a tooth, Light, Splendor Without Bush *****************************************************
Sene Thorny (Toponym) Sinab Father of change Taanac Who is humble, Who responds (Toponym)
Senir Dream light, Flashlight Sinai Shrub, Enmity (Toponym) tabat Well, Kindness (Toponym)
Seorim Doors, Hair, Storms Sinar Watcher of those who dream or sleep Tabeel God is good
Be Lady of scent, Song, Morning star Sinim Southern Country (Toponym) Tabera Ardiente (Toponym)
Tabitha Clear sign, Roe deer
tidal He who breaks the yoke, Renowned Uriel God is my light
Tabor Choice, Purity, Crushed (Place name)
Tabrimon Good Pomegranate, Navel, The center Tifsa Step, Jump, Easter (Toponym) Urim Lights, Fires
Thaddeus He who praises or confesses Tiglath- He who binds or compromises, He who distances Utai My iniquity or my evil
Tadmor Palma, Amargura (Place name) pileser
captivity the Uz Council, Forests, Subject
Tafat Distillation, Drop Tilon Murmur, Contempt Uza Strength, Goat
Tahan Supplicating, Merciful Timaeus Perfect, Admirable, Honorable Uzai He
tahas That upsets, that keeps silent Timna Inaccessible, inhibiting, Severe, Allocated portion Uzal Wandering
Tahat Fear, Descending
Timnat Image, Figure, Enumeration, Assigned Portion Uzen-seera Ear of the flesh (Toponym)
Tahpenes Archetype or norm, Flight, Temptation
Timnat-sera Supplementary portion (Toponym) uzzi My strength, My child
Talita cumi Little girl
Talmai My furrow, Farmer, He who interrupts the Rudder Honorable, Worthy Uzziah God is strength
waters, Timothy Who worships God, The esteemed of God *****************************************************
Enough waters Tychic Fortuitous Vaizata Room irrigation
Tamar Palm, Palm Tree Tyrant What a queen, Tyrant, Prince Vania Food, Nutrition
Tammuz Dark, Hidden, Consumed Tirhaca Inquirer, Examiner, Clumsy Observer Vapsi Odorous, Reduction
Tanhumet Consolation, Repentance Tirias Who searches thoroughly Vasni The Second, Changed, Tooth
Tapúa Apple, Swelling, Quince, Apricot Shot Rock (Toponym) Vasti What a baby, Hilo, the well-beloved
Tare Outlaw, Fight, Hair *****************************************************
Tirsa Grace, Charm
Tare Breathe, Perfume, Blow
Task Evil deed, Anger, Howl Tishbite What makes captives or prisoners Zaanaim Moving, Sleeping person (Toponym)
Tarshish Refinery, Contemplation, Examination Titus Pleasant Zaavan Trembling, Conquest, That causes fear
(Toponym) Toa Weapon, Dart Zabad He has given, Gifted, Dowry
Tarsus Winged, Feathered (Toponym) Tob Well, Kindness (Toponym) Zabai Buzzer, Fluid
Tartac Darkness, Chained, Silenced, Bound Tobadonias My good God, The goodness of the creation of the Zabdi God has given
Tartan Chief General Mister Zebulun Dwelling
Tatnai What does it matter, The inspector of Tobias God is good Zacai Clean or pure meat, Fair
offerings and tributes
Toffee Ruin, Without understanding (Toponym) Zechariah God has remembered
Teba Murdered, Carnage, Guardian of the body,
Toffet Drum, Betrayal (Toponym) Zacur Of the masculine gender, Attentive or
Togarma Who is all bone or Strong Zafnat-panea Who awake discovers hidden things
Thebaliah Baptism
Thebes Fine linen, Muddy, Eggs (Toponym) Tohu That lives, that affirms Zaham Crime, With filth, Impure
Tebet Good (Month) Toi Who wanders aimlessly Zair Small, Afflicted, In tribulation (Toponym)
Tekoa That is approved, Trumpet Tola Worm, Scarlet Zalmona His Image, His shadow (Toponym)
Tehina Plea, a favor Tolad a generation Zalmuna Shadow, Image, Forbidden Idol
Tekel Weight Thomas Twin Zanoa Oblivion, Desertion (Toponym)
Tel-abib A pile of new grain (Toponym)
Tel-harsa Plow suspension (Toponym) Traconite Stony Zacchaeus Pure, Clean, Fair
Tel-mela Pile of salt (Toponym) Tryphene Delicious, Delicate Zara East, Shine, Brilliance
Telah Moistening, Greenery Tryphose Three times splendid or luminous Zared Exuberant, Strange descent (Torrente)
Telassar Moving away, Accumulation (Toponym) Troas Penetrated (Toponym) Zatu Olive
Telem His dew, His shadow Trophimus That feeds, Well educated Zaza Belonging to everyone
Issue Exterminating, Violently striking, tubal The earth or the world, Confusion Zeba Victim, Sacrifice
Admiration, Consummation, Perfection Tubal-cain Worldly or confusion possession, Forger or Zebadiah God has given, God is my portion
Teman Perfect craftsman Zebedee God has given, Abundant, Part
Theophilus Friend of God
Tumim Perfection, Truth Zebina Flowing, Selling, Buying
Teraphim Images, Idols
***************************************************** Zeboim Deer, Goats (Toponym)
Third Third
Tertulo Third ucal Can Zebuda Gifted
Thessaloniki Hot fountain, Victory against the Uel God's will Zebul Dwelling
thessalonians Ufaz Pure gold, Gold of Pisón Zedad His side or part, His hunting (Toponym)
Tetrarch Governor of a quarter Ula Lifting, Leaf, Girl Zeeb Wolf
Theudas flow waters Ulai Strength, Senselessness (River) Zefo The one who sees
Thyatira Perfume, Sacrifice in childbirth (Toponym) ulam Portal, Corral, His strength, His foolishness Zephon Dark, Winter, Wait
Tiberias Good vision, Navel (Toponym) Uma Darkness, Cover, Its people (Toponym) Zela Rib, Side, Retention
Tiberius Son of Tiber
Tibni Straw, Hay Uni Poor, Afflicted, Responding Zelophehad Shadow, Tremble with fear
Ticva Spectator, Congregation Uparsin Divided Zealot Jealous, Fanatic
Ur Fire Zemaraim Wool, Marrow (Toponym)
Urban Cuts Zemira Song, Wine, Palm Tree
Uri My light Zenan Coldness, Objective, Weapon (Toponym)
Uriah Light of God Zenas Living
Zera Bud, Glitter, Aurora All of the names may be found in the Bible, although some, the divinely appointed spokesman of Moses, and he
Zeraiah The shine of the Lord, The Lord is lifted up like Alexander, are known from other historical sources as persuaded the Israelites to trust his brother. He also became
Zeres Misfortune, Stranger, Scattered inheritance well. Very obscure biblical names have been excluded. Each the first high priest of the nation. His low point came when
Zeret Confused, Perplexed entry is supported by a biblical citation showing the earliest Moses climbed Mount Sinai to obtain the Ten
Zeror Root, That has problems or troubles, That known use of the name. Commandments. While Moses was gone, the Israelites made
hermetically keeps Genders an image of a calf to worship. Aaron didn't stop them. The
Zerúa Leper, Wasp A boy or girl of today might be given many biblical names with excuse he gave to Moses was unconvincing (but very
Zetar He who examines or contemplates little regard to the original gender of the name. In fact, many human): "They gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire,
Zia Sweat, Swelling parents already do this: if they like a name, they use it - and and out came this calf!" His wife was Elisheba and his sons
Zibeon The evil that nests they don't let a detail like gender stand in their way! There are were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. Variants: Aharon,
Zicri Careful, Who remembers, This is a man also biblical names such as Daniel, traditionally masculine, Ahron, Arend, Ari, Arny, Aron, Haroun, Ron, Ronny. [Exodus
zif This or that, Brightness, Grace (Month). As that have been adapted into female versions such as 4:14] Abdeel ab-deel (male)
This mouth, Falsehood Danielle. Hebrew: Servant of God. Father of Shelemiah, an official
Ziha Brightness, Whiteness, Drought The following terms are used to indicate genres: under King Jehoiakim. [Jeremiah 36:26]
Zila Shadow, Tingling in the ear (female) ... a name used in the Bible for female Abel a-bel (male)
Ziletai My shadow, My conversation characters only, and recognized today as an exclusive or Hebrew: Breath, vapor. (May be linked to an Akkadian word
Zilpa mouth distillation mainly female name. meaning son .) Second son of Adam and Eve, the first human
Zima Thought, Evil (male)... a name used in the Bible for male characters parents. Abel was a keeper of sheep, the world's first
Zimram Song, Singer, Wine only, and recognized today as an exclusive or mainly shepherd. He found favor in the eyes of God and was the first
Zimri Belonging to an antelope male name. (traditionally male and female) ... a name human being to please God after his parents' catastrophic fall
Zin Shield, Coldness (Toponym) used in the Bible for both male and female characters. from grace. Cain, his brother, resented his good standing with
Zina Brilliant, Coming Back (modern male and female) ... a name that has been used God. In a fit of jealousy, Cain slew Abel, thereby making him
Zipor Sparrow or bird, Desert, Crown in modern times for both boys and girls, with either a the first murder victim in history. Variants: Abelard, Abeles,
Ziza Fertility, Brightness uniform spelling or varied spelling, or a name that has Abell, Abi, Able, Hevel, Nab. [Genesis 4:2]
Zoan Movement (Toponym) potential as a modern unisex name. Abida ab-be-da (male)
Zoar Smallness (Toponym) concubines Hebrew: Father of wisdom, the father knows. Son of Midian
Zofa Viola, Honey Bee Many biblical women are described as concubines. In the and grandson of Abraham and Keturah, Abraham's second
Zophar He who chirps, Crown, Early riser polygamous society of the ancient Hebrews, concubinage wife. His brothers were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch and Eldaah.
Zofim Sentinels or Place for a sentinel was not immoral. They were wives of lower status. Many of Variants: Abidah. [Genesis 25:4]
(Place name) them were slaves or foreign captives, although free Hebrew Abidan ab-be-dan (male)
Zohar White, Brightness, Aridity women could elect to become concubines. Sometimes a Hebrew: The father will decide. Other interpretations: Father
Zohelet that drags childless wife would offer her husband one of her slaves or of judgment. A chief of the tribe of Benjamin. Son of Gideoni.
Zohet Separation, Great maids as a concubine, in the hope of getting an heir. Some [Numbers 1:11]
Zomzomeos Criminal projects, Major crimes or famous biblical triangles of this type existed, including Rachel Abiel ab-be-el (modern male and female)
crimes and Jacob and the concubine Bilhah, and Sarah and Hebrew: The father is God, God is the father. Other
Zora Leprosy, Wasp Abraham and the concubine Hagar. interpretations: Father of strength. Son of Zeror. Father of
Zerubbabel Dispersion or confusion, Alien from Babylon Pronunciation Kish and the grandfather of Saul and Abner. Others with this
Zuar Smallness A simple phonetic pronunciation key is provided. It does not name: One of David's mighty warriors. Variants: Abi-Albon. [1
Zuf What contemplates offer every possible or correct pronunciation. Other Samuel 9:1]
Zur Peña, who harasses pronunciations may be preferred. Abiezer ab-be-ezer (male)
Zuriel Rock, Fortress of God Variants Hebrew: Father of help, the father is my help. Eldest son of
Zurisadai The Almighty is my strength and my rock The name variants are of two types: (i) common spelling Gilead and a descendant of Joseph. His brothers were Helek,
Zuzitas Splendor, Beauty, Door frames forms in different English translations, and (ii) popular Asriel, Shechem, Hepher and Shemida. Others with this
derivatives and alternates, including selected foreign name: One of David's mighty warriors. Variants: Iezer,
language derivatives and alternates. It is important to note Jeezer, Iezerrm. [Joshua 17:2]
that some of the variants may not be biblical. An example Abigail ab-be-gale (female)
occurs with Elizabeth, where one of the variants is Isobel. Hebrew: Spring of joy. Wife of Nabel. She was wise and
Some sources say this is merely a medieval Spanish form of beautiful, but her husband Nabel was an ill-mannered
Elizabeth. Others say that Isobel is from a completely different drunkard. Abigail's discreet hospitality stopped the great
The names here are mostly English forms of ancient Hebrew
root, and may be Roman-Egyptian in origin. warrior David from killing Nabel, who had insulted him. Nabel
and Greek names. Different translators have at times
later died and David married Abigail. Her son by David was
preferred different forms. With such variants, I have chosen
~A~ Kileab. Others with this name: A sister or step-sister of David.
the most popular form.
Aaron arr-ron (as in arrow ) (male) This Abigail married Jether the Ishmaelite, and gave birth to
The original Bible sources used are the King James Version
Hebrew: Enlightener, teacher. Other interpretations: Amasa. Variants: Abagael, Abagail, Abbe, Abbey, Abbey,
(KJV), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and the New
Mountain, messenger. Eldest son of Amram and Jochebed. Abbye, Abigael, Gael, Gail, Gale, Gayel, Gayle. [1 Samuel
International Version (NIV).
His brother was Moses and his sister was Miriam. Aaron was 25:3]
Abihail ab-be-hale (modern male and female) Ebby, Ebner . [1 Samuel 14:50] humankind. Adam participated in the first sin when, following
Hebrew: The father is strength , father of strength. A clan Eve's example, he ate the fruit of the tree that God had
chief. The father of Zuriel. Others with this name: (i) Wife of Abraham ab-ra-ham (male) commanded them not to eat. For this, Adam and Eve were
Abishur. Mother of Ahban and Molid. (ii) Son of Huri, a Hebrew: Father of many, father of a multitude, father of the expelled from Eden and subjected to the curse of work,
descendant of Gilead. (iii) Daughter of Eliab. She married cosmos. Son of Terah and a descendant of Shem, the last sorrow and death. Adam had three sons, Cain, Abel and
King Rehoboam of Judah. (iv) Father of Esther. [Numbers son of Noah. His original name was Abram, who in Hebrew Seth. I have lived nine hundred and thirty years. Variants:
3:35] meant high father or exalted father. This was changed by Ad, Adamo, Adamson, Adan, Adao, Addison, Addos, Adekin,
Abijah ab-be-jar (traditionally male and female) God, who said, "No longer shall your name be Abram, but Adom, Edom. [Genesis 3:17]
Hebrew: God is father , whose father is God. Seventh son of your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father Addi ad-di (male)
Beker and a grandson of Benjamin. Others with this name: (i) of many nations." Abraham's first wife was his half-sister Greek, from Hebrew: Adorned. Other interpretations: My
Second son of Samuel, the great Hebrew prophet. He Sarai, renamed Sarah by God. He had eight sons: Ishmael, witness. An ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary, the mother
became a judge of Israel but proved unworthy of high office. his first born, to the Egyptian concubine Hagar; Isaac, his of Jesus Christ. Variants: Addei. [Luke 3:28]
(ii) A descendant of the first high priest Aaron, and an beloved second son and heir, to Sarah; and Zimran, Jokshan, Adiel ad-de-el (modern male and female)
ancestor of John the Baptist. (iii) A son of King Jeroboam. He Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah, the sons of his latter Hebrew: Ornament of God. A descendant of Simeon, the son
died in childhood, fulfilling a prophecy that he claimed he years, to his second wife Keturah. Abraham had two brothers, of Jacob and Leah. Others with this name: (i) The priestly son
would. (iv) Son of King Rehoboam. He succeeded to the Nahor and Haran. He died at the age of one hundred and of Jahzerah (ii) The father of Azmaveth, who rose to high
throne of Jerusalem and attempted to unite the Twelve Tribes seventy-five years and was buried next to Sarah. He is widely office as King David's treasurer. [1 Chronicles 4:36]
of Israel, as his great-grandfather David had done. Reigned recognized as the father of the Jewish and Arabian nations. Adin ad-deen (male)
for three years, and in the end became corrupted. (v) The Variants: Ab, Abe, Abi, Abrahan, Abram, Abramo, Abran, Hebrew: Delicate. The head of an important family that
mother of Hezekiah, a king of Judah. (vi) Two priests have Avraham, Avram, Avrom, Bram, Ham, Ibrahim. [Abram - returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel from captivity in
this name in the Book of Nehemiah. Variants: Abi, Abijam. [1 Genesis 11:27, Abraham - Genesis 17:5] Babylon. Others with this name: An unknown Adin whose
Chronicles 7:8] Understand This "It ain't those parts of the Abram - see Abraham sons returned from captivity with Ezra. [Ezra 2:15]
Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that Absalom ab-sal-lom (male) Adina ad-deen-ar (modern male and female)
I do understand." Mark Twain (b.1835) Hebrew: Father of peace. The tragic third son of King David. Hebrew: Slender. A captain in David's army. [1 Chronicles
His mother was Maacah and his sister was Tamar. Absalom 11:42] Adnah ad-nah (male)
Abiram ab-be-ram (male) plotted to usurp his father, who met his forces in battle and Hebrew: Pleasure. A captain in Saul's army who went over to
Hebrew: High father , the father is exalted, greatest. Son of defeated them. In seeking to escape, Absalom's head David's side. Others with this name: A captain in
Eliab the Reubenite. With Korah and Dathan, Abiram became caught in the branches of an oak tree, perhaps Jehoshaphat's army. [1 Chronicles 12:20]
conspired against Moses. For this crime the earth swallowed ensnared by his abundant hair. When Absalom had his yearly Adoni ad-don-ni (male)
him. Others with this name: Eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, haircut, says the Bible, "he weighed the hair of his head at Hebrew: Lord. King of Bezek, captured by the men of Judah
who rebuilt Jericho: "he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram two hundred shekels" (about six pounds or 2.7 kilograms). He and Simeon after his defeat in battle. He suffered the grisly
his firstborn." [Numbers 16:1] Abishai ab-be-shay (modern was killed by David's men as he hung in the tree, despite punishment of having his thumbs and big toes cut off. Adoni
male and female) David's orders that he be taken unharmed. David's grieved was a fan of this particular form of ritual humiliation and used
Hebrew: Father of gifts, gift of the father. The son of Zeruiah, deeply for his rebellious son. Variants: Abishalom, Absolom. it on his own enemies. His full name was Adoni-Bezek ( lord
David's sister. He offered to kill Saul for David, saying, "God [1 Kings 15:2] of lightning ). [Judges 1:5]
hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day." He Adah a-da (female) Adonijah ad-don-nee-jar (male)
defeated the Edomites and rescued David from a fight with a Hebrew: Beauty, ornament. First wife of Lamech, the other Hebrew: My lord is God. Fourth son of King David. His mother
Philistine giant. Variants: Abisha. [1 Samuel 26:6] being Zillah. Ada (or Adah) had two sons, Jabal and Jubal. was Haggith. As the elder sons Ammon, Kileab and Absalom
Abishua ab-be-shoo-ar (modern male and female) Hers is the second woman's name to appear in the Bible, were dead, Adonijah became heir apparent to the throne. But
Hebrew: Father of deliverance, salvation. Other after Eve. Others with this name: A wife of Esau and the David selected Solomon as his successor. Adonijah sought to
interpretations: The father is noble. Son of the priest daughter of Elon the Hittite. Esau also had a wife called overthrow him. He was unsuccessful in this attempt, and
Phinehas. Others with the name: Son of Bela. [1 Chronicles Basemath, who may have been just another name for Ada. In forgive me for it. But Adonijah continued to press his claim.
6:4] any case, her son was Eliphaz. This time there was no clemency: Solomon had him
Abital ab-be-tal (female) Variants: Adah, Adena, Adina, Dena, Dina.[Genesis 4:19] executed. Others with this name: (i) A Levite teacher of the
Hebrew: The father is dew, like the dew. One of King David's Adalia adar-li-ar (modern male and female) law. (ii) A tribal chief present at the sealing of the covenant.
wives. She was the mother of Shephatiah, the fifth son of Hebrew: Fire-god. One of the ten sons of Haman the Agagite Possible Variants: Adonikam. [2 Samuel 3:4]
David. [2 Samuel 3:4] killed by the Jews. His brothers were Parshandatha, Dalphon, Adriel ad-re-el (modern male and female)
Abner ab-ner (male) Aspatha, Poratha, Aridatha, Parmashta, Aridai, Arisai and Hebrew: Flock of God, belonging to God. Other
Hebrew: The father is a lamp , father of light. A son of Ner. Vaizatha. [Esther 9:8] interpretations: God is my help. Son of Barzillai and son-in-
Nephew of Kish and cousin of Saul. He was chief commander Adam ad-dum, ad-dem (male) law of Saul. His wife was Merab. He was killed by the
of Saul's military forces. After Saul's demise, Abner wanted Hebrew: Earth, red earth, taken from the red earth, or (in a Gibeonites. [1 Samuel 18:19] Aeneas ar-nee-us (male)
Ish-Bosheth, Saul's son, to assume the throne. But David also general sense) man, humanity. The first person created by Hebrew: Deserving, laudable. A paralyzed man at Lydda
sought the kingship. Abner was defeated by David at the pool God to live in the garden of Eden. His wife was Eve. The healed by Peter. [Acts 9:33]
of Gibeon. Shortly after, he swung his support behind David. meaning of the name Adam is somewhat uncertain. In the Ahab a-hab (male)
Abner was killed by Joab, the chief commander of David's Bible, the name is used in two different senses: firstly as the Hebrew: Uncle. Son of Omri. Seventh king of Israel; reigned
army. Variants: Ab, Abbey, Abby, Abiner, Avner, Eb, Ebbey, name of a person, and secondly, as a broad name for all for twenty-two years. His wife was Jezebel of Tire who
introduced the blasphemous worship of the god Baal and the successes and victories, he fell into error by worshiping the Andres, Andreu, Andrey, Andros, Andvari, Bandi, Dandi,
goddess Ashtoreth to Israel. She also persecuted the true idols of Edom. He was eventually defeated by Jehoash of Drew. [Matthew 4:18]
followers of the God of Moses and urged Ahab to greater Israel and assassinated by conspirators at Lachish. Others
evils. He didn't need much urging, however, as he was with this name: (i) Father of Joshah. (ii) One of Ethan's Andronicus an-drone-nik-cus (male)
naturally greedy. He was killed in battle by a random arrow. ancestors. (iii) A wicked priest of Bethel under Jeroboam II. [2 Greek: Man conqueror, victor over men. A Christian friend of
According to the Bible, "the dogs licked up his blood, and the Kings 12:21] Paul who spent time in prison with him. [Romans 16:7]
harlots washed themselves in it." [1 Kings 16:29] Ammiel am-me-el (modern male and female) Anna an-na (female)
Ahlai ar-lay (traditionally male and female) Hebrew: People of God, my kinsman is God. One of the Greek, from Hebrew: Gracious, grace. Greek form of the
Hebrew: Ornamental, beautiful. Other interpretations: Or scouts commissioned Moses to " spy out the land of Canaan." Hebrew name Hannah. Anna was the daughter of Phanuel,
would that! Father of Zabad, a soldier in David's army. Others Others with this name: (i) Father of Bathsheba, one of David's an Asherite. She became a prophetess. As an old woman,
with this name: Daughter of Sheshan and wife of Jarha, a wives. (ii) Father of Machir. (iii) Son of Obed-Edom. A she saw the infant Jesus Christ and recognized Him at once
slave freed by her father. Mother of Attai. [1 Chronicles 11:41] gatekeeper in the temple. [Numbers 13:12] as the long-awaited Messiah. Variants: Anca, Ania, Anica,
Akim ar-keem (male) Amos aim-mos (male) Anita, Anka, Anne, Annette, Anni, Annice, Anusia, Nan,
Greek, from Hebrew: God will establish. Son of Zadok. An Hebrew: Weighty, bearer of burdens, troubled. A minor Nance, Nancy, Nanette, Nanice, Nanita, Nanny, Nansi, Nita,
ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants: Achim. [Matthew 1:14] prophet. Amos reproved Israel for its spiritual Panni. [Luke 2:36]
Alemeth al-le-meth (modern male and female) impoverishment. He condemned the empty rituals and idolatry Apollos ap-poll-us (male)
Hebrew: Concealment , covering, veil. Son of Beker and a that had sprung up and exhorted the nation to reform. His Greek: Belonging to Apollo (pagan Greek god of light, music
grandson of Benjamin. Others with this name: A descendant words provoked the priests. Amaziah, a priest, accused him and poetry). Influential Alexandrian Jew converted to
of Jonathan. Variants: Alameth. [1 Chronicles 7:8] of treason against King Jeroboam. [Amos 1:1] Christianity. The Bible says he was "an eloquent man, well
Alexander al-lex-zan-der (modern male and female) Greek: Amoz aim-moz (male) Hebrew: Strong. Father of the prophet versed in the scriptures... fervent in spirit." Possibly the author
Defender of men , man-defending. Son of Simon of Cyrene, Isaiah. [2 Kings 19:2] of Letter to the Hebrews . Variants: Apollonius. [Acts 18:24]
the man chosen to help Jesus bear the Cross to Calvary. His Amraphel am-raff-fel (modern male and female) Apphia af-fi-ar (female)
brother was Rufus. Others with this name: (i) Kin of Annas the Hebrew: Keeper of gods. The King of Shinar who, allied with Greek: Productive, bountiful. A Christian woman of Colosse.
high priest. (ii) A Jews converted in Ephesus who spoke to Chedorlaomer, attacked the city of Sodom. [Genesis 14:1] She was perhaps the wife of Philemon and the mother of
the crowd. (iii) A false prophet rebuked by Paul. (iv) A Amzi em-zee (male) Archippus. [Philemon 2]
coppersmith who sought to harm Paul. Variants: Al, Alastair, Hebrew: Strong. An ancestor of Ethan. Others with this name: Aquila ak-kwil-ar (male)
Alec, Aleck, Alecksander, Aleksei, Alessander, Alex, Alexis, A priestly ancestor of Adaiah. [1 Chronicles 6:46] Latin: Eagle. The husband of Priscilla. Expelled from Rome,
Alistair, Allister, Sandy, Sasha, Zander. The female forms The Shortest Verse he moved to Corinth and became a tent-maker. Aquila and
include Alejandra, Alessandra, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexia, his wife were friends and assistants of Paul, who stayed in
Alexis, Elke, Sacha, Sandra, Sondra. [Mark 15:21] The shortest verse of the Bible is just two words long: John their home for a year and a half. [Acts 18:2]
Almodad al-mo-dad (male) 11:35 - "Jesus wept." Ardon ar-don (male)
Hebrew: Beloved. Other interpretations: Infinite, beyond Hebrew: Fugitive, elusive. Other interpretations: Bronze. A
measurement. Eldest son of Joktan. His brothers were Anah an-nar (male) son of Caleb by his wife Jerioth. His brothers were Jesher and
Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Hebrew: Answering . A son of Seir the Horite. His brothers Shobab. [1 Chronicles 2:18]
Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. Founder of an were Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Dishon, Ezer and Dishan. Timna Areli ar-rel-li (modern male and female)
Arab tribe. Variants: El-Mudad. [Genesis 10:26] was his sister and Oholibamah, his daughter. His son-in-law Hebrew: Heroic, brave. A son of Gad. His descendants were
Alvan al-van (male) was Esau. [Genesis 36:2] the Arelites. His brothers were Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon,
Hebrew: Tall. A son of Shobal and a grandson of Seir the Ananiah an-na-ni-ar (male) Eri and Arodi. [Genesis 46:16]
Horite. His brothers were Manahath, Ebal, Shepho and Hebrew: God is a protector, shielded by God. A priestly Ariel ar-re-el (modern male and female)
Onam. Variants: Allian. [Genesis 36:23] assistant to Nehemiah. Father of Maaseiah. [Nehemiah 3:23] Hebrew: Lion of God. A leader of the returning captives from
Amariah am-ma-ri-ar (modern male and female) Ananias an-na-ni-us (male) Babylon. Variants: Arel, Ari, Ario, Ary, Arye, Aryll. [Ezra 8:16]
Hebrew: God promises, declares. Father of Ahitub. An Greek, from Hebrew: God has been gracious, whom God has Armoni ar-mon-ni (male)
ancestor of the great priest, Ezra. Others with this name: (i) given. An early Christian convert of tepid conviction. He was Hebrew: Of the palace. A son of Saul by the concubine
High priest of Jehoshaphat. (ii) A Levite of David's time. (iii) A scolded by Peter for his lack of faith and fell dead on the spot. Rizpah. He was one of the party given up by David to the
Levite priest under Hezekiah. (iv) A priest with a foreign wife Others with this name: (i) A Jew at Damascus who helped the vengeful Gibeonites. Variants: Armoni. [2 Samuel 21:8]
in the time of Ezra. (v) One of those present with Nehemiah at blinded Paul to regain his sight. (ii) A high priest of Jerusalem Artemas art-tem-mas (male)
the sealing of the covenant. (vi) A priest under Zerubbabel. before whom Paul was tried. [Acts 5:1] Greek: Gift of Artemis (pagan Greek goddess of hunting and
(vii) A son of Hezekiah and great-grandfather of Zephaniah Andrew an-drew (male) the moon). An early Christian and a friend of Paul. According
the prophet. [1 Chronicles 6:7] Greek: Manly. A disciple of Jesus Christ and a former disciple to tradition he became the bishop of Lystra. [Titus 3:12]
Amasiah am-ma-si-ar (modern male and female) of John the Baptist. He was the son of Jonas of Bethsaida on Artemis art-tem-mis (female)
Hebrew: Whom God bears. Son of Zicri. He commanded two the Sea of Galilee. His brother was Simon, later named Peter, Greek: Meaning unknown. Pagan Greek goddess of the
hundred thousand "mighty men of valor" as a captain under the leader of the disciples. The brothers, both fisherman, were moon, animals and hunting. She was called Diana by the
King Jehoshaphat. [2 Chronicles 17:16] called by Jesus to follow him. Tradition says Andrew was Romans. Her mythical father was Zeus, and her brother was
Amaziah am-ma-zi-ar (male) martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross. Today this Apollo. Variants: Artema, Artemas. [Acts 19:24]
Hebrew: Strength of God , w hom God strengthens. Eighth symbol is known as the St. Andrew's cross. Variants: Asa a-za (male)
king of Judah, who ruled for twenty-nine years. Despite Anders, Andonis, Andor, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andrei, Hebrew: Healer, physician. Third king of Judah. His father
was the wicked Abijah. His grandmother was Maacah, a Asriel az-ri-el (male) in the Bible. The first was the son of Zadok, Solomon's high
blasphemer. Hebrew: Help of God. Son of Gilead and a descendant of priest. Others with this name: (i) An officer at the court of King
Against all odds, Asa became a righteous king who corrected Joseph through Manasseh. His brothers were Abiezer, Helek, Solomon. Son of Nathan. (ii) Tenth king of Judah - see
the iniquities of his forebears. He ruled for thirty-nine years. Shechem, Hepher and Shemida. Others with this name: A Uzziah. (iii) A son of Ethan the Wise. (iv) A son of Jehu with
Others son of Manasseh by his concubine. [Numbers 26:31] Egyptian ancestry. (v) The son of Jonanan. A high priest
with this name: A Levite returned from the Babylonian Atarah at-tar-ra (female) under Abijah and Asa. (vi) A high priest, the son of Hilkiah.
captivity. [1 Kings 15:9] Hebrew: Crown. Mother of Onam. Her husband was (vii) An ancestor of Samuel. (viii) A son of Obed who became
Asaph as-saff (modern male and female) Jerahmeel. [1 Chronicles 2:26] a prophet in the reign of Asa. (ix) Two sons of King
Hebrew: Gatherer. A talented Levite musician, poet and Athaliah ar-thal-le-ar (female) Jehoshaphat with the same name, one also called Azariahu .
singer. Asaph was David's choirmaster and author of twelve Hebrew: Afflicted, punished by God. A daughter of royalty. (x) Ahaziah, who appears to have been known as Azariah
Psalms. Others with this name: (i) Father of Joah, chronicler Her father was King Ahab and her grandfather was King also (just to confuse matters!) (xi) A son of Jehoram who
of the reign of King Hezekiah. (ii) The official keeper of the Omri. She married King Jehoram of Judah. Her mother was helped overthrow the wicked queen Athaliah. (xii) A high
forests under King Artaxerxes. [1 Chronicles 6:39] the wicked Jezebel. Like her, Athaliah was drawn to the priest under Uzziah who resisted his efforts to assume the
Asarel az-sa-rel (modern male and female) Hebrew: Bound blasphemous worship of Baal. After the death of Ahaziah, her holy functions of the priests. (xiii) Son of Johanan. To tribal
by oath. Son of Jehalelel, a descendant of Judah. [1 son, she ruled for six years. To hold power she killed her own prince. (xiv) Two obscure Levites. (xv) A chief priest under
Chronicles 4:16] Asarelah az-sar-rel-ar (modern male and grandsons, preventing possible rival claims. But one of them, King Hezekiah. (xvi) A Levite assistant to Ezra. (xvii) Chief of
female) Joash, escaped. He was installed as king and Athaliah was a returned family. (xviii) Son of Maaseiah. He helped rebuild
Hebrew: Virtuous. A Levite singer under Asaph. Variants: slain by her own guards. the walls of Jerusalem. (xix) A priest who, with Nehemiah
Jesarelah, Jesharelah. [1 Chronicles 25:2] Others with this name: (i) A son of Jeroham. (ii) Father of signed the covenant. (xx) An opponent of Jeremiah. (xxi) A
Ascah az-kar (female) Jeshiah. [2 Kings 8:26] captive taken to Babylon. His name was changed later to
Hebrew: Anklet. Daughter of Caleb and grand-daughter of Augustus or-gust-tus (male) Abednego. (xxii) A prince of Judah.
Hephunneh. She married her uncle Othniel. A bold woman for Latin: Venerable, majestic. More a title than a name. Variants: Azariah, Azariahu, Azriel, Ozias, Uzziah.[1 Kings
her time and culture. She told her husband to ask her father Augustus Caesar was emperor of Rome when Jesus Christ 4:2] A Bitter Tale
for some land. This request was granted, but Ascah was still was born in the province of Judea. His personal name was
unsatisfied. She also wanted water rights over the land. Her Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus, or Octavian for short. His Produced by the Clarendon Press in 1717, this edition of the
husband was frightened to ask for more. So she asked Caleb grand-uncle was the famous Julius Caesar. The name (or Bible refers to Luke 20 as "The parable of the Vinegar." The
herself, and he gave her the rights to both the upper and title) appears just once in the Bible. [Luke 2:1] word they meant to use was Vineyard .
lower springs. Variants: Acsa, Acsah. [Joshua 15:16] Azaliah az-zar-lee-ar (modern male and female)
Asenath azzi-nath (female) Hebrew: God has provided. Other interpretations: Near to Azaziah az-za-zee-ar (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Devotee of Neith (Egyptian equivalent of Athena, the God , God has made his goodness known. Son of Meshullam. Hebrew: Whom God strengthens. A Levite harp player under
pagan Greek goddess of wisdom). This is a very old name, Father of Shaphan, a scribe under King Josiah. [2 Kings 22:3] King David. Others with this name: (i) Father of Hoshea, a
known to have existed in Egypt as long as four thousand Azaniah az-zan-ni-ar (male) tribal prince. (ii) A Levite temple guarded under King
years ago. Asenath was the daughter of Potiphera, a priest. Hebrew: God has provided, set aside. Other interpretations: Hezekiah. [1 Chronicles 15:21]
Pharoah married her to Joseph, by whom she had two sons, God has heard. Father of Jeshua, a Levite who, with Azel az-zel (modern male and female)
Manasseh and Ephraim. [Genesis 41:45] Nehemiah, signed the covenant. [Nehemiah 10:9] Hebrew: Distinguished, noble. A descendant of Saul through
Ashbea ash-be-ar (male) The World's Most Popular Names his son Jonathan. [1 Chronicles 8:37]
Hebrew: I appeal. Head of a family in Judah. A descendant of Aziel az-zeel (male)
Shelah. [1 Chronicles 4:21] The Bible is the world's richest single source of personal Hebrew: God is my strength. Other interpretations: Whom
Asher ash-ah (male) names. The most popular Christian (or first) names are, for God comforts. A Levite harp player. Variants: Jaaziel, Jehiel.
Hebrew: Happiness, luck. Son of Jacob by the concubine girls, Mary, and for boys, John. Other very popular names [1 Chronicles 15:20]
Zilpah, Leah's maid. He had a brother Gad, half-sister Dinah, include David, Hannah, James, Joseph, Mark, Elizabeth, Azriel az-ree-el (modern male and female)
and half brothers Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Anna and Luke. Hebrew: God is my help, help of God. A chief of the
Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali. He is one of Manasseh tribe. Others with this name: (i) A Naphtalite
the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel; in this case, the Azarael az-zar-rail (modern male and female) tribesman. (ii) The father of Seraiah. Variants: Azaria. [1
Asherites. Variants: Asher, Asser. [Genesis 30:13] Hebrew: Whom God helps , God is my help. A Levite Chronicles 5:24]
Asherah ash-ah-ra (female) musician in the procession at the dedication of Jerusalem's Azzan az-zan (male)
Hebrew: Straight, continuous. A pagan goddess associated walls. Variants: Azarel. [Nehemiah 12:36] Hebrew: Very strong, most powerful. A chief among the
with the delusive worship of Baal. Variants: Ashtaroth. [1 Azareel az-za-reel (modern male and female) Issachar in the time of Moses. His son was Paltiel. [Numbers
Kings 16:33] Ashtoreth ash-toe-reth (female) Hebrew: Whom God helps, God is my help. A warrior who 34:26]
Hebrew: Star. A pagan goddess associated with the joined forces with David at Ziklag. Others with this name: (i) A ~B~
blasphemous worship of Baal. She was chief goddess of the temple musician in David's time. (ii) A prince of the Danites Barakel bara-kel (male)
Phoenicians. Known as Ishtar to the Assyrians, and Astarte to who served under David as a captain of the army. (iii) A son Hebrew: God blesses, blessed of God. The father of Elihu, a
the Greeks and Romans. [Judges 2:13] of Bani who divorced his foreign wife. (iv) A priest who lived in friend of Job. Variants: Barachel. [Job 32:2]
Asiel az-ze-el (modern male and female) Jerusalem. Variants: Azarel. [1 Chronicles 12:6] Bariah bar-ri-ar (male)
Hebrew: Created by God. To Simeonite. Forefather of Jehu. Azaria az-zar-ree-ar (modern male and female) Hebrew: Fugitive. One of the sons of Shemaiah. A
[1 Chronicles 4:35] Hebrew: God helps , whom God helps. A very popular name descendant of David and Solomon. His brothers were
Hattush, Neariah and Shaphat. [1 Chronicles 3:22] Hebrew: Fatherly. Head of a family returned from captivity in son of Meshillemoth. (v) Father of the architect Meshullam.
Barnabas barn-ar-bus (male) Babylon. Others with this name: The father of Zechariah. (vi) Father of the prophet Zechariah. Variants: Berakiah,
Greek, from Aramaic: Son of comfort , son of persuasion. An [Ezra 2:11] Berechiah, Berachaiah. [1 Chronicles 3:20]
early Christian convert from Cyprus who sold his property to Bedeiah be-di-ar (male) Beri bear-ree (modern male and female)
assist the work of the church at Jerusalem. He is described as Hebrew: Servant of God. A son of Bani. [Ezra 10:35] Hebrew: Wisdom. Other interpretations: Well. An Asherite. [1
"a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith." Acts 14 calls Beker bek-er (male) Chronicles 7:36]
him an apostle. Some say he wrote the New Testament's Hebrew: First born. Other interpretations: Young camel. Bernice bur-neice (female)
Letter to the Hebrews. He traveled with Paul, who regarded Second son of Benjamin. His sons were Zemirah, Joash, Greek: Bringing victory, victorious. Eldest daughter of Herod
him as an exemplary Christian. Variants: Barnaba, Barnabe, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah, Anathoth and Agrippa. She married her uncle and had an incestuous liaison
Barnaby, Barney, Alemeth. Others with this name: A son of Ephraim. Variants: with her brother Agrippa. Later she was briefly married to
Becher, Bered. [Genesis 46:21] Ptolemy of Sicily and also had affairs with the Roman
Burnaby. [Acts 4:36] Ben ben (male) emperors Vespasian and Titus. Variants: Barrie, Bernelle,
Bartholomew bar-thol-lo-mew (male) Hebrew: They are. A Levite musician in the time of David. The Berenice, Bernita, Bunni, Nicia, Nixie, Pherenice, Vernice.
Greek, from Aramaic: Son of Tolmai, son of Talmai. One of word ben is also used to show family descent, eg, Ben-Hur [Acts 25:13]
the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. Very little is known of means son of Hur . [1 Chronicles 15:18] The King's Bible
him. Bartholomew may have been the surname or alternative Benaiah ben-nay-ar (male) Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible was first
name of Nathaneal . Tradition says he preached the news of Hebrew: God has raised, built up. Other interpretations: Son published in 1952. Thirty-two scholars worked on it. Their goal
Christ in India and later in Armenia, where he was martyred. of the Lord. A Levite musician in the time of David. Others was to modernize the 17th century language of the hugely
Variants: Bard, Bart, Bartel, Bartleot, Bartholomaus, with this name: (i) Son of Jehoiada. Captain of David's elite popular King James Version (KJV), and to modify certain
Bartholomieu, Bartle, Bartlemay, Bartlett, Bartley, Bartold, bodyguard. He also served Solomon as general of the army. passages in the light of new discoveries in biblical scholarship
Bartolome, Barton, Bate, Batly, Bertel, Mewes, Tolly, (ii) One of David's mighty warriors. (iii) To Simeonite prince. and archaeology. In this they continued the cause of earlier
Tolomey. [Matthew 10:3] Bartimaeus bart-tim-may-us (male) (iv) Several obscure Levites and priests. (v) One of the temple Bible revisions such as the English Revised Version (ERV) of
Greek: Son of Timaeus. A blind man healed by Jesus Christ overseers in the days of King Hezekiah. (vi) Father of 1885 and the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901.
near Jericho. [Mark 10:46] Pelatiah. (vii) Four captives returned from Babylon. [1
Barush bar-roosh (male) Chronicles 27:5] Bethuel beth-u-el (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Blessed. Son of Zabbai and an assistant to Benjamin ben-ja-min (male) Hebrew: Child of God. Other interpretations: Abode of God. A
Nehemiah in the reconstruction of Jerusalem. Others with this Hebrew: Son of my right hand. The meaning of the name son of Nahor by Milcah. His brothers were Uz, Buz, Kemuel,
name: (i) A priest who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. suggests power and special blessings. The youngest son of Chesed, Hazo, Pildash and Jidlaph. His children were
(ii) Son of Colhozeh and a descendant of Perez. (iii) Son of Jacob and Rachel, and a grandson of Isaac. Rachel, who Rebekah, the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau,
Neriah. Friend and faithful secretary of the prophet Jeremiah. died during his delivery, named him Benoni, "son of my and Laban, the father-in-law of Jacob. He also had three half-
A controversial figure, admired and feared. The Book of sorrow ." This was later changed by Jacob to Benjamin. His brothers, Tebah, Gaham and Tahash, and a half-sister,
Baruch and other works are attributed to him. Variants: brother was Joseph, who rose to high office in Egypt. His ten Maacah, the offspring of Nahor's concubine, Reumah.
Baruch. [Nehemiah 3:20] half-brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Variants: Bethul. [Genesis 22:22] Bezai bez-zay (male)
Basemath baz-zee-math (female) Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. He also had a half- Hebrew: Conqueror. The head of a family returned from
Hebrew: Pleasing, fragrant. Daughter of Elon the Hittite. A sister, Dinah. Benjamin was one of the founders of the Twelve captivity in Babylon. Others with this name: Another member
wife of Esau. She was also known as Adah . Others with this Tribes; in his case, the Benjamites. Members of this tribe of the same returned family, perhaps a century later. [Ezra
name: (i) Yet another wife of Esau. This one was the daughter included King Saul and Paul the apostle. Others with this 2:17]
of Ishmael and a sister to Nebaioth. (ii) A daughter of name: (i) A great-grandson of the first Benjamin. (ii) One who Bilhah bil-ha (female)
Solomon. Her husband was the tax collector Ahimaaz. married a foreign wife in the days of Ezra. Variants: Hebrew: Timid, modest. Other interpretations: Silly, weak. A
Variants: Bashemath. [Genesis 26:34] Bathsheba bath-she- Bannerjee, Ben, Benji, Benmajee, Benny, Berihert. [Genesis maid given by Laban to his daughter Rachel, the second wife
ba (as in math ) (female) 35:18] of Jacob. When Rachel remained childless, she gave Bilhah
Hebrew: Daughter of Sheba. Other interpretations: Daughter Bera bear-ra (male) as a concubine to Jacob. She bore him two sons: Dan and
of the oath, excess of pleasure, seventh daughter. The origins Hebrew: Gift? King of Sodom, a city destroyed by God Naphtali, both the founders of tribes. Variants: Dance.
of this name are much disputed. A daughter of Eliam who because of his wickedness. Some scholars say that the [Genesis 29:29] Bilshan bil-shan (modern male and female)
married Uriah the Hittite. While Uriah was away at war, David original meaning of the name was son of evil , which is a lot Hebrew: Eloquent, well-spoken. A captive returned from
forced Bathsheba to sleep with him. Even more shameful, he less jolly than gift. [Genesis 14:2] Babylon. [Ezra 2:2]
had Uriah killed so he could marry her. Together they had Beraiah bear-ray-ar (modern male and female) Binea bin-nee-ar (modern male and female)
four sons: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon, who Hebrew: Made by God. A son of Shimei. His brothers were Hebrew: Fountain, spring. A descendant of King Saul. [1
succeeded to the throne. Bathsheba was famous for her Jakim, Zichri, Zabdi, Elienai, Eliel, Zilethai, Adaiah and Chronicles 8:37]
beauty and intelligence. Variants: Barsabe, Bathshua, Shimrath. [1 Chronicles 8:21] Boaz bo-az (male)
Batsheva, Sheba, Sheva. [2 Samuel 11:3] Bathshua bath- Berekiah bear-ree-ki-ar (male) Hebrew: Beautiful. Other interpretations: Quick, strong. A
shoo-ar (as in math ) (female) Hebrew: God blesses, blessed of God. A son of Zerubbabel. wealthy man of Bethlehem. He married the widowed Ruth.
Hebrew: Daughter of wealth. Daughter of Shua and the wife His brothers were Hananiah, Meshullam, Hashubah, Ohel, [Ruth 2:1] Bohan bo-han (male)
of Judah. She bore three sons, Er, Onan and Shelah. Hasadiah and Jushabhesed; his sister was Shelomith. Others Hebrew: Thumb. A descendant of Reuben. His name was
Variants: Bathsheba, Shua. [1 Chronicles 2:3] with this name: (i) Father of the musician Asaph. (ii) A Levite given to a stone that marked the tribal boundary of Judah and
Bebai be-bay (modern male and female) of Jerusalem. (iii) A door-keeper, or guardian, of the ark. (iv) A Benjamin. [Joshua 15:6]
Bukkiah buk-ki-ar (male) name of the pagan Greek goddess of budding plants and captive Jews, encouraging them to return to their own land.
Hebrew: Wasting . A son of Heman. He served under his crops; hence the meaning of the name. [1 Corinthians 1:11] The prophet Daniel was one of his advisers. Variants: Cy. [2
father as a temple musician. His brothers were Mattaniah, Claudia clau-dee-ar (female) Chronicles 36:22] ~D~
Uzziel, Shebuel, Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Latin: Lame, limping. To Christian woman of Rome who Dalphon dal-fon (modern male and female)
Giddalti, Romamtiezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir and joined with Paul in sending greetings to Timothy. The name is Hebrew: Swift. One of the ten sons of Haman the Agagite
Mahazioth. [1 Chronicles 25:4] the female form of Claudius. Variants: Claudella, Claudette, killed by the Jews. His brothers were Parshandatha, Aspatha,
~C~ Claudina, Claudine, Clodia, Gladys. [2 Timothy 4:21] Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Aridai, Arisai and
Caesar see-sar (male) Claudius clau-dee-us (male) Vaizatha. [Esther 9:8]
Latin: Hairy. Other interpretations: Elephant, dark, beautiful. Latin: Lame, limping. Claudius Caesar, the fourth emperor of Dan dan (male)
Surname of the Roman general, Caius Julius Caesar and of Rome. He reigned with unanticipated talent from AD 45 to 54. Hebrew: He judges. Son of Jacob by the concubine Bilhah,
the first emperor, Augustus Caesar. It was adopted by later He was physically lame; hence his name. Others with this Rachel's maid. Rachel chose this name because, "God has
rulers as an imperial title. [Matthew 22:17] name: A captain of the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, judged me, and has also heard my voice and given me a
Cain kane (male) Claudius Lysias, who rescued Paul from a mob of angry son." Dan had a brother Naphtali, a half-sister, Dinah, and
Hebrew: Possession. Eldest son of Adam and Eve, the first Jews. [Acts 18:2] half-brothers,
human parents. Cain was a tiller of the earth. He became Clement clem-ment (modern male and female) Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph,
jealous of his brother Abel and killed him, the first murder in Latin: Mild, merciful, kind. To Christian who worked with Paul. Benjamin, Gad and Asher. He was one of the founders of the
human history. When God asked Cain where Abel was, he Some believe that in AD 88 he was appointed as the fourth Twelve Tribes of Israel; namely, the Danites. Their territory
answered with the infamous words, "am I my brother's Bishop of Rome, or Pope. He is remembered by Catholics as was called Dan. [Genesis 30:6]
keeper?" When his crime was discovered he fled to the Land St Clement I. Thirteen papal successors adopted his name. I Name Thee Daniel...
of Nod. [Genesis 4:1] Caleb kay-leb (male) He may have written the Epistle to the Corinthians. Variants:
Hebrew: Bold, brave. Other interpretations: Able, triumphant. Clem, Clemens, Clemon. Female forms include Clemence, Daniel Boone, American pioneer and explorer, famous for his
Son of Jephunneh. One of the spies sent out by Moses to Clementia, Clementine. [Philippians 4:3] wilderness knowledge and survival skills. Boone was admired
survey the land of Canaan. Only he and Joshua returned with Cleopas klee-o-pas (male) by many, including the Shawnee Indians, who liked him so
reports favorable to settlement. He was given land near Greek: Distinguished, renowned father. One of two disciples much they adopted him into their tribe.
Hebron. His daughter was Acsah. Others with this name: A to whom the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared on the road
son of Hezron. His brothers were Jerahmeel and Ram. between the towns of Jerusalem and Emmaus. Nothing more Daniel dan-yel (modern male and female)
Variants: Cal, Cale, Chelubai. [Numbers 13:6] is known of him. [Luke 24:18] Hebrew: Judge, judgment of God, God is my judge. The
Canaan kay-nun (male) Conaniah con-nan-ni-ar (male) second son of King David. Others with this name: (i) A priest
Hebrew: Lowland, plain. Other interpretations: Purple. Son of Hebrew: God has founded, made by God. A Levite temple who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. Son of Ithamar. (ii)
Ham and a grandson of Noah. He was cursed by Noah, upset official under Hezekiah. Others with this name: A Levite in Fourth of the Bible's great prophets. Taken captive to Babylon
because Ham had seen him lying drunk and naked in a tent Josiah's time. [2 Chronicles 35:9] by King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel was given the pagan name
(just what this offense had to do with the hapless Canaan is Cornelius cor-neel-le-us (modern male and female) of Belteshazzar. He rose to high office in Babylon, but never
not clear). He founded the Canaanite nation. Their lands lay Greek: Of a horn. A Roman centurion of Caesarea who, with abandoned the faith of Israel. Even when cast into a pit of
along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. His sons were his household, became the first Christian converts among the lions, his resolute trust in God preserved him. He made
Sidon and Heth. Variants: Chanaan. [Genesis 9:18] Gentiles. Variants: Cornell, Cory, Neil. Female forms include important prophecies, some of which impressively resembled
Candace kan-dase (female) Cornela, Cornelia, Nell, Nellie. [Acts 10:1] later historical events. Daniel may have written the Old
Greek: Queen of servants. A queen of Ethiopia. Candace may Cosam coz-zam (male) Testament book that bears his name, but many scholars have
have been more of a royal title than a name, such as the title Hebrew: Diviner, seer. An ancestor of Jesus Christ. [Luke dated the work much later than his lifetime. He died in his
Pharoah. She is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles 3:28] Cush kush (as in bush ) (male) eighties. Variants: Dan, Dani, Danil, Danson, Danny, Dennel.
because her treasurer, an unnamed eunuch, was an early Hebrew: Black. Son of Ham and grandson of Noah. Cush had Female forms include Dana, Danella, Danelle, Danice,
Christian convert. Variants: Candance, Candase, Candida, six sons: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca and Danielle, Danya. [1 Chronicles 3:1] Dara dar-ra (modern male
Candide, Candis, Candra, Candy. [Acts 8:27] Nimrod. His brothers were Egypt, Put and Canaan. Cush was and female)
Carmi kar-my (modern male and female) also the name for the country of Ham's descendants, Hebrew: Pearl of wisdom. Descendant of Mahol and a son of
Hebrew: Vine dresser. Son of Reuben. Founder of the identified in some Bibles as Ethiopia. [Genesis 10:6] Zerah. Famed as a wise man. His brothers were Zimri, Ethan,
Carmites. His brothers were Hezron, Pallu and Hanoch. Cushi kush-shy (as in bush ) (modern male and female) Heman and Calcol. Variants: Darda. [1 Kings 4:31] Darius
Others with this name: Father of Achan. Great-grandson of Hebrew: Ethiopian. A messenger sent by Joab to tell David dar-ee-us (male)
Judah. [Genesis 46:9] Carshena kar-sheen-nar (modern that the rebel Absalom was defeated. Others with this name: Persian: King. The name or title of several Persian rulers.
male and female) (i) An ancestor of Jehudi. (ii) Father of Zephaniah the prophet. Three are mentioned in the Bible: (i) The greatest of the
Hebrew: Distinguished. One of the seven wise princes of [2 Samuel 18:21] Persian kings, Darius Hytaspes. He allowed the Jews to
Persia and Media who advised King Ahasuerus. [Esther 1:14] Cyrenius sigh-ren-nee-us (male) rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. (ii) The last king of the
Cephas see-fus (male) Greek: Of Cyrene. Roman governor of Syria when Jesus Persian Empire, Darius the Persian. Defeated by Alexander
Greek, from Aramaic: Rock, stone. Name given to Peter by Christ was born. Variants: Quirinius. [Luke 2:2] the Great in 330 BC (iii) Darius the Mede. Took Babylon from
Jesus. [John 1:42] Cyrus sigh-rus (male) Nebuchadnezzar. May be the same person as Cyrus. [Ezra
Chloe klo-e (female) Hebrew: Sun. Other interpretations: Throne. Son of 4:5]
Greek: Green plants, growing. A Christian woman of Corinth. Cambyses. Called Cyrus the Great, he founded the Persian Dathan day-thun (male)
She advised Paul of disputes within the local church. Also the Empire. In 539 BC he captured Babylon and liberated the Hebrew: Of a spring. Son of Eliab the Reubenite. With his
brothers Korah and Abiram, he conspired against Moses, for early Christians, praised by the Apostle John. Others with this descendant of Esau. Others with this name: (i) Son and royal
whom the earth swallowed him up. [Numbers 16:1] name: An Ephesian silversmith who incited a mob against successor of King Baasha of Israel. He was killed by Zimri. (ii)
David day-vid (male) Paul because the local trade in silver images of the pagan Father of Hoshea, the last king of Israel. (iii) Son of Caleb. (iv)
Hebrew: Beloved of God. Other interpretations: Chief, ruler. Greek goddess Artemis had fallen off due to his evangelism. A chief of the Benjamites, returned from captivity in Babylon.
Youngest son of Jesse and a great-grandson of Boaz. He [Acts 19:24] Variants: Ella. [Genesis 36:41]
was a glorious warrior and Israel's greatest king. As a mere Dibri dib-bri (modern male and female) Elam e-lam (male)
boy armed with a slingshot, I have killed the terrible giant Hebrew: Speaker. To Danite whose grandson was stoned for Hebrew: Age. A son of Shem and grandson of Noah. His
Goliath. He was also a musician and poet, and wrote many blasphemy. [Leviticus 24:11] brothers were Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. The
beautiful Psalms. The prophet Samuel predicted his rise to Dinah di-nar (female) mountainous region called Elam was named after him. Others
the kingship. He overcame various opponents, including the Hebrew: Judged, vindicated. Eldest daughter of Jacob and with this name: (i) Son of Shashak. (ii) Son of Meshelemiah. A
insanely jealous King Saul, the hostile Philistine nation, and Leah. His brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, doorkeeper of the temple in David's time. (iii) Three ancestors
the rebellious Absalom, his third son. David welded the tribes Issachar and Zebulun. She also had six half-brothers: Joseph, of captives who returned from Babylon. (iv) A clan chief who,
of Israel into a single kingdom and ruled it for thirty-three Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Dinah fell afoul of with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. (v) A priest in the
years. Solomon, a son, succeeded him on the throne. The the lustful Shechem, who abducted her for his devious dedication ceremony at the wall of Jerusalem. [Genesis
Davidic dynasty endured for over four centuries. Other sons purposes. She was rescued by Simeon and Levi. Variants: 10:22]
of David were Amnon, Daniel, Adonijah, Shephatiah, Ithream, Deanna, Deanne, Dena, Dina. [Genesis 30:21] Elasah e-la-sar (modern male and female)
Dorcas see Tabitha Hebrew: God has formed, whom God has made. A priest who
Shimea, Shobab, Nathan, Ibhar, Elishama, Eliphelet, Nogah, Drusilla drew-sill-ar (female) married a foreign wife. Son of Pashhur. Others with this
Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama (a second), Eliada, Eliphelet (a Greek: Watered by dew. Other interpretations: Soft-eyed. name:
second). A daughter, Tamar, is named also. His wives were Youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa. Her sister was Bernice. Son of Shaphan. He was a messenger for the great prophet
Ahinoam, Abigail, Maacah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah and Originally married to King Azizus of Emesa, she later married Jeremiah. [Ezra 10:22]
Bathsheba. David is named in the New Testament as an Felix, the Roman governor of Judea. She was reputedly very Elberith el-ber-rith (modern male and female)
ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants: Dab, Dabney, Dafyd, Dai, beautiful. Variants: Dru, Drucie, Drucilla, Drusa. [Acts 24:24] Hebrew: God of the covenant. A pagan god worshiped at
Dakin, Daud, Dave, Davi, Davin, Davis, Davyd, Dawe, Dumah dew-ma (male) Shechem, possibly the same as Baal-Berith. Variants: El-
Dawes, Dawood, Dawson, Deakin, Devi, Devlin, Dewer, Hebrew: Silence. Sixth son of Ishmael and a grandson of Berith. [Judges 9:46]
Dewey, Dow, Tab, Taffy. [1 Samuel 16:13] Abraham. He was one of the twelve Arabian princes. His Eldaah el-dar (male)
Deborah deb-bor-ra (female) brothers were Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Hebrew: Called by God, God has called. The youngest son of
Hebrew: Bee. Other interpretations: To speak well. The Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah. His Midian and a grandson of Abraham and Keturah. His brothers
beloved wet nurse of Rebekah. She was buried under a tree sister was Mahalath, a wife of Esau. [Genesis 25:14] were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch and Abida. [Genesis 25:4] Eldad
called the "oak of weeping." Others with this name: The great ~E~ el-dad (male)
prophetess and judge of Israel. Her husband was Lapidoth. Ebenezer eb-ben-neez-za (male) Hebrew: God has loved, beloved of God. One of the seventy
She was widely admired for her wisdom. With Barak, she Hebrew: Stone of help. Although not the name of any person elders of Israel in the days of Moses. He had the gift of
planned the divinely-assisted defeat of the Canaanites at in the Bible, it has become accepted as a male name over prophecy. [Numbers 11:26]
Mount Tabor. She and Barak sang a victory song, preserved time. Ebenezer was a town in which the Ark of God was at Elead el-le-ad (modern male and female)
as the Song of Deborah in the Book of Judges. She has been one time kept by the Israelites. It was also the name of a Hebrew: God has spoken. Other interpretations: Praised of
called the greatest of Israel's judges and Gideon's peer. stone set up by the prophet Samuel to memorialize God's God. A cattle rustler who was killed by the men of Gath during
Variants: Deb, Debbie, Debera, Debi, Debir, Debora, Debra, help in defeating the Philistines. Variants: Eb, Eban, Eben. [1 a raid on their herds. [1 Chronicles 7:21]
Deva, Devera, Devora, Devra, Dovra, Dvera. [Genesis 35:8] Samuel 4:1] Eleadah el-le-ar-dar (modern male and female)
Dedan dee-dan (modern male and female) Eber e-bur (male) Hebrew: God has adorned, God has blessed. A descendant
Hebrew: Low. Son of Raamah, grandson of Cush and great- Hebrew: Across, beyond. The son of Shelah and a great- of Ephraim. [1 Chronicles 7:20]
great grandson of Noah through Ham. Dedan's brother was great grandson of Noah. Eber had two sons, Peleg and Eleazar el-le-az-ar (male)
Sheba, and his uncle was the mighty Nimrod. The Joktan. Others with this name: (i) The chief of a Gadite clan. Hebrew: God has helped, help of God. A son of Aaron. He
descendants of Dedan, known as the Dedanites, became an (ii) Son of Elpaal. (iii) Son of Shashak. (iv) A priest and head became the chief priest after the death of Aaron and assisted
important Arabian nation. Others with this name: Son of of one of the families returned from Babylon. Variants: Moses and Joshua in important tasks such as the division of
Jokshan and grandson of Abraham. [Genesis 10:7] Heber. [Genesis 10:24] Eden e-den (modern male and the land of Canaan. His only son was Phineas. Others with
Delilah del-lie-lar (female) female) this name: (i) A son of Abinadab. I have guarded the ark of
Hebrew: Dainty, delicate. Other interpretations: Desire, Hebrew: Delight. A temple porter, the son of Joah, who lived the covenant. (ii) Son of Dodai. One of David's greatest
leader, poor, hair. The origins of this name are very uncertain. in the time of King Hezekiah. This was also, of course, the captains and warriors. (iii) Son of Mahli. (iv) Son of Phineas. A
She was a Philistine from Sorek who had a love affair with name of the famous garden in which God placed the first custodian of the temple treasury. (v) A priest. (vi) An ancestor
Samson, discovered the secret of his supernatural strength, created human beings, Adam and Eve. [2 Chron 29:12] of Joseph, the husband of Mary.
and conspired in his downfall. The name has become Ela e-la (modern male and female) Variants: El, Elzaro, Elie, Ely, Lazar.[Exodus 6:23] Elhanan
associated with feminine treachery, especially in matters of Hebrew: Oak, terebinth (a type of shady, aromatic tree, also el-han-nan (male)
the heart. Variants: Delila, Lila. [Judges 16:4] known as the turpentine tree ) . Father of Shimei, one of King Hebrew: Grace of God. Son of Jair. A great warrior who killed
Demetrius dem-meet-re-us (male) Solomon's supply officers. Variants: Elah. [1 Kings 4:18] Elah Lahmi, the brother of the Philistine giant Goliath. Others with
Greek: Belonging to Demeter (pagan Greek goddess of e-lar (modern male and female) this name: Son of Dodo. One of David's elite royal bodyguard.
agriculture, called Ceres by the Romans). A disciple of the Hebrew: Oak, terebinth (see above). An Edomite chief. A [2 Samuel 21:19] Eli e-li (male)
Hebrew: Ascending, going up, on high. A descendant of in the New Testament in the guise of John the Baptist, but Hebrew: God is his rock. A prince of the Reubenites who
Aaron through Ithamar. A high priest and judge of Israel for Jesus Christ perceives his true identity. Later Elijah is seen helped Moses in conducting the great tribal census. His father
forty years. He was a virtuous man who lived to the age of standing on the Mount of Transfiguration "in glory" with Moses was Shedeur. [Numbers 1:5]
ninety. Unfortunately his sons Phinehas and Hophni, who and Jesus. Others with this name: (i) Two men who divorced Elkanah el-kan-nar (male)
succeeded him in office, were debauched and irresponsible. their foreign wives. (ii) Son of Jeroham. Variants: El, Eli, Hebrew: Provided of God. Other interpretations: God has
The ashamed father was unable to correct them. [1 Samuel Elias, Elio, Eliot, Elis, Elisio, Elison, Elliot, Ellis, Ellison, Elsen, possessed. A grandson of Korah, the rebel who conspired
1:3] Ely, Elyas, Elye, Elyot, Ilija, Ilya. [1 Kings 17:1] against Moses. His brothers were Abiasaph and Assir. Others
Eliab el-li-ab (male) Eliphaz el-lif-farz (male) with this name: (i) Father of the great prophet Samuel and
Hebrew: God is the father. Son of Helon. Chief of the Zebulon Hebrew: God his strength. Other interpretations: God is gold, husband of Hannah. (ii) Chief official of the court of King
tribe at the time of the great census in the wilderness. Others precious. A son of Esau by Adah, the daughter of Elon. A Ahaz. (iii) A warrior who joined David at Ziklag. (iv) Several
with this name: (i) Son of Pallu. His sons were Nathan and grandson of Isaac. He had six sons: Teman, Omar, Zepho, obscure Levites. All descendants of Kohath. Variants:
Abiram. (ii) Son of Jesse and hence, a brother of David. His Gatam, Kenaz and (to his concubine Timna) Amalek. Others Elkonah. [Exodus 6:24] Elnathan el-nay-thun (male)
daughter Abihail was married to King Rehoboam, David's with this name: The leader among Job's three friends who Hebrew: Gift of God. Father of Nehushta and grandfather of
grandson. (iii) A Levite musician in David's time. (iv) A Gadite sought to comfort him. He was later rebuked by God for King Jehoiachin of Judah. Others with this name: (i) Son of
chief who joined forces with David. (v) An ancestor of the saying the wrong things to Job. [Genesis 36:4] Acbor. He became a servant of King Jehoiakim. He has urged
prophet Samuel. Variants: Elihu, Eliel. [Numbers 1:9] Elisha el-lee-sha (modern male and female) his master not to destroy the prophecies of Jeremiah. (ii)
Eliada el-li-ar-dar (male) Hebrew: God is generous, God is my help. Apprentice and Three members of a party sent on a mission by Ezra, all of
Hebrew: Known of God. A younger son of King David. Others successor of the prophet Elijah. I have witnessed Elijah whom shared the name. [2 Kings 24:8]
with this name: (i) A celebrated Benjamite general who served ascending on a chariot of fire to heaven. Elisha continued the Elon e-lon (modern male and female)
under work of Elijah for sixty years, especially resisting the Hebrew: Oak . Elon the Hittite. The father of Basemath,
King Jehoshaphat. (ii) Father of Rezon. Variants: Beeliada, blasphemous worship of Baal. He opposed King Jehoram, second wife of Esau. Others with this name: (i) Second son of
Eliadah. [2 Samuel 5:16] son of the depraved Ahab and Zebulon.
Eliam el-li-am (male) Jezebel. He encouraged the rebel Jehu to usurp the throne of His brothers were Sered and Jahleel. (ii) A judge of Israel.
Hebrew: People of God. Father of Bathsheba. See Ammiel. Ahab. He has performed miracles, including the resurrection [Genesis 26:34]
Others with this name: Son of Ahithophel. A warrior under of the dead. He also performed a miracle akin to the later Enoch e-nock (male)
David. [2 Samuel 11:3] feeding of the five thousand by Jesus Christ, although only Hebrew: Dedicated, sanctified, educated. Son of Cain and
Elidad el-li-dad (male) one hundred diners were accommodated. He prophesied first grandson of Adam and Eve. The first city was named
Hebrew: Loved by God. To Benjamite chief. He assisted in during the reigns of Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz and Joash. [1 after him. His son was Irad. Others with this name: Son of
the allocation of lands to the tribes of Israel. [Numbers 34:21] Kings 19:16] Elishama el-lee-sha-ma (modern male and Jared. He was a holy man who " walked with God." His son
Eliel el-li-el (modern male and female) female) was Methuselah, who reached the exceedingly ripe old age of
Hebrew: God, my God . Other interpretations: God is God. A Hebrew: God has heard, whom God hears. Son of Ammihud nine hundred and sixty nine years and became the Bible's
chief of the Manasseh. Others with this name: (i) An ancestor and grandfather of Joshua. Others with this name: (i) A name oldest man. Enoch himself lived to only three hundred and
of Samuel the prophet. (ii) Two chiefs of the Benjamites, a shared by two sons of King David. (ii) Son of Jekamiah. (iii) sixty five years, a short life by the sensational standards of
son of Shimei and a son of Shashak. (iii) Two of David's Father of Nethaniah and grandfather of Ishmael. (iv) A priest Genesis. [Genesis 4:17]
warriors. (iv) A Gadite who joined with David at Ziklag. (v) To under Jehoshaphat. (v) A scribe under Jehoiakim. Variants: Enosh e-nosh (male)
Levite chief. (vi) A Levite official of the temple. [1 Chronicles Elishua. [Numbers 1:10] Hebrew: Mortal. Son of Seth. Second grandson of Adam and
5:24] Elisheba el-lee-she-ba (female) Eve. His older brother was Enoch and his son was Kenan.
Eliezer el-li-ez-zer (modern male and female) Hebrew: God is her oath, promise of God. Daughter of Enosh lived for nine hundred and five years. His name
Hebrew: Help of God, God is help. The chief servant of Amminidab, a prince of Judah, and the sister of Nahshon. suggests fear of death, a consequence of the sin of every
Abraham. Abraham waited so long for the birth of a son that She married Aaron, the brother of Moses. Thus she linked the human being inherited from his parents. Variants: Enos.
he feared Eliezer would become his heir by default. Others principal royal family and priestly family of the time. [Exodus [Genesis 4:26]
with this name: (i) A son of Beker and grandson of Benjamin. 6:23] Elizabeth el-liz-za-beth (female) Ephraim ef-fram (male)
(ii) Son of Moses and his wife Zipporah. (ii) A priest who Hebrew: God is her oath, promise of God. Wife of Zechariah Hebrew: Bountiful, very fruitful, double fruit. Youngest son of
assisted in the return of the ark to Jerusalem. (iii) Son of Zicri. the priest. God told the elderly Zechariah that his equally Joseph and his Egyptian wife Asenath. He and his brother
(iv) Son of Dodavahu. He prophesied against King elderly wife would have a son filled with the Holy Spirit, Manasseh were tribal founders. His descendants, called the
Jehoshaphat. (v) One of Ezra's messengers to the Israelites. despite her former childlessness. The son she conceived and Ephraimites, occupied the rich central uplands of Palestine,
(vi) Three Jews who divorced their foreign wives. (vii) An bore was John the Baptist. During the pregnancy, she spent with Manasseh's lands to the north. Ephraim was adopted as
ancestor of Jesus Christ. [Genesis 15:2] Elijah el-li-jar (male) three months with her also pregnant cousin Mary, the virgin a son and blessed by Jacob, his grandfather. His tribe
Hebrew: God is God. One of the greatest prophets of the Old mother of Jesus Christ. Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron became large and influential. Variants: Efim, Efraim, Efrem,
Testament. Elijah was born in Gilead and was miraculously and, says the Bible, "righteous before God, walking in all the Efron. [Genesis 41:52]
fed bread and meat by wild ravens. He restored a widow's commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." Ephron ef-fron (male)
dead son to life and killed the false prophets of Baal, turning Variants: Bab, Babette, Bess, Beth, Betsey, Bettina, Bette, Hebrew: Like a fawn. Son of Zohar, a Hittite. Ephron sold the
the people of Israel away from idolatrous worship. He Betty, Elese, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Elisheba, Elisheva, Eliza, grieving Abraham the field known as Machpelah, in which to
opposed and prophesied against the wicked King Ahab and Elsa, Elsbet, Else, Elspet, Elspeth, Elsye, Helsa, Isabel, bury his dead wife Sarah. [Genesis 23:8]
his wife Jezebel. Elijah did not die as others; Instead, he was Libbie, Lilian, Lilla, Lisa, Lisbet, Liz, Liza, Lizabeth. [Luke 1:5] They were er-ran (modern male and female)
taken directly to heaven in a chariot of fire. He appears again Elizur el-lee-zur (male) Hebrew: Watcher , vigilant, guardian. Son of Shuthelah and
grandson of Ephraim. He was the forefather of the Eranites. taught Timothy as a child to understand the Old Testament Hebrew: My help. An agricultural overseer who served under
[Numbers 26:36] scriptures. Variants: Niki, Nikki, Unice. [Acts 16:1] David. Son of Kelub. [1 Chronicles 27:26]
Eri er-ri (modern male and female) Euodia u-oh-de-ar (female) ~F~
Hebrew: My watcher, watching. A son of Gad. His brothers Greek: Prosperous journey. Other interpretations: Fragrant, Felix fe-licks (male)
were Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Arodi and Areli. [Genesis sweet. A Christian woman of Philippi. Variants: Euodias. Greek: Happy. Originally a Greek slave with the name
46:16] Esau e-saw (male) [Philippians 4:2] Antonius. He was granted his freedom by the Emperor
Hebrew: Hairy. Eldest son of Isaac and Rebekah, a grandson Eve eve (female) Claudius, who renamed him Felix. He became the Roman
of Abraham and the twin brother of Jacob. He was given the Hebrew: Life, living, breath of life, mother of all life. The first governor of Judea and held Paul captive for two years, hoping
name Esau because at birth he "came forth red, all his body woman and second human being created by God. Her the apostle would offer bribery to get out. Four priests and
like a hairy mantle." He was an accomplished hunter. Isaac, husband was Adam, the first human being. Eve was made many saints were called Felix. It may be the male form of
who like eating the beasts he killed, was fond of him. For his from the rib of Adam. Satan, in the guise of a serpent, tricked Felicia, the Roman goddess of luck and happiness. [Acts
part, Esau was fond of red pottage (a kind of thick broth). In her into eating the fruit of the tree which God had forbidden. 23:26]
fact, he sold his birthright to his brother Jacob in return for She gave Adam some of the fruit to eat also. For this sin, the Festus fes-tus (male)
some pottage and bread. Thus the expression a mess of parents of humanity were expelled from the paradise of Eden. Greek, from Latin?: Joyful, happy. Festus Porcius, successor
pottage , meaning a contemptible or worthless reward, has Adam gave Eve her name. Variants: Eva, Evaline, Evita, of Felix as the Roman governor of Judea. An able and fair
entered the language. His wives were Adah and Oholibamah, Evleen, Evonne . [Genesis 3:20] Evi ev-vi (modern male and administrator. He sent the impressed Paul to Rome to appeal
Basemath, daughter of Elon and Basemath, daughter of female) before Caesar. On the way Paul escaped from custody. [Acts
Ishmael. He had five sons: Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam and Hebrew: Desire. One of five kings of Midian killed by the 24:27]
Korah. His descendants were the Edomites. Variants: Edom. Israelites. His lands were taken by Reuben. [Numbers 31:8] ~G~
[Genesis 25:25] Ezbai ez-bay (modern male and female) Gabriel gab-ree-el (modern male and female)
Eshban esh-barn (modern male and female) Hebrew: Shining, radiant. Father of Naarai, one of David's Hebrew: Man of God, strong man of God.A messenger angel
Hebrew: Pleasant. Son of Dishon and a great-grandson of great warriors. [1 Chronicles 11:37] who appears in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Luke .
Zibeon. His brothers were Hemdan, Ithran and Keran. Ezekiel ez-zeek-ke-el (male) Announcing the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah, he
[Genesis 36:26] Hebrew: May God give strength , strength of God. One of the said, "I am Gabriel. I stood in the presence of God and I was
Eshton esh-ton (modern male and female) great Hebrew prophets. As a young man he was taken sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news." He also
Hebrew: Effeminate. A descendant of Judah. [1 Chronicles captive to announced the destined birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin
4:11] Esli es-lie (modern male and female) Babylon. After five years there he received his call to Mary. Variants: Gabe, Gabryel.
Greek: Shy, reserved. Ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary. prophecy. Little is known of his personal life except that he Female forms include Gabby, Gabriela, Gabrielle. [Daniel
[Luke 3:25] was married and his wife died unexpectedly. Ezekiel warned 8:16]
Esther es-ter (female) the Jews against the blasphemous worship of false idols. He Gaddiel gad-dee-el (modern male and female)
Hebrew, from Akkadian: Venus, morning star. A Jewish said that ungodly practices would bring disaster upon the Hebrew: Fortune of God. Son of Sodi. One of the twelve spies
orphan living in the city of Susa in Persia. Esther was her nation. But he also prophesied that Israel would be divinely sent out to inspect and report upon the land of Canaan.
Persian name. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah , which restored to glory and spiritual wholeness. These events were [Numbers 13:10]
means myrtle (a type of aromatic plant). She was adopted perceived in rich visions which, according to Ezekiel, he saw Gaius guy-us (male)
and raised by her cousin Mordecai, an official under King when the Spirit lifted him up. The twenty-sixth book of the Old Greek: Lord, master. A Macedonian friend of Paul who
Ahasuerus. She married Ahasuerus and became his queen. Testament bears his name. Variants: Ezechial, Ezell, Haskel, traveled with him to Ephesus and was trapped there by an
But Mordecai offended the King by refusing to bow before Hehezkel, Zeke. [Ezekiel] Ezra ez-ra (male) angry mob. Others with this name: (i) A Christian from Derbe
Haman, the new prime minister. In revenge, Ahasuerus Hebrew: Help. The priest and scribe who came from Babylon who traveled with Paul from Macedonia to Asia. (ii) A
decided to butcher the captive Jews of Persia. Esther to reform the religious and social life of Jerusalem. Temple Christian of Corinth who gave food and shelter to other
intervened, persuading him to spare the Jews and instead to rituals had been forgotten, immorality was rife, and the Christians and who was baptized by Paul. (iii) A Christian
destroy the scheming Haman. The seventeenth book of the priesthood had intermarried with pagans. Learning of this, friend of John to whom his third letter was addressed.
Old Testament bears her name. Variants: Eister, Essa, Ezra tore out his hair in anguish. He has persuaded Variants: Caius. [Acts 19:29]
Essie, Esta, Estee, Estella, Estrella, Etty, Heddy, Heidi, Jerusalem's people to return to the law of Moses. He Gamaliel gam-ma-li-el (male)
Hester, Hettie, Trella. [Esther] instituted a mass divorce court where many pagan wives Hebrew: Recompense, reward of God, my reward is God.
Ethan e-thun (male) were "put away" . Ezra also worked with Nehemiah, acting as Son of Pedahzur. A prince of the Manasseh. He helped
Hebrew: Strong, powerful. Other interpretations: Enduring, his chief priest and aide. The fifteenth book of the Old organize the great tribal census in the wilderness. Others with
guaranteed. A wise man in the time of Solomon. Others with Testament, which he may have written, is named after him. this name: An eminent rabbi or teacher. One of his pupils was
this name: (i) Son of Zerah and grandson of Judah. His Tradition asserts that he was also wrote 1 Chronicles and 2 Paul, then called Saul. When angry Jews wanted to kill the
brothers were Zimri, Heman, Calcol and Dara. (ii) A Chronicles and possibly the Nehemiah as well. He was a early Christians, Gamaliel called for restraint. Variants:
descendant of Gershon. (iii) A Levite singer, a descendant of descendant of Aaron. Others with this name: Another priest Gamliel. [Numbers 1:10] Gedaliah jed-da-li-ar (male)
Merari. Variants: Etan, Ethe. [1 Kings 4:31] who returned from Babylon. Variants: Azariah, Ezra, Esra, Hebrew: God is great , God is my greatness . Son of
Eunice u-niss (female) Ezar, Ezer, Ezri. [Ezra] Shaphan. Secretary to King Josiah. Appointed governor of
Greek: Good victory. Daughter of Lois and mother of Timothy, Ezrah ez-ra (male) Judea. He became a friend and protector of the prophet
a leading assistant and beloved friend of the apostle Paul. Hebrew: Help. A man of the tribe of Judah. His sons were Jeremiah. He was murdered by Ishmael, son of Nethaniah.
Eunice was married to a pagan Greek. She was probably Jether, Mered, Epher and Jalon. Variants: Ezra. [1 His death is commemorated by the Jews even today. Others
converted to Christianity by Paul. She lived at Lystra and Chronicles 4:17] Ezri ez-ri (male) with this name: (i) A Levite harpist, one of the sons of
Jeduthun. (ii) A priest who married a foreign wife. (iii) A Israelite forces. Only the young David, a shepherd boy, Mizraim, Put and Canaan, all founders of nations. [Genesis
prince, the son of Passhur, who had Jeremiah imprisoned. (iv) accepted. I have killed Goliath with a single stone from a 6:10]
Grandfather of the prophet Zephaniah. Variants: Gedalia, slingshot and then cut off the giant's head. The Philistines One For Trivia Night
Gedelio. [2 Kings 25:22] were so stunned they fell immediately to a panicky retreat.
Gehazi ja-haz-zi (male) Goliath was a native of Gath, a city famous for its giant Here's one for trivia night: which Bible verse contains all the
Hebrew: Valley of vision. Servant and messenger of the great soldiery. [1 Samuel 17:4] letters of the alphabet, except the letter J? Answer: Ezra 7:21
prophet Elisha. Despite his admirable loyalty to the prophet, Gomer go-mer (traditionally male and female) (true at least of the King James and the Revised Standard
he lusted for worldly riches. It earned him the curse of Hebrew: Complete, finished , God accomplishes it. First son versions of the Bible.)
leprosy. [2 Kings 4:12] of Japheth and a grandson of Noah. He had three sons:
Gemalli jem-mal-lee (modern male and female) Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. His brothers were Magog, Haman ha-man (male)
Hebrew: Camel owner, rider, driver. Father of Ammiel one of Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. Forefather of the Hebrew: Renowned, famed. Haman the Agagite. Son of
the spies sent out by Moses to inspect and report upon the Cimmerians. Others with this name: A daughter of Diblaim. Hammedatha. King Ahasuerus of Persia appointed him prime
land of Canaan. [Numbers 13:12] She married the prophet Hosea. Mother of Jezreel, Lo- minister. He plotted to destroy the Jews because Mordecai, a
Gemariah jem-ma-ri-ar (male) Ruhamah and Lo-Ammi. [Genesis 10:2] Jewish official, refused to bow to him. Esther, the Jewish wife
Hebrew: Perfected by God. Other interpretations: ~H~ of Ahasuerus, foiled the plot. Haman died on the gallows he
Achievement of the Lord , God has done it. The son of Hadad ha-dad (male) had raised for Mordecai. [Esther 3:1]
Shaphan the scribe. With Elnathan and Delaiah, he urged Hebrew: Fierce, brave. Eighth sons of Ishmael and a Hamutal ham-mu-tal (female)
King Johoiakim not to burn the scrolls of Jeremiah. Others grandson of Abraham. He was one of the twelve Arabian Hebrew: Like the dew. The daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
with this name: Son of Hilkiah. He served King Hezekiah as princes promised by God. His brothers were Nebaioth, Kedar, She married King Josiah of Judah and was the mother of two
an ambassador to Babylon. [Jeremiah 36:10] Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Tema, Jetur, later kings, Jehoahaz and Zedekiah. [2 Kings 23:31]
Gershom gur-shom (male) Naphish and Kedemah. His sister was Mahalath, one of Hanameel ha-nam-me-el (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Exile, to cast out, stranger. Eldest son of Moses by Esau's wives. Others with this name: (i) Two of the early Hebrew: Gift of God. A cousin of Jeremiah who sold the
his wife Zipporah, born in Midian. Others with this name: (i) A Edomite kings. (ii) An Edomite prince who fled from David to prophet to a field. Variants: Hanamel. [Jeremiah 32:7]
descendant of Phinehas. (ii) The father of Jonathan, who the Pharoah of Egypt. He later opposed King Solomon. His Hanan ha-nan (male)
became the priest of the idolatrous Danites. Variants: son was Genubath. (iii) A pagan god of Syria, Ben-Hadad. Hebrew: Gracious. A son of Shashak. His brothers were
Gershon. [Exodus 2:22] [Genesis 25:15] Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zichri, Hananiah, Elam,
Gershon gur-shon (male) Hadoram had-dor-ram (male) Anthothijah, Iphdeiah and Penuel. Others with this name: (i) A
Hebrew: Exile, to cast out, stranger. Eldest son of Levi. Hebrew: Strength, power. Son of Joktan. A descendant of son of Azel. (ii) Son of Maacah. One of the mighty warriors
Forefather of the Gershonite clan. His brothers were Kohath Noah through Shem. His brothers were Almodad, Sheleph, under David. (iii) A temple servant returned from the
and Merari. Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Babylonian captivity. (iv) A Levite teacher of the Law under
Variants: Gershom. [Genesis 46:11] Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. Others with this name: (i) Overseer Nehemiah. (v) Three persons who, with Nehemiah, signed the
Geshem jes-shem (male) of the forced laborers in the time of David and Solomon. (ii) A covenant. (vi) Son of Zaccur. to tithe keeper. (vii) Son of
Hebrew: Rain. An Arab who, with Sanballat and Tobiah, son of King Hamath who was sent as an ambassador to Igdaliah. Apparently wealthy and a "man of God." [1
scoffed at the idea of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. Variants: David. Variants: Adoniram, Joram . [Genesis 10:27] Chronicles 8:22]
Gashmu. [Nehemiah 2:19] Hagar hay-gar (female) Hananiah han-nan-ni-ar (male)
Gideon gid-de-an (male) Hebrew: Emigration, flight. The Egyptian maid of Sarah. Hebrew: God is gracious. A son of Zerubbabel. His brothers
Hebrew: One who cuts down, destroyer, mighty warrior. Other When Sarah had been childless many years, she offered were Meshullam, Hashubah, Ohel, Berekiah, Hasadiah and
interpretations: Maimed. Son of Joash. One of the greatest Hagar to her husband Abraham as a way to get an heir. Thus Jushabhesed. His sister was Shelomith. He had two sons,
warriors in the history of Israel. His army numbered only three Hagar became the mother of Ishmael, forefather of the Arab Pelatiah and Jeshaiah. Others with this name: (i) A son of
hundred men, yet defeated far larger forces. In the dead of nations. After Sarah unexpectedly conceived and bore Isaac, Shashak. (ii) A temple musician, the son of Heman. (iii) A
night, Gideon used psychological tactics to rout the sleeping a son of her own, she resented the presence of Hagar and commander of the army under Uzziah. (iv) The father of
enemy. He also destroyed the temples of the pagan god Baal. Ishmael in the house of Abraham. She complained to Zedekiah, a prince under Jehoiakim. (v) Grandfather of Irijah,
Gideon was as a judge of Israel for forty years. He fathered a Abraham, who banished the concubine and her son to the the sentry who arrested Jeremiah. (vi) The original Hebrew
total of seventy-one sons. Despite this colossal issue, only wilderness. [Genesis 16:1] Haggi ha-guy (male) name of Shadrach, a friend of the prophet Daniel. I have
two survived: Jotham and Abimelech (who murdered the Hebrew: Festive, happy. Son of Gad and grandson of Jacob. survived the fiery furnace. (vii) A priest with a foreign wife.
rest). Also known by his surnames, Jerub-Baal and Jerub- His descendants were the Arelites. His brothers were Ziphion, (viii) Two men who helped to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem.
Besheth. Variants: Gidi. [Judges 6:11] Gideoni gid-de-an- Ezbon, Shuni, Areli, Eri and Arodi. [Genesis 46:16] (ix) An official of Jerusalem who was "faithful and God-
nee (male) Haggiah ha-guy-ar (male) fearing." (x) One who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant.
Hebrew: One who cuts down, destroyer, mighty warrior. Other Hebrew: Festival of God. Other interpretations: The Lord's (xi) A priestly official under Joiakim. (xii) A false prophet of
interpretations: Maimed. A chief or prince of the Benjamites. feast. Son of Shimea the Levite. He fathered Asaiah. [1 Gibeon who opposed Jeremiah. [1 Chronicles 3:19]
[Numbers 7:60] Chronicles 6:30] Ham ham (male) Haniel han-ne-el (male)
Goliath go-lie-ath (male) Hebrew: Hot. Other interpretations: Swarthy. Youngest son of Hebrew: Grace of God, favor of God. Son of Ephod. A prince
Hebrew: Splendor, magnificence. Other interpretations: Noah. His brothers were Shem and Japheth. From these of the Manasseh. He Moses helped with the division of
Foreigner, exile. The gigantic warrior of the Philistine army. sons, says the Bible, "the whole world was peopled." Ham Canaan among the tribes. Others with this name: Son of Ulla,
For forty days, Goliath, who stood at least three meters tall, displeased Noah because he saw him lying drunk and naked a descendant of Asher. Variants: Hanniel. [Numbers 34:23]
declared that he would fight any man of Saul's opposing and told his brothers about it. He had four sons: Cush, Hannah han-nar (female)
Hebrew: God has favored, God has blessed. One of the two bibliolater , on the other hand, is a person crazy about the of Judah who ruled for twenty-nine years. He fought against
wives of Elkanah. She remained childless while Peninnah, Bible, so much so that their adulation becomes a form of idolatry and restored the temple of Jerusalem. Yet his faith,
Elkanah's other wife, had children. Peninnah resented the fact worship. put to test, proved weak. Instead of trusting God to save
that Elkanah still loved Hannah despite her barrenness. She Judah from Assyrian aggression, he sought to protect it by his
taunted Hannah cruelly. But Hannah didn't lose her faith. She Helez hel-lez (male) own devices. As a result of his meddling, Judah lost his
prayed for a son and God answered, blessing her with three Hebrew: Strong. Son of Azariah. Father of Eleasah. Others independence and was forced to pay heavy tribute to Assyria.
sons and two daughters. One was Samuel, the glorious with this name: One of David's mighty warriors. Variants: Others with this name: One who, with Nehemiah, signed the
warrior and judge of Israel. Variants: Chanah, Chani, Hanita, Palti, Paltite. [1 Chronicles 2:39] covenant. Son of Neariah.
Hanna, Hanny, Nan, Nana. [Samuel 1:2] Helkai hel-kay (modern male and female) Variants: Hesketh, Hezeki. [2 Kings 18:1]
Hanoch han-nock (male) Hebrew: Portion, share. A priest under Joiakim. [Nehemiah Hezion hez-zee-on (male)
Hebrew: Initiation. Other interpretations: Dedicated. Son of 12:15] Helon hel-lon (modern male and female) Hebrew: Sight, vision. Father of Tabrimmon and grandfather
Midian and a grandson of Abraham and Keturah. His brothers Hebrew: Brave, strong. Father of Eliab. [Numbers 1:9] of Ben-Hadad, a king of Syria. He may be the same person
were Ephah, Epher, Abida and Eldaah. Others with this Henadad hen-na-dad (male) as Rezon. [1 Kings 15:18]
name: Eldest son of Reuben. His brothers were Pallu, Hezron Hebrew: Favor of Hadad. Head of a family who returned from Hezrai hez-ray (modern male and female)
and Carmi. captivity in Babylon. His descendants helped to rebuild the Hebrew: Enclosure. One of David's mighty warriors.
Variants: Henoch. [Genesis 25:4] walls of Jerusalem. [Ezra 3:9] Variants: Hezro. [2 Samuel 23:35]
Hanun han-non (male) Heresh her-resch (male) Hezron hez-ron (male)
Hebrew: Gracious. A king of Ammon. Son of Nahash. I have Hebrew: Carpenter. Other interpretations: Silent, mute. The Hebrew: Surrounded. A son of Reuben. His brothers were
mistreated the servants of David, thinking them spies. David meaning of this name is uncertain. One of the captives Hanoch, Pallu and Carmi. Others with this name: Son of
destroyed him in battle. Others with this name: (i) The returned from Babylon. [1 Chronicles 9:15] Perez and a grandson of Judah. [Genesis 46:9]
architect of the Valley Gate in the wall of Jerusalem. (ii) One Hermes herm-eeze (male) Hilkiah hil-ki-ar (modern male and female)
who helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. [2 Samuel 10.1] Greek: Stone, rock, boundary marker. Pagan Greek god of Hebrew: God my portion, the portion of God. Father of
Haran har-ran (male) messages, commerce and travel, known as Mercury to the Eliakim, the head steward of King Hezekiah. Others with this
Hebrew: Rugged, mountainous, mountain climber. Son of Romans. The name was shared by two Christian friends of name: (i) Four fairly obscure Levites. (ii) A high priest under
Terah and a descendant of Noah through Shem. His brothers Paul mentioned in the New Testament's Letter to the King Josiah. (iii) Father of the great prophet Jeremiah. [2
were Abraham and Nahor. His son Lot survived the Romans. One was known as Hermas, the other, Hermes. Kings 18:18] Hirah hi-ra (male)
destruction of Sodom. Milcah and Iscah were his daughters. Paul was mistaken for the pagan god Hermes by a crowd in Hebrew: Noble. A friend of Judah from Adullam. [Genesis
Others with this name: (i) A son of Caleb by the concubine Lystra. Doubtless he was unimpressed by their acclaim. 38:1] Hiram hi-ram (male)
Ephah. His son was Gazez. (ii) A son of Shimei. [Genesis Variants: Hermas, Mercurius. [Acts 14:12] Hebrew: Noble. A king of Tire. Son of Abibaal. A friend of both
11:27] Herod hair-rod (male) David and Solomon. He was a capable ruler. His daughter
Havilah hav-vil-lar (male) Greek: Heroic, brave. Other interpretations: Guardian, married Solomon. Others with this name: A skilled artisan or
Hebrew: Circle. Other interpretations: Sandy ground. Son of protector. Herod the Great, Roman tetrarch (administrator) of architect who helped Solomon in the construction of the
Cush and a great-grandson of Noah through Ham. His the province Judea who later became his puppet king. A cruel temple. Variants: Huram. [2 Samuel 5:11] Hizki hiz-ki
brothers were and insane ruler. He had the male infants of Bethlehem killed (modern male and female)
Nimrod, Sheba, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca. Others with because he feared the prophesied birth of a king, that is, Hebrew: Strong. An obscure Benjamite. Variants: Hezeki. [1
this name: A son of Joktan. [Genesis 10:7] Jesus Christ. Others with this name: (i) Herod Antipas, son of Chronicles 8:17]
Hazaiah haz-zay-ar (male) the former. He had John the Baptist executed to fulfill the Hizkiah hiz-ki-ar (male)
Hebrew: Whom God sees, God sees. Son of Adaiah. A wishes of his grand-daughter Salome. His wife was Herodias Hebrew: Strength. Son of Neariah and a descendant of
descendant of Judah. [Nehemiah 11:5] and his half-brother was Herod Philip. (ii) Herod Philip, son of Solomon. His brothers were Elioenai and Azrikam. Others
Haziel haz-zee-el (modern male and female) Herod the Great. The first husband of Herodias. Variants: with this name: (i) An ancestor of the prophet Zephaniah. (ii)
Hebrew: God sees, vision. A Levite in the time of David. [1 Agrippa. [Matthew 2:1] One who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. Variants:
Chronicles 23:9] Herodias hair-rod-di-es (female) Hezekiah, Hizkijah. [1 Chronicles 3:23]
Helah hel-lar (female) Greek: Heroic, brave (feminine form of Herod). Scheming and Hodaviah ho-da-vi-ar (male)
Hebrew: Rust. One of the two wives of Asshur, the other spiteful grand-daughter of Herod the Great. She married her Hebrew: Give praise. Son of Elioenai, a descendant of
being uncle Herod Philip and later, his half-brother, Herod Antipas. Solomon. His brothers were Eliashib, Pelaiah, Akkub,
Naarah. She had three sons: Zereth, Izhar and Ethnan. [1 John the Baptist rebuked her for these marriages. She Johanan, Delaiah and Anani. Others with this name: (i) A
Chronicles 4:5] resented John and plotted his death. She induced her chief of the Manasseh. (ii) Son of Hassenuah. (iii) To Levite.
Heldai hel-day (male) daughter Salome to ask Herod, who had rashly promised the Variants: Hodevah. [1 Chronicles 3:24]
Hebrew: Worldly. One of David's mighty warriors. Others with fulfilment of any wish, "Give me the head of John the Baptist Hodesh ho-desh (female)
this name: A noble Jew who returned from the Babylonian on a platter." [Matthew 14:3] Heth heth (modern male and Hebrew: New moon. A wife of Shaharaim. Her sons were
captivity with precious metals for the crown of Joshua. female) Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sachia and Mirmah.[1
Variants: Heled, Heleb, Helem. [1 Chronicles 27:15] Hebrew: Fear, awe. Second son of Canaan and a great- Chronicles 8:9]
Crazy About... Bibles? grandson of Noah through Ham. He founded the great Hittite Hodiah ho-di-ar (traditionally male and female)
nation. [Genesis 10:15] Hebrew: Splendor of God, magnificence of God. The identity
A bibliomaniac is not a person crazy about the Bible; rather, it Hezekiah hez-zee-ki-ar (male) (and the sex) of Hodiah is not clear. She or he was either the
is a person crazy about collecting books - any books. A Hebrew: God has strengthened, strength of God. Twelfth king sister or brother-in-law of Naham. Some biblical scholars say
she was the wife of Ezra. Variants: Hodijah, Hodiya. [1 Hebrew: Full, completeness. Father of the minor prophet other nations for their sins against God. He warns nations not
Chronicles 4:19] Micaiah. [1 Kings 22:8] to oppose the chosen people of God and not to defy the will of
Hodijah ho-di-jar (male) Immanuel im-man-nu-el (male) God. He urges the Jews to turn away from sin and seek the
Hebrew: Splendor, magnificence. The name of three Levites, Hebrew: God is with us. The name of Jesus Christ in mercy of God. He also speaks of the coming of the Christ, a
including a tribal chief, in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. prophecy. Isaiah prophesied that a child of this name would savior who will purify the faith. Little is known of the prophet's
Variants: Hodiah, Hodiya. [Nehemiah 8:7] be born to a young virgin of the house of David. Matthew's personal life. Variants: Ikaia, Isa, Isaias, Issa, Yeshaya.
Hoglah ho-glah (female) gospel says that the foretold child was Jesus, born to the [Isaiah]
Hebrew: Quail. A name unlikely to catch on in English- Virgin Mary, a descendant of David. Variants: Emanuela, Iscah is-car (female)
speaking countries. Daughter of Zelophehad. Her sisters were Emmanuel, Imanuel, Mani, Manny, Mano, Manuel, Manuela. Hebrew: Who looks. Daughter of Haran and sister of Lot. Her
Mahlah, Noah, Milcah and Tirzah. As Zelophehad had no [Isaiah 7:14] sister was Milcah, wife of Nahor. His uncle was Abraham.
sons, a law was devised enabling his daughters to be his [Genesis 11:29]
heirs. [Numbers 26:33] Hosah ho-sar (male) Imna im-na (modern male and female) Ishbah ish-bar (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Refuge. A Levite temple porter in the days of David. Hebrew: Lagging, lax. Other interpretations: God protects, Hebrew: Praise. A clan chief, the father of Eshtemoa. Son of
[1 Chronicles 16:38] defends. Head of an Asherite clan. [1 Chronicles 7:35] Imri Mered and Bithiah, an Egyptian princess. [1 Chronicles 4:17]
Hosea ho-zi-ah (male) im-ri (modern male and female) Ishbak ish-bak (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Help, salvation. Son of Beeri. He was a prophet who Hebrew: Talkative, God speaks. Other interpretations: Tall. A Hebrew: Leaving. Son of Abraham by Keturah. His brothers
warned Israel to abandon the blasphemous religious practices son of Bani of the tribe of Judah. Others with this name: were Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian and Shuah. His half-
of Baal and return to the true faith of Moses. The twenty- Father of Zacchur, who helped rebuild the fallen walls of brothers were Isaac and Ishmael. [Genesis 25:2]
eighth book of the Old Testament bears his name. His wife Jerusalem. Ishbi ish-be (modern male and female)
was the unfaithful Gomer. His sons were Jezreel and Lo- Variants: Imric, Imrie. [1 Chronicles 9:4] Hebrew: Who lives, dweller. A giant warrior who attacked
Ammi; his daughter was Lo-Ruhamah. Variants: Hoshal, Ira i-ra (male) David. He was killed by Abishai. His full name was Ishbi-
Osee, Osia, Osias. [Hosea] Hoshama ho-shar-ma (modern Hebrew: Watchful. Other interpretations: Stallion. A senior Benob, dweller at Nob. [2 Samuel 21:16]
male and female) court official in the time of David. Others with this name: Two Ishi ish-hi (male)
Hebrew: Whom God hears. A son of Jeconiah of Judah, the of David's mighty warriors, one being the son of Ikkesh. [2 Hebrew: Saving, restorative, healthy. Son of Appaim. Father
captive king. His brothers were Shealtiel, Malchiram, Pedaiah, Samuel 20:26] Irad i-rad (male) of Sheshan. Others with this name: (i) Father of Zoheth and
Shenazzar, Jekamiah and Nedabiah. [1 Chronicles 3:18] Hebrew: Fast, fleet. Son of Enoch and grandson of Cain. Ben Zoheth. (ii) A descendant of Simeon. (iii) A clan chief of
Hothan ho-thun (male) Father of Mehujael. [Genesis 4:18] the Manasseh. [1 Chronicles 2:31]
Hebrew: Seal. The father of Shama and Jeiel, both of whom Iram i-ram (male) Ishiah ish-hi-ar (male)
became mighty warriors under David. [1 Chronicles 11:44] Hebrew: Citizen. An Edomite tribal chief. [Genesis 36:43] Hebrew: Loaned. Other interpretations: God exists. A son of
Hur hur (male) Irijah i-ri-jar (modern male and female) Izrahiah and a chief of the Issachar. His brothers were
Hebrew: White, chalky. Other interpretations: Hole. A warrior Hebrew: God sees, seen by God. The guardian of the gate Michael, Obadiah and Joel. Variants: Isshiah. [1 Chronicles
who helped the weary Moses hold his hands aloft during the who arrested the prophet Jeremiah as he sought to leave 7:3] Ishijah ish-hi-jar (male)
battle between Joshua and Amalek. This gesture enabled the Jerusalem. [Jeremiah 37:13] Hebrew: Loaned. Son of Harim, he divorced his foreign wife in
Israelites to win. Others with this name: (i) Grandfather of Isaac i-zak (male) the days of Ezra. [Ezra 10:31]
Bezalel. Jewish tradition says this person was the husband of Hebrew: Laughter, he who laughs. So named because it was Ishmael ish-my-el (male)
Miriam. (ii) One of the five kings of Midian who perished with thought considering that his elderly parents, Abraham and Hebrew: God hears, whom God hears. Eldest son of
Balaam. (iii) Father of one of King Solomon's supply officers. Sarah, should produce a child. At her birth Sarah said, "God Abraham. His mother was Hagar, the Egyptian maid of Sarah,
The son was known as Ben-Hur , which means son of Hur . has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh whom Abraham took as a concubine when Sarah had been
(iv) Father of Rephaiah, who helped Nehemiah re-build the over me." Isaac was greatly loved by his father. As a test of childless for many years. His half-brothers were Isaac,
ruined walls of Jerusalem. [Exodus 17:10] faith, Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son. At the last Zimran, Jokshan,
Hushai hu-shay (modern male and female) moment an angel intervened and saved the boy's life. Isaac's Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. God said of Ishmael, "I
Hebrew: Haste, bustle. One of David's most prominent wife was Rebekah, by whom he had twin sons, Esau and will bless him and make him fruitful and multiply him
generals. Jacob. His half-brothers were Ishmael, Zimran, Jokshan, exceedingly; he shall be the father of twelve princes, and I will
Also his friend and trusted advisor. [2 Samuel 15:32] Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. He became Abraham's make him a great nation." His sons became tribal princes of
Hushim hu-shim (traditionally male and female) sole heir, although he was not the eldest. I have lived for one Arabia. They were Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
Hebrew: Haste, bustle. Either a son or descendant of Dan. hundred and eighty years. Variants: Ike, Isaacus, Isaak, Isac, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and
Others with this name: One of the wives of Shaharaim. She Isacco, Isak, Itzik, Izaak, Izak, Yotzchak, Zak. Kedemah, collectively known as the Ishmaelites. Arab
had two sons by him, Abitub and Elpaal. Variants: Shuham. [Genesis 17:19] Muslims claim descent from Ishmael. He died at the age of
[Genesis 46:23] ~I~ Isaiah i-zi-ar (male) one hundred and thirty seven years. Others with this name: (i)
Ibri ib-bri (modern male and female) Hebrew: Salvation of God. Son of Amoz. First of the greatest A descendant of Saul and Jonathan. (ii) Father of Zebadiah.
Hebrew: A Hebrew. A Levite, the son of Jaaziah. [1 prophets, often called the prince of the prophets. The 23rd (iii) Son of Jehohanan. (iv) Son of Nethaniah. (v) Son of Azel.
Chronicles 24:27] book of the Old Testament, which bears his name, contains [Genesis 16:11]
Ibzan ib-zan (modern male and female) his admonitions and prophecies. At sixty-six chapters, it is Ishmaiah ish-may-ar (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Famous. A judge of Israel for seven years. He one of the longest books in the Bible. He prophesied during Hebrew: God hears. A man of Gibeon who joined forces with
fathered thirty sons and thirty daughters. [Judges 12:8] the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and David at Ziklag. Others with this name: A chief of the
Imlah im-lar (modern male and female) Hezekiah. Isaiah denounces both the Jewish people and Zebulunites. Variants: Ismaiah. [1 Chronicles 12:4]
Ishmerai ish-mer-ray (modern male and female) Zereth. Variants: Zohar, Jezoar. [Exodus 6:18] Variants: Akevy, Akiva, Cob, Cobby, Como, Diego, Giacomo,
Hebrew: God keeps, protects. One of the sons of Elpaal. His Izrahiah iz-ra-hi-ar (modern male and female) Hamish, Iago, Jacinto, Jack, Jackson, Jacobus, Jacoby,
brothers included Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, Izliah Hebrew: God arises, God shines, sparkles. A clan chief Jacques, Jago, Jake, Jakob, Jakov, James, Jaquot, Jasha,
and Jobab. [1 Chronicles 8:18] descended from Issachar. [1 Chronicles 7:3] Jeb, Jock, Joco, Kivi, Santiago, Yaakov, Yago. [Genesis
Ishod ish-od (male) ~J~ 25:26]
Hebrew: Man of majesty, eminent, famous man. Son of Jaalah jarl-lar (male) Jada jar-da (male)
Hammoleketh, a woman of the Manasseh tribe. Variants: Hebrew: Wild goat. A servant of King Solomon whose Hebrew: Wise, knowing. Son of Onam and grandson of
Ishhod. [1 Chronicles 7:18] descendants returned from captivity in Babylon. Variants: Jerahmeel. [1 Chronicles 2:28]
Ishpah ish-pa (male) Jaala. [Ezra 2:56] Jadon jar-don (male)
Hebrew: Firm, steady. Other interpretations: Bald. A son of Jaasu jar-zu (male) Hebrew: He will plead. Other interpretations: Judge. One who
Beriah. His brothers were Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, Michael and Hebrew: Created. A Jew who, at the insistence of Ezra, assisted Nehemiah in the re-building of Jerusalem's wall.
Joha. Variants: Ispah. [1 Chronicles 8:16] divorced his foreign wife. Variants: Jaasau. [Ezra 10:37] [Nehemiah 3:7]
Ishpan ish-pan (male) Jaazaniah jar-za-ni-ar (male) Jael jar-el (female)
Hebrew: He will hide. Other interpretations: Bald. A son of Hebrew: Heard by God , God hears. A captain who served Hebrew: Wild goat. Wife of Heber. She killed Sisera with a
Shashak. His brothers were Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zichri, Hanan, Gedaliah but later conspired in his murder. Others with this tent peg after he took refuge in the tent of her husband
Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah, Iphdeiah and Penuel. [1 name: (i) A man who refused to drink wine with the prophet following his defeat by Barak. She was praised highly by the
Chronicles 8:22] Jeremiah. (ii) A worshiper of idols, the son of Shaphan. (iii) prophetess Deborah for this deed. [Judges 4:17]
Ishvah ish-va (male) One of twenty-five wicked men, the son of Azzur. Variants: Jahath jar-hath (male)
Hebrew: He will level. Second son of Asher. His brothers Jezaniah. [2 Kings 25:23] Hebrew: United. Other interpretations: God will take up. Son
were Beriah, Imnah and Ishvi. His sister was Serah. Jaaziah jar-zi-ar (modern male and female) of Reaiah and a great-grandson of Judah. His sons were
Variants: Ishuah, Ishui, Ishuai. [Genesis 46:17] Hebrew: Comforted, reassured. Other interpretations: God Ahumai and Lahad. Others with this name: (i) Son of Libni. (ii)
Ishvi ish-vi (male) strengthens. A musician in the temple. [1 Chronicles 24:26] Two Levites, one a Gershonite chief. (iii) A temple builder
Hebrew: Level. Third son of Asher. His brothers were Beriah, Jabal jar-bal (male) under King Josiah. Variants: Jeheth. [1 Chronicles 4:2]
Imnah and Ishvah. His sister was Sarah. Others with this Hebrew: Brook, stream. First son of Lamech and Adah. He Jahaziah jar-haz-zi-ar (male)
name: (i) A son of Saul. Variants: Ishui, Ishuai, Isui, Jesui. became the father of the tent dwellers and the cattle keepers. Hebrew: Seen of God, God sees. A priest who opposed
[Genesis 46:17] Ishmakiah ish-ma-ki-ar (male) His brother was Jubal; his half-brother was Tubal-Cain and Ezra's call for the divorce of all foreign wives. Variants:
Hebrew: God sustains, supported by God. A temple overseer his half sister was Naamah. [Genesis 4:20] Jahzeiah. [Ezra 10:15]
in the time of Hezekiah. Variants: Ismachiah. [2 Chronicles Jabesh jar-besh (male) Jahaziel jar-haz-zi-el (male)
31:13] Israel - see Jacob Hebrew: Arid, dry. Father of Shallum, the assassin and Hebrew: Seen of God, God sees. One of the exceptional
Ithai ith-thay (modern male and female) usurper of King Zechariah. [2 Kings 15:10] warriors who joined forces with David at Ziklag. Others with
Hebrew: With God. One of David's mighty warriors. Son of Jabez jar-bez (male) this name: (i) A musical priest. (ii) A son of Zechariah. He
Ribai. Variants: Ittai. [1 Chronicles 11:31] Hebrew: Sorrowful , to grieve. A family chief whose sons were encouraged the Israelites to victory with these famous words:
Ithamar ith-ar-mar (modern male and female) scribes and who was specially blessed by God. Also a place "... the battle is not yours, but God's..." (iii) A builder of the
Hebrew: Land of palms, palm grove. Youngest son of Aaron. name. [1 Chronicles 4:9] temple, the son of Hebron. (iv) An ancestor of captives
His brothers were Eleazar, Nadab and Abihu. He founded the Jabin jar-bin (male) returned from Babylon. [1 Chronicles 12:4]
priestly line to which Eli belonged. Variants: Itamar, Ittamar. Hebrew: Observed, able to observe, discern. A king of Hazor, Jahdai jar-day (traditionally male and female)
[Exodus 6:23] defeated and killed by Joshua. Others with this name: Hebrew: Directed. Either a son or a concubine of Caleb; the
Ithiel ith-he-el (male) Another king of Hazor, this one defeated by Barak. [Joshua biblical record is not clear. In either case, his or her sons were
Hebrew: God is , God is with me. A friend of Agur. Some of 11:1] Regem, Jotham, Geshan, Pelet, Ephah and Shaaph. [1
the sayings in the Book of Proverbs are addressed to him. Jacob jay-cob (male) Chronicles 2:47]
Others with this name: Son of Jeshaiah, a descendant of Hebrew: He takes by the heel. Other interpretations: To Jahdiel jar-de-el (modern male and female)
Benjamin. Variants: Itiel. [Proverbs 30:1] succeed, to replace. Second son of Isaac and Rebekah. He Hebrew: God gives joy . A mighty warrior and clan chief who
Ithmah ith-ma (modern male and female) was born grasping the heel of his momentarily older twin worshiped false idols. [1 Chronicles 5:24]
Hebrew: Purity. Other interpretations: Orphan. One of David's brother Esau. Jacob persuaded Esau to sell his birthright to Jahleel jar-lee-el (modern male and female)
mighty warriors. [1 Chronicles 11:46] him for some bread and pottage. Jacob was specially blessed Hebrew: Hoping, hopeful. Son of Zebulun and clan head.
Ithran ith-ran (male) by God, who said to him: "Your descendants shall be like the [Genesis 46:14]
Hebrew: Excellent. Son of Dishon and a great-grandson of dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west Jahmai jar-may (modern male and female)
Zibeon. His brothers were Hemdan, Eshban and Keran. and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you Hebrew: Guarded, protected. Son of Tola. A clan chief and
Others with this name: Son of Zophah. [Genesis 36:26] and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless mighty warrior. His brothers were Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel,
Ithream ith-re-am (male) themselves." He had two wives, the sisters Leah and Rachel, Ibsam and Shemuel. [1 Chronicles 7:2]
Hebrew: Populous. A son of King David. His mother was and two concubines, Zilpah and Bilhah. By Leah, he fathered Jahziel jar-zi-el (male)
Eglah. [2 Samuel 3:5] Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun, and the Hebrew: Given, allotted. A son of Naphtali. His brothers were
Izhar iz-zar (modern male and female) daughter, Dinah.; by Zilpah, Gad and Asher; by Bilhah, Dan Guni, Jezer and Shillem. [Genesis 46:24]
Hebrew: The shining one. Other interpretations: Oil. Son of and Naphtali; and by Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin. Jacob Jair jair (male)
Kohath. He was an uncle of Moses. Others with this name: was later renamed Israel , which means the face of God. His Hebrew: Enlightened, he enlightens. Other interpretations:
Son of Asshur by Helah. His brothers were Ethnan and twelve sons were the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Forest. A mighty warrior in the days of Moses. Others with
this name: (i) A judge of Israel. I have served for twenty years. executed. Others with this name: A son of King David. Kittim and the Dodanim. His brothers were Gomer, Magog,
(ii) Father of Elhanan, the warrior who killed Goliath's giant [Joshua 10:3] The Poor Man's Bible Madai, Meshech, Tubal and Tiras. [Genesis 10:2]
brother. (iii) Father of Mordecai, the Jewish official at the court Jaziz jar-zeez (modern male and female)
of King Ahasuerus. The Poor Man's Bible, or Bible Pauperum , was not a real Hebrew: Moved. The chief herdsmen under King David. [1
Variants: Jaare, Jair-Oregim.[Numbers 32:41] Jakim jak- Bible. It was a collection of fifty illustrations of biblical events, Chronicles 27:30]
keem (male) used in medieval times to help explain the Bible's stories to Book of Books
Hebrew: God raises. Other interpretations: Confirmed. A son the mostly illiterate congregations of the time. A more
of Shimei. His brothers were Zichri, Zabdi, Elienai, Zilethai, elaborate version of this pioneering venture in audiovisual The word bible is from the Greek language. It means books .
Eliel, Adaiah, Beraiah and Shimrath. Others with this name: A media was the Mirror of Human Salvation, or Speculum And well it might, because the Bible is a compound book
priestly official. [1 Chronicles 8:19] Humanae Salvationis , which included rhymes to explain each made up of other books - thirty-nine for Jews, seventy-three
Jakin jak-keen (male) illustration. for Catholics and sixty-six for Protestants.
Hebrew: Established, God will provide. Fourth son of Simeon
and a grandson of Jacob. His brothers were Jamin, Jemuel, Jarah jar-ra (modern male and female) Jecoliah jek-ko-li-ar (female)
Ohad, Zohar and Shaul. Others with this name: Two priestly Hebrew: Honey, honeycomb. Son of Micah. A descendant of Hebrew: Capable, enabled. Jecoliah of Jerusalem. Wife or
officials. Variants: Jachin, Jarib. [Genesis 46:10] Saul. concubine of King Amaziah of Judah. Mother of Uzziah, tenth
Jalam jal-lam (male) Variants: Jadah, Jehoaddah. [1 Chronicles 9:42] king of Judah. Variants: Jecholiah. [2 Kings 15:2]
Hebrew: Hidden. A son of Esau by Oholibamah. An Edomite Jared jar-red (male) Jeconiah jek-ko-ni-ar (male)
chief. Variants: Jaalam. [Genesis 36:5] Hebrew: Descent. Son of Mahalalel. His son was Enoch. Hebrew: God establishes, founds. Son of Jehoiakim and a
Jalon jal-lon (male) Jared lived for nine hundred and sixty two years, the second grandson of the great Josiah. He reigned as king of Judah for
Hebrew: Pausing, resting. A son of Ezra. His brothers were longest life span in the Bible. [Genesis 5:15] just one hundred days before King Nebuchadnezzar of
Jether, Mered and Epher. [1 Chronicles 4:17] Jaresiah jar-ez-zi-ar (modern male and female) Babylon imprisoned him. Variants: Coniah, Koniah,
James james (male) Hebrew: Nourished. A Benjamite, the son of Jerohan. Jehoiachin, Jechonias. [2 Kings 24:6]
Greek, from Hebrew: Jacob. A son of Zebedee by Salome. A Variants: Jedaiah jed-day-ar (male)
disciple of Jesus Christ. His brother was John, also a disciple. Jaareshiah. [1 Chronicles 8:27] Hebrew: God knows. Other interpretations: Praise God. Son
He may have been a cousin of Jesus, although this is not Jarha jar-ha (male) of Shimri and the father of Allon. A descendant of Simeon.
true. He was executed by Herod Agrippa, the first of the Hebrew: Meaning unknown. An Egyptian slave of Sheshan, Others with this name: (i) A priest who helped in the
twelve disciples martyred. Others with this name: There is a freed to marry one of his daughters, possibly Ahlai. [1 reconstruction of Jerusalem's wall. (ii) A priestly official.
lot of uncertainty about the identity of various persons named Chronicles 2:34] Jarib jar-rib (male) Variants: Jed, Yehiel. [1 Chronicles 4:37]
James; some may be the same. (i) Son of Alphaeus. Little is Hebrew: He strives. Other interpretations: Enemy. A leader Jedidah jed-di-dar (female)
known of him. He may have been a brother of Matthew. (ii) among the returning captives from Babylon. Others with this Hebrew: Beloved. The mother of the illustrious King Josiah.
James the Younger, also called James the Less. A son of name: A priest who married a foreign wife. Variants: Jakin, Her son assumed the throne of Jerusalem at the age of eight
Mary (not the Virgin). He may be identical with the son of Jareb. [Ezra 8:16] years and reigned for thirty-one years. She was the daughter
Alphaeus. (iii) James, either the brother or cousin, of Jesus. Jaroah jar-ro-ar (male) of Adaiah of Bozkath. [2 Kings 22:1]
His brothers were Joses, Simon and Judas. He may have Hebrew: Moon. A chief of the Danites. [1 Chronicles 5:14] Jedidiah jed-did-di-ar (male)
been the author of the New Testament's Letter of James . Jashen jar-shen (modern male and female) Hebrew: Beloved of God. A name given to Solomon by the
Tradition says he was the first bishop of Jerusalem. Paul Hebrew: Sleeping. The father of an unspecified number of prophet Nathan because, as it suggests, Solomon was loved
called him a pillar of the church. (iv) A kinsmen of Judas David's mighty warriors. Variants: Hashem. [2 Samuel 23:32] dearly by God. [2 Samuel 12:25]
Thaddaeus. Variants: Diego, Hamish, Iago, Jaime, Jamie, Jasiel jar-ze-el (modern male and female) Jehiel hee-hi-el (male)
Jan, Jay, Jayme, Jas, Jem, Jim, Jimmy, Seamus, Shamus. Hebrew: Created. A son of Abner. One of David's famous Hebrew: God lives. A temple musician in David's time. Others
[Matthew 4:21] warriors. with this name: (i) A son of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. (ii) A
Janna jarn-na (modern male and female) Variants: Jaasiel. [1 Chronicles 27:21] son of Hacmoni the Wise. (iii) A temple treasurer, the son of
Hebrew: God-given. An ancestor of Jesus. Variants: Jannai. Jason jay-son (male) Ladan. (iv) Two temple overseers. (v) Father of Obadiah,
[Luke 3:24] Greek: To heal, healer. An early Christian who gave shelter to returned from captivity in Babylon. (vi) Father of Shecaniah,
Japheth jar-peth (male) Paul and Silas in Thessalonica, and sent a greeting to the who married a foreigner to a wife. (vii) A priest who married a
Hebrew: God will enlarge, bless. Other interpretations: Christians of Rome. The name is related to the traditional foreign wife. (viii) A descendant of Heman. Variants: Aziel,
Beauty, youthfulness. The youngest son of Noah. Noah asked Hebrew name Joshua. [Acts 17:5] Jeiel. [1 Chronicles 15:18] Jehieli je-hile-lee (modern male
God to "enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Jathniel jath-nee-el (male) and female)
Shem; and let Canaan be his slave." His brothers were Ham Hebrew: God-given. Son of Meshelemiah. A temple Hebrew: God lives. A Levite in David's days. His sons were
and Shem. From these three, "the whole world was peopled." gatekeeper in the time of David. His brothers were Zetham and Joel, officials of the temple treasury. [1
Japheth had seven sons: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Jehohanan, Zechariah, Jediael, Zebadiah, Elam and Chronicles 26:21]
Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. He was the forefather of the Indo- Eliehoenai. [1 Chronicles 26:2] Javan jar-van (male) Jehoaddin jeho-ad-din (female)
European and Caucasian races. [Genesis 6:10] Hebrew: Clay. Other interpretations: Ionia (an ancient region Hebrew: Adorned. Jehoaddin of Jerusalem. Wife of King
Japhia jar-fee-ar (modern male and female) of Asia Minor; also the Hebrew name for Greece). Fourth son Joash of Judah and mother of Amaziah. Her son was a king
Hebrew: Splendor. Other interpretations: May God illuminate. of Japheth and a grandson of Noah. His sons were Elishah of Judah. Variants: Jehoaddan. [2 Chronicles 25:1]
A king of Lachish who joined the military alliance against and Tarshish; other descendants included the tribes of the Jehoshaphat jeho-sha-fat (male)
Joshua. He was defeated in battle, trapped in a cave, and Hebrew: Judged of God , God is the judge. Son of Ahilud. A
scribe in the reigns of David and Solomon. Others with this Hebrew: Assembled, gathered. Other interpretations: May Hebrew: God pleads. Other interpretations: Defended. One of
name: (i) Son and successor of King Asa on the throne of God establish. The son of Shallum of Judah. Others with this David's mighty warriors, the son of Elnaam. [1 Chronicles
Judah. His mother was Azubah, daughter of Shilhi. He ruled name: Son of Jeconiah of Judah, the captive king. Variants: 11:46] Jeriel jer-ree-el (modern male and female)
well for twenty years. The sole blot on his record was his Jecamiah. [1 Chronicles 3:18] Hebrew: Founded. Son of Tola. A clan chief and mighty
association with the treacherous Ahab of Israel. His son and Longest... and... Shortest warrior. His brothers were Jahmai, Uzzi, Rephaiah, Ibsam
successor was Joram. (ii) A priest in David's time. (iii) One of and Shemuel. [1 Chronicles 7:2]
Solomon's supply officers, the son of Paruah. (iv) Father of The longest and shortest chapters of the Bible both appear in Jerioth jer-ree-oth (female)
Jehu, the rebel warrior who destroyed Ahab and became the Psalms. The shortest is Psalm 117, a brief passage of only Hebrew: Tent curtains, curtains. A wife of Caleb. She bore
tenth king of Israel. Variants: Joshaphat. [2 Samuel 8:16] two verses. The longest is Psalm 119, which runs to a him Jesher, Shobab and Ardon. [1 Chronicles 2:18]
Jehosheba jeho-she-ba (female) whopping one hundred and seventy-six verses. Jerusha jer-roo-sha (female)
Hebrew: God is an oath, the oath of God. The daughter of Hebrew: Married, possessed (in the sense of marriage). Wife
King Joram of Israel and his unpleasant wife Athaliah. She Jemima jem-mi-ma (female) of King Uzziah of Judah. She was the daughter of Zadok. Her
married the high priest Jehoiada. His brother was Ahaziah. Hebrew: Dove. Eldest of Job's three daughters, reputedly the son Jotham succeeded to the throne at the age of twenty-five.
She saved the infant Joash, rightful future king of Israel, from most beautiful women of the land. Her sisters were Keziah Variants: Jerushah . [2 Kings 15:33]
the murderous purges of Athaliah. Variants: Jehoshabeath. and Keren-Happuch. Variants: Jem, Jemimah, Jemma, Jeshaiah jesh-shay-ar (modern male and female)
[2 Kings 11:2] Someone's Counted Them Jona, Jonati, Jonina, Mima, Yemima. [Job 42:14] Hebrew: God saves, spared. Son of Hananiah and a
Jemuel jem-mu-el (modern male and female) grandson of Zerubbabel. His brother was Pelatiah. His son
The Old Testament of the Protestant Bible (Revised Standard Hebrew: Day of God. The eldest son of Simeon and grandson was Rephaiah. Others with this name: (i) One of the musical
Version) is composed of thirty-nine books consisting of a total of Jacob. His brothers were Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar and sons of Jeduthun. His brothers were Gedaliah, Zeri, Shimei,
of nine hundred and twenty-nine chapters. The number of Shaul. Hashabiah and Mattithiah. (ii) Two captives who returned
separate verses (yes, some inexhaustible person has actually Variants: Nemuel. [Genesis 46:10] from Babylon. (iii) Father of Ithiel. Variants: Jesaiah. [1
counted them) comes to 23,214. In the New Testament, the Jerah jer-ra (modern male and female) Chronicles 3:21] Jeshua hesh-u-ar (modern male and
number of chapters is two hundred and sixty, and the number Hebrew: Moon. Son of Joktan and a descendant of Noah female)
of verses is 7,959. The Old Testament of the Catholic Bible through Shem. His brothers were Almodad, Sheleph, Hebrew: God is my salvation. A variation of the name
(Douai-Confraternity Versions) contains certain additional Hazarmaveth, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Joshua . A priestly official. Others with this name: (i) One of
works - known as the Apocrypha - that make it somewhat Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. Also the name of a tribe. [Genesis the high priests who returned from the Babylonian captivity
longer. 10:26] Jerahmeel jer-ra-meel (male) with Zerubbabel, and the name of family who did likewise. (ii)
Hebrew: God's mercy, may God have compassion. Eldest son A Levite official in the time of Hezekiah. (iii) Levite leader and
Jehovah jeho-var (male) of Hezron. His brothers were Ram and Chelubai. His sons teacher of Nehemiah's time. Variants: Joshua. [1 Chronicles
Hebrew: He that is. Other interpretations: I am, I am present, were Ram, Bunah, Onam, Oren, Ozam and Ahijah. His wife 24:11]
He brings into existence. The English form of the supposed was Atarah. Others with this name: (i) Son of Kish. (ii) A Jesiah jes-si-ar (modern male and female)
ancient Hebrew name for God. The actual name used by the prince under Jehoiakim who went with Seraiah and Hebrew: God exists. Other interpretations: Loaned. A warrior
Jews has been lost. All that is known is that four consonants, Shelemiah to arrest the prophet Jeremiah. [1 Chronicles 2:9] who joined forces with David at Ziklag. Variants: Jeshaiah,
YHWH, appear in the ancient manuscripts as a representation Jered jer-red (male) Isshiah, Izziah. [1 Chronicles 12:6]
of the word once used. The word Jehovah arose by imitating Hebrew: Descent. A son of Mered by his Jewish wife. Jesimiel jes-si-mee-el (male)
the long standing Jewish custom of inserting the vowels of the Forefather of the inhabitants of Gedor. Variants: Jared. [1 Hebrew: Established, God has provided, founded. A prince of
Hebrew words adhonai (my lord) or elohim (god) between the Chronicles 4:18] Jeremiah jer-ra-mi-ar (male) the Simeonites. [1 Chronicles 4:36]
letters of YHWH. By this means the anglicized form Jehovah Hebrew: God has established. Other interpretations: God is e Jesse jes-see (modern male and female)
(YeHoWaH) was invented in medieval times - doubtless to xalted, glorified. Father of Hamutal, mother of King Jehoahaz Hebrew: Strong. Other interpretations: Wealthy, riches, a gift.
create an enunciable word. To avoid perpetuating this error of of Judah. Others with this name: (i) Three warriors who joined The son of Obed and a grandson of Boaz and Ruth. Father of
convenience, some Bibles prefer LORD, printed thus, forces with David at Ziklag. (ii) A son of Hilkiah of the priestly David, the famous warrior and king who welded the twelve
wherever the letters YHWH appear. Other scholars claim that family of Anathoth. Second of the great prophets. He tribes into a single kingdom. His other sons were Eliab,
Yahweh is a more accurate form of the name. Biblical names prophesied during the reigns of Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Abinadab, Shimea, Nethanel, Raddai and Ozem. His
containing the anglicized syllables jeho, jah, jeh, and the like, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah - a turbulent period which ended with daughters were Abigail and Zeruiah. Jesse lived in Bethlehem
come from the same process of vowel insertion as Jehovah. the destruction of Jerusalem. and was probably a clan chief. Variants: Jess. Female forms
Variants: Jahweh, Yahweh. [Exodus 3:15] include Jessie, Jessica. [Ruth 4:22] Jesus jee-zuz (male)
The twenty-fourth book of the Old Testament bears his name
Jeiel jay-el (modern male and female) Greek: Saviour. Other interpretations: God is my salvation.
and records his life and words. According to tradition, he is
Hebrew: God has gathered. Other interpretations: God's Greek form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua or Jehoshua,
also the author of the twenty-fifth book, Lamentations .
treasure. A clan chief of the Reubenites. Others with this more commonly known as Joshua. The title Christ , often
Jeremiah taught that the individual is responsible for his
name: (i) One of David's elite warriors, the son of Hotham. (ii) affixed, is from the Greek Christos and means anointed .
personal relationship with God. He died in Egypt. (iii) Son of
A gatekeeper and temple harpist of David's era. (iii) A scribe Jesus the Christ was the Savior and King promised in the
Habazziniah. Variants: Jeremias, Jeremy. [2 Kings 23:31]
under King Uzziah. (iv) A Levite clan chief under King Josiah. Hebrew scriptures. He was the only human child directly
Jeriah jer-ri-ar (modern male and female)
(v) Father of Gibeon. His wife was Maacah. (vi) A son of begotten by God. His mother was the Virgin Mary; His earthly
Hebrew: God sees. Other interpretations: Established,
Asaph. (vii) A Jew who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra. stepfather was a carpenter known as Joseph. Both parents
founded. Chief of the house of Hebron. [1 Chronicles 23:19]
Variants: Jehiel. [1 Chronicles 5:7] were descendants of King David. Jesus was born in
Jeribai jer-ree-bay (modern male and female)
Jekamiah jek-ka-mi-ar (male) Bethlehem around 5 BC He grew up in the village of
Nazareth. Besides the circumstances of His birth, little is warrior, the son of Azmaveth, who joined with David's forces good fortune was restored and his faith justified - so we have
known of His life until the age of thirty. Jesus then began His at Ziklag. [1 Chronicles 12:3] the expression, the patience of Job. Variants: Jashub, Iob.
mission of teaching, which lasted for three years and Jezreel jez-ree-el (modern male and female) [Job 1:1]
climaxed in His crucifixion by the Romans in AD 30. The Hebrew: God has planted, seed of God. A son of Etam. His Joda jo-da (male)
gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John recorded His story brothers were Ishma and Idbash. His sister was Hazzelelponi. Hebrew: Praise. An ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants: Juda ,
and spiritual message. Western propriety tends to inhibit the Others with this name: The son of the prophet Hosea by the Judah. [Luke 3:26]
use of the name Jesus as a personal name. In view of this unfaithful Gomer. [1 Chronicles 4:3] Joed jo-ed (male)
squeamishness, it is ironic that Joshua is quite acceptable - Joab jo-ab (male) Hebrew: God is witness, God knows. Son of Pedaiah, a
and even popular - as a personal name. Others with this Hebrew: God is the father. A warrior and commander who descendant of Benjamin through Jeshaiah. [Nehemiah 11:7]
name: A friend of Paul, mentioned by him in his letter to the served under David. He was the son of Zeruiah, David's half- Joel jole (as in hole ) (modern male and female)
Colossians. This man was also known as Justus. [Matthew sister. He was an ambitious and often contradictory character. Hebrew: The Lord is his God. Eldest son of Samuel, the
1:1. Joshua is more ancient, dating to the Book of Exodus.] At times he seemed a thoroughly dedicated servant of David, prophet and judge of Israel. Samuel Joel appointed and his
Jether jeth-thur (male) yet he was also capable of bloodthirsty opportunism. He killed brother Abijah as judges, but they proved unworthy of high
Hebrew: Who excels, shining forth. Other interpretations: both Abner and Amasa, in less than honorable office. Thus Saul was anointed to the kingship by Samuel. (1
Abundance, excellence. Eldest son of the celebrated warrior circumstances, for which David on his deathbed belatedly Chronicles says that Samuel's eldest son was Vashni . The
Gideon. He was ordered by his father to kill the captives ordered his arrest. Finally Solomon, David's successor, had matter is unresolved.) Others with this name: (i) A minor
Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian. Because of his youth him executed. [2 Samuel 2:13] Joah jo-ar (male) prophet, the son of Pethuel. Author of the twenty-ninth book
he was apparently unwilling to do so. Perhaps he wasn't Hebrew: God is his brother. Son of Asaph. The official court of the Old Testament, which bears his name. Nothing is
prepared to slaughter defenseless captives. Others with this recorder of King Hezekiah. He was one of three envoys sent known of his personal life. (ii) A prince of the Simeonites. (iii)
name: (i) Father of Amasa, the military commander of the by Hezekiah on a mission to the Assyrians. Others with this Four tribal chiefs or leaders. (iv) An ancestor of Samuel. (v)
rebel Absalom. (ii) A son of Jada. His brother was Jonathan. name: (i) Son of Zimmah. (ii) Son of Obed-Edom. (iii) Son of One of David's elite warriors. (vi) An official under David. (vii)
(iii) A son of Ezrah. (iv) Father of Jephunneh, Pispa and Ara. Joahaz, and also a court recorder, in this case, under King Two obscure Levites. (viii) A Jew with a foreign wife in the
Variants: Jethro. [Judges 8:20] I Name Thee Jethro... Josiah. [2 Kings 18:18] days of Ezra. Variants: Female forms include Joella, Joelle.
Jethro Tull, an English farmer, played a leading role in the Joanna jo-ann-na (female) [1 Samuel 8:2]
Agricultural Revolution. He was a daring innovator. His Greek: God-given. The wife of Cuza, a steward under Herod. Joelah jole-lar (as in hole ) (male)
inventions included the soil cultivator and the seed drill, both She was one of the leaders of a group of women, including Hebrew: Let him help , God helped. One who joined forces
of which improved crop production vastly. Mary Magdalene, who were healed by Jesus Christ. This with David at Ziklag. He was the son of Jeroham of Gedor. [1
Jethro jeth-ro (male) group supported, spiritually and materially, the ministry of Chronicles 12:7]
Hebrew: Excellence. Other interpretations: Riches, plenty. A Jesus. She was present at the tomb of Jesus when it was Johanan jo-hay-nan (male)
priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses. Jethro was more discovered that His body was missing. With others, she told Hebrew: God has been gracious, mercy of God. A captain of
of a title than a name. His personal name was probably the good news of Christ's resurrection to the disciples, who Judah. Son of Kareah. Against the advice of Jeremiah, he led
Reuel, which means friend of God. Moses drove off disbelieved it. Variants: Giovanna, Hanne, Ivanna, Jane, an escape into Egypt, fleeing the overlordship of
shepherds who tried to stop the seven daughters of Jethro Janis, Janna, Jean, Joanan, Joanne, Johan, Johanna, Joni, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Others with this name: (i) Eldest
from watering their flocks; for this Moses was welcomed in the Jovanna, Juanita, Nita, Zaneta. [Luke 8:3] son of King Josiah. (ii) Son of Elioenai, a descendant of
house of Jethro. He employed Moses for forty years as a Joash jo-ash (male) Solomon. (iii) Father of Azariah, a priest under Solomon. (iv)
shepherd and gave him his daughter Zipporah in marriage. Hebrew: Given by God, God provides. A popular name Two warriors who joined with David at Ziklag. (v) Sons of
Variants: Jeth, Jether, Jett. [Exodus 3:1] Jezebel jez-za-bel among the royalty of Judah and Israel. The first was a son of Hakkatan, Tobiah and Eliashib. (vi) An Ephraimite chief. (vii)
(female) King Ahab of Israel, ordered by his father to imprison the A high priest, the grandson of Eliashib.
Hebrew: Unexalted. Other interpretations: Chaste, unmarried. prophet Micaiah and feed him "with scant fare of bread and Variants: Jehohanan. See also John.[2 Kings 25:23] John
The daughter of King Ethbaal of Zidon. Her husband was the water." Others with this name: (i) Son of King Ahaziah and jon (male)
greedy King Ahab of Israel. She worshiped the pagan god successor to the throne of Judah. He reigned for forty years Hebrew: God has been gracious, kind, merciful. Other
Baal and tried to impose this religion on the people of Israel. with mixed results. His mother was Zibiah; His son, Amaziah. interpretations: Gift of God. A form of Johanan , itself a
Jezebel killed every prophet of God she could find. His (ii) Son of Beker and a grandson of Benjamin. (iii) Son of contracted form of Jehohanan. John the Baptist, son of the
archenemies were Elijah, who was equally murderous in his Shelah in the line of Judah. (iv) Father of Gideon, the great elderly couple Zachariah and Elizabeth, and older cousin of
dealings with the false prophets of Baal, and Jehu, the rebel warrior. (v) The overseer of David's oil stores. (vi) One of Jesus Christ. It was divinely promised that John would be the
warrior who destroyed the royal house of Ahab and usurped David's mighty warriors. (vii) A son of King Jehoahaz who herald of the Messiah. He preached in the wilderness and
the throne. She met an unsavory end: she was defenestrated also assumed the throne of Israel. He reigned for sixteen baptized people in the Jordan River. He is compellingly
by her eunuchs, run over by Jehu in his chariot, and then years. His son was Jeroboam II. Variants: Jehoash. [1 Kings depicted in the Bible as a strange and passionate character.
eaten by dogs. Others with this name: An obscure prophetess 22:26] His was "The voice of one crying in the wilderness." John
mentioned in the Book of Revelation . [1 Kings 16:31] Job jobe (as in robe ) (male) wore a rough coat of camel skin, bound up with a broad
Jeziah jez-zi-ar (modern male and female) Hebrew: Persecuted, oppressed. The foremost character, and leather belt, and ate locusts and wild honey. He baptized
Hebrew: God unites. Other interpretations: Sprinkled. One disputed author, of the poetic eighteenth book of the Old Jesus, at which point the active ministry of the Christ began.
who was persuaded by Ezra to divorce his foreign wife. Testament, the Book of Job . He is described as a wealthy John was imprisoned because he denounced the incestuous
Variants: Jesiah, Izziah. [Ezra 10:25] man from the land of Uz, "blameless and upright... who union of Herod and Herodias. Driven by spite, Herodias
Jeziel jez-zi-el (modern male and female) feared God and turned away from evil." Many calamities befell sought and obtained his death. Others with this name: (i)
Hebrew: Assembly of God. Other interpretations: Sprinkled. A Job, but he did not abandon his trust in God. Eventually his John the Evangelist, an apostle, son of Zebedee and brother
of James. His mother may have been Salome, in which case Hebrew: God teaches. To Gadite chief. [1 Chronicles 5:13] Joses, Jozef, Pepe, Yosef, Yosel, Yoseph, Yosi, Yussuf.
this John was also a cousin of Jesus. John and James were Jehoram ho-rum (male) [Genesis 30:24]
disciples of John the Baptist, but became disciples of Jesus Hebrew: God is exalted, glorified , God-exalted. Son of King Joshah josh-sha (male)
after the Baptist called him "the Lamb of God." He became Tou of Hamath, sent by his father to greet and congratulate Hebrew: Gift of God. Other interpretations: Dwelling, home. A
noted for the strength of his faith and his closeness to Jesus. David on the defeat of their mutual enemy, Hadadezer. clan chief descended from Simeon. [1 Chronicles 4:34]
John is traditionally credited as the author of the fourth Others with this name: (i) Second son of the villainous Ahab Joshaviah josh-sha-vi-ar (male)
Gospel, the Revelation , and three letters. (ii) The father of and Jezebel, he succeeded his brother Ahaziah on the throne Hebrew: Dwelling. One of the David's warriors, the son of
Simon Peter. (iii) A kinsman of Annas the high priest. of Israel and reigned for twelve years. While not as corrupt as Elnaam. [1 Chronicles 11:46]
Variants: Evan, Ewan, Geno, Gian, Giovanni, Haines, his parents, he did allow false idolatry. He was killed and Joshibiah josh-shy-bi-ar (male)
Hanan, Hans, Ian, Ian, Ivan, Jack, Jakon, Jan, Janes, Janos, succeeded by the rebel usurper, Jehu. (ii) Son of King Hebrew: Dwelling. A chief among the Simeonites. His son
Jean, Jenkin, Jenner, Jens, Joannes, Jock, Johan, Johannes, Jehoshaphat. He succeeded to the throne of Judah and ruled was Jehu; his father was Seraiah. Variants: Josibiah. [1
Jon, Jonas, Jone, Juan, Owen, Sean, Shaun, Shawn, Yan, for eight disastrous years. He murdered his own brothers. His Chronicles 4:35]
Yancy, Yanni, Yohanan, Yves, Zan, Zane. [Matthew 3:1] wife was the wicked Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. Joshua josh-u-ar (male)
John Mark - see Mark He worshiped false idols and died horribly, "smote in the Hebrew: Savior, salvation, God is my salvation. A son of Nun.
Joiada joy-ar-da (modern male and female) bowels with an incurable disease." (iii) A priest in the time of He was a great military commander and a prominent assistant
Hebrew: God knows, understands. Other interpretations: King Jehoshaphat. Variants: Jehoram, Hadoram. [2 Samuel of Moses, who succeeded as leader of the Israelites. Joshua
Favorite. One who assisted in rebuilding the ruined wall of 8:10] Jorim ho-rim (male) was a divinely-inspired warrior: the walls of Jericho fell down
Jerusalem. The son of Paseah. Others with this name: A son Greek, from Hebrew: Exalted, glorified or perhaps God- at the blast of his trumpets. At Beth Horan, the sun stood still
of Eliashib. He was expelled from the priesthood. [Nehemiah exalted. The son of Matthat, an ancestor of Jesus Christ. in its course, allowing him enough daylight to win an important
3:6] Jonah jo-nar (male) [Luke 3:29] Jose ho-say, ho-say (modern male and female) battle. He divided the Promised Land among the Twelve
Hebrew: Dove. Son of Amittai. Author of the brief thirty- Greek, from Hebrew: Meaning unknown. They are of Eliezer, Tribes and persuaded them to reject the ungodly worship of
second book of the Old Testament, which bears his name. an ancestor of Jesus Christ. In some translations it is given as idols. The Bible says that, "he left nothing undone of all that
Jonah was a reluctant prophet to whom godliness did not Joshua. [Luke 3:29] the LORD commanded Moses." He died at the age of one
come easily. He was thrown from a ship into the sea and Joseph jo-seff (male) hundred and ten years. The Book of Joshua, sixth of the Old
swallowed by a great fish (not necessarily a whale). He Hebrew: Increase, may God multiply. First son of Jacob by Testament, tells his story. Others with this name: (i) A
prayed in his belly for three days and nights and was Rachel (but the eleventh of Jacob), and a grandson of Isaac. governor of Jerusalem. (ii) Joshua of Beth-Shemesh, in
regurgitated unharmed. The name is sometimes associated Rachel said at her birth, "May God add to me another son" ; whose field the Ark of God rested a short while. Variants:
with bad luck, especially by sailors. Variants: Jonas, Yona, thus the meaning of his name. His brother was Benjamin. His Hosea, Hoshayah, Hoshea, Jehoshua, Jesus, Josh, Josua,
Yonah. [2 Kings 14:25] ten half-brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Joshua, Mosha, Oshea, Yehoshua. [Exodus 17:9]
Jonam jo-nam (male) Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. His half- Josiah jo-si-ar, ho-si-ar (male)
Greek from Hebrew: God is gracious, merciful. They are of sister was Dinah. He was one of the founders of the Twelve Hebrew: God-healed. Other interpretations: God supports
Eliakim, an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants: Jonan. [Luke Tribes of Israel. Jacob gave him a coat of many colors as a him, God protects. Son of King Amon of Judah and his wife
3:30] Jonas jo-nas (male) mark of favor. Stung by jealousy, his brothers sold him to Jedidah. A grandson of Hezekiah. He inherited the throne at
Greek from Hebrew: Dove. Greek form of the name Jonah. slaves. He was taken to Egypt where he rose to high office the age of eight years and matured into a capable, godly and
The father of Simon Peter. Variants: Jona, Jonah. [Matthew under the Pharoah. Joseph married an Egyptian and had two righteous ruler. He stamped out idolatry and restored the
12:39] Jonathan jon-nath-thun (male) sons by her, Manasseh and Ephraim - also tribal forefathers. temple in Jerusalem. During this restoration the lost Book of
Hebrew: God has given. A descendant of Moses through He forgave his brothers for their crimes against him, and with the Law, "given through Moses", was rediscovered. He
Gershom. He became a priest of the Ephraimites, and later, Jacob, they settled in Egypt. Joseph emerges as one of the vigorously reasserted its cardinal role in Jewish life. Josiah
of the Danites. Others with this name: (i) One of the most Old Testament's most attractive characters: generous, wise, died at the battle of Esdraelon, aged only thirty-nine. All
noble of all Old Testament characters, the eldest son of King forgiving and faithful. Others with this name: (i) Father of Igal, Judah mourned. Others with this name: The son of
Saul. He was a great army commander and won an important one of the twelve spies sent to survey the land of Canaan. (ii) Zephaniah. Variants: Josh, Josias. [2 Kings 21:26]
victory over the Ammonites. He was unflinchingly loyal to his A musician in David's time, a son of Asaph. (iii) A Jew who Josiphiah jos-sif-fire (male)
often treacherous father, yet remained a faithful friend to had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra, a son of Bani. (iv) Three Hebrew: God will increase. Father of Shelomith and common
David, and would not join in Saul's persecution of him. Nor ancestors of Jesus Christ. (v) A priest under Joiakim. (vi) ancestor of one hundred and sixty Jews returned from the
was he anxious that David might inherit the throne in his Husband of Mary, mother of Jesus, and stepfather to the Babylonian captivity. [Ezra 8:10]
place. He was eventually killed in battle against the divine child. A carpenter of Nazareth and a descendant of Jotham joth-tham (male)
Philistines. (ii) Son of Abiathar, the high priest. He helped David. He was either the son of Heli or Jacob; the Gospels Hebrew: God is perfect , God is upright. Youngest son of the
David during the rebellion of Absalom. (iii) Two scribes, one disagree. (vii) A brother of Jesus. (viii) Joseph of the town extravagantly fertile Gideon. His brother was the psychopathic
an uncle of David; the other, a son of Kareah. (iv) Son of called Arimathea. A wealthy Jew and a secret disciple of Abimelech, who sought to retain the throne of Judah by
Shimeah and a nephew of David. (v) One of David's mighty Jesus. He sought permission to remove the body of Christ murdering seventy of his brothers. The only survivor of this
warriors. (vi) One of David's treasurers, the son of Uzziah. from the cross and laid it in his own tomb. (ix) Son of Sabas. purge was Jotham. Later he told the first biblical parable,
(vii) Son of Jada. (viii) Father of Ebed. (ix) Two priests, one An early Christian disciple, he was later considered as a recorded in the Book of Judges, of the bramble and the trees.
the son of Joiada. (for potential apostolic replacement for the traitorous Judas Others with this name: (i) Son and successor of King Uzziah
Levite descended from Asaph. (xi) One who challenged Ezra, Iscariot. (x) First name of Barnabas, an early Christian. on the throne of Judah. A contemporary of the great prophet
a son of Asahel. Variants: Jon, Yonatan. [Judges 18:30] Variants: Beppo, Che, Guiseppe, Iosep, Iosif, Jaska, Jo, Isaiah. He was an effective and righteous ruler. (ii) Son of
Jorai jo-ray (modern male and female) Joce, Jody, Joe, Joey, Jose, Josephus, Jahdai, a descendant of Caleb. [Judges 9:5]
Jozacar joz-za-car (male) (imperial unit) in whose charge Paul was placed for the Hebrew: Small, petite. An assistant of the great priest, Ezra.
Hebrew: Remembered. Son of Shimeath. He participated in journey to Rome. Variants: Kelaiah. [Ezra 10:23]
the murder of his master, the wicked King Joash, and was Later he saved Paul's life and made his escape from custody Kemuel kem-u-el (male)
later killed by Joash's son and successor, Amaziah. Variants: possible. [Acts 27:1] Hebrew: Helper. Son of Nahor by his wife Milcah. His brothers
Jozachar, Zabad. [2 Kings 12:21] Jupiter jew-pit-ter (male) were Uz, Buz, Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph and Bethuel.
Jubal jew-bal (male) Latin: Father of heaven, heaven father. King of the pagan His son was Aram. He also had three half-brothers, Tebah,
Hebrew: Music. Second son of Lamech by his wife Adah. He gods in Roman and Hellenic mythology, known to the Greeks Gaham and Tahash, a half-sister, Maacah. He was uncle to
was the world's first musician. He became the father of all as Zeus. Paul's companion, Barnabas, was mistaken for Laban and Rebekah. Others with this name: (i) A chief of the
those who played the lyre (a small harp) and the pipe, Jupiter by the people of Lystra. Variants: Young. [Acts 14:12] Ephraimites who assisted Moses in the division of Canaan. (ii)
instruments of his invention. His brother was Jabal. [Genesis Justus just-tus (male) Father of Hashabiah. [Genesis 22:21]
4:21] Greek: Just. A name or surname of Joseph Barsabbas, an Kenan key-nan (male)
Judah jew-dar (male) early Christian who was considered as a replacement for Hebrew: Possessor, owner. Eldest son of Enosh and a great
Hebrew: Praised. Fourth son of Jacob and Leah, and a Judas Iscariot, the dead traitor. Others with this name: (i) A grandson of Adam. Father of Mahalalel. He lived to the age of
grandson of Isaac. His brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, friend of Paul. See Titius . (ii) Another early Christian, this one nine hundred and ten years. Others with this name: The son
Issachar and Zebulun. His sister was Dinah. He also had half- of Rome, whose first name was Jesus. Variants: Justinian, of Arphaxad. Variants: Cainan. [Genesis 5:9] Kenani key-
brothers: Joseph, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. Justino, Justis, Jute. [Acts 1:23] nan-ni (male)
He persuaded his jealous brothers to sell Joseph into slavery ~K~ Hebrew: Made by God.A Levite leader and teacher who
rather than kill him. Judah was one of the founders of the Kadmiel kad-mee-el (modern male and female) "created with a loud voice to the LORD." Variants: Chenani.
Twelve Tribes of Israel: in fact the tribe of Judah became the Hebrew: God is in front. Other interpretations: Before God, [Nehemiah 9:4]
largest. He was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Others with this God is ancient. The head of a family returned from the Kenaniah key-nan-ni-ar (male)
name: (i) Five relatively obscure Jews mentioned in Ezra and Babylonian captivity. He assisted in rebuilding the temple and Hebrew: Made by God. A leading Levite official under King
Nehemiah share the name - one of them may have been a was among those who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. David. Others with this name: Another officer who served
tribal prince. (ii) Son of Joseph and father of Simeon in the [Ezra 2:40] Kallai kal-lay (modern male and female) David; perhaps the same person as above. Variants:
family line of Jesus. [Genesis 29:35] Hebrew: Runner, swift. A high priest under Joiakim. Chenaniah. [1 Chronicles 15:22]
Judas jew-das (male) [Nehemiah 12:20] Kenaz key-naz (male)
Greek, from Hebrew: Praised. The Greek form of the very Kareah kar-ree-ar (modern male and female) Hebrew: Hunting. An Edomite chief. Son of Eliphaz and
respectable Hebrew name Judah. Because of his Hebrew: Bald. Father of Jonathan and Johanan. Variants: grandson of Esau. His brothers were Teman, Omar, Zepho
disreputable bearer, Judas Iscariot, the name has acquired an Careah. [2 Kings 25:23] and Gatam; his half-brother was Amalek. Others with this
indelible taint. To call someone Judas is a grave insult, the Kedar key-dar (male) name: (i) Father of Othniel. (ii) Son of Elah and grandson of
equivalent of traitor. Judas Iscariot was the disciple who Hebrew: Dark. Other interpretations: Mighty. Second son of Caleb. [Genesis 36:11] Keran ker-ran (modern male and
betrayed Jesus Christ into the hands of the vengeful Jews for Ishmael and a grandson of Abraham. His mother was Hagar. female)
thirty pieces of silver. Consumed with remorse (which may He was one of twelve Arabian princes promised by God. His Hebrew: Excellent. Other interpretations: Harp, lyre. Son of
suggest he had some redeeming virtue), Judas committed brothers were Nebaioth, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Dishon and a great-grandson of Zibeon the Horite. His
suicide. Others with this name: (i) A brother of Jesus. He was Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah. His brothers were Hemdan, Eshban and Ithran. Variants:
also known as Jude, author of the biblical Letter which bears sister was Mahalath, a wife of Esau. [Genesis 25:13] Cheran. [Genesis 36:26]
his name. (ii) Another of the disciples of Jesus Christ, known Holy Secrets Keren ker-ren (female)
as Judas the son (or brother) of James. (iii) An apostate from Hebrew: Horn of beauty, beautifier. Third of the three
Galilee who perished. (iv) A guest-house owner with whom Certain ancient books and letters have been excluded from daughters of Job, reputedly the most beautiful women of the
Paul stayed in Damascus. (v) An early Christian leader, his some versions of the Bible. These works are known as the land. Her sisters were Jemima and Keziah. Variants: Keren-
surname was Barsabbas. Acts 15 calls Judas and Silas Apocrypha , a Greek word meaning hidden, "because they Happuch [Job 42:14] Keros ker-ros (male)
"prophets." Variants: Juda, Judah, Judd, Jude, Judson, were wont to read not openly...". They include Book of Judith, Hebrew: Bending, winding. A temple servant whose
Yehudah. [Matthew 10:4] Book of Baruch, Book of Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Bel and the descendants returned from captivity in Babylon. [Ezra 2:44]
Judith jew-dith (female) Dragon. Keturah ket-tor-ra (female)
Hebrew: Praise. Other interpretations: Judean, Jew. Feminine Hebrew: Incense. Second wife of Abraham, married to him
form of Judah. The first wife of Esau. Judith was the daughter Kedemah key-dee-mar (male) after the death of Sarah. She is also described as Abraham's
of Beeri the Hittite. Others with this name: In the Apocrypha, Hebrew: To the East. Youngest son of Ishmael and a concubine. His sons were Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian,
there is the Book of Judith . It tells the story of Judith, a grandson of Abraham. He was one of twelve Arabian princes Ishbak and Shuah, all founders of Arabian tribes. [Genesis
women who saves Bethulia by killing the enemy general, promised by God. His brothers were Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, 25:1] Keziah kez-zi-ar (female)
Holofernes. Variants: Jodette, Jodi, Jody, Jude, Judi, Judy. Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur and Hebrew: Cassia (a type of tree with an aromatic bark related
[Genesis 26:34] Julia jewl-lee-ar (female) Naphish. His sister was Mahalath, a wife of Esau. [Genesis to cinnamon). Second of the three daughters of Job, reputedly
Greek: Soft-haired. The feminine form of the name Julius. 25:15] the most beautiful women of the land. Her sisters were
Julia was an early Christian in Rome. Philologus may have Keilah key-i-lar (modern male and female) Jemima and Keren-Happuch. Variants: Kezia. [Job 42:14]
been her husband. Variants: Gill, Gillian, Jill, Juliana, Julie, Hebrew: Citadel, stronghold. Son of Jephunneh, a Kish kish (modern male and female)
Julienne, Juliet. [Romans 16:15] descendant of Hebrew: Bow. Other interpretations: Strength. Father of Saul,
Julius jewl-lee-us (male) Caleb. [1 Chronicles 4:19] the first king of Israel. Son of Abiel. Others with this name: (i)
Greek: Soft-haired. A centurion of the Augustan Cohort Kelita kel-lee-tar (modern male and female) Third son of Jeiel and his wife Maacah. His brothers were
Abdon, Zur, Baal, Nadab, Gedor, Ahio, Zecher and Mikloth. Methuselah and a descendant of Seth. Father of Noah. Lois lo-iss (as in miss ) (female)
(ii) A son of Mahli. (iii) A temple official under Hezekiah. (iv) Lamech said of his son, "Out of the ground which the LORD Greek: Pleasing, good, worthy. Grandmother of Timothy, the
Great-grandfather of Mordecai. Variants: Cis. [1 Samuel has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and young man who became the friend and devoted spiritual
10:21] from the toil of our hands." Lamech lived for seven hundred companion of Paul. Lois was praised by Paul for her earnest
Kishi kish-shy (modern male and female) and seventy-seven years. [Genesis 4:18] faith, which she had transmitted to both Timothy and his
Hebrew: Bow. Other interpretations: Strength. Son of Abdi Lazarus laz-zar-rus (male) mother Eunice. [2 Timothy 1:5]
and father of Ethan. Variants: Kushaiah. [1 Chronicles 6:44] Greek, from Hebrew: God has helped, help of God. Other Lot lot (male)
Kislon kiz-lon (modern male and female) interpretations: Pauper, leper. Greek form of the Hebrew Hebrew: Veil, covering. Son of Haran and a nephew of
Hebrew: Hope. Father of Elidad, who became a prince of the name Eleazar. He was the hungry, sickly beggar who lay at Abraham. Lot lived at first with Abraham but moved later to
Benjamites in the days of Moses. Variants: Chislon. the gates of a wealthy man who was indifferent to his distress. the wicked city of Sodom. Abraham learned of God's plan to
[Numbers 34:21] Lazarus "was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom." destroy Sodom and pleaded for Lot's life. Because Lot was
Kolaiah kol-lay-ar (modern male and female) Others with this name: Lazarus of Bethany, the brother of righteous, God sent angels to warn him of the coming
Hebrew: Voice of God. Son of Maaseiah and father of Mary and Martha. He had been dead four days when Jesus holocaust. He fled with his wife and two daughters. His wife
Pedaiah, descendants of Benjamin. Others with this name: resurrected him. In a striking demonstration of divine was turned into a pillar of salt during the destruction. He later
Father of the false prophet Ahab. [Nehemiah 11:7] authority, Jesus commanded at the tomb: "Lazarus, come lived in a cave with his daughters who, according to Genesis
Korah kor-ra (male) out!" Variants: Lazar, Lazaro, Lazer, Lazlo. [Luke 16:20] 19, got him drunk and raped him twice, by which he
Hebrew: Bald. A son of Esau and Oholibamah. He became an Leah lear (female) unwittingly fathered Moab and Ben-Ammi. Variant: Lotan.
Edomite chief. Others with this name: (i) A grandson of Esau. Hebrew: Weary (this meaning is uncertain) Eldest daughter of [Genesis 11:27]
(ii) A son of Izhar. With Dathan and Abiram, he rebelled Laban and first wife of Jacob, although Jacob was tricked into Lotan lo-tan (male)
against Moses, for whom the earth swallowed him and his this marriage. Jacob's true romantic interest lay with his older Hebrew: Hidden , wrapped up, enfolded. A son of Seir and a
fellow dissidents. His descendants were the Korahites, sister Rachel, who became his second wife. Rachel resented chief of the Horites. He had two sons: Hori and Heman. His
musicians and doorkeepers of the temple. (iii) A descendant Leah. Because of this God blessed Leah with seven children brothers were Shobal, Zibeon, Ezer and Dishan. His sister
of Caleb. [Genesis 36:5] but kept Rachel childless for a long time. Leah's sons by was Timna, who became Eliphaz's concubine. Variants: Lot.
Kore kor-ree (modern male and female) Jacob were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and [Genesis 36:20] Lucifer lew-sif-fer (male)
Hebrew: Quail, small bird. Son of Ebiasaph and grandson of Zebulun. She also had a daughter Dinah. When she could no Hebrew: Giver of light, star of the day, morning star. A
Korah the rebel. His son Shallum was a chief gatekeeper of longer bear children herself, she gave her maid Zilpah as a symbolic name for the king of Babylon, or more generally,
the temple. Others with this name: Son of Imnah. He served concubine to Jacob; by this means two more sons, Gad and oppressors and evildoers. In popular use, it has become one
as an official under King Hezekiah. [1 Chronicles 9:19] Koz Asher, were born. Variants : Lea, Lee, Leigh. [Genesis 29:16] of the recognized names of Satan. Please don't call your baby
koz (male) Lemuel lem-mu-el (male) this! [Isaiah 14:12] Lucius lew-shus (male)
Hebrew: Nimble, agile. Other interpretations: Thorn. Father of Hebrew: Dedicated to God. A mysterious king described in Greek: Born of the morning, of the dawn, illuminated. An early
Anub, Zobebah "and the families of Aharhel the son of Proverbs who was taught wisdom by his mother. It is possible Christian convert from Cyrene who worked with the church at
Harum" , descendants of Judah. Others with this name: (i) A this was an alternative name of Solomon. Variants: Lem, Antioch. Others with this name: A relative of Paul. He was
priestly descendant of Aaron who returned from captivity in Lemmy. [Proverbs 31:1] with Paul at Corinth when the apostle penned his lengthy
Babylon. (ii) A number of returned captives mentioned in Ezra Levi lee-vi (male) epistle to the Romans. Variants: Lu, Luc, Lucais, Lucas,
and Nehemiah. Variants: Coz, Hakkoz. [1 Chronicles 4:8] Hebrew: United. Third son of Jacob and Leah, and a Luce, Lucian, Luciano, Lucien, Luka, Lukas, Luke. [Acts 13:1]
~L~ grandson of Isaac. Leah hoped that because she had three
Laban la-barn (male) sons by Jacob, they would be indivisible as a couple, for Luke luke (as in duke ) (male)
Hebrew: White. Son of Bethuel and grandson of Nahor and Jacob had been tricked into the marriage. Thus the meaning Greek: Born of the morning, of the dawn, illuminated. The
Milcah. His sister was Rebekah, the wife of Isaac. His of Levi's name. His brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Judah, anglicized form of Lucius. An early Christian convert,
daughters Leah and Rachel married Jacob. The somewhat Issachar and Zebulun. His sister was Dinah. He also had half- physician and evangelist. Author of the third Gospel, which
manipulative Laban deceived, or sought to deceive, Jacob brothers: Joseph, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. bears his name, and of the Acts of the Apostles . Luke may
more than once. [Genesis 24:29] One of the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel; in this have been a Macedonian or a Syrian. It is clear that he was
Lael lay-el (modern male and female) case, the Levites. Others with this name: (i) Two ancestors of well-educated and cultured. He was a friend of Paul, and was
Hebrew: Of God , belonging to God. The father of Eliasaph, a Jesus Christ. (ii) The original name of Matthew, the tax able to consult eyewitnesses to the ministry and person of
clan chief and descendant of Gershon. [Numbers 3:24] collector who became a disciple of Christ. Variants: Lavey, Jesus Christ. He is described by Paul as "beloved" . Tradition
Lahmi lar-mi (male)* Leavitt, Lev, Levic, Lever, Lewi. [Genesis 29:34] Likhi lee-ki says he was martyred in Greece. [Luke] Lydia lyd-dee-ar
Hebrew: Warrior. A brother of the giant Goliath. He was killed (male) (female)
by Elhanan. [1 Chronicles 20:5] Hebrew: Learned. Third son of Shemida and a grandson of Greek: Lydus land. Other interpretations: Woman from Lydia.
Laish lay-ish (modern male and female) Gilead. His brothers were Shechem, Ahian and Aniam. [1 First Christian converted in Europe. Paul met her at Philippi,
Hebrew: Lion. Father of Phalti. [1 Samuel 25:44] Chronicles 7:19] where she lived and worked as a prosperous trader in purple
Lamech la-meck (male) Linus li-nus (male) fabrics from her native city of Thyatira. She opened her home
Hebrew: Powerful, strong. Son of Methushael. His wives were Latin: Flax, net. An early Christian of Rome and a friend of to Paul and his converts. [Acts 16:14]
Adah and Zillah. His sons were Jabal, father of those who Paul. According to some sources, he succeeded the apostle Lysias li-see-us (modern male and female)
lived in tents and kept cattle, Jubal, father of music, and Peter as bishop of Rome, the ecclesiastical office that evolved Greek: Dissolving, thawing. Tribune Claudius Lysias of
Tubal-Cain, a forger of bronze and iron instruments. His into the papacy. Thus he is regarded as the second Pope. [2 Jerusalem, leader of the Roman patrol that rescued Paul from
daughter was Naamah. Others with this name: Son of Timothy 4:21] an angry Jewish mob. [Acts 23:26]
~M~ Variants: Malchijah, Malkijah, Melchiah.[1 Chronicles 6:40] To this Jesus offered the famous reply, "Mary has chosen the
Maasai mar-say (modern male and female) Malchus mal-kus (male) good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Martha
Hebrew: Work of God. The name of a priestly family that Greek: Ruler, kingdom. The servant of the high priest who lost may have been the widow of Simon the leper. Variants:
returned from the Babylonian captivity. [1 Chronicles 9:12] his ear to Peter's sword during the arrest of Jesus Christ at Mardi, Marta, Martelle, Marti, Matty, Merta. [Luke 10:38]
Maaziah mar-zi-ar (male) Gethsemane. [John 18:10]
Hebrew: Comfort of God, consolation. A priestly official, son Malkishua mal-ki-shoo-ar (male) Mary mair-ree (female)
of Eleazar and Ithamar. Others with this name: A priest who, Hebrew: King of help. Third son of King Saul. His brothers Greek, from Hebrew: Rebellion, overthrow. Other
with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant. [1 Chronicles 24:18] were interpretations: Child of our desires, sea of bitterness. The
Magdalene - see Mary Jonathan and Ishvi, and sisters, Merab and Michal. Variants: meaning of this name is disputed. The first and the most
Mahalia mar-harl-lee-ar (female) Malchishua. [1 Samuel 14:49] famous of its bearers was the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus
Hebrew: Praise. Other interpretations: Fever. Eldest daughter Malkiel mal-kee-el (modern male and female) Christ and wife-to-be of Joseph the carpenter. Little is known
of Zelophehad. With her four sisters, Hoglah, Tirzah, Noah Hebrew: God is my king, God's king. Son of Beriah, a of her personal origins. She was reputedly a descendant of
and Milcah, she received permission to inherit their father's descendant of Asher. Variants: Malchiel. [Genesis 46:17] King David. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was a
estate, provided they married within their own tribe. Others Manoah man-no-ar (male) relative. Mary and Joseph lived quietly and humbly in
with this name: Daughter of Hammoleketh and sister of Makir. Hebrew: Rest. Father of Samson, the great warrior and Nazareth. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable at Bethlehem.
Variants: Mahalah, Mahala, Mehalia. [Numbers 26:33] strongman. [Judges 13:2] Of her fate as the mother of Christ, she said, "My soul
Room For Everyone Mara mar-ra (female) magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
Hebrew: Bitter. Widow of Elimelech. Naomi chose this name for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden." She
From information given in the Bible, it may be calculated that for herself because she believed that God had dealt harshly apparently had other sons and daughters as well, including
the cubic capacity of Heaven is thirteen million trillion cubic or bitterly with her. Her original name means the opposite; James the brother of Jesus. Others with this name: (i) Mary of
meters (or in the non-metric style, four hundred and seventy that is, pleasant. Bethany, sister to Lazarus and Martha. She poured a costly
million trillion cubic feet). Variants: Marah. [Ruth 1:20] ointment on the head of Jesus, to the misguided indignation
Mareshah mar-resh-ar (modern male and female) of the disciples. She was criticized by Martha for not attending
Mahalath mar-hala-ath (female) Hebrew: Hill-top. Other interpretations: Possession. Son of to her domestic chores, but Jesus famously defended her
Hebrew: Harp. Daughter of Ishmael and grand-daughter of Caleb and father of Hebron. Others with this name: A distracted contemplation of Him. (ii) Mother of James and
Abraham. She became the third wife of Esau. Others with this grandson of Judah. Variants: Mesha. [1 Chronicles 2:42 ] Joses. Wife of Cleophas. She witnessed the Crucifixion and
name: (i) Grand-daughter of David. She married Rehoboam, I Name Thee Mark... burial of Jesus and was later told by an angel that He had
son and successor of King Solomon. [Genesis 28:9] Mahli risen. (iii) Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus cast seven
mar-li (modern male and female) Mark Twain, American writer and humorist. His books include demons. There is no real evidence to prove that she was a
Hebrew: Fever. Son of Merari and grandson of Levi. His The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom prostitute, as popular myth insists. She became a devoted
brother was Mushi. Others with this name: A son of Mushi. Sawyer and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court . follower of Jesus. She was the first human being to learn of
[Exodus 6:19] Mahlon mar-lon (male) Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Clemens. the Resurrection of Christ. (iv) Mother of Mark, the author of
Hebrew: Fever. Son of Elimelech. Husband of Ruth. [Ruth the fourth Gospel. She gave refuge to Peter in her home.
1:2] Maki mak-ki (male) Mark mark (male) Some claim that the Last Supper was also held there. (v)
Hebrew: Decrease. Father of Geuel, one of the spies sent out Latin: Large hammer. Other interpretations: To shine, of Mars Mary of Rome, an early Christian convert. Variants: Mae,
to survey the Promised Land. Variants: Machi. [Numbers (the pagan Roman god of agriculture and war). Author of the Mair, Mairin, Mamie, Manon, Manya, Mara, Maree, Mari,
13:15] Malachi mal-ak-ki (male) second Gospel. His complete name was John Mark: the Maria, Mariam, Marian, Marice, Marie, Mariel, Mariesa,
Hebrew: Messenger of God, my messenger. Presumably the former was his Jewish name, the latter his Roman. He was an Marietta, Marika, Marion, Mariquita, Marita, Maureen, Maura,
name (or perhaps the title) of the individual whose prophecies early convert of Peter who, say some sources, was his father. May, Mim, Mimi, Minnie, Mira, Miri, Miriam, Mitzi, Moira,
make up the thirty-ninth and last book of the standard Old He was a cousin of Barnabas. His Gospel, putatively written Molly, Moya. [Matthew 1:18]
Testament. Nothing is known of his personal life. [Malachi] in Rome, is believed to summarize the teachings of Peter. Mattaniah mat-tan-ni-ar (male)
Malcam mal-cam (male) Tradition records that after the death of Peter, Mark went to Hebrew: Gift of God. An uncle of King Jehoiachin.
Hebrew: Meaning unknown. A son of Shaharaim by Hodesh. Alexandria and founded the church there. Variants: Marc, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon put him on the throne of Judah in
His brothers were Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Jeuz, Sachia and Marceau, Marcel, Mart, Mercello, Marco, Marcos, Marcus, place of Jehoiachin, and changed his name to Zedekiah.
Mirmah. [1 Chronicles 8:9] Marcy, Marek, Mari, Mario, Marion, Marius, Markos, Mars, Others with this name: (i) A son of Heman, an official
Malchiah mal-ki-ar (modern male and female) Marsh, Martin, Marx, Mertin. [Mark] Marsena mar-seen-na musician of King David. He served under his father as a
Hebrew: King, God is my king. Son of Baaseiah and father of (modern male and female) temple musician. (ii) Two descendants of Asaph. One was a
Ethni in the family lineage of Asaph, a temple singer in the Hebrew: Worthy. One of the seven wise princes of Persia and chief singer in the temple, the other helped Hezekiah to bring
days of David. Others with this name: (i) Great-grandfather of Media who advised King Ahasuerus, the others being about badly needed religious reforms. (iii) An ancestor of
Adaiah, a returned priest. (ii) Two priests, one of David's time Shethar, Admatha, Carshena, Tarshish, Meres and Jehaziel, an ally of King Jehoshaphat. (iv) Four Jews who
and one who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant. (iii) Three Memucan. [Esther 1:14] divorced their foreign wives at the urging of Ezra. (v)
Jews who had foreign wives. (iv) Three men of Jerusalem, Martha mar-tha (female) Grandfather of Hanan, an assistant of Nehemiah. [2 Kings
including a goldsmith, who assisted in the reconstruction of Aramaic: Royal lady, mistress. With her sister Mary and 24:17]
the city's ruined wall. (v) One who helped Ezra in the teaching brother Lazarus, she was a trusted friend of Jesus Christ. As Mattathias mat-ta-thigh-us (male)
of the Law. (vi) Father of Passhur, the jailer of Jeremiah. (vii) hostess to Jesus, she complained that her sister sat listening Greek, from Hebrew: Gift of God. Two of the ancestors of
A son of King Zedekiah. to His teaching rather than helping in the work of the house. Jesus Christ, one the son of Amos, the other, of Semein.
[Luke 3:25] Matthew math-thew (male) Persia and Media who advised King Ahasuerus. [Esther 1:14] Maacah, Michaiah. [1 Kings 22:8] Michael mi-kal (male)
Greek: Gift of God. A shortened form of the Greek Matthias. Mesha mee-sha (modern male and female) Hebrew: Like God, who is like God? Father of Sethur, one of
Son of Alphaeus. He was at first a tax collector ( publican ) for Hebrew: Liberated, free. Other interpretations: Retreat, the spies sent out by Moses to survey the land of Canaan.
the Roman government, known by the name Levi . At the welfare. A king of Moab who paid a heavy annual tribute in Others with this name: (i) Two Gadites, one the son of
single command from Jesus, "Follow me" , Matthew sheep and wool to Israel. He eventually rebelled and was Jeshishai. (ii) Son of Baaseiah, an ancestor of Asaph the
abandoned his job at once and became a disciple. Such defeated in battle by the alliance of Jehoram and singer. (iii) Son of Uzzi of the Issachar. (iv) An obscure
willingness suggests great humility and faith. As a former civil Jehoshaphat. Others with this name: Son of Shaharaim and Benjamite. (v) A prominent warrior who joined forces with
official, Matthew may have served as described to the Hodesh. His brothers were Jobab, Zibia, Malcam, Jeuz, David at Ziklag. (vi) Father of Omri, a mighty warrior under
disciples. His notes on the life and teachings of Jesus formed Sachia and Mirmah. Variants: Mareshah. [2 Kings 3:4] David. (vii) Princely son of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. His
the basis for the influential Gospel of Matthew . His brother brother was King Jehoram. (viii) Father of Zebadiah. (ix) The
was James the Less, also a disciple. Later Matthew went on Meshullam mee-shul-lam (modern male and female) prince of the heavenly host, or the chief archangel, who fights
preaching missions to Syria - and possibly journeyed as far as Hebrew: Content, reconciled, friend. Grandfather of Shaphan, Satan and presides at the Last Judgment of souls.
Ethiopia and Persia. His ultimate fate is uncertain. Variants: a scribe who served under King Josiah. Others with this Variants: Maguel, Micah, Micha, Michal, Michele, Michon,
Mack, Mat, Mateo, Mathern, Mathias, Mati, Matiah, Matias, name: Meshullam was a popular name among the people of Mick, Micky, Miguel, Mihal, Mikas, Mike, Mikhail, Misha,
Matt, Matteus, Matthias, Matti, Matty, Mayo. [Matthew] the Bible. At least twenty persons have it. (i) A son of Miska, Mitch, Mitchell, Mychal. [Numbers 13:13]
Matthias mat-thigh-us (male) Zerubbabel. (ii) A chief of the Gadites. (iii) A chief of the Michal mi-kall (female)
Greek: Gift of God. An early Christian chosen by lot to take Benjamites, and two obscure Benjamites of Jerusalem. (iv) Hebrew: Like God , who is like God? Feminine form of
over the "ministry and apostleship" of the dead traitor Judas Father of Sallu. (v) At least six priests, including two who, with Michael. Younger daughter of King Saul. Her sister was
Iscariot. His rival for the job was Justus. After his Nehemiah, were signers of the covenant. (vi) Three builders Merab. She loved the young warrior David, the object of her
appointment, very little is known of him. Catholic tradition who worked on repairs to the temple and the wall of father's bitter jealousy. Hoping that David would die in the
says that he is buried in Rome under the alter of the Basilica. Jerusalem. (vii) Three companions of Ezra. (viii) A Jew with a attempt, Saul promised Michal to him in marriage if he killed
[Acts 1:23] foreign wife. (ix) A Levite gatekeeper. [2 Kings 22:3] one hundred enemy soldiers of the Philistine nation. David
Melatiah mel-la-ti-ar (modern male and female) Methuselah meth-thoose-sel-lar (male) killed two hundred and married Michal. On one occasion she
Hebrew: Saved. One who helped in the rebuilding of Hebrew: Messenger. Other interpretations: Man of the javelin. helped David escape the murderous rage of her father. But
Jerusalem's walls. [Nehemiah 3:7] Son of Enoch and a grandson of Jared. At one hundred and for all her love, she could not understand David's faith in God.
Melchiah mel-ki-ar (modern male and female) eighty seven years of age, he fathered Lamech. Methuselah She scoffed at his beliefs and for this, never bore a child.
Hebrew: Royal. A priest. Father of Passhur, a servant of lived the longest of any person in the Bible, surviving for nine Variants: Mia, Mica, Michele, Michelina, Michelle, Miguella.
Zedekiah who participated in the arrest of Jeremiah. hundred and sixty-nine years. Today his name is associated [1 Samuel 14:49]
Variants: Malchiah, Malkijah. [Jeremiah 21:1] with longevity. His grandson was Noah. [Genesis 5:21] Mijamin mi-jar-min (modern male and female)
Melech mel-lek (male) Mica mi-ka (modern male and female) Hebrew: Right hand. A prominent priest in the days of King
Hebrew: King. Son of Micah and a great-grandson of Hebrew: Like God, who is like God? A contraction of Micaiah. David. Others with this name: (i) Two priests, one a
Jonathan. His brothers were Pithon, Tarea and Ahaz. [1 A grandson of Jonathan. Others with this name: Three covenanter with Nehemiah, and the other, a captive returned
Chronicles 8:35] Melki mel-ki (male) Levites, including one who, with Nehemiah, signed the from Babylon. (ii) A Jew who divorced his foreign wife at the
Greek, from Hebrew: Ruler, king. Two ancestors of Jesus covenant, and one who was the son of Zichri. [2 Samuel 9:12] urging of Ezra. [1 Chronicles 24:9]
Christ, one the son of Jannai, the other, of Addi. Variants: Micah mi-kar (modern male and female) Milcah mil-car (female)
Melchi. [Luke 3:24] Hebrew: Like God , who is like God? Again, like Mica, a Hebrew: Queen. Other interpretations: Counsel. Daughter of
Merab mer-ab (female) shortened form of Micaiah. Micah of the Ephraimites built an Haran, wife of Nahor, and niece and sister-in-law to Abraham.
Hebrew: Increase. Elder daughter of King Saul. Her sister idolatrous shrine, attended by the Levite priest called She had eight sons: Uz, Buz, Kemuel, Chesed, Hazo,
was Michal. She composed a song of praise for the young Jonathan. Later the idol and the priest were approved by the Pildash, Jidlaph and Bethuel. His brother was Lot; her sister
warrior David after he killed Goliath. This inflamed the Danite army. Others with this name: (i) The minor prophet was Iscah. Others with this name: A daughter of Zelophehad.
jealousy of Saul, who became David's implacable enemy and whose prophecies make up the thirty-third book of the Old Her sisters were Hoglah, Mahlah, Noah and Tirzah. [Genesis
tried to destroy him. Merab was betrothed to David, but Saul Testament. Nothing else is known of him. (ii) Son of Shimei, a 11:29] Miriam meer-ree-am (female)
married her to Adriel instead. Her five sons by Adriel met an descendant of Joel. (iii) A grandson of Jonathan. (iv) A son of Greek, from Hebrew: Rebellion, overthrow. Other
unfortunate end when David shamefully delivered them into Uzziel. (v) Father of Abdon. [Judges 17:1] Micaiah mi-kay-ar interpretations: Child of our desires, sea of bitterness. Original
the hands of the Gibeonites for symbolic execution. [1 Samuel (traditionally male and female) Hebrew form of the name Mary. The daughter of Amram and
14:49] Hebrew: Like God, who is like God? Son of Imlah. He was the Jochebed. Sister to Moses and Aaron. She is one of the
Meraiah mer-ray-ar (modern male and female) only true prophet of God in Israel during the reign of the strongest female characters in the Bible. She was an
Hebrew: Mutiny, bitterness. A priest under the high priest wicked King Ahab. Ahab despised him because he had important leader of the Israelites, especially the women,
Joiakim. [Nehemiah 12:12] predicted the King's ruin. Micaiah was cast into prison - but to during the Exodus from Egypt. She was also a prophetess.
The Athlete's Bible? no avail, for the prophet had correctly foreseen Ahab's demise Her position was such that she felt qualified to challenge even
at the hands of the Syrians. Others with this name: (i) Father the decisions of Moses, although she was later punished by
"The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after of Acbor, a messenger under King Josiah. (ii) Daughter of God for her unprecedented boldness. Miriam watched from a
me; it has hands, it lays hold of me." Martin Luther (b.1483) Uriel. She was the wife of King Rehoboam and the mother of distance as the infant Moses was plucked from the Nile by the
Abijah. (iii) A prince under King Jehoshaphat. (iv) An ancestor daughter of Pharoah. She died at Kadesh. Others with this
Meres mer-rez (male) of one of Nehemiah's priestly assistants. (v) A priest under name: Daughter of Mered and Bithiah. [Exodus 15:20]
Hebrew: Worthy, lofty. One of the seven wise princes of Nehemiah. (vi) Grandson of Shaphan the scribe. Variants: Mishael mish-shay-el (modern male and female)
Hebrew: What God is, who is what God is? Son of Uzziel. He founded the priesthood under Aaron. He led the Israelites in Elisheba to Aaron.
was either a cousin or an uncle of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. their first battles to possess the land of Canaan, which God Variants: Naashon, Naasson, Nashon. [Exodus 6:23]
Others with this name: (i) An assistant to Ezra. (ii) A prince of had promised to them. Finally Moses climbed Mount Nebo, Nahum na-hum (male)
Judah and friend of Daniel, taken captive to Babylon. [Exodus from which he viewed the Promised Land and died, aged one Hebrew: Compassionate, comforter. Shortened form of
6:22] Misham mish-sham (male) hundred and twenty years. Variants: Moe, Moke, Moshe, Nehemiah. A minor prophet whose poetic prophecies make
Hebrew: Quick, fleet. A builder of cities, the son of Elpaal. [1 Moss, Moy, Moyes, Mozes. [Exodus 2:10] A Lump In Your up the thirty-fourth book of the Old Testament. His work
Chronicles 8:12] Throat concerns the glory of God and the predicted downfall of
Mizpah miz-pa (male) Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. He was from Elkosh in
Hebrew: Number. A captive returned from Babylon. Variants: Ever wondered why that lump in the front of the throat, quite Galilee. Nothing else is known about him. Others with this
Mispah, Mispereth. [Ezra 2:2] large in some people, is called an Adam's Apple? Tradition name: Son of Esli, an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants:
Mizraim miz-raim (male) says that when Adam, the Bible's first human being, ate the Naum, Nehemiah, Nemiah, Nemo.
Hebrew: Red soil. Second son of Ham and a grandson of fruit forbidden by God, a piece got stuck in his throat for all [Nahum]
Noah. His sons, or tribal descendants, were Ludim, Anamim, time. Thus the lump and its rather strange name. Naomi nay-oh-mee (female)
Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim and Caphtorim. Hebrew: Pleasantness, delight, charm. Wife of Elimelech. The
Moza moz-za (male)
The Hebrew name for Egypt was Mizraim. [Genesis 10:6] mother of Mahlon and Chilon, whose wives were Orpah and
Hebrew: Sunrise. Other interpretations: Leaving. A son of
Mordecai mord-dek-ki (male) Ruth. Her husband and two sons died, and one of her
Caleb by his concubine. His brothers were Haran and Gazez.
Hebrew: Merodach (a pagan god of Babylon), death? One of daughters-in-law, Orpah, left her. Of her fate, she said, "Do
Others with this name: Son of Zimri, a descendant of
the Jewish leaders who returned from the Babylonian captivity not call me Naomi
Jonathan. [1 Chronicles 2:46]
with Zerubbabel. Others with this name: The son of Jair. A (pleasantness), call me Mara (bitterness), for the Almighty
great Jewish hero, celebrated in the Book of Esther . He has brought calamity upon me." She helped Ruth, who
Naama naa-mar (female)
served in the court of King Ahasuerus of Persia. The chief remained with her, to marry a wealthy kinsman called Boaz.
Hebrew: Pleasing. Daughter of Lamech and Zillah. Sister of
minister of the court was Haman, before whom Mordecai Naomi nursed Obed, the child of this union, who in time
Tubal-Cain and half-sister of Jubal and Jabal. Others with this
refused to bow. In revenge, Haman plotted to destroy the became the father of Jesse, the father of King David.
name: A wife of King Solomon. She was the mother of
Jews. But Mordecai, in league with his cousin Esther, a wife Variants: Naome, Noemi, Nomi. [Ruth 1:2]
Rehoboam, heir to the throne of King David. Variants:
of Ahasuerus, outwitted him. Ultimately Haman swung from Elephants and Lambs "The Bible is a stream wherein the
Naamana, Naamah, Naava, Nama, Nava. [Genesis 4:22]
the gallows he had raised for Mordecai. His position as the elephant may swim and the lamb may wade." Pope Gregory I
Naarah naa-rah (female)
chief minister was assumed by Mordecai. (b.540?)
Hebrew: Girl, virgin, youth. A wife of Ashur. Her sons were
Variants: Marduk, Mord, Mordkhe, Mort, Morty.[Esther 2:5]
Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni and Hashashtari. [1 Chronicles
Moriah more-ri-ar (female) Naphtali naf-tar-lee (modern male and female)
4:5] Nabal na-bal (male)
Hebrew: God is the teacher. A biblical place rather than a Hebrew: Struggle. A son of Jacob by the concubine Bilhah,
Hebrew: Fool. A rich shepherd and drunkard. When David's
character, but like Sharon, it has gained acceptance as a the maid of Rachel. The meaning of his name reflects the
army sought food from Nabal, they were refused: a grave
personal name. Moriah was the place where Abraham was jealous struggle between Rachel and her sister Leah for the
insult against the mighty David. But Abigail, Nabal's wise and
told to sacrifice his son Isaac. There is also a place in the divided affections of Jacob, husband to both. He had a
beautiful wife, extended the hospitality that decency and duty
Bible called Mount Moriah, where God appeared to David and brother Dan, a half-sister, Dinah, and half-brothers, Reuben,
required. Her fast thinking saved her husband's head. When
where Solomon built his temple. Variants: Mariah, Moria. Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin,
Nabal sobered up and learned of his churlishness towards
[Genesis 22.2] Moses moe-zez (male) Gad and Asher. He was one of the founders of the Twelve
David, "his heart died within him, and he became as stone."
Hebrew: Drawn out of the water. Perhaps the greatest of all Tribes. Variants: Naphtali, Nephthalim, Nepthalim. [Genesis
He died ten days later. [1 Samuel 25:3]
Hebrew leaders, secular or spiritual. His father was Amram, a 30:8]
Nahamani naha-man-nee (modern male and female)
Levite, as was his mother, Jochebed. His brother was Aaron Narcissus nar-sis-sus (male)
Hebrew: Compassionate. One of the leading Jews who
and his sister was Miriam. At the time of his birth, the Greek: Narcotic. The head of a Roman household to which
returned from the Babylonian captivity with Zerubabbel.
Israelites were captives of the Egyptians. To avoid the greetings were sent by Paul. Some have suggested that this
[Nehemiah 7:7] Nahash na-hash (traditionally male and
Egyptian order that all baby boys of Israel be killed, Moses person may have been the prominent official of the same
was hidden in bullrushes by the Nile River. There he was name who served the Emperor Claudius. [Romans 16:11]
Hebrew: Serpent. Other interpretations: Oracle. A fearsome
found and adopted by an Egyptian princess. She called him Nathan nay-thun (male)
Ammonite king. His son was Hanun, a friend of David.
Moses and raised him in the royal household. Later he fled Hebrew: Given , God has given. A prophet and adviser to
Nahash's forces were defeated in battle by the Israelites
from Egypt and lived with Jethro of the Midianites. One day King David. David consulted him about plans for the temple
under Saul. Others with this name: The father - or perhaps
God told him to return to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of and was told not to proceed with its construction. Nathan
the mother - of Abigail and Zeruiah. The gender is unclear. [1
bondage. But Pharoah refused to allow it. Then God inflicted fearlessly chided David for marrying Bathsheba, widow of the
Samuel 11:1]
ten plagues on the Egyptians, forcing Pharoah to yield. Still slain warrior Uriah. But later he helped Solomon, the son of
Nahbi nar-bi (modern male and female)
the proud Pharoah changed his mind and pursued the fleeing this condemned union, secure the throne. He also wrote parts
Hebrew: Secret. One of the spies sent out by Moses to survey
Israelites. Moses miraculously parted the waters of the Red of Chronicles 1 and Chronicles 2. Others with this name: (i)
the land of Canaan. [Numbers 13:14]
Sea, through which the Israelites escaped. He then climbed One of the sons of King David and Bathsheba. He was the
Nahshon na-shon (male)
Mount Sinai, where God gave him the Ten Commandments, father of Mattatha and an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (ii) Father
Hebrew: Enchanter. Son of Amminadab. A prince of Judah
and other rules for living and worship. Moses is traditionally of Igal, one of the David's mighty warriors. (iii) Father of
and an ancestor of David and Jesus Christ. He was
credited as the author of the first five books of the Bible, Azariah and Zabud, officials under King Solomon. These may
connected to the family of Moses by the marriage of his sister
Genesis to Deuteronomy. He built the Tabernacle and be the children of Nathan the prophet. (iv) Two returned
captives from Babylon. Variants: Nat, Nathaniel, Nethanel. [2 returned from captivity in Babylon. [Ezra 2:48] creatures of the earth survived the Great Flood sent to
Samuel 7:2] Nemual nem-mu-al (modern male and female) destroy all flesh. Thus the world gained a respite, or rest, from
Nathaniel nay-than-nee-yel (male) Hebrew: God's day. Son of Eliab. With his brothers Dathan the relentless curse of Eden: hence one of the suggested
Greek: Gift of God, God has given. A form of the popular and Abiram, he rebelled against the authority of Moses. For meanings of his name. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and
Hebrew name Nethanel. One of the twelve disciples. He was this "the earth opened their mouth and swallowed them up." Japheth. After the Flood, Noah planted vineyards and made
introduced to Jesus Christ by Philip. Jesus was very Variants: Jemuel. [Numbers 26:9] wine. Noah got drunk on the wine and fell down naked in his
impressed with his honesty. He said of him, "Behold, an Neri ner-ri (modern male and female) tent. He died aged nine hundred and fifty years. Others with
Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." His surname or Greek, from Hebrew: Light of God. They are of Melchi, an this name: A daughter of Zelophehad. Her sisters were
alternative name was Bartholomew. Variants: Nat, Natal, ancestor of Jesus Christ. The name is a shortened form of Hoglah, Milcah, Tirzah and Mahlah. Variants: Noach, Noak,
Natale, Nataniel, Nathan, Nathanael, Nathaneal, Neal, Niel, Neariah. [Luke 3:27] Noe. [Genesis 5:29]
Nethanel, Noel, Nowell. [John 1:45] Neariah nee-ar-ri-ar Neariah nee-ar-ri-ar (male) ~O~
(modern male and female) Hebrew: Light of God. Father of Baruch, the famous scribe of Obadiah ob-ba-di-ar (male)
Hebrew: Child of God. Son of Shemaiah, a descendant of Jeremiah. His other son was Seraiah. Variants: Neri, Neriah. Hebrew: Servant of God. Head steward of the royal
Solomon. His brothers were Hattush, Igal, Bariah and [Jeremiah 32:12] household under the wicked King Ahab. He gave aid to the
Shaphat. Others with this name: A chief of the Simeonites. [1 Nethaniah neth-an-ni-ar (male) true prophets of God, doubtless at deadly risk. Others with
Chronicles 3:22] Hebrew: Given by God, whom God has given. Father of this name: (i) Son of Arnan. (ii) A chief among the Issachar.
Nebai nee-bay (modern male and female) Ishmael, the killer of Gedaliah the governor. Others with this (iii) A son of Azel. (iv) Two Levites, one a returned captive
Hebrew: Building. One who, with Nehemiah, signed the name: (i) A musical son of Asaph in the days of David. (ii) A from Babylon; the other a temple repairer in the days of
covenant. Variants: Nobai. [Nehemiah 10:19] Levite teacher. (iii) Father of Jehudi, a messenger. [2 Kings Josiah. (v) A Gadite warrior who joined David. (vi) Father of
25:23] Ishmaiah, a prince. (vii) A prince under King Jehoshaphat.
Nebo nee-bo (male) Neziah nez-zi-ar (modern male and female) (viii) A leader of returning captives from Babylon.
Hebrew: Prophet. Father of captives who returned from Hebrew: Sincere. Other interpretations: Renowned, famous. (ix) One who, with Nehemiah, signed the covenant. (x) A
Babylon. Others with this name: Pagan Babylonian god of An ancestor of captives returned from Babylon. [Ezra 2:54] gatekeeper. (xi) A minor prophet, author of the thirty-first book
learning. [Ezra 2:29] Nicodemus nee-ko-dee-mus (male) the Old Testament, which bears his name. He prophesied the
Neco nee-ko (male) Greek: People's victor. A member of the Sanhedrin, the destruction of the Edomites, traditional enemies of Israel.
Hebrew: Meaning unknown. A pharoah of Egypt. He defeated supreme Jewish council and court. Nicodemus was the only Nothing is known of his personal life. Variants: Abda, Abdias,
King Josiah of Judah at the battle of Meggiddo. I have member of that body to speak in support of the accused Obadias, Oban, Obed, Obediah. [1 Chronicles 3:21]
established Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, as the puppet ruler of Jesus Christ, albeit too timidly. After the death of Jesus - and Obal oh-bal (male)
Judah. Neco was defeated in battle by King Nebuchadnezzar perhaps from guilt or remorse - he donated a large quantity of Hebrew: Naked. Son of Joktan and a descendant of Noah.
of Babylon. Variants: Necho, Nechoh. [2 Kings 23:29] costly herbs and spices for embalming the body. [John 3:1] His brothers were Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
Nedabiah ned-da-bi-ah (male) Nicolas nick-ko-las (male) Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and
Hebrew: Driven. A son of Jeconiah of Judah, the captive king. Greek: Conqueror of the people, victor, victory. An early Jobab.
Variants: Nedabaiah. [1 Chronicles 3:18] official church at Jerusalem. He was a native of Antioch. Variants: Ebal . [Genesis 10:28]
Nehemiah nay-em-mi-ar (male) Variants: Claus, Cole, Colin, Collis, Klaus, Nic, Niccolo, Nick, Oholah oh-ol-lar (female)
Hebrew: God has consoled, comforted. One of the prominent Nico, Nicolai, Nicholas, Nicholaus, Nicole, Niel, Nike, Niki, Hebrew: Tent-women . Other interpretations: My tent is in
Jews who returned with Zerubbabel from captivity in Babylon. Nikita, Nikki, Nikolas. [Acts 6:5] her. A symbolic woman who represented the city of Samaria
Others with this name: (i) Son of Hacaliah. A Jewish captive Nimrod nim-rod (male) and was condemned by God as a harlot. Her sister was
who rose to high office under King Artaxerxes of Persia. He Hebrew: Brave. Son of Cush, grandson of Ham and great Oholibah , who represented Jerusalem. Variants: Aholah.
gained the consent of Artaxerxes for the reconstruction of grandson of Noah. The Bible calls him "a mighty hunter [Ezekiel 23:4] Oholibah oh-ol-li-bar (female)
Jerusalem and was appointed governor over Judah. before the LORD." He was the first mighty man on earth, a Hebrew: Tent-women . Other interpretations: My tent is in
Nehemiah was an energetic administrator - under his builder of great cities. His empire included Babylon, Erech her. A symbolic woman who represented the city of
direction the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt in just fifty-two and Accad. Some claim that Nimrod was Gilgamesh, the Jerusalem corrupted. With Ohalah , her sister, she was
days. He introduced religious reforms and worked with Ezra in legendary king of ancient Sumeria. Today the term Nimrod condemned as a harlot .
the teaching of the Law. Under his leadership, Israel means any hunter, warrior or powerful ruler. [Genesis 10:8] Variants: Aholibah. [Ezekiel 23:4]
confirmed its commitment to the God of Moses in a new and Nimshi nim-shy (modern male and female) Olympas oh-lim-pas (modern male and female)
solemn covenant. Nehemiah's story is recorded in the Hebrew: Rescued. Grandfather of Jehu, the rebel warrior who Greek: Heaven. A Christian of Rome and friend of Paul.
sixteenth book of the Old Testament, which bears his name. destroyed the royal house of the evil Ahab. [1 Kings 19:16] [Romans 16:15]
(ii) One of the repairers who worked on the wall of Jerusalem. Noadiah no-ar-di-ar (traditionally male and female) Hebrew: Omar oh-mar (male)
Son of Azbuk. Variants: Nahum, Naum, Nemiah, Nemo. Met by God. A Levite in the time of Ezra. Son of Binnui. Hebrew: Speaker. An Edomite chief. Son of Eliphaz and
[Ezra 2:2] Others with this name: A false prophetess who sought to grandson of Esau. His brothers were Teman, Zepho, Gatam
Nehusuhta nay-oosh-shu-ta (female) sabotage the work of Nehemiah. [Ezra 8:33] Noah no-ar and Kenaz. His half-brother was Amalek. [Genesis 36:11]
Hebrew: Bold, brazen. Mother of King Jeconiah of Judah. (traditionally male and female) Omri om-ri (male)
With her son she was taken as a captive to Babylon. His Hebrew: Rest. Other interpretations: Lasting, long-lived. Son Hebrew: Learner, pupil. Sixth king of Israel. He seized the
father was Elnathan. [2 Kings 24:8] of Lamech and a grandson of Methuselah. The tenth in throne on King Elah's death. Omri was a powerful but corrupt
Nekoda nek-ko-da (modern male and female) descent from Adam through Seth. At God's command, he built ruler. He established the city of Samaria as his capital. His
Hebrew: Famous. The head of a family of temple servants an ark of gopher wood, in which he, his family, and the son and successor was the depraved Ahab. Others with this
name: (i) Son of Beker and a grandson of Benjamin. (ii) Son fourteen letters, or epistles, explaining and promoting the Jesus, meaning stone or rock in the Aramaic language. This
of Imri and father of Ammihud. (iii) A chief of the Issachar in Christian faith; they formed a major portion of the New was translated to petros in the Greek scriptures, and peter in
David's time. [1 Kings 16:16] Testament. His works are also described in the Acts of the English. His brother was Andrew, another disciple of Jesus.
Oprah oh-pra (modern male and female) Apostles. Paul was jailed repeatedly for his preaching. Finding the two at work in their boats, Jesus said to them:
Hebrew: Fawn, doe. Son of Meonothai, a descendant of Eventually he was imprisoned in Rome and died a martyr's "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Peter was
Judah. death during the first persecutions of the Emperor Nero. He is the natural leader of the disciples. He was singled out by
Variants: Ophrah. [1 Chronicles 4:14] widely regarded as a saint. Variants: Pablo, Paley, Pall, Jesus for special blessings: he walked on the water with
Oren ore-ren (male) Paolo, Paulinus, Paullus, Pauly, Pavel, Pawley, Pol, Powel, Jesus; he stayed with Jesus during the passionate vigil at
Hebrew: Cedar, pine. A son of Jerahmeel. His brothers were Powle. [Acts 13:9] Gethsemane; he was given the keys of the kingdom by Jesus.
Ram, Bunah, Ozam, Ahijah and a half brother, Onam. [1 Pedaiah ped-day-ar (male) Yet he was hardly a stainless exemplar of faith. By nature he
Chronicles 2:25] Hebrew: God saves, redeems. Father of Zebidah, the wife of was rash and inconsistent. His loyalty to Jesus was marred by
Orpah orp-pah (female) King Josiah and mother of Jehoiakim. Others with this name: doubt and fear. At the trial of Jesus, Peter denied that he
Hebrew: Fawn, doe.Other interpretations: Neck, stubborness. (i) Son of Jeconiah of Judah, the captive king. Father of even knew Him. In spite of these weaknesses, he became a
Wife of Kilion, the son of Elimelech and Naomi. After the Zerubbabel. (ii) Father of Joel in the days of David. (iii) A great leader of the early Church. He was the first apostle to
death of Kilion, she chose to return to her family, and not to builder who helped repair the walls of Jerusalem. (iv) Son of convert a non-Jew to Christianity. He traveled widely to
stay indefinitely with Naomi, as did Ruth. [Ruth 1:4] Kolaiah. Father of Joed. (v) An official of the temple treasury spread the news of Christ, heedless of the risk of persecution.
Othniel oth-nee-el (male) in the time of Nehemiah. [2 Kings 23:36] He also wrote two letters, or epistles, of the New Testament.
Hebrew: Lion. First judge of Israel. Son of Kenaz, nephew of Pekah pee-kar (modern male and female) According to tradition, Peter ultimately arrived in Rome and
Caleb. Husband of Acsah. He freed Israel from foreign Hebrew: To open, open-eyed. Son of Remaliah. He murdered continued to evangelize. Catholics hold that he was the first
domination by Mesopotamia. His judgment was successful Pekahiah and succeeded him as the eighteenth king of Israel. Bishop of Rome, the office that evolved into the modern
and Israel laid at peace for forty years. [Joshua 15:17] His twenty year reign was wicked and idolatrous. He plotted Papacy: thus do many consider him the first Pope. Tradition
Ozem oz-zem (male) against King Jotham of Judah and was murdered by Hoshea, also claims that he suffered a martyr's death at the hands of
Hebrew: Strength. Sixth son of Jesse. His brothers were his successor. [2 Kings 15:25] the mad emperor, Nero. He is widely regarded as a saint.
Eliab, Pelatiah pel-la-ti-ar (modern male and female) Variants: Farris, Ferris, Parnell, Parry, Pearce, Peder, Pedro,
Abinadab, Shimea, Nethanel, Raddai and David. His sisters Hebrew: God has delivered, freed. Son of Hananiah and a Perkin, Pernell, Perren, Perry, Pete, Petros, Petrus, Petur,
were Zeruiah and Abigail. Others with this name: A son of grandson of Zerubbabel. Brother of Jeshaiah. Others with this Pier, Piers, Pieter, Piotr, Pettis. Female forms include Perri,
Jerahmeel. His brothers were Ram, Bunah, Oren, Ahijah and name: (i) Son of Ishi. A Simeonite warrior chief in the days of Peta, Petra, Petrina, Petronia. [Matthew 16:18]
a half brother, Onam. [1 Chronicles 2:25] Hezekiah. (ii) One who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant. Pethuel peth-u-el (male)
Ozni oz-ni (male) (iii) Son of Benaiah. He defended the prophet Ezekiel and Hebrew: Vision. Other interpretations: Opening by God.
Hebrew: Hearing, ear. A son of Gad. His brothers were was struck dead. [1 Chronicles 3:21] Father of Joel the prophet. [Joel 1:1]
Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Areli, Eri and Arodi. Others with this Peleth pel-leth (modern male and female) Phanuel farn-nu-el (modern male and female)
name: Son of Bela and a grandson of Benjamin. Head of a Hebrew: Swiftness. Other interpretations: Freedom. Father of Greek, from Hebrew: Face of God. Father of Anna the
family and a mighty warrior. Variants: Ezbon. [Genesis 46:16] On, a rebel in the days of Moses. Others with this name: Son prophetess. [Luke 2:36]
~P~ of Jonathan, a descendant of Jerahmeel. His brother was Philemon fil-le-mon (modern male and female)
Paltiel pal-teel (modern male and female) Zaza. [Numbers 16:1] Greek: Loving, friendly. Other interpretations: Kiss. An early
Hebrew: Deliverance, God delivers . A chief among the Peninnah pen-nin-nar (female) Christian of Colosse. His wife was Apphia, and his son,
Issachar. Son of Azzan. Others with this name: Son of Laiah. Hebrew: Pearl , choral. A wife of Elkanah. She taunted the Archippus. The runaway Christian slave, Onesimus, belonged
Saul gave him David's wife, Michal. Variants: Palti, Phalti. [1 childless Hannah, Elkanah's second wife. [1 Samuel 1:2] to him. Paul wrote his Letter to Philemon , which forms the
Samuel 25:44] Paseah paz-zee-ar (modern male and female) Penuel pen-nu-el (modern male and female) eighteenth book of the New Testament, to persuade him to
Hebrew: Crippled, lame. A son of Eshton. His brothers were Hebrew: God's face. Son of Hur. Father of Gedor. Others with accept Onesimus back without punishment. Variants: Philo.
Bethrapha and Tehinnah. Others with this name: A chief of this name: A son of Shashak. [1 Chronicles 4:4] [Philemon] Philip fil-lip (male)
the temple servants. His son was Jehoiada. Variants: Perez per-rez (male) Greek: Lover of horses. Originally a disciple of John the
Phaseah. [1 Chronicles 4:12] Hebrew: Breach, opening. A twin son of Judah. His brother Baptist, he became a follower of Jesus Christ at Bethany. He
Paul pall (male) was Zerah. At his birth he seemed to push past Zerah in order introduced the disciple Nathaniel to Jesus, with whom Jesus
Greek, from Latin: Little. Originally known as Saul of Tarsus, a to be the first-born. The midwife exclaimed when he emerged was very pleased. Not much is known of Philip, except that he
strict Jew and fervent enemy of the early Christians, he unexpectedly in first place, "What a breach you have made came from Bethsaida in Galilee. His faith was not consistent;
underwent a deep spiritual transformation during a trip to for yourself!" Thus the meaning of the name. Variants: he seems to have doubted the identity and mission of Jesus.
Damascus. Paul - the name he later preferred to use - Peretz, Pharez, Perez, Phares. [Genesis 38:29] Tradition says that he evangelized in Asia Minor and was
became a passionate evangelist for Christ. His labors were so Persis per-sis (female) buried at Hierapolis. Others with this name: (i) Philip the
great that he became known as the Apostle to the Gentiles. Greek: Persian. An early Christian woman of Rome and a Evangelist. One of seven persons appointed as the first
He enjoyed the benefits of Roman citizenship, a fact that friend of Paul, praised by him as an unfailing worker for God. deacons of the church. He became an evangelist in Samaria
saved his life more than once. By profession he was a [Romans 16:12] and performed miracles and signs. He had four daughters, all
tentmaker. His Judaic education was orthodox under the Peter pe-ter (modern male and female) prophetesses. (ii) Herod Philip. See Herod. Variants: Felip,
celebrated rabbi, Gamaliel. After his conversion to Greek, from Aramaic: Stone, rock. Son of Jonas. A leading Pepe, Phil, Philippe, Phip, Pip. Female forms include Filipa,
Christianity, he traveled on three great evangelistic disciple of Jesus Christ. Originally a fishermen of Galilee, Pelipa, Philippa, Philli, Philly. [Matthew 10:3] Phineas fin-
expeditions to Asia Minor, Greece and Ephesus. He wrote known as Simon. He was given the extra name of kapha by nee-us (male)
Hebrew: Brazen mouth, mouth of brass. Other interpretations: gave her maid Bilhah to Jacob as a concubine. By her Jacob Variants: Deuel, Raguel, Ruel. [Genesis 36:4]
Dark-skinned, negroid. Son of Eleazar and a grandson of fathered Dan and Naphtali. Eventually Rachel was granted Reumah ree-u-mar (female)
Aaron. He was a high priest noted for the zealousness of his two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. She died during the birth of Hebrew: Lofty, inspired. A concubine of Nahor, Abraham's
faith. He killed the recalcitrant Zimri and his foreign wife Benjamin. The prophet Jeremiah described Rachel as brother. Her sons were Tebah, Gaham, Tahash and Maacah.
Cozbi. Others with this name: (i) Son of Eli and brother of "weeping for her children", that is, crying for her descendants [Genesis 22:24]
Hophni. He has proven grossly unworthy of inheriting the high captive in Babylon. Variants: Lahela, Rachele, Rachelle, Rezia rez-zee-ar (modern male and female)
priestly office of his father. (ii) Father of Eleazar, the priestly Rae, Rahel, Raquel, Raye, Rochell, Shelley. [Genesis 29:6] Hebrew: Delight. A son of Ulla, an Asherite. His brothers were
guardian of the treasury. Variants: Phinehas, Pincus, Pinkus, Ramiah ra-mi-ar (modern male and female) Arah and Hanniel. Variants: Rizia. [1 Chronicles 7:39] Rezin
Pinky. [Exodus 6:25] Hebrew: God is exalted, God is set on high. A son of Parosh. rez-zeen (modern male and female)
Phoebe fee-be (female) At the urging of Ezra, he divorced his foreign wife. [Ezra Hebrew: Firm. A king of Syria. To attack Judah, he allied
Greek: Shining, pure. An early Christian and a deaconess of 10:25] Rapha ra-far (male) himself with King Pekah of Israel. Others with this name:
the church at Cenchreae in Corinth. She may have been the Hebrew: Tall, tall. The youngest son of Benjamin. His brothers Head of a family of captives freed from Babylon. [2 Kings
first woman in Christian history to hold a church office. She were Bela, Ashbel, Aharah and Nohah. Others with this 15:37]
was highly regarded by Paul and may have been the trusted name: Son of Binea, a descendant of Saul. Variants: Rezon rez-zon (male)
messenger who delivered his Letter to the Romans to Rome. Raphah. [1 Chronicles 8:2] Hebrew: Prince. Son of Eliada. A rebel who usurped the
Variants: Phebe. [Romans 16:1] Rebekah (Rebecca) re-beck-ka (female) throne of Syria, taking the place of Hadadezer. He founded an
Pilate pi-lat (male) Hebrew: Knotted cord, snare . Other interpretations: important Syrian dynasty. Variants: Hezion. [1 Kings 11:23]
Latin: Armed with a spear. Roman procurator or governor of Faithfulness, loyalty. The wife of Isaac and the mother, after Rhesa rez-zar (modern male and female)
Judea. After the Jews had found Jesus Christ guilty of twenty years of childlessness, of Jacob and Esau. She was Greek: Head. Son of Zerubbabel in the genealogy of Jesus
blasphemy, they took Him before Pilate, who alone had the the beautiful daughter of Bethuel, one of the sons of Nahor Christ. [Luke 3:27]
power to impose the death sentence. Pilate tried to avoid this, and Milcah. She was a grand-niece and daughter-in-law of Rhoda ro-dar (female)
because in his opinion Jesus had committed no capital crime. Abraham. Her favorite son was Jacob. Rebekah used trickery Hebrew: Rose. A maid in the house of Mary, mother of John
But faced with a howling Jewish mob, Pilate proved morally to help him get the special blessing of the elderly and blind Mark. She answered the door to Peter, who had just escaped
weak. He gave in to their demands and, washing his hands Isaac. His brother was Laban. Variants: Beck, Becky, Reba, from prison. Variants: Rhode, Rhona, Roda, Rona, Rose.
before the mob, declaring, "I am innocent of this man's Rebe, Rebeca, Rebeka, Reva, Rivka. [Genesis 24:15] [Acts 12:13] The Placemakers Bible
blood." Little is known of his later fate. Rei ray, ree-i (modern male and female) A printing error in Matthew 10:9 resulted in this: "Blessed are
Tradition says that he killed himself. Pontius was his Roman Hebrew: Friendly. A loyal friend of David who did not join the the placemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
surname. [Matthew 27:2] rebellious forces of Adonijah. [1 Kings 1:8] Remaliah rem- Hence the nickname of this Bible edition. The word they
Priscilla pris-sill-ar (female) mal-li-ar (male) meant, of course, was peacemakers.
Greek: Ancient. A form of the name Prisca . An early Hebrew: God exalts, adorns. Father of King Pekah of Israel.
Christian, the wife of Aquila. The couple are always [2 Kings 15:25] Ribai ri-bay (modern male and female)
mentioned together. They apparently traveled widely Rephael ref-fay-el (modern male and female) Hebrew: Who pleads, pleader. Father of Ittai, one of David's
preaching the message of Christ. They were highly praised by Hebrew: Healed by God, God heals. A gatekeeper, the son of mighty warriors. [2 Samuel 23:29]
Paul for their works. Variants: Cilla, Pris. [Acts 18:2] Shamaiah. [1 Chronicles 26:7] Rimmon rim-mon (male)
~Q~ Rephan ref-farn (modern male and female) Hebrew: Pomegranate (a type of edible fruit). Father of
Quartus kor-tus (male) Hebrew: Meaning unknown. Name of pagan idol worshiped Baanah and Rechab, murderers of Ish-Bosheth. Others with
Greek: Fourth. An early Christian of Corinth and friend of by the Israelites in the wilderness. Variants: Remphan, this name: (i) A pagan god of the Syrians. [2 Samuel 4:2]
Paul. [Romans 16:23] Chiun, Kaiwan. [Amos 5:26] Rinnah rin-nar (modern male and female)
~R~ Resheph re-shef (male) Hebrew: Song. A son of Shimon. [1 Chronicles 4:20]
Raamah raa-mar (male) Hebrew: Flame, fire. Great-grandson of Ephraim. Father of Rizpah riz-par (female)
Hebrew: Shaking. Son of Cush and a great-grandson of Telah. [1 Chronicles 7:25] Hebrew: Hot stone. Daughter of Aiah. She became a
Noah. He had two sons: Sheba and Dedan. His brothers were Reuben rue-ben (modern male and female) concubine of Saul and had sons by him: Armoni and
Nimrod, Sheba, Havilah, Sabtah and Sabteca. His Hebrew: Behold a son! Eldest son of Jacob by Leah, and a Mephibosheth. Ish-Bosheth accused Abner of incest with
descendants were traders in gold, spices and jewels. grandson of Isaac. His brothers were Simeon, Levi, Judah, Rizpah. Her sons were among those whom David shamefully
[Genesis 10:7] Issachar and Zebulun. His sister was Dinah. He also had half delivered to the Gibeonites for ritual execution. [2 Samuel 3:7]
Raamiah raa-mi-ar (modern male and female) brothers: Joseph, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. Rosh rosh (male) Hebrew: Head. One of the sons of
Hebrew: Thunder of God. A clan chief who returned from He was one of the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel; in Benjamin. His brothers were Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera,
captivity in Babylon. Variants: Reelaiah. [Nehemiah 7:7] this case, the Reubenites. Variants: Reuven, Rouvin, Rube, Naaman, Ehi, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard. [Genesis 46:21]
Rachel raytch-el (female) Ruban, Rubin, Ruvane. Female forms include Reubena, Rufus roo-fus (male)
Hebrew: Ewe. Younger daughter of Laban and a niece of Reuvena. [Genesis 29:32] Greek: Red. An early Christian, a friend of Paul and the son of
Rebekah. She was a shepherd described as "beautiful and Reuel ree-u-el (modern male and female) Simon of Cyrene. His brother was Alexander. [Mark 15:21]
lovely." Her elder sister was Leah. Jacob loved Rachel so Hebrew: God is a friend. Son of Esau and Basemath, Ruth ruth (female)
much that he worked in Laban's service for fourteen years to daughter of Ishmael. Reuel had four sons, all Edomite chiefs: Hebrew: Beauty, friendship. A Moabite woman who married
earn the right to marry her. But Jacob married Leah as well, Nahath, Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah. Others with this Mahlon, one of the sons of Naomi. The husbands of both
and Rachel resented the fact. For this, God kept her childless name: (i) A priest of Midian whose daughter, Zipporah, Ruth and Naomi died. Showing great loyalty, Ruth refused to
while Leah bore six sons and a daughter. In the end Rachel married Moses. (ii) Son of Ibnijah, a descendant of Benjamin. abandon her bereaved mother-in-law. With Naomi's help, she
married the wealthy Boaz, by whom she had a son, Obed. Samuel sam-mu-el (male) one, the devil, the tempter, the ancient serpent, the father of
This son became the father of Jesse, the father of King David. Hebrew: God hears. Other interpretations: His name is El lies, Abaddon, Apollyon, Beelzebub and Belial. Satan was the
Thus Ruth was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Her story is told (God). Son of Elkanah and Hannah. The childless Hannah deceiver of Adam and Eve and thereby the cause of
in the eighth book of the Old Testament, the Book of Ruth . had prayed earnestly for a son. When at last he was born to humanity's separation from God. The Bible predicts that he
[Ruth] her, she called him Samuel because, she said, "I have asked will suffer ultimate destruction, together with the souls he has
~Y~ him of the LORD." The child became a pupil of the judge and misled. In Hebrew the word satan means any adversary or
Sabteca sab-teka (modern male and female) priest Eli, whom he succeeded. Samuel was the first of the enemy. It was not until Job, the eighteenth book of the Old
Hebrew: Striking. Fifth son of Cush and great-grandson of greatest Hebrew prophets and the last of the judges. His own Testament, that it was used as a personal name for the devil.
Noah. His brothers were Nimrod, Sheba, Havilah, Sabtah and sons, Joel and Abijah, proved unworthy of inheriting high Not a suggested baby name! [Job 1:6]
Raamah. Variants: Sabtecha, Sabtechah. [Genesis 10:7] office. The people therefore demanded a king, as other Saul saul (male)
Sakia sa-ke-ar (modern male and female) nations had. At first Samuel refused, but later, obeying the Hebrew: Asked of God, wished, yearned for. An early
Hebrew: Protected by God. A son of Shaharaim and Hodesh. express will of God, he anointed Saul as king of Israel and Edomite king from Rehoboth on the Euphrates River.
His brothers were Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz and ceded all authority to him. But Samuel and Saul fell into Successor of Samlah. Others with this name: (i) Son of
Mirmah. Variants: Sachia, Shachia. [1 Chronicles 8:10] conflict over questions of spiritual obedience. Samuel then Simeon and grandson of Jacob. (ii) Son of Kish. First king of
Salah sa-lar (modern male and female) anointed the young shepherd David as the next king. The Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel. Raised in humble
Hebrew: Sprout, bud. Other interpretations: Petition. Son of prophet died at Ramah before David - who would become the circumstances as a donkey herder, Saul rose to greatness as
Arphaxad and a great-grandson of Noah. Father of Eber. greatest of Israel's kings - attained the throne. Tradition says ruler and warrior. He showed courage, humility and
Others with this name: Third son of Judah by the Canaanite Samuel wrote four books of the Old Testament, namely 1 generosity of spirit in his struggle to establish and defend the
woman, Bathshua. Variants: Sala, Shelah. [Genesis 10:24] Samuel, 2 Samuel, Judges and Ruth . [1 Samuel] infant kingdom. Yet Saul was flawed by suspiciousness and
Salma sal-mar (modern male and female) Saph saff (modern male and female) insecurity. He became violently jealous of David, the
Hebrew: Clothed. Other interpretations: Strength. A son of Hebrew: Giant. Other interpretations: Threshold. A Philistine shepherd boy who killed Goliath in solitary combat. Saul
Caleb. giant killed by David's warrior Mebunnai. Variants: Sippai. [2 sought to destroy David and pursued him and his companions
Father of Bethlehem. [1 Chronicles 2:51] Samuel 21:18] relentlessly. As Saul's anxiety increased, his abilities as king
Salome sal-lo-me (female) Sapphira saf-fi-ra (female) and commander declined. He was defeated and killed by the
Greek, from Hebrew: Peaceable, calm. Feminine form of Hebrew: Beautiful. Wife of Ananias. She and her husband Philistines at the battle of Mount Gilboa. (iii) Son of Uzziah, a
tried to cheat God and were struck dead by their foolish descendant of Levi. (iv) Apostle of Jesus Christ; see Paul.
Solomon. Wife of Zebedee and mother of the disciples James
greed. [Acts 5:1] Variants: Paul, Saul, Shaul, Sol, Solly, Zolly. [Genesis 36:37]
and John. She was with the women who discovered that the
Sarah sar-ra (female) Sceva see-va (modern male and female)
tomb of Jesus was empty. Others with this name: The
Hebrew: Princess. Wife and half-sister of Abraham. Her name Greek: Fitted. Chief priest of the Jews at Ephesus. His seven
daughter of Herodias whose dancing pleased King Herod. At
was originally Sarai, changed later to Sarah. She was sons were unsuccessful exorcists. [Acts 19:14]
her mother's prompting, she asked Herod for the head of
childless for so long that, in desperation, she gave her Seba see-ba (modern male and female)
John the Baptist. Although she appears in the Bible, she is
Egyptian maid Hagar to Abraham as a concubine. By this Hebrew: Promise. Son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah.
referred to only as the daughter of Herodias. Other non-
arrangement Ishmael was born, which only inflamed her His brothers were Nimrod, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and
biblical sources name her as Salome. Variants: Saloma,
jealousy and bitterness. Finally, at the age of ninety, God Sabteca. Variants: Sheba. [Genesis 10:7]
Salomi, Shuly. [Mark 15:40] Salu sar-lu (male)
blessed her with a son, Isaac. God told Abraham of Sarah, "I Semakiah sem-ma-ki-ar (male)
Hebrew: Weighed. A chief of the Simeonites. Father of Zimri.
will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations." This Hebrew: Sustained by God. A temple gatekeeper. Son of
[Numbers 25:14]
came to pass through her grandson Jacob, whose twelve Shemaiah, a descendant of Obed-Edom. Variants:
Samlah sam-lar (male)
sons were the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Sarah's Semachiah. [1 Chronicles 26:7]
Hebrew: Garment, clothing. An early king of Edom. [Genesis
rivalry with Hagar led to the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael Semei sem-may (modern male and female)
from the house of Abraham. She lived one hundred and Hebrew: Distinguished. Son of Josech. An ancestor of Jesus
Samson sam-son (male)
twenty-seven years. Abraham buried her in the cave of Christ. Variants: Semein. [Luke 3:26]
Hebrew: Like the sun, child of the sun. Son of Manoah, to
Machpelah. Others with this name: A daughter of Asher. Her Senaah sen-naar (modern male and female)
Danite. An angel told his mother that she would conceive a
brothers were Beriah, Imnah, Ishvah and Ishvi. Variants: Hebrew: Brambly? An ancestor of the captives who returned
special child who would become a champion in the struggle of
Sada, Sadi, Sadie, Sal, Sally, Sara, Sarai, Sarena, Sarene, with Zerubbabel from Babylon. [Ezra 2:35]
Israel against the Philistines. The child was Samson,
Sari, Sarice, Sarita, Serah, Shara, Shari, Sher, Zara, Zaria, Seraiah ser-ray-ar (modern male and female)
physically powerful but morally lacking. His particular
Zora, Zoreen, Zorna. [Genesis 11:29] Hebrew: Warrior of God. A scribe in the court of King David.
weakness was disastrous love affairs with Philistine women.
Sarai - see Sarah Others with this name: (i) A son of Kenaz. His brother was
As a result of bitterness from the first of these, Samson killed
Saraph sar-raff (modern male and female) Othniel. (ii) Son of Asiel, to Simeonite. (iii) One of the officers
a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. The
Hebrew: Burning. Other interpretations: Noble. A descendant sent to arrest Jeremiah. (iv) A high priest executed at the fall
second affair was with the bewitching Delilah, who discovered
of Judah who became king of Moab. [1 Chronicles 4:22] of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. (v) Son of
that the secret of his immense physical strength lay in his
Sargon sar-gon (male) Neariah, a quartermaster taken captive to Babylon. (vi) An
hair. She shaved his locks and gave him up to his enemies,
Hebrew: Sun-prince. Other interpretations: Constituted king. A ancestor of Ezra. (vii) A captain who surrendered to Gedaliah.
who taunted, blinded and impressed him. Later, hair regrown
king of Assyria who conquered Samaria. [Isaiah 20:1] Satan (viii) A priest, also known as Azariah, returned from the
and strength restored, Samson caused a great temple to
say-tan (male) Babylonian captivity. Variants: Sheva, Shisha, Shavsha. [2
collapse, destroying thousands of Philistines as well as
Greek, from Hebrew: Adversary. Leader of the fallen spirits, Samuel 8:17]
himself. [Judges 13:24]
primal enemy of God and man. Known variously as the evil Sergius sur-gee-us (male)
Greek: Net? The Roman proconsul of Cyprus during Paul's chief of the Asherites, son of Zophah. [1 Chronicles 7:37] Hebrew: Asked of God. Either the son of King Jeconiah of
visit, and the first Christian convert of his among the Gentiles. Shammai sham-may (modern male and female) Judah, or the son of Neri. The biblical record is uncertain.
His full name was Sergius Paulus. [Acts 13:7] Hebrew: God hears. Other interpretations: Desolated. Son of Father of Zerubbabel. An ancestor of Jesus Christ. Variants:
Seth seth (modern male and female) Onan. Father of Nadab and Abishur. Others with this name: Salathiel. [1 Chronicles 3:17]
Hebrew: Substitute, compensation. Other interpretations: (i) Son of Rekem. Father of Maon. (ii) Son of Mered and Sheariah sheer-ri-ar (modern male and female)
Appointed, destined. The third son of Adam and Eve, born Bithiah, daughter of Pharoah. [1 Chronicles 2:28] Hebrew: Valued by God. A returned captive from Babylon.
when Adam was a spry one hundred and thirty years old. His Shammua sham-mew-ar (modern male and female) One of the six sons of Azel. His brothers were Bokeru,
brothers were Cain and Abel. Eve said of him, "God has Hebrew: Heard, renowned. One of the spies sent out by Azrikam, Ishmael, Obadiah and Hanan. [1 Chronicles 8:38]
given me another child instead of Abel, for Cain killed him." Moses to survey the land of Canaan. Son of Zaccur. Others Sheba she-ba (modern male and female)
Father of Enosh. He died at the age of nine hundred and with this name: (i) A son of David by his wife Bathsheba. The Hebrew: Promise, oath. Son of Raamah and great-great-
twelve years. [Genesis 4:25] Sethur seth-ur (male) brother of Solomon. (ii) Father of Obadiah. (iii) A priest who grandson of Noah. His brother was Dedan, and his uncle, the
Hebrew: Hidden. One of the spies sent out by Moses to served under Joiakim. mighty warrior-king Nimrod. Others with this name: (i) A son
survey the land of Canaan. Son of Michael of the Asherite Variants: Shimea, Shemaiah. [Numbers 13:4] of Joktan. (ii) A son of Jokshan and a grandson of Abraham.
tribe. Shapham sha-farm (modern male and female) (iii) A rebel during the reign of David. Son of Bicri. (iv) To
[Numbers 13:13] Hebrew: Bare. A Gadite of Bashan, second-in-command Gadite chief. [Genesis 10:7] Shebaniah she-ban-ni-ar
Shadrach shad-drack (male) under (modern male and female) Hebrew: Grown by God. A musical
Hebrew, from Akkadian: Royal? The Babylonian name given Joel. [1 Chronicles 5:12] priest, a trumpet blower. Others with this name: (i) Three co-
to the captive Hananiah , a friend of Daniel. [Daniel 1:7] Shaphan sha-farn (modern male and female) covenanters of Nehemiah. (ii) Chief of a priestly family. [1
Shallum shall-lum (male) Hebrew: Rabbit. Son of Azaliah. A faithful scribe and Chronicles 15:24]
Hebrew: Revenge, reward, reward. The fifteenth king of secretary of King Josiah. His sons were Ahikam, Gemariah, Sheber she-ber (modern male and female)
Israel. Son of Jabesh. He usurped the throne by killing King Elasah and Jaazaniah. [2 Kings 22:3] Hebrew: Breaking. Son of Caleb and his concubine Maacah.
Zechariah and reigned for only one month. He was killed and Sharai shar-ray (modern male and female) [1 Chronicles 2:48]
succeeded by Menahem. Others with this name: (i) Husband Hebrew: Liberated, free. A son of Bani who divorced his Shebna sheb-na (male)
of Huldah the prophetess. (ii) Youngest son of Naphtali, see foreign wife at the urging of Ezra. [Ezra 10:40] Hebrew: Strength. A scribe or secretary of King Hezekiah.
Shillem. (iii) Youngest son of King Josiah of Judah. He The Maltese Miracle With others, he went out from Jerusalem to face the Assyrian
succeeded his father on the throne, see Jehoahaz. (iv) Son of army. Others with this name: High court official under King
Shaul, to Simeonite. (v) Son of Shismai, father of Jekamiah. The last miracle of the Bible is recorded in Acts 28:8-9, where Hezekiah. Variants: Shebnah. [2 Kings 18:18]
(vi) Chief gatekeeper of the temple, a son of Kore. (vii) Son of the Apostle Paul heals the sickly father of Publius, and others Shecaniah shack-kan-ni-ar (male)
Zadok, father of Hilkiah. (viii) A chief of the Ephraimites, the of various diseases, on the island of Malta. Hebrew: Dweller with God. Son of Obadiah, a descendant of
father of Jehizkiah. (ix) Jeremiah's uncle. (x) Father of Solomon. Others with this name: (i) Four priests, one each
Maaseiah. (xi) Two Jews who divorced their foreign wives at Sharezer shar-rezer (modern male and female) under David, Hezekiah and Joiakim, and one who returned
the urging of Ezra. (xii) Two district officials who helped in the Hebrew, from Assyrian: Prince.Other interpretations: Save from the Babylonian captivity. (ii) Two other captives who
reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem. the returned from Babylon, one the son of Jehaziel. (iii) A
Variants: Shallun, Shillim. [2 Kings 15:10] king. A son of King Sennacherib of Assyria. With his brother gatekeeper under
Shalmai shal-may (modern male and female) Adrammelech, he killed his father. Others with this name: A Nehemiah. Father of Shemaiah. (iv) Father-in-law of Tobiah,
Hebrew: Thanks. An ancestor of a family of returned representative of the people of Bethel sent to Jerusalem to the adversary of Nehemiah. (v) Son of Jehiel. I have
Babylonian gain the favor of God. Variants: Sherezer. [2 Kings 19:37] proposed the idea to Ezra that foreign wives should be
captives. Variants: Salmai, Shamlai. [Ezra 2:46] Sharon shar-ron (modern male and female) divorced. Variants: Shechaniah. [1 Chronicles 3:21]
Shalman shal-man (male) Hebrew: Plain, flat pasture. The biblical name of a place Shechem shek-kem (male)
Hebrew: Lenient. Other interpretations: God is the chief. Most rather than a person. It has become popular as a personal Hebrew: Shoulder. Son of Hamor. Shechem was smitten with
likely a shortened form of Shalmaneser . An Assyrian king name, especially for girls. The plain of Sharon lay between Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah. He abducted her and
who twice defeated the forces of King Hoshea of Israel and the Mediterranean Sea and Mount Carmel. It was renowned held her captive in his house. Along with his father and
captured his capital city of Samaria. [2 Kings 17:3] for its fertility and pastoral beauty. The name suggests natural various unlucky kin, he was killed for this offense by Dinah's
Shama sha-mar (modern male and female) peace and abundance. Variants: Shara, Sharai, Shareen, brothers, Simeon and Levi. Others with this name: (i) Son of
Hebrew: God you have heard. Other interpretations: Loyal, Shari, Sharma, Sharona. [1 Chronicles 27:29] Gilead. (ii) Son of Shemida and nephew of the previous.
dutiful. One of David's elite warriors, the son of Hotham. [1 Shashai sha-shay (modern male and female) Variants: Sichem, Sychem. [Genesis 33:19]
Chronicles 11:44] Shamariah sham-mar-ri-ar (modern male Hebrew: Noble. A son of Bani who divorced his foreign wife. Sheerah sheer-ra (female)
and female) [Ezra 10:40] Hebrew: Relation, kin. Either a daughter of grand-daughter of
Hebrew: Kept by God. Son of King Rehoboam and Mahalath, Shashak sha-shak (male) Ephraim. A most extraordinary woman for her time and
and grandson of Solomon. Variants: Shemariah. [2 Hebrew: Eager. Son of Beriah. He had eleven sons: Ishpan, culture. She built three fortified towns, Lower Bethhoran,
Chronicles 11:19] Shamir sham-meer (modern male and Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zichri, Hanan, Hananiah, Elam, Upper Bethhoran and Uzzensheerah. Variants: Sherah. [1
female) Anthothijah, Iphdeiah, and Penuel. [1 Chronicles 8:14] Chronicles 7:24] Shelemiah shel-lem-mi-ar (modern male
Hebrew: Thorn. Other interpretations: Diamond. A temple Sheal she-al (modern male and female) and female)
servant, the son of Micah. [1 Chronicles 24:24] Hebrew: Asking. A son of Bani who divorced his foreign wife. Hebrew: Rewarded by God. Other interpretations: Friend of
Shamma sham-ma (modern male and female) [Ezra 10:29] God. A leading gatekeeper of the temple. His sons were
Hebrew: Desolation. Other interpretations: Astonishment. A Shealtiel she-al-te-el (modern male and female) Zechariah, Jediael, Zebadiah, Jathniel, Elam, Jehohanan and
Eliehoenai. Others with this name: (i) Two sons of Bani who prince in the days of Jeremiah. Variants: Shammua. [1 Kings we all know today. A few examples: The Letter of Barnabas,
had foreign wives. (ii) Father of Hananiah, a wall repairer. (iii) 12:22] The Letter of Clement, The Gospel of Peter, The Acts of
A priestly treasurer in the time of Nehemiah. (iv) Father of Shemariah shem-mar-ri-ar (modern male and female) Andrew, The Shepherd of Hermas, The Acts of Paul, The
Irijah, who arrested Jeremiah as he tried to leave Jerusalem. Hebrew: God preserves, keeps. One of the mighty warriors Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, The Revelation to Peter -
(v) Father of Jehucal, a messenger sent to the prophet who joined forces with David at Ziklag. Others with this name: and unearthed in Egypt this century - The Gospel of Thomas.
Jeremiah. (vi) Grandfather of Jehudi, a messenger sent to (i) A son of King Rehoboam of Judah by Mahalath. (ii) Two These works are thought by most church authorities to be
Baruch. (vii) Son of Abdeel, one of those sent to arrest men who had foreign wives in the time of Ezra. [1 Chronicles false and uninspired; thus they are not included in the modern
Jeremiah and Baruch. 12:5] Shemeber shem-me-ber (modern male and female) Bible.
Variants: Meshelemiah. [1 Chronicles 26:14] Shelomi shel- Hebrew: To fly high, dream. King of Zeboiim, a city near the
lo-me (modern male and female) Hebrew: At rest, peaceful, Dead Sea. [Genesis 14:2] Shiloni shil-lo-ni (modern male and female)
peace. Father of Ahihud, an Asherite chief. [Numbers 34:27] Shemida shem-mi-da (modern male and female) Hebrew: From Shiloh. A descendant of Shelah. Father of
Shelumiel shel-lum-me-el (modern male and female) Hebrew: Wise. Son of Gilead, a descendant of Joseph. His Zechariah. Sometimes called the Shilonite. [Nehemiah 11:5]
Hebrew: The peace of God. A chief of the Simeonites in the sons were Ahian, Shechem, Likhi and Aniam. His brothers Shimea shim-may (modern male and female)
days of Moses. I have assisted in the great census of the were Abiezer, Helek, Shechem, Hepher and Asriel. Variants: Hebrew: Hearing. A son of King David. Others with this name:
tribes. [Numbers 1:6] Shemidah . [Numbers 26:32] Two Levites, one the grandfather of Asaph. Variants:
Mother Of All Bestsellers Shemuel shem-mu-el (modern male and female) Shammua. [1 Chronicles 3:5]
Hebrew: Heard of God. Other interpretations: Name of God. Shimeah shim-me-ar (modern male and female)
The Bible is the biggest bestseller of all time. The Guinness The original Hebrew form of the name Samuel. A Simeonite Hebrew: Hearing. A brother of David. His son Jonathan killed
Book of World Records estimates that over the one hundred chief presented at the division of the land of Canaan by one of the giants of Gath. Others with this name: Son of
and sixty year period from 1815 to 1975, two and a half Joshua. Others with this name: (i) An official in charge of Mikloth, a descendant of Jehiel. Variants: Shammah,
thousand million copies of the Bible were printed - an average music in the temple. (ii) A chief of the Issachar. Variants: Shimea, Shimeam, Shimei, Shimma. [2 Samuel 13:3]
of nearly sixteen million copies a year. Samuel. [Numbers 34:20] Shenazar shen-naz-zar (modern Shimeath shim-me-ath (female)
male and female) Hebrew: Ivory keeper. A son of Jeconiah of Hebrew: Hearing. Other interpretations: Fame. The mother of
Shem shem (male) Judah, the captive king. His brothers were Hoshama, Jozacar, also known as Zabad, one of the assassins of King
Hebrew: Name, renown, fame. Eldest and especially blessed Shealtiel, Malchiram, Pedaiah, Jekamiah and Nedabiah. Joash of Judah. [2 Kings 12:21]
are of Noah. His brothers were Japheth and Ham. From these Variants: Shenazzar. [1 Chronicles 3:18] Shimei shim-mi (modern male and female)
three, the Bible says, "the whole world was peopled." He had Shephi shef-fi (modern male and female) Hebrew: Famous, renowned. A popular Old Testament name.
five sons: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. His Hebrew: Barren. Son of Shobal and grandson of Seir the The first to bear it was a son of Gershon. His brother was
descendants include the Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians, Horite. His brothers were Alvan, Manahath, Ebal and Onam. Libni. Others with this name: (i) Son of Gera. He cursed David
Persians and Arameans. The languages of these races are Variants: Shepho. [Genesis 36:23] during the ill-fated rebellion of Absalom. (ii) An official under
still called semitic or shemitic . He died at the age of six Sherebiah sher-re-bi-ah (modern male and female) King Solomon. (iii) One of David's mighty warriors. (iv) Four
hundred years. [Genesis 6:10] Hebrew: Warmth of God. A leading priest who assisted Ezra prominent Levites, including one from the time of Moses and
Shema she-ma (modern male and female) and served as a custodian of the treasures of the temple. a treasurer of the temple. (v) A grandson of Jeconiah. (vi) Son
Hebrew: Hearing, hears. Other interpretations: Renown, Others with this name: (i) One who, with Nehemiah, signed of Gog and father of Micah. (vii) A descendant of Misha. He
reputation. Father of Raham. A descendant of Caleb. Others the covenant. (ii) A had sixteen sons and six daughters. (viii) Head of a Benjamite
with this name: (i) Son of Joel and father of Azaz. (ii) To Levite who returned from the Babylonian captivity. (iii) A chief family, father of eight sons.
Benjamite chief. (iii) An assistant to Ezra. [1 Chronicles 2:44] Levite in the days of Eliashib. [Nehemiah 9:4]
Shemaah shem-mar (modern male and female) Sheshai shee-shay (modern male and female) (ix) A son of Pedaiah. His brother was Zerubbabel. (x) A
Hebrew: God hears. Other interpretations: Fame, renowned. Hebrew: Princely. One of the giants who were feared by the viticulturist in the days of David. (xi) Son of Kish and
Father of two warriors who joined forces with David at Ziklag. Israelites in the days before their conquest of Canaan. Son of grandfather of Mordecai. (xii) A son of Heman. His brother
[1 Chronicles 12:3] Anak. [Numbers 13:22] was Jehuel. (xiii) Three Jews who had foreign wives in the
Shemaiah shem-may-ar (modern male and female) Hebrew: Sheva she-va (modern male and female) time of Ezra. (xiv) An inhabitant of Jerusalem whose family
God hears, God has heard. One of the most popular ancient Hebrew: Warrior of God. A corrupted form of Seraiah . Hence mourned for Israel.
Hebrew names. More than two score Old Testament persons the scribe in the court of King David known as Sheva is Variants: Shimi, Shimhi. [Exodus 6:17]
have it. The earliest was a prophet of God during the reign of almost certainly the same person as the scribe called Seraiah Shimeon shim-me-on (modern male and female)
King Rehoboam of Judah. He warned Rehoboam not to . Others with this name: (i) A son of Caleb by his concubine Hebrew: Hearing. A Jew who had a foreign wife in the time of
attack the northern kingdom of Israel. Others with this name: Maacah. Father of Machbenah. (ii) Father of the scribes Ezra. [Ezra 10:31]
(i) Ten Levites of various distinction, three with the status of Elihoreph and Ahijah, both of whom served King Solomon. Shimri shim-ree (modern male and female)
clan chiefs or princes. (ii) Four priests, including one who was Variants: Seraiah, Shisha, Shavsha. [2 Samuel 20:25] Hebrew: Alert, vigilant. Son of Shemaiah and father of
a co covenanter with Nehemiah. (iii) Son of Delaiah. He tried Shiloh shy-lo (modern male and female) Jedaiah. Others with this name: (i) Father of two of David's
in vain to frighten Nehemiah. (iv) Two men who had married Hebrew: Peace. Possibly a symbolic name for the Messiah, mighty warriors, Jediael and Joha. (ii) A clan chief, the son of
foreign wives. (v) A prince of the Simeonites. (vi) A son of Jesus Christ. Also the name of a town in Palestine. [Joshua Hosah. (iii) A ritual purifier of the temple. Variants: Simri. [1
Joel, descendant of Reuben. (vii) Eldest son of Obed-Edom. 18:1] Hey - Which Bible Says That? Chronicles 4:37] Shimrith shim-re-ith (female)
(viii) The sons of two different men, both named Shecaniah. Hebrew: Alert, vigilant. Mother of Jehozabad, one of the
(ix) Father of the prophet Uriah. (x) A false teacher who Way back at the beginning of the Christian religion, many assassins of King Joash of Judah. She is known in other parts
opposed the great prophet Jeremiah. (xi) Father of Delaiah, a gospels and letters were available in addition to those which of the Bible as Shomer. [2 Chronicles 24:26]
Shimron shim-ron (modern male and female) Hebrew: Resting. A son of Gad. His descendants were the unions were political rather than romantic. Solomon's great
Hebrew: Guard. Other interpretations: Watch-place. Fourth Shunites. His brothers were Ziphion, Ezbon, Haggi, Areli, Eri weakness was compromise. To appeal to his foreign wives he
son of Issachar and a grandson of Jacob. Variants: and Arodi. [Genesis 46:16] permitted the erection of pagan alters. This drew the
Shimrom. [Genesis 46:13] Sia see-ar (modern male and female) displeasure of God and the fortunes of the great king won.
Shiphrah shy-fra (female) Hebrew: Assembly. An ancestor of captives returned from Under his son and successor Rehoboam, the kingdom
Hebrew: Beautiful, loveliness. A courageous Hebrew midwife Babylon. Variants: Siaha. [Nehemiah 7:47] divided into the separate states of Israel and Judah.
who defended the order of Pharoah to kill all newborn Hebrew Silas si-las (male) Variants: Salamon, Salmen, Salmon, Salo, Saloman,
boys. Greek, from Aramaic?: Woody. Other interpretations: Asked, Salome, Selman, Shlomo, Sol, Solly, Solmon, Zalman,
[Exodus 1:15] to borrow, snub-nosed. A name with obscure and confused Zalmon, Zelman, Zolly. [2 Samuel 12:24]
Shobai sho-bay (modern male and female) origins. Silas was a prominent Christian of the early church. Stephanas stef-farn-nas (male)
Hebrew: Captive. Ancestor of a family of temple gatekeepers He taught at Jerusalem and later accompanied Paul on Greek: Crown. An early Christian convert of Paul at Corinth.
who returned from the Babylonian captivity. [Ezra 2:42] missionary trips. He was impressed with the apostle at [1 Corinthians 1:16]
Islands Of Learning Philippi. Tradition says he became the bishop of Corinth. Stephen Stee-ven (modern male and female)
Variants: Silo, Silus, Silvanus, Silouanos. [Acts 15:22] Greek: Crown. An early leader of the Church and first of the
During the Dark Ages, from about the 6th century AD, Simeon sim-me-on (modern male and female) Christian martyrs. He was a Greek convert with outstanding
European civilization hit bottom. The arts and sciences of the Hebrew: He who hears. Son of Jacob and Leah, and a faith and brilliant power as a preacher. The Bible says he
Romans and Greeks were mostly forgotten. Few people could grandson of Isaac. His brothers were Reuben, Levi, Judah, performed wonders and signs before the people. His
read or write. But in the religious monasteries - those tiny Issachar and Zebulun. His sister was Dinah. He also had half- teachings angered the Sanhedrin, the governing Jewish
islands of learning - the monks labored to preserve the Bible, brothers: Joseph, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. council. In a fit of religious outrage, they dragged him from the
copying out the scriptures by hand. Some scholars believe One of the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel; in this city and stoned him to death. Saul, later known as the apostle
that European knowledge of reading and writing was thus - case, the Simeonites. With Levi, he avenged the assault on Paul, was present. These events are thought to have
and only thus - kept alive. Had there been no Bible to so Dinah by killing the lustful Shechem and his unfortunate occurred in AD 37. Variants: Esteban, Estes, Estvan, Stefan,
passionately preserve, Europe may have slipped even further kinsmen. Others with this name: (i) Son of Judah, an ancestor Stefano, Stepan, Stephan, Stephanus, Stepka, Stevan,
- perhaps all the way back to a second prehistory. The of Jesus Christ. (ii) A devout Jew who blessed the infant Steve, Steven. Female forms include Stefana, Stefania,
cultural revival of the 12th century, and the later Renaissance, Jesus at the temple. (iii) Simon Peter - see Peter. (iv) Simeon Stefanie, Steffie, Stephenie, Stevena. [Acts 6:5] Susanna su-
may not have happened. And you, dear reader, instead of Niger, an early Christian from Antioch. zan-na (female)
browsing through lists of baby names, may have spent today Variants: Imon, Cimon, Shimone, Si, Sim, Simi, Simon, Greek: Lily. One of the women who traveled with Jesus Christ
chipping yourself a new stone ax. Simone, Simpson, Sims, Sy, Ximenes. [Genesis 29:33] and the disciples. She and other "women who had been
Simon si-mon (male) healed of evil spirits and infirmities" helped to support the
Shobal sho-bal (modern male and female) Greek, from Hebrew: Simeon, he who hears. Simon Peter - mission of Christ materially and spiritually. Variants:
Hebrew: Current . A chief of the Horites, the second son of see Peter. Others with this name: (i) Simon the Canaanite, Shoshana, Shushan, Shushana, Sosanna, Sue, Sukey, Suki,
Seir. His sons were Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho and also known as Simon Zelotes (that is, Simon the Zealot). A Susan, Susannah, Susi, Suzanne, Suzette, Suzy, Zsa Zsa.
Onam. His brothers were Lotan, Zibeon, Ezer and Dishan, disciple of Jesus Christ. (ii) A leper of Bethany. (iii) Simon the [Luke 8:3] Susi su-zi (modern male and female)
and his sister was Timna, a concubine of Esau. Others with brother of Jesus Christ. (iv) Simon of Cyrene, who was Hebrew: Horseman. One of the twelve spies sent out by
this name: (i) A son of Hur, descendant of Caleb. (ii) A son of chosen to help bear the cross of Jesus. (v) A Pharisee in Moses to survey the land of Canaan. [Numbers 13:11]
Judah. Father of Reaiah. [Genesis 36:20] whose house a woman anointed the feet of Jesus Christ. (vi) Syntyche sin-tie-chee (female)
Shobi sho-bi (modern male and female) Simon Magus, a sorcerer of Samaria and insincere convert Greek: Fate, fortune, luck. A Christian woman of the early
Hebrew: Captive. Son of Nahash. He gave assistance to who wanted to acquire the "powers" of the apostles. (vii) A church at Philippi. She was apparently in dispute with another
David during the rebellion of Absalom. [2 Samuel 17:27] tanner of the town of Joppa who sheltered Peter. (viii) Simon woman of the church, Euodia. Paul treated them to "agree in
Iscariot, father of the traitorous Judas. Variants: Simeon. the Lord." [Philippians 4:2]
Shomer sho-mer (traditionally male and female) [Matthew 4:18] ~T~
Hebrew: Guardian, keeper, watcher. Either the mother or Simon Peter - see Peter Tabaliah tab-ba-li-ar (modern male and female)
father of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of King Joash of Solomon sol-lo-mon (male) Hebrew: Purged. Third son of Hosah. A temple gatekeeper in
Judah. The gender is uncertain. If a woman, then she was Hebrew: Peaceful, serene. Son of King David. Last monarch the days of David. Variants: Tebaliah. [1 Chronicles 26:11]
also known as Shimrith. Others with this name: Son of Heber to hold the throne of Israel united. His mother was Bathsheba. Tabeal tab-be-al (modern male and female)
and great-grandson of Asher. Variants: Shamer, Shemer, An adept ruler, he retained the kingship for forty years and Hebrew: God is good, good God. Father of the man whom
Shomar, Shimrith. [2 Kings 12:21] raised the nation to its acme of prosperity and power. As a Rezin and Pekah conspired to make a king of Judah.
Shua shoo-ar (traditionally male and female) child he was called Jedidiah by the prophet Nathan, meaning Variants: Tabeel. [Isaiah 7:6]
Hebrew: Wealth, prosperity. Father-in-law of Judah. Others beloved of God. Solomon was famous for his wisdom and Tabitha tab-bith-tha (female)
with this name: Daughter of Heber. Variants: Shuah, learning, granted directly by God. He wrote thousands of Aramaic, from Greek (Dorcas): Gazelle, doe, small deer. An
Bathshua. [Genesis 38:2] proverbs and songs. Three Old Testament books are early Christian woman of Joppa whom Peter raised from the
Shual shoo-al (modern male and female) attributed to him: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of dead. The Bible says of her, "She was full of good works and
Hebrew: Fox. A son of Zophah. His brothers were Suah, Solomon . He was also an accomplished botanist and acts of charity." Variants: Tabbi, Tabby. [Acts 9:36]
Harnepher, Beri, Imrah, Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, zoologist. The Bible says he had "largeness of mind like the Tahash tar-hash (male)
Ithran and Beera. [1 Chronicles 7:36] sand on the seashore." Solomon's harem was huge: seven Hebrew: Badger. Son of Nahor by his concubine Reumah. His
Shuni shoo-ni (modern male and female) hundred wives and three hundred concubines. Most of these brothers were Tebah, Gaham, and Maacah. He also had eight
half-brothers: Uz, Buz, Kemuel, Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, by God. His brothers were Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, You strip strips ( male)
Jidlaph and Bethuel. Variants: Thahash. [Genesis 22:24] Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Jetur, Naphish and Hebrew: Yearning. Youngest son of Japheth and a grandson
Tahpenes ta-pen-nez (female) Kedemah. His sister was Mahalath, a wife of Esau. [Genesis of Noah. His brothers were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan,
Hebrew: Meaning unknown. An Egyptian queen in the time of 25:15] Meshech and Tubal. His descendants were pirates on the
David and Solomon. Her sister married King Hadad of Edom, Teman tay-man Aegean Sea. [Genesis 10:2]
the enemy of Israel. She was aunt and nurse to Genubath, Hebrew: Desert. Other interpretations: To the south, the right Tirzah ti-zar (modern male and female)
the infant son of Hadad. [1 Kings 11:19] side. First son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau. His brothers Hebrew: Pleasing, enchanting. Other interpretations: Cypress
Talmai tal-may (modern male and female) were Omar, Zepho, Gatam and Kenaz; his half-brother was tree, desired. Youngest daughter of Zelophehad. Her sisters
Hebrew: Brave. A son of Anak. Others with this name: A king Amalek. Forefather of the Temanites of Edom. Others with were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah and Milcah. Variants: Tirza,
of this name: Another chief of Edom, possibly the same as the Thyrza. [Numbers 26:33]
Geshur. His daughter Maacah became David's wife and the former. Variant: Temani. [Genesis 36:11] Titus ti-tus (male)
mother of the rebel Absalom. [Numbers 13:22] Temeni tay-men-ni (modern male and female) Greek: Pleasant. Other interpretations: Sun, daylight. A Greek
Talmon tal-mon (male) Hebrew: Meaning unknown. A son of Ashur and his wife convert to Christianity who became a trusted friend and
Hebrew: Captive. A temple porter and the head of a family of Naarah. His brothers were Hepher, Ahuzzam and assistant to Paul. He traveled with the apostle. The
captives returned from Babylon. [1 Chronicles 9:17] Haahashtari. [1 Chronicles 4:6] seventeenth book of the New Testament, Letter to Titus , was
Tamah tar-mar (modern male and female) Teresh tay-resh (modern male and female) addressed to him by Paul. Variants: Titan, Toto. [2
Hebrew: Happiness. An ancestor of a family of temple Hebrew: Strict. A eunuch of the court of King Ahasuerus of Corinthians 8:6]
servants returned from captivity in Babylon. Variants: Persia. He conspired to murder Ahasuerus but was foiled by Tobiah to-bi-ar (male)
Temah, Thamah. [Ezra 2:53] the loyal Mordecai. [Esther 2:21] Hebrew: God is good, the goodness of God. A clan chief
The Thousand Year Bible Thaddeus thad-dee-us (male) whose descendants returned from the Babylonian captivity
Greek: Wise. Surname of the apostle Jude. Variants: with Zerubbabel. Others with this name: A servant who, with
For a long time the Bible officially existed only in Latin, the Thaddaeus. [Matthew 10:3] Geshem the Arab and Sanballat the Horonite, scoffed at
preferred language of its keeper, the Catholic Church. In 405 Theophilus theo-fi-lus (male) Nehemiah's plan to rebuild Jerusalem's ruined wall. Variants:
AD, St Jerome produced a Latin version of the Bible known Greek: Lover of God. The unknown Christian to whom Luke Tavi, Tivon, Tobe, Tobias, Tobin, Tobit, Toby. [Nehemiah
as the Vulgate. This enormously influential work became the dedicated both his gospel and Acts of the Apostles. [Luke 1:3] 2:19]
standard Bible of Christianity for the next thousand years. Thomas tom-mas (male) Tobijah tob-be-jar (male)
Greek, from Aramaic: Twin. The cautious and disbelieving Hebrew: God is good, goodness of God. A teacher of the law
Tamar tay-mar (female) apostle of Jesus Christ, from whom the expression, doubting under King Jehoshaphat. Others with this name: A captive
Hebrew: Palm tree. Widow of both Er and Onan, sons of Thomas was derived. When told by the other apostles that returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. He brought gold and
Judah. By her father-in-law Judah, who mistook her for a Jesus had risen from the dead, he refused to believe. Eight silver with him, from which the crown of the high priest Joshua
harlot, she became the mother of the twins Perez and Zerah. days later, Jesus appeared to the apostles again, Thomas was made. Variants: Tobias, Tobiah. [2 Chronicles 17:8]
She is recorded by Matthew in the family lineage of Jesus included. Jesus invited him to inspect His wounds, at which Tryphena tri-fee-na (female)
Christ. Others with this name: (i) Daughter of David and sister Thomas exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" Tradition asserts Greek: Delicate. Other interpretations: Shining, luminous. A
of Absalom. She was raped by her half-brother Amnon. (ii) that he later preached as far away as Persia and India. In Christian woman of Rome to whom Paul sent greetings. She
Daughter of Absalom, wife of Uriel and mother-in-law of King 1945, a Gospel of Thomas was unearthed in Egypt. Its was apparently close kin of Tryphosa. [Romans 16:12]
Abijah through her daughter Maacah. Variants: Tamah, authenticity is uncertain. Variants: Tam, Tamas, Tamlane, Tryphosa tri-fo-sa (female)
Tamara, Tamir, Thamar, Timi, Timora, Timur. [Genesis 38:11] Tamsen, Tamson, Thoma, Thompson, Tip, Tom, Tomaso, Greek: Delicate. Other interpretations: Shining, luminous. A
Tay-re-ar task (modern male and female) Tommy. [Matthew 10:3] Christian woman of Rome to whom Paul sent greetings. She
Hebrew:Cunning. A son of Micah and a descendant of Tilon ti-lon (male) was apparently close kin of Tryphena. [Romans 16:12]
Jonathan and Saul. His brothers were Pithon, Melech and Hebrew: Gift. The youngest son of Shimon, a descendant of Tubal tu-bal (male)
Ahaz. Variants: Tahrea. [1 Chronicles 8:35] Judah. His brothers were Amnon, Rinnah and Benhanan. [1 Hebrew: Tumult, commotion. Fifth son of Japheth and
Chronicles 4:20] grandson of Noah. His brothers were Gomer, Magog, Madai,
Tarshish tar-sheesh (modern male and female)
Timon tim-mon (modern male and female) Javan, Meshech and Tiras. His descendants were traders on
Hebrew: Solid rock, rocky. Son of Javan and great-grandson
Greek: Honorable. One of the first seven deacons of the early the Caspian Sea. [Genesis 10:2]
of Noah. His descendants were traders on the Mediterranean
Christian church in Jerusalem. [Acts 6:5] ~U~
Sea and Red Sea. Others with this name: (i) One of the seven
Timothy tim-moth-ee (male) Uri u-ree (male)
wise princes of Persia and Media who advised King
Greek: Honoring God. A close friend of Paul, much loved by Hebrew: Fire. Father of Bezalel, the divinely inspired
Ahasuerus. (ii) A great-grandson of Benjamin. Variants:
the apostle for his faith, commitment and deeply spiritual architect. Others
Tharshish. [Genesis 10:4] Telah tay-lar (modern male and
nature. He was the son of Eunice, a devout Jewess, by a with this name: (i) Father of Geber, one of King Solomon's
pagan father. Paul called him "my true child in the faith" . He supply officers. (ii) A Jew who divorced his foreign wife in the
Hebrew: Strength. Other interpretations: Fracture. Two very
became a valuable assistant to the apostle and accompanied time of Ezra. [Exodus 31:2]
different interpretations of meaning! Son of Resheph and
him on his international evangelizing missions to spread the Uriah u-ri-ar (male)
father of Tahan. [1 Chronicles 7:25]
new faith of Christianity. The fifteenth and sixteenth books of Hebrew: Light, God is light. One of David's military
Tay-ma (modern male and female) theme
the New Testament, 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy , were commanders, a loyal and brave soldier. His wife was the
Hebrew: Desert. Ninth son of Ishmael and a grandson of
addressed to him by Paul. Variants: Timothy, Timofei, beautiful Bathsheba, lustfully coveted by King David. To
Abraham. He was one of the twelve Arabian princes promised
Timotheus, Tymon. [2 Timothy 1:5] obtain her, David disgracefully arranged that Uriah be
deliberately exposed to mortal danger in battle. When Uriah Greek, from Hebrew: Meaning uncertain. This name is defeated and killed by the famous warrior Gideon. [Judges
was dead, David married his widow. Others with this name: (i) originally Persian, where it takes the form Khshayarsha. The 8:5] Zebedee zeb-bed-dee (male)
A high priest under King Ahaz. (ii) A priestly official and aide Hebrew form is Ahasuerus. Xerxes was the great King of Greek: God's share. Other interpretations: My gift. Father of
to Ezra. (iii) A prophet, the son of Shemaiah, killed by King Persia who ruled from 486 to 465BC. His wife was Vashti. the James and John, disciples of Jesus Christ. Husband of
Jehoiakim of Judah. Variants: Uriah, Urijah. [2 Samuel 11:3] Later I married Esther. Salome. He was a prosperous fishermen on the Sea of
Uriel u-ree-el (modern male and female) Others with this name: The father of Darius the Mede. [Ezra Galilee. Variants: Zabdi. [Mark 1:19]
Hebrew: Light, God is light. Other interpretations: Fire of God. 4:6] Zebidah zeb-bi-dar (female)
Son of Tahath and father of Uzziah. Descendants of Kohath. ~And~ Hebrew: Given, a gift. Daughter of Pedaiah. She became the
Others with this name: (i) A chief of the Kohathites in the time Yahweh - see Jehovah wife of King Josiah and the mother of King Jehoiakim.
of David. (ii) Father of Maacah, wife of King Rehoboam and ~Z~ Variants: Zebudah. [2 Kings 23:36]
mother of Abijah. [1 Chronicles 6:24] Zabbai zab-bay (modern male and female) Zebina zeb-bi-na (modern male and female)
Uzzi uz-zi (male) Hebrew: Cloudless, crystal-clear. A son of Bebai. He divorced Hebrew: Buying, purchased. A son of Nebo who divorced his
Hebrew: Mighty, strong. Son of Bukki and father of Zerahiah. his foreign wife at the urging of Ezra. Others with this name: foreign wife at the urging of Ezra. [Ezra 10:43]
Descendant of Aaron. Others with this name: (i) A son of Father of Baruch, one of the repairers of the ruined walls of Zebulon zeb-bu-lon (male)
Tola. A clan chief and mighty warrior. (ii) Son of Bela and a Jerusalem. [Ezra 10:28] Hebrew: Home, dwelling. Youngest son of Jacob and Leah,
grandson of Benjamin. Head of a family and a mighty warrior. Zabdi zab-di (male) and a grandson of Isaac. He was the father of Sered, Elon
(iii) A clan chief, the father of Elah. (iv) A leading Levite of Hebrew: God has given, gift of God. Son of Zerah, a and Jahleel. His brothers were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah
Jerusalem, a son of Bani. (v) A priest in the time of Joiakim. [1 descendant of Judah. His grandson was Achan. Others with and Issachar. His sister was Dinah. He also had half-brothers,
Chronicles 6:5] Uzziah uz-zi-ar (male) this name: (i) A son of Shimei. His brothers were Jakim, Joseph, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan and Naphtali. He was
Hebrew: Strength of God. Tenth king of Judah, the son and Zichri, Elienai, Zilethai, Eliel, Adaiah, Beraiah and Shimrath. one of the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Variants:
successor of Amaziah. He reigned for fifty-two years. Under (ii) Master of the wine cellars of King David. (iii) A son of Zebulun. [Genesis 30:20] Zechariah zeck-ka-ri-ar (male)
the guidance of the prophet Zechariah, Uzziah ruled well in Asaph, also known as Zicri. [Joshua 7:1] Hebrew: God remembers, memory of God. The most
his early years. He enjoyed military conquests, raised new Zabdiel zab-dee-el (male) common Old Testament name. Some thirty persons bear it, or
cities and strengthened the kingdom. Later he grew extremely Hebrew: Gift of God. Father of Jashobeam, a commander of slightly varied forms like Zachariah. The first person called
arrogant and tried to usurp the ritual privileges of the David's guard. Others with this name: A priestly overseer, the Zech ariah was a clan chief descended from Reuben. Others
priesthood. For this God afflicted him with leprosy. Others son of Haggedolim. [1 Chronicles 27:2] with this name: (i) A son of Meshelemiah, described as "a
with this name: (i) Son of Uriel, an ancestor of Samuel. (ii) Zachariah zak-ka-ri-ar (male) shrewd counsellor." (ii) Son of Jihiel and brother of Kish. (iii) A
Father of Jehonathan, an official under King David. (iii) A Hebrew: God remembers, the memory of God. Fourteenth musical doorkeeper in the time of David. (iv) Three priests,
priestly son of Harim who divorced his foreign wife at the king of Israel, son and successor of Jeroboam II. He reigned two with trumpets and one, the son of Iddo, the likely author
urging of Ezra. (iv) Father of Athaiah, a descendant of Judah. only six months before being killed by his successor Shallum. of the thirty-eighth book of the Old Testament, called the
Variants: Azaria, Azariah, Ozias. [2 Kings 14:21] Uzziel uz- Others with this name: Father of Abi, the mother of King Book of Zechariah. (v) The sons of various biblical characters,
zi-el (modern male and female) Hezekiah of Judah. Variants: Zacaria, Zach, Zacharias, some obscure and some not. They include a son of King
Hebrew: God is strength. Youngest son of Kohath and a Zacharie, Zachary, Zack, Zak, Zakarias, Zechariah, Jehoshaphat, killed by Jehoram, a son of the high priest
grandson of Levi. His brothers were Amram, Izhar and Zecharias, Zeke. [2 Kings 15:8] Zalmon zal-mon (male) Jehoiada, and a son of the singer Asaph. More obscurely,
Hebron. Others with this name: (i) Son of Bela and a Hebrew: Shade, dark. Zalmon the Ahohite. One of David's there are the sons of Isshiah, Hosah, Bebai, Elam, Amariah,
grandson of Benjamin. A clan chief and mighty warrior. (ii) A mighty warriors. Variants: Ilai . [2 Samuel 23:28] Passhur, Jeberekiah, Shelah and Berakiah. (vi) A chief of the
temple musician, the son of Heman. (iii) A soldier under King Zavan zar-van (male) Manasseh, the father of Iddo. (vii) A teacher of the Jewish law
Hezekiah. Son of Ishi. (iv) A son of Jeduthun who took part in Hebrew: Disturbed, restless. Son of Ezer. His brothers were under King Jehoshaphat. (viii) Son of Benaiah and father of
the purification of the temple under Hezekiah. (v) Son of Bilhan and Akan. Variants: Zaavan. [Genesis 36:27] Jahaziel who prophesied defeat for the enemies of
Harhaiah. He helped in the repair of Jerusalem's wall. Zaza za-za (modern male and female) Jehoshaphat. (ix) Another prophet, this one in the service of
[Exodus 6:18] Hebrew: For all. Son of Jonathan and a descendant of Judah. King Uzziah. Under his guidance, Uzziah ruled well. (x)
~V~ His brother was Peleth. [1 Chronicles 2:33] Father of Abijah. (xi) A temple repairer. (xii) A temple official
Vaniah van-in-ar (modern male and female) Zebadiah zeb-ba-di-ar (male) in the time of Josiah. (xiii) A captive returned from Babylon.
Hebrew: Praise of God. A son of Bani who divorced his Hebrew: Gift of God, God has bestowed. A son of Beriah. His (xiv) An assistant and adviser to Ezra. (xv) The eleventh of
foreign wife at the urging of Ezra. [Ezra 10:36] brothers were Arad, Eder, Michael, Ishpah, and Joha. Others the twelve minor prophets. Son of Berakiah, grandson of Iddo,
Vashni vash-nee (modern male and female) with this name: (i) A son of Elpaal. (ii) A warrior who joined born a captive of Babylon. His prophecies of the glory of God
Hebrew: Second. Other interpretations: Weak. Eldest son of forces with David at Ziklag. He was ambidextrous. (iii) A and the coming of the Messiah are recorded in the Old
Samuel the prophet. Other parts of the Bible claim that Joel temple doorkeeper of David's time. Son of Meshelemiah. (iv) Testament's penultimate Book of Zechariah . (xvi) The priestly
was Samuel's eldest are; the confusion has never been A soldier under David. The son of Asahel and a nephew of father of John the Baptist and husband of Elizabeth.
resolved. [1 Chronicles 6:28] Joab. (v) A teacher of the Jewish law under Jehoshaphat. (vi) Variants: Zachariah, Zacharias, Zachary. [1 Chronicles 5:7]
Vashti vash-tee (female) A son of Ishmael and head of the house of Judah in the days Zedekiah zed-dee-ki-ar (male)
Hebrew: Beautiful woman. The lovely wife of King Ahasuerus of King Jehoshaphat. (vii) Two who returned from the Hebrew: Justice of God , God is righteous, goodness of God.
of Persia. He divorced her for disobedience and took Esther Babylonian captivity, the son of Immer and the son of Chief of the false prophets in the reign of the wicked King
in her place. [Esther 1:11] Michael. [1 Chronicles 8:15] Ahab. Son of Kenaanah. Others with this name: (i) Son of
~W,X~ Zebah zee-bar (male) King Josiah. Installed on the throne by the mighty
Xerxes zerk-zees (male) Hebrew: Sacrifice. A king of Midian who, with Zalmunna, was Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, his name was changed to
Zedekiah from his original Mattaniah. After nine years he Zethan zee-than (male)
revolted against the Babylonian overlordship, but was Hebrew: Olive tree. Son of Bilhan and a great-grandson of
defeated, blinded and taken captive. He was the last king of Benjamin. His brothers were Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud,
Judah. (ii) Second son of Jehoiakim. (iii) Another false Chenaanah, Tarshish and Ahishahar. A family head and
prophet, the son of Maaseiah. He was denounced by mighty warrior. [1 Chronicles 7:10]
Jeremiah. (iv) A prince of Israel in the time of Jehoiakim. The Zeus - see Jupiter
son of Hananiah. (v) One who, with Nehemiah, signed the Zia zee-ar (modern male and female)
covenant. Variants: Zed. [1 Kings 22:11] Hebrew: Moving. An early Gadite chief. [1 Chronicles 5:13]
Zemira zem-mi-ra (modern male and female) Zibia zib-bee-a (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Song. Son of Beker and grandson of Benjamin. His Hebrew: Deer, gazelle. A son of Shaharaim by Hodesh. His
brothers were Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, brothers were Jobab, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sachia and
Abijah, Anathoth and Alemeth. Variants: Zemirah. [1 Mirmah. [1 Chronicles 8:9]
Chronicles 7:8] Zenas zee-nas (modern male and female) Zibiah zib-bee-ar (female)
Greek: Meaning unknown. A Christian lawyer of Crete whom Hebrew: Deer, gazelle. Wife of King Ahaziah and mother of
Paul wished to see. [Titus 3:13] King
Zephaniah zef-farn-ni-ar (modern male and female) Hebrew: Joash of Judah. She was from Beersheba. [2 Kings 12:1]
Hidden by God, the secret of the Lord. Other interpretations: Zillah zil-lar (female)
Precious to God. Son of Tahath and father of Azariah. An Hebrew: Shadow. Wife of Lamech, who had two wives, the
ancestor of Samuel. Others with this name: (i) Ninth of the other being Adah. She is the third woman named in the Bible,
twelve minor prophets. Son of Cushi and a descendant of after Eve and Adah. Her son was Tubal-Cain and her
Hezekiah. He lived during the time of King Josiah. His daughter, Naamah. Variants: Zila, Zilli. [Genesis 4:19]
prophecies make up the thirty-sixth book of the Old Zilpah zil-par (female)
Testament, which bears his name. (ii) A priest under King Hebrew: Dropping, sprinkling. A maid given to Leah by Laban.
Zedekiah. He was executed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. As a concubine of Jacob, she became the mother of Gad and
(iii) Father of Josiah in the days of the prophet Zechariah. Asher. [Genesis 29:24]
Variants: Zevadia. [1 Chronicles 6:36] Zerah zer-ra (modern Zina zee-na (modern male and female)
male and female) Hebrew: Fruitful, abundant. Second son of Shimei. His
Hebrew: Rising sun, dawn. Other interpretations: Eastern. brothers were Jahath, Jeush and Beriah. Variants: Ziza. [1
Second son of Reuel and a grandson of Esau. An Edomite Chronicles 23:10]
chief. His brothers were Nahath, Shammah and Mizzah. Zippora zee-por-ra (female)
Others with this name: (i) A son of Judah by Tamar, an Hebrew: Little bird. Feminine form of Zippor. First wife of
ancestor in the family lineage of Jesus Christ. (ii) Son of Moses. She was the daughter of either Jethro or Reuel, a
Simeon. A cousin of the former. (iii) A son of Iddo and a son priest of Midian. Her sons included Gershom and Eliezer.
of Ethni, both descendants of Gershom. (iv) Father of King Variants: Cipora, Zipporah. [Exodus 2:21]
Jobab of Edom. (v) A king of Cush, or Ethiopia, defeated by Zuriel zur-ree-el (modern male and female)
King Asa of Judah. Variants: Zara, Zohar. [Genesis 36:17] Hebrew: My rock is God, God my rock. A clan chief, the son
Zerahiah zer-ra-hi-ar (modern male and female) of Abihail. [Numbers 3:3]
Hebrew: Rising of God, God has risen. A priest, the son of
Uzzi. Others with this name: Father of Eliehoenai, who led
two hundred returning captives from Babylon. [1 Chronicles
Zeresh zer-resh (female)
Hebrew: Golden. The wife of Haman and a co-conspirator
against Mordecai and the Jews. She told her husband to build
the gallows for Mordecai on which Haman, and not the
intended victim, was ultimately hung. [Esther 5:10]
Zeri zer-ri (modern male and female)
Hebrew: Created, the creator. One of the musical sons of
Jeduthun. His brothers were Jeshaiah, Gedaliah, Shimei,
Hashabiah and Mattithiah. Variants: Izri. [1 Chronicles 25:3]
Zeruiah zer-ru-i-ar (female)
Hebrew: Bruised. Sister of King David and mother of the three
greatest warriors under his command, namely Joab, Abishai
and Asahel. It is unsure if she was a full or half sister to
David. Her father was either Jesse or Nahash. Her sister was
Abigail. [1 Samuel 26:6]

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