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Ministry of

Education P.E.G.
Education Division
Government of

Technical table for
Special Educational
“So that no child is left
behind and reaches
their full potential ”
In this document we use Inclusive terms such as “the
teacher”, “the student”, “the professor”, “the student”
and their respective plurals (as well as other equivalent
words in the educational context) to re defer to men
and women.

This option is due to the fact that there is no

agreement universal do regarding how to allude to
conjoint ly to both sexes in the Spanish language,
except using “o/a”, “los/las” and other similar ones, and
this type of formulas involves graphic saturation that
can make reading comprehension difficult.
Minister of education
Marcela Cubillos Sigall

Undersecretary of Education
Raul Figueroa Salas

General Education Division Chief Raimundo Larraín Hurtado

General Education Division Ministry of Education

Alameda 1371, Santiago de Chile 2019

“We want to strengthen schools especially cials Decree No. 83 of 2015, of the Ministry of
and the School Integration Program (PIE), so that Education, are in It is in full force as of this year
no child is left behind and receives the support that (2019), and is aimed at all educational
allows them to reach their maximum potential.” establishments, with or without a School
These were the pa works of the Minister of Integration Program (PIE), under regular
Education, Marcela Cubillos, at the Los Lirios educational modalities. lar, special and adult.
Educational Center of Quinta Normal on June 14,
The full entry into force of the aforementioned
2019, to announce the first working group to
decree mandates, in particular, the special schools
advance the inclusion of girls, boys, adolescents,
that educate students disabled, multiple disabled
young people and adults who pre They have
and deafblind people and special courses cials that
Special Educational Needs (hereinafter SEN) in the
operate in establishments regular educational
educational system.
sessions that include so with PIE, to a series of
The central axis of the initiative is to move towards adjustments that must be made in order to
an educational system that recognizes ca and organize and manage tionate study plans and
better guarantee the conditions and opportunities programs
for totali number of students who have SEN,
regardless of their context of origin and the
establishment they attend.

Likewise, it seeks to recognize measures that allow

increasing participation and the group of learning
objectives two students, equating the
opportunities educational units especially for those
who have greater support needs to progress in
their learning zajes and develop their educational

The main mission of this technical table ca

consisted of developing proposals to strengthen
special schools and the PIE to ensure effective
inclusion and move forward to reverse any lack of
support for children who present needs. special
educational abilities.

The criteria and guidelines for curricular adaptation

for students who have SEN in Early Childhood
Education and Basic Education, regulated by
Technical table proposals - NEE

of the Curricular Bases of Early Childhood each student and stop re turn to “deficit” decrees.
Education and Basic Education, in order to ensure
Given this scenario, the generation of instances of
access and progress in learning the official
reflection, training and collaborative work among
curriculum for all students.
the various members of the educational community
In this sense, the cited decree and the Technical are considered relevant, in order to generate
Guidelines document for the year 2017 , are optimal conditions to welcome and respond to the
intended to contribute to the promotion of the diversity of students considering their ways of
diversification of teaching, providing guidelines for living. access learning.
the implementation of curricular adjustments for
Furthermore, as pointed out by the
students of Early Childhood Education and Basic
aforementioned Crete, “curricular adaptation
Education that re want, providing the tools tions for
constitutes has a tool through which the
participation and progress in the learning of the
establishment's professionals, together with the
national curriculum, equalizing opportunities for
student's family, define the type(s) of curricular
those who face barriers to their learning or greater
adjustments most appropriate to respond to their
needs for support for courses successfully
educational needs, detected in the comprehensive
complete their educational career.
diagnostic evaluation process”, to access the
Its universal character stands out, since any boy, learning processes on equal terms.
girl, adolescent, young person or adult in the
The work table, chaired by the Minis Education,
classroom, regardless of te of his individual
was composed of a transversal group of experts
characteristics or the circumstances surrounding
and specialists cialists in the area of Special
him of his con text, you could encounter at some
point in your educational career, barriers to
learning, developing or participating in the culture,
curriculum and life of the school. strain, so it will
require more or less specialized or personalized

In the case of special schools that educate

students with disabilities, as well as educational
establishments nals that have special courses, the
implementation of the decree means a new
paradigm, since it will unique reference to the
national curriculum, planning flexible and relevant
educational proposals according to the reality of
* "Guidelines on diversified teaching strategies for basic
education within the framework of decree No. 83 of 2015."
Mineduc 2017.

Technical table proposals - NEE

where its executive secretary was Patricio Carvajal, former executive director of Funda Luz tion, an entity
specialized in education cation for students with disabilities visual ity.

The table met weekly for two months with the mission of generating a series of concrete proposals to
advance czar in the agenda of inclusion and support for students who have SEN. The present I
document is the result of the pros positions agreed upon during the board sessions, considering short,
medium and long-term proposals that, as instructed by the Minister, should be of three types: public
policies, legislative changes you and dissemination campaigns.

Technical table proposals - NEE

Technical Table

Marcela Cubillos Sigall, Minister of Education.

Patricio Carvajal Masjuán, former executive director of the Luz Foundation. in

commercial genius Led the preparation and presentation of a pro labor inclusion
project, which complies with Law 21,015 of 2017 on the inclusion of people with
disabilities in the world of work, obtaining approval from the Ministry of Social
Development. Ac He is currently the national coordinator of the Spanish
Education Unit. special from the Ministry of Education.

Álvaro Chacón Hiriart, general manager of Fundación Coanil, ins degree that
administers 56 programs in different lines: edu cative, residential and social
programs in the line of protection. It has more than 1,300 employees who serve
4,500 users and their families throughout Chile.

Elizabeth Garrido San Martín, director of Nuevo Rumbo Special School.

Differential educator, master in Education with men tion in Curriculum and

Carolina Isbej Espósito, PIE deputy director, San José de Lampa School,
Astoreca Foundation. Differential educator with mention in Intellectual Disability
and Multiple Deficits.

Jacqueline García Reyes, community PIE coordinator of the community na

from Santiago. Differential educator with a mention in Learning Disorders from
the UMCE, postgraduate degree in Intellectual Disability.

Teresa Barrientos Guzmán, director of the Jan Van Dijk Special School, Latin
American coordinator of Tactile Cartography. Master in Multiple Educational
Needs from the UMCE.

Antonieta Amar Nimer, president of the National Association of Differential Educators of Chile.
Differential teacher with 30 years of teaching, specialist in attention to diversity and ne special
educational needs, with experience in students with autism spectrum, and experience in integration

Technical table proposals - NEE

programs as a manager and coordinator.

Luciano Cruz-Coke Carvallo, deputy of the Republic.

María Victoria Schulz Blanco, creator of the social network “Sara Down Up”, through this social
network they share experiences and show the progress of their children.

Ricardo Peña Riquelme, mayor of the commune of Loncoche, Re region of Araucanía.

Rosario Palacios Ruiz de Gamboa, researcher at the Justi Center Educational Sciences (CJE) of the
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

María Soledad Abarca Olave, director of the Nueva Creación Educational Center and community
coordinator of the Integra Program Puente Alto School Station.


Raimundo Larraín Hurtado, head of the Gene Education Division ral (DEG).
Ministry of Education.

María Francisca Díaz Domínguez, director of the Peru Center development,

Experimentation and Pedagogical Research (CPEIP). Ministry of Education.

María Ximena Rivas Asenjo, National Director of the National Service nal of
Disability (SENADIS). Ministry of Social Development and Family.

Francisca Giménez Casellas, chief of staff of the director na National

Disability Service (SENADIS). You ministered River of Social Development and

Felipe Serey Guerra, Chief of Staff of the head of the General Education
Division (DEG). Ministry of Education.

María Rosario Zamora Paredes, lawyer of the Educa Division General

Regulation (DEG). Ministry of Education.

Juan Carlos Bustos Martínez, coordinator of the Inclusive Unit sion, Citizen
Participation and Gender Equity. Ministry of Education.

Technical table proposals - NEE

Joanna Arizabalo Silva, technical coordinator of the Education Area. COANIL


José Antonio Valenzuela Mac-Kellar, legislative advisor to H. Gave fucking

Luciano Cruz-Coke Carvallo.

Angélica Errázuriz Errázuriz, head of Human Resources DAEM I. Mu

nicipality of Loncoche.

Catalina Santa Cruz Leyton, associate researcher at the Center for Educational Justice. Pontifical
Catholic University of Chile.

Carolina Bravo González, speech therapist at Colegio San José de Lampa. Astoreca Foundation.

Sofía Larrazábal Bustamante, researcher.

Myriam Gutiérrez Torres, professional Special Education Unit cial. Ministry of Education.

Carolina González Vilches, executive director of the Ride de Vuelta Foundation.

Carola Troncoso Saavedra, president of the CPUED Foundation.

Carolina Picasso, president of Special Olympics Chile.

Marcela Brieba Townsend, director of Unified Schools, Olimpia das Chile Specials.

I. Bureaucratic simplification
Important 3
Introduction 4
Members 6
Technical Table 6
Thanks 7
Proposals 13
II. Teacher training 15
III. Collaborative work 17
Strengthen the appropriate use of the “resource classroom.” 18
IV. MINEDUC advice 19
V. Early attention 21
VI. Inclusive texts 22
VII. Secondary education and job placement 23
Improve certification, promotion and titling tion of students who have
SEN. 23
AIM 27
Specific objectives: 27
Increase educational coverage for children and young people who are
sick: 30
IX. Private schools 31
Incorporate legal regulation to the figure of “guardians”. 37
X. Networking 37
Form technical advisory team for the Resource Center and local support.
Manage specialized resources in the resource center. 38
XI. Inclusive stamp 39
XII. Diagnoses and health assessments 42
XIII. Promotion of Inclusive Education 42
Carry out a dissemination campaign to raise awareness among public
opinion and communities. school communities. 42
XIV. Evaluate implementation of Decree 83 44
P.E.G. 50
P.E.G. 52
Technical table proposals - NEE

carry out a job Deep collaborative bass. Faced with

Proposals this problem, the following question arises:
implementation of modification of forms and
mandatory documentation of the PIE.
YO. Bureaucratic To optimize times and facilitate access access to
simplification for the information of each student, the creation of an
online platform (SINEDUC type) is proposed, linked
more time in the to the FUDEI platform, which is built by a team of
qualified programmers and also considering the
classroom close and direct participation of specialists in the
subject, such as such as differential educators,
speech therapists, psychologists, occupational
The evaluation and support processes carried out therapists, and others involved, who can define the
by the Integration Programs are colar (PIE) – essential requirements in terms of documentation
which it is hoped will soon be called “School for the platform database. This must gather all the
Inclusion Programs” – must be registered and relevant information for the student support
documented designed to leave concrete evidence processes, and must be able to permanently
of the comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, automatically update the personal data of each
strategies used, supports provided, evaluation of student, such as age, course, year of entry.
the process and its results, in order to have a graduation, change of school, among others. po All
complete vision of the actions taken in the case of specialists involved in the support process of each
each student who receives support from the PIE student will have access to this information,
and who, before the eventual change of specialists through the unique national code. The creation of
in charge, there may be continuity of the work this platform would also have the objective of
carried out. eliminating the use and obligation to file documents
on paper, which is why it is re would like the
Currently, the times of effective support in the
incorporation of a digital signature system
common classroom and resources are significantly
associated with the use of the unique national key.
affected by the process of filling out current
At the same time, it must be able to take this
documents. tuals, which demand a large amount of
information and generate standard reports that are
time to transfer information from of the reports to a
useful to report on the comprehensive situation of
series of forms that in practice are not a really
each study. dian, both to the Ministry of Education,
useful tool for the formation of curricular adaptation
as well as to schools, health centers and, so above
or adaptation plans to be applied during the school
all, to the families that are involved given in the
year, in addition, considering that the planning
educational process and deserve clear and precise
times, transfer of the work and uniform cation of
criteria is not contemplated in the hours granted to

Technical table proposals - NEE

There are a series of documents that are part of the •

Supports required.
file of each student who receives support from the •
Specialists in charge of the intervention tion.
PIE, documents in which there is information that is ■ External documents. Possibility of uploading as a
duplicated or that is documented in forms that do document attached to the fi cha FOOT:
not function as a useful tool for planning the • Medical diagnoses.
necessary supports. Based on this, it is proposed • Medical indications.
to reduce the amount of documents tion and • Health assessment reports or other reports
simplify its storage and access cess, so the from specialists outside the educational
documents that constitute tools are listed below. establishment.
relevant to the specialized support of each student PROPOSAL 2
and that should be considered rados for the
construction of the platform: FUDEI: FUDEI platform attached to silver PIE
form to have access to comprehensive
admission diagnostic evaluation.
■ Add revaluation tabs if following format similar
Preloading of previous data and visualization of to FUDEI.
historical record. The objective is to establish a ■ Access through a unique national key, so that
general profile of the student and their each PIE specialist has personal access to the
situation, which is automatically updated over information. mation of students, the
time and which gathers key information about safeguarding of this information and the
their evaluation history tions, specialized possibility of identifying the manager of the
support, diagnosis cos and current situation. changes made placed on the platform.
■ Access to comprehensive initial evaluation
This sheet contains the following items:
■ Student identification.
■ Revaluations (excerpts from FUDEI ini cial +
■ Summary of the family interview (anamnesis).
evaluation of supports delivered during the
■ Health assessment (document upload ment).
■ Key information of the comprehensive
■ Increase characters in the emptying of
diagnostic evaluation processes (initial and

Specialists in charge of each process.

Instruments used in each pro cess. PROPOSAL 3

Diagnostics/diagnostic updates. To unify criteria and facilitate a language

Derivations. Commonly, the creation of universal formats is

Conclusions of each process. suggested (suggested, not mandatory),

Current situation of the student: available on the platform for filling out and

Diagnosis. saving online, and in printable format.

Technical table proposals - NEE

For the following forms: MINE-DUC website, there are a series of

■ PAI. doubts and false
■ Internal diagnostic evaluation reports entry
■ Progress status reports.
■ Reassessment reports.
■ Others (if there are any).


Delete record of psychoeducational progress

status reports for June.


Match the number of information records

month of speech therapists to those of other
attending professionals (Decree 1300 currently
requires that they be quarterly only in the case
of speech therapists).


Daily records of specialized support of each

educational assistant professional. ■ Online
activity registration format daily lives, by students
and by resource classroom. Validation through the
use of digital signature.


Update of the Guidance Manual and/or

brochures to demystify actions mandatory PIE
■ Although there is a guide manual tions and a
frequently asked questions section on the

Technical table proposals - NEE

■ beliefs about filling out the document mentation demystify these mistaken beliefs and facilitate the
of the PIE, the use of instruments evaluation work of the PIE teams.
problems and other aspects of the operation of
the programs that hinder and make it difficult to
carry out their work. Gene is necessary ration II. Teacher training
of a document that exposes
clearly the ways to carry out the processes, to
complete the documentation and the requirement The approach of inclusive education and res
to use certain evaluation instruments, in order to diversity, in a broad and general sense, is inherent


Strengths Opportunities

• Accessible:
• Documentation simplification: to maintain the
- Easy access to an updated and synthesized
accessibility and efficiency profile of the new PIE
record of the profile and needs of each student
documentation, simplify forms for documentation
for all specialists involved in the process.
in rural and extremely vulnerable areas.
- Supervision of data updates remotely.
• Define silver upgrade times form: time optimization.
• Efficient: time optimization. Less time filling out
Allow time organization and facilitate the online
documents, more time providing specialized
update process for those areas that do not have
support to students in the classroom.
year-round connectivity.
• Transversal: educational assistant professionals
• Facilitation of construction of PAI and PACI: being a
involved in the evaluation process comprehensive
MINEDUC platform, the objectives of study plans
training and specialized support will have access to
and programs could be preloaded so that each
information if they have their registration tro
specialist selects them and makes their plans
based on this.
• Environmental responsibility: saving use and
• Unify criteria and define common language.
expense of paper.

Weaknesses Threats

• Connectivity: lack of connectivity in rural or

• Student stigmatization: raise awareness tion of the
extremely vulnerable areas throughout the country.
school community.
• Psychopedagogy: if admission is made with
• Silver falls, saturation and slowdown form due to
MINEDUC registration they would not have access
computer system problems.
to information.

Technical table proposals - NEE

to every educational process. cative and, therefore, Performance, an instrument that It is currently in
should not be sent exclusively to certain teachers. the process of boration within the Ministry of
On the contrary, it should be a function of all Education tion in the CPEIP.
teachers and be incorporated into the curricula of
all education careers.
Law 20,903 of 2016 that creates the System
The Technical Board detected through the expe
Teaching Professional Development, defines the
experience of its members and the testimony of
bases of a public policy that enhances ces, guides
those invited to the sessions that taught them
and regulates the development of teachers and
regular and special education services do not
always They pre have the skills to provide an
The Improvement Center, Experi Mention and educational response to the diversity of students in
Pedagogical Research (CPEIP) has proposed different educational contexts, regardless of the
moving towards teaching quality through amount of time that has passed since their
reference instruments (Framework for Good graduation from school. initial mation. It is also
Teaching, Initial Training Standards and Standard seen that the guiding standards for Initial Teacher
Professional Performance) that guide and link the Training (FID) prepared in 2011 did not
training of future teachers teachers and also consistently highlight the need for ability to train
practicing teachers, promoting their professional new teachers in mathematics rias of Special
development. Educational Needs (SEN), nor were topics such
as collaborative work or diverse strategies
These reference instruments of the Politi ca addressed. fied teaching and assessment for
Teacher looking for: learning.

Support universities, so that they can guide the
training curricula for their Pedagogy careers. In this framework, this Technical Table proposes
the following:

Support educational establishments tionals, so
that they can guide teaching support and the
improvement of pedagogical practice (in- PROPOSAL 8
service training). Strengthen Pedagogical and Disciplinary

Guide educators and teachers in their Standards for Initial Training cent (FID) of the
progression in the Teaching Career. different educational levels tives and
This requires addressing Pedagogical Standards disciplines, in such a way that they are aligned
and Discipline in an integrated manner. rios for with the principles of inclusion, general sense
Initial Teacher Training (FID), the Framework for of diversifying strategies days of teaching and
Good Teaching (herein tualization) and the collaborative work.
Standards of Professional Teaching

Technical table proposals - NEE

PROPOSAL 9 attention tion to diversity. Interdisciplinary and

collaborative work among future teachers
Incorporate into De Standards Professional
would also be encouraged.
teaching performance, the principles of
inclusive education and edu response captive
to diversity. III. Collaborative
Expand and strengthen training actions for
teachers in these subjects regulates res that Collaborative work is an extensive topic that covers
are currently being vice in educational many aspects. This panel chose, among all of
establishments. Some of the thematic areas them, the time regulation of differential teachers in
that want more depth are: pla nification and PIE to discuss it in depth.
implementation of diversified teaching
strategies for learning learning within the
framework of the current curriculum, curricular
adaptations, collaborative work, educational
response to diversity and special educational The time regulation of the different pros
needs (SEN), evaluation for learning. professionals who participate in School Integration
Programs is one of the mecha primordial nisms in

PROPOSAL 11 the mission of impac educationally in a community

is strain, in students and families. The permanence
Promote the continuous training of differential and presence of the professionals nals with the
education teachers to meet the growing and student, without a doubt, will make a difference in
changing diversity ity of students who have the development and training of that person, but
SEN, appropriation of Curricular Bases of both this difference cannot and should not be held
Early Childhood Education and Educa Basic responsible for a single professional, it is the task
training, collaborative work, adaptation of the educational community. tive as a whole.
curricular tions and evaluation for learning.
Differential education teachers are important
professionals in the functioning ment of Integration
PROPOSAL 12 Programs strain, in the task of forming classroom
Promote common training curricula among teams, together with teachers and educational
universities where all education careers are assistant professionals to respond pedagogical
considered. tion. This would allow for pedic strategies in the comprehensive training of our
training general logic that promotes the students. However, this is the bor requires
development of skills for inclusion and necessary time and space suitable conditions that

Technical table proposals - NEE

allow optimal bor, in this case, of the differential order to lead the classroom team, carry out
education teacher. effective and efficient collaborative and
coordination work to address the needs,
Currently, the estimated time and schedule for a
weaknesses, strengths, and emerging situations
differential education teacher is 10 chronological
presented by each course group as a whole, have
hours for courses with JEC (full school day) and 7
more presence in the common classroom versifying
chronological hours for S/JEC courses (without
the pedagogical strategies for the different subjects
school day). full school day). In addition, a
in which it provides support to students and
minimum of 3 more hours is estimated per student
opening the possibility ability to better manage the
with any Special Educational Needs Per
resource classroom.
permanently (NEEP). In this time and space it is
not possible (in most cases) to achieve a finished For all of the above, we think that the ideal would
job with each student or with each course in which be for each differential teacher with a 44-hour
the teacher participates. differential education contract to have a maximum mo 2 courses (with
teacher. This is because, on average, they meet JEC) at your disposal, where you can develop
the support needs of students in 3 to 4 years, which quality work with the time and space necessary in
translated into reality is coordinating 3 or 4 your work. zation. However, we know that this is
classroom teams, verifying and updating the not financially sustainable. As a path towards this
documentation of all students who apply or ideal, we propose that the Ministry of Education
participate in the PIE, abor give various topics, instruct and monitor a time regulation that means a
meetings and interviews with the parents of the maximum of 3 courses per differential teacher,
courses tioned, carry out collaborative work with considering the typical case of a 44-hour weekly
subject teachers in a common classroom, limited to day with JEC.
Language and Co subjects. communication and
To support this achievement, it also proposes We
Mathematics mainly, and try to work in a resource
authorize the use of surpluses from the regular
classroom to develop some specific skills with
subsidy to cover the cost of PIE professionals.
students when necessary.
PROPOSAL 13 Finally, we propose that care be taken that the 3
hours of collaborative work of the regular teachers
Improve collaborative work by optimizing the
coincide with the available schedule of the
regulation and time adjustment of differential
differential teachers and the PIE team.

From our perspective and daily experience in daily

work with students and educational communities,
we see the need ity of regulating, increasing the Strengthen the appropriate use of the “resource
presence and permanence of the Educational classroom.”
Education teacher differential for each course, in
It is proposed to transform the “resource

Technical table proposals - NEE

classroom” into another classroom of the create realities for a well-being society, and for that
educational establishment. tional (not the “PIE reason, it educates tion and its institutionality are
classroom”), available for the use of all students the key piece of this systemic framework.
and teachers who need it (and not only for special
education teachers and official students mind PIE
participants). IV. MINEDUC advice

Identified problems:
Prepare and publish guidelines or guidance
a) Ineffective articulation between the di verses
tions for the collaborative work of educational
MINEDUC establishments and, in addition,
assistant professionals, with participation in
among the different education options
regular classrooms to benefit students' job, but
special tion, that is, special schools those who
without replacement zar or carry out the
educate students with disabilities pacity,
teacher's own tasks. This specialized support
language schools, hospital schools and
within the classroom cannot become the
classrooms and PIE. Currently this articulation
exercise of te individual rapport within the
does not exist, or, if it exists, it is in effective.
classroom, but it must be special support
The accompaniment provided to the PIE
provided in the educational context to students
sometimes focuses on an action of an
who need it to promote their participation and
administrative and/or inquisitorial nature, so
learning in the classroom.
establishments that have So with PIE they see
this supervision as a threat and not as an
FINALLY improvement process. Another aspect to
highlight is that there is no coordination between
We think that the dialogue and reflection of the
the organizations of the Ministry of Education,
different actors that make up the educational
for example, between the Provincial
system are a base element for a necessary training
Departments of Education, there being relevant
and restructuring that can respond to social needs.
differences. vants in the guidelines they provide
current, changing and very diverse. It is from this
to educational communities, causing insecurity
reflection and dialogue, and from our experience,
and confusion in professionals. Finals of Special
that we make this proposal that, we believe, can be
a point turning point in the implementation of the
PIE so far. All educational process It must be
thought of from the collaboration between the PROPOSAL 16
different participants of a co educational
Improve the support of the MINEDUC,
community. Only in conversation does the
standardizing and delivering guidelines
coordination of actions arise that can transform and
considering the following structure: central

Technical table proposals - NEE

level – regional coordination – ase DEPROV PROPOSAL 17

technical director
Focus the support and advice of the MINEDUC
Articulate the various special education options, on technical pedagogical matters and not on
considering the following: the sole supervision of the documenta tion and
■ School Integration Program (PIE). registration, using a common guideline of
■ Special course in educational establishments support established for supervisors, which
with PIE. allows them to have a common focus bad, with
■ Special schools that educate students disabled agreed criteria. It must be known by the
people. establishments and must have a constructive
■ Special language schools. and non-inquisitive focus, with feedback from
■ Schools and hospital classrooms. the support.

This means that the MINEDUC supervision team For this it is necessary that from the central level
(from the “Support Unit for Educational tral there are clear and precise lines on the focuses
Improvement”) not only visits each individually, but of the accompaniment. One strategy could be to
rather There is networking between schools and perform triangulation between:
between professionals from different schools who ■ Diversified planning including evaluation and

practice in different modalities. To this end, it is curricular adjustments.

very important that supervisors have knowledge of ■ Class Book/Pla Record Book nification of the

how Special Education works, and that they know PIE.

the different options that exist in their territory. ■ Means of verification (student notebook or other
thorium and the adjacent ones. resource that accounts for the activities carried
out by them).
b) Focus of accompaniment. Remember that this
accompaniment is related to straight with the From this triangulation, we could realize how the
knowledge and appropriation of the Curricular national curriculum is being implemented and not
Bases (of Early Childhood Education and Basic only specifically rar measurements such as SIMCE
Education) and, therefore, with the achievement or PSU, to see discuss the weaknesses or
of Learning Objectives layout (OA), so it cannot difficulties of this implementation.
be subject to personal interpretation or criteria.
c) Need to have a technical advisor co. It is
finals of each supervisor. From supervision
important that the professional who attends the
experiences, we can realize that it is focused on
EE is a teacher with knowledge of ments in the
reviewing documentation and not on the quality
pedagogical area. Current professionals who
of that documentation. Therefore, there is no
are not teachers attend, but rather professionals
technical feedback, which allows us ta advance
attend of education (speech therapists,
and improve for the benefit of students.
psychologists cologists), but others are not from
related areas, such as engineers. These do not

Technical table proposals - NEE

have the com wishes of a teacher, then difficult pen knowledge, language, motor skills, social
mind they could make a contribution in the interaction, among others.
technical unique, which is what is relevant in
At this stage, boys and girls experience rapid and
profound changes, from the layer elemental ability
to survive until mastering complex physical,
PROPOSAL 18 cognitive, emotional and social skills.

Strengthen the support and advice of the Now, when we talk about children with disabilities
MINEDUC by establishing an adequate profile or risk of generating a disability capacity, this
when the professional who will perform these process takes greater re relevance, being essential
tasks and improving the selection of these to provide timely and relevant stimulation that
professionals: allows act directly on the barriers that generate
difficulties in the functioning ment of children in the
1. Select professionals who have have titles
different dimensions sions of human development.
according to the areas to be advised. There
must be a process (competition) to be able to
count on professionals with the skills to carry
out an accompaniment. real ment. Based on these foundations, we say that
special schools can continue providing
2. Build a technical advisor position profile single
stimulation to girls and boys between 0 and 3
pedagogical MINEDUC: currently there are
years old, in the mo Early Care modality, in
selection processes for different They hold
accordance with the guidelines of its
public positions, where there are defined
Institutional Educational Project (PEI),
profiles for them. Therefore, this same
establishing a work plan that involves:
procedure could use for these purposes.
■ The formation of a competent multi-professional
team specialized in Early Care, made up of
V. Early attention edu differential cathologist, kinesiologist,
psychologist, speech therapist, among other
professionals, according to the resources and
requirements of each educational institution, to
respond to the needs of the minor, his family
Various studies have shown the importance and environment.
importance of early childhood education, where the ■ Provide specific support at home, individually or
brain is forming connections that will define abilities in person. small groups, mediated by the
and potential. that the boy or girl will develop professional team, with the active participation
throughout his or her life, and that represent the of the family in each instance of work,
foundations on which to continue building his or her considering the importance of building and

Technical table proposals - NEE

maintaining attachment and bond between Childhood Education a new regulation that
the child and his mother, father or significant includes the special status of Early Care in
relationship figure. Special Schools.
■ Consider the reception, orientation and
support I permanently join the family, taking VI. Inclusive texts
into account that the arrival of a child with
disabilities capacity represents a situation
complex that, when not receiving support, can
agra vary or not be adequately overcome and Establish the policy that texts are courses
persist over time. Link the family with approved and/or designed by the Curriculum
community support networks. and Evaluation Unit (UCE) of the MINEDUC are
■ Establish minimum ca standards ity of Early inclusive and do not require – as far as possible
Care according to ne cessity: sensory, – subsequent versions with adaptations for the
cognitive, physical or autism spectrum disorder. different red types of NEE.

This proposal is not exclusive with respect to the Historically, the MINEDUC, through the Curriculum
work carried out in JUNJI and INTEGRA and Evaluation Unit (UCE), has designed and
kindergartens, through the Early Care Program of approved school texts, which are subsequently
the National Disability Service (SENADIS), which is adapted for students with SEN, for example, li
in is currently in a sis process theming, which brochures with large print for students with low
allows improving and expanding its coverage, as vision or books in Braille for blind students.
established by the Program government. Likewise,
In cases where possible, this Technical Committee
it is complemented by the work being carried out by
proposes that the texts be inclusive in their original
SENADIS and the Ministry of Social Development
version. nal. For example, respecting certain
and Family, to incorporate the disability variable
minimum standards such as the size of the font and
into the Chile Crece Contigo Subsystem.
the level of contrast in images and photographs.
We have detected that with the application of However, a school text could be suitable for
Decree 83, special schools that provided early care students with low vision and it would not be
have had the perhaps unforeseen difficulty that the necessary to adapt it in macrotypes. The benefit of
norm that is being applied to them regarding Re this measure would be the reduction of students'
Official knowledge is that corresponding to daycare perception of segregation or difference due to
centers and kindergartens, which is not exactly the having to use a different book. Additionally, the
work carried out by these establishments. State would save resources in adaptation and
reprinting work.

PROPOSAL 20 Of course, this will not be possible in all cases. It's

probably not possible create an inclusive text that
Prepare by the Undersecretariat of Early

Technical table proposals - NEE

considers Braille, for example, but at least the It is observed in many cases that the educational
feasibility could be evaluated. establishments that provide Secondary Education
with differentiated training Professional Technician,
Additionally, for these texts to be colares also serve
with PIE, can give you ner educational assistant
students from paid private schools, we propose:
professionals, who provide specialized support in
collaboration ration with classroom teachers, from
PROPOSAL 22 di several areas. However, when students must
enter professional practices, in the specialty that
The bidding rules for the texts must include
each student chose, barriers are generated, since
that the suppliers must sell them at cost price
students do not have the necessary skills.
to the students or this educational
Sufficient tools (not in all cases) to face the world of
establishments that request it.
work. That is, technical-vocational training, also in
the case of students with special educational
VII. Secondary needs, must have a focus How practical towards

education and job what the working world really requires.

placement PROPOSAL 24

Improve certification, promotion and titling tion

PROPOSAL 23 of students who have SEN.
Prepare the Curricular Adequacy Criteria and Various difficulties have been detected in the
Guidelines for Secondary Education within the certification of year-by-year promotion of students
framework of the General Education Law 20,370 who have SEN, the ob intermediate license holder
of 2009 (as was done with Early Childhood and or degree in Professional Technical Education.
Basic Education previously).
On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the
Establish and formalize from the MINEDUC criteria processes of certification of promotion, graduation
and guidelines for adaptation rricular for students and/or qualification and, on the other hand - in the
who present ne special educational needs that ca If the above is not possible, look for alternative
attend Secondary Education, to be able to formulas such as competency certification.
implement corresponding curricular adjustments
These are access or Learning Objectives, which Students who have special educational needs
allows us to promote the promotion of our students, derived from disabilities intellectual capacity, they
especially cially of those who present Nece annually receive their course promotion certificate
Permanent Special Educational Entities (NEEP), in or fi completion of studies (sometimes with the
a similar manner to what is established in Decree observation “taken with significant curricular
Ex. 83/2015. adjustments”), however, there is no instrument

Technical table proposals - NEE

and/or document that accredits competencies Another difficulty detected with the application of
achieved by the student. student, which leads to Decree 83 in special schools is that students
not knowing what level they start at each year. And graduate before the age of 26 (which is the
in the case of graduating from Secondary maximum legal age for permanence in the
Education, it is not known with what learning the educational system). Current Mindfully, there is no
person faces the continuity of studies in a technical instrument to extend the training of these students
institution, university or a work environment, which by graduating from labor education before the age
makes the process difficult. of 26, because the existing instrument (decree No.
300 of 1994) is intended for May res of that age.
It is proposed to find a formula that acre describe,
through a formal document, the acquisition of skills
achieved by students. PROPOSAL 27

Strengthen the legal capacity of the person

PROPOSAL 25 people with intellectual disabilities and seeks to
avoid discriminatory prohibitions.
Consider aspects of vocational guidance, skills
learning and the demands of the labor market in Covered by the ju capacity standards legal of the
Secondary Education, in order to support the current Civil Code, people with intellectual
cons construction of the life project of the disabilities are declared terdicts, taking into account
students dients who have SEN, especially those only the fact of his disability. In this context, both
who have permanent SEN. inclusive education and insertion Labor regulations
often do not fulfill their desired effects, since the
Although the future labor insertion of students
prohibition, being an “all or nothing” rule,
Since it is not the responsibility of the MINEDUC,
completely excludes said potential benefits. rios of
this issue takes on special relevance, especially
inclusion of full inclusion in society. Inspired by the
considering the entry into force of Law 21,015,
same rule of support to achieve full inclusion in
which requires companies with more than 100
education, mechanisms could be sought
employees and State departments to hire at least
reasonable and appropriate supports to achieve
1% of their staff. to people with disabilities.
legal inclusion, so that people with intellectual
PROPOSAL 26 disabilities can They act in civil life.

Establish a formula also for students with

severe intellectual disabilities or multiple
disabilities from special schools who graduate VIII. Schools,
from labo levels. rals, stimulating the creation
of Protected Workshops when job placement is
hospital classrooms,
not possible in any other way. and home
Technical table proposals - NEE

United Nations Conventions, especially on the

educational care

Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).
■ General Education Law.
INTRODUCTION ■ Social Inclusion Law for People with
The Law of Social Integration of People Persons
■ School Inclusion Law.
with Disabilities No. 19,284/94 and Supreme
■ Law 21152/2019, sets a financing floor for
Decree No. 374/20-09-99, which modifies Supreme
schools and hospital classrooms.
Decree No. 1/98, rem established by Law 20201 of
■ Decrees No. 374, 375 (supreme) and No. 83
July 31, 2007 and ratified by article 40 of Law No.
20,422 of February 2010 that “It is tablece
Standards on Equal Opportunity “Unities and Social
Inclusion of People with Disabilities”, allow the
educational care of children and young people in
Early Childhood, Basic, Special and Secondary
Education who have pathologies or conditions.
functional medical services that require remain
hospitalized or in the place determined by the
treating doctor or who are in outpatient and/or
home medical treatment, the sole purpose of which
is to favor Ensure continuity of studies and thus
avoid falling behind and dropping out of school.

Within the framework of this current regulation and

the principle of equal opportunities, which
establishes the right of all boys, girls and young
people to learn under equal conditions. tions, since
1999, 48 schools and hospital classrooms have
been created in the country, serving a monthly
enrollment of between 2,000 and 2,500 students
daily. This means, annually, appropriate attention
estimated 25,000 students in a situation of illness.


It consists of a legal and regulatory framework:

■ Political constitution.
■ Children's rights convention.

Technical table proposals - NEE


Currently, the 48 schools and classrooms pitalarias

recognized by the Ministry of Education are located
throughout the country as follows: 21 in the
Metropolitan Region, 1 in the Arica-Parinacota
Region, 1 in the Tarapacá Region, 2 in the
Antofagasta Region , 1 in the Atacama Region, 3 in
the Coquimbo Region, 3 in the Valparaíso Region,
3 in the Maule Region, 4 in the Biobío Region, 3 in
the Araucanía Region, 1 in the Los Rivers, 4 in the
Lakes Region, 1 in the Re Aysén region. Of the
total, 41 are dependent subsidized private agency
and are run by non-profit foundations and
corporations, linked to the issue of diseases of
children and adolescents. Meanwhile, seven is
schools have municipal dependency.

There is permanent coordination between the

Ministries of Education and Health to address the
proper functioning of these schools and hospital
classrooms, a situation that has allowed the actions
of these establishments to be strengthened and
project their creation. tion in new public and private
hospitals two from the country.

Article 3 of Law 20201/2007 and ratified by article

40 of Law 20422/February 2010, establish the
modalities of attention tion of a school and hospital
classroom and are:
■ Hospital classroom: the educational event is
taught in a classroom in the hospital hospital
■ Hospitalization room: the educational act vo is
taught in the bed room of the king hospital belt.
■ Home care: the educational event is given at
the student patient's home.

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46 47
43 44

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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AIM discontinuity in the life of the child or young person

that entails disease, can continue to grow,
Make effective the right to education of hospitalized
development talking, learning and sharing with
children and young people in trafficking outpatient
those who have to go through the disease, that is,
and/or home medical care, avoiding the
they may be people who aspire they will be happy.
marginalization of the educational system tive and
(MINEDUC, Chile).
its social and cultural context.

Specific objectives: DEFINITION

■ Contribute to the normalization of the lives of
hospitalized children and young people two Hospital classrooms are edu units support catives
and/or in outpatient medical treatment tory and with special features cials, which operate in a
domiciliary. hospital within the same premises or in its facilities,
■ Intervene directly in everything that the illness whose objective is to provide educational care
process of the child and young person means. cativa and guarantee the continuity of the pro
■ Help reduce negative impacts tives of the educational cess of edu students nursery, basic,
disease in patients tes-students. special and secondary education, hospitalized
■ Provide the child and young person with and/or in outpatient and/or home medical
strengths to face daily living in an environment treatment.
that does not belong to them.

Avoids discontinuity in the life of the sick child HOSPITAL PEDAGOGY

or young person hospitalized or undergoing AT SCHOOL LEVEL

treatment doctor. Hospital Pedagogy is a modality transversal

When talking about discontinuity in the lives of educational ity, which is concerned to provide

students in situations of disease, reference is not educational continuity to children and young people

only made to the dis continuity of daily life; In the who are sick and hospitalized and/or in outpatient

case of children it is not being able to play and and home medical treatment. liario, to avoid

follow their rules. daily tubs, school and family; In desertion and lag

the case of adolescents, social gatherings,

emotional relationships, having their time and also
their routines, school and family.

Hospital Pedagogy has as its strength It is

important to seek to integrate the person in situ tion
of illness by incorporating it into the social fabric
even while in the hospital.

Hospital Pedagogy is present so that, despite the

Technical table proposals - NEE

school, and keep it linked to the social fabric cial,

trying to attend to his pedagogical and social
needs, produced by his illness.


“Discipline of a scientific, academic and

professional nature that studies and integrates
actions quality educational and psychoeducational
services aimed at people with health problems and
their families, with the aim of guaranteeing enforce
the fulfillment of their rights, give res put to
biopsychosocial needs, develop their potential and
improve quality of life” (Molina, 2019).


a) Anxiety-reducing agent in children or young

people before hospitalization.
b) Educational agent in clinical and home

c) Avoids discontinuity in the life of the sick child or

young person hospitalized or undergoing
treatment. treatment.


Students with illness in Early Childhood, Basic,

Middle and Special Education who have:
■ Chronic pathologies: such as, hemodialyzed,
ostomized, oxygen dependent teeth.
■ Acute pathologies with a long course: such as
major burns, polytrauma and oncology.
■ Other diseases that require hospitalization (all
diseases data).

Technical table proposals - NEE


15000 13640 14524 13785

10000 9391 10522 9883 11214
TO Ji 1 ii 1i



2014 2015 2016 2018

• Kindergarten • Basic • Middle • Total

Technical table proposals - NEE



With great propriety it can be pointed out that the Hospital Pedagogy has always been inclusive due
educational action undertaken by a school and/or to the very specific and circumstantial
hospital classroom is far from having as its characteristics of its students. tes. For this reason,
objective that the patient-is student joins this the spaces created to carry out educational
definitively for the continuity of his educational practices with this group are adapted to respond.
teaching, so below it is stated: so some situations, immediate benefits to these students, just as
which give you the ca compensatory nature and Mindfully, pedagogical actions must be very
which are: professional, always respecting the differences of
■ The hospital classroom does not replace the each of their patients. tes-students.
es school of origin of the patient/student, under
In addition, it is inclusive because it is open to the
no circumstances.
participation of other professionals in the health
■ The hospitalized child or young person is a
area, which is why coordination becomes relevant.
patient who is suffering from a chronic
nation with health teams, teamwork, that is, a
pathology or illness.
multidisciplinary team, since the best interest is the
■ The child and young person, first, is a patient,
well-being of the student in a situation of illness.
and secondly, is a student of the educational
system, in this specific case through outside of THE CHALLENGES FOR
a school or hospital classroom. HOSPITAL PEDAGOGY
■ Allow a girl, boy and young person to continue
Increase educational coverage for children and
your regular studies while per remains
young people who are sick:
hospitalized or undergoing medical and/or
■ Creation of new schools and classrooms
home treatment.
■ It must be flexible to class schedules and
■ Extend home care universally.
activities that take place within the school
■ Incorporate the level of Secondary Education.
■ Expand educational coverage to students you
■ Allows curricular adjustments and respects the
with mental conditioning.
learning rhythms in individual ma.
■ Improve the educational quality of
■ Allow the boy, girl and young person to
professionals learning processes in schools
continue two students from the educational
and hospital classrooms.
system and do not have a gap in their teaching
■ Achieve the school reintegration of the pa
process teaching-learning.
patients-students, upon being discharged from
■ It helps to overcome your emotional and
their illness, contemplating the au medical care
affective state, as a consequence of your
to protect your health lud, we must prepare for

Technical table proposals - NEE

a good return to their school of origin, with home hospitalization. For this it is also
especially for the group suffering from important to consider the labor aspects of the
pathologies and in chronic diseases and long professionals in charge: transportation,
period of hospitalizations or medical treatment. insurance, etc.
■ Strengthen coordination with the school of ■ Incorporate the level of secondary education in
origin of the patient-students. all schools and hospital classrooms.
■ Promote educational research in the line of ■ Expand educational coverage to students
Hospital Pedagogy. people with mental conditioning, who are
■ Training and training for teachers tes and other undergoing medical treatment and who are not
professionals in service, to strengthen attending any type of school. educational
educational practices in hospital school establishment.
contexts: 2019, 2020, 2021, with the University
It is observed that not all units of sa services to the
of Barcelona canvas, Spain.
school-age population have classrooms or hospital
■ ICT Program in 100% of the schools hospital
schools, this being the first proposal, to increase
schools and classrooms.
the pedagogical spaces, recognized by the
■ Standing work table between Minis Department
MINEDUC, in all hospitals in Chile and also in the
of Education and Ministry of Health.
different care centers. health care for boys, girls
■ Carry out campaigns to disseminate the Pe
and young people, which allows them to be
Hospital dagogy in the edu system cative and
inserted in the learning process, since for various
in the community in general.
reasons they have not been able to attend an
■ National internship pilot program. establishment. formal educational training.
■ Include rare or infrequent diseases in the work
of schools hospital rooms and classrooms in We also consider important the pro movement and
their different types of care. dissemination of schools or hospital classrooms,
since many times the pa parents and/or tutors are
Based on these challenges, this Table proposes unaware that in some Our health care centers have
the following to promote and facilitate attendance this educational instance that enhances various
at schools and hospital classrooms and home areas, such as learning, socialization, motivation,
pedagogical care: among other factors, which enriches care, from a
multi-systemic approach, that benefits our children.
PROPOSAL 28 and young people.

Increase educational coverage for children and

young people who are sick: PROPOSAL 29
■ Creation of new schools and classrooms Give preference in admission selection
pitalarias. processes to children and young people who
■ Extend home educational care to all students had to leave their schools due to illness.

Technical table proposals - NEE

Many times children who have illness long-term Recognition, emulating the PIE of the state and
illnesses (such as a child suffering from cancer or subsystem vented.
other similar illnesses) must leave their schools or
Inclusion cannot be the work of a few, but rather of
colleges. Once recovered, these students do not
society as a whole. While we recognize and
have priority for re-entry into establishments.
promote We have the freedom to determine the
educational backgrounds of origin, so that they can
educational project by owners or sustainers
reunite with their circle close ass, such as friends
teachers of private schools, we believe that there
and professor beef. A child recently recovered from
are certain minimums of equality of rights rights
cancer or another similar illness is evi dently a
and non-discrimination that must be demanded
student who presents ne special educational
needs, and being able to return to their school or
college of origin is extremely helpful so that they Today in Chile it is prohibited for any educational
can challenge sea an adequate educational establishment (public or private). ford) make
process. arbitrary discrimination based on the existence of
special educational needs and/or any type of
It is suggested that children who had to leave their
disability (Law 20,609).
school due to illness be included in the regulations
so that they can return to their school of origin. Without prejudice to the above, the mere fact of not
arbitrarily discriminating on the basis of special
Furthermore, it must be incorporated into the
educational needs and/or disability is insufficient.
regulations goes as follows: school attention to
Not having a School Integration Program (PIE) or
children students in a situation of illness is the
other support program for students who require it
transversal educational modality of the educational
or, as sometimes happens, charging a higher
system, which is concerned with providing
monthly payment only to students with SEN,
continuity ity and guarantee the right to education
implies discrimination in fact, since means
of children and young people hospitalized and/or
recognition cer that said institution is not prepared
undergoing outpatient and home medical
to receive students with special educational needs.
treatment, to avoid desertion and school phase and
Furthermore, it means that the benefits for the
keep him linked to the social fabric, trying to attend
entire school community that having inclusive
to his pedagogical and social needs, produced by
education entails are unknown.
his illness.
The optional nature of the inclusion of children who
IX. Private schools have educational needs is special tasks may imply
an arbitrary burden or a restructuring of the support
team in the task of its performance for those The
private schools that do fulfill the duty of being
Have a School Inclusion Plan to access Official prepared to receive is students with this condition,
so every school must have a team that addresses

Technical table proposals - NEE

the diversity of students, who together with the pro inclusive admission processes, hiring of
teacher create the meta strategies. dologies appropriate multidisciplinary professional
appropriate to the educational needs of students teams, co-teaching, adaptation curricular
with special educational needs. Not being objectives, which respond to the needs needs of
prepared cannot be an excuse for not receiving the student body in access, learning, participation
a child who needs education. and permanence of students with educational
needs you go special. It is also suggested that this
Considering appropriate support for students who
obligation be given a progressive character,
require it at the level of private schools will also
which should be gradually incorporated until it
ensure that inclusion is not arbitrary and whimsical,
reaches total and generalized obligation.
as often happens. Certain schools accept children
with SEN only when they are siblings of other
students of said school. legion Being the only Generate inclusive stamps also for co paid
student with SEN in a course or in the entire school private legios that certify compliance with
can generate ex exclusion and isolation, does not certain indicators in educational inclusion
allow the child to feel accompanied and supported policies.
by other students with educational needs is
Hand in hand with the previous point, and
specials. Furthermore, having a limited capacity
especially mindly while the PIE are gradually
The number of students with this condition does
required at the level of private schools, it is
not favor the recognition and appreciation of
necessary sary to generate and implement
differences as a wealth by the entire general
measures of fo ment to the voluntary adoption of
student body, since in coexistence, only some
inclusion projects in private schools.
students have the benefit of being able to know
and learn with students with educational needs. In this sense, it is suggested that the Ministry of
specials, living in diversity and learning der in the Education (or another institution in collaboration
same classroom, allows students to observe and tion with the Ministry) can grant a “se “inclusive”
recognize that each person, independent of their to those private schools that have educational
dition can learn with diverse rhythms and learning policies in accordance with certain general
styles. This produces in the general student educational guidelines. inclusive education,
capacity for flexibility, confidence in learning, reflected in key indicators for the development of
recognizance. knowledge of plasticity when an education that addresses diversity. These
learning, its peration of limits, companionship, schools could prove to the school community that
respect, validation of being different. they carry out inclusion practices that are not
carried out in other similar schools.
Thus, it is suggested that having a School Inclusion
Program be incorporated as a requirement for the It is expected that a seal of this type will be
delivery of Official Recognition to paid private constitutes an important incentive that leads to
schools. This inclusion program must address inclusion being chosen voluntarily te by the

Technical table proposals - NEE

schools without the obligation suggested in the

previous point being necessary.

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PROPOSAL 32 not stifle this type of educational projects.

Incorporate direct subsidies to boys, girls and

young people with educational needs. special PROPOSAL 33
routes through the National Service Disability
Improve complaints system before the Su
Perintendence of Education in cases of
Innovation Center or other institutions as
discrimination in admission processes: it is
appropriate, so that they can be used to finance
proposed to expand the powers, cla rify the
the support that these students from private
regulations and generate circulars that allow
schools need in their learning.
families to report discrimination in the
In addition to the above, and as noted in point 1, processes of lesson from private schools paid
the equitable commitment that private education before the Superintendency of Education,
must acquire must go hand in hand with the avoiding over-judicialization of this type of
provision tion of the same resources that are matters.
allocated via Special Education Subsidy to public or
Today it is through the courts where the main
private education subsidy nothing. Said subsidy
cases of discrimination in selection processes in
must be granted through an evaluation of the
peer education are denounced and brought to
necessities needs and support systems that the
light. paid ticular. This route has been chosen due
person with disabilities requires, this being
to the greater speed in obtaining res put, but also
adequate and necessary for the care and
because the Superintendent The Department of
promotion of learning that generates a better
Education does not have the powers, nor therefore
quality of life and autonomy of the person. sounds
circulars or guides, that allow so parents can claim
disabled. This is because it is understood that
discrimination in this way.
the subsidy is financial aid intended for the
child or young person with special educational
needs, regardless of where they are being

A financial contribution equivalent to that receives

public education, but intended for families of
children with educational needs special
incentives for payment of support what the
disabled person requires ity, can help real
inclusion in 36

this type of educational establishments. As they are

direct contributions to the associated families given
for educational purposes, would allow the
autonomy of private schools to be maintained and
Technical table proposals - NEE

PROPOSAL 34 to guide and train.

Also consider the teaching staff of paid private

schools in teacher development plans (training
actions) in response to training strategies. X. Networking
diversified teaching, inclusion, appropriate
curricular tions and collaborative work. CONFORMATION OF A RESOURCE AND

Incorporate legal regulation to the figure of Within the public education system, it is essential to
“guardians”. guarantee access to the system, regardless of the
place or geographical space. co, eliminating
Nowadays there is no regulation for “guardians”, a barriers and protecting giving the right to learn,
figure that is relevant in the acom pampering of guaranteeing the equality of people, respect for
boys and girls in need permanent special diversity verity, tolerance and non-discrimination.
educational needs. Its deregulation allows that in That is why “(…) the Local Education Services
some this Some regulations require them and (SLE) will have among their functions nes is to
others prohibit them, in both cases often arbitrarily ensure support and technical capabilities in each
and without further justifications. establishment, for which they will have specialized
Additionally, tutors, when per mites his presence in and multiprofessional teams that will carry out the
the classroom, inte interact with children inside the work of pedagogical support and technical support”
classroom, so an inappropriate person can present (Horn, CEDLE, 2019), promoting within their areas
a risk. In the opposite sense, when it is a qualified of action the “ inclusive culture and diversity”,
and prepared person, it can be a contribution to the considering inclusion strategies clusion effective
educator. differential education, to the regular and relevant to each territory tory from the nursery
teacher and to other boys and girls with special education level to secondary education.
educational needs, without implying an additional
cost to the State. The same applies to any group of schools under
In this sense, it is proposed to generate legal the same administration, whether they are
regulations that recognize and regulate the figure municipal corporations, DAEM, DEM or subsidized
of the “tutor”, establishing regulations at the level of private schools from the same provider or have
the Ministry of Education, which allows this type of some consortium. came from networking.
person to be accredited. nas, protect other children
in the classroom and supervise their work. PROPOSAL 36
Incorporating this figure does not seek to supervise
or penalize educational establishments, but rather

Technical table proposals - NEE

Form technical advisory team for the Resource PROPOSAL 38

Center and local support.
Ensure and define multidisciplinary support
This involves establishing a technical, intermediate teams in each establishment, their respective
leadership team that advises and advises apply to roles and functions.
educational establishments, articulating the current
This means ensuring a multi-professional team in
regulations with the processes of inclusion and
each establishment in the territory. rio, that provide
attention to diversity, at its different levels,
specialized support for diversity, promoting
promoting inter dependence on local educational
permanence, participation and progress in student
communities, understanding this as the possibility
learning, ensuring quality education. To this end, it
of benefiting through collaboration, participation
is relevant to form teams with the necessary skills
and the exchange of experiences. cias. In addition,
to fulfill the roles and functions according to current
this equipment must protect the articulation with
regulations, which must be known by the entire
community networks and services. nity (health,
educational community.
social protection, justice, etc.).
The resource center team has the role of

PROPOSAL 37 accompanying and ensuring the formation and

fulfillment of the role of the teams of each
Systematic support to communities local establishment.
educational entities to promote technical
pedagogical reflection. The teams at each establishment provided They
provide direct and specialized support to all
This implies establishing a system of periodic students.
support, with topics that are specific and relevant to
the territorial reality rial, which promotes technical
reflection peda gogic in educational communities
on issues related to attention to di versity and the Manage specialized resources in the resource
installation of inclusive classrooms, by holding center.
technical meetings cases, visits to establishments,
This implies properly managing physical spaces,
meetings with management teams and peda
professional resources and specialized materials
mentoring gogic, based on the cycle of continuous
and that they are not in are available in schools
improvement. This, in turn, will enable the
gular, to respond to the specific needs of students
development teaching professional development,
such as: specific kinesthetic and occupational
not only from the traditional focus of training, but
therapy support that aims to implement spatial
also considering technical support and teaching
physical activity adapted to work in order to
reflection; promoting the increase of cognitive
enhance specific aspects of the systems sensory
capital at an internal level individual and collective.
and physical issues involved in the extent of

Technical table proposals - NEE

participation and performance occupational effort, Added to this is the commitment of countries to
adaptively meeting the demands not only of the renew the sustainable development framework
school space, but also extrapolated to social (SDG), through the 2030 Agenda. between is
participation, independence in ac basic activities of cough is point 4 about education, don It is required
daily living, I learned zage, play and free time. that inclusive and equitable quality education be
guaranteed, and that educational facilities be built
and adapted. You will take into account the needs
XI. Inclusive stamp of children and people with disabilities.

Chile continues to advance in matters of clusion,

since a process has been developed so of
Creation of the “Inclusive Seal” for stable regulatory adjustment. However, it is not enough
educational foundations. for the educational community As a whole, it can
implement the policies and practices required to
achieve educational entities with more inclusive
Chile's ratification of the Convention International
on Human Rights nes with Disabilities in 2008 and GENERAL DESCRIPTION
promulgates tion of Law No. 20,422/2010, which
establishes standards on equal opportunities and Based on a presidential commitment and with the
social inclusion of people with disabilities. ity, objective of making the management visible
added to the changes in the General Education exclusive of regular education establishments,
Law/2009 (LGE); of Inclusion Esco lar No. SENADIS together with the Ministry of Education
20,845/2015, among others, show that there have cation and the Ministry of Social Development and
been important transformations nes, moving from a Family present the new Inclusive Education Seal.
segregating model, to an integrative one and then This instrument, granted by MINEDUC and MDSF
to an inclusive one. through SENADIS, is a program ma of recognition
In parallel, UNESCO has declared that “ensuring to public, private and subsidized regular basic and
equal opportunities for all in education remains a secondary education institutions, which incorporate
global challenge” and fo promotes inclusive inclusion measures in their policy, culture and
educational systems, which eliminate barriers to inclusive practices, through verification dores
learning zation, participation and takes into account related to educational practice and management,
diversity, paying attention to children and young human resources administration hands, as well as
people with disabilities, as they are accessibility characteristics in its physical spaces,
disadvantaged. portioned majority among the po in accordance with current regulations and
unschooled children's speech. technical aspects. you in the matter.

Technical table proposals - NEE

The model is part of the Chile Inclu Seal service a joint work between SENADIS (MDSF) and
that SENADIS has delivered since 2012 to INS MINEDUC.
public and private qualifications. However, its
b) Intersectoriality: joint work in intersectoral
methodology and bases are independent, adjusted
tables with organizations experts to investigate
and applied based on recommendations. tions of
and learn about good practices.
Unesco and the experience of SENADIS in
inclusive education. c) Interstatement: in the process of supporting
educational institutions, move towards the
The application process consists of an evaluation
evaluation of indicators over time incorporating
of admissibility and selection of basic and/or
consultations with parents, guardians, teachers
secondary education institutions. interested parties,
sores, collaborators and authorities.
an ex ante evaluation and in-person and remote
support, to then give way to an ex post evaluation, d) Citizen participation: inform and consult
so the recognition of this Seal con It provides a citizens, particularly children with disabilities and
transfer to institutions that benefit from SENADIS- families, their exes expectations of a good
MINEDUC support. education project inclusive cation.

The pilot plan requires that MINEDUC and

ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE IN THE SEAL SENADIS form the initial table, determining
OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION responsibilities, tasks and schedules based on a
The development of the Seal requires an collaboration agreement.
intersectoral work group that allows development HOW TO APPLY?
develop research, methods and technical
monitoring of greater elaboration to other types of Preliminarily, a pilot plan is proposed that would
analysis scenarios. This with the purpose of consist of:
making visible the exemplary cases to all 1. Registration: the establishment apply You
educational institutions about what the State and must register for free on the website enabled for
society expect from education. inclusive cation. the Inclusive Education Seal. For the purposes
For this objective it is necessary that, preliminary of the pilot plan, it can be a subsite within
narly, SENADIS and the MINEDUC – through the, with the prospect of
unit or secretariat that it deems appropriate – jointly having its own site in the future.
develop the instruments, support processes and 2. Application: the applicant must complete the
monitoring of the Inclusive Education Seal. characterization and preliminary diagnosis form
Likewise, and as UNESCO recommends, it is of the school, where its basic conditions will be
pertinent to develop the process of just consider: evaluated legal frameworks of universal
a) Interministeriality: Inclusive Education Seal as accessibility, the existence of a PIE or similar
and the labor inclusion quota, among other

Technical table proposals - NEE

aspects. essential wales. PILOT PLAN MANAGEMENT

3. Admissibility: SENADIS and MINEDUC fil For the purposes of the above, the following
transcribe, according to the legal standards coordination and coordination tasks are
indicated above, the schools that can be necessary. development between SENADIS and
evaluated and eventually awarded within the MINEDUC:
process of monitoring and improving indicators.
1. Collaboration agreement: based on an
4. Ex ante evaluation: once the schools that enter intersectoral table, determine what areas and
the program have been selected, SENADIS and origin of resources required based on what is
MINEDUC prepare an initial evaluation based indicated in this text and those observations that
on the instrument developed for this purpose, arise from the meeting, leading them to an
requesting and reviewing the corresponding interinstitutional collaboration agreement to
means of verification. The schedule for the next proceed with the development of the Seal.
process, which is the accompaniment process,
2. Preparation of technical and administrative
is established together with the schools.
bases nistrative: jointly develop the bases ses
5. Accompaniment: SENADIS and MINEDUC, for framed in this text and/or other joint technical
a limited period of no more than three months, agreements.
accompany the beneficiary schools, attending to
3. Application website development tion:
queries remotely or in person, in order to
develop the online application system. For the
support the improvement of indicators.
pilot plan, it is recommended to use
6. Ex post evaluation and school selection as a base
those recognized: once the accompaniment
4. Joint dissemination strategy: those of
process is completed, SENADIS and MINE-
Communication departments of both parties are
DUC review the indicators and determine nan
organized for an efficient dissemination strategic
which schools will obtain the Seal.
in schools and educational communities. The
7. Recognition: government authorities mental origin of the resources must be determined in
deliver, in a public ceremony war, the Seal, an the agreement.
occasion in which the establishments will be
5. Joint technical development of the process
able to show their good practices.
so: the application process opens in an inter-
8. Library of practices and development of ministerial ceremony. Registrations are received
improvements: SENADIS and MINEDUC, for no more than three months. An ad process is
based on exemplary practices, nourish a Bank developed misbility no longer than two weeks,
of Good Educational Practices, and improve ra accompanied for three additional months them
the application bases and processes based on and is chosen in a month.
what has been learned.

Technical table proposals - NEE

6. Joint awards and ceremony: developed in ways to enter the School Integration Program in
conjunction with specific resources undermined their respective states educational establishments,
by the collaboration agreement. Ministers and prior to a previously agreed preferential tariff.
national and foreign authorities attend (Unesco,
Joint JU-NAEB-Special Education meetings would
for example).
be managed to report on these prior agreements
7. Bank of good practices: the bank of good with teachers. medical professionals who are
practices is prepared jointly and published once participating in this Program next year, and who
a year digitally. would be known after the closing of the process of
calling these professionals to participate in the

XII. Diagnoses and Program for next year.

health assessments To do this, coordination must be carried out with

Special Education on subjects that are specific to
This Roundtable detected the difficulty that schools this modality and participate in upcoming
located in fallen in places with low presence of pro videoconferences with their community
medical professionals required for eva diagnostic coordinators on topics that they would indicate as
situation of students. necessary.

In a second stage, it will be necessary to

PROPOSAL 41 incorporate to doctors specializing in the rest of the
disabilities, especially disability intellectual pacity.
It is proposed to generate JU-NAEB support
networks for Special Education, whether at the
PIE or special schools, in relation to specialist XIII. Promotion of
medical evaluation in local lities where this
professional does not exist or his presence is
Inclusive Education
very low, which makes the process of medical
diagnosis and health assessment difficult for PROPOSAL 42
the admission of students.
Carry out a dissemination campaign to raise
It is proposed that, in the short term, it coordinates awareness among public opinion and
community members of JUNAEB could articulating communities. school communities.
in the territories with which it coordinates School
a) Video to raise awareness in society about
Integration Programs, whether communal or
inclusive education.
educational establishments in those localities, to ■
Proposal: start the video with a child of 6 to 12
include form the attendance dates of the doctors
months with a voice-over saying do “I had the
specialists from the JUNAEB Health Program, so
opportunity to access early care.” Then a child
that they could attend to these patients . possible
from 18 to 36 months with a voice-over saying “I

Technical table proposals - NEE

was able to attend a regular, but inclusive, education, each one according to the image that
kindergarten.” Next, a child in basic school age is shown. Finally, a text like “Inclusive education
saying “I was educated in a regular school, but does not benefit only those students with
in “clusive.” Then a teenager in eta middle needs.” special educational abilities, everyone
school dad saying “I could keep you “I will We have the right to learn from each other. Let's
continue my studies in a regular, but inclusive, keep opening doors. Minis “education”.
school and take the PSU with my classmates.” ■ Broadcast media and ambassadors, same as
Then a young man in edu higher education the previous video.
(whether institute or university versity) saying “I ■ The campaign, more than focusing on students
was able to study a career.” And finally a young with disabilities, must would like to focus on
adult saying “Because you believed in my showing the positive aspects of inclusion,
abilities and gave me the opportunity to receive through real testimonies of children with and
an education like all of you, now I can be without disabilities who coexist in the
whoever I want.” “ro be.” To finish, an emotional educational space. For example, for the
text like “Because education is one of right, let's “Activate for Inclusion” campaign, the testimony
keep opening doors, create We focus on of Pablo and Guisel, presented in the last ma
capabilities, not disabilities. facts. Ministry of Telethon:
Education". v=58xQaSoIgo4 . The objective of this

Broadcast media: open television and social campaign is to promote a change of outlook
networks (RRSS). towards the inclusion of people people with

Ambassadors: disseminate on RRSS through disabilities in establishments educational ments,
ambassadors with a wide reach who are related through concrete actions to intensify the
to inclusion (bloggers and foundations) and experience of four values that are at the center
faces of me god of communication that of an inclusive culture: Attend, Respect,
generally transmit messages with weighty Empathize and Collaborate. It is aimed at all
content. educational establishments, to whom nes is

Paid advertising in RRSS through the Ministry invited to participate by registering to access a
and YouTube accounts. Methodological Guide, with recommendations of
activities to work on each of these values. The
b) Video to educate society about the benefits of
idea is that schools go ting the activities carried
inclusive education.
out with the hashtag #ActivatePorLaInclusion.
■ Proposal: children with and without special
See at:
educational needs in the school stage lar,
receiving normal classes, without your tor c) Video to educate society about the need for
shadow, educating themselves at the same special education.
time. Other images sharing as equals at recess. ■ It could include people with different disabilities,
A voice-over telling the benefits of inclusive who studied in Special Education

Technical table proposals - NEE

establishments and ac tually they are working in ■ It encourages the early interaction of people
different companies and jobs, since the great who perceive themselves as different, this is
majority of the country does not imagine that tremendously useful for a more supportive and
they can be professionals, for example, or that empathetic society.
they can perform adequately in many activities. ■ Promotes learning in values.
■ Also raise testimonies of em achievements ■ Everyone contributes something to each other,
promoted by people with severe disabilities, which increases the sense of togetherness of
who study or studied in special education. From the work. low in equipment.
SENADIS, you can suggest something us ■ Social commitment to each other is assimilated
cases. from an early age.
■ Show that, for certain highly complex ■ The exchange of emotions is greater and
disabilities, the path to inclusion is the special emotions drive the learner heh, since without
school. them we don't learn, we only memorize.

d) Audiovisual shorts where people with different g) Digital images to disseminate on social
special educational needs appear, telling about networks (ambassadors) and digital and paper
their ex experience in inclusive regular media, with examples of people with disabilities
education and how they have managed to city that have managed to be professionals,
become who they currently are (workers, actors, musicians, etc., thanks to the fact that
students students of higher education, actors, they have received a regular inclusive quality
musicians, athletes, etc.). education.
■ Media and ambassadors, same as previous h) Digital images to disseminate in RRSS
videos. (ambassadors) and digital and paper media, of
influential ambassadors in inclusion, with
e) Radio commercials with the audio of the 3 inspiring texts that encourage the formation of a
previous proposals. more inclusive society clusively, giving them
f) Digital images to disseminate through social and so many other children with special
networks (ambassadors) and digital and paper educational needs the opportunity to learn afloat
media, with the different benefits of inclusive all their capabilities, so that society does not
education, for example: determine them by their condition, but rather
■ Increases the self-esteem of both children with that they become personal. You have
special educational needs them, since they feel capabilities before anyone else want something
part of a group po, like children without else.
educational needs special catives, because they
feel that they are making a contribution by
helping those who have greater learning
difficulties in certain areas.

Technical table proposals - NEE

XIV. Evaluate
implementation of
Decree 83

In the short term, carry out a qualitative study

tative on the implementation of the Decree to 83
in integrated classrooms in schools that have
Integration Programs strain PIE (municipal and
private schools subsidized res). The general
objective of the study is to describe typical
situations in which the implementation or non-
implementation of Decree 83 is observed, and
to analyze them according to their context,
actors involved. breeds and material

Technical table proposals - NEE

The objective of this study is to make a comparison of the objectives set at the
beginning of the PIE, what has been achieved so far and what remains to be done.
The results results of this study should shed light rity on actions to be carried out to
continue advancing in inclusion in education “so that no child is left behind and
reach your maximum potential” as stated in the inspiring motto of the constitution of
this technical table.


In the long term, design and implement an ongoing study that measures the
same pa parameters and make it comparable over time po, in order to verify the
evolution and po monitor it and take action.


Additionally, review the new RSH (which replaced the old CASEN), in order to
verify how it incorporates various bles relating to SEN and disability, and, if
appropriate, propose improvements.

Ministry of
Education P.E.G.
Education Division
Government of

“So that no child

stay back and catch up
its maximum potential ”
Technical table for Special Educational Needs
Ministry of Education 2019
Ministry of
Education P.E.
Government of

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